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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76654605 No.76654605 [Reply] [Original]

>DorkRyS Song learning stream!

>Not a devil cover




>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>Promise Half year anniversary merch
>Clear folder
>HoloFES 5 non random merch
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>3D Acrylic
>KimonoRyS rerun
>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.76654621
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*sip* Ah...

>> No.76654724
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>> No.76654738
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>> No.76654969

I don't get why people say Lucky Star didn't age well

>> No.76654971

it shows

>> No.76654998
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>> No.76655030

Aren't some shitters eternally butthurt about lucky star for moefying anime? or was it another anime

>> No.76655032

Damn, I fapped a ton to Sakaki.

>> No.76655075

I love my seiso wife.

>> No.76655216
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I love IRyS!

>> No.76655234

Because the otaku references are not relatable anymore like waiting in line at midnight to get limited edition games with bonus merch. Now you can just order it online and be done with it.

>> No.76655261


>> No.76655351

Japan is retarded.

>> No.76655393

Throwing shit away in Japan is so awful, no wonder people don't buy physical shit there very often. Saw a video where a guy said it took a month for them to let him throw away a tiny ass stool chair

>> No.76655454

>not on casualRyS
>no sidetailRyS in a summer dress
It's over...

>> No.76655464

There's also no real storage places since it's a tiny island

>> No.76655496

This is why you dump it all in Africa like every other country. Problem solved!

>> No.76655507

she doesn't wanna mog her senpais

>> No.76655542

big this

>> No.76655787

But she already did

>> No.76655829

She talks pretty casually about "moving on to the next guy" like it's no big deal. It's usually over trivial shit too. Not sure if that's a good trait.

>> No.76655874

I wouldn't consider treating the girl like shit trivial

>> No.76655893

its manga

>> No.76655927

its a fictional manga stop being retarded and autistic

>> No.76655972

what manga?

>> No.76655993

If you don't think shes self inserting you an absolute moron

>> No.76656052

I'm gonna fuck you in the asshole one of these days

>> No.76656057

its literally isn't real

>> No.76656070

>self inserting
anything you want to confess, femanon?

>> No.76656096


>> No.76656137

>actually projecting
show pits woman

>> No.76656150

nice, thanks

>> No.76656207

>gundam seed destiny

>> No.76656225

Shes rambling about the FemMC casually abandoning the male love interest because that's what she would do. Shes the type to leave her fiance over a small fight over nothing because her female friend ( Kronii) told her " girl you can do better".

>> No.76656244

as a Destiny Gundam player in the Gundam Extreme Vs series, Shinn is best boy

>> No.76656246

Stop being brown.

>> No.76656252


>> No.76656264

She's also the clingy type to miss me immediately and then come crawling back

>> No.76656306
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I love that IRyS and I share moral values!

>> No.76656320

You're one of the stranger schizos in this thread

>> No.76656332

she HATES kaichou

>> No.76656342

>enjoys SAO
she loves those mandatory rape scenes per volume

>> No.76656346

Ignore him (and other ex-kronies).

>> No.76656379

>likes Shitoge

>> No.76656395

you don't have to be an ex-kronie to hate someone antithetical to hololive who also parasitises your oshi

>> No.76656448

the rape is the only good thing about SAO

>> No.76656465

You don't, but almost all of those nutjobs are. They have some sort of vendetta against her.

>> No.76656528

yeah if you're a normalfag

>> No.76656556

She's done so many toxic things it's not exactly easy to like her

>> No.76656565

The kronii schizo unironically seethes in multiple generals btw, I've seen people bring him up in other threads before

>> No.76656589

fine, PEAK female tsundere
the absolute PEAK one is Vegeta

>> No.76656603

her chickens have come home to roost

>> No.76656615

You can forgive and forget.
It's crazy to hold onto your grudge for so long, only a faggot could do that.

>> No.76656617

>everyone who dislikes whores like kronii is a schizo

>> No.76656642

>the absolute PEAK one is Vegeta

>> No.76656643


>> No.76656646
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Yes, retard, you are a schizo.

