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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76753875 No.76753875 [Reply] [Original]

"With respect to VTuber portfolios, we realize that we are graduating from a phase of making an increase in revenue and profit by increasing the number of VTubers. Instead of that, we are considering expanding the scale of revenue from the whole business by expanding the degree of recognition per VTuber IP and increasing profitability."

>> No.76754177

You know i don't think it was specificaly a sucker punch to anycolor and more that it's hard to say anything without it being a low kick on riku due to how bad and evil they are at managing their corpo.

>> No.76754360

The problem is that Golden 20 is a term used by chinese fujos (chinese people are obsessed with gold they are like yellow dwarfs) but Lazulydia with a little bit of the early ethyria before they started being evil cunts was the actual peak of Nijien content. The males brought in a huge fanbase of insane hostile fujyoshi from Shanghai and Malaysia which increased revenue and made Nijien a credible competitor to holoen (especially at a time when Holoen sharply reclined as streams dwindled to nothing due to female laziness and da boyz) but this anarchic deployment also lead to the total collapse of the branch, the clique and nijien's reputation.

>> No.76754586

Trying to build a stable and long lasting brand in VTubing instead of trying to make as much money as possible right now with no regard for the future?
Ah, Yagoo, it just isnt done that way any more. I hope it works though

>> No.76754789

Looking forward to more homo and Dev_IS gens while HoloEN doesn't get a single new debut.

>> No.76755022

Only sisters would agree to Anycolor's endless acceleration

If you can't find an oshi you like in Hololive, then you should find somewhere else. The market is more and more saturated and I blame Niji's constant new organ spam

>> No.76755181

which is probably for the best unless you just HAVE to watch Hololive for some reason

>> No.76755281

Oh yeah, just watch something else while Cover keeps debuting male failures at blinding speed. I've seen the exact same bullshit almost 2 years ago, you homosisters aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.76755357

>while HoloEN doesn't get a single new debut.
They just had one last year

>> No.76755391

>Oh yeah, just watch something else while Cover keeps debuting male failures at blinding speed
does your enjoyment of watching vtubers solely rely on Cover existing?

>> No.76755513

Covid 20

>> No.76755624

If you refuse to give a million other VTubers a chance and instead stubbornly sit in Hololive fanbase and tell other people that you won't shut up until you got what you wanted, then you aren't a Hololive fan, you are an annoying faggot tourist

>> No.76755660

You mean the long overdue gen that took near 2 years to debut after the last one and is still not enough because they can't fill multiple timeslots and are over represented on a specific timezone?

Not now, nijifags. Or homofags, honestly you retards are exactly the same kind of subhuman.

>> No.76755812

>because they can't fill multiple timeslots and are over represented on a specific timezone
Not their problem that you are so fucking jobless that you have so much free time in your life and your only entertainment is watching chuubas 24/7

You want full timeslot ? Go become a sister in Nijisanji, unless you are one right now

>> No.76755938

Oh yeah, I totally forgot that the certified holofan™ opinion is that HoloEN should not have any chance to grow. My bad, I thought this was /vt/ and not /jp/.

>> No.76756101

> Growing is spamming more members
That's a certified Nijisister™ thinking, and by the way how is Denauth doing lately ?

>> No.76756298

Oh great, it's the exact same false dichotomy you totally holofans and not false-flaggers were pushing back when we were getting close to 2 years without new gens for HoloEN. Yeah, I totally want new debuts every 3 moths, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Meanwhile the homos got 12 debuts in less than a year and a half and are doing way worse than NijiEN with less than a third of it's members, but I guess they need it.

>> No.76756462

What's the sister bitching about now?

>> No.76756543

Why do you want MORE holoen so soon? Let them have 3D and some kind of concert first

>> No.76756587

> 2 years without new gens for HoloEN
Either you are living under the rock or you are a tourist sister falseflagging as anti-homo because Advent hasn't celebrated their 1 year anniversary yet

And if none of Advent members captured you, then you are clearly in the wrong place, or you just want to be a "holofan" who cares about statistics like those retarded investors

>> No.76756697

Never said that I want a new gen now, I just don't want a repeat of the Council - Advent gap.

