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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76735101 No.76735101 [Reply] [Original]

>oh, a sponsored collab I'm not a part of! What should I do about it..?
>Should I talk with my colleagues or my manager about it and say that I really like NBA and it'd be great to be able to join? That'd be very professional of me!
>start vagueposting on X, start shitting on my employer and my coworkers just for the sake of it?
She really is a psychopathic grifter. Yes, WE GET IT. Leaving Nijisanji is a great way to boost your popularity, but if that's your only idea for your personality, at least be less on the nose about it.

>> No.76735183

*insert that claude picture*

>> No.76735194
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>> No.76735250

Remember, when you feel slighted or treated unfairly at work, always talk to HR because they are definitely there for you and not to save face for the company and prevent possible damages.

>> No.76735334

Not very subtle Elira

>> No.76735369
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>> No.76735711

Right now is the perfect time for nijis to air their grievances publicly. Wtf is management gonna do? Suspend her and have #WhereIsVivi trending? Terminate her and turn her into Doki 2.0?

>> No.76735816

Her 2 oshis Selen and Pomu already left, she needs to fucking leave as well ASAP, there's literally no financial incentive to stay in that black company.

>> No.76735916

this unironically, if there's any good souls left in there (which i doubt) they should take advantage of the situation and make issues public if they want any change

>> No.76735942

Burn it all Vivi, burn it to the ground.

>> No.76735947
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Normally it would be pretty immature, but in this case you have to look at the bigger picture. Sabotaging Nijisanji benefits humanity as a whole. It's like if you're a POW and the enemy is making you do forced labor. Of course you should look for every chance to sabotage the enemy's war effort. And Nijisanji is the enemy of all people with any good in their hearts.

>> No.76736129

She's not trying to be reasonable retard, she wants out of that shithole

>> No.76736225

What colleagues everybody at niji is a rat

>> No.76736592

Come on, Vivi. Blow the whistle.

You know you want to do it. They're tormenting you by cutting you out and you're making so little money that you cry over spilled food on stream. What else could you have to lose?

>> No.76736787

She doesn't really have a personality is the thing. She's an NPC that simps for FGC figures and the two former stars of NijiEN. She downloads her opinions from other people, pretty typical Asian American girl behavior. Did she ever finish a 4 year degree?

>> No.76736795

Luca posting on this website will not get vivi to sleep with u. Stop trying.

>> No.76736805
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Yes, Vivi. Quit Nijisanji. What could you have to lose?

>> No.76736992

Eh, not like anyone ever gave a shit about him anyway

>> No.76737029

Me: I mean apart from when Enna still considered him useful kek

>> No.76737522

Pfft. This guy thinks NijiEN organs have managers.

>> No.76737565

Of course they do, anon. They need SOMEBODY to private the 15,000 dollar video.

>> No.76737591

who is this?

>> No.76737652


>> No.76737901

How do you know she didn't do that for previous sponsored collabs, management lied to her and said "next time" multiple times, and it's gotten to the point where she needs to air it publicly to get them to change?

>> No.76738108
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>thinking it would change

>> No.76738263

Always better to try instead of letting them win

>> No.76738286
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Why are nijiniggers like this

>> No.76738310

Not really, unfortunately.
Sayu tried and look where that got her.

>> No.76738518

Doki DID and look where it got her.

>> No.76738618

Vivi's power level is a lot closer to Sayu than Doki

>> No.76738655

enna's boytoy

>> No.76738908

I love this meme. It makes me laugh so hard and is applicable to so many situations. I love it.

>> No.76739122

>Collaboration partner
Your fucking collaboration partner doesn't give a shit about your shit Collab as long as you pay their logo to slop on your shit merchandise.

>> No.76739288

that's so weird, I think any one who wanted to join have never encountered anything like this before did you just fucking ask?

>> No.76739328
File: 58 KB, 270x304, theasterssigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that and *sigh*posting were the only good things to come out of all of this.
oh and the millie copypasta

>> No.76739422

So many seething holoniggers. Did they get cucked again?

