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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 330 KB, 532x476, pic-selected-240526-0710-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76672336 No.76672336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And then you don't even play 1, you play le reddits' pick. When 1 and 2 are objectively better games to stream from both a technical and gameplay perspective.

>> No.76672429

>1 & 2 are completely different games for genre, gameplay, system and production value.
>Plays the popular one.
Kiaraschizo you need more pills.

>> No.76672438
File: 1.59 MB, 1020x1802, 20240526_172349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiwawa...

>> No.76672471

>When 1 and 2 are objectively better games to stream
Stream them, then.

>> No.76672495


>> No.76672562

The main duo in the show are an interracial couple
So of course a girl with a history like Kiara will enjoy it

>> No.76672567

what /v/ moment

>> No.76672602

>>1 & 2 are completely different games for genre, gameplay, system and production value.

>> No.76672628

i want to fuck the orange woman so bad.

>> No.76672631

Thank you for the advertisement, i love fallout streams!

>> No.76672649

>1 and 2 are objectively better games to stream from both a technical and gameplay perspective.
when i played 1 i had to reload almost every combat encounter because i would be killed instantly when i was critted for >200 dmg despite having 8 endurance and power armor

>> No.76672679

New Vegas is really the only good Bethesda age Fallout.

It's also the pickme version because most normies choose Fallout 4 instead. Only true retrofags play anything before Bethesda.

>> No.76672690

New Vegas sucks now. I remember when you was able to murder children in it

>> No.76672691

she's just a slop guzzler, she also liked the raangz of powa

>> No.76672843
File: 898 KB, 713x889, b8kwiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say this, she's always on point when it comes to having game-appropriate props ready for these streams.

>> No.76672885

>when I walked straight towards new vegas I had to reload almost every encounter cause I kept getting killed by cazadors

>> No.76672990

Those are women show anon. She also liked game thrones I don't see you mentioning it

>> No.76673036

This is cultural appropriation.

>> No.76673061

fallout games have always been slop

>> No.76673078

>New Vegas is really the only good Bethesda age Fallout
Reminder that the only people who say this are so deep in modpacks that the base game is a mere whisper of a suggestion. The game is trash and only a hair better than fo3.

>> No.76673170

This is literally true what do you not understand?

>> No.76673181

how is that at all comparable to getting instantly killed in the best armor in the game because of a dice roll

>> No.76673236

OP is a schizo, but he has a valid point. Bethesda's fallout sucks balls. Yeah, they made the franchise popular, but at what fucking cost? I'm glad after starfield disaster people are starting to wake up.

>> No.76673243

Nope. fonv was good when It came out. The only games I replayed were 1 2 and nv. Each as they came out. 3 I played twice and use saves. 4 I didn't even make it through once.

>> No.76673280

wasn't the show based on three? dumb phoenix

>> No.76673360

These playthroughs always suck because you can’t play the radio. Really loses a lot of appeal

>> No.76673379

Ends with NV.
It was a fun game. I didn't go in expecting a CRPG because I'm not retarded like others.

>> No.76673384

I'm confused as to why you would go to the 3d games if you liked the story of the show? The 2d ones have a much cleaner narative, specifically 1. And you could beat it in single stream.

>> No.76673408

More popular

>> No.76673493

>When 1 and 2 are objectively better games to stream from both a technical and gameplay perspective.
Nigger Fallout 1 is not better than anything from a technical or gameplay perspective. If you really want a game more in that vein you are better off playing Wasteland 2.

>> No.76673588

4 is more popular than nv objectively. If you are going by critical reception than 1 is more popular objectively.
Enjoy your walking and looting simulator stream.

>> No.76673592

Are you finished with drinking Todd's cum?

>> No.76673621

>I'm confused as to why you would go to the 3d games if you liked the story of the show?
Because it borrows most heavily from Fallout 4?

>> No.76673659

do you really have to drum up such retarded excuses to hate her, just say you don't like, no need to be a sperg about it

>> No.76673675

3 > every other Fallout game just because it has an actual story and point to it that isn't complete dogshit

>> No.76673676

The entire Fallout series is bad.

>> No.76673679

>Enjoy your walking and looting simulator stream.
Rumao I'm not watching Kiara. You are just blatantly wrong about Fallout 1 being a good game.

>> No.76673699

Lets be honest. She just saw Ame 2x her average views and had to wait for some reason to play it.