Anon, your reading comprehension reps... There's an entire sentence before the quoted part.

>> No.76756969

>are doing way worse than NijiEN with less than a third of it's members
>The homos concert sold out before Niji AX concert
>Tempus 2 got 3D before Luxiem
Sure sister, whatever you say lol

>> No.76757024
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Ah great, it's a homofag pushing their retarded brand of tribalism.

>> No.76757295

So I take it we can assume another 2-year Gap between EN generations?

Kind of a different point but the longer this industry matures and the gets more competitive more it makes me realize how weird the sempai/kouhai distinction will be become. we're getting to a point where senpies will probably be less seasoned than their kouhais, or at least at the same level.

>> No.76757321

> Move goal post
You numberfags should find better material for real because this stock-like graph is getting old

>> No.76757411

This but unironically. Their dogshit fanbase deserves nothing but suffering.

>> No.76757545

Just like the homos performing like shit. It's been 5 years already, when will those fags stop being utter runts?

And now we have a seething nijinigger.

>> No.76757563

I don't care that much anymore, I don't watch holoEN much nowadays.

It's pretty clear they're focused on commercializing the IP, talents be damned.

>> No.76758231
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>supports nijinigger business practices
>calls other people nijiniggers

>> No.76758356

Yeah, keep misunderstanding not wanting a 2 year gap between gens with ACCELERATE. That will certainly make you look like a true Cover/HoloPRO fan.

>> No.76758410

Regloss was a great addition though? All 5 girls are funny and super entertaining, specially the retard trio of ao, hajime and kanade

>> No.76758557

>keep misunderstanding not wanting a 2 year gap between gens
"True HoloPRO fan" anon, I assume you're already aware of how long it's been since the last JP Holostars gen, yes? You're a true HoloPro fan after all.

>> No.76758676

Sure but ReGloss is essentially JP7 and Cover already started open auditions for another gen so it would be retarded to debut yet another not-JP gen while HoloEN still only has 3.

>looks at Uproar
I think I could give you an educated guess for their gap.

>> No.76758781

It was a response to:
>Questioner : On page 40 of the "Business Plan and Growth Potential" section, it says that "long-term goal positions remain unchanged." Considering that your business model is one in which growth is relatively rapid, I think that this is a goal that can be achieved in the not-too-distant future.

Investor pushing Yagoo to accelerate for quicker profit, and he's saying nope. Continuing as planned.

>> No.76758951
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>not wanting a 2 year gap between gens
>U-unless I don't like them that doesn't count!

>> No.76759484

Investor: I see that you put this goal in "long term" category and the company is on the right track, buuuut can you push it faster so that I can earn money sooner ?

Yagoo: Are you fucking retarded ?

>> No.76759533

Keep seething nigger yagoo love holostar,
Looking forward for more years of your suffering i really enjoy it

>> No.76759575
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Debutbeggars are the worst.

>> No.76759614

Well, yeah. Why would anyone want yet another homo gen when they always fail to grow their respective branches?


>> No.76759632

>does your enjoyment of watching vtubers solely rely on Cover existing?
NTA but yes
I'm here for the idol shit

>> No.76760173

>they always fail to grow their respective branches
How come HoloEN almost hit an all time low before the ennafag started botting them, anon? Did Advent not grow the branch?

>> No.76760221

Stop larping, ennacuck.

>> No.76760510

Makes sense with JP but EN effectively has like four decent streamers and one Karaoke machine and the rest are either burnt out or bad

>> No.76760760

And there's the concession.

>> No.76760939
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>Karaoke machine
I'm all for this. Hope it comes to the US soon.
Rather go to a Live Karaoke event than a premade 3D.
3D's are kept real size for immersion, with close-ups on the side screens.
With karaoke, no squinting to see Gooba's face live on the big screen.

>> No.76760942

The concession that you're a psychopath who can't stop seething at IRyS and Fauna?

>> No.76761081

The concession that you can't answer a simple question so you change topics to the voice in your head.

