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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76613012 No.76613012 [Reply] [Original]

>"It sucks that some of the people that you guys like...they aren't nice....and I'm the only one who knows."
>"But those people, even now, are happier, does that make sense?"
>"How do I know they're happier? Because their numbers are higher and they're getting better opportunities"


I'm guessing she's talking about Dokibird, Mint and Mata

>> No.76613162

your last thread just got 404'd why do you keep trying

>> No.76613191

no wonder she's miserable and friendless

>> No.76613263

what sayu has revealed is she is nuttier than a squirrel's nest and people avoid her for a reason

>> No.76613336

Cool story, sister

>> No.76613535

Who helped notkyo again but not sayu?

>> No.76613578

I think what she really means is that they said something nasty to her in DMs when she was collab begging. She would instantly turn around and forgive whoever she was talking about if they acknowledged and validated her.

>> No.76613692

Shut the fuck up already

>> No.76613987

Sisters are showing how obsessed they are they don't have time to support their oshi anymore

>> No.76614122

Sisters are more obsessed with sayu than sayufags, what a time to be alive.

>> No.76614298
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>TFW it's true

>> No.76614376
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Never seen someone burn all of the charitablity they've earned over a year within the span of like two streams; Sayu's a massive piece of shit and her followers are even shittier and dumber than she is and THEY DON'T EVEN FUCKING GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT
For the level of simpage you'd have to be at to still support this she could at least do mommy ASMR but no, they're going to war for someone who can maybe shit out a mediocre stream every few days. Even FalseEyeD's not touching this dumpster fire.

>> No.76614385

>Implies niji people are bad
how is op a sister in that case?

>> No.76614527

maybe selling her body would make her happier

>> No.76614537

Anyone who'd tired of Sayu's attempts to remain relevant and manipulate her fanbase automatically becomes a woman

>> No.76614548

sister post, go watch Vox

>> No.76614564

Fucking hilarious

>> No.76614654

See, Sayufags are literally the dumbest people on this board. Bot tier response.

>> No.76614957

False likes her. Of course he's not going to cover her having a menhera breakdown on stream. Same goes for the other dramatubers.

>> No.76615012
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kys sister

>> No.76615084


>> No.76615107

>Everyone not hating on sayu is her fan!!!
>Her fan think everyone hating on sayu is nijisis
you sister aren't clever or original as you think you are

>> No.76615187

sayu wayu i love her

>> No.76615199

your doxsite still down?

>> No.76615518

>Sister go fap to Vox ASMR kys is the doxsite still down sister deflection go watch Vox

do you fags ever have any other arguments
She's a lolcow and constantly dramabaiting to remain relevant, what do you expect people to think of her

>> No.76615564

>Trying to pull this card after get BTFO for who knows how many thread?
You're suck at this nijisisters

>> No.76615737

You're basically retarded if you think she said all that shit to stay relevant rather than because she's mentally insane.

>> No.76615940

doki and mint collab deflection thread

>> No.76615968

>MFW sister just confirming my point
KEK -39 iq sister

>> No.76616033
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>You're suck
It's basically both, she's always attempting to leverage the month she spent at Nijisanji in ways like this but yes she's also mentally ill

>> No.76616035

>doki and mint are collabing right now
Odds on Sayu killing herself tonight?

>> No.76616114

i'd say 67%

>> No.76616151

>sister +kek + you're dumb
Please let it happen

>> No.76616158


>> No.76616239

no prostitutes allowed in wrestling

>> No.76616288

>some of the people that you guys like...they aren't nice....and I'm the only one who knows
I used to wish she got over it and found happiness, now I wish some deranged anti chases her off the internet. Stupid whore giving shitposters ammo

>> No.76616386

Not zero but I hope that meltdown sobered her up a bit and she's able to ignore it and move on now.

>> No.76616394

idk Elira's odds are pretty high now though

>> No.76616404

>Shit tons of deflection threads
A lot less than you nijiniggs on that note kys

>> No.76616463


hello sisters!! keep kicking the weak one as you always do, doki and mint are having a blast!!

>> No.76616581

She is not "attempting to leverage" it. Well, to a certain extent she is, but the overwhelming factor is that she allows those couple months to define her self-worth, her personal narrative, her entire life. I am not a sayufag but having watched her meltdown I don't believe she is cynical at all about this, she's genuinely just obsessed with somehow becoming friends with these people she barely met, it's in fact very innocent in a way.

>> No.76616873

So who's doing better than Sayu. Doki, Matara, Mint?
I don't think anyone other than them are necessarily doing better than her.
So who's supposed to be the not nice ones?
There's a reason that Sayu is the one being the left out.

>> No.76616907
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>> No.76617042


>> No.76617148

Michi is doing MUCH better, I think Kuro as well though it's unlikely it was about them. Heck, anyone other than Quinn does. Not sure about U-san.

>> No.76617198 [DELETED] 


>> No.76617292

Sayu really cannot move on and her constant downer attitude is pushing them away. They are not obligated to talk to her just because they were in the same corpo for what, a month?

>> No.76617399

Says seriously needs to be happy that some acknowledged her truth. She will not get the closure she wants and she will not either get retribution to those who wronged her or the open arms of others who fell the same way. She was too early, that's just how it is. Honestly it might even be best if she walked away from it all, maybe come back when her wounds are closed. She never stopped bleeding.

>> No.76617478

Michi is doing much better.
Kuro is only doing better in merch sales, he's pretty down because he has like 6 months more of taxes and shit, but he has been in the positive thanks to Michi finally being around.
Quinn is doing worse
U-San seems just in their own lane, chilling and doing music, not so much a stream person

>> No.76617685
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She's talking about indies, retard. You know, the people she had experience with pre-corpo and were actually in a position to help her after getting fucked by the company?

>> No.76617696


>> No.76617698

She should honestly be thankful to Doki.
Sayu was like a mid 3vu until Doki's arc had a Sayu redemption side story.
Now she's a 4vu and she's a mid 3vu simulstreaming on Youtube.

