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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 22 KB, 480x272, Veibae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7666063 [Reply] [Original]

Why is her voice so amazing? It's like melted chocolate to my ears.

>> No.7666080


>> No.7666096

It's her Polish heritage, anon, it seeps into her British accent.
Are you familiar with what happened to the Poles in 1939?

>> No.7666106

listening to veibae is like rubbing a cheese grater through my ears
i live in the uk and if i hear this bitch in real life i'm gonna suplex her into the fucking pavement

>> No.7666138

I live in the UK too anon, you wanna go to spoons for a pint? maybe she will be whoring herself out in the smoking area for a free ciggy

>> No.7666158

Yes, and?

>> No.7666164

wouldnt give that skank the time of day much less one of my hard earned ciggies

>> No.7666169

I can't figure out what her accent is. Sometimes it sounds more American, sometimes it has a weird pronunciation to it.

>> No.7666179

I have noticed these about her threads: no one talks about her content. People always talk about how her design is attractive, her voice is sexy, or how she’s “based” for saying a lot of shit. Obviously, this is excluding the posts saying she’s a whore
Absolutely no one talks about her streams, because almost no one talking about her in these threads is a VShojofag

>> No.7666184

Why does she end every sentence with -uh?

>> No.7666186

Is she a whore? Afaik she's never done anything sexual on camera, she just talks mad shit

>> No.7666220

>having shitstained standards

>> No.7666272

I can't stand her voice. Well, I'm not sure it's her raw voice but there is something in the way she speaks... cadence, accent, whatever, that bugs the hell out of me

>> No.7666310

Based and observant.

>> No.7666326


>> No.7666336

Because you're not in a vshojo+ thread, duh. People often talk about the collabs, the dnd and just about anything else there. Vshojofags like me see little reason to engage in these threads, because they're always full of beta clipfags, who think that saying dick on stream equals whoring out somehow.

>> No.7666346

Why? I like it a lot. The way she pronounces 'YouTube' or 'Vtuber' is hilarious, but other than that it's based

>> No.7666370

Saying she likes intercourse on stream and making jokes is exactly the same as dildoing herself on PornHub anon. Geez, get a grip.

>> No.7666468

The main question

>> No.7666519

I already know that anon. I lurk in your threads, mostly because I like reading the discussions and to avoid the rrats
>saying dick on stream equals whoring out somehow
Don’t lie to yourself, you perfectly know she’s the most whorish one, followed by Ironmouse. The rest of VShojo can be debated, but not Veibae

>> No.7666533
File: 177 KB, 410x274, wheeze-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exactly the same as dildoing herself on PornHub anon
you wot m8

>> No.7666617

I never said she's not vulgar, but let's be honest, we all know that women are just as perverted as guys are, if not more. She just doesn't put the mask of a pure maiden on and why would she, it's the whole point of vtubing - to do things you wouldn't do if you were showing your face to 5k+ audience

>> No.7666652

>It's like melted chocolate to my ears.
Melted chocolate would hurt your ears though.

>> No.7666709

Well what's there to talk about? I watch her occasionally and the content seems pretty run-of-the-mill.

>> No.7666710

I'm obviously being sarcastic, anon.

>> No.7666742

Have you noticed that people who dislike the sound of Vei’s voice have something in common? they are all asexual, castrato school shooters who only communicate with their parents via email even though they live in the same house?

>> No.7666743

Not that guy but Veibae is very clearly a shut-in, it's easy to talk shit and play a character online but that does not translate to reality. Someone who streams as much as she does and for as long as she has? Lol. Here's something to remember: vtubers are all awkward loners, pandering to other awkward loners. If they weren't they wouldn't be vtubers

>> No.7666745

It's the same as a lot of other vtubers. Vidya, dumb meme videos and discussions. But that's fine because the vtuber's job is to make themselves stand out, and Veibae does that

>> No.7666784

This. Streaming constantly indicates she doesn't have much of a social life. But apparently she's hot. I don't want to look up her face because I like the anonymity. I like my image of what she might look like in my head.

>> No.7666911
File: 126 KB, 1194x710, 1625966082385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people actually the like,
breathy fake tuber voice?

