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76744804 No.76744804 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.76744866

wonder how much of those are dead subs

>> No.76744886

I find it funny that retards during day 0 of the selen drama told me that i was delusional when i said that nijien is going to go the same path as gamebu if they fuck up their response

>> No.76744921

>wonder how much of those are dead subs
the ones that arent unsubing are the dead subs anon and the ones unsubbing are the active subs

>> No.76745158

That Ike dude cucked himself out of 1 mil with that black screen stream. He was at 990k when the drama peaked.

>> No.76745210


>> No.76745234

Yeah, looks like the new debuts didn't do as well as expected

>> No.76745232


>> No.76745421

the bottle crinkler

>> No.76745489

240 to 750 CCV I would say that 99% are dead subs.

>> No.76745514

Oh no, he cucked Riku's office of another play button?

>> No.76745569

they arent really dead if they bothered to unsubscribe, finana.

>> No.76745596

I'm still amused by the fct every time Elira streams, 1000 people unsub.
Inb4 Sisters cope that they're dead subs - How many subs has Sana - a legitimately dead channel- lost since she quit?

>> No.76745617

fucking holofags with their unsub bots

>> No.76745739

3k. Total. In two years.

>> No.76745758

How long until MILLLE can celebrate hitting 500k again?

>> No.76746227

all me and my unsub bots

>> No.76746452

Is over for Selen, that bitch

>> No.76746527

At this point It's actually funny that they keep losing subs.

>> No.76746559

Can someone explain to me how Finana is losing the same number of subs as Elira despite not being active in the black screen?

>> No.76746612

Elira might be looking at the grim situation where the people currently unsubbing are the ones giving her a second chance. The dumb dragon is literally going to sink her career if she doesn't do anything.

>> No.76746699

Fuck the fish, someone explain to me why Scarle is losing subs.

>> No.76746715

Collateral damage

>> No.76746733

She's part of nijisanji

>> No.76746848

She publicly associated with Elira

>> No.76746925

Have you thought that maybe it's Sayu that's gaslighting you?

>> No.76746963

>black stream still up on elira's channel
>none of them have ever taken it back or apologized
>they're all unironically trying to move on and keep letting a fatal gash bleed them out dry pretending it's just a flesh wound

Dunno if it's just elira/clique stupidity or management (or both) but no technically it's not over as long as people have bad feelings about nijiEN over selen, which literally everyone who cared about it before still does and still thinks nijiEN is pure dogshit for it.

the least they could have done is apologize and do an about-face and admit they fucked up and never wanted anything remotely like how far Selen went, they wish her the best and will learn from this etc. but no. they just let it sit there and linger like a fart in an elevator. that's why they're still declining. I wonder if what's happened now is that it's just such common knowledge and is still at a non-resolution status that makes them look like fucking horrible people, that they literally cannot gain new fans at a rate to even break-even with people still annoyed with them.

I don't know why people are leaving slowly really but I guess these are people who really-are (or rather, were) serious nijiEN fans who were willing to try to overlook things for a while but eventually threw in the towel and can't stand seeing nijiEN in their feed anymore. the fact they're still bleeding people out months later, long after the Selen shitstorm has cycled out of drama/eceleb/news attention, means these are NOT just reactionaries but people who have tried to stick through it for months and decided to peace out anyway.

>> No.76747058

I pray for the moderate success of nijisanji to keep their viewers away from Hololive as much as possible. I can't imagine the nightmare if nijiEN went belly up and left absolutely no containment

>> No.76747167

Shut up Finana

>> No.76747309

>Dunno if it's just elira/clique stupidity
No peer pressure can make absolutely everyone clamp up like this. Their careers are going down the drain and they simply stand there and watch. There must be some real consequences hanging over everyone's head, otherwise someone would have started proclaiming themselves innocent by now. I'm not even defending the clique here, I just don't see peer pressure keeping the lid on something like this.
>nijiEN over selen
I don't think it's about Selen, even if she was the catalyst. People are invested in their oshis and Nijisanji has proven themselves to be abusive. Be it because they drove someone to suicide, denied opportunities for no good reason, slandered someone or (if you accept that interpretation) put a gun to someone's oshi head and made them slander a suicidal girl live on camera. No one wants to enable an abuser.

>> No.76747394
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Tell that to my unsub bots

>> No.76747438

there was alot of talk about people using Reimu's 3d debut as an exit point so they can get out of nijisanji on a high note, so you might not be far from the mark

>> No.76747591

I'm inclined to believe that the management team currently behind Niji EN will never allow a public apology. In their eyes, they are right. They have to be right. And even if they are aware that they are wrong, they cannot admit it. To take the black stream down would be an admission that there is a need to do so, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what that need is. If anyone apologizes, it comes with the assumption that something needs to be apologized for. If you apologize for something, you admit to fault for it. It will be a domino effect, a cascade of shit that starts with a single small action. It's why the current vtubers still under Niji EN have gone radio silent about the topic of Selen. They cannot, must not, should not bring it up under any circumstances. It isn't just the fact that bringing up terminated talents is a "taboo" thing in their culture, but any mention of her will immediately bring a flock of drama vultures and angry ex-fans with microscopes and pitchforks.

>> No.76747593

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>> No.76747833

Bingo. If they apologize, they would have to talk about...
>The harassment and bullying allegations
>The smearing campaigns against Zaion and Selen
>The favoritism
>The mismanagement
>Why they have waited so long to say anything
They have already fucked up the whole branch, the only thing they can do is shut the fuck up and hope that somehow things work out.

>> No.76747861

I agree in that the silence regarding Selen is mandated. And the thing is, no one can slip up. Not a single person. The minute one person says "I'm innocent", it begs the question of "but what about the other Niji talent? Are they innocent?"

Once the question enters the fray, the badgering that will accompany it will bring unneeded attention back to them. Silence is their only answer. Anything else will be used against them. They cannot defend themselves because the internet has decided they are guilty. It helps that Selen has a spotless record when it comes to pre-Niji and pre-termination yabs; there's, like, zero dirt on her. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. There is nothing I've seen to undermine her character other than anons complaining about her choking in Apex and people who took a hiatus from watching her because of how she kept taking bullets for the company. No one can make arguments saying "she did bad thing x so how can we trust her about y" because there's literally nothing. Compared to the rest of the people in the branch, Selen is clean.

Meanwhile we have the resident racist, the self-harm enabler, the guy who faked his death, the rape ASMR creator, the guy who can't be bothered to sign his own merch, the latina who was formerly friends with a sex offender/pedophile (I forgot which), the resident corpo bootlicker, the resident bitch that this entire board despises with a passion, and Finana.

I'd hate to be NDF because even if I were delusional enough to defend them, the justifications are running thin as of late.

>> No.76747919
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When people who were on the fence see Matara, Mint, U-san happily working with Doki(plus plenty other vtubers they may like) they can't reconcile it with the things nijien has acted.

