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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76665946 No.76665946 [Reply] [Original]

Live Elira reaction

>> No.76666036

Rent free.

>> No.76666063
File: 443 KB, 1024x742, 1716711020059712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi sis

>> No.76666079


>> No.76666092


>> No.76666133
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>> No.76666219

Unironically good Aia numbers

>> No.76666245
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Wave 10 is fucked.

>> No.76666273

>if you multiplied nijisociopaths by 10x, they would still be less people than doki viewers

>> No.76666614
File: 162 KB, 822x457, 1704750547373981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea

>> No.76666663

Is this real?

>> No.76666735
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>> No.76666775

Elira is probably happy to see that her ex-genmate and ex-coworker are doing well on their new liver-personas.
The rumours of animosity between them have no basis in reality.

>> No.76666894

Who does everybody hate the cunny?

>> No.76666904

that's why she tried to smear doki amirite?

>> No.76666924
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because nijisisters

>> No.76666937

>this is the new lazufag cope

>> No.76666959

This. /vt/ are just begging for drama.

>> No.76666993

she and two other stooges literally made a hit piece on her ex-coworker.

>> No.76667024

Guess we'll just memory hole overlapping Doki's stream with the black screen stream

>> No.76667095
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>my list of kamioshis

>> No.76667413

Poor elira always getting cucked lmao

>> No.76667866
File: 67 KB, 500x463, 65475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we started with
>Mint totally hates doki because no interaction
like gossiping schoolgirls to
>Mint totally hates doki and was harassed and tricked by her fans to view her in that game and giggle at
>yeah they'll never collab though
>actually elira LOVES DOKI
fucking kek this self brainwashing is hilarious to behold.
And just like how every step of the way you sisters were proven wrong you've very likely manifested elira shitting on doki publicly again into existence.

>> No.76669353


>> No.76669540

How does it feel to be so retarded?

>> No.76669738
File: 618 KB, 1280x720, videoframe_7861790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, this feels like some kind of fable where a beloved princess of an otherwise dark kingdom rejects the cozy royal life the throne would have promised her, to finally reunite with a hero knight the jealous queen had exiled. Beloved by the people of the kingdom, the princess and knight flourish among the common folk, who all would lay down their life to protect them, even from the queen's own forces.

Kino redemption.

>> No.76669964

> No animosity
> Shits on her via black stream during a neopets stream where doki almost had a panic attack

>> No.76670171

I know the q4 report is due mid next month. I kinda wish the following would happen the weekend before the report is released or at least a few days ( if it's bad they will release it on Fri afternoon)
>Ex nijien full on collab all of them yes including Quinn. Special guest notGundou and the ID guy. Just pure shithousery
>holo announces new EU/South America gen
>Idol announces takeover by Brave
>PC mega collab with Fillian, Mari_mari and Sayu
Just full on mog every NijiEN stream for a week. Not just the usual mogging like a 20:1 ratio

>> No.76670221

In that case, I await Elira to go AWOL and suddenly appear as a heel in Doki's event.

>> No.76670273

isn't that guy a massive lunarfairyfag and also literal diagnosed schizo? Why would he be mad about this?

>> No.76670339

>free palestine in name
KEK of course it’s one of those.

>> No.76670681

Does anyone have old Nijicopes about Mint hating her to grudgepost?

>> No.76670770

Genuinely those are the absolute only "people" left that simp for Nijishit.
It actually makes a lot of sense too since anyone who actually watches vtubers for its own sake wouldn't simp for a black corp to begin with. But those for whom its only a platform to spread their politics brainrot on it's not a problem.

>> No.76671516

lolicons aren't just gonna like niji just because you debut cunny. I know I don't want to watch another male organ sexpest around cunny.
Sisters won't watch her either, specially if she is trying to appeal to male lolicons.

>> No.76672167

He is apparently mad that someone draws in a similar way as him,also as far as i know he likes oceanlaw not lunarfairy


>> No.76672267
File: 224 KB, 1024x576, Live Riku Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll raise you

>> No.76672588

He only makes that face when play buttons escape his grasp

>> No.76672665

How are the sisters taking this new L so far?

>> No.76672735
File: 110 KB, 1704x470, roachloverpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira is likely more trapped in nijien than even doki was. Shes even got a swarm of locusts that keep following her around.
Was literally in japan during that stream so likely management had her at gunpoint

>> No.76672785

Now this is hilarious

>> No.76672802

Elira was friends with Selen all along

>> No.76672818

It amuses me that Aia used to be the runt of the branch but now, just by keeping her numbers more or less stable, she's now beating out Elira and Finana.