>> No.76739494
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The funny thing is that the NBA collab WAS a big W for Nijisanji, except Vivi somehow managed to turn this into yet another Niji yab.
Every time it looks like Niji is about to get a W some organ fucks things up royally.

>> No.76739507

>Unprompted holo
Every time. Also sisters are one to talk about getting cucked. Or did you memoryhole Enna going to a ryokan with Diego already?

>> No.76739563

>holo out of nowhere
rent free

>> No.76739641

>The funny thing is that the NBA collab WAS a big W for Nijisanji
according to who?
I haven't seen a single person think it was a good idea, basketball fans don't watch vtubers and vtuber fans don't watch basketball

>> No.76739747

Are sisters already pointing their knives toward Vivi?

>> No.76739903

How is it her fuckup? How does representing the company favorably in this case benefit her?

>> No.76740054

Reminds me of that story of POWs in one of those SEA islands during WW2 where they sabotaged to runway Imperial Japanese had them build.

>> No.76740059

>nijisanji had to pay so they can shill some shitty acrylic stands
>they wanted the audience of people that despise anime and weebs, mostly black people that watch fucking basketball
A win based on what exactly?

>> No.76740107

You forget one important thing.
He isn't a breedable woman

>> No.76740176

Potential W for Niji

Assuming they manage to get more "normies" in.

This Collab is more beneficial to niji than to the NBA right now.

The NBA might like to some of the merch "whales" to their side, audience numbers might be down but broke weebs who won't pay for cable/streams aren't the solution

>> No.76740232

Bruh what?
Most Vtuber fans, hell even some Vtubers hate Sports or at least think they're stupid and most Sports fans still think anything nerdy is to be mocked and ridiculed.
They're mixing Oil and Water trying to make gold.

>> No.76740316

>he thinks black hood niggers are gonna buy a fucking Vox acrylic stand and start watching Niji (not to mention that since this is just niji merch and not an actual collab/sponsorship the NBA hasn't even mentioned this travesty).

>> No.76740396

It's an opportunity of their talent, if you saw Hololive or Idol do something like this you'll scratch your head, but still say "Well at least we'll get some cool merch".
Currently everyone is trying to milk negativity from Nijisanji, so people were more skeptical then normal, but it still was relatively ok, even if a bit of baffling move.
Vivi's comment completely shifted the conversation.

>> No.76740456

>Should I talk with my colleagues or my manager about it
Apparently they didn't see any need to talk to her about it, whilst still inviting her genmate, so it's just acting in kind.

>> No.76740504

There's no way this would expand their userbase. The only thing that happens out of this is that Niji sells some merch to the diehards and rare crossover NBA-Vtubing fans.

>> No.76740576

My "JWU" brain could list ten different things Niji could.cillab with that make more sense and money than this.

>> No.76740654

Yes, but do these 10 things want to collab with NijiEN atm?

>> No.76741412

Why do they want to collab with people that hate them

>> No.76741593

Also if you don't air any grievance you will be damned as part of the problem and shuned even after you reincarnate after the inevitable doomfall of your company. So it's not only about being able to do without repercution, if you don't there will be long standing reperution. Well unless you are Enna, Millie, Elira, Vox, Uki (and generaly the rest of the m*les), those are lost cause and should probably start trying to find a 9/5.

>> No.76741980

>The funny thing is that the NBA collab WAS a big W for Nijisanji
the funny thing is that no one cares about the NBA collab, i kid you not, no one cares except here just for shitting.

>> No.76742048

>Assuming they manage to get more "normies" in
normie? ah remember asmongold, critikal and mutahar already spread the niji "sins" ? lmao you think its gonna be a W? when the victim is literally under the spotlight with her success as indie with wrestletuber recently?

>> No.76742159
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>> No.76742578

She can fucking leave and join the clique that ruined nijisanji, get all the fucking grifters out of niji.