>> No.76747941

But wouldn't addressing these things be better for the future of the branch? And by future I mean both the long-term and the short-term. They keep bleeding subs and revenue keeps going down. AX isn't going to sell even 20% of the EN stages.

>> No.76747963

>why they have waited so long to say anything
This is actually indefensible at this point. If receipts of Selen being an asshole existed, they would've been posted in February to discredit her character. But all they did was post the screenshots of messages proving she posted the music video without permission. That's the only leg they chose to stand on and the community kicked it out from under them because no one cared about the music video anymore at that point.

>> No.76747993
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>Once the question enters the fray, the badgering that will accompany it will bring unneeded attention back to them.
that's what they found out when they tried to clap back at their haters only to end up eating more shit every time they try. Vivi is the only one who managed to get out of that phase without digging herself deeper, and I'm not convinced that the guy she clowned on isn't a plant

>> No.76747995

This is true. It's why the shippers are on suicide watch now, they can't fathom Mint enjoying streaming with the boogeyman that lied about the niji livers. It doesn't add up.

>> No.76748013

*with the way nijien has acted

>> No.76748030

see >>76747861
there's too much risk involved, not only to the talents but to the people behind the talents, that nobody in a position of power will allow it to go ahead because that means signing their own death warrant along with it

>> No.76748057
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Wow, how could I be such a PARASOCIAL FUUUUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.76748072
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I'm surprised that it's gotten this far. You'd think with the current online mentality of some people this shit would've been done with back in March. Here's hoping that NijiEN gets discontinued soon.

>> No.76748153

It would be better for addressing the integrity of the branch. But the problem lies in consequences.

When a fuckup happens, what do people demand? Accountability. And with accountability for fuckups comes consequences. In the past few months, we've already had people rally for "fire the clique!" and "get rid of the favoritism!"

But what would that mean for the branch? The clique and favoritism allegations encompass Elira, Enna, Millie, Reimu, Shu, Ike, Vox, Luca, Fulgur, Uki, Sonny, and Alban. The remaining "Golden 20", so to speak. Firing these people would set a good example. But that kicks out every conceivable hard hitter they have in the branch, and that's a lot of talents. With that, a mass exodus of fans will occur. Many people will straight-up leave. Scarle may outearn the branch but she can't stream 24/7 to make up for the losses of so many streamers.

They cannot do it. They're caught between a rock and a hard place. They dug their grave, now they rot in it.

>> No.76748213

>But wouldn't addressing these things be better for the future of the branch?
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. The problem is that by addressing those points, they would need to DO something, and that would mean taking actions AT LEAST against...

All the people involved in the harassment and the black frame stream would need to go. Riku and the JP management included, because they allowed it to happen.

And that's just talking about what happened to Selen, there would still be a lot of SHIT to deal with (Zaion, Luca, Aster...)

>> No.76748297

It's the modus operaty of woke faggot, who strangely are extremely overrepresented in nijiEN. Let's not pretend to not see the usual patern.

>> No.76748422

They had a couple of chances to at least sell the idea they were setting things straight if they at least bothered investigating luca when those leaks first hit, or uki with the white people rant. Those were chances presented to them on a platter from what I recall for now.

>> No.76748563

> if they at least bothered investigating luca when those leaks first hit
It was extremely funny because her girlfriend brought tons of receipts to prove her claims, and Nijisanji's only answer was deleting the reddit threads and trying to take down the google doc. They didn't even tried to threaten her with suing her.

>> No.76748564

There's actually a bit of a problem with the clique...mainly they can't fire them if they're not at fault.
Imagine Selen doesn't blame those people in her documents? Then firing them means Nijisanji is going to get sued for defamation.
Even then if Selen doesn't put 100% of the blame on them, then again - Nijisanji is going to get sued for defamation.
In the black frame stream Elira said this was approved by several departments? Blame everything on the three stooges and Nijisanji is going to get sued for defamation. And in the case Nijisanji did use some form of coercion, then the shitshow goes nuclear.
And for something like this the payday is going to be obscene, Anycolor would be paying the type of money that'd make the stock buyback look cheap.

>> No.76748634

Finana took part in the Zaion takedown, which in hindsight was clearly a coordinated character assassination. The whole Selen situation made this indisputably clear, thus people went back and reevaluated Finana's behaviour amongst others.
Plus at this point the unsub rate has largely normalized among the big nijis. They're all largely losing subs at similar rates because the brand well is poisoned not because they're being individually held accountable for their actions by a headless collective of former subs. They're all getting their socks wet because the ship is sinking.

>> No.76748653

This will blow over and he will get his 1 mil

>> No.76748699


The 3 stooges need to go, the rest could probably just get away with a light punishment and stepping back for a while of all the concerts and new merch This won't happen because all the problematic organs are the ones making money for the branch

>> No.76748964

2 more weeks amirite?

>> No.76748997
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There's actually barely 2 weeks left for the Q4 report

>> No.76749045

I can't wait.

>> No.76749064

Unironically the black stream was so horrendous that it permanently etched nijisanji's reputation as being outright evil into the public consciousnes, so unless they outright appeal to antartican penguins or some shit there's no new audience they can grab that wouldn't know about this shit no matter how much they promote themselves.

Doesn't help that the anime community is fairly insular by nature and outside of japan, that's where they are going to have to get their fans and there's no anime or even anime adjacent community in any language that doesn't know about their reputation now.

>> No.76749211

there's also the bigger problem in that doing so will risk pissing off their last remaining dedicated fans in the hopes of appeasing people who probably won't watch them afterwards anyway so that's a high risk, low reward gamble.

Under any other circumstances I'd call them retarded for even entertaining it, like gillette did with their ill thought out commercial, but considering they were retarded to even land in this situation in the first place, well...

>> No.76749248

They could always try and expand into the normiesphere. Like maybe basketball or something.

>> No.76749298

Yeah, good luck lmao

>> No.76749354

There’s actually one surefire way to draw community goodwill back again without resorting to the previously mentioned solutions.

Niji EN talents collab with Doki.

Pipe dream. Never happening. But IF it did? Internet explosion.

>> No.76749379

>I know, let's try selling some acrylic stands of Vox to the normies

>> No.76749417


>> No.76749425

yeah, and do you beleive doki would agree to that? Even if that's the case, Nijien is still hard avoiding any event where doki is present

>> No.76749635

If nothing else, dunking on the eternally seething sisters has been the most enjoyable aspect of this entire debacle. Anytime they try to say stupid shit, anons just come outta the woodwork to hit em square in the face with a flying knee and then we all just have a laugh at their expense.

>> No.76749633

nta but
maybe with a FAT check and lots of legal papers
otherwise there's absolutely no reason for Doki to undermine and expend her own credibility to save Niji's
and even with a proportional incentive it's still unlikely she will agree

>> No.76749651

I think she would, as long as she had nothing against them.

