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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76735746 No.76735746 [Reply] [Original]

Anything you'd like to say in post, /vt/?

>> No.76735782
File: 224 KB, 1024x576, Live Riku Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes here's the best part of the stream

>> No.76735824

>Two backstabber join force
I would watch my back if i were mint or doki

>> No.76735870

What you going to do fatty?

>> No.76735887
File: 1.91 MB, 1960x1814, @ricegnat[5].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they'll be fine.

>> No.76735921

Oh no how scary, sissy.

>> No.76735960
File: 1.05 MB, 1265x1200, niji shipper mental illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ruined my elipomu and ocnlw ships.

>> No.76735987

riku is still richer than both doki and mint combined, the boss of the billionaire corpo will never get cucked by his former livers. not even kuzuha is above riku. show some respect, anon.

>> No.76736041


>> No.76736052
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You cunts can't even get doxxsite back up or even prop up the last 2 gens from being 3 view shitters and you think you're going to do something?

>> No.76736057

Riku sucks zhang dick every day.

>> No.76736079


>> No.76736100
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I'd rather you watch your livers

>> No.76736157
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>had to do a naked dogeza to the investors because of his fuck up

>> No.76736169

That doesn't mean he's not a cuck which he is

>> No.76736202

Elira would have known ninimanagement was stealing Pomu's fangifts. Elira probably got her fan letters and gifts. It's actually amazing in hindsight how much elira hated pomu, while pretending to be her friend.

>> No.76736204

Is he? Because I'm pretty sure if his stock crashes any more he's gonna be out of a LOT of money.
Come to think of it, isn't there a report coming out soon?

>> No.76736205

dont forget even yugo was there too
kek sayu got left out

>> No.76736215

++ Gura
+ Doki Mint Matara
- Sayu
-- Elira & Co.
I remember Elira's last totsu with Pomu. The threads hyped it up but I knew she was a snake all along. I'm glad Mint finally landed on a side.

>> No.76736258

Sayu isn't the only ex-Niji who wasn't there

>> No.76736259

I do wonder what Pomudachi/Famelira’s are feeling right now about this

>> No.76736273 [SPOILER] 
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Riku working hard to earn all that money

>> No.76736294
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>meanwhile the whore of babylon is dropping below Finana and Aia in CCV

>> No.76736311
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>I would watch my back if i were mint or doki

>> No.76736343

I'm glad Doki and Mint aren't on bad terms with each other or anything but I also don't feel the need that they SHOULD collab frequently or be good friends just because they did and were back at their previous employer
I'm glad they have people they enjoy collabing with and doing content with and I enjoy both of them as content creators but fuck I want to forget the bullshit nijisanji put them through, why is everyone so stuck on the drama

>> No.76736352


>> No.76736438

I never liked Elira and always felt they never had chemistry beyond being early vtubers who had a bit more experience with authentic JP culture.
Now that the new alliance has been formed, it's clear to me as a Pomudachi that she's found who her true friends in this business are.

>> No.76736522
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even Enna is so scared of being a 3view, lmao

>> No.76736539
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>Mint and Doki LITERALLY had sex live on stream

>> No.76736669

nothing else, sister

>> No.76736769
File: 122 KB, 529x513, IMG_1776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna tear down the toxic house that you built elira

>> No.76736812

Learn better English

>> No.76736891

The problem is that vtubers in general constantly walk around eggshells in terms of who to associate with. This in turn only causes everyone to play schizo detective and make rrats.
Like it's fucking insane that we have to stalk twitter follows and shit just to know 2 people aren't ghosting each other or are on bad terms (which definitely can be a thing as seen with Sayu)

>> No.76736895
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What do you think?

>> No.76736993

>background pic
Man, it's basically like Obsydia disbanded, and Petra got transferred to Ethyria while Rosemi moved to Lazulight

>> No.76737115

This is what they attempted because Petra filled Nina's void and Rosemi didn't play partner with Selen as often as Pomu did.

>> No.76737154
File: 867 KB, 1280x720, 4dv5ikunm1yb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, Petra literally formed a group with Ethyria called zuttomo.
Rosemi is the last member of obsydia.

>> No.76737170

I saw a screenshot of a sister seething over mint showing up in doki's stream on twitter but I can't find it again, anyone got that?

>> No.76737211

We're winning
Who gives a fuck

>> No.76737348

You can't even watch your own toes sisters. You can hold a knife across the street and I wouldn't be worried.