>> No.7666920

>let's be honest, we all know that women are just as perverted as guys are, if not more
I know, and if I’m honest, I don’t think many people here are convinced of the contrary
>She just doesn't put the mask of a pure maiden on and why would she, it's the whole point of vtubing - to do things you wouldn't do if you were showing your face to 5k+ audience
While that’s comprehensible, some people just don’t like certain topics or find them or the execution uninteresting/boring
Without bringing things like Hololive, there’s a reason why some people prefer vtubers like NijiEN or Kamiko Kana even if they may talk about dick or pussy, they may just find them more ingenious or believe that’s not their whole gimmick. After all, you can find hornyposts from anons that dislike VShojo
Of course, nothing bad if you like what you like, but there will always be a crowd who will not be convinced

>> No.7667008

I’m not talking about roommates, I’m talking about the character. Nobody gives a shit about what degeneracies they do IRL except for concernfags and unicorns, and for different reasons

>> No.7667018

>It's like melted chocolate to my ears.
That's just the earwax melting out of your ear canals, you fat autist fuck

>> No.7667037

What the fuck is that resolution? Do you watch her on a 3DS?

>> No.7667072

I just searched an image of her on Google images

>> No.7667073

her voice makes her sound like a retarded bimbo, and even in the rare occasion when she isn't actually acting like one, it still filters me

>> No.7667077

do you say this from experience?

>> No.7667179
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, A94ECE4F-605A-4048-9A42-23155444CD82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melted chocolate

>> No.7667224

Yes, it has absolutely been my experience that people who don’t think Vei’s voice is hot are gibbering, asexual castratos who email their moms constantly even though she’s in the next room.

>> No.7668954

She sounds hot

>> No.7669061

Vei isn't your mom, aka the town bus

>> No.7669087

I tried giving her a chance but her voice is incredibly obnoxious to me, it sounds really fake and moany but not in a hot way

>> No.7669666

I can't stand her fake voice she is putting on, I understand how people hate Kiaras fake voice now even tho I don't mind it too much, It's just peaks alot

>> No.7669732

WTF is wrong with your ears OP. What a faggot

>> No.7669832

Shes p cool love her streams a good amount.

>> No.7669885

I don't like her voice. She sounds like a phone sex commercial.

>> No.7670021

Her voice sounds like she is choking on phlegm. This shit is hot to you?

>> No.7670276

If i ever run into you, you gammy little cunt I'll break your fucking knees mate

>> No.7670321

CHAT-uh! I DIED-uh!

>> No.7670333

No one in VShojo does the fake voice shit aside from Zen.

>> No.7670389

I felt like Nyan was still putting on a little girl voice when she started vtubing. But I think that’s just how she sounds when she’s nervous. Now she sounds more womanly, IMO. Like halfway between loli and WatchMojo MILF voice

>> No.7670404


>> No.7670475

Stop with the fucking rats and watch her old videos.

>> No.7670517
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1594832589628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice is pure sex yes, and whoever denies is gay

>> No.7670614

Someone post the period shitting clip, i need horny posters to remember what filth they orbit

>> No.7670853


>> No.7670890

correct. it's not even subjective opinion at this point.

>> No.7670965

she kinda sounds like nyanners .like they use that semi slurred nasally voice.

>> No.7670971


>> No.7670990

why are vshitters so fragile?

>> No.7671009

there are superficial similarities, but what sets Vei apart is her crazy accent. she speaks like an literal alien, like she's pronouncing every other word for the first time. like an alien from TV who says "hoo-MON" instead of human.

>> No.7671014

Lubricated with semen

>> No.7671064

who's fragile? a purityfag eunuch who is reduced to a cowering of tears when their waifu talks about peepee poo poo

>> No.7671065

What is her accent? I can't pinpoint it at all.

>> No.7671123

that's what's great about it. some people claim it's Polish but it doesn't sound slavic at all to me. It's basically American with just a weird illiterate alien vibe that is unlike anything we've ever heard.

>> No.7671219

Sounds American with some weird twangs

>> No.7671250

Just listen to this magic

>> No.7671339

That's bullshit and you know it. Look up Mel's roomates PH clips. She put on a higher voice ever since she became a tuber.

>> No.7671375

Vei's accent is fucking American, do you have any idea what Poles sound like?
ESLs from Europe sometimes develop an American accent went they learn English, depends how they learnt it

>> No.7672388

Vei is an enigma.
Her location says UK.........but her accent doesn't sound British or even Eastern European (?)