>> No.76749652

normalfags also know about the black screen
remember Asmongold and Charlie covered that shit

>> No.76749672

water man

>> No.76749677

>Retard doesn't know YT culls dead subs and ghost accounts
Unless it happens to holo, people pretend to be stupid.

>> No.76749741

That's the key point don't you think?

>> No.76749786

sisters unironically hate her for some reason

>> No.76749828

I feel bad for you niggers with no streams.

>> No.76749880

What, you think people can't multitask?

>> No.76749896

She panders to men and stays in her corner away from the rest of the nijis.

>> No.76749956

ah yes... it's totally a yt thing.

>> No.76750071

The most they could do without further implicating the streamers is to just blame it all on management and say that they've completed internal investigations and the decision-makers responsible have been fired, but that opens you up to questions from investors like:
> how poor is your internal communication that the response to a crisis situation was so schizophrenic especially between JP and EN
> how did you let EN management issues get to this point
> why you only doing this *now*
> does JP have the same issues
and they don't want to shine a spotlight on any of that, so just hoping everyone forgets is their only plan at this point

>> No.76750884

My favorite one that's probably a false flag was the retard screaming that cover is broke. Their concert sold out so quick so they must be broke. Like wtf?

>> No.76750943


>> No.76751020

they also do a bunch more of self owns these days

>> No.76751130
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>they also do a bunch more of self owns these days
My favorite one so far is
>Elira is not getting any kind of favoritism
>She is only receiving special treatment because she knows japanese and is part of the first wave, so of course management is going to treat her better than the rest

>> No.76751162

Sana is only 3k down from her peak. These are people actively unsubbing.

>> No.76751327

nijicopium is a pathway to many lines of reasoning some find... retarded

>> No.76751354

if nijisisters were intelligent they wouldn't be nijisister

>> No.76751452
File: 51 KB, 506x465, Sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council literally, famously, got culled to hell and back during their debut month. All this confirms it's not people "actively" unsubbing, dead/ghost subs will disappear on their own when YT starts culling them. Sana being down 3k over time isn't too far off base.

>> No.76751508

>Council literally, famously, got culled to hell and back during their debut month
That's right, during the debut month. During the debut month.

>> No.76751608

holostarsEN will gladly welcome them with open arms and tell them their life has value (it doesn't)

>> No.76751686

Who hurted you, anon?

>> No.76751742


>> No.76752123

As someone who still has a few Niji girls he likes and watches from time to time I think generally speaking there's just a bad vibe around the whole branch now. I can't 100% put it to words but it just feels like the disappointments just keep piling up to the point where neither the talents nor the fans can really get excited over anything. It's mostly obvious in collabs but it seeps into solo streams, just a lot of bad energy surrounding every stream where nobody's as excited as they used to be, just an overall feeling of apathy. I think what creates this bad environment the most is that NijiEN is now basically 100% insular, something nobody outside of it wants any part of, even a lot of new hires are just people trying to take the roundabout way into the JP branch.

>> No.76752199

It's probably people seeing her on their feed and realizing "huh, didn't know I was still subbed to her".

>> No.76752252

All drama aside she's honestly just really boring.

>> No.76752381

minus 69k

>> No.76752386

Doesnt collab with their males to help boost their numbers

>> No.76752411

Selen really fell off...

>> No.76752462

The jews, I'm not even making this up.

>> No.76752541

The absolute state of nijisanji. It almost makes me feel sorry for them. Almost.

>> No.76752898

yeah, no shit, they are working for a company that tried to smear an employee they fired after driving to suicide, obviously that's going to weight on everyone's conscience no matter how much some people try to mask it with enthusiasm.
heck you can tell some of the nijisisters are just pretending to be enthusiastic just to stick it to holofags considering the outpouring of "support" that they gave on the denauth announcment tweet only for them to be 3views in only 2 days

>> No.76752912

It's truly a silver lining

>> No.76752927

Plus if Elira is management as the rrats say and they fire her, it would give credence to the other rrats surrounding them as well.

>> No.76753184

Management clearly favors her and is trying to have her be the face of the EN branch, or was anyway. No idea how it is now. I bet she cant even escape the favoritism if she tried

>> No.76753187

She didn't educate herself enough

>> No.76753255

>Point flew over his head

>> No.76753290

Anyone with a brain dislikes Finana, tourist.

>> No.76753347

Elira deserves much worse

>> No.76753369
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can't imagine why

>> No.76753410

>>Point flew over his head
You didn't have one so it's not a surprise

>> No.76753444
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>Luca still at 1M
kek lmao

>> No.76753504

Think the hobby in general is just in a slow bleed. The only difference is that there are no new blood coming to nijien anymore due to the yabs so the bleed out shows, unlike in other companies

>> No.76753552

My guess is
>We don't want to invest that much money on EN, can we get some of the talents to help us out to organize stuff? How many of them speak japanese? Cool, ask them if they are interested on doing some special stuff for us in exchange of more merch opportunities
>What, the organs are complaining about something? I don't have time for this, ask Elira to deal with it
>Whoa, hold on Elira, Selen did what? Ask her to take full responsibility. No, I don't care if she is still in the hospital, she just needs to tweet a simple message
>Horry sheet, did she really get a lawyer involved in this? That's it, we are firing her
>Why is everyone so mad? I don't understand... Elira, take a couple of your friends and prepare a public statement. Yeah, don't worry, we will take care of you, like we always do.

>> No.76753621

Lol this is a nijisanji issue, don't blame your problems on the entire industry

>> No.76753624

Indulge me, what point?

>> No.76753644

With every event none of them are invited to, with every collab they're not a part of, with every concert that underperforms, etc. you can just feel the mood go more and more sour. Especially since they're not watching almost everyone that left the company do better outside of it.

>> No.76753704
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I see

>> No.76753729
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>> No.76753751

Put kyo under the nijiboat and change pomu to nina

>> No.76753887

The industry has declined in the west, but not that much. The indie side has experimented a massive growth, and NijiEN just can't compete with them.

>> No.76753936

Congrats you're now a Ryuguard since 2023

>> No.76753955
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Phone posting?
I assume you mean experienced

>> No.76754001
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Worse, ESL.

>> No.76754037
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Tried to give you an easy out anon. No worries, you'll learn eventually

>> No.76754367

I think the morale is low because they've stagnated and are outright shrinking in their metrics. I don't know how deep the brainwashing goes in there, anecdotally some sisters were on the "things will only get better now that they fired the problematic menhera" copium back at the AR live fiasco so we don't know what they feed into the organs' perception of this entire shitshow

>> No.76754394

You mean YT are banning the sisters bot accounts?

