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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76764805 No.76764805 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I come to the high court to plead a case for this girl. I'm no niji fan I don't think I've ever seen one of these creatures in my life, however this one triggers my parental senses and I cannot bear that to which has not comitted a crime be persecuted for the sins of the father. I plead for your mercy wise judges and to find it in your heart not to punish those who have done no wrong. I'd like an amnesty for this girl similar to victoria brightshield and scarle yonaguni. Thank you.

>> No.76764871
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>> No.76764888

Buy an ad

>> No.76764918

I like the new wave. Wish they came at a better time.

>> No.76765001

the maid seems fine too I haven't watched the guy cause their track record for guys is pretty shit.

>> No.76765117

Yeah the girls seem like a nice throwaway to the Lazusydia days when NijiEN was trying to be "hololive at home", too bad they came 2 years too late

>> No.76765155

>yandere ojousama asmr
i'll watch your niji just this once, don't get used to it

>> No.76765160

>this girl similar to victoria brightshield
and there we go. some anons called it already long before she even debuted. lmao get the fuck out of here with your nijishitslop. dumb cunt joined after everything happened, she was fully aware of it so she condones it.

>> No.76765299

i mean wouldn't talent be kept away from new hirees, and even then making a chuuba takes about 5-6 months so they couldn't have been involved with doki's harassment. They didn't do anything wrong they just joined nijisanji prior to all of this, they couldn't have joined the clique discord or anything since the en girls wouldn't have known them.

>> No.76765406

I'll check her out.
Once she turns indie

>> No.76765494

Sorry, not interested in male collabs

>> No.76765556

Let me know when she's out of niji

>> No.76765640

Okay but why DID she write "cute anime girls" as an equivalent to "pettanko loli uooooh" anyway?

>> No.76765672

Shouldn't have joined Niji if she wanted support. She'd've been perfect everywhere else, but I can't justify watching Niji.

>> No.76765777

>Comparing lazusydiakino to holoslop

>> No.76765879

What a retarded statement, everyone always says hurr durr just join hololive or phase like if they're hiring 24/7.

>> No.76766003

Her crime was applying to nijisanjiEN after seeing how much of an obvious anti white male otaku/weeb agenda both management and talents over there have.
Hell, I don't know why you fags are supporting victoria so much, she applied and got in way after this became apparent. Scarle can be excused as "it wasn't that bad when she applied to nijiEN" and she was not super hard into vtuber culture before niji either.
If twisty manages to go through her niji career without getting groomed by the male nijis, I'll consider supporting her reincarnation though.

>> No.76766140

You're just a pedo.

>> No.76766272

>anti white male otaku/weeb agenda
go back to /pol/ pajeet

>> No.76766416

Small corp scene is thriving. And judging by her numbers on her 2nd day no less, she'd've done just as good if not better there.

>> No.76766421

She's trying to sneak it past the censors, in either Niji EN management, or Youtube itself. Saying she likes "cute anime girls" is much less likely to get her bonked by those censors than saying what specific subset of "cute anime girls" she likes.


>> No.76766445

Why would she need amnesty when nobody hates her and if they do they are retards, when it comes to Niji now I feel pretty much indifference besides Rosemi.

>> No.76766466

>waah waah muh "good niji"
The only good Nijishitstain is a dead Nijishitstain
Applying to this black corp full well knowing they are stacked full of sociopaths both in management AND the organs means you're also one, not to mention a grifting cunt.
Hopefully sisters eat her alive, you reap what you sow

>> No.76766532

She who has willingly jumped into a pit of snakes deserves no salvation.
Be not a fool who lends their hand, lest you wish the woman to lay hold of your wrist and pull you in as well.

>> No.76766611

She is one of the Good Ones™ just like my beloved Vivi

>> No.76766630
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Anyone who chooses to join Nijisanji post black screen is an objectively bad person who doesn't deserve sympathy or a single view from me even after they graduate.

>> No.76766830

I don't support terrorists.

>> No.76767301

It's morally correct to anti every single person in Nijisanji if they stuck around or joined after what happened.

>> No.76767546

I was under the impression that NijiEN management only spoke jap (as someone that's now only ever watched a bit of zako-chan when it comes to niji), so I dunno how spelling it out to them in a script they can actually read would be trying to get under the radar. I guess filtering anyone that can't read basic kana is a good thing however.

>> No.76768527

the high court rules that you should buy an ad

>> No.76770473
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>Attemping to reason with 0 level IQ knuckle dragging, trash heap living, dumpster diving animals
Just enjoy her content and stop coming here.

>> No.76770581
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>Literally says she was doing nothing
>Gone again
It always amazes me how with the level arrogance that chumfucks display.
This is the kind of person you're dealing with OP, actual children, mashing on their phones that they fished out of a trash can along with the days meal.

>> No.76770910
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Fucking BASED

>> No.76770989

She will have to fight to survive.

>> No.76772015

the guy is the type of streamer that can yap about nothing for hours, and pretty decent at apex from what I've seen.