>> No.76673151


>> No.76673299

It's funny how the whole NijiEN arc could be interpreted as an angst yuri romance.
>Pomu constantly flitting with Elira who rejects or ignores her
>Selen's mandatory edgy pre-debut tweet is about stealing Pomu away from Elira
>Selen and Pomu start streaming together and become friends
>Selen and Pomu drift away from streaming with Elira
>Pomu leaves NijiEN, Selen is TERMINATED
>Both are together again in another life
>Elira is all alone now

>> No.76673346

>Was literally in japan during that stream so likely management had her at gunpoint
go back to canada, disclose it, farm public pity
life is not some manga and niji is not some international crime ring, she has first world country citizenship ffs

>> No.76673345

It was all a work...? They weren't shooting?
Kino... I'm marking out !!!

>> No.76673418

By the time she got back to canada she was already public enemy #1
No one would believe her even if she tried

>> No.76673461

He does both though I did forget oceanlaw was his main thing. Reading his twitter and replies it seems like another literal schizophrenic moment again, like his "I'm not really Treker I'm Edgelord 9000" moment from earlier in this year.

>> No.76673607

yeah, so she aligns with the bad guys, that supposedly made her "public enemy #1" in the first place
there's simply being stupid and this

>> No.76673715

She hid for like two months and hadnt said a word about it since. Probably even resigned before pomu left too

>> No.76673722

This is why you don't stream when gooba is streaming.

>> No.76673787

Those dates are friday chumkid

>> No.76673809

Are you confusing him for someone else?he never posted about lunarfairy

>> No.76673888

Twisty's stream got raided 4 times as well and she retained barely any of them

>> No.76675091
File: 157 KB, 2100x1500, 1692653426602003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single person celebrating this where the exact same anons spreading Pomu's doxx back in 2021. You are not fans, you where never fans, you're just drama addicted monsters, happy to have another "own" on le evil black company.
Mint doing this is the equivalent of bringing a rapist to dinner with friends and family.
That fat purple piece of shit couldn't just wait, it was christmas after all, of course replies would be slow, but no, rush it out then have a menhera breakdown, now she prospers and all it took was a little blood to grease the wheels of her success.
I am deeply saddened over Mint doing this, I wasted my time ever making Pomu my kami oshi back in the day.
I wont be one of those idiots that destroys their merch, but I did store it, cant bear to look at her anymore, hope whatever success she finds is worth it.

>> No.76675243

holy mother of all nijiseethe's

>> No.76675274

I'm not a pedophile so I never clicked that shit

>> No.76675343

Going save this post so I can jack off to it later

>> No.76675352

aight sister,now time to sleep for sea pagpag eater

>> No.76675391
File: 87 KB, 880x1062, 1714985802419432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup starfield enjoyer, how're you enjoying things now?

>> No.76675715


>> No.76675741
File: 50 KB, 756x508, HEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i could believe this rrat if it wren't for the black screen video

also picrel, i stumbled upon this tweet trying to find the twitter interaction between Elira and Selen where Selen actually bodied Elira by the end of it...

>> No.76676086

What if Elira was actually held at gunpoint and after she graduates takes no time to collab with Doki?

>> No.76676101
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1690587084466631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint's slowly but surely filtering out the dregs of her fanbase. This can only be considered a win for her.

>> No.76676257

It's more of a case of them preferring the male, and the one who speaks japanese and streams in japanese hours gets the most for obvious reasons. Nijisanji IS still popular in Japan, nobody can doubt it.

>> No.76676303

What were TTT's numbers on the debut day?

>> No.76676355

At least double those

>> No.76676358
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>> No.76676412

My ultimate headcanon rrat is that Elira did the black stream deliberately, perfectly knowing that it will pave the way to success for Doki and will out real bullies (Millie/Enna) in the process. Older sister sacrificed herself and her branch for the younger one.

>> No.76676423

>Mint doing this is the equivalent of bringing a rapist to dinner with friends and family.
Wtf I love Mint now?

>> No.76676456

They levelled out at about 60k
For context ILuna had around 200k before even debuting if I recall. In fact I'm pretty sure that even Lazulight did better than this newest wave, and that was a completely new project.

>> No.76676719
File: 346 KB, 2048x2048, 1710515979754446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama addicted monsters, black company addicted monsters, you're all the same to me and none of you will have any part in Mint's community moving forward.

>> No.76676722
File: 155 KB, 1536x1798, GFuzZK4a0AAYQML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time actually hating on people that I don't know without a shadow of a doubt have done something seriously fucked up. I can't hate Elira, but at the same time I feel that she is getting exactly what she deserves.