>> No.76754539 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 602x683, 1716824742713293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Elirafags are resorting to

>> No.76754550

and they know the root of thier stagnation/shrinking is because they are part of/supporting a black company. Some nijisisters rage and seethe loudly in public at it but the amount of people who have genuinely fooled themselves into believing they are completely in the right is a small fraction of the remaining niji fanbase who are just trying to ignore it, and that's to say nothing of the talents themselves

>> No.76754667

you're going to need to explain that because I have no idea what that image is supposed to be about

>> No.76754700

Looks like a crack shipper of previous lives trying to stir the pot and posting his own shit on 4chan catelog threads

>> No.76754808

from that NBA collab the writing is on the wall for those who didn't make it

>> No.76754838 [DELETED] 

Nova was Elira's past persona. This person ships them.

>> No.76755032
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Not a tribalistfag but I'm glad NijiEN is getting fucked over. Should have shitposted less in my oshis threads and not be a complete and total nigger in every thread but now you see. This is what karma gets you, nijinigger.

>> No.76755046
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bleeding will continue until management is changed

>> No.76755107

>Sisters took another L
>More sayu bait threads incoming

>> No.76755154
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The actual answer is simple and the exact same thing pretty much every other vtuber company does.
>corpo announces new blood
>builds a ton of hype (or throws them out into the wild if they're niji lol)
>people subscribe before/after the first stream
>they're thinking "hey i'll check 'em out on debut/someday" and "subscribing's free"
>they pop up in collabs inevitably
>if they catch your interest you toggle notifications on
>if they don't you just forget you're even subscribed until the next collab
Thus you now have a scenario where a ton of people are just subscribed for subscribings sake so when something like the SEREN SHOKKU hits that causes a boycott or otherwise a massively negative reputation, the people unsub from everyone including people they might not have ever watched more than twice. Thus everyone loses regardless of internal affiliations or relation to the drama due to the group-wide boycott, and now the algorithm will continue to enforce the downwards spiral trend, meaning that any attempts at getting new subscribers to fill the void of people who're still endlessly learning about this specific incident and unsubscribing is about as successful as an attempt to fill a black hole with cement.

If anything the fact that everyones become a 3view/low 4view at best combined with Scarle losing and continuing to lose subs is proof that nijifans still haven't forgotten, which if you ask me is strictly a good thing and something I don't think anyone could have actually predicted. Last time I saw a stupid decision that actually got serious lasting lashback from fans was Gamebu which has been on the decline for 4 and a half years now. It's good to see that the EOPs of this dumb fad can carry on that torch.

>> No.76755167

Holoniggers using unsub bots

>> No.76755266

Based and Same

>> No.76755410
File: 10 KB, 112x112, 1690654655096192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the fuck on, Selen's case is interesting. She doesn't have any vods or streams so no one can be reminded that they're still subscribed to her, so why are subscribers still falling down for her like the rest of them?

>> No.76755418

Watching this artist go hard against Doki is weird to me. They've done stuff for Mint before and are one of the artists whose names she remembers, but now all she's doing it spitting in her oshi's face with full knowledge that there's a chance she could see it. On top of that, that post only has 13 likes and she's the only retweet. Did she really just make a sub-account just to stir shit?

>> No.76755498

see >>76755154

>> No.76755717

these are ACTIVE subs being lost
Neglisanji moment indeed

>> No.76755825

>black stream video is still up
>subs go down
>surprise pikachu face

>> No.76755854

She's just really obsessed with her ship to the point where she's digging through PL tweets now. This started a while ago, not a new thing. And now she's just salty that her ship is dead.

>> No.76755935

>black stream video goes down
>shit storm rages again
>surprised pikachuface

>> No.76756022

>Black stream goes down
>10 more black streams get reuploaded
>shit storm rages again

>> No.76756563

well, I guess now it is, they've lost their chance to take it down with minimal loses
>elira returns from hiatus
>says that the black video was unnecessary callous, takes it down and say some stupid shit like let's move towards a future where such things are not made
>direct reuploads are hunted with copyright strikes, fare use content is not, shit dies down in a week
but we have what we have

>> No.76756650
File: 3.92 MB, 940x888, 1710708239334621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do nothing wrong
>get fucked over repeatedly by retarded coworkers your retarded company

>> No.76756786

It's just fucking weird to me. I don't get how there's Pomudachi's still sticking with Niji, let alone those who're actively trying to rewrite history like her, and she's a known name. She's not just some member people might know of. I guess it's because she's still a teen?

>> No.76756934


>> No.76756943

more people found out about the zaion comments

>> No.76757180

>do nothing wrong

>> No.76757340

you'd think she had the common sense to get out by now.

>> No.76757661

Giving my two cents as a former nijifan who started casually watching all of them 2 years ago until recently. Way back in 2022, Nijien thrived because of the "closeness" of their branch regardless of gender. That was what sets them apart from other corpo/vtubers. That was why 'Family' was their motto, because it sells well for them. The collabs, the banter, the openness of it all was what everyone who watched them loved. On the forefront of those were three people: Pomu, Selen, and Nina. Pomu was seen as the person who everyone gets along with, a daisenpai who includes everyone in music videos. Selen was the initiator of several branch-wide events that kept the hype of NijiEn, she organizes them to give the livers/the branch more eyes on them, because the events give them storylines that people can root for (e.g. wrestlesanji pre-match fights, that minecraft event practice streams where viewers saw the newly debut Krisis and Zali's eager and adorable attitude for the parkour race, her infamous apex stream banters with pomu). Nina was seen as the Mother figure, she was who everyone went to, she held them together like glue offstream, evidence of that was her with luxiem offline collab, Mysta broke down crying because he was comfortable to do so.
They're gone now, and no one is taking their place to initiate the quality their primary viewers are attracted to. Nowadays I can't sense this anymore. Maybe it was because of Selen's termination, but I realized none of them were really that close as they projected to be. Maybe a few of them do (millie, enna, reimu) but it fails to reach up to what the three former Livers did for the branch.

TLDR; they failed to maintain their selling point: Being a Family they so proudly boast about.

>> No.76757684


>> No.76757915

I do wonder what keeps the cliquers going at this point. Spite? Just trying to get by?

>> No.76758014

She's free to graduate, she just needs to fucking ask
I will follow her

>> No.76758257

>TLDR; they failed to maintain their selling point: Being a Family they so proudly boast about.
now they look like a family does after all grandparents are dead and there's a fat inheritance waiting to be divided

>> No.76758864

can someone spoonfed me about the unsub bots? is it as retarded as it sounds?

>> No.76758923

can't have too many people graduating close together. do you think they'll start letting people go faster after the Q4 report comes out?

>> No.76758945

It's either retarded sister cope or an anon pretending to be a retarded sister coping.

>> No.76759027

it was some enraged sister that took a /#/ shitpost at face value some days ago

>> No.76759195

tnx guys.

>> No.76759224


>> No.76759580

Does anyone remember how Luxiem fan were botting their subs at their height? YT finally getting rid of those?

