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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 686 KB, 1064x728, 38294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76708673 No.76708673 [Reply] [Original]

Why do small corpos buy subs? Why buy 100k subs for someone who gets mogged by her genmate with 60k less subs?

>> No.76709139

It was done specifically to make (you) question it.

>> No.76709509

VnU us just using up the last of its venture capital money before it goes under. Korean capitalism. Please understand.

>> No.76709523

Not my small corpo. Don't watch grifter small corpos.

>> No.76709562

Want us to compare nijisanjis sub to viewer ratio lol

>> No.76709617

Why do you think they tried to charge Serafi 500 fucking thousand dollars?

She had to pay back all the bots they bought for her instead of actual fucking support.

>> No.76709707

All the small corpos are black companies except for my small corpo.

>> No.76709725

clearly they forgot to buy the bots too because otherwise she's sitting pretty at a 99.93% deadsub:viewer ratio. which is.. pretty bad.

>> No.76709764

hello /pkg/

>> No.76709940

production kawaii outlines all other small corpos. Many corpos come and go but production kawaii is eternal.

>> No.76710090

It makes sense, they seem to want to be the Korean Nijisanji. They held auditions days after gen 3 and gen 4 debuted

>> No.76710464

Won't youtube remove the bot subs?

>> No.76710650

If you watched V&U, you would know that Maeve is an open and unabashed numberfag who goes out of her way to try and gain subs via the algorithm, using clickbaity thumbnails, shorts, etc. Hololive members have millions of subscribers and yet they aren't all actively watching simultaneously, this is nothing out of the ordinary

Serafi got plenty of support, stop pretending to know how business and Korean law works just because some YouTube grifter covered it.

>> No.76710845

Because Mr. Kim is paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to YouTube for ads for these literal whos to artificially inflate their sub count.
VnUfags try to act like this is a good investment as seen by the cope above. Too bad their oshis will be send a $500k itemized list just like Serafi if they try to leave before their 3 year contract ends...kek

>> No.76710941
File: 44 KB, 334x296, Logo_of_South_Korean_feminist_website_Megalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serafi got plenty of support, stop pretending to know how business and Korean law works just because some YouTube grifter covered it.
>actually defending a company that charged 500 fucking thousand dollars to leave and threatened legal action publicly

>> No.76711124

Proof about the invoice?

>> No.76711128
File: 69 KB, 900x900, v&u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black corpo

vnuggers are the worst, the guy who brags about doxxing serafi is especially trash

>> No.76711258

You can't be serious.

Who the fuck charges twenty THOUSAND dollars for "etcetera"?!

>> No.76711524

Serafi was doxxed in the farms by her dramafag viewers
So no proof about an invoice with the amount you claim?
Your whore is about to quit her indie too faggot, this is why you're bitching here?

>> No.76711906
File: 968 KB, 1750x1078, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no proof
yes i'm sure serafi created an adobe esign document with forged krw prices for everything on this list. i actually don't mind the girls in vnu, but why are you in the korean defense force? you can't possibly think vnu isn't a black corpo unless you're 60iq right?

>> No.76711939

>doubling down
Man, I hope Hololive seriously fucks out of Korea. That place is an actual cancer on the planet.

>> No.76711953

V&U are an actual braindead chink corp with no future
suri's a cutie though, rip

>> No.76711982

>65 viewer for 100K subs.
That really get my noggin joggin.
So what is anon standard for unsuspicious number for viewers : subs ratio?
For me, if they got 100K subs, they should at least be able to pull 1K view. So basically around 1% of their subs. Unless it's an old channel with lots of dead subs like Pewdiepie.

>> No.76712156
File: 103 KB, 983x633, maeve subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

63K to 100K in 10 days, organic growth.

>> No.76712304

Kek, showing the list of how much they wasted, no retard you're talking about an invoice show me proof of that

>> No.76712420

Nene has 300k and she barely pulls 3view unless she's doing gfe

>> No.76712847

this one is the NTR corpo, right?

>> No.76712890
File: 29 KB, 853x87, eslchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go eslchama, your own corpo saying they sent her an invoice! you admit they sent her "how much they wasted" so here are the words from the horses mouth themselves saying it's an invoice. how does 2cm korean cock taste?

>> No.76712906

They should at least get 100 viewers right? Hell 300 isn’t asking too much.