>> No.76656676

She never apologized or changed her ways, hell she just had another woman moment

>> No.76656719

>Faggots seething about Kronii while the stream is still going

>> No.76656721

She is a woman, that's going to happen.
She's never going to have a big "I was wrong" moment if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.76656737

there are over 960,000 kronii schizos

>> No.76656748

Why would she "change her ways" when she was right, she just went about it in a retarded way

>> No.76656762


>> No.76656768

Well that's some timing I guess

>> No.76656767

uh oh schizo don't look!

>> No.76656788

It doesn't even have to be an apology, she just has to stop being a bitch and leeching off IRyS

>> No.76656789

>vagueposting like a twittertranny
just ignore the retarded sisters. they had another yab again so they're deflecting hard as usual

>> No.76656802
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>> No.76656826

Im all in on IRyS (balls deep)

>> No.76656828

She doesn't leech. She's actually one of the best holos there.

If you want an example of leeching then you need to refer to BaeRyS.

>> No.76656843

yandere talk > BL talk

>> No.76656870

at least I can relate to the yanderes

>> No.76656891

Anyone who unironically uses
in terms of holo girls with each other needs to kill themselves

>> No.76656894

>The current fastest growing promise member is the one leeching off of IRyS, who had to spam shorts karaokes just to reach a million subs after being stuck at 900k for months

>> No.76656903

but I relate to BL...

>> No.76656912

>not actual brother
x to doubt

>> No.76656911

but what about baseball?

>> No.76656960

>It's a numberfaggot
Say no more

>> No.76656962

I don't like Bae but she's the best promise member strictly speaking business wise

>> No.76656973

>Still unbanned

>> No.76656981

>only talks in catalognigger terms
>doesn't present any arguments
>seethes uncontrollably
it's a nijisister, just ignore

>> No.76656984

I agree, if you made it into hololive and have to resort to leeching off more popular members your career is probably a dead end

>> No.76657014
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>sang the old transformers theme
no... the hagRyS allegations...

>> No.76657016

>shit talking Optimus
What the fuck IRyS

>> No.76657068

I suddenly remember someone stole my original G.I. Joe lunchbox at school when I was 6, fucking hell IRyS why

>> No.76657111
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>Transformers mention

>> No.76657130

Probably went all sailor mouthed when it happened

>> No.76657166

weirdest schizos

>> No.76657168

not IRyS but new

>> No.76657174

What I wouldn't give to hear it, honestly the biggest perk of IRyS being your GF is actually getting to hear her swear like a sailor

>> No.76657175
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>> No.76657255

please no more sisyphus

>> No.76657273

Only more Sisyphus if she actually gets mad and swears

>> No.76657289

More Elden Ring, hopefully.
She'll speedrun it and be surprisingly good at it

>> No.76657297

Swear beggars are almost as bad as timeRyS schizos

>> No.76657312

It's a weird fetish

>> No.76657346

>timeRyS schizos beggars

>> No.76657359

More people whine about it in this thread then people who actually ask for it, they're the weirdos

>> No.76657381
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>beggar beggars begging for beggars

>> No.76657398

no, you're the weird one, go back to discord

>> No.76657410

You're not a beggar beggar beggar begging beggar beggar, right?

>> No.76657420

>Giftfag is a 3DP beggar too

>> No.76657443

Did people unironically enjoy Laplus's concert lmao

>> No.76657451

disgusting beggar

>> No.76657455

It's not weird if its something she already does retard, I'm talking about IRyS, not fucking FWMC.

>> No.76657478

>triple-double penetration

>> No.76657489

didnt even watch it i refuse to watch that garbage

at least give them a placeholder 3d model or something and no males

>> No.76657503

>fucking FWMC
don't mind if I do!

>> No.76657524

This is good, she will invite Avril Lavigne and they'll sing Skater Boi together.

Yes, I know that's never happening

>> No.76657537

no, it had like half the viewership of last year, sadly yagoo thinks this is the way

>> No.76657568

very subtle sisters

>> No.76657586

I think Yagoo just lets her do what she wants at this point because he knows she'd leave otherwise and they can't lose anyone from ShillX

>> No.76657609

She should do her next live on twitch

>> No.76657624

Ok but Imagine a Hana Kana x IRyS Renai Cirulation duet so IRyS can do the ultimate mogging live

>> No.76657639

she does know its not smart to invite males ever right?..