She made absolutely zero attempts to support Selen, or even be be neutral. She sided with the company all the way, and now she's stuck on a sinking yacht in the middle of the ocean. The only lifeboat seats left people have already made up their minds about who to give to. Rosemi and Vivi. Finana gets a floaty at best.

Elira, Millie and Reimu are chained to the yacht. They're dying slow, agonizing deaths, which in many ways is fate much worse than a quick one.

>> No.76676813

I love how faggots like you cling to Elira as a demon but totally leave enna alone
Actual brain rot

>> No.76676855

You realize Pomu has said far more and way worse things about your company than Selen ever has, right? I don't know why you're pretending to be a Pomudachi when we've basically been grinning and holding back our words for the better part of her career so as to not cause trouble.
>ditching his kamioshi
Then she was never your kamioshi, kill yourself secondary swine.

>> No.76676904
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>> No.76676950

I forgot Enna. She'll also sink.

That's because I forgot her you fucking retard.

>> No.76676962


>> No.76676979

Not sorry, it happens too often for it to be a coincidence

>> No.76676991

>it was christmas after all
you mean the day that isn't a japanese holiday? the day that didn't last 37 hours?

>> No.76677094

>Every single person celebrating this where the exact same anons spreading Pomu's doxx back in 2021

kek that's rich coming from the person who used a doxx site to shit on Doki and that by the way alluded to Mint's 2021 doxx too

>happy to have another "own" on le evil black company.

njishitter is an evil company, thanks for conceding this, we can least agree on something, an evil company ran by retards and being kept afloat thanks to their retard fans and investors, they are meme company now it's a requirement to make fun of them otherwise you are a nijinigger if you don't make fun of them.

>> No.76677150

I don't really care about anyone who's still at NijiEN, but if they graduate and Doki actually collabs with any of them then it's fine with me.

>> No.76677290

But why not Sayu?

>> No.76677338
File: 309 KB, 900x742, 1679444779435650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was supposed to stream yesterday during wrestletuber but she decided to move it to today instead.
Yea i know her numbers would have not made a dent in doki's stream but she made sure she pushed her stream back anyway.

>> No.76677495

Okay I'll bite (because of some sort of scientific curiosity born from witnessing such a high level of delusion and stupidity), can you elaborate on Selen without using the words "She...she slandered her coworkers !" (Factually not true)

>> No.76677552
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1701496411002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you expect her to do, you absolute mongrel? Do a black stream 2.0? Get the fuck outta here. Mint is not obligated to destroy her career to appease the likes of (You) and for the sake of the black company that FUCKED HER OVER MANY TIMES AS WELL.

>> No.76677570

Selen won the Pomu cup. Always was the superior dragon sister

>> No.76677596

It's time for her to move on.

>> No.76677636

You confuse me.

>> No.76677670

And what was the fucking point of doing that when WrestleMania lasts for 2 days?

>> No.76677712

To watch it while mint and doki were cocasting?

>> No.76677923

The more people tell her this, the less she wants to do it.

>> No.76677976

Lmao the meltdown whore that was part of niji for a month before getting kicked out?
The bitch who loved drama????
Uhhhh maybe that was the only win niji ever did.
Sayu is a snake and whoreminded drama clickbater keep her AWAY from mint my oshi and doki

>> No.76678020

So...if I become a rapist I can get Mint to invite me to dinner?
Did I understand that post right?

>> No.76678058

Because neither Doki nor Mint have any connection to her beyond "got fucked over by the same company". They never interacted back at niji. Having her on might come across as a petty gotcha from Doki, while that accusation can be discarded with Mint, since both of them are friends.

>> No.76678167

Also don’t forget she’s a drama youtuber and after that meltdown and saying that wants to still sell herself out for sex and money

>> No.76678169

Go back to your containtment thread lazufag

>> No.76678192
File: 55 KB, 585x622, 1c78998cb930978e2f9d0aadd023063b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he complaining selen shippers stole a "concept" from him?

>> No.76678205

lol not too long ago you were claiming she was sick

>> No.76678231

Where did i ever say she was sick dramamonger?

>> No.76678244
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>> No.76678294

Thanks for letting me know you're ESL without actually typing many words

>> No.76678329

I don't think 'drama youtuber' describes her well. She's just really fucked up mentally and is in a dire need of therapy.

>> No.76678333

How much would she cost, hypothetically?