She also seems very stuck-up / snobbish (e.g. reminds of those Hampton Girls from the White Chicks movie)

and is she really horny / perverted irl?

>> No.7672686

My girlfriend is from Eastern Europe and has an American accent when she speaks English

>> No.7672809
File: 302 KB, 427x381, 1608423003105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one in VShojo does the fake voice shit aside from Zen.

>> No.7672947

Remember that one time Coco, Fubuki and some other idols got emotional about getting dick pics and hololive put out a fucking two page statement about harassment? That was fucking hilarious fo witness.

>> No.7672965

Keep believing that watching any person talk about bodily functions and sexual topics as a gimmick is peak entertainment, it will surely make you less of a faggot

>> No.7673018

the thing is Vei is not from Eastern Europe. Her mom is. she is from UK, and I am pretty sure her first language is English. But she consumed so much goddamn American games and American youtube vids growing up, I think she just modeled her speech patterns after them, but still some weird non-American quirks from her family background and UK location still infect her speech.

>> No.7673038

if Vei is a UK native then there's no explaination for her accent

>> No.7673086

You are a cowering, cringing, impotent puddle of a man. I don't think peepee poo is "peak entertainment," but I certainly don't flee from the room sobbing and spasming when a pretty girl talks about gross toilet stuff. Like a sane adult, I just find it mundane, like talking about any other part of life.

>> No.7673117

Voicefags have to be the most degenerate, obnoxious and shallow group amongst chuubafags.
They don't care about anything but the fucking voice when there's so much more qualities a streamer can have. But God forbid someone's voice is unusual in the slightest way and they come out of the woodwork in swarms and shit up the board about how bad her voice is and why can anyone listen to it. Newsflash, you imbeciles: because they're ENTERTAINING. I actually fucking listen to what they say and not just hear the sounds like a drooling, lobotomized retard who can't understand speech.
Copnversely, when a chuuba has a "pleasant" voice, or, even worse, they do ASMR, they collectively release their load on the board.
She could be speaking Simlish and you'd not care. Either grow up and start acting like a thinking human being, or jump off a bridge.

>> No.7673135

What you're doing here is a motte-and-bailey fallacy.
Your motte is that vulgar or toilet humour is unintelligent.
Your bailey is that any entertainment figure that uses this kind of humour even rarely cannot be enjoyed.

>> No.7673199

Meds, right now, 3 doses

>> No.7673375

additionally, many of the most brilliant and respected artists love peepeepoopoo humor. Shakespeare and Chaucer and Dante are full of fart jokes, Picasso spent the last thirty years of his career painting women's assholes.

>> No.7673429

It’s fake or at the very least exaggerated.

>> No.7673658

Oh nooo, how will I recover?
I don’t give a shit, if it was a man I would say the same. Sorry that I don’t want to hear about sex all the time to entertain myself watching vtubers
No you retard, you can use vulgar humor but don’t use it as a gimmick
>My peepeepoopoo humor is loved by these influential artists, you must lack class
Kill yourself

>> No.7673706

Vei's accent used to be a lot thicker

Her accent today is more toned down as a result of interacting with americans and streaming to an international audience for years. Kind of like Froot, except Froot does a lot of uguu~ shit on top of it.

>> No.7673758

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care about what "respected" people think. I personally think it's funny, especially when it's the right amount. Too much - it gets stale, too little - and, well, you're missing out on another way to have fun.

>> No.7673877

you won't recover, because you've been exposed as a flimsy, fragile, easily injured pissbaby princess who can't tolerate frank discussions of everyday parts of life without lapsing into a panicky seizure.

>> No.7673941

Nor should you care, but the idea that toilet humor is somehow a sign of low quality content or low intelligence doesn't hold any weight at all.

>> No.7673951

You literally don't know shit. It's not her gimmick, it's just what /vt/ led you to believe and you're not smart enough to make your own opinion about it.
Someone with a theme like that would be DeepWeb Underground, but you probably don't even know about her, because all vtubing to you is hololive YouTube clips.

>> No.7674001

That's exactly what I was saying in my preceding post

>> No.7674159

Nice copypasta, I’m borrowing it
>You are influenced by /vt/
I gave VShojo a try, I only liked Froot
With that answered, now go back to your containment thread. You’re not going to convince me of the contrary, even your fellow VShojofags own it when it comes to Vei

>> No.7674321

You think I would waste my time trying to convince some idiot on the internet to watch vshojo? Nigger, please, the only reason I'm posting here is to show the others how dumb you are, so that they could have a laugh.