>> No.76617712

does she have a lisp

>> No.76617772

>Shit ton of deflections thread
>TFW sisters are making their case worse

>> No.76617823

She is not. I cannot believe people are still pushing this ridiculous cope.

>> No.76617890

she is not the only one who knows

>> No.76617906
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Seeing Nijisanji get buckbroken this hard is a massive W no matter what

>> No.76617918

Holy cope, she's clearly talking about ex-niji members

>> No.76617947

For better or worse, she cares 100x more about being Doki's friend than she cares about numbers. It literally doesn't matter to her that she inclined because Doki's not her friend.

>> No.76618003

And nijiniggs will say this is a cope

>> No.76618112

Funny how she always brings up numbers to indicate success, but then claim to not care about it, and only want friendships.

>> No.76618156

Sayu isn't a saint. Her life has sucked, and she has been through a lot, but damn does she act entitled and whiny sometimes and seems determined to burn bridges. I wish her well, and for her to heal, but collab begging and shitting on other victims will not help her case.

>> No.76618157
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>t. people who never watched her.
She's talking about indies far more than the Nijis. The entire hour long vent was about the community at large ghosting her and being hypocrites, not about Nijisanji itself. That's it's own completely separate gripe.

>> No.76618349

You sisters are not going to turn any sayu fans no matter the effort you put it, leave the girl alone and support your oshis, after tonight they need it.

>> No.76618404

I think it is because of envy. Doki got wayyyyy more support than she ever did, and wants to be included, but she comes across as trying to force herself into a friendship and it is not working.

>> No.76618667

Anon, you are just entertaining sisters, they don't watch sayu, they are just clipfaggers full of hate and vile, if we don't respond they will samefag into oblivion

>> No.76618779

Go on try other victim talk again

>> No.76618817

Nail on the head, there. She can't even approach them from a fresh start, or anybody in that circle without getting pounced on for being some kind of beggar. And as that circle grows, her own options feel more and more limited.

Which only makes it worse that a large part of that circle WERE her old "friends" who refuse to acknowledge her in any way, not even to apologize.

>> No.76618827

Shes salty that she didn't get get on the cry train like doki did. I honestly respect sayu for not throwing a pity party like doki did but doki got rewarded for it.

>> No.76618932

No. The entire discussion would make no sense if that was the case. She even at several points simply drops any pretense and just starts talking about "that company", "ex-that company", etc. I can't tell if you're just an exceptionally deluded sayufag or simply a sister larping, but this is cope beyond belief.
She does at points talk about indies, however, she mostly seems bitter and resentful towards them. She doesn't have any of that venom when she's talking about the ex-Nijis, just extremely hurt and sad by the fact they're leaving her all alone.

>> No.76618976 [DELETED] 

chink and russian pig most likely, idk about mint, she is retarded and have a tendency to hang out with the worst humanoids possible, kiara included.

>> No.76619094

Based. Fuck Doki. How do you fail to kill yourself multiple times? Anybody eating that up is retarded.

>> No.76619608

She HAS been throwing pity parties though? On how she can never get into VShojo, how she can never move on with her life, throwing shade at others, what do you call that?

>> No.76619769

she didn't much at first, now she is because she saw it got rewards but no one cares anymore because she is old news

>> No.76619848

oh no looks like the rrat that mint left on good terms with niji is falling appart. quick lets smear some people so nobody will notice. pathetic.

>> No.76620127

>How do you fail to kill yourself multiple times?

By being a woman. Suicidal women do weak ass shit like trying to OD on pills and/or booze instead of just blowing their brains out like a man.

>> No.76620208

I like my chuuba haggy, menhera, and overall batshit insane.
Sayu is great, thank you very much.

>> No.76620225

hope she gets the help she severely needs.

>> No.76620232

Calling them out on the hypocritical behavior is appropriate in a "Yeah I've been trying to tell you, I wasn't lying!" way, but its not hard to see why some of them are probably scared of approaching her now. It's not because she's "blackballed" because of shit twitterfags say, its because she is impulsive and prone to outbursts. And if you have a falling out with her, she has now demonstrated that even years on, she will publicly oust you if it means getting viewership.

>> No.76620382

She was barely at the company for a month. She's annoyed at being lumped in with all the ex-nijis despite having nothing to do with them. However, since she WAS terminated by Niji, she has all of the stigma, pressure, and harassment from Niji and the sisters yet nobody came to help her directly in public OR private. Nearly every single person she knew just fucking up and ghosted her at the lowest point in her life, and STILL refuse contact of any form, or even acknowledging her existence.
Which again, is made worse by the people citing her document and whistleblowing as helping their case and "thanking" her, yet ghost her as soon as she reaches out.

Everything is directed at the snakes in the indie scene. She's envious of the other ex-nijis and wants people to stop fucking grouping her with them, or at the very least stop ghosting her and treat her as a person.

>> No.76620716

>Even FalseEyeD's not touching this dumpster fire.
Nah he likes her and usually makes a video with these break downs of her in it, its honestly feels scummy but I can't hate the hustle

>> No.76620755

She was in the company for more than 6 months, she was an active talent for 3 months before she got suspended and then terminated.

>> No.76621028

It does mean her growth will be limited though. While the others have mostly moved on, she will only attract those who love drama

>> No.76621070

So how exactly will this thread help NijiEN's numbers, sis?

>> No.76621089

He's avoided interpersonal scuffles for the most part with his videos.

>> No.76621186

This is going way too far into victim complex. her entire life seems to revolve around her 1 month in nijisanji. Legit get off the internet and get some help woman.

>> No.76621952

She does talk about how she dislikes being lumped in with the ex-Nijis. But you're forgetting that there was another side of the context she discussed this in: she gets lumped in with the ex-Nijis, but she DOESN'T enjoy the benefits of being part their social circle. Or you could look at the entire opening monologue where she talks about how she tried to help them, but none of them like her or think anything she did was good, she only created problems.
Sayu wants a Disney ending. She literally wants to join Vshojo and get a second at making friends with these people. And she's tormented by the fact this is completely impossible. Nobody can possibly believe this cope about her "just talking about indies" after this stream.