>> No.76713117
File: 171 KB, 414x449, 9+49814469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like the polar opposite of Phase Connect as a corpo.

pic related is Dizzy with 36k subs but 1000+ ccv

>> No.76713124

I hope all you slanderous fags are prepared to pay $20,000 for... uh lets see... it just says "etc" here...

>> No.76713156


>> No.76713222

>"Amount she may have to pay to terminate the contract"
Does Mr. Kim's cum taste like kimchi?

>> No.76713278

And you wonder why NijiKR collapsed on itself...
That country is somehow even worse of a shithole than goddamn mainland China.

>> No.76713408

Faggot working delivery can't understand how negotiations work

>> No.76713624

yeah man they definitely sent her a list of all of the costs of these things to let her negotiate it. how was it being deprived of oxygen at birth? serious question

>> No.76713827

deflect deflect

>> No.76713873

I like some of the VU girls and that is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.76714946

Am I missing something or has it just been proven that girls outside of chinkland can just do whatever the hell they want with no repercussions?
im all for it so far but

>> No.76715407
File: 216 KB, 1080x1080, esl brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i'm the one deflecting here, for sure.

>> No.76715592

which small corpos aren’t?

>> No.76715876

>Roughly calculate
thanks for proving my point retard

>> No.76716219

An invoice isn't a "rough calculation", its an exact set of charges. Have you never paid a bill in your life? Does your phone provider let you "negotiate"?

>> No.76716455
File: 472 KB, 2269x617, pixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder of what the small corpo landscape actually looks like.

>> No.76716550

That's my point...she never got an invoice, only a list of how much they wasted

>> No.76716784

any corpo that encourages vertical dual streaming is retarded

>> No.76716864
File: 78 KB, 1043x106, holy fucking retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does this paragraph mean if the document they sent her isn't an invoice? they just showed her the list for fun? despite them publicly claiming they WANTED to negotiate so she WOULDN'T have to pay, and she refused? there's just no way you're this fucking stupid

>> No.76717244

I'm beginning to feel nauseous from how fucking retarded you are wow

>> No.76717518

>I want to quit
>You're gonna need to pay
>How much
>This is how much we wasted
Normally at this point people negotiate so they don't pay the full amount but she just ghosted and never talked with them again
Its obvious you can't understand something like this because if you quit they just hire someone else to deliver the food

>> No.76717593

Drink some bleach

>> No.76717859

so you're claiming that they just sent her that list for fun, then? just to rub it in her face? even though they threatened legal action towards her publicly. guess they just wanted her to look at the list and not pay it? alright! great argument

>> No.76718014

>1view vs 1view
Uh...okay? If I were them, I'd probably focus just a little bit less on subs and more on getting to people to come watch

>> No.76718152

Me: No seriously, there are people with those same sub counts who manage to be at least mid to high 3views. These CCVs are grim as hell

>> No.76718569

v&u is dying, the latest gen barely pulls 50 ccv on a good day, and one of them already checked out and fucked off

>> No.76718647

imagine being so petty that you seethe about a literally who corp having more than 1 sub

>> No.76718838
File: 341 KB, 1125x572, download (49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vdf claims vnu sent serafi a list of prices for no particular reason
>y-yeah well you're petty for caring that our 1 views have more subs than your oshi!!

>> No.76719016

>Poorfag delivering food can't read
I'm shocked...

>> No.76719104

Maeve had like 20K back in Jan. That's impressive.

>> No.76719215

Are you admitting this thread was never about how many subs the talents in this corp had, and was actually about shitting on the corp for the Serafi bullshit but you had to hide that from the OP for some reason?

>> No.76719321

is this "funny man" in the thread with us right now?

>> No.76719352

How much is Funnyman paying you guys this time?

>> No.76719422

He's probably playing with her right now

>> No.76719507

Does woozie have $500,000? Just asking

>> No.76719755

kek the retrofaggot is here too

>> No.76719809

I mean it’s kinda related but not for the reasons anon stated. VNU is very clearly blowing assloads of money on fruitless endeavours that bloat their talents’ numbers for the investors but don’t actually help the talents gain real fans or advance their career, resulting in ridiculous invoices like the one above. Regardless of what amount VNU is actually asking her to repay the concept of doing so in itself is stupid since the company is the one making the wasteful monetary decisions and fumbling the promotion of their talents. It’s not a contract that’ll hold up in the court of any non-retarded country.