>> No.76737506

>sisters vs sisters

>> No.76737539

Why the fuck would anyone show respect to that retard faggot nepo bitch. I could easily kick his tubby ass

>> No.76737612

respect is earned, not bought with money

>> No.76737620

Why didn't you invite Sayu...

>> No.76737623

actual pomudachi here. it's pretty clear to me that she's still friends with both elira and doki, based on a handful of other things she's done. I was very happy to hear her have so much fun with Doki this weekend. If she's happy, then I'm happy.

>> No.76737645

Nobody cares about sayu

>> No.76737657

Too high of a risk of her having another menhera breakdown about Niji on stream.

>> No.76737697

Sayu was at a con and thus couldn't have joined. Not that I expect them to invite someone they don't know. I wouldn't even be that surprised if one or the other of them didn't know Sayu was Zaion.

>> No.76737741

But Sayu was a survivor too, just like Nameless...

>> No.76737750

Didnt Rosemi collab with Selen the most last year? Much more so than Pomu?

>> No.76737920 [DELETED] 
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Day 1 Pomudachi here. I am happy that she is happy and that's what matters to me.

Selen was much more focused on FPS in 2023 Rosemi and Selen collab a lot doing FPS games streams like Ready or Not.

>> No.76738045

>a lot of nijien peeps used their pls to welcome back on her redebut and she was happy (Elira deleted her acc when she joined niji so she couldn’t do it)
>some Niji peeps stealth mentioned mint on stream when she redebuted
>mint hang out with the girls in Japan
>she’s friends with matara and has a podcast with her
She’s neutral and friends with everyone so keep coping

>> No.76738138

Matara was on vacation and literally having dinner and drinking with Melody at the same time Wrestletuber was happening and that still didn't stop her from having an appearance there

>> No.76738151

Rosemi was the only Niji girl who shared any FPS taste at all so she did collab with Selen a few times in different FPS games. Reimu could've done it but she was too busy eating up the Ethyria agenda and Maria came a little too late to be a more significant presence in Selen's career, sadly.

>> No.76738198

>Reimu could've done it but she was too busy eating up the Ethyria agenda
Tbf to Reimu she REALLY wanted to collab with Selen early on playing Apex and Selen avoided her like hell (probably because she's bad)

>> No.76738248

>Nijisanji/Anycolor is successful because of their CEO, not their livers

>> No.76738252

Let's give the devil due, I'm not here to start a fight what are the hints she's given that she's friends with Elira? I'm not deep enough into her Niji past to catch them.

>> No.76738289

>one side nearly fucking DIED and had her career nearly destroyed because of the other "friends"
There's no fucking way that's true.
I'm pretty sure Matara's inclusion itself killed any possible hope for Sayu to ever appear in the event.

>> No.76738601

One example would be the videos she uploaded from the trip she took at the end of last year. I won't spoonfeed you the rest in a bait thread, sorry. Matara being in Wrestletuber gives all this even more support, because you either believe that she heel-turned overnight and is Team Doki now, or you believe that maybe the talents themselves don't actually hate each other, and the only real villain was Anykuro's negligent and incompetent management. This is a drama board though, so that kind of take will get you stoned to death here.

>> No.76738614

That part about old Selen and Pomu fits much more Nina and Pomu instead.

>> No.76738936

>maybe the talents themselves don't actually hate each other, and the only real villain was Anykuro's negligent and incompetent management
Sounds like bullshit.
I don't think there are "teams" of nijis and ex-nijis quarreling with each other like there were in a cheap soap opera, but thinking that all the people involved are still friendly with each other behind scenes with no bad blood between them is just as dumb, especially after the black stream and all that preceded and followed it.

>> No.76739055

This is a fagelira btw. He's been trying to push this rrat about everyone still being friends behind the scenes since yesterday.

>> No.76739138
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1709941369473360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is going to need one hell of a fucking excuse for that stream. Like a "they fucking held my family hostage unless I published this video" levels of excuse.

>> No.76739349

>One example would be the videos she uploaded from the trip she took at the end of last year.
My fucking sides, you mean the clip where you barely can hear Elira? And the tweet of Mint saying that she took a trip? Without mentioning going with a friend? Jesus, what kind of cope is this?

>> No.76739353

yeah, this is what I meant
Hope you found your answer though, original anon, have a nice thread

>> No.76739399
File: 82 KB, 429x719, IMG_1756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, keep coping hard sister

>> No.76739411

Elira is fucking retarded, I bet Millie and Enna were accused of bullying and Elira rushed to defend them, similar to what happened back in the day with Mocca.
I don't think they're all friends behind the scenes (they never really were in the first place) but I don't think Elira was a mega bully that pushed Selen into suicide (things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover in the last day). I can easily see Mint being friends with both and if Doki doesn't have an issue with it idk why would you guys would.