>> No.76622122
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If you are going to falseflagg, do it with a bit of info, 3 months, + the months on the company before debut.

>> No.76622291

Yeah, but you're also lacking a LOT of context with this.
For example, there's people like Cy Yu who used to be close friends with her and completely avoided her like a fucking leper as soon as the niji thing fell through.

And then the second Doki gets canned, he comes out with a scathing story about how Niji tried to fuck him over, too?
For fuck's sake, as soon as the Kenji thing started, Cy Yu(and quinn of course) IMMEDIATELY hopped on Sayu's case and started showing support against her.

>> No.76622379

this girl has been on a pity party for 2 years now. she should be lucky shes a 4view still

>> No.76623123

I guess this is why Mint got to be a special guest, and Sayu is still in the wilderness.

>> No.76623286

No, I already know about that. And definitely all the nastiest stuff directed at her after termination was by indies and small creators. Those people she feels actively hostile towards.
But the other side of this is that these people get to be friends with the ex-Nijis she can't. You know who's friends with Cy Yu? Matara. He shows up in her chat all the time. Doki's on good terms with him as well. I think this is specifically what's eating at her and basically what her rant was about. She can't get the time of day from these people and some of them have even just told her "fuck off", meanwhile the people who dumped her like a hot sack of garbage are right there besides them. She's basically being cucked.

>> No.76623455

As people said, her downer attitude, dramatuber collabs, contract leaks, vaguely dissing vshojo/indies, overall negativity and most of all, probably, the latest meltdown sealed her fate pretty much. All of this cuts off all the vtubers she previously mentioned in a negative way and everyone else will think thrice before they decide if they want to communicate with her or not.

>> No.76623506

>"How do I know they're happier? Because their numbers are higher and they're getting better opportunities"
This is so insane to me. She's so bitter. She's so fucking shallow kek.

>> No.76624368

Man I don't wanna defend the wigger quinn at all but I don't think he actually said anything or made any kind of comment about the kenji spat.

>> No.76625104

Jesus Christ this i dont even watch her but all the ting I see and hear of her make me so fucking sad for her

>> No.76625342

He immediately commented on a bunch of Kenji's posts after Sayu got involved with "Bruh" and started talking about how good his song cover was after Sayu's was released.

>> No.76625567

none of what she said implies that she's talking about ex-niji. it may as well be niji livers.

>> No.76625761

Why feel sorry for her? Sayu has it better than a majority of indie vtubers. She just wants to be in Doki and Mint's circle so bad.

>> No.76625956

I just want Sayu to shut the fuck up and move on from the drama. I never hear anything about her having fun, or playing a game, it's always just bitching that other people are doing better than her and how miserable she is. Maybe she'd get more viewers if she wasn't digging up drama every stream

>> No.76626117

I'm sick of this grifter bitch popping up every so often to get some pity. Even if everything she says is true, she's the most pathetic fucker going. I hate niji and I still thing she's pathetic as fuck, just move on and stop whining and vagueposting.

>> No.76626397

Nice bait and switch, sister. I'll give you that.
And speaking of Mint, Doki, and Matara, I'm going to assume that (you), yes you, are one of those bitches that false flags as a Sincroknight in their chats to make Sayu look bad.
>Verification not required

>> No.76626563

even potential people would be turned away from her because she would be a brand risk. entertainment industry isnt fair but it is what it is

>> No.76626612

Because any time she does anything, it gets drowned out by threads like OP.

She's also only a minor /lig/ so there's probably barely 10-20 actual sincroknights on the board. They can't even keep their general alive.

>> No.76626709

She's talking about (You) when she asked if you needed it to be clearer. She's obviously talking about at least Doki, who she directly complained by name that Doki was given the benefit of the doubt by everyone but not her.

>> No.76626832

Well what do you expect dude? The shit she does is interesting/insane. There are obviously people like the samefag who just want to shit on her but of course people are going to intrigued by her menhera spiral, just like mikeneko, (who she's envious of).

>> No.76627012

>Because any time she does anything, it gets drowned out by threads like OP.
Why does she keep doing it then? Is she retarded?

>> No.76627105

Anon, every single one of those threads is from today or yesterday.

>> No.76627504

Yeah because she had a stream where she
>cried about how the exnijis hate her
>cried about how she cant join vshojo
>implied one of the exnijis was a bad person
>said she wanted to be a prostitute when she was 18
>said she would become a prostitute NOW if vtubing fell through
Just off the top of my head. You expect no one to talk about any of that?

>> No.76627578

No wonder everyone else who left or was wronged by the company avoids her like the fucking plague

>> No.76628001
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Well yeah, because you're a fucking retard twisting her words.

Everything sounds worse if you lie about it, woah.

>> No.76628051

You forgot this one

>She begged and nearly harassed her former mama to do her new design after leaving Nijisanji, and she said, "You're a risk, don't you understand that?!"

>> No.76628092

What exactly is incorrect here?

>> No.76628190

Also forgot about leaking documents to that legal guy and collabing with massive dramafags

>> No.76628264

you dont have to twist anything from her, bitch buries herself well enough by herself

>> No.76628274

I am going to clip EVERY statement that he said to prove you wrong then

>> No.76628379
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All of it, considering you're a retard who doesn't watch her and hasn't even watched the vod in question, much less any of the clips or vods where any of those retarded claims came from.

>> No.76628439

then do it faggot

>> No.76628501

Yes I phrased it uncharitably but you get the point.
Those are actual things she talked about, in fact, the prostitution stuff is just literally what she said.
Why did she do that? What was the point? Didn't somebody in chat hit her with a "nobody asked" or was that something else?