>> No.76657640

Most people don’t even “beg” for it

>> No.76657646

Males are ok for 3D as long as they are high status professionals who are already married and it's for a live performance. If you disagree you are a schizo and almost certainly a virgin

>> No.76657663

She would lose half her paypigs instantly

>> No.76657664

she probably thinks 3D males are ok

>> No.76657687

non virgin here, I don't watch vtubers to see men

>> No.76657690

I disagree, yes I'm a virgin, yes I'm a schizo yandere (when it comes to males being near my wife)

>> No.76657703

I think you should kill yourself

>> No.76657709

most of her paypigs are homobeggars

>> No.76657740

Of course she knows that

>> No.76657739

im not

>> No.76657745

Males are okay if they're Nicholas Cage, Arnold and Jackie Chan.

>> No.76657757

Males are ok only if it is a live band in a sololive

>> No.76657766

I'm a male and I've been on stream hundreds of times, every time the chat scrolls on her screen and I show up, she's on screen with a male, you'd better kill yourselves now if that bothers you.

>> No.76657779


>> No.76657790

Most? no.
Superchats aren't even the majority of their income according to covers latest report

>> No.76657796

How new?

>> No.76657811

>I'm a male

>> No.76657828

>I'm a male

>> No.76657838

(only if they aren't on the screen)

>> No.76657854

You're a faggot. You're opinion is invalid.

>> No.76657861
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>> No.76657879

I would skip her 3D live if it had a male in it.

>> No.76657890

IRyS would accidentally say something weird and then she would be haunted by it for years afterwards

>> No.76657891

they get their 15 seconds in the middle of the stream where they show off and then do a kino transition to here comes hope

>> No.76657893

*Your opinion

>> No.76657895
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>I'm a male
show pits you stinky woman

>> No.76657902

>Schizos don't want her to have the same musical opportunities as Sora and Azki because it makes them feel insecure
If tiny Japanese men make you feel jealous just remove yourself from the gene pool and save us the trouble

>> No.76657909

nah, they can stay off the screen

>> No.76657933

You wouldn't know that without watching it. It'd be pretty shit though. I watch those live for her, not the guests. I'd love to see her in a solo live someday but until then her Birthday and Anniversary lives are something to treasure. They shouldn't be ruined.

>> No.76657952

If seeing a male on your screen is all it takes to make you stop watching IRyS then I hope she does because we're better off without you

>> No.76657961

>male interactions are obligatory for musical opportunities
sure thing homobeggar

>> No.76657966

go away sister

>> No.76657967

>worrying about males
For what? you're never going to be with her

>> No.76657976

I dont care about "musicial opportunities"

>> No.76657996

Devilman isn't even bromance, that shit is just actually straight-up gay, not even subtle

>> No.76658008

Suddenly doing a 180 would be a complete betrayal to her fans, IRyS wouldn't do that though because she's not retarded like Lui.

>> No.76658013

this and Ryan Gosling and Keanu too

>> No.76658015

You mean you won't.

>> No.76658016

It's astronomically homosexual

>> No.76658022

NTR isn't popular outside of japan

>> No.76658024

>musical opportunities
go back

>> No.76658047
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IRyS has made her stance perfectly clear time and time again.
Just go back to your actual general already, you will never fit in.

>> No.76658063

I've literally skipped or closed out of every hololive stream that had a male in it.

>> No.76658137

new timeloop for the next weeks...

>> No.76658164

I don't want to be cucked by Nicolas Cage or Ryan Gosling...

>> No.76658171

buddy its 2 in the morning and you're shitposting on 4chan, you're never making a rich woman on the other side of the world fall for you when there's 10 thousand other men after her, a few of them in her work/friends circle, you don't even speak japanese.

>> No.76658179

don't worry there's new drama brewing on the catalog right now, they will get distracted

>> No.76658181

Go back to okbh

>> No.76658196

How do you know where he lives?