Most people involved in discussion of this drama haven't watched Pomu or Selen. Don't e ven bother.

>> No.76739511

>the end of last year
Bitch, she was still in niji that time.
Of course, everything is still "lovey-dovey we family"..


>> No.76739547

>I don't think Elira was a mega bully that pushed Selen into suicide
I don't either. I just think it's fucking disgusting to push out that video, which is why I'm equally upset with Vox, Ike, Kotoka, Hex, and Meloco.

>> No.76739606

>Doki doesn't have issue with it
Lmao, what do you even know?
Are you close friends with doki to know that? You are just the same with your mental gymnastics, lmao

>> No.76739625

>elirafags thinking they can fool anyone
>e-e-elira dindu nuffin! I bet it happened like this!
>please ignore the black stream
>please ignore that she went the private docs
>please ignore how she's involved in other shit and livers go to her for guidance to handle aster's cringe
she will never recover or be forgiven
it's over for your oshi just accept it already

>> No.76739659

>but I don't think Elira was a mega bully that pushed Selen into suicide
Sure, but she was the one who chose to make the black frame frame stream and harass a suicidal person
>(things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover in the last day).
> I can easily see Mint being friends with both
I can't

>> No.76739691

Being retarded isn't an excuse for putting out a hit piece on someone right as they went live with their first return game stream, of a game they really wanted to play, and giving her a panic attack. Like, there's retarded, and there's outright malicious and I don't know how anyone can interpret the black stream as anything but that.

>> No.76739806

>things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover
How can lie so casually sister?

>> No.76739815

>(things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover in the last day)
no they weren't
there are multiple cases of selen beating herself up for management and missing opportunities for being a "brand risk" and getting cuck from hosting tournaments with all branches and lets not forget other shit like Pomu crying in members months ago for missing a once in a life time opportunity and then management hiding the stream after clips got out when Pomu graduated and made all membership streams public
you bootlickers are insane

>> No.76739822

fuck you doki, no one from ex-niji wants to be near you!
pomu, matara are just neutral.. if doki is ok with, then this means doki loves all niji! yey!

fuckin mental gymnastics of sisters are astounding

>> No.76739886

She wouldn't be collabing with Mint if she had

It was tone-deaf and not really excusable even if it was company mandated. But Pomu has been friends with Elira for years so I think she would give her a pass. If you don't think so, great, and like I said before I am happy as long as she happy.

>> No.76739956
File: 18 KB, 1243x169, IMG_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"friends for years" my ass
Im sure whatever this is, this is not something "friends" should have

>> No.76739976
File: 1.63 MB, 1274x1435, 1705689098085242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Pomu has been friends with Elira for years
Elira was faking being friends with Pomu since their early days just so she could leech from her. This screenshot is literally from Mint's debut.

>> No.76739987

>(things were going fairly well before management called her cover in the last day)
Nah, mangement had continuously denied her in both projects and sponsorships behind the scenes and told her she wasn't good enough. That's what lead to her speaking out a few times last year about management cucking her and why she had that "I'll do better in 2024 for everyone" message. She was getting beat down behind the scenes. You can still see the effects like at AN where she was expecting maybe 50 people tops.

>> No.76739989
File: 545 KB, 818x807, 1715498280472477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual pomudachi here
You are not fooling anyone elirafag

>> No.76740009
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>(things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover in the last day)

>> No.76740047
File: 763 KB, 200x200, 1712793594293414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen: "I'm a brand risk and they told me I won't get any merch or promos on 2024"
>(things were going fairly well before managment cancelled her cover in the last day).

>> No.76740057

Sister your lies won't work here. This isn't your doxxsite kek.

>> No.76740072

>collab begging on someone's debut
Jesus Christ, does Elira have no shame?

>> No.76740124

If Selen was getting constantly bullied I can assure you she would have quit when Obsydia contracts expired but she didn't. She wasn't even hitting graduations like Pomu.

>> No.76740169

How new are you? Selen fucking loved Niji and her coworkers despite all the shit she got. It was never about money.

>> No.76740171

I always thought Elira was a bad friend to Pomu, since it was Nina that was there for Pomu when she was depressed. That doesn't mean that Pomu doesn't consider her a friend.