>> No.76628503

>Source: Trust me bro

>> No.76628588


>All of it, considering you're a retard who doesn't watch her and hasn't even watched the vod in question,

Yet you're wrong, for example

>said she wanted to be a prostitute when she was 18
>said she would become a prostitute NOW if vtubing fell through


Guess you're wrong, retard

>> No.76628787

Well to an extent it isnt hard to see why some ex-Niji members do not want to give her the time of day. The moment she hung out with a bunch of dramachannels (regardless of reason like being unable to tolerate any more isolation), that was probably the point where she was written off as a major risk, even for those that defended her at NijiEN like Doppio and Maria. Now they have no clue how much information she gave out, not even pertaining to the company but information on them.
Then add in what she already alludes to on stream, or the amount of drama she gets into on Twitter. If these past 3 months were an attempt for Doki or Mint to see what she's like from a distance, she only made her situation worse.

>> No.76628894

>Why did she do that? What was the point? Didn't somebody in chat hit her with a "nobody asked" or was that something else?
Entirely different story.
The prostitution thing was just an example of how fucking awful her self worth is right now due to being unperson'd by the community. It was one of many statements like how she envied how even with all of the shit Mikeneko went through, her artist was still okay with working with her for a new model, while Zaion's told her flat out that she was too toxic and to pound sand.
All of the "bad people" and "they hate me" comments were about other creators in the scene that she knew before niji that ditched her after the termination, and still refuse to acknowledge her existence even after Doki's case proved a pattern with the company smear and torch the careers of their terminated employees.

>> No.76629024

agree simps are subhumans

>> No.76629517

The fact that she had to drag her past mama into this for her simps to have a reason to harass when they just don’t want to go anywhere near her drama shit makes me want her to just go full scorched earth on everyone she perceives as having wronged her at that point and see how it works out for her

>> No.76629535

she's a few streams short of becoming a full on LOLcow at this point.

>> No.76629582

Sayuschizo, everyone knows it's you as soon as you post that link because it's apparently your favorite thing to post

>> No.76629769

NTA but man. Imagine having thousands of supportive fans throwing money and saviorfagging you and still managing to have awful self worth.

>> No.76629860
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>sisters can't use Mint to falseflag anymore
>they now use Sayu of all people

>> No.76630212

All of this happened before the Mint/Doki collab.
In fact, there's a large chance she knew, and it's literally why she's melting down. She goes ballistic at one point about how she's not invited to things.

>> No.76630690
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well yeah, considering that there's been multiple cases of people specifically participating in "unity" shit for the sake of actively hurting her. Cy Yu and Quinn, as well as their fanbases being recent examples.

>> No.76630946

This. All they're doing is dragging out Nijisanji's toxicity

>> No.76630964

of course.
God, words cannot describe how much I hate this faggot.

>> No.76631126
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I find her about Section on Twitch a bit ironic kek

>> No.76632342

Collabed with Kson & Zen
Talk shit about Vshojo and burn bridges
Sayufags says we love you Sayu for being who you are
Says that she is happy enough with the current indie Vtuber friends that she have
Didn't get invited by Doki for Wrestletuber
Mint and Doki add each other as friend on X
Meltdown during stream and cries
Mint appears unnanounced as Doko Cohost for Wrestletuber
Throw shade at ex-niji for being more successful than her
Why is she always drama farming???

>> No.76633226

Is Sayu the new menhera queen or does Mike still

>> No.76634159

>How do I know they're happier? Their numbers are higher.
Jesus Christ Sayu how does anyone enjoy this self-pitying whiny bitch

>> No.76634522

She needs to either start her own group with blackjack and hookers or leave the scene for a while and start fresh with a rebrand. She's talented, but no one wants to deal with someone who's always complaining about their ex. The pity farming got old last year, it's rotted out now.

This is not me being mean, she really needs to make a concentrated effort to work on her mental health.

>> No.76634654

nothing will ever top Mike's never ending downfall. going from the top superchatted youtuber in the world to begging for male collabs on twitter is just too insane.

>> No.76634806

mike is also about 1000x cuntier than sayu. apex predator vs. a bratty doormat.

>> No.76634841

she'll have to start killing cats and suing random anons for slander

>> No.76634857

Sayu was a nobody in niji while Mike was the most superchatted member in hololive

>> No.76634870

Absolutely agreed dude. That or she needs to stop engaging with drama tourists and having menhera breakdowns on stream that get clipped and blasted everywhere.

>> No.76635739

Of course they aren't nice people. They all turned on her to protect their own job, and would have done the same to Selen but they were already out by then.

>> No.76635782

I'll never understand her line of thinking here
>kson collabs with her despite her being at the peak of drama
>sayu shit talks vshojo
>zen agrees to collab after sayu dooms about no one wanting to interact with her
>shit talks vshojo again, right after the collab no less
>gets rejected from vshojo and cries that it's the fault of the members in the agency that she can't join
Good grief has this woman have any self awareness

>> No.76636444

What a petty bitch. I know how she feels I've been back stabbed by awful people who are happier than I am even though they are bad people but this sort of thing is what I tell to my therapist, not to my coomer audience.

>> No.76637388


having fun samefagging your threads, sister?


>> No.76637603

Listening to that really rubbed me the wrong way. I hate the whiney seethe act. She even got snippy with her audience for daring to suggest her enemies might not be happy. She seems hell bent on wallowing rather than picking herself up or looking at any of the positives going on for her. I know those types of people and they're miserable to be around.

>> No.76638191

shittalking vshojo right after a collab with a member who's known for being very into unity is the perfect encapsulation of why sayu needs to leave the community for at least six months to recover her mental health or potentially for good if she has other job opportunities that can support her full time. she continually self-sabotages even when the kindest people see she needs help and throw her a drama-free lifeline to collab and not only does it lock her out of relationships with people close to that person but also any other vtuber who saw how quick she was to badmouth someone/group who hadn't done anything bad
this isn't going to get better for her because while the previous (bullshit) toxic label that was put on her from niji's actions was ripped away after doki, she has a new toxic label that, frankly, she gave herself through her own actions. between leaving now because she doesn't have much growth potential and leaving in a year when it's that plus her mental health tanking even further, it might be better to quit while she's slightly more ahead
it's also frustrating talking about this because there's clearly a ton of people who feel the same way I do and don't wish her ill but recognize that she's partly to blame for the way things have been going for her, threads about her get coated with assholes who just want to shit on her freely

>> No.76638877

I hope her mods and friends are seeing these messages and can get through to her. She's clearly letting it boil up inside of her and she needs a healthy way to channel it without putting her in harms way

>> No.76639100

What did she even say about Vshojo?