>> No.76658203

Ryan Gosling is literally me so I don't see the issue

fr though i would skip the stream

>> No.76658207

I imagine the homobeggar here is the same schizo who wants her to 'succeed' like other singers but seethes because IRyS has no motivation and just want to chill and watch anime

>> No.76658212

Fucking retard, she speaks English. I'm not trying to woo a JP.

>> No.76658219

crawl back to your shitcord already you stick out like a ugly pimple

>> No.76658241


>> No.76658261

"Planning on it" = Looked at how much it costs and contemplated whether it's worth it or not

>> No.76658280

thanks for the TL, IRyS

>> No.76658331

I hate attention whores

>> No.76658332

isn't this guy married

>> No.76658342

She spent 6 digits recently not including her renovation and she's frugal as fuck naturally obviously she's wary of it.

>> No.76658345

yeah, to me

>> No.76658357

Damn that anon caught a leddit faggot, nice one.

>> No.76658368

She should just commission flip artists since they can speak english and they're pretty good at copying western music, and they're definitely cheaper

>> No.76658381

Divorced dad with a kid, that's like the second one I know of among her regular paypigs.

>> No.76658399

shes gonna do me later guys

>> No.76658401
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>> No.76658407

that important stuff to do? me

>> No.76658410


>> No.76658415

That doesn't even surprise me.

>> No.76658417

>More Farhan
Please no

>> No.76658440

I swear he was talking about his wife recently

>> No.76658455

Not anymore

>> No.76658477

Unicorn here, males are fine as long as it's convincing enough that the interactions are just on professional / business basis. Essentially, the same as how it is for actual idols.

>> No.76658492
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>> No.76658533

She has high standards and good original songs are fucking expensive and most probably won't ever be profitable.
It's a bit of a different story if you are in JP and get to show up at regular events all the time where these songs can actually be used, but IRyS is sadly still stuck in a branch where her original would at best see one or two performances across her entire career.

>> No.76658540

would rape

>> No.76658549

(they aren't)

>> No.76658552

I'd imagine vtubers are pretty big homewreckers

>> No.76658551

Even if it's strictly business, why not just get a woman anyway?
They're underrepresented as it is, I bet there's plenty out there that would jump at the chance of singing with her. Why should it be a man?

>> No.76658558

Mumei can wreck my home whenever she likes

>> No.76658578

>hiring a woman

>> No.76658588


>> No.76658592

That doesn't stop retards from seeking attention from another woman.
I know a retard who's been engaged to his gf for years now and he still tries (and fails) to hook up with Asian girls.

>> No.76658597

Agreed, men already dominate streaming they should stay the fuck away from hololive.

>> No.76658602

She should go already, she has something to prepare for soon

>> No.76658605

True. Fuck hololive, they should get rid of it. Only stars, am I right?

>> No.76658616

It doesn't matter if you sing an original song or a cover at a live performance

>> No.76658641

i love my autistic wife

>> No.76658654

This is where my limited merch purchases go...

>> No.76658656

fuck off

>> No.76658659

>p2w'ing a sleeping game

>> No.76658669

That was sarcasm, retard.

>> No.76658680

Anon not detecting obvious sarcasm

>> No.76658683

real x (formerly twitter) space energy

>> No.76658694

Also cheating

>> No.76658709

What do you do in Pokemon Sleep?

>> No.76658708

sorry I can't tell what's what in this thread anymore...

>> No.76658721

yes, I can tell you are autistic as fuck

>> No.76658724


>> No.76658727

You don't sleep

>> No.76658732


>> No.76658741

you just sleep

>> No.76658749
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>> No.76658782

I don't get this, you get engaged because you love someone right? Is it a power thing? I couldn't imagine wanting to stick my dick in any other hole if I was dead set on marrying someone already

>> No.76658808

Iconic meaningful originals being performed live with the audience doing the call and response and everyone being on the same wavelength is just special, you don't get that with covers.
You can really look at any Holo concerts for that. Hell watch the GamerFes Mini-Live today.

>> No.76658819

hunt monsters

>> No.76658845

mane chan...