>> No.76673709

>vei plus fallout nv
>kiara plays fallout nv
>vei plays subnautica
>gura plays subnautica
hmmmmmmmm I'm starting to see a trend here.........;

>> No.76673789
File: 855 KB, 1508x1368, BIG kusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it has an actual story and point to it that isn't complete dogshit
Jesus christ.

>> No.76673835
File: 308 KB, 859x722, lol, farming humans for super mutant stock wouldn't work because... IT JUST WOULDN'T, OKAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout is the Rick and Morty of video game series. Tries too hard to be deep, relies on "lmao it's just silly sci-fi bro stop taking it so seriously, everything is really just meaningless," when it doesn't know how to finish a story or deal with plotholes. Even the "good" ones are written by the sorts of people who think they're smarter than they really are.
Ame did.

>> No.76673838

Well I just tuned off her stream I had enough of her yapping and and there's no point in muting her. I tried kfp. Sorry.

>> No.76673841

>wasn't the show based on three?

No the show takes place years after 76.

>> No.76673858

I hope your favourite game gets popular on reddit too anon

>> No.76673861

Because the 3D games are objectively better experiences for newer players.

>> No.76673867

kill yourself you retarded faggot. Wasteland is shit you can only use the one of 2 specifically crafted ways to complete a quest. In fallout I can pickpocket a bomb into Gizmos pocket if I feel like it.

>> No.76673896
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>> No.76673902


>> No.76673927

>saves twitter posts
Argument discarded.

>> No.76673940

>He's this triggered by Fallout 1 being shit

>> No.76673967

go a step further
>the 3D fallout games are objectively better experiences than 1 and 2

>> No.76673992

If she was playing 1 she would be rescuing Tandi.

>> No.76673997

Todd....she doesnt play games made by SHORT people.

>> No.76674004

>I'm confused as to why you would go to the 3d games if you liked the story of the show?
Show is built on 3 and NV most of all. NCR characterisation is directly from NV, Mr. House is prominent in the show and first season even ends with the promise of Vegas being next.
This is blatant number farming for Kiara.

>> No.76674017

2 is fine, 1 has aged like a rancid turd.

>> No.76674030

Obligatory reminder to new vegas fags to praise Todd Howard for giving permission and allowing Obsidian troons work on THE Fallout game.

>> No.76674035

As someone who is actually old enough to have played 1 and 2 when they came out this is absolutely complete bullshit
zoomer hero-worship nostalgia of the beloved yet flawed games of my youth is so pathetic

>> No.76674049

I don't know how people can stomach playing NV and 3, these games are so fucking ugly it's insane.
There are old games that aged like wine, but this shit aged like a glass of milk left in the sun.

>> No.76674085

>Mr. House is prominent in the show
He's a cameo bro

>> No.76674135

Are the songs not dmca?

>> No.76674151

She loves Rings of Power
Don't expect good taste from Kiara

>> No.76674186

Kill yourself larping zoomer, there is literally an unbroken record of me praising fallout since 1998 to 2024 online

>> No.76674221

Jesus, that is GRIM.

>> No.76674227
File: 521 KB, 803x411, FO02_NPC_Myron_G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these games are so fucking ugly it's insane.
But enough about 2.

>> No.76674249

Produce it then

>> No.76674292

Post receipts.

>> No.76674302

She just made a sauron reference. Pepepains

>> No.76674303

>fonv was good when It came out
Anon, NV is famously unplayable out of the box. It took weeks of patches to be able to make half the quests work, and many still break without mods.

>> No.76674342

I played 1&2 back then, and loved them. I replayed them recently, and loved them. Back when I was a kid I didn't understand even half of how fucking good those are, as a man in mid-30s, I appreciate those games so much more. Especially F2, it's so good.

>> No.76674368

Sounds like console fag shit. The only quest that broke for me was helious 1 and a reload fixed it.

>> No.76674382

it has that old charm at least. 3 and NV have low res stretched textures and dogshit lighting, it's the curse of early 3D games.
And the piss filter, can't forget about that.

>> No.76674408

Great game, hope she has fun.

>> No.76674420

I forgot, if you play a female character can myron rape you or does he just rape an npc.

>> No.76674442

If I had to choose between 1/2's graphics and 3/NV's, even with the piss and puke filters I'd pick the latter as "aging better". The guns alone in that game are better than 2's Dusty Mechanical Sandbowl Town #13.
Now as for the gameplay, that's where the arguments begin.