>> No.7674381

>Just because I think pee pee poo poo is hilarious doesn't mean I'm stupid!
Anon...Come on now

>> No.7674503

not copypasted, i composed it because in about 5 seconds because I am not a functionally illiterate purityfag horrified into paralysis by basic bodily functions

>> No.7674543

Who you fucking retard?
Most of /vt/ hates VShojo and probably never went to Twitch, and the ones that watch them are in their containment thread, just as you should be

>> No.7674692

>i composed it because in about 5 seconds because I am not a functionally illiterate purityfag
I can tell you’re not a purityfag, and I can also tell you’re the one who is functionally illiterate

>> No.7675290

she's very good at FPS games and generally more competent than the average vtuber at most other games
she's a MMO gremlin in her free time who sometimes takes time off streaming to nolife a game
she can make playthroughs very entertaining, I recommend her oblivion, RDR2 and conker playthroughs for some good laughs
she's amazing in small collabs, she has big stacy energy which makes people get comfortable quickly around her, but can sometimes get a lot quieter in large collabs
she also does get lazy and do a lot of reacting to youtube
overall she's cute, fun and a great entertainer, even if her humor will shock more prudish viewers, her numbers are well deserved

>> No.7675606

Sup Vei, didn't know you lurked /vt/

>> No.7676072

god decided there has to be something good about her

>> No.7676435

Yeah, but you can't unbreak her legs

>> No.7679010
File: 1.41 MB, 283x283, 1623612464949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more vei gifs/webms

>> No.7683236

she's so cute when she's not speaking...

>> No.7683299


>> No.7683341

I like when she plays off-meta games. Like her Conkers play through is probably one of my favouritYGDYVe.

>> No.7683563

are you okay?

>> No.7685515

Dwu isn't even that bad fuck you.
Also I'm pretty sure she's dead because I haven't seen her pop up on my feed in forever.

>> No.7685568

>streamed literally yesterday
Fuck me whatever. It was 3 weeks before that though.

>> No.7686300

I dont know, I dont understand it.
I dont even know what she does in her streams, I'm so completely hypnotised once she starts talking that I miss the actual content

>> No.7687154
File: 251 KB, 847x1200, Lumine and Amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already hired, Arby's.
At Coom And Play Games All Day. So she can go go vacation to get payed by Nyanners SOON.

>> No.7687193

Same. How the fuck she hasnt done ASMR instead? I would cum buckets to her whispering in my ears.

>> No.7687903

I heard she and Snuffy played AI Dungeon together yesterday. Was that on Vei or Snuffy's channel and is the VOD still up?

>> No.7688159

because, despite what her detractors say, she's kind of not a whore and doesn't need to cater to coomers to add subscribers, beyond what she likes to do normally (sexy fan art, high quality models, etc). when she is frank about sexual stuff, she discusses it in a matter-of-fact way.

>> No.7688277

I like when she watches youtube videos around 3pm eastern, it coincides with my lunch break and gives me someone to enjoy lunch with.

>> No.7688334

same, anon. time for DANCING BAY-CONS and Luxury Dark. kind of hard to watch Kay's Kitchen while I'm eating, though.

>> No.7688391

check the main vshojo thread. a helpful boi posted a mega link.

>> No.7688506

Remember when she shit all over corporations only to join vshitshow? Hypocrite.

At least she got blocked from Hololive collabs but the whole group should have got hit as well.

>> No.7688582

She has a bedroom voice, so it has that sense of coquettish intimacy to it. I can't figure out her accent either. Sometimes it breaks in funny ways, like when her cup broke during a stream.

>> No.7688671

You have extremely poor comprehension if that's what you think happened.
Vei turned down the collab because of pissbabies like you (I wish Vei hadn't done that, but she did). Kiara is actually entranced by Vei and her voice, like any sane adult would be.

>> No.7688726

Sweet, thanks dude

>> No.7688728

Didnt the bitch talked shit about Holo when she had no idea what she was talking about to begin with and refused to apologize
Gee I wonder why she's blocked from Holo collabs

>> No.7688736

Also, she's fucking 22 years old. What youngster hasn't shit on capitalism and then the man and then participated in the system when they needed to make some money. You gonna start canceling everybody for being a "hypocrite" when it comes to stuff like that, you're going to be very lonely very quickly.