>> No.76658849

needful of IRyS sex

>> No.76658923

>you don't get that with covers.
Yes you do

>> No.76658944

IRyS doesn't like sex.

>> No.76658973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76658979

>disinterested IRyS handjob while she's scrolling manga with the other hand

>> No.76658988

In the parents’ house…

>> No.76658987

she should learn songs on her own time not in a member stream

>> No.76658990

I'm glad we're at least clear the the Mori / Suisei route isn't completely closed off.

>> No.76659035

ok time to sleep

>> No.76659037

these posters like to engage in hardcore BL

>> No.76659040


>> No.76659046

she does
why do you think it takes her so long to prepare for karaoke

she also sings like 4 i learned this yesterday series songs each time too

>> No.76659073

If you think she's going to have a musical career like either of those two you're very delusional

>> No.76659079

any good porn lately?

>> No.76659086
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>> No.76659100
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>> No.76659119

>comparing mori to suisei
this has to be bait

>> No.76659144

mori is a workaholic and suisei got lucky
IRyS already missed out on those routes

>> No.76659152

They're both signed to a major label with multiple albums even if Suisei is much more successful

>> No.76659183

>even if Suisei is much more successful
is she?

>> No.76659200

being signed to a label doesn't magically make your music not flaming shit

>> No.76659233

It absolutely is. She has no motivation to go the Suisei/Mori route.
I'm pretty sure she'd like to have a musical career like them and is at least a little bit jealous, but she is never going to get one.
I love her and think she's amazing and all that, but she simply does not have that kind of work ethic and is far too averse to change and taking risks.

>> No.76659235

She has a song that has currently pierced mainstream Japanese pop charts, like top 20 or some crazy shit

>> No.76659301

>I'm pretty sure she'd like to have a musical career like them
If that were true she would probably try and do it

>> No.76659309

You have to be either extremely new or extremely retarded to think mori has even a fraction of Suisei's success or talent

>> No.76659340

At this point she doesn't have the throat to sustain a music career like that anymore

>> No.76659371

Mori definitely has more talent than Suisei, I have no idea who is more successful because I actually have taste and I don't listen to Hololive music

You don't need to sing regularly to have a music career

>> No.76659374
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>> No.76659399

c'mon, you could've kept it going a little longer

>> No.76659419

Shut the fuck up Cheebs.

>> No.76659420

Not really. You can be your own worst enemy.
IRyS obviously loves singing and I guarantee you would love to be famous and earn shitloads of money doing what at this point is a big part of her identity, but putting in the work and taking the risks necessary to get there isn't something she's capable of doing.

>> No.76659423

If you think Suisei has actual musical talent and isn't the Hololive equivalent of a pop star you need to get out of your weeaboo culture sphere

>> No.76659460

you're not getting anymore (you)s

>> No.76659486


>> No.76659505

I think she's content where she is, of course I'd want her to be even more successful but I'm not going to force her

>> No.76659584

she's definitely capable of it if she puts her mind to it, but I think she loves me too much to go all in on it

>> No.76659590
File: 249 KB, 1447x1447, @Chisai_Sai-1714979367259115680-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, or maybe he's trying to fulfill his fetishes before he's married. Or both.
He doesn't "sexualize women" but also has a phone filled with women's numbers that he inevitably solicits feet pics from.

>> No.76659650

Mori is objectively more successful than Suisei. You are a braindead retard if you think otherwise. Moris appearing on One Piece weekly arguably shits on Suiseis entire career.

>> No.76659669

time to get a few hours of sleep
see you guys in a bit

>> No.76659679

deadbeat, stop, it's embarrassing

>> No.76659683

don't start this monkey shit please

>> No.76659712

Have your (you), but Suisei is an objectively better singer.

>> No.76659737

>Suisei is an objectively better singer.
Nobody cares about this except brown people on the internet

>> No.76659757

IRyStobeats exist. Now fuck off.

>> No.76659794
File: 2 KB, 268x252, IRySto Stomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cease existing then

>> No.76659802

You can pretend all you want but you're not an IRyStocrat and you will never be, now get back in the closet

>> No.76659876
File: 91 KB, 355x355, 1675685570180277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't particularly care for eithers music. I only really listen to MERA MERA and Mumeis cover of Stellar Stellar from each's catalogue. Everything else is weeb shit/rock/IRyS/other holo members I like.
Hoshiyomi are pretty annoying though.