>> No.76674445
File: 1.40 MB, 1238x717, 3nyafn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 has an actual story and point to it that isn't complete dogshit
I had to double check that I wasn't on /v/. You're a fucking mo-ron.

>> No.76674484

>it's the curse of early 3D games.
Yeah, only Fallout 3 isn't an early 3D game Bethesda are just incompetent.

>> No.76674499

I look at it like this: Wawa has repeatedly stated that she only really likes fantasy. The fact that she's trying out an RPG that has guns in it potentially opens the door to a Mass Effect playthrough one day.

>> No.76674560

Now you've done it. There going to post about the chosen one now (even though there is an obvious difference between a dying tribe with mystics and your fucking childhood friend going full retard)

>> No.76674563

Just play Wasteland 2.

>> No.76674568

It is for Bethesda when you consider they're stuck like 10 years in the past and the distance between them and the present is only increasing.

>> No.76674628

Fallout 1 is a fantasy game.

>> No.76674635

Charm, sure, but that's subjective. Art style goes a long way and I certainly remember more areas in NV than I do in 2, albeit not many.
Never played with one so fuck if I know, but I do know you can kill him with basically no consequences.

>> No.76674684

They both have their flavor of shit to choose from. I never managed to finish any of them even though I played them all.

>> No.76674685

>early 3D games.
Just because the engine was only slightly changed from when Bethesda started doing 3D games does not mean that it's an early 3D game. Sure Morrowind was an early-ish 3D game, but by Fallout 3 the textures and lighting had fallen behind the average.

>> No.76674693

There has literally never been a good Fallout game.

>Fallout 1 - Buggy piece of shit, half the quests legitimately straight up don't work, writing is straight up fucking ass in several places like the Khan encampment near Shady Sands
>Fallout 2 - Story is a straight up fucking mess, basically college students writing a fanfic for Fallout 1 with shit like "duuude what if the vault dweller went up north and started a village and, they, like, started worshipping him, and like, there were ghosts, and talking deadclaws, and gangsters, and like what if the vault were EVIL"
>Fallout BoS - universally accepted to be a shitty failed attempt at copying jagged alliance, no redeeming features whatsoever
>Fallout 3 - Writing is complete shit once again but now it's combined with Bethesda(tm) gameplay where you walk around for hours in a bland wasteland theme park with a janky ass combat system that literally required the VATS crutch to be at least remotely playable
>New Vegas - Fixed writing but somehow turned the wasteland even more bland, now you get to enjoy the same bland Bethesda(tm) gameplay but somehow in an even more bland environment, enjoy walking around the map for two hours doing literally nothing
>Shelter - a mobile cashgrab
>Fallout 4 - Bethesda straight up gives up and tries to fix the problems of 3 by turning the game into Borderlands with Minecraft elements, drops the idea of being an RPG entirely, writing is shit again
>Fallout 76 - this has to be the abortion of some failed project that they had to force out to make some of the money wasted on it back, it's literally the only explanation I can come up for it
In conclusion Fallout is shit and every fan of it, no matter whether they are NMAboomers or Redditzoomers, should die

>> No.76674713

I can picture it now
>Hmmm I don't really like how this reporter is trying to make me look bad, let me pick renegade just this once
>*Commander Shepard proceeds to knock the bitch the fuck out with his gigachad fist*

>> No.76674736

The main reason people often pick New Vegas as their first Fallout game is because it doesn't have a number after it's name.
Brain logic makes them think it's a spin off and not connected to 1,2,3,4. That way they won't miss out on much starting from New Vegas. I'm not saying it's not connected.... it's just how new people see things and why people pick New Vegas over the others.

Plus Ame already played it before.

>> No.76674751

This better be a /v/pasta you faggot.

>> No.76674806

Let me remind you
>100% save corruptions on entering the vegas strip
>companions cannot fast travel and start running across the map to catch up to you

>> No.76674818

>When 1 and 2 are objectively better games
Better snoozefests you mean

>> No.76674830

>Buggy piece of shit, half the quests legitimately straight up don't work
KEK, zoomie noob failed the quest and thought it was a bug.

>> No.76674847

I hope Kiara has fun with it

>> No.76674852

I would anti anyone who doesn't knock that bitch out, regardless of paragon or renegade.

>> No.76674990

It is now >>>/v/677652453

>> No.76675015

What are you talking about? Fallout is a slight debuff game for Ame.