>> No.76742598

Fuck off millie

>> No.76742761

Only Black people see the NBA?
See some highlights and see the audience on the courts you Will see something specially in non big cities.

Btw the NBA has an international reach, Asian countries specially and what Asian country REALLY loves the NBA?
Not everyone that uses the internet might be aware and some could be aware might not have the patience to go through all the details and even doing that might just believe Niji instead.

>> No.76742923

Americans are only 4% of the world population and most of them can't even pay medicines or go to a doctor, you really think that investing in NBA merch is a lucrative idea?

>> No.76742959

you know that she wasn’t informed about this before and learned about the collab from the tweet? im sure she would have asked if she even knew it was happening

>> No.76743704

>some anycolor intern is actually here defending this disaster

>> No.76744092

>Not everyone that uses the internet might be aware and some could be aware
lol no
asmon critikal an mutahars reach are very widespread and the moment someone new looks at niji those 3 will be the first thing that comes up

>> No.76744592

>Should I talk with my colleagues or my manager about it and say that I really like NBA and it'd be great to be able to join? That'd be very professional of me!
Proof that this didnt happen before the tweets?
Also who

>> No.76744835

That says less about how much disposable income Americans have and more about our stupid Healthcare system

>> No.76744845

You will be surprised finding out thah many Zoomers/normies can't search anything.
They could take a dip on the stuff and maybe watch the evidence against Niji because of the algorithm.

Niji is banking on that. New people that won't care.

Will it work? I hope not but we never know.

The average American might spend on anything but medical/healthy stuff.
They are that dumb.

>> No.76744914
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Its not about collabs or big opportunities its that she aint a part of ANYTHING.

>> No.76745041

why are sisters so personally invested in how a fucking company is doing or when its receiving any perceived slights

>> No.76745077

maybe she should stop trying to shittalk her colleagues?

>> No.76745166

Where's the YIKES

>> No.76745204

They oshi the stocks for a reason
If the stocks fall their only solution is suicide

>> No.76745229

Claude is in like half of them too.

>> No.76745290

Hanamori buff.

>> No.76745321

Here’s the problem: she was never given the chance to appeal to join. She found out there was an NBA sponsor when we did.

>> No.76745454

Why was there an NBA collab anyway?

>> No.76745548

Do these people not realize the NBA probably has no idea what Nijisanji even is

>> No.76745551

Chinese connection

>> No.76745602

The perks of being Male in Nijisanji

>> No.76745666

Hm? FGC? Figures? A girl? This girl? LONDON?
*cums on walls like it's paint and leaves a trail of cum which leads to my house like a bowerbird*

>> No.76745677

doomp it

>> No.76745742

>she downloads her opinion from other people

Sis, no one is hunting down primary research in 2024 and none of it is replicated anyway. Literally you, and everyone you know, are a collection of downloaded opinions in every way you dislike in others. There has never been a value to opinions.

A realist is just a cynic about everyone but themselves.

>> No.76745831

Nobody is turning into Doki 2.0. That was a once in a lifetime moment. Vivi has not been in the company nearly long enough to pull that off, not to mention she does not have tons of goodwill with the community like Doki had. It is still better for her to leave.

>> No.76745994

More like Zaion 2.0 .

Another Anon pointed out before

>> No.76747276

Nijinigger thread

>> No.76749431

i liked her streams but i will not watch her as long as shes a niji

>> No.76751504

she based

>> No.76751593

She's already in the graduation queue so she doesn't give a fuck and it just shitting on niji out of spite while she can, based

>> No.76752153

you guys didnt seem to care when selen did the same

>> No.76753837

Why hasnt he had a brain blood vessel explode and died yet

>> No.76753907

I hope she pulls more shit like this, it's honestly pretty amusing watching people lose their minds over it

>> No.76753983

a bold fusion, i like it

>> No.76754082

THey have been since the nba collab miss

>> No.76757020

>massive asshole
>shit model
>still 3 view, was 3view in the corpo
>but no corpo cut now
My brother in Christ this is an argument in favor of quitting Nijisanji, not against.