>> No.76678351

nta, but
she needs to concentrate on what she has, not on what she doesn't
a person who tries to move on can't connect with a person who lingers in the past grievances
can you name single thing that doki and sayu have in common other than "niji fucked us over"?
can't make non-drama collab content like that, not even mentioning becoming friends

>> No.76678453

>The more people tell her this, the less she wants to do it
The more she obsesses over them, the less people will think of her.

>> No.76678592

So, from what you're saying, she's lying?

>> No.76678629

she's stupid alright

>> No.76678660

>making an excuse to management to not stream over it

>> No.76678684

When niji en is gone and you sisters STILL won't leave. You're gonna have to drop that from your vocab if you wanna blend in.

>> No.76678749

Your picrel is telling.

>> No.76678995

>Le owning le evil black company isn't a good thing
You are too far gone, xir

>> No.76679019

Who, Doki?

>> No.76679086

Obsessing over that word isn't the gotcha you think it is, it merely shows how petty holodrones like you are

>> No.76679173

What do you think sisters are?

>> No.76679303

Only Niji calls their talents that, sister. That's why it's obvious. How have you retards not noticed this after being outed for doing that every time?

>> No.76679304

Sayu, the meltdown audio is grim

>> No.76679328

Okay, let's go down this route. Do indie fans call vtubers "livers"? Do Vshoujo fans? Phase fans? Idol Corp fans? Kawaii fans? Et cetera et cetera?

>> No.76679409

>gotcha you think it is
Keep outing yourself.

>> No.76679886

>le evil black company.
Fake Pomie. Real Pomies hate Anycolor for all the bullshit they pulled on Pomu during the 2.5 years she was there.

>> No.76681802


>> No.76681900

that treker guy is so annoying

>> No.76682391


>> No.76682482
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>> No.76682807

The male being ahead is on brand for nijiEN

>> No.76683041

I don't think she's a dramatuber. She's bitter about not having been believed until someone more popular than her got the same treatment. Most would feel jaded about that. Yeah, she overshares sometimes, to her own detriment, but that's who she is. Her wanting to make porn content has no bearing on her character.

>> No.76683101

She probably does, but as a way to cope for the guilt she feels from being the catalyst to all of this

>> No.76683416

Yeah this. Real pomudachis remember her being the only Lazulight to not get a PALETTE song.

>> No.76686645

>didn't get a PALETTE song
>Orisong delayed literally forever until graduation

>> No.76687004
File: 379 KB, 536x1403, v8p9DTHa1h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to view this post
ever since I realized that I could only see graduated vtubers' posts if I followed them pre-grad, I've been obsessively following all the people who I might want to search for in the future if they graduate and just muting the ones like niji organs if I don't actually want to see what they're posting. Dunno if this works or not, but it's better than a surprise termination making it impossible to find things again.

>> No.76687200

I don't know, anon. Why don't you tell us?

>> No.76687261
File: 2.85 MB, 720x800, Doki laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc1o8ym.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Selen kek

>> No.76687462 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 535x741, Bm8KEhRi90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen's banter game was always 15/10

>> No.76687551
File: 58 KB, 535x608, firefox_1Q2Ez9vFDP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen's banter game was always 15/10

>> No.76687698

It's literally written in their kayfabe that Elira betrays Selen.

>> No.76688306

Who are the other 2 colors even meant to be?

>> No.76688429

They are complaining about other Selen/Doki ships "stealing" the dynamics/concepts they "came up with" as if they weren't generic af concepts, basically it's them having a melty over something stupid

>> No.76688450


>> No.76688947
File: 44 KB, 480x360, neverforget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just that...

>> No.76689129

Shut the fuck up whore niji had a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR TO GET SHIT TOGETHER.

>> No.76689210

Unironically, Mint has a better chance of an actual, real 3D concert and a similarly great dream collab if she sticks near Doki and Vshojo than if she stayed as Pomu.

>> No.76689530

I wonder if that's one of the reasons why Vshojo is getting closer and grouping up with V4Mirai.

>> No.76689652


>> No.76689749

>Doki gets the new Death Stranding collab and to kiss Kojima on the lips
>Mint can only congratulate her with a bittersweet smile

>> No.76689765

I wish yagoo would grow some balls already and give both of these girls contracts they could even make their own indie partner branch to bring them in and they get to work on whatever they want to go work with no issues. This is what I hate about Japanese corporations they operate with a hiveminded mentality. If corporation A doesn't like a worker then corporations A will tell corporation b to not do business said worker then B will pass it along corporations C and so on. Is so fucking tiring. Gura returning to overlap doki ending her stream around the same time doki did could either be coincidental because of the collab or Riku paid yagoo some money or gave him some shares from his corpo to have gura stream. Ever since she tried to sabotage advent I haven't been able to forgive her and I don't think I'll ever will.