>> No.76720143

Retards already backtracking

>> No.76720174

Don't sign a 3 years contract and then try to bail after 1 year then, it's that simple. Read the contract first and ask for 1 year instead next time.

>> No.76720289

Not to mention that V&U was professional about it while Serafi decided to publicly shit talk the corpo by calling it “Baby Nijisanji” to try and leech off of the Dokibird drama. And not only did she do that, she did so mere hours after they debuted their new gen (real fucking classy).

So not only is she a lying menhera cunt, she’s also proven herself to be a lying and selfish menhera cunt who’s willing to sabotage the debuts of girls who had nothing to do with her out of sheer spite.

>> No.76720736

Miori is closing in on 500k and she can barely pull 1k on a good day. On a normal day she pulled like 500-600 on avg. But then again, Tsunderia happens.

>> No.76720782

She thought it was like her job as a waitress, she walks all the time

>> No.76720811

What does Woozie have to do with VNU, didnt she retire after briefly coming back as a tomatoe mouse?

>> No.76720965

shiki, nene, the myholo girl

>> No.76721088

You would know about tasting cum since you’re clearly guzzling LegalMindset’s by the gallon

>> No.76721245

She's retired all right.

>> No.76721399

Wait, did she not? I thought she gave up after few indie streams

>> No.76721431

Nene averages a Finana or less for gaming or chatting streams but 1-1.3K for ASMR, at 300K subs

>> No.76722010


>> No.76722170

Don’t write a retarded contract that won’t hold up in court (and makes you look like a black company in the eyes of the public) and bleed away all your money on shitty promotional tactics and maybe your company wouldn’t be dying.
Between the single girl being retarded and the professional corporation being retarded the retard corpo is by far the more embarrassing one.

>> No.76722335

This, why even make contracts anyway? They can never be enforced. Just ask a talent if they want to work and keep giving them money until they call it quits.

>> No.76722508

Why is vnu dying? Give me facts not your "I feel" bullshit

>> No.76722690

Wait who is she now? I only came to this thread cause I recently started watching Spectra and I was upset with how she got jerked around with her cover because management fucked up perms.

>> No.76722922


>> No.76723208

Basic common sense? VNU has a rich parent company which is why they can spend shitloads of money advertising to hell and back, inflating subscriber numbers, and making 3D content. They’ve stated themselves they’ve greatly expanded staff and hired animators for VNU. But with the kind of numbers the talents are doing there’s no way they’re making back their initial investment. Just look at the numbers they sent Serafi. Unless by some miracle their next wave hits it big (unlikely unless they finally learn how to properly promote their talents) the gravy train’s gonna end since a capitalist Korean corporation isn’t a fucking charity.

>> No.76723422

Nigga I don't give a fuck about how you feel or what you think, if you're saying they're dying you must have something concrete

>> No.76723528

What’s concrete is the numbers. The numbers the talents are making. The numbers the company is spending. Do some basic math, and stop acting like a retard on purpose.

>> No.76723660

Yep, companies like VNU definitely shouldn’t write contracts. They should take lessons from literally any other corpo who’s managed to successfully write fair and enforceable contracts before even trying to write another one on their own. Should ask them for marketing advice too while they’re at it.

>> No.76723860

Alright nigga, show me the numbers, how much are the girls earning from supas and members and show me the corpo budget

>> No.76724451

I’m not gonna hold your hand if you don’t know how to use socialblade, scroll up in a thread, or reason out that 2 views aren’t making enough to sustain dozens of new employees. Mentally develop beyond first grade, nigger.

>> No.76724471

Lol, I never watched any of the other VNU girls.Thanks, anon.

>> No.76724743

Fucking kek, you retards can't hang for shit
I'll give you points for making laugh

>> No.76725002

vnu is part of maro studio, the people they hired are not working only for vnu stuff you faggot, at least get your info right

>> No.76725666

They’ve expanded their VNU staff. It’s a whole team dedicated to this failing vtuber shit. You’re the one who needs to do your reps, faggot.

>> No.76726023

they have 50+ people, maro studio also have 50+ people, you don't need to be a genius to understand the people working there are working for maro studio and vnu is part of their work, if you wanna talk shit at least do reps properly lame ass faggot

>> No.76728918

all small corpos are either violently botted like phase or just get subs that dont represent their usual ccv