>> No.76761176

You mean you who brought up botting out of nowhere? Are you still seething about your failed attempt at making Alban beat IRyS on her birthday?

>> No.76761224

>How come HoloEN almost hit an all time low
enough about nijisanji

>> No.76761397

there is a reason why holomember decide to stay instead of graduate and leave, they knew cover care and focus on growing them and the brand instead of just debut more asap like niji only to end up with even the fans dont know them, niji thread literally start wiht "is this vtuber in nijisanji?" LMAO

>> No.76761434

>botting out of nowhere
It's not out of no where. HoloEN nearly hit an all time low and only didn't because of the timing of the bots. Even if we ignore the bots the point still stands. Now will you answer the question or will you continue to deflect?

>> No.76761476

>insane hostile fujyoshi from Shanghai and Malaysia
Why do they have money btw?

>> No.76761602
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>> No.76761769
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Holy shit, this is (You)r brain on brand loyalty. Meds onegai. Also literally the entire reason for having branches is so they can focus on a specific part of the world. If the 3 hour time difference between EST and PST actually causes problems for you then you are simply not cut out for watching streams.

>> No.76761910

I hope this only means for the foreseeable future and not permanently. Because I'm sure some of the current talents would eventually like to move on in life and do things like start families, retire from streaming, or try to do VA work full time.

>> No.76762004

It's hilarious how you just admitted that you spend time on /#/. I already knew you were a retard but I guess I underestimated the level of retardation.

>> No.76762127

Or bear my child.

>> No.76762287

>brings up numbers
>seethes when problematic numbers are brought up
Many such cases. At least you acknowledged I'm right.

>> No.76762492

Nah, I'm acknowledging that you're a psychotic clinging girlfriend who can't stop going to /#/ to spam your ritual posts while acting like your botting is doing any damage to HoloEN. Anyway, did you enjoy your whore oshi's most recent stream with her boyfriend?

>> No.76762577

When you're that mentally ill you work for your oshi, that means you are eating rice while you give them the most money you can.

>> No.76762727

>deflects to the voices in her head

>> No.76762751
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>> No.76762859


>> No.76763002

Oh, the little ennacuck is seething that she lost her psycho safe-space.

>> No.76763625


>> No.76763822 [DELETED] 
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Gonna bot Mori, ennacuck?

>> No.76763952

based. holoJP should have stopped debuting after gamers

>> No.76764124
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She's not the one begging for bots, sis

>> No.76764232 [DELETED] 

>bots Kiara
>acts like she asked for it
You might be the single worst subhuman in this board.

>> No.76764268

>Another idolshit gen like dev is
They actually made me retreat to en.
Except en doesn't stream.

>> No.76764405
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>known menhera numberfag
>"S-She totally wasn't begging to be botted again! I swear...!"

>> No.76764506

>while HoloEN doesn't get a single new debut
And that's unironically a good thing, just keep supporting the existing ones, no need to "accelerate" like someone who wants yachts and playbuttons.

>> No.76764580
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Yeah, just look at what the 2 year gap between Council and Advent did to the branch.

>> No.76764713
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Oh no, the janny defense force appeared to defend their pet schizo.

>> No.76764753

It is pathetic. You'd think she'd learn from her mistakes instead of whining about being less successful than her """friends"""

>> No.76764944
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Sure thing, sister.

>> No.76765130

Glad we could come to an agreement.

>> No.76765169

Yeah, that you're seething psychopath.

>> No.76765335

Nah, you literally just called her pathetic

>> No.76765502

Correction: you're a seething and mentally retarded psychopath.

>> No.76765780

>"She begs for bots"
>"Thanks for agreeing"
You can't change reality, sis. The entire exchange is right above you forever.

>> No.76765876
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You're never beating the retarded allegations.

>> No.76766005

I don't know why you'd seethe over us agreeing. Do you just enjoy conflict?