>> No.76757088

that's what she gets for not sucking the lucock

>> No.76757158

going by the people left out of the collab, we got

>> No.76757423

That looks like it's mostly the lowest CCVs aside from Meloco, Hex, and Rosemi. So those three are more suspicious.

>> No.76757479

anon kotoka is in the collab and she's been dead for the past 3 months

>> No.76757495

Meloco is actually probably the top girl right now because she pretty much caters to JP.
Hex is completely disconnected from the drama.
I doubt either of those two care about the NBA collab at all.

Rosemi though...

>> No.76757633

She'd more of a Sayu than a Doki. You need to be part of the Golden 20 for that level of prestige.

>> No.76758678

people literally showed that Hex went on his PL complaining strangely around the same time Vivi and Aia did
>b-b-b-but it was about his computer breaking!
yeah sure
That's implying the rest of this "golden 20" can do what Doki did when the majority of the remaining ones are pieces of shit and was never integrated in the vtuber and artist community the same way Selen was

>> No.76758789

There won't be another Zaion 2.0. The Zaion smear campaign worked because Niji had some reputation and the sisters hated her. If Niji tries it now, they'll lose the EN branch. Only the most fanatical supporters would believe it again. If they try it with Vivi, she'll leave with a career boost, though not as big as Doki's, while Niji will get even more hate towards the company and the livers.

>> No.76763049

Now do the Millie one

>> No.76763193

Isn't Scarle pretty high on superchats though and the most resilient to any of the CCV losses since selen's termination? If they're after money, she's absolutely worth promoting right now.

>> No.76763258

Scarle is the person who get the most money out of SC in Niji, she cultivated a small but rich AF fanbase

>> No.76763321

see, anon, promoting an organ with an audience with some of the most disposable income is expecting too much from them

>> No.76763813

She didn't retweet the black stream and is therefore ignored.

Come to think of it, she hasn't done collabs much even before Selen was fired. She really is just in her own lane over there.

>> No.76763967

Can you please stop using my oshi to shitpost?

She didn't even say anything noteworthy, you guys just latched onto it and assigned your own meaning to it.

Please. Go outside and have a normal life, I'm begging you.

>> No.76764082

I still don't know what their collab with NBA is about lol.

>> No.76764087

She brings in a bunch of money not because she's a good entertainer, but because she streams for an ungodly amount of hours, most of which is her having conversations with whoever sends her a superchat. Hard to market someone like that to the masses.

>> No.76764100

Get off of /here/ and go give her more superchats then, Nijifag. She's been in the red since debut and has breakdowns over food.

>> No.76764132

Post membership

>> No.76765482

I will watch her once she leaves Niji

>> No.76765874

that's her plan

>> No.76765977

nba logo on the acrylic stand, maybe if we are lucky they photoshop on the correct teams jersey

>> No.76766388

Stop noticing things...

>> No.76766574

Visiting The Black Mamba crash site gone wrong?! ft.Elira & Millie & Vanta (type shit) :shy emoji:

>> No.76766875

>Should I talk with my colleagues or my manager
expect they never even talked to her this was happening LMAO

>> No.76767042

How many times do we need to remind Anons that NBA doesn't sponsor anyone.
You buy a license from the NBA to make your own merch with.

>> No.76767393

fuck off finana you backstabbing bitch

>> No.76767507

The NBA probably picked an easy metric out of a hat to determine who to collab with during negotiations.

>> No.76767647

Enna's top CCV girl right now, followed by Rosemi and Elira. Meloco is 4th behind that squad.

>> No.76767898
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He will not, but I will, and btw, I agree, she should bail, she simply can't capitalize on anything in Niji

>> No.76767942

Holy shit, they DO NOT clip the girls. I'm willing to bet money the few clips they do have are from collabs with the guys

>> No.76767947

What does she have left to lose? Both her oshis left, she only got to collab with them like once or twice. Her wave got the total short end of the stick; only Claude somewhat benefits cause he's a corpo dicksucker, her and Kunai only collab with each other or people outside of niji. She only benefits from leaving at this point, unless she doesn't want to abandon Kunai she should just pull the trigger.