>> No.76740177
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>> No.76740217

Those sisters dont know how being inside a company works.
Things like workmates camaraderie, fake it till you make it, we are family, they dont fuckin know that, lmao
They seem like pre-teen girls/gays doing some absurd imagination on how things work behind, lmao

>> No.76740253

Selen is a fucking doormat. You thought Millie was a bootlicker? Selen constantly fell on knives for Niji. Any time something got fucked up, she'd be forced to head front and center with some kind of apology tweet directly blaming herself for whatever happened.

Oh, there were issues with perms for the fall guys tournament?
No "due to unforseen circumstances, we won't be able to hold the tournament."
Instead you HAVE to go out there and say "Sorry guys I FUCKED UP and it was ALL ON ME and MY MISTAKES led to me being unable to host fall guys tournaments"

>> No.76740282

Is he even a billionaire at this point ? Seeing how the share prices fell, it wouldn't surprise me if he lost most of his fortune

>> No.76740323

>Instead you HAVE to go out there and say "Sorry guys I FUCKED UP and it was ALL ON ME and MY MISTAKES led to me being unable to host fall guys tournaments"
Yeah, that kind of stuff was always a giant red flag that there was something really wrong with that company

>> No.76740389

What this has to do with what I said? I said "fairly well" because she would've quit if she has constantly bullied like some rrats love to say, that's what I am adressing there.

Managment was obviously fucking up stuff constantly and even banning her from making tournaments for some reason, she clearly had every reason to quit just like Pomu and I am not saying that she was actually doing good.

>> No.76740450

>because she would've quit if she has constantly bullied like some rrats love to say, that's what I am adressing there.
Because, again, she fucking loved the company and her coworkers. She was not different from an abused kid who still loved their parents.

>> No.76740500

This is exactly 100% true. The termination notice said Selen didn't admit management was the reason for the takedown of the music video. But the language wasn't clear. Anyone who was paying attention knew that Anycolor wanted Selen to say that the takedown and everything was ALL her fault, and that the management team were saints.

Scum, the lot of them.

>> No.76740593

>loved the company
>her coworkers
maybe select few

my take
>her character she'd been working on for years and the audience it attracted
sunk cost fallacy multiplied by self-doubt issues

>> No.76741893

>bullied like some rrats
Why do you sisters ALWAYS FORGET:
Selen: "i was bullied, toxic environment(no name drop)"
Anycolor: "she was bullied, BY HER COLLEAGUES"
Colleagues: "for me, it was not some sort of bullying"

These are all receipts, and you still have the audacity to create your own reality? wtf

>> No.76742295

Same with Pomu, they were both complete bootlickers who leapt into the line of fire for Niji constantly.
The fact that Niji STILL managed to mindbreak them into ragequitting is a fucking incredible feat.

>> No.76742553

He was a billionaire due to his shareholding of Anycolor (40-45%) back in late 2022 - according to Forbes worth 1.1 bil USD at that point. Anycolor shares were worth 5000+Yen at that point. It's pretty much halved now in 2024. To top it off, the yen is the weakest it's been vs USD in the last 5 years. He's got 3-4 pump and dumps under his belt and apparently comes from a wealthy family, but even then I doubt that's enough to offset the extreme tanking of the stocks and the very weak yen. he's still filthy rich but he's not in the big boys club anymore

>> No.76742644

Shipfags are the worst

>> No.76742686

The keyword there is constantly. I don't doubt that they said nasty things to her or that they had bad blood between them and this might have influenced her to quit and have suicidal thoughts, but constant bullying? Doubtful, Selen is not a child, in fact, she's pretty damn smart, I am sure she would've quit before Pomu if that was the case, hell she even collabed with some of the people who were accused, like Enna and it was not a one or two time thing.

I am not saying Elira is a saint here, just that you guys tend to overdramatize everything. Like that rrat that she part of some shadow managment which led to her bullying Selen out of stuff, which doesn't even make sense since Selen got a LOT of fucking merch.

>> No.76742785

>It's okay, they were only abusive pieces of shit SOMETIMES
please listen to yourself.

>> No.76742802


>> No.76742884

This, just look at pomulen fags.

>> No.76743118

Anon, please fuckin think for a sec!
The coffee MV is already a blatant farewell video(which includes freakin all of them).

