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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 528 KB, 1079x339, kings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76627122 No.76627122 [Reply] [Original]

This is it anons, a battle between titans!
A battle for the ages!

>> No.76627458

Gura absolutely MOGS the "competition" effortlessly

>> No.76627590


>> No.76627627

Fair to say Gura, Doki, and Filian are the three kings of EN vtubing right now

>> No.76628119

More like Gura is the Empress and Doki and Filian are pretenders to the throne
Heavy emphasis on pretenders

>> No.76628168

finana showing those parasocial fucks how it is done

>> No.76628207

Can you put more red circles and arrows? I don't see what I'm supposed to be looking at.

>> No.76628370

Gura is a mascot

>> No.76628654

Is that 1.5 finanas holy shit she is making it
Gura is a mikey mouse

>> No.76628672

How many finanas is that?

>> No.76628711

Gura is the King of Kings
Kneel to your God

>> No.76628748

did kuzuha and pekora retired today ? i believe the real kings are still active, chumkeks.

>> No.76628844

I know she's done some questionable things but I feel bad for her. This is her job and it's hard to blame someone too much for wanting to keep it and standing with your company even if it sucks.

Though I bet she'd be better off now if she was on the other side of things.

>> No.76628851


>> No.76629183


>> No.76629329

who would win a fight between 1 shark or 30 vtubers

>> No.76629342
File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, 1715359686188373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzuha? There is at least two other holo members you should be mentioning, faggot.

>> No.76629393
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1600645437437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it on purpose didnt she

>> No.76629557

who's mikey?

>> No.76629559

They are JP, only important within their oversized island of a country. Gura is global, why do you think Yagoo uses Gura snd not Pekora for all those international events

>> No.76629629


>> No.76629636

He's doing his best with the Nijisanji debuff, but you sound delusional like this, sis.

>> No.76632032

im pretty sure he has surpassed aqua on the chart, considering how huge his may numbers is turning out to be.

>> No.76632158

I feel sorry for Doki, but chumbuds have no standards.

>> No.76632320

fucking based shark trampling the grifter and her homo shit. it takes like 30 of them, counting doki and filian, and they still can't touch her

>> No.76632338

ppl thought gura comeback was because of new niji gen lmao

>> No.76632472
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>> No.76632566

Gura could literally stream herself getting dicked by niggers on stream and chumbuds would still say it's peak content
>Verification not required

>> No.76636954

You are thinking about aloupeeps there

>> No.76637334

I mean, Finana can't grow too much or the Finana quotation may be ruined.

>> No.76637526

obviously mikey from tmnt you retar

>> No.76640746

gura could literally stream.... mogging your oshis combined, and most chumbuds wouldn't even notice because they wouldn't care, that's peak content
verification not required

>> No.76641081
File: 230 KB, 2048x1152, ilovefinana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, why are you mocking Finana when she has never been a numbermonkey in her entire career. She just lost her 500k subs, please give her a break.

>> No.76641389

tarred twice? isn't that excessive?

>> No.76641789

Holy hell. Fish has 478K people watching her!!!
>Hololosers and Dramabirds... It's over....

>> No.76641880
File: 44 KB, 1322x146, 175435235353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one true queen

>> No.76641994

Titanium gerbil I kneel

>> No.76645665

The literal who outside of jp fujos and yume?

>> No.76646068

they are just drones worshiping the Brand™ Mascot
nothing really wrong with it

>> No.76646462
File: 16 KB, 457x110, Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 11.35.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura still mogs

>> No.76646569

he has 56.204m total views from january to april, while gura is at 13.235m. ouch, and aqua is also only at 33.080m.

>> No.76646680
File: 480 KB, 940x828, kuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me wrong these are good numbers. But this doesn't compete with Pekora either

>> No.76646699
File: 34 KB, 490x97, firefox_9mX61KyeRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about that...
That said, I wonder if they'll chat in the rust server. Dunno yet which team Doki's joining.

>> No.76646725

>overlaps dookie and the homos
>doesnt overlap with denauth debuts
gee I wonder which side gura is on

>> No.76646739

I am a chumbud only because she’s number one. I actually find her streams boring af. Meandering in generic first person games mumbling random shit like a bad AI. But she’s number one. She’s the protagonist. Of course I’ll support the main character. It makes me feel good to be on the same team as the Greatest Of All Time.

>> No.76646987

TL;DR Stupid fish slut got absolutely annihilated KEK

>> No.76647021
File: 576 KB, 937x819, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is more like this

>> No.76647080


>> No.76647245

How the fuck did Niji EN end up in 3views territory? Even before the Dokiturd thing I remember they were already struggling reaching just 1k.

>> No.76647452

If I remember correctly, they ACCELERATED too hard and their growth stagnated somewhere between late 2022 and mid-2023. And we all know what happened after that.

>> No.76647459

>no gura
garbage, irrelevant chart

>> No.76647579

The amount of viewers just dropped after the covid, Hololive had a similar drop of viewership but managed to resolve the problem.

But NijiEN had the Covid problem + waves and waves of drama that kept them from growing up their numbers.

>> No.76647851

pekora is at 69.818m total views gained from january to april, yea thats insanely good from a chuuba. she is the king, until i looked at marine's views. 176.414m gained from jan to april, having good songs truly plays a part in attracting people to loop your vods.