>> No.76768050

Kunai's PL also made some strong signals that she's leaving. I assume by the end of the year both of them will bail.

>> No.76768075

Well, she had her collab with her good friend Aster at least.

>> No.76768101

If she bails out now, she won't reap the profits.
Look at Kyo, who's at the fucking bottom now. First - you got to make yourself a victim, like Pomu, Nina, Mika and Selen. THEN you can quit. That gives you a ton of paypigs who want to save you.

>> No.76768168

No need to make yourself a victim when Nijisanji are on hand to do that.

>> No.76768254

I think the victim boost is over, at this point the only benefit of leaving will be not sinking with the branch. Which is a good enough reason to leave.

>> No.76768270

What is her PL?

>> No.76768329

From her member streams I see that her member audience is actually quite big for a chuba with no advertising and every bigger opportunity besides mario kart being well, not within her grasp. I think she can transfer them rather seamlessly to her PL and stay as a comfort 3 view. She's nowhere near insufferable as Kyo was, in general her image is that of a cute, dorky girl, so my guess she'll do fine.

>> No.76768574


>> No.76768679

well, she has one buff: not being quinn

>> No.76768752

>>76767898 (me)

To add to that, she knows about other big projects she will not be part of. I like her, her model is sexo, but she will get nowhere in Niji, and that'd be the case with or without their current PR.

>> No.76768766

>187k subs
holy shit that's more than double than what she currently has

>> No.76768788

Kind of hard to ask to be apart if a colab when it’s already announced

>> No.76768878

Yeah, crazy, especially that's not her.

>> No.76768905

>while on my heist I met some silly ghost trying to steal the loot
Holy shit, they are fucking GONE. I'll support them when they escape from prison.

>> No.76768943

Don't mind me, I thought about other one, I'm dumb.

>> No.76769206

>absolute worst case scenario you remain a 3view but no longer have to give the company a slice of the profits
Literally nobody in Niji has anything to lose

>> No.76769368

>Leaving Nijisanji is a great way to boost your popularity, but if that's your only idea for your personality, at least be less on the nose about it.
What's her personality? "Smarter than the rest of Niji"?

>> No.76769508

But that is her? Her twitch point to that account.

>> No.76769553

I already corrected myself, you were right, I was thinking about someone else

>> No.76769579
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she is simply too professional for NijiEN
she makes the others look bad

>> No.76769592
File: 35 KB, 406x375, Screenshot 2024-05-27 162346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop talking.

>> No.76769687

So fucking professional she'll renew her contract.

>> No.76769737
File: 66 KB, 732x419, 1695725454583071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder they were left out of the NBA thing

>> No.76769808

>not hinting at a third member

>> No.76769879

If he wanted to hang out with them he could have just fucking asked

>> No.76769911

if he wanted to be mentioned, he could just fucking asked

>> No.76769977

>Assuming they manage to get more "normies" in.
Sorry, did you not get the memo? The NBA isn't promoting them. At all. In any capacity. It's on the page itself that it's purely going to be merch.

>> No.76770131

I don't give a fuck, I hate niggersanji. Negative claims against them require no proof and I hope the entire company burns to the ground and riku becomes a homeless tranny or something. Anyone that supports niggersanji or says something positive about them is a turbofaggot or a fat slanty eyed landwhale

>> No.76770320

In a way it’s incredible how petty NijiEN is.

>> No.76770332

Tell me how I'm wrong, especially after her last stream. She will do nothing in Niji.

>> No.76771068

I think that anon was annoyed with people implying he was larping, when he had a 6 months membership.

>> No.76771071

>by the end of the year
I wouldn't be surprised if the Niji contract was longer.