>> No.76639109

She cares about CCV cause she gets her happiness from other’s opinions of her and believes if you’re watching her live you care about her. (This is paraphrasing a real thing she said I have the stream but no timestamp.)
Sayu clearly has a lot of problems like low self esteem and clearly is jealous of the amount of support Doki got compared to her (I don’t think she’s angry at Doki but rather vtubing/ex-niji fans in general). She needs help and it seems to me like she is unwilling to admit it or find help.
I don’t think she’ll ever read this but if she does my advice is to get therapy. If she already is increase the amount of sessions or switch therapists. Also just give up on making an ex-niji friends and increase the colabs with certain members of Vshojo, phase connect or other indies.

>> No.76639184

Called it a clique

>> No.76639351

Probably referring to how she couldn't get in before because of the Clique nature and this was before Matara.

>> No.76639357

Silver shittalked Vshojo more than Sayu could have ever done and she's doing fine though
>badmouth someone/group who hadn't done anything bad
This doesn't really apply here
Sayu has had a history with Vshojo along with several other past orbiters, and they all share the same general opinion about that group's exclusiveness

>> No.76639411

same. it's not funny or entertaining to see a decent person who was wronged spiral further and further into frustration and pain because the initial trauma affected them so much they can't heal. it's sad and could have a very tragic end if things continue the way they are

>> No.76639428

>>76639109 (me)
I would like to clarify I think a lot of her anger at how people treated her compared to others is very justified but in general she just needs a wake up call that she needs to fix her issues.

>> No.76639467

>Huh!?? It's not that hard to understand guys...
Yeah I'm not getting anywhere close to someone like that, thanks.

>> No.76639736

Qrd on what Sayu said about Vshojo?

>> No.76639887

I mean it checks out, the only nijiENs that are both getting higher numbers and are happier now are those 3. Based Sayu, I might have to watch her more if she's anti-doki

>> No.76639897

That she can't just "join vshojo" because it's a clique. They don't take open auditions, and even if they did, there's someone there who doesn't like her and would block it.

That's it.

>> No.76640016


It's not really a hot take, but it does come off as ungrateful for the collabs she does get.

>> No.76640103

>Collab with doxxsagi
>Become a dramafaggot herself
You hate to see it

>> No.76640708

>Silver shittalked Vshojo more than Sayu could have ever done and she's doing fine though
When was the last time ever collabed with anybody other Vei tho? She went on-and-on about being ignored by vshojo members other than for business purposes, but I damn well never see her collabing with anybody as an indie.

>> No.76640876

Silver never shittalked vshojo tho? the biggest drama that came after she left was her saying mouse and her weren't friends and she immediately deleted the VOD and never spoke about any exmembers or the agency after, she and everyone else moved on, sayu did the exact opposite

>> No.76640971


>> No.76641334

using the word "clique" while she knows that the word is strongly associated with a group of people that nearly drove doki to suicide was incredibly in poor taste and she knows it

>that's it
She repeatedly targeted mata by unsubtly hinting that she's the reason the won't let her join, and not say sayu's own inability to stay out of drama being a huge liability for any company, mata still have never spoken out again sayu to this day btw

>> No.76641579

>>She repeatedly targeted mata by unsubtly hinting that she's the reason the won't let her join
Is she wrong?
She was friends with Sayu for months before mysteriously blocking her and shilling fucking QUINN as soon as Selen's firing made hating Niji cool. She's made zero efforts at reconciliation and blocks every single attempt to reach out. Are you telling me she'd happily allow Sayu to enter and fuck up her potential new "family"?

>> No.76641595

Being friends with doki literally translates to numbers

>> No.76641825

Quinn barely fucking did anything, Sayu used a private conversation with Nina to get "niji bad" brownie points and Mata is socially competent enough that she doesn't need to cling onto every acquaintance she makes and can cut off shitheads like Sayu even if she "apologizes"

>> No.76641916

you type like your skin is brown

>> No.76642123

>Mata doesn't need to cling onto every acquaintance

Got THAT right. Notice how she shilled Quinn for MONTHS until he fucking flopped and then she dropped him like a sack of potatoes? She's a disgusting vulture and people who can't give her clout are worthless to her.

>> No.76642209

Thing is, Sayu has done exactly one collab with Kson and one with Zen and she's acting like she's one of their besties and it's solely Matara being the reason she can't get into to vshojo when there's other /lig/ chuubas who are much closer to several vshojo members and done much more collabs that still haven't got in yet. Even if you take Matara out of the picture, I highly doubt vshojo would take her in after they BARELY dodged a nuke with Nazuna's menhera ass and I think they'd be pretty damn hesitant about bringing in another menhera brand-risk like Sayu. Especially with her having looser lips than even Michael Cat

>> No.76642299

Which makes me wonder, she definitely struck gold with Michi and Mint, why couldn't she see that Quinn isn't gonna fly?

>> No.76642314

This is why I have no sympathy for you sayfags, mata and sayu were never close and even sayu admitted as such, mata confided in her after seeing sayu get mistreated so she wouldn't feel alone and instead of keeping it private she tried using that to get her involved

Mata just wants to move on but instead of taking the hint sayu keeps desperately trying to pin the blame on her despite and ill remind you again, mata never speaking against sayu at all, she doesn't owe her shit

No one outside 4chan has talked about your schizo rrat, god forbid mata collab with a friend instead of being chronically /here/

>> No.76642377

Just helping a clique buddy out ya know

>> No.76642388

Obviously. If Snuffy couldn't get in back when she was a max level orbiter, then Sayu has no delusions about getting in.
She was rejected in 2021 back the one time they did open auditions, which we have records of.