>> No.76773126

>in niji
This girl is just a ticking time bomb, sisters will eventually go after her and I don't want to deal with their retardation or when this one gets depressed once they start harassing her

>> No.76773316

but enough about matsuri and mittiii.

>> No.76773391

pls noo ;_;

>> No.76775279

>VTA Dodger
>League of Legend

>> No.76775349

You need to not be a tampon sucker to post on this board faggot chan.

>> No.76776100

GFE and ASMR... ok I will watch her a bit and see how it goes

>> No.76780379


>> No.76780684

They've already gone after her a bit when she revealed her tags and there was an NSFW one.

>> No.76783899


>> No.76786609

I don't like to justify things but in this case, there is a strong case to be made that things were already set in stone for the next gen debut before the whole Selen thing happened. Given that Grimmi if you believe the rrats was the only one able to pull out from the gen and she had to try and make money up for that and launched her hot sauce thing shortly after she cancelled, I don't think there was much anyone could do to get out if they didn't want to do something like pay for their debut costs which was already done and etc. especially if they weren't as famous as her.

>> No.76787745

No NijiEN management only speaks Indian. Elira is the go-between for the JP higher ups.

>> No.76787979

You can fuck right off, anyone joining Niji at this day and age deserves everything they get

>> No.76789102


>> No.76791733


>> No.76792668

the auditions for this wave were before nijisanji imploded and she probably already signed a contract. Nijisanji deserves the hate but this girl did nothing wrong even if she had a chance to back out.

>> No.76792867

Grimmi backed out

>> No.76793850

Grimmi had a 4 view audience and an extremely dedicated fan base to fall back on, this girl had nothing. Not that nijisanji would actually sue for breaching the contract (hopefully) but I don't think twisty can even afford a lawyer let alone a lawsuit.

>> No.76793989

Let us know about her when she's out of Niji, assuming she manages to dodge the usual pitfalls (becoming Enna's newest punching bag, becoming the newest harassment campaign target (given what happened to the last non-clique organ who said something positive about lolishota, this one isn't looking good), becoming Riku/Luca/management's newest meat toilet, living on less than minimun wage, etc).

>> No.76794104

Grimmi got upgraded to 4 view BECAUSE she left niji

>> No.76794882
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I invoke the curse!

>> No.76795541

Why are people still thinking this was supposed to be Grimmi? Twisty said they were preparing since last year (before Grimmi even announced graduation). Its possible she was a part of the actor wave, but unless this wave had a supposed 4th member who left last second its seeming unlikely

>> No.76795679

Eat shit lmao
She's dead meat if the clique disavows her or she interacts with her male coworkers too much.

>> No.76795752

Because its funnier my way

>> No.76795922

she ticked all the boxes for me - model, content… I was really excited
but her timezone just fucked it all up for me, sorry OP

>> No.76796021

The new girls seems pretty damn good. I hope they can succeed despite the Niji label. Maybe they should remove it from their stream titles.

>> No.76799487


>> No.76800164
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>> No.76800442

this attitude is what caused another "cunny" vtuber to quit vtubing

>> No.76800611

No, it happened because (You) retards couldn't take a hint.

>> No.76800740

>guys these nijis are so good pls watch and subscribe
holy fuck buy an ad

>> No.76806735
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>> No.76806883

Shouldn't have joined the comically evil corpo then.

>> No.76807048

In the end if you support her, you basically support Niji because they take a majority of the talent's earnings.

>> No.76807274

You can beg all you want but she needs to prove herself that she's against nijishit and what they stand for

>> No.76809991

Sorry but she's in nijisanji. Meaning she'll inevitably be part of cancerous male collabs and Luca and others trying to flirt with her.
No point in having any hopes for her in that environment.

>> No.76810077

Sure. Let her leave the company and then we'll talk.
Until then, she'll burn with the rest of them.

>> No.76811156

Vivi joined NijiEN before Pomu announced her graduation, but Twisty got to watch the branch collapse before her debut.

>> No.76811658

I wonder if this is enough. Scarle did this but it sways sometimes

>> No.76811787
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So? She could have backed out. We literally have proof of a man backing out a month before debut and clearly after signing the contract, they had how many months to say "fuck this" and not intentionally join a black company.

>> No.76812054

Fucking this. If someone can cut and run with no repurcussions a month before debut there's nothing stopping a single one of them from pulling out anywhere from 3-4 months before debut.

They're all scum not worthy of your, or anyone's, support.

>> No.76814480


>> No.76814552

Yeah, if she joined that far back, she had plenty of time to fucking leave.
Hell, didn't Grimmi do just that?

>> No.76815816


>> No.76815836

She's one of the good ones

>> No.76815934


Kurosanji deserves no support. No black company does.

>> No.76816449

Sooooo…. Gura Killer?

>> No.76816498

>People are automatically bad people for working somewhere I don't like because a mentally ill woman told me the company was evil

>> No.76817629

>ecause a mentally ill woman told me the company was evil
Things that didnt happen

>> No.76817704

That's quite literally what happened