>> No.76659932
File: 114 KB, 2007x1223, 1701106674248131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing else, the way Suisei pronounces goodbye in her karaoke cover of Pretender is adorable.

>> No.76659958
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>> No.76660003
File: 1.08 MB, 726x428, 1702337975195767.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo vs holo
sisters are deflecting hard again today and posting on your thread too huh

>> No.76660025


>> No.76660041

did you miss /hlgg/

>> No.76660048

nice try, but you're not hiding behind this one

>> No.76660115

>losing to a woman you dont watch
peak woman behavior. show your pits please

>> No.76660146

I want a mikoRyS collab and watch my IQ drop exponentially

>> No.76660178
File: 484 KB, 4096x2083, F0Gp7v0aUAA8-M3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big part of IRyS' appeal is her personality and how relatable she is. asking arguably the biggest introverted shut-in weeb to suddenly turn into a gigastacy social butterfly with hundreds of connections when she can barely keep up with her own friends in Holo is retarded. at the end of the day I'll always support her because of who she is not what she is. she can take her time and go at her own pace, I'll always be there to listen to that angelic voice

>> No.76660209

The sexy retard energy could be harvested and used to power a gas chamber for deadbeats

>> No.76660319

Honestly IRyS is more extroverted than she might think, she's just like Mumei where she needs to be around people she's comfortable with first

>> No.76660393

Nothing new yet but, they got a WIP
And they want to release full body shirt artwork of IRyS (and Council) which could always come with lewd alts

>> No.76660420

no. artists are having the usual menhera arcs

>> No.76660430

Isn’t that most introverts? (And technically, generally everyone to varying degrees?)

>> No.76660490

Nah there's still a difference. IRyS and Mumei are more like social autists with bad anxiety than true introverts

>> No.76660599

Or getting kicked out of their homes
It’s weird I feel like I’ve seen like 3 cases of this today

>> No.76660631

Maybe but I feel like people have kind of forgotten that functional introverts exist and just think they’re all like Bocchi, so maybe I guess

>> No.76660655

>she needs to be around people she's comfortable with first
that's how introverts are, retard. Extroverts are people who gain energy and enjoy talking to people regardless of how "close" or "comfortable" they are, while IRyS complained for 10 minutes in her fes zatsu about having to talk to people, on top of the fact that she never goes out of her way to organize collabs ever

>> No.76660667

Fauceface soon

>> No.76660690

There are extroverts out there that hate interacting with people dumbass. Introverts are people that feel tired even from interacting with people they are close friends with.

>> No.76660784

>extroverts out there that hate interacting with people
NTA but that's the single most retarded thing I've read today

>> No.76660834
File: 18 KB, 175x323, 1709519822880100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate introverts so much. The idea of a social battery is an excuse.

>> No.76660852

There's extroverts with severe social anxiety, often from trauma due to shit they experienced growing up like bullying

>> No.76660861

>There are extroverts out there that hate interacting with people

>> No.76660910

I meant new people or strangers. Extroverts can be asocial, how they use their social battery doesn't have much to do with it

>> No.76660929

spreading the nephilim cheeks

>> No.76660970

everything you've said is fundamentally wrong and you're talking out of your ass dropout kun

>> No.76661098

There's introverts that are outgoing and make plenty of friends but still feel drained from interacting with people. And there are extroverts that are autists who don't go out much because they overthink everything but they feel great when they actually do spend time with people they care about

>> No.76661149

you could've just said this in the first place rather than the poorly worded clusterfuck you've mentioned earlier

>> No.76661260

All I'm saying is IRyS and Mumei are the latter type; they thrive in situations where they're just being themselves but they are severely autistic and will overthink themselves to death when it comes to actually reaching out to people or setting up interactions or collabs

>> No.76661522

Nephilim cheeks on my face
Nephilim butt bouncing on me
Nephilim nipples in my mouth

>> No.76661753


>> No.76661780

She better not have forgot

>> No.76661804
File: 981 KB, 1536x2048, GOeow1eawAA2eYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Mori but she is not even on the same level as even Kiara when it comes to singing.
She just got lucky.
Also, more than anything IRyS likes covering songs or singing Anime songs.
So she can never be as big as Suisei. The simple reason is that the neeche IRyS is in is not as big as Jpop.
I personally think IRyS has more talent than Taylor Swift and is objectively a better singer than her. So i don't care if Mori is more famous than her or anything.
Anyways, I will have to start posting Femcrats if you fags don't STFU about Males/Mori-Suisei/her music career.