>> No.76760137

>implying youtube would ever fix anything
No the botniggers just stopped because they stopped watching Luxiem.

>> No.76760239

I don't really agree with this argument. I've felt for some time they could get away with picking one to two fall guys and then imposing draconian internal crackdowns on the rest. Firing everyone remotely involved would empty the branch, but you can certainly pick out one or two "fall guys" - meaning Elira - without destroying the branch. It would cost them Elira's audience, but keeping Elira costs them even more people.

Also to be frank, the only remaining audience for EN are the Sisters at this point. There is an argument to be made that the Sisters are a reputational problem for the company as a whole. There is no fanbase that is more generally loathed in the vTubing sphere than these people. They spend all their time doxing, harassing, and organizing Discord raids on imagined enemies,
and don't seem to watch streams or spend money very much.

The trio are named specifically in Selen's legal complaint, we know this from the black screen stream. Even if they weren't, Nijisanji is free to fire who they want for any reason they want. No one is going to sue them for defamation because none of them have the money to do it and Anycolor is in another country which would make any lawsuits even more difficult and impractical.

>> No.76760454

>holofags with their unsub bots
is months old running joke
but some tech illiterate sisters take it seriously

>> No.76760497

Google is removing inactive accounts.
they nuked all accounts with 2 years inactive

when subscribing < Google's cull, shit like this happened

>> No.76760847

Bingo, supports the bot subs because those fans stopped watching Luxiem, so longer active. Subs like Sana's are most likely active, watching other Holos.

>> No.76760925

Many such cases

>> No.76761246

But enough about Vivi.

>> No.76761303

Running from their sins

>> No.76762344


>> No.76762394

I can't wait for Doki to pass her. Bitch deserves it.

>> No.76762483

That it was 3 years ago and is no excuse anymore

>> No.76762505

>2 years
>December 1, 2023 is the earliest a Google Account will be deleted due to this policy.
So then it doesn't affect Luxiem at all? The bulk of their subs didn't come from the literal day of their debut and they were on the rise for like, a straight year after debut. The absolute earliest we'd see a culling from them would be the end of this year.

>> No.76762556

>>76762505 (me)
Also wanna clarify this isn't a defense, as if it was purely bot accounts getting cullled then they'd be losing tens of thousands a day instead of a slippery slide of a thousand every... few days? I honestly haven't kept track.

>> No.76762625

Even if that's true that would mean sisters mass produced fake accounts to subscribe to all of them in order to boost their numbers. However, they have been steadily bleeding subs for MONTHS now.

It's very unlikely that's the only reason.

>> No.76762695

they're botting holos to fuck with /#/ apes, kinda poetic in a way

>> No.76762711

Can we get it -69,420 for the funnies?

>> No.76762735

She sided with the clique just because Niji promised her a 3D which was the lowest viewed of all time btw. Also lied about her Tekken skills.

She deserves it.

>> No.76763010

There are two scenarios here.
Scenario 1, where Elira is some kind of a mastermind:
>turn Elira into a fall guy
>Elira has recites for all of your bullshittery from the last 4 years
So they\re fucked.
Scenario 2, where Elira was an idiot going along with it
>turn Elira into a fall guy
>she sues you for defamation
And the money she'll make from this will make an international lawsuit worth it.
Unless one of the livers was actually at fault, making a fall guy out of someone is going to be a disaster for them. Being named in a document isn't enough to have all the fault dumped on them.
And of course there is the worst case scenario for Anycolor
>turn Elira into a fall guy
>she has recietes for all of your bullshittery
>you're in a PR nightmary
>she starts a lawsuit against your ass as well
>stock price kisses the floor
Tbh, I think that if they could have thrown someone under the bus, they'd have done it already.

>> No.76764050

they did; Selen
it just didn't work

>> No.76764167

>And the money she'll make from this will make an international lawsuit worth it.
Stopped reading there. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.76764978
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>> No.76766341

>fall guy
bitch, do you mean scapegoat?

>> No.76766371

weren't the sisters all up in arms about his view count?
Doki's wrestletuber vods alone have more views than the entirety of Vox's streams since "coming back," which includes a birthday stream, a new outfit, another celebration stream, fotm games...

>> No.76769794

Is that faggot still using that ugly ass model

>> No.76770063


>> No.76770512


>> No.76772573

>only 9 streams since vox's return and generated 27.1k usd dollars from scs and 568k+ vod views.
meanwhile dokibird's views is mostly coming from her spamming shorts, not the win you think it is dragoon.

>> No.76775049

Where those number comes retard? Out of your ass? Or are you still counting the event spam?
Congrats for being a whale for nothing by the way, scamming SEAniggers is too easy I don't get why more people do it.

>> No.76776143

I'm amused by the fact you retards just believe that people that would have unsubbed after the drama just decided to wait for months to unsub

>> No.76776922

Management would not allow that to happen because then it would place the blame on them. And we all know management would rather throw the talents under the bus than themselves.

>> No.76777089

Management won't swallow their pride and do the right thing. That's why all of the talents' sub counts are dropping, except for the new meat. All hands' SC revenue is down (again, except for the new meat), and their CCV is down the toilet. Management can stop this downward spiral by publicly apologizing to Sayu and Doki (or at least to the fans) for what management did to them, but they're too prideful to take the first step to recovery.

All of the talents know this. Even Finana noticed it back in February, shortly after the general boycott had started. The only thing that can stop the downward trend is if management admits they made mistakes and promises to do better by the talents and the fans, or at an absolute minimum pays lip service to the idea. But they would sooner dissolve the branch than admit imperfection.

The Q4 report is in two weeks and two days. I do not expect EN management to take that first step before then, despite the obvious benefit to the talents that taking the first step would do, and despite the obvious detriment to the talents being caused by management's deliberate refusal to even try to take that first step.

>> No.76777151

leftists never take accountability

>> No.76777312


>> No.76778131

>not the win you think it is
did someone destroy you with this phrase so you can't stop saying it since it's rent free in your head?

>> No.76778184

>someone explain to me why Scarle is losing subs.
This is all there is to it:
>She's part of nijisanji
It's a general boycott, and there's no way for non-shareholders to hurt Nijisanji in the financials without also hurting the talents in the process, so most of us are taking the least harmful-to-the-talents way of hurting the company's coffers.
The talents know why we're doing what we're doing, even if they have to pretend not to notice. They know it's not their fault, and they know we know it's not their fault, and they know we don't think otherwise. They know it's 100% management's fault, and they know we know it's 100% management's fault.

>> No.76778277

>did someone destroy you with this phrase so you can't stop saying it since it's rent free in your head?
Did you forget that good week or two where sisters would just reply
>ok, sister
in replies to anyone making fun of them, like a fucking parrot? For reference I think it was around the same time they made a push on twitter to equate it with calling someone a nigger, if not slightly after.