>> No.76675042

I never found the le wacky apocalypse setting appealing. It's a major turn off for me.

>> No.76675089

I hope the haters will backseat so she will drop this awful game :D

>> No.76675116

If you don't think they are going with the house ending I don't know what to tell you. Yesman they wouldn't be able to do anything with. Legion, lmao. Can you imagine the insufferable writing they would put forth if legion was in control of the strip? And the vault tec fag is not running to the ncr after blowing up shady sands. The only thing that makes sense is he's running to someone who might be able to help and house is the only one that fits the bill.

>> No.76675140

Has anyone else realized that all bethesda games are shit? Like they seemed like they were fun 10+ years ago when you were a teenager, but you try to play them now and you realize how painfully mediocre they are? Shit stories, forgettable characters, floaty combat, like they're just fucking bad games

>> No.76675189

I don't really disagree with you there, but he still isn't prominent in the first season.

>> No.76675237

I'm not saying they aren't good. I still love them along with some other games I played when I was young, like the OG Baldur's Gates. But I'm not going to pretend these games didn't come with massive flaws

>> No.76675248

What about Tactics?

>> No.76675260
File: 556 KB, 718x580, 1531885455078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll pick Legion to be a woman and profligate destroyer right?

>> No.76675261

wawa want that easy sling

>> No.76675315

Fallout 3 and NV are by no stretch of the imagination "early" 3D games

>> No.76675376

They always age poorly because they want to use as much generated content as possible. So after you play it it gets old quickly and loses some replay value. I think it started with daggerfall and it's infinitly generated dungeons.
I bet Todd is seething that he didn't make minecraft.

>> No.76675401

none of you /vt/rannies know what objectively means, stop using that word so brazenly as if it helps your non-argument in any shape or form

>> No.76675407

I haven't watched Kiara since she played Three Houses like a retard, since when did she start sounding hot?

>> No.76675416

why are phasenigs still this butthurt over kiara
if they spent more time watching someone that isnt pippa maybe their failing company wouldn't be the laughing stock of the industry

>> No.76675628

Right? Fallout 3 especially has the worst possible ending without the Broken Steel DLC. Still remember Fawkes just standing next to me when I told him to enter the radiated room and he just said "No can do, it is your destiny to do this not mine" fucking bullshit.

>> No.76675645

She'll solve problems with Boone if she has any sense.

>> No.76675957

The hilarious thing is how they went for the IT IS YOUR DESTINY excuse, rather than just bullshitting some lame but perfectly acceptable nonsense like "The levels of radiation in there would kill even a super mutant!"

>> No.76676173
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>> No.76676220

Zoom zoom

>> No.76676246

Kiara playing a game purely because its getting mainstream attention at the time
how new? This has been her thing since debut.

>> No.76676250

>Can't aim
>Can't shoot
>Can't follow a compass
>Can't identify the waypoint marker on the compass
>Can't keep the NPCs from being killed by a couple lizards
Oh yeah, this is the kind of stream I enjoy watching.

>> No.76676281
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why are eggs like this?

>> No.76676328

>watching women vtuber for gameplay

>> No.76676384

66 mins and then zatsudan

>> No.76676485
File: 65 KB, 289x372, d8ff38b3892752397f7da4973805c5e127551fcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, if you made a thread like this about Mori you'd get banned before even a single reply got posted.
See: when she was playing bloodborne, mgs, earthbound.

>> No.76676499

Ah yes. WitchSpring R the super mainstream game

>> No.76676535

>no, you can't send your immune to radiation companion to go into the radiation place, you have to do it yourself and die because reasons
fucking kek, there's no way this is a real post

>> No.76676637

>play F1 or F2
lol lmao lol

>> No.76676685
File: 114 KB, 912x670, The Plot of Fallout 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have to blow the dust off of this one, it's been sitting in the folder a real long time.

>> No.76676697 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 815x500, 1543084999-ant-fo3-fawkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real, it's in the game unless you bought a DLC one year later and then the game still punishes you for not going in yourself

>> No.76676760

Imagine being a bigger bitchy faggot than Kiara and complaining about graphics when she doesn't lmao

>> No.76676765

>mogged by a rat
No wonder KFP are coping all over the board, this is BRUTAL

>> No.76676808

she will get to primm and drop it

>> No.76677004

He's right. 1 and 2 are like baldur's gate while the 3 game and the ones that followed are all first/third person shooters.

>> No.76677140

Is it though?