>> No.76642416

we get it, you numbermonkeys don't have friends

>> No.76642517

She and the other ex-nijis still collab with him retard

>> No.76642743

Yeah, fat chance. Sayu was just going to be Matara's Quinn to play saviorfag for in public so that she could milk the mommy clout like she failed with Quinn and is now doing with Mint. As soon as she turned out to be more work than a kind word once every few months, she moved on to her next toy.

>> No.76642873


>> No.76643003

Yeah I get the feeling she doesn't understand corporate vtubing that well, less so networking actual with friends and not blindly trusting coworkers.

>> No.76643008

>resorting to schizo babble after running out of arguments
Wouldn't expect anything less from sayufags

>> No.76643047

Sure they do. I totally believe you.
You're not convincing anybody /here/ that Matara is anything but an actual grifter.

>> No.76643515

>sister boogeyman
i agree that nijiniggers are retarded but that doesn't mean sayu isn't, herself, retarded as well. i feel like not getting invited wrestle with everyone has really taken a toll on her, especially with mint having shown up.

>> No.76643588

We all know already that Quinn is a piece of shit.

>> No.76643732

Schizo babble? Like making 18 sayu threads in 2 days?


>> No.76643995

>Using the word "clique"
and you can read the rest because I'm not typing all that

What other word do you want her to use when talking about what Vshojo is? Anyone with a brain knows it's been a clique from day one, nobody needs Sayu having another menhera rant to know that.

>> No.76644222

Don't try to use logic on Sayuschizo. They're a special kind of sister

>> No.76644295

>>"How do I know they're happier? Because their numbers are higher and they're getting better opportunities"
Well there goes the sincrocuck cope of "she doesn't care about making more money she just wants friends".

>> No.76644400
File: 387 KB, 482x537, 1708196166386847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more clips that I made just in case you didn't see the VOD or didn't watch for being too long






>> No.76644687

Nijisanji turned everyone against her, the livers and the public. She tried to use a private conversation to defend herself and show that Niji wasn't so great.
Matara was more than willing to go along with the public ostracization with everyone else when it benefited her while knowing that Niji was a shitshow internally.

>> No.76644716

False is dead.

>> No.76645235

??? since when?

>> No.76645468

>I'm not going to tell you who they are because I don't want to attack anyone
>I'm just going to vaguepost as close to the verge of telling you who they are so that I can maintain plausible deniability when you do that for me
Why are women like this? Can they not go by a day without manipulating others?

>> No.76645565

>someone makes a criticism towards sayu
>"lol doki beat nijisanji haha nijiseethe"
>"lol mint beat nijisanji haha nijiseethe"
>"lol hololive beat nijisanji haha nijiseethe"
Sayucucks....probably not the best idea to use people Sayu seethes at to defend her with. In fact a real anti would be right in using those against Sayu. She and her fans are stuck in a hopeless mentally ill death spiral of thinking they're always right and are simply unlucky, not that they're actually doing anything wrong.

>> No.76645751

Everyone who was in Niji at the time is the same, including your precious Selen and Pomu
They all went along with it to protect their jobs
Even now I bet they are telling themselves "no, she deserved it. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not a bad person. My actions were justified."
This is why they will never change their position on her

>> No.76645796

>sayuschizo still fighting ghosts.
Start watching your oshis and stop seething about Sayu and maybe they'll still be here in 2025.

Or maybe make 5 more sayu threads to add to the list. Your call.

>> No.76645901
File: 214 KB, 567x710, 1706391034014545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have a cat

>> No.76645945

Incredibly ironic post.

>> No.76646229

Yeah, for how much of a mental wreck Sayu is, it would probably take her getting final yab'd or something to come anywhere close to Mikeneko. That chick menhera'd herself down from the literal top to below rock bottom and she just keeps digging

>> No.76647637

The reason why they aren't changing their position on Sayu is because she went to drama channels like FalseEyed, that one lawyer streamer, and Depressed Doxxagi (defending him too btw). Even if they felt bad for her, that probably went out the window once they realized how much information she gave out. That makes them afraid of interacting with her, because all it takes is one fallout for her to reveal all your secrets to strengthen her brand at the cost of your own.
Also no, not everyone went along with her termination. Maria fought for Zaion with her MV, and Ren was one of the few people at the time to stop Niji's batshit crazy fanbase from harassing her. Its Sayu's current actions that are turning the Nijis from her, nevermind the fact that she has thrown so much shade at them that they won't even know why she still wants to collab in the first place.

>> No.76648284
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Sayu love!

>> No.76648408
File: 16 KB, 572x259, 1715805008794275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sigh why is everyone so mean, why can't they be nice like me, see look how charitable I am giving doxxsagi a good time

>> No.76648545
File: 35 KB, 570x259, depressed nousagi fucked sayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder sayu had sex with depressed pagpagi, now that we know she's a prostitute we only have to find out if she was paid for in cash or exposure

>> No.76648757
File: 275 KB, 598x504, 1715755418536755 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A week ago Mint retweeted an art of the three you can see it wasn't even amazing art or the art of an important or famous artist yet Mint gave it retweet, people were starting to get hopeful.... And now Sayu is already talking shit about Mint and Doki.
She really needs professional help, this is no longer the behavior of a mentally healthy person.

>> No.76648760
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>> No.76648879
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How much would you pay to make her cum?

>> No.76648947

She is her worst enemy to a frustrating degree.

>> No.76648959

Is this what her simps mean when they claim she "moved on"?

>> No.76649137

The recent podcast episode Matara and Mint did of their bad prior jobs to Vtubing kinda illuminates this especially from Matara's end even though I quite dislike her especially for her prior fleshstreaming career. Female friendships and relationships are quite different from male ones as apparently, sharing "deep" secrets and etc. are more normal among even a basic or intermediary friendship even though it's prone more to leaking at that level. You break that trust, and that is never coming back which may seem dumb but that's how relationships work at that level. There's cliques and friendship circles everywhere and we'll never get in or understand them all.