>> No.76778420

>568k+ vod views
that's 10k before YT/Niji/tax cuts, so it's 3k-ish for those 568k* views. Not the win you think it is.

>> No.76778428
File: 11 KB, 229x249, 906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sub growth so non-existent that sub purges result in negative growth for months on end
You sure that's the cope you want to go with?
Or are you just so lacking in IQ you don't understand how culls lasting for months causing negative growth for months means your your branch is simply a pile of DEAD. DYING. CHANNELS.

>> No.76778469

it's bots obviously

>> No.76778529

Look up any video or thread about Cryaotic and you'll see people going "wtf i used to watch him as a kid, didn't know this happened" right at the very top of the comments on a "documentary" made 2 months ago.

Him getting outed as Youtube Pedo #2434 happened in late 2020. News travels slow and travels long.

>> No.76778629

I think the question was asked from the standpoint of how many of those that are still subbed are dead. Most likely bot farms that the owners of which have long forgotten passwords to.

>> No.76779165

I can’t see NijiEN’s management going far enough to apologize to Sayu. She went full scorched earth, their relationship at this point is irreconcilable. A proper apology to Doki on both the guilty talents and management’s part is the bare minimum required, but again I don’t see that happening. That would mean those in Niji’s camp would have to admit they were wrong, and Doki has paired up with some ex-ENs to show that the company isn’t really needed - in fact their competitor has allowed their current workers to be part of her event too. Anycolor didn’t just shoot themselves in the foot, they blew off both their legs PR-wise.

>> No.76779173

NTA but it was mentioned in another thread that the deletion waves started happening 2 years prior to december 2023 which doesn't exactly line up with when luxiem started exploding in mid-january. I'm not gunna say dead bot-farms aren't a part of it especially with Youtube's new shitty way of tracking subs, but it's definitely only a small percentage of it. Just by virtue of us not seeing people drop by the tens of thousands in a day every day for even a single week I'd say it's at MOST 10% of the sub denial, the other 90% being actual people who don't wanna support a black company filled with crabs in a bucket.

>> No.76779277

>NTA but it was mentioned in another thread that the deletion waves started happening 2 years prior to december 2023 which doesn't exactly line up with when luxiem started exploding in mid-january.
lemme re-phrase since I didn't catch my weird wording
The only accounts considered for the 2 years of inactivity cullings were ones made in december 2021 and afterwards, hence it only started in december 2023.

>> No.76779721

Apologies never work, and they're too fucking dumb to take a right action.
It took Yagoo two years to restore the good faith after the Western Taiwan incident and it has still cost him a CN branch, a top 1 EN talent (Coco left), a year long suspension of another talent (Haachama), their current talents have lost the creative freedom (partially leading to Gura's burnout and other issues, drying up the content so no more gtav niggers and suicide jokes) which they've only recovered from by the 3rd gen (by carefully picking those who can perform well within restrictions, Fuwamoco&Biboo are insanely good there).
And it wasn't really Hololive's fault in the first place.

Niji, on the other hand, is not only deeply permanently damaged by its own actions, but is very much unrecoverable even to the shit corpo level, and there are no actions taken to recover their reputation. All according to Riku's cash grab scheme

>> No.76779850

>I think that if they could have thrown someone under the bus, they'd have done it already
she is fucking done after all this chicanery if her tweets are something to go by. After she exits the stage I would be surprised if she ever tries to go after anything, regardless of recipes.

>> No.76779904

You had a reasonable post up until you brought up Haachama and then it just became rrats and more rrats. We literally have a single exclusive defining event we can link explicitly to "losing creative freedom", and it's got nothing to do with the Chinese for once. Closer to the German's fault actually.

>> No.76780222

Holy shit. I went on the thread to simply laugh at Niji as one does, and I got jumpscared by WALLS. Is this implying that the usual Niji bait threads get more discussion than most splits?

>> No.76780272

>if her tweets are something to go by
What are you talking about?

>> No.76780417

What site is this from?

>> No.76780694
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>Apologies never work
Worked for Camila.

>> No.76780810

Elira has been funposting since her return. Thing is, a good chunk of these also sound like doomposting, and then there is the thing when she began to tweet like she was in members instead of her usual unhinged dumb funny takes.
Overall is nothing, but Elira gets overwhelmed pretty easy, and that was before pre-shitshow. So can't imagine someone like that trying to stir the pot after she finally gets out.

>> No.76780815

I don't remember a big drama with Kiwawa beside the usual background noise about how she grifts subs from Calli and gay^W European allegations. Can I have a qrd?

The drop in quality, on the other hand, correlates with Taiwan's yab, the Coco collab ban has hit all of Myth pretty hard, their first year felt like walking a minefield with the shining example of Coco (don't do drug jokes or braindead bugs will haunt you chat). I stopped watching Hololive religiously shortly after Coco has left.

>> No.76781019

>Can I have a qrd?
Considering the fact that you didn't get the joke and assumed Kiara had anything to do with the second biggest event to ever happen to Hololive, and the only one that can be attributed directly to any kind of "creative freedom"... no. You won't get a QRD.

>> No.76781089

>Overall is nothing, but Elira gets overwhelmed pretty easy, and that was before pre-shitshow. So can't imagine someone like that trying to stir the pot after she finally gets out.
You say that, but she hasn't been caught slipping on livestream, I assume we'd have found out immediately just like with Enna. I think the girl has more iron in her than people give her credit for.
And realistically we still don't know what happened and to what degree who's responsible for what. Maybe it's too early to write her off.

>> No.76781336

My memory is fuzzy. Have a good day, anon.

>> No.76781460

Trust me, your memory isn't a part of the equation when you weren't ever there to begin with.

>> No.76781847

I went looking for a video where one of the ways he said something was stuck in my head for years and I had forgotten why until like 6 months ago. Found out what happened and just was blown away at the news. So it can very easily happen months even years later.

>> No.76781899
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Millie's so close to the 500K mark again.. will she celebrate it?

>> No.76782219

If Management wasn't breathing down her neck she'd have done the shitpost.

>> No.76782515
File: 203 KB, 426x464, voxiloveyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scamming fans.
atleast vox is honest, humane, remorseful, loves and forgives his kindreds. cant say the same for fellow gfe grifters we have in the community.