>> No.76677171
File: 13 KB, 191x249, Advice Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has trouble with the geckos
>Has trouble with the mantids
>Has trouble with the bark scorpions
>Has trouble with the bloatflies that don't even attack her
We're not even at the powder gangers yet

>> No.76677339

I like FNV becuase we can see who is based and who isn't based on what choices/factions they side with. NCR are cucks, hail House.

>> No.76677355

93 minutes and she's still in goodsprings.

>> No.76677428

that's normal

>> No.76677492

95 minutes and she just talked to trudy

>> No.76677497

She would 100% romance Liara right

>> No.76677509

Well yeah, she's doing the tutorial for realsies

>> No.76677560

>Fun game
Guess I won't be watching

>> No.76677587

Should play Stalker imo

>> No.76677589

Blue woman sex is always the correct option.

>> No.76677592
File: 38 KB, 179x161, 1640410048789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have a low int stat or you make the wrong choices myron will rape you, yes. you will also get made into somebody's bitch sub regardless of gender if you lose to that one mutant in the bar. i lol'd when i lost and wokeup with the ballgag.

>> No.76677595

I wouldn't watch a woman if I wanted competent gameplay.

>> No.76677662

Backseaters in shambles. Wawa is so bad they don't even know how to help her.

>> No.76677701

>Calls other cucks
>Errand boy for an out-of touch boomer
Ironic. Yes man is the only correct choice.

>> No.76677878

>We can be the power rangers instead of the powder gangers. *bu dum tss*

>> No.76677988

Thanks for skipping Caravan,Kiara.

>> No.76678038

It would be -1 hour of reading instructions.

>> No.76678120
File: 403 KB, 500x500, 1651041801758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whhersky....flhurhhh.....OOOOH STICK.

>> No.76678448

>Can I sell?
And then she complains about backseating.

>> No.76678594

>le reddits' pick.
>Literally the "Hitler liked dogs" argument
Reddit liking something doesn't mean you have to hate it, newfag. Otherwise, we'd also need to hate basically every Nintendo game, which would be fucking stupid. That aside, NV has been liked on 4chan in spite of its flaws for forever.

>> No.76678634


Anyway is thisbgame any good i care about exploration not about dialogue trees.

>> No.76678704

Yes. She's such a bandwagoner is amusing. Gets easily swept by trends.

>> No.76678730

kiara sit on my face please

>> No.76678972

>he didn't play Pong as his first game
OP is fake, gay, and bait. You can make the same argument about Pomu and Metal Gear. Who gives a fuck? I fucking love gatekeeping to keep retards, normalfags, and trannies out of a fandom, but this is an instance of retarded gatekeeping. OP is literally territorial over a rotting corpse so that he and only he can slurp the dried cum out of its guts. Fuck you even mad about, you autistic sperg? You ever consider the world would be better off without you? No need to, we all now the answer. If I put you and some /pol/fag next to each other, I'd call you the waste of bandwidth.

>> No.76679159

Spoken like a true redditor.

Get this man his gold.

>> No.76679318

>When 1 and 2 are objectively better games to stream from both a technical and gameplay perspective.
1 and 2 are wrpgs wkth heavy stat gameplay, terrible games to stream. 3 and 4 would provide way more content for a streamer to bounce off of, also i do think New Vegas is probably not the best idea either. But meh, i like Wawa, i just wanna see her play

>> No.76679332

One thing I think /vt/ has a blind spot for is how much more heavily women are affected by trends. What many see as clout chasing and band wagoning is just the normal social behavior of women, which is focused on being part of a group, and participating in that group's activities. Very different intentions from clout chasing.

There's a reason advertising is structured and targeted the way it is. It's because women make up the huge majority of household purchasing decisions, so it's targeted at women.

>> No.76679484
File: 3.83 MB, 640x414, 1691379215539834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see kiara playing NV in my youtube recommended
>oh boy i gotta see how /vt/'s reacting to this one
>full on /v/ thread complete with OP shitting himself over someone daring to play NV and everything
well you sure didn't disappoint

>> No.76679604

>intentionally dodged Witcher because she knew she'd get her shit playthrough compared to fauna
>follows trends
KFP and their mental gymnastics RUMAO

>> No.76679900

If only Kiara would have played Gwent...

>> No.76680011

Is this GOTY version?
Someone needs to lure her to the Sierra Madre.