>> No.76647973

When the males arrived, chinese fujos showed up in huge numbers. The guys became massive success, which caused the girls to throw their male fanbases under the bus. They got super arrogant and made a series of incredibly damaging moves that no vtuber should ever do, which caused their male fanbase to erode.
But it didn't matter, because so many fujos. The issue is the fujos didn't last and soon discarded NijiEN for the new hotness. As the left, the erosion of the male fanbase became more and more apparent, and the girls were left without any ground to stand on. But they were still doing ok, until the drama happened. Now they are actually struggling, as they deserve.
Perhaps a more significant factor was the incredibly poor hires they made. Niji heavily prioritizes things such as "knowing a foreign language" on the application, so a bunch of extremely low-charisma people, and ESL people got hired just because they knew a foreign tongue. Also the people making those decisions generally don't speak english, so they can't judge charisma anyway. They started giving Elira more nepohires, because her nepohires proved to be more successful. That isn't because Elira's some genius, but because she actually speaks english, so she can actually tell when someone's a good performer.

>> No.76648677
File: 9 KB, 1405x66, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake numbers.

>> No.76648935

Wooo let's go FINANA!

>> No.76649069

Holding onto raids counts sorry. Seethe.

>> No.76649532

For denauth, it was the most important day of their lives. But for Gura? It was Friday.

>> No.76649649

Keep fighting on the frontlines soldier. We need more retards out there like you.

>> No.76649917

They're retarded anon logic does not apply.

>> No.76650065



>> No.76650090

It feels a lot better to just be honest rather than try to lie to myself about how Gura is so much funnier and comfier and charismatic than the rest when it’s just not true. I wager this is how Lakers or Yankees fans feel, just supporting the biggest most famous team and feeling like I’m a part of the winning side

>> No.76653145

Niji is the only place where being male is a buff.

>> No.76653748

The fujos left because Luxiem chased them away, so they lost both the pre-Luxiem and post-Luxiem fans.

>> No.76653754
File: 63 KB, 480x723, AsKuhOa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man picked his sportsball side and I can't fault him for that. Keep up the good work, anon.

>> No.76655981

anon, you are not proving what you think you are proving, gura was extremely soporiphorous on that stream, plus her communication skills are clearly degenerating, her stream was actually quite sad, on the other hand dokis event was the complete opposite, very fun and entertaining, full of content, if cover dont do something to reactivate shark she is done, doki or someone else will surpass her at some point, not only number wise, content wise too.

>> No.76657988

Stop spamming the board with this trash, numbermonkey

>> No.76658253

Stop making this kind of thread. Finana is a good person

>> No.76658305

22k even with embeds. Kek

>> No.76658319

Learn to read you retard

>> No.76658619

Umm... anon... look again.

>> No.76658635

Anon, Gura gets these numbers because she streams once a year and it's the only chance for people to watch her stream. She'd be somewhere at 10-15k if she streamed regularly.

>> No.76658742

Delusional faggot.
Watch Doki go back to 1k when she starts streaming apex regularly again

>> No.76658855
File: 23 KB, 1347x69, dasd (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kings bow down to the queen

>> No.76658876

While it's true that her streams get high numbers because she rarely streams, every study and statistic shows that streaming regularly is better than streaming rarely if you want to have a bigger following.
This fact has not changed since the inception of live streaming. If Gura streams regularly, she most likely would've gotten at least 30k floor

>> No.76658897

Fucking idiot, you don't watch Doki. She spams Apex under two circumstances - either she gets invited to a shitload of tournaments, like right now, or she is depressed, like how she was at Nijisanji.

>> No.76658935

mental illness

>> No.76658966

That's NOT funny! EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.76659047

Delusional idiot. Do you seriously think Doki's normal stream would get an avg of 20k ccv now that people don't tune in for drama?

>> No.76659092

Why, are, you, using, so, many, commas, instead, of, simply, making, new, sentences? Also, Dookie's event was boring. She had to leech off over two dozen other vtubers to get over her usual 2k and still couldn't match Gura

>> No.76659239
File: 179 KB, 1056x594, 1706379051055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her solo non-Apex streams get 3-4k, which is amazing for an indie.

>> No.76659329

>her event was boring!
>because her normal streams don't get above 5k!
How the fuck does that correlate?
Fucking SEA hours, I swear to fuck...

>> No.76659372

Not watching any of those whores

>> No.76660568

At least you know how delusional you were being.
Now enjoy her downfall for considering Doki a "Gura killer"

>> No.76660626

>falling for falseflagging
>every poster is the same person
And you're calling me delusional?

>> No.76660717

Finana getting one and a half finana is pretty good no?

>> No.76661799

This is ridiculous. Is it even possible to top Finana at this point?
Hey, don't be so hard on Gura. 29K is an amazing number. It only seems small because she was up against Finana, who is an absolute force of nature. I know everyone called Gura the "Finana killer," and I honestly think she might have made it there eventually if she hadn't stopped streaming regularly— yet another casualty of the Finana killer curse...

>> No.76662057

She rescheduled her stream half and hour after [spoilers]Mint's Wrestletuber reveal[/spoilers] at the last second. Mumei called in a favour.

>> No.76662248

I see a total of 56m botted views from jp fujos and yumes huh. Again who tf is he?

>> No.76662725

That's because you are delusional. She's basically doing the same content as she was when she was in niji. She never had a 20k avg even during nijiEN's peak. What makes you think she will suddenly be the top EN streamer?

>> No.76664493

You're still thinking i was one of the people who called Doki a Gura killer. Not everyone on /vt/ is the same person, moron.