>> No.76785659


>> No.76786282
File: 498 KB, 2032x1142, 17112281375746042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually somewhat tangentially related to something of a pet theory I've been considering for the past day or so. The loli actually had the best showing last night in terms of pre-raid numbers despite having the lowest number of subs of the three. Some of it may have been the difference in content type, but I think that some of Niji's current core audience may have been actively deciding to NOT sub to her because she's pretty openly lolicon, which means that she's missing out on a chunk of unity subs that would inflate her total sub count but also means that the people that ARE subbed to her are more likely to tune in to her streams.
I may well be proven wrong if her numbers over the next week don't keep up the trend I guess though, so I'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.76786453

>those two vertical jumps
>it's barely 300 viewers
that's... pathetic

>> No.76789267
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>> No.76791486

Pomu announced her graduation in January, and that's also when Selen vanished. Things were starting to go to shit at that point.
So let's compare the most recent chart we have, April, with December.
(True average)
Elira: 2663 --> 1280 (-52%)
Enna: 2085 --> 1408 (-32%)
Millie: 1657 --> 978 (-41%)
Rosemi: 1424 --> 1098 (-23%)
Maria: 948 --> 660 (-30%)
Reimu: 890 --> 522 (-41%)
Victoria: 756 --> 563 (-26%)
Scarle: 654 --> 492 (-25%)

Now the girls who left
Selen: 3522 --> 4511 (+28%)
Pomu: 2455 --> 5559 (+126%)

But I'm sure it was just dead subs, right?

>> No.76793220


>> No.76793716

what about Finana?

>> No.76793922

Who cares about the girls, this is Mansanji

>> No.76795957


>> No.76796655

there is no possible way they are still losing subs, anyone who gives even the slightest shit about Selen has left ages ago. This is either dead sub culling or old subs trickling out since so many left at once. It's the only explanation, its not possible for anyone to have been watching this shit for months and months and only now deciding to mass unsub from all niji members

>> No.76796911

>anyone who gives even the slightest shit about Selen has left ages ago.
see >>76778529

>> No.76796955

I love how you stupid faggots think ruining completely innocent bystanders careers is some le heckin pwn on niji. The top brass are still swimming in money, if things get bad enough they'll simply cut and run, they all have golden parachutes and will make MORE money. All you're doing is shitting on people that dont deserve it so you can pat yourselves on the back. Fucking braindead idiots

>> No.76797043

So how do (you) propose we make a dent in the top brasses wallets? Go on, we're all ears.

>> No.76797140

Elira didnt even get close to that high of ccv on average, she hovered around 1k all the time even before the shit show. Ironically she seems one of the least effected in that regard, Famelira are loyal viewers all the way.

>> No.76797236

lel, Doki's 30k ccv is plummeting more and more no matter how many desperate collabs and events she shills. She'll end up below Selen numbers before long

>> No.76797397

>innocent bystanders
She's still part of nijisanji so she's not an innocent bystander.

>> No.76797438

>completely innocent bystanders
We have no idea who is or isn't innocent.
>b-but the newest wave!
They could have left pre-debut but they didn't. Also I don't care about them.
>b-b-but they didn't know!
Not my fault they didn't do even the most basic of research into a job.
Also >>76797043

>> No.76797486

Just like how factory workers are valid bombing targets, "innocent" nijis are valid targets in this war. And considering she's still part of nijisanji and supporting them with her earnings, I question how innocent she really is

>> No.76797519

>>76797438 (me)
>We have no idea who is or isn't innocent.
Let me rephrase: we DO have an idea and many ideas, but nobody can say for sure if those people are the only ones or not. We don't know the upper limit basically.

>> No.76797525

Two more weeks amirite sis?

>> No.76797571

You can't, thats why it's stupid. None of them are going to lose a wink of sleep or any money no matter what you do. It doesn't matter if you ruin all of nijiEN and it folds, or if the stock tanks. The people in charge will all cash out with far more money than they started with, and thats your best case scenario. Worst case they keep plugging along, still wringing every cent they can out of their talents, because even after all this bullshit there is very little overhead cost for chuubas and they're still profitable, just less so than before.

>> No.76797656

And that's why Scarle gets hit
Don't like it? Graduate

>> No.76797673

actually, unironically yes. Every 2 weeks it keeps dropping

>> No.76797801
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>None of them are going to lose a wink of sleep or any money no matter what you do.
Sisters and making easily disprovable lies, name a better duo.

>> No.76798044

there is no war, nothing you can do actually matters to the people that actually deserve to suffer. It's like if there was an alien mothership sending countless drones to attack the earth, it doesnt matter how many drones you kill, you will never, ever, hurt the mothership in any way. Sure it might eventually just leave if it gets tired of wasting resources, but you will never do any damage. All you do is destroy drones who have no say in anything.

>> No.76798124

>just give up lol: the post
So let's assume you're completely correct and that this boycott is doing literally nothing bad to anyone but the livers.

So what? Nijisanji is a vtuber company. Protecting their people is their job, which they've completely and utterly failed at.

>> No.76798160

like I said, the most you could hope for is he fucks off and takes his billions to go play somewhere else. He doesnt care, it doesnt matter. You just ruin the lives of the peasants

>> No.76798213
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1509, isn&#039;t this what you wanted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no war
Au contraire, the war is raging

>> No.76798256

What do you mean his billions? Do... do you not understand how networth works?

>> No.76798262

Is this like there's no harassment in nijisanji?

>> No.76798337

And that makes me very happy.
Nijisanji delenda est

>> No.76798422

But nijisanji isn't disconnected from it's drones in your metaphor, it's literally producing them and using them to collect resources. A better comparison would be to an ant colony, in which case a boycott is bringing poison back to the nest to kill the queen.

>> No.76798459

then why bother? just shitting on people that have no control over anything for fun? This is like if Vince McMahon gets in deep shit for shady stuff, so hey lets ruin the career of every wrestler in WWE while he jaunts away with his money. It's pointless.

>> No.76798529

Because Nijisanji delenda est

>> No.76798569

If they don't like it, graduation is always an option

>> No.76798658

but it will never make it there. you could kill the whole colony, the queen will simply leave and start over. If it gets bad enough Riku will just do something else, like he has multiple times already

>> No.76798753

>You just ruin the lives of the peasants

I really hope at this point you are bait posting and if so good job.
If you think Niji itself is not ruining the ‘peasants’ lives themselves, there is no hope for you

>> No.76798774

>using vince as an example
Holy shit, you literally could not pick a better example of how stupid your point is if you tried.
>hated by everyone he's ever worked with
>his mere existence causes him and everyone around him to lose money
>sold off his company after years of decline by his own hand
>autistically obsessed with the same three people and keeps pushing them leaving others in the dust
The only difference between the two is Riku doesn't have a daughter to fuck.

>> No.76798908

>but it will never make it there.
Yes it does...? The money Riku gets come from the money the Vtubers get. If the Vtubers stop making money he makes significantly less. Do you not understand how "jobs" work, lil pagpag piggy?

>> No.76799074

If nijisanji immediately, right this second before anything else happens, stops fucking up and starts making visible efforts towards improvement then yes, it would all blow over. As things stand though if they were capable of doing that then they would already have done it. Hell they wouldn't have started all this to begin with.