>> No.76680128

>No counterargument
Keep the gold. I don't need internet points, and your post is reward enough.

>> No.76680228

can you guys stop with this retarded nickname?

>> No.76680288

love me Wawa

>> No.76680428

Yeah, still the best coffee, but Hoagiefest kinda fell off.

>> No.76680457

>wants to play something with numbers and tourist appeal in between long-play JRPGs and kusogaes
>western games don't really appeal to her but American TV does
>a long play where she doesn't have a connection to the story eventually becomes a drag (Nier and GTA 4 were like that)
>watched GoT, Witcher, and most recently Fallout
>going to play Witcher since she likes that show, then Fauna starts
>Falls back to Fallout instead
All of this is objective. Now we will see if she enjoys the game and has a good playthrough or not.
If it ends up being a kino stream series why does it matter how she got there?

>> No.76680639

holds up today without mods easily

>> No.76680781

at least she didn't get the dlc items that make the start completely brainless

>> No.76680821

rent free

>> No.76680931

It holds up without mods perfectly fine. I replayed it like a week ago. Only by the end of the main quest I started installing some mods for the visuals because gamebrio looks like ass. No shadows? No shadows at all? What is this, a game from ps1?

>> No.76680933

She said she just bought the base game, it's cheaper and she might not even like playing New Vegas

>> No.76680981

Wawwers love

>> No.76681210
File: 67 KB, 971x546, 1715260871208521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see that both this game and the orange woman still cause /v/niggers to seethe uncontrollably

>> No.76681631

Who will they even go to to get permission for 1-2? Kill urself.

>> No.76681634
File: 166 KB, 411x364, 1677336689901129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you're one of those subhumans that unironically prefers "Kusotori"?

>> No.76682170

no one on earth is ever gonna beat fallout 1 or 2 in a single stream unless they're familiar with the games already or stream for 10-20 hours.

>> No.76682368

The dude asks you to stop with the teletubbies nickname because it sounds retarded and you accuse him of liking sesame street instead. That actually made me chuckle. Never change, /vt/

>> No.76682374

I like this stream, I hope she continues.

>> No.76682583

3 hours and she still hasn't rescued Deputy Beagle. This is wild.

>> No.76682727

Says the pepapig zoomer.

>> No.76682915

I bet you watch caillou, asshole

>> No.76683060

>Less than 10k on a buff game
KFP status?

>> No.76683427

KFP botted her to beat bae and didn't have enough money as they're all SEA.
Really embarrassing look, seems to be about 2k without bots.

>> No.76684450

>and then the game still punishes you for not going in yourself
Fawkes can go in the chamber but he still cant solve the puzzle to turn the wayer filter on. Having him go in gives you the same results as if you went in yourself and then failed the puzzle.

>> No.76684466
File: 219 KB, 720x560, Screenshot_2024-05-26-18-39-55-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all natty baby

>> No.76684578

and yet she is still better than /v/irgins for the simple reason that she ACTUALLY plays the fucking game instead of just malding and pissing about bethesda being dogshit

>> No.76685055

Unlike fallout 4 you don't have to take everything not bolted down in order to craft stuff. I also think that she would appreciate the stories in New Vegas. They are much better than any other Bethesda fallout game.

>> No.76686190

>she would appreciate the stories
How do you appreciate a story that takes you 10x as long to finish than a normal person? The pacing will be fucked and the payoff will feel cheap.

>> No.76687565
File: 77 KB, 836x344, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure love Fallout 1's abundance of useless perks and skills and side quests where nothing interesting happens besides kill a guy and get a reward.

>> No.76688584

You don't understand how the game is meant to be played. Not every playthrough is a munchkin
Travel time is helpful in a first playthrough.
Money is useful in a very hard, non munchkin playthrough as you can't just get infinite money on normal.
Ranger is useful in some challenge runs with low agility and no healing.
Scout is useful in a first run where you aren't cheating.
Many weapons lack ammunition unless you know exactly were to go.
Might be good for no armor, no heal playthroughs. And/or rping a survivalist.

>> No.76688883

Are you claiming that 1 and 2 are first person shooters? Schizo take, or have you just literally never seen either game?

>> No.76689101

Played both on an xbox 360. What now?

>> No.76689137

incel alert on page 3

>> No.76689146

Gigabased xboxGOD

>> No.76689590
File: 87 KB, 600x900, 1716682386757448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores the dogshit main quest
>slaps anime mod on it
yup its gaming time