>> No.76661839

Motherfucker you're the one bringing it up again an hour after everyone else stopped caring, go back

>> No.76661851

>I personally think IRyS has more talent than Taylor Swift and is objectively a better singer than her. So i don't care if Mori is more famous than her or anything.
now this is cope

>> No.76661862

I am going to jack off to secretnoel

>> No.76661893

link me the goods man

>> No.76661896


>> No.76661928

the female(male) cosplayer

>> No.76661975

post link

>> No.76661988

its not a dude i saw her pussy live

>> No.76662026

who fucking asked

>> No.76662065
File: 389 KB, 817x823, 1710938575290623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I amma blow the school up right now as I feel bored

>> No.76662116

I amma blow on your face if you dont get out of here cheeb

>> No.76662198

any new AI cheeb porn

>> No.76662317
File: 186 KB, 688x656, 1710918500213807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop threatening me with a good time faggot.
You blow your load on my face and I will blow my load on your face

>> No.76662396
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 1714444883967170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have the balls

>> No.76662462
File: 187 KB, 632x678, 1710914041888074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what was your mom swallowing last night??

>> No.76662528

anyone ever done a cheeb cumtribute before?

>> No.76662562

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.76662604


>> No.76662639

yes. three times now, unironically

>> No.76662715
File: 1.85 MB, 1400x1200, 1707547451802058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I am killing everyone here

>> No.76662821

secretnoel makes me wish broccoli cosplayed IRyS, I'd actually explode

>> No.76663006

so uhh...

>> No.76663302

Give her another hour to post

>> No.76663428

does that femcrat have a bf

>> No.76663588


>> No.76663625

I am going to jack off to Luna again

>> No.76663857

if IRyS loves male yanderes so much you can bet she wants to be choked while saying depraved yandere lines to her

>> No.76663900

She wants to feel oppressed but she would absolutely slap you away if you hurt her or got too rough

>> No.76663902

she likes the over protective aspect not the violence

>> No.76663925

that goes hand in hand even for curiosities sake

>> No.76664026

She likes the "this person is so madly in love he'd do anything" angle.
Likewise she doesn't like the whole playing hard to get bullshit.
She wants the guy to do the work and carry the relationship, he should pamper and care for her unconditionally to an obsessive degree while the girl can be more passive and relaxed.

>> No.76664118

>She wants the guy to do the work and carry the relationship, he should pamper and care for her unconditionally to an obsessive degree while the girl can be more passive and relaxed.
peak behavior for pronebone correction

>> No.76664187

That porn video where girl is reading a book lying in position trying to act oblivious while the guy is pounding the absolute shit out of her

>> No.76664214


>> No.76664256

Like a particular one?

>> No.76664268

Why do you faggots love discussing your sexual fantasies with other men so much?

>> No.76664279

There is a particular one, yes. It's not exactly an obscure video

>> No.76664326

>anons talking about fucking IRyS
>somehow its other men
shut up and stop projecting woman. just show your fucking pits

>> No.76664470

maybe I was too harsh on notnoel, she does have a nice one

>> No.76664487

there are only males in this thread

>> No.76664718


>> No.76664824


>> No.76664837

statistically, out of 342 IPs, there's at least 1 girl in here

>> No.76664856

If she doesn't post in the next hour then yeah

>> No.76664868

do you think IRyS has beef curtains

>> No.76664910

she has a super small curtain on the left side

>> No.76664914

she's pristine, I'm very gentle

>> No.76665144

None that I'd post publicly.
Why are you such a slut?