>> No.76799179

>sister doesn't understand how investment works
>sister doesn't understand how being a majority shareholder works
>sister doesn't understand how cash flows to the CEO
This can't be bait, nobody is this stupid. Even if he pulled out tomorrow he'd still be doing this thing called "cutting his losses".

>> No.76799771

2024 is almost half over and it hasn't blown over yet, sister.

>> No.76800171

Then we kill them again.

>> No.76800605

Riku doesn't have billions. I'd hesitate to think he even has ten million even if we're assuming he's put a grand total of 0 dollars and 0 cents back into Nijisanji at any point during it's 6+ year existence.

>> No.76801396

I dont understand the "dead sub" arguement. I've been subscribed to a few channels for over a decade, some of them have had no new content and some are still going but I've never watched them again. I am still subbed to all of them, wouldnt I be a dead sub to these channels? Why isnt Youtube unsubscribing me from them?

>> No.76801472

>I dont understand the "dead sub" arguement.
Neither does anyone else.

>> No.76801567

>I dont understand the "dead sub" arguement
Neither do nijiniggers, they just regurgitate it to cope

>> No.76801875

the failure of a "war" that is being orchestrated by faggots like khyo and falseeyed ? luca's subs might have been reduced but he is still earning thousands, so the nukes has not been working and luxiem's 3d announcement is probably coming after q4 drops. its looking unlikely that niji en is dying this year.

>> No.76801916

There are worse fates than death anon

>> No.76801974

Why didn't you reply to any of the other posts, sister? Can't handle the knowledge that Riku's stock paper is worthless?

>> No.76802288

>space before the question mark
I thought that was only a spanish thing, not a SEA thing. Huh.

>> No.76804521

I wonder if the anon that posted this is still around to see what he wished for come true.

>> No.76804650

If it was a failure why are you spending so much time and effort trying to get us to stop?

>> No.76805233

Rosemi get out of there you can do better as an indie ;_;

>> No.76806249

you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.76806379

nta but everyone whose left EN has become an indie though.

>> No.76806467

Kuro and Matara send their regards.

>> No.76806839

The only way to affect him is to hit the bottom line so hard that even he feels the ripples.

Just fucking hope the ones you like flee the ship as fast as possible and with as little collateral as they can manage.

>> No.76807831

If they don't enjoy being human shields for management they can leave at any time

>> No.76809068

that's what i said, everyone who left EN has become an indie

>> No.76809272

Youtube is actively removing subs from all channels, it is a normal process. Most people grow faster than they lose so there is a constant churn of subscribers that is mostly hidden from view. The well has been poisoned to the point that most of NijiEN are not attracting enough new subs to combat the normal churn. On top of some actively unsubscribing still, but that has most likely slowed down by now.

>> No.76810121

Counterpoint: Sana has lost 3k over two years

>> No.76810277
File: 121 KB, 852x574, thermocline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet the future refused to change

>> No.76811812
File: 80 KB, 289x247, 1715215221487364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insult your core audience by making your new costume a combination of a Japanese Ronin and a Rice Farmer while drawing pubes on your face.

>> No.76813782

when someone I'm subbed to starts being dumb I give them a grace period to stop. since nijien keeps being stupid they keep going past this point for more people

>> No.76815130
File: 35 KB, 576x1024, 1711525105933703m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The invisible man

>> No.76815748

I love /news/ OCs, and this is definitely one of my favorites.

>> No.76816022
File: 1.20 MB, 1784x2160, 1714935327648874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think this is the best one, partially because of how well the /vt/ themes work with the original Hogarth.

>> No.76816413

Cryoatic wasn't relevant for a decade and was practically inactive. Every normie was making videos about Niji. Not the same thing

>> No.76816453

But nijicucks told me it was negligible lmao

>> No.76816493

What is the worth of 220k to 1.4m subs when your ccv is under 1k and most under 500?

>> No.76816866

Subcount, especially on youtube (less so on twitch where CCV is king), is still a relevant metric.
For indies more subs equates to better offers from sponsors, for big traded corpos is an element to lure new investors or reassuring existing one about the state of the company. Cover's Q4 report had an entire slide favorably comparing this specific value (in aggregate form) with data from other companies, notably Niji.

>> No.76816985

Besides the drama, they're fucking boring to watch, unless you're a delusional fat chink woman.

>> No.76817139

Sub count isn't relevant at all. I have seen channels with millions of subs not even get past 50k views all the time. Subs are a meme metric

>> No.76817285

If there was no war why do you sisters SHIT UP THE CATALOG. How about you start accepting the fact /vt/ need the negativity you daily bring to this place. Look at your latest target with Sayu. Concentrated bullying and being a bunch of assholes. One or two threads is fine but you made 22 of them fucktards. You try and pass off having no accountability for your actions. Guess what. The schizo rrats collected was a concentrated effort by everyone who had enough of your shit. Your company doesn't apologise and neither do you. So I welcome sinking everything associated with you assholes to the fucking Mariana Trench.

>> No.76817317

*doesn't need. Fuck you sisters are insufferable and get everything you deserve at this point

>> No.76817397

>Sayucuck seething despite no one ITT mentioning her
Hope you're ready to buy her rimjob package when her Vtubing career falls through

>> No.76817411

>I don't think it's about Selen, even if she was the catalyst.
It basically confirmed all the rats about the management being hyper incompetent/abusive or done by some of the talents themselves
The Selen case in itself is fucking bad since no person that worked in any even somewhat normal company can watch the black stream without going "wtf even is this" but that it validated all the other claims is the real nail in the coffin.

>> No.76817430

hi roseschizo

>> No.76817549

Zaion stuff resurfaced and sisters hate her for trying to fuck Claude.

>> No.76817826

read again, blindchama, I was talking about scarle

>> No.76817861

you're blind too. read again, I was talking about scarle

>> No.76818214

Sister, the good ones (Rosemi, Scarle et al.) know that we'll come back if they leave Kurosanji. Your shitty black corpo does not have a monopoly on this space.

>> No.76818564

This is amazing

>> No.76818801

why the hell do you assume it's "sisters"? You do realize that 90% of catalog posts are just random schizos who like to fling shit and have no affiliation with anyone, hell most of them probably dont even watch streams at all. They just do it for the lols and to watch the chaos, because they're terrible people that hate themselves.

>> No.76818863

I realize that, he was just a prominent figurehead I could use. Swap in Bill Gates or the Zuck or anyone else. But Vince's shit never trickled down to his former employees, people don't hate every wrestler just because Vince is a greedy psycho bastard.

>> No.76819350

funny that sounds just like what a seething sister would say

>> No.76819929

>ruining completely innocent bystanders careers
How are anons ruining anyone's carreer by shitposting /here/ ?

>> No.76820244

I did. I was mad as fuck when the news dropped and unsubbed from all of them except Elira somehow. I still don’t know how I managed that when I was specifically looking, but I only realised I was still subbed when she popped up on my feed two months later.

>> No.76822972