>> No.76766525


TL;DR at the bottom. I'm of two minds about thiis. First things first though, let me throw rikus trust funded flunkees school project in the trash, nobody there has a brain cell to even make decisions with and I 100% believe they will auto-pilot that shit until the day the corpo crashes and riku finds his next toy to ignore.
But as for REAL vtubing, Yagoo is wrong. But depending on whqt he does, he might end up realizing thst himself.
Anybody who isn't a friendless isolated NEET qnd has been here since COVID knows people that uave drifted away from or dropped off from vtubing. Anybody who got sucked into the magic at any point in the past probably knows that a good number of people who left after getting burned. Everybody is entitled to their opinion but if your sample size is big enough you probably knew some people who you think probably didn't deserve to get burned like they did. Though obviously there are plenty who did it to themselves.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that this hobby has a higher than average chance of burning invested fans. The chance of being burnt increases with investment. This is true for ALL hobbies, of course; but in vtubing, the feelings and relationships and interdependencies that risk factors spawn from are simultaneoisly the draw and cause for invested fans to become invested in the first place.
This is a feature and not a bug. It's not even something that can be "fixed". Though maybe i should be specific; the statement is not applicable to non-JP side vtubing.
And he doesn't need to or have to care about non-JP side vtubing. He's a CEO and he's doing fucking amazing as is and has no reason to try to make any desperate pulls.
But that doesn't change the point of my post; the idea that vtuber growth is stsgnant and truly oversaturated and mostly tapped for growth, is wrong. It's wrong for the EN side specifically; regardless of whether you think it matters or not, it doesn't change the fact that it exists and so does a lot of potential future growth. ESPECIALLY when it comes to revenue, in the the form of consumer willingness to spend. And there have been occassional rare signs proving that very fact, here and there.
But the high growth potential on this side isn't something that stems from new potential viewers, at least not primarily. It stems from luring back people who got burned. It is easier to fall back into an old pattern even if it ended badly; at the moment any vtubers who have ended up capitalizing on capturing those ex-invested viewers did so by chance instead of intent. And it worked well for them, though its doubtful they realized what happened. I only do because of my awful habit of resding chat chronically during streams, names and all, alongside my useless talent of rebembering a name for fucking eternity even if I've only seen it a few times.
But if somebody could figure out the secret formula for unburning those burned viewer, and began doing so in a targeted, deliberate, and even mildly eye-catching way, they would be probably be wble to steadily draw in a literal more than 5 years long chain of burned viewers that are out there. If they really focused, it wouldn't even be that hard to incline; old viewers who got burned are almost definitely going to be closer together in terms of what the Youtube algorithm thinks, and therefore getting old viewers means spiking chances of other old viewers getting a recommendation for a stream, and so on...
All you have to do is figure out how to convince people who hurt enough to fuck off to give it a look and make sure what tbey see makes them feel like it won't happen this time. I'm not so stupid to just act like there's no way to do it, because of course there is probably SOME way. I'm defiitely not smart enough to have a clue about what it is, and more importsntly I don't think the people who run the industry are smart enough to think of it either, and that's disregarding whether or not they would even care enoigh to try even if they were
TL;DR: There is a very large pool of accessible potential growth in the number of medium/high spending dedicated viewers, and because of the size of the EN scene that pool is very large in terms of proportionality to the total active viewerbase in comparison to Japans scene. That pool is composed of viewers who have been burned by a vtub/er/ers/ing company.

Regardless of personal opinions people might have about the EN scene specifically, I am merely stating that it is a fact that there is absolutely a prospective path to grow(or re-grow, if you want to call it that) substantial numbers across the board. Of course, that doesn't mean anybody should be compelled to act upon that, even if they could.
I'm saying one thing and one thing only; there IS an avenue for growth left to pursue, and that's just a simple fact.
hit char limit lmao


>> No.76766815

I made a bunch of minor typos. Instead of pointing them all out I'll point out that I actually typed all that shit on a phone keyboard. Plz understsnd. Or dont it really doesnt matter and my bathroom break is over anyway

>> No.76767688

HoloEN will most likely get EN4 in the fall/winter and Cover was referring to the JP branch where they have 39 Hololive talents and constant overlap. They have little reason to keep releasing new JP gens.

>> No.76772442

Pretty much