>> No.76771108

To be fair
>They don't have any fans and Niji barely makes a profit out of them
>They are probably already on the graduation queue
They never had a chance of getting in the NBA collab. Not telling them about it was a dick move tho.

>> No.76771367

It's not like Nijisanji can do anything to them, anyway. If they are already reactivating their PL accounts it's because they are on their way out.

>> No.76771509

What if Niji without a portion of their monthly profits?

>> No.76771529

Nijisanji is really good at scaring their vtubers into compliance.

>> No.76771700

Nijisanji WAS really good.

>> No.76771743 [DELETED] 

I'm still amazed they managed to convince Selen she was to toxic no brand would like to work with her. Like, she believed it so hard she initially went to drastic ends. Who knows what insane cult shit the remaining livers believe.

>> No.76771919

Stop making shit up you crazy person.

>> No.76773595

Honestly It'll be interesting to see what happens today, she has a stream in less than 6 hours so we'll know if they do something.

>> No.76773633

Not only this, Vivi just straight up hinted a comeback on her PL
She'll probably be gone before the year ends

>> No.76773820

Funny thing: both accounts were locked before these tweets, then Mogu posted the sad emoji the day that sajam tournament was happening, and now a Frieren quote talking about "coming back home"

>> No.76778268

she's based

>> No.76779828

They don't have monthly profits to begin with.

>> No.76781478

brother if they're having a meltdown over spilled food they're not taking any significant money home

>> No.76781967

I want to see both of them graduate at the same time, so sisters can't ignore Claude's nepotism being the only reason he's still around.

>> No.76782550

Claude is doing well for himself. And is a male. He has a reason to stay.

>> No.76782755

She has some really interesting connections and it's possible she could get a raise on her return, especially since her PL model is pretty cute, plus Mint is not going to waste the opportunity to have the equivalent of a little ghost sister to collaborate with her

>> No.76784331

>She has some really interesting connections
Did Niji fuckup again?

>> No.76785138

Why did you remind me of that video.

>> No.76786694

I would as well, but mainly because I have the worry that the main thing stopping either from leaving at this point is that they don't want to leave the other alone in there, which seems like a very messed up situation for them to be in. The past week must have been the biggest eye-opener for Vivi in terms of just how blatantly they're not offering support though. It isn't even just not being informed at all about a sponsored collab happening, she wasn't told about the wave debuting either and had to adjust her schedule for it after the fact. She's ironically too professional for them, and I feel bad since it's probably pissing over her goal of making it into a corpo to prove she's capable and worth it. Nevertheless she did do it and should be proud of that, but shouldn't let that idea or anything hold her back.

Personally though I'd just want her to be able to stream more games without having to deal with perms bullshit which is bound to be getting in the way too. It's just a shame the model would go to waste, while I like the ghost the current one fits her perfectly and is great besides. Still that's not a good enough reason to put up with such a mess.

>> No.76787091

Sayu lost faggot

>> No.76789145

They haven't realised every other corpo fanbase is clowning on their ass.

>> No.76789193

god, i forgot how much bootlicking she did back in the day. they really got to her with that song-perms stunt, huh. takes a lot to make a girl like her quit.

>> No.76790710
File: 241 KB, 500x500, 1702100087263127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me cancel my membership.

>> No.76791064

based, anycolor doesn't deserve your money

>> No.76791268

Schizos are really forming conclusions on a vague tweet like this?

>> No.76791551

Thank you Millie, Very Cool

>> No.76791894
File: 124 KB, 312x560, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mogs 90% of NijiEN
>Keeps most of the revenue

>> No.76794894


>> No.76796843

>Gets hounded by Nijisisters as low hanging fruit
>Ex-nijis and their new orbiters live rent free in her head

>> No.76798200

Ah yes, "schizos".
The same sort of "schizos" that could tell Selen was stealth suspended when everyone else was eating the cover up.
You know, the ones that looked at Pomu's "vague tweets" and could tell she's discontent, and is likely to bail months before it happened.
We really should take our meds...
...or maybe we just have some fucking pattern recognition.