>> No.76649260

Why ruin a good faith post by twisting her words like every other person in this thread? oh wait

>> No.76649344
File: 78 KB, 706x674, 329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And now Sayu is already talking shit about Mint and Doki
>she talks about certain exniji, aka quinn
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she attacks Mint and Doki reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.76649464

She was clearly talking about Mint and Doki, because she explicitly mentions the people she's complaining about are more successful than her with more numbers. Since when the fuck does Quinn get more numbers than her, or even the majority of nijiEN these days?

>> No.76649487

ESL sisters outing themselves again.

Why don't you make another Sayu thread to share this revelation? After all, you've already made 19 in the past two days with 3 on the catalog currently.


>> No.76649580

She was talking about backstabbing snakes like Cy Yu, but go off despite how many times she's had to say by name at how she's not upset with Doki or Mint.

>> No.76649750

She didn't shill him for months and she already said that she doesn't have the best chemistry with him before his debut. I swear Matara antis have the weirdest delusions.

>> No.76649823


>> No.76649920

seethe more lol

>> No.76649930
File: 129 KB, 463x453, 1706289298514610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO called it

>> No.76650158

I accept your concession.

>> No.76650220

Yeah, I really like her, but any intent to try and support her seriously feels pointless when this here comes up, low stuff, which is really sad. Then again, everyone involved in all this is internet people who just won't seek a normal/actual job, so...

>> No.76650242

I'm guessing Mint has some form of empathy for Sayu's situation given that they used to be co-workers and victims of the same management, even though neither Mint nor Doki knew her that well.
But Sayu keeps holding on to that Niji baggage. I get it that she can't control her feelings of how she is missing opportunities and not going to incline; she just needs to put her head down and stop talking about Niji and what happened to her. The few supportive tweets only seem to be acting like bandages and she keeps gong back to that sympathy farm again and again to make her feel less shit; it's only going to get worse now that most normies have moved on from the active Niji hate high and just passively avoid Niji.
Also Doki is actively going to avoid that kind of person. Not a dig at how Sayu is as a human being, but just this one aspect of how she keeps clinging to the idea that she was a martyr and she is getting none of the benefits of being an ex-Niji.
Also I think Sayu is talking about Cyyu.

>> No.76650341
File: 237 KB, 267x541, firefox_XNqwtlHoVd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag sister bumping her thread after it nearly falls off again using months old ESL rrats.
Maybe you should focus instead on your own company and how badly its new debutantes are doing?

>> No.76650588

Nice try but she clearly said they're people who her fans probably like, which therefore excludes anyone she has overtly shat on before.

>> No.76650723

>dramafaggot clipwatcher telling someone who actually watched it live what the context was.
Yeah, sure, sis.

>> No.76650752
File: 200 KB, 817x2521, 1704377428765435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You okay buddy?

>> No.76650852

Sayu should understand that she can't go both friendly and avenger.

>> No.76650889

>ackshually the video evidence is wrong and you need to watch some other thing i won't specify
This is the laziest cope you could make and you fags always do this. If I didn't know better I'd say this was a falseflag aimed at making her fans look retarded but you lot really are insufferable.

>> No.76651026
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1698580805386289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is sayu killing herself on stream today or what?

>> No.76651080

You'll have to lead by example

>> No.76651106

I'd be more worried about whoever spammed 20 Sayu threads over the last 2 days and kept bumping them

>> No.76651133

>is top 0.03% of twitch
>is a sponsor at offkai
This is just pitybait grifting at this point. At least ironmouse does it right by not being so negative.

>> No.76651178
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>> No.76651437

They were the only ones willing to listen to her story and give her a chance. Nijisanji was still seen as the golden company of talent freedom and she was public enemy number one.
Phrasing it as trying to "strengthen her brand" at the expense of others is so disingenuous.

>> No.76651554

>sisters completely unable to come up with anything on their own
>steal Xcuck, Xseethe, etc. and just pretend as if this somehow makes them seem more intelligent or less obvious.
>still bumping her 18th sayu thread in 2 days

>> No.76651659
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>> No.76651755

Can this woman ever stop making herself a victim while crying for handouts?
Jesus christ enough is enough. Every single day, get over it and move on.

>> No.76652004

They can falseflag as literally every other group on the board but there is literally only one kind this obsessed at hating one 4view indie.
It's all so obvious and tiring.

>> No.76652699

Considering how she told the story of her previous artist refusing to work with her, it does sound like she uses others for her benefit. Why would anyone want to even talk to someone who'll start complaining about you when things don't turn out as she wants?

>> No.76652876

You know, I was all about supporting Sayu, but now? She just can't keep her mouth shut, for better or for worse. She knows what she's doing saying this shit, like she's trying to hurt every single ex-Niji at the same time. It doesn't matter if Doki is one of them, or Mata, or Mint. Her just saying this casts doubt on all of them for no reason other than just being vindictive and having sour grapes.

>> No.76652902

but enough about Finana

>> No.76653011
File: 125 KB, 371x288, 1716703471146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in company for 3 months or so
>Cry this much about shit
Holy fuck, I'm not even a nijifag but this woman deserves to crash and burn.
I swear to God if she joins phase I will anti her at every opportunity

>> No.76653071

Sayu will never get better because her fans coddle her and trying to point out her flaws here will just be met with "ur a nijisister!" so even if she was /here/ she'd never get any feedback.

Since she said she'll do porn if vtubing doesn't work out I wouldn't be surprised if groomers are doing this on purpose to fast track access to her nudes.

>> No.76653359

>She was friends with Sayu for months

>> No.76653479

I wish I knew Sayu IRL. I would give her a big hug. This whole thing has been so traumatic for her and it must feel awful.

>> No.76653555

The one pulling the strings while pretending to be everyone’s mom.

>> No.76653616

Don't worry bro, her male roommate gives her hugs every day.

>> No.76653671

Yeah I have always felt badly for her since her termination, I felt like everyone dogpiled her for mostly tame bullshit, and the backstabbing by her coworkers was obvious even back then. This, though? It's like she has a breakdown and instead of just taking a break or some shit she feels the need to say things she shouldn't. Regardless of truth, it is NOT a good idea to run afoul of Doki, Mint, and/or Mata's fanbase at the moment.