I'm 100% sure she plans to EXIT PEACEFULLY after that. But she then got terminated, and then slandered! That is where the domino started.
Gurrat didnt materialize out of nowhere, it has proofs.
If you want someone to blame, fuckin blame NIJI since theyre the one who said the bullying came from her colleagues

>> No.76743737


>> No.76743833

i didn't say it is okay though, and I am not saying that Doki or you guys should forgive them for it. I am just saying that it makes sense Mint forgiving Elira when they were very close friends, especially if she didn't participate in any bullying and just did that black screen video (which still is really bad, mind you).

Well, I do blame Nijisanji and I do think they're piece of shit company and I am really fucking glad that Selen and Pomu are both free from that hell and are straight up much happier now.

I understand why the gurrat exists and that a lot of it makes sense because a lot of pieces are just talking points from /nijien/ itself stitched together but a lot of things are big reaches. I truly believe that Elira is favorited over other livers (hell, her 3D got shilled by nearly every big JP liver meanwhile Finana and Pomu got nothing), but making her into a big shadow managment? It just starts to go into conspirational stuff at this point.

But I am tired of discussing this, I don't blame goons for feeling strongly about this. Let's all just be happy that they're together again.

>> No.76743951

You're delusional

>> No.76744028

>The keyword there is constantly. I don't doubt that they said nasty things to her or that they had bad blood between them and this might have influenced her to quit and have suicidal thoughts,
>but constant bullying? Doubtful


>Yeah, I believe that they said terrible things to Selen and that they pushed her to try to kill herself
>But I'm sure they never bullied her before!

What? Selen reached her breaking point only because the harassment was constant. She didn't think about just quiting the job, she tried to kill herself because she was so used to be treated like a piece of shit that she didn't even understood it was just a job. And that only happens when the harassment is constant and systematic.

>> No.76744060

>she didn't participate in any bullying
Then why the fuck was she named in Doki's document

>> No.76744158

The black frame stream was already a form of bullying, and Elira has no fucking excuse for being part of that shit. Imagine if things went wrong and Doki tried to make a 3rd attempt after seeing her friends backstabbing her in public.

>> No.76744227

Come on, stop wasting our time and say already that Selen has BDP.

>> No.76744255

It's fine, we can still just shit on Sayu, we're all united in that

>> No.76744274

how many riku use to make the comp share stay up to 2k share...?

>> No.76744288

Selen doesn't have BDP but everyone hates Sayu

>> No.76744369

>Attacking doki doesnt work so let me move to Sayu
Sisters are pathetic

>> No.76744418

What works works. Even Doki hates Sayu

>> No.76744421

lmao like clockwork
Can't wait for the Q4 report

>> No.76744545

>respect people because they're rich
lmfao, no

>> No.76744581

Q4 report won't change that everyone Sayu wants to be friends with hates her

>> No.76744610

Being involved in the situation is more than enough reason to be mentioned. Which is very likely what happened to Vox since they collab in multiple projects during her Nijisanji time and even put some of his money on some of her projects.

>The keyword there is constantly. I don't doubt that they said nasty things to her or that they had bad blood between them and this might have influenced her to quit and have suicidal thoughts,
>but constant bullying? Doubtful
Nothing contradictory here

>What? Selen reached her breaking point only because the harassment was constant. She didn't think about just quiting the job, she tried to kill herself because she was so used to be treated like a piece of shit that she didn't even understood it was just a job. And that only happens when the harassment is constant and systematic.

And Pomu never noticed/Selen never told her? Extremely doubtful. There's literally 0 evidence of this and I doubt a Dragoon would think like that.

>> No.76744758

It's ok, Sayu not being popular won't change the fact that the organs harassed a suicidal person

>> No.76744836
File: 443 KB, 1024x742, 1716711020059712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cope from elirafags is too strong

>> No.76744860

I genuinely don't understand why the sisters keep trying to use Sayu as some kind of gotcha, how braindead are they?

>> No.76745040

only thing they have left. its to steer attention away from the daily niji fuckup.

>> No.76745044
File: 88 KB, 678x669, 1702007843933918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me Elirafag or sister as much as you want, dramafag. I actually never even liked or watched Elira. I am just not 14 years that thinks life is like a soap opera.

>> No.76745062

Becaus she's easy. All the other retirees are popular and loved while Sayu's hated. So, there's no pushback. Because, c'mon, let's be serious, if Sayu wasn't the worst Doki or Mint or Mata would have at least responded to her by now

>> No.76745104

The retirees are managing to makee Sayu suicidal all on their own, so it isn't like Nijisanji has a monopoly on that

>> No.76745168

What's this supposed to prove other than you're definitely a sister?