>> No.76689767

I hope that Doki can help her shed some of that self-doubt she always seems to fall into, and which Niji no doubt preyed upon.

>> No.76689903

NijiEN second wave

>> No.76690084

I doubt it's any kind of malicious intent. It's just a random weekend at Gura's usual time. You can call it a pattern if Gura shows up on day 2.

Same for Mint with Doki. Seems like both of them have serious self worth issues.

>> No.76690096

>Every single person celebrating this where the exact same anons spreading Pomu's doxx back in 2021.
This is largely true

>You are not fans, you where never fans, you're just drama addicted monsters
Also mostly true
Rest of your post is dogshit though. Mint did nothing wrong here

>> No.76690160

You understand that nobody else knows what you're feeling unless you actually say it out loud, right? That's not just retarded, it's schizo retarded.

>> No.76691484
File: 1.74 MB, 1268x792, day2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 :)

>> No.76691614

rumao, try half

>> No.76691714

>she's on the thumbnail

>> No.76691817

Nijifags are the only ones who call vtubers “Livers.” It’s an instant and guaranteed tell.

>> No.76691994

uh huh.

>> No.76692108

I'm either too autistic or not autistic enough to understand this shit

>> No.76692263


>> No.76692500
File: 1.30 MB, 624x630, Fatlira.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose some weight,whorish fatass.

>> No.76692541

Elira Pendeja :DDD

>> No.76692641

Thank you, anon. I know I have a screenshot of this somewhere on my PC or phone but couldn't find it among my mess.

>> No.76692972

Mint, as talented as she it, doesn't have the drive and cash to set up shit like Doki. Further down the line, I could see her joining Vshojo or another agency that would allow her to keep her model. Right now, she's finally seeing her real worth as a Vtuber through the eyes of fans.

>> No.76693385

Jesus Fucking Christ, not everything has to have the Hololive logo on it.

>> No.76693685
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x1200, cover civil war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76694343

I'm honestly not sure. The person draws a shitton of Selen x Finana.

>> No.76694347

Well, that, and the guy who drew Nina and Mysta submitted his NDA and work six months before, and all perms that weren't their own to give were given to Nijsanji in 2022.

>> No.76694455

sisters melting down in real time last night was ultra kino

>> No.76694633
File: 84 KB, 400x400, nijiliars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the nijisanji's brand image

>> No.76695588

If Yagoo was Pro-Niji, he wouldn't have allowed his boys to participate in the wrestlemania
More likely he's neutral

>> No.76695727

Shut the fuck up faggot your unicorn views can wipe my ass.

>> No.76695841 [DELETED] 

You are right. I don't watch nijiniggers like doki or notpomu. They are nijiniggers and will always be one. I don't watch Sayu either but she gets a pity sub for doing a good job in cracking open the nijinigger drama dam.
However you are wrong if you think I care about drama. That would require for me to care about nijiniggers. I am just happy that you are receiving your long overdue karma for Aloe and the Holocaust.

>> No.76695948

He only allows the boys because let's be honest they are dimeless shitters that need the exposure that doki gives them. That's not the same with the girls who doesn't need the exposure because men naturally flock themselves at them. Idk what's on cover mind regarding doki but Ollie would be part of her wrestling event if it were true.

>> No.76696034

>Least obvious nijisister

>> No.76697896

Glad to know the people throwing a shitfit about "muh unicorns" are absolute retards when the vast majority of wisps are fine with Mint staying indie since she won't have to deal with perms autism. How the fuck are you anti-corpo but you still want Mint to be in Hololive? Are you braindead?

>> No.76699075

Sometimes I wonder about posts like these. Are they false flags? But then I realize that Nijisanji tribalfags do actually still exist on this board. After all, the NijiEN thread does openly anti Phase and Holo girls.
You are ultimately no better than a numberfag or a dramashitter. All trash posters who should burn together as you raid each other's threads into eternity.

>> No.76699410

>/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers High School
and if it wasn't obvious enough
>Kiara on the side that's anti Mint
yeah of course

>> No.76699618

Elira, don't you have netter things to do than reply on a board where you're public enemy #1?

>> No.76700015


>> No.76700178

They've given up on winning on this front, and diverted all their resources into sayu spam

>> No.76700537

sorry anon but you're supposed to know every single literally who niji fan by memory

>> No.76700545
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Rent. Fucking. Free.