>> No.7688807

>she's kind of not a whore and doesn't need to cater to coomers to add subscribers

Did you really write that sentence?

>> No.7688854

that's a very interesting alternate reality you have constructed. You can be hypocritical of Holo and the oppressive hold they have on their talent (esp. what they did to Coco) and still love the actual Hololive girls.
Also, equating joining Vshojo, which does not own and control their talent the way Holo does, with joining a "corporation" shows a pretty poor understanding of the industry.

>> No.7688904

Yup. link to me her onlyfans, chaturbate, pornhub, patreon accounts. it doesn't interest her.
Just because coomers love her, it doesn't mean that she's going out of her way to attract them. she's just being her coomer self.

>> No.7689111


>> No.7689115

his type are the ones who hate it when people "get political" but are more than happy to do so themselves because they're just naturally angry about the existence of anything outside their coomer bubble.

>> No.7689305
File: 46 KB, 466x587, BiTVRFwCMAEcGqN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7689686

Pure uncut malding

>> No.7689795

I hear the voice of "WHEN WILL YOU LEARN YOU FRICKIN FRICKS" when I read the post.

>> No.7690811

She's british, actually.

>> No.7691005

People say she was talking shit, but in all actually she was talking about how it suck that hololive is very restrictive in what they let their talents do. This a fair criticism and in any other thread people would agree.

Regarding quitting the collab, it's no secret that Vei lurks here hardcore. Despite what people here think, she is still a very insecure person. She saw all the hate regarding the collab and decided it wasn't worth it.

>> No.7691220
File: 90 KB, 1212x979, 1625859560042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger not everyone thinks korone saying "yubi yubi" or gura playing games like a dumbass is as entertaining as a pink cat girl acting retarded while playing games like facade, bully, or yakuza. cope with the fact that people on here like vshojo or accept it like a rational person. At fucking least Vshojo doesn't have to deal with permissions or restricted creative freedom.

>> No.7691273
File: 751 KB, 262x438, 【漢の企画】第一回にじさんじローションカーリング選手権 1st ROUND-hl28jnv7dJw-4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched a single stream or clip of her, all I know is that I'd like to rape her tits

>> No.7691344

she is very open about the fact that she lurks and the fact that she has low self esteem. her honesty is one of the reasons we love her.

>> No.7691514

>vtubers are all awkward loners, pandering to other awkward loners. If they weren't they wouldn't be vtubers
Perhaps true of her and anyone around for more than a year but there’s been a surge of normalfag vtubers lately. They’ve seen the money and they want to get their piece

>> No.7691777

sounds like a typical high pitched but audibly coarse e-whore voice to me. no offense.

>> No.7691816

She sounds like a non ESL artia

>> No.7692017

She sounds like an annoying 15 year old cunt

>> No.7692252

She's in her 20's though.

>> No.7692280

if that's what 15 year olds sound like in your warped universe, then call Chris Hansen cuz I want some.

>> No.7692526

society man

>> No.7692544

I can't stand her voice. More for you, I guess.

>> No.7692876

oh my fuhhgginnn gawwhhduhguuuuysssuh whatuh fughck do we do now boyyysshhs~

>> No.7697011
File: 1.06 MB, 1447x2047, 1605940311886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her voice is awful anon, it sounds like a shitty parody of a phone sex operator
the most amazing voices in vtubing (that i'm aware of) are hands down Gura and Miko

>> No.7697431

Sooo... trollop?

>> No.7697481

vshojo isn't like hololive

>> No.7698280

Vei is a slut who plays up her voice to attract coomers, sexts her mods, pretends to be above coombaitbut that's literally all her streams are, has degraded her content to brain dead react streams to farm just chatting, is an alcoholic, uses her friends and throws them away when she's outgrown them, lies constantly, and it makes no sense why she's so popular.

>> No.7698820
File: 280 KB, 2000x2000, 1627672358344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is an alcoholic, uses her friends and throws them away when she's outgrown them, lies constantly, and it makes no sense why she's so popular.
hey just like my oshi!

>> No.7698947

That's the best part

>> No.7703492

>sexts her mods

>> No.7707116

anon wondered why people never talked about her content so I replied talking about her content
I think you need to rethink your definition of cope

>> No.7709529