>> No.76745255

>if Sayu wasn't the worst Doki or Mint or Mata would have at least responded to her by now
Other way around. Doki, Matara, Mint, Unnamed and every other ex niji are all garbage people for ignoring Sayu's plea.

>> No.76745292

>Admitting to harass people they consider an easy target
Thanks for being honest about being a terrible person

>> No.76745313

Sayufag please.
Your oshi is literally the EN equivalent of Mike Gato

>> No.76745352

You can believe that if you want but what most poeple see is that there is only one outlier everyone hates so the problem must be her

>> No.76745365

>keeps dicksucking Elira
>n-no guys trust me im not an Elirafag ahahaha

>> No.76745394

See, this guy gets it. Lets be real here too, Sayu herself has said she's worse than Mikeneko.

>> No.76745486 [DELETED] 

Cope harder, sis and fuck off please.

>> No.76745597

As long she's not getting involved with niji en workplace environment and cliques

>> No.76745933

Elira publicly attacked Doki's reputation AFTER the suicide attempt became public knowledge, dumbass. If i was Mint, I would be disgusted for sure.

>> No.76746194

>Nothing contradictory here
There's no contradiction, I'm just calling you out for being a retard. If Elira and the rest were comfortable with saying terrible things to Selen when she was in the middle of a clear meltdown, it's probably because they were used to do that kind of shit. "Doubtful" my fucking ass.
>And Pomu never noticed/Selen never told her? Extremely doubtful. There's literally 0 evidence of this and I doubt a Dragoon would think like that.
Pomu already said that she was sorry for not having done enough. This kind of corporate bullying is not done in the open. Everyone was aware that there was something happening, but no one realized how bad things were until it was far too late to do anything.

Sister, just fuck off, you are disgusting.

>> No.76746200

>Anycolor: "she was bullied, BY HER COLLEAGUES"
We're resorting to just making things up now huh

>> No.76746428
File: 8 KB, 542x200, 1716808075227007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving an abusive and toxic environment can only make you happier.

>> No.76746439

Retard, Selen wasn't the first to claim that she had issues with her coworkers. Anycolor was.

>> No.76746521

Anycolor was the first to claim that Selen claimed that she had problems with her coworkers, which is something you could have figured out yourself if you read at above third grade level.

>> No.76746742

Watch your weight instead, sister.

>> No.76747111

>trusting the word of a soulless billion-dollar corporation
Yeah, no, I don't think i will, thanks.

>> No.76747536

Man, if Elira didn't do that black screen bit she wouldn't have tanked the branch reputation beyond repair and lost friends.

>> No.76748323

damn, that's Quinn levels of raid retention

>> No.76750172
File: 8 KB, 835x285, 1716743905820515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget last december on the doxxsite

>> No.76750404

Pictures taken moments before disaster.

>> No.76750416

As much as I feel bad for the hell she was dragged through, I can't deny she's still fucking radioactive. Girl needs a good break this year before reaching another breaking point.

>> No.76750527

I'm still appalled that despite how much he was vouched for and raided into by some of the biggest indies and his former coworkers, people outright rejected him back into the low 3view territory

>> No.76750764

Why? It proves that people aren't actually completely braindead.

>> No.76750860

The backstabbers are still in Niji thoughbeit

>> No.76750907

well, it's the big twitch indies audience we're talking about here

>> No.76751275

Yeah. I feel bad for her. Nobody believed her at first, and she only got exonerated once someone more popular than her went though the same gauntlet. I can't blame her for feeling jaded, but I hope she can grow past these unfortunate circumstances. I feel like what she needs is a streamer friend she gets along well with and can lean on.

>> No.76751366

He's bending over to his daddy and uncle. What a cool dude kek

>> No.76751546

We only do a little bit of bullying on Sayu please forgive us. What a bunch of human trash.

>> No.76751637

I can easily imagine all the assholes I know liking Elira, Enna and Millie.

>> No.76752299


>> No.76752449

The only one i remember was when Kiara met enna, millie and allegedly elira. It was the same day she met mint, so sisters went apeshit saying "see? Mint is still friends with them, so doki is a menhera liar". In reality nobody said they all hung out at the same time.

>> No.76752814

Isn't his grandpa some sort of commodities guy? He probably gets dunked on at family reunions by the mining and oil guys over doing entertainment.

>> No.76752895

For Pommers to pick a side this blatantly and publicly after the black stream must mean whatever Elira did behind the scenes was so unconscionable she couldn't stay quiet. Crazy shit, man.

>> No.76756774

So in the end, nijien was lying about Doki?