>> No.76653733
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better be called a sister than to be a sayufag kek

>> No.76653869

OP is a dumbass. Sayu said in a stream when she did the reaction to a video about her how Doki deserves the love and support.

Its definitely Mata and Kuro. Maybe even Mika cause she was so close to EN and the clique.

>> No.76653890

The one she left behind to catsit while she went to hawaii alone?

>> No.76653958

It wasn't the amount of time she was there, but that one of the biggest vtuber companies publicly assassinated her and mobilized their livers and fanbase to dogpile on her.
Excluding a couple of them, at best they just looked the other way and allowed it to happen.
Not one of them has shown any regret for what they did even after it happened again to Selen and suddenly everyone was no longer on niji's side.
Matara was basically gloating about how she was justified in her actions in the last podcast.

>> No.76654034


>> No.76654127

The woman's divorced and her husband was part of her community, anon. If she was fucking somebody she'd just say it.
Also her cat is retarded and needs special care daily.

>> No.76654194

>Matara was basically gloating about how she was justified in her actions in the last podcast.
Clip or timestamp

>> No.76654197

Sayu was openly married. She has no need to keep shit secret.

>> No.76654238

man I get being hurt but she seriously needs to shut the fuck up and just tell those things a therapist.

Does she not realize that this constant crying is offputting and she is just sabotaging herself with it?

>> No.76654298

You know, her ex husband is probably the one who could bring light into this entire shit if he would want to talk.

>> No.76654358

Considering he cheated on her, I don't think he wants to shed light on anything.

>> No.76654433

Give her a few bucks and you can get more than a hug

>> No.76654492

She secretly wants an excuse to shoot porn

>> No.76654638

The issue is that this gets around and people who don't know any better will assume it's about their oshi, whether it's Mata or Michi or Doki or Mint.

>> No.76654707

Uhhh, boohoo~?

>> No.76654833


>> No.76654874

Nah. Finana, Elira, Kyo, Enna and Millie are more likely targets

>> No.76654884

This is exactly how i feel. I have so much empathy but feel so powerless and wish she could do something. I know she doesn’t want people telling her what to do but people genuinely say that because they care.

>> No.76654945

Leave Shiori out of this, Nijishitter

>> No.76655334

>>"How do I know they're happier? Because their numbers are higher and they're getting better opportunities"
Or they're happier because they don't have to deal with Niji clique crap, Riku and the awful black company in general, also not being in vicinity to schizo whores would help anyone.

>> No.76655385

It doesn't even matter if she was a decent person or not. The way she was treated was disgusting and there was never any real justice for her.
All she is allowed is to "get over it"

>> No.76655397

Are you literally diving in the trash to find old shit to shitpost about OP

>> No.76655471

>sayu's streams are trash

>> No.76655489

See this is even more sad because it's like she's self aware but then KEEPS DOING IT. In the SAME STREAM.

>> No.76655636
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never watched niji never will, this board really got buckbroken by bunch of smelly stinky fujo femcels/trannies lmao

>> No.76655953

>victim complex over not getting invited to things
>"when everybody is invited to participate in a big event and i'm the only one who's not invited"
What the fuck is this retardation? Why should she be owed any invites? There are a million other vtubers out there who also don't get invited to everything because they didn't earn it, so why does she feel so entitled? She's acting like she's in a classroom of 20 people and she's being excluded on purpose, when she's just a who in a sea of whos. And she's a 4view too, it's basically a lowkey insult to everyone less successful than she is.

>> No.76655976

She unironically needs professional help that her fans can't provide.

>> No.76656061

Falseflagger-chama, there is not a single third party that would attempt to make nijiniggers look good in comparison, not even to the thottiest twitch whore.
You people are actually that reviled.

>> No.76656218

Life is inherently unfair. It sucks but its not like a movie, at times there is no "justice". At the same time its not like Sayu is living in the slums of Detroit surviving off of food stamps either, she's seemingly made enough to not only live in California but take trips to Hawaii, nevermind her trip to Asia last year. She's made friends with lots of large indies, she's been invited as a guest at lots of conventions, she's still not persona non-grata either since Zen reached out to her either.
She has a lot of very good things going for her, but she needs to seek psychiatric help because her current mindset is self-destructive and risks destroying everything she built up to this point.

>> No.76656240

I never even watched this sayu girl, and everything I've read about her is a red flag.

>> No.76656263

Approximately 0% of streamers are good people offstream.

>> No.76656311

She's just a greedy, self-entitled whore getting pissy about the world not recognizing her supposed greatness. Basically we're watching a narcissist breaking down.

>> No.76656385

She does sound like an ungrateful cunt desu

>> No.76656423

she doesn't acknowledge the existence of anyone less known than she is, so she acts like she's at the bottom of the community and has an eternal victim complex over it

she'd be prime clique material if she didn't get kicked out, kwab

>> No.76656586

>more obvious?
Yes. Make it more obvious Sayu. Say the names. Vague-posting will only cause speculation like ITT. Just say who you're talking about and accept the drama buff

>> No.76656741

>I don't want to attack anyone...
>...but "some people" you guys like are bad people
I wonder what goes through her head when she says shit like this

>> No.76656834

What the fuck LMFAO got a clip of her saying she'd be a prozzie today?

>> No.76656943


>> No.76657154

>apparently everybody surrounding her are bad people
yeah right lmao

>> No.76657235
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, 1706632093156075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the reality is the other way around. Sayu is the bad person, that's why all ex nijis are still friends with each other while she's the only one they completely avoid.

>> No.76657288

Sure, sister. Just 5 more threads and everyone will believe that. THAT will bring back Vox's fans, I know it!

>> No.76657343
File: 308 KB, 523x521, 1697688143629282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument sayucuckis

>> No.76657453

Just wait for the inevitable destruction of the narcissist and idiots attracted to her. Even if it doesn’t happen, I hope actually interesting drama happen.

>> No.76657471

You never had one

>> No.76657506


>> No.76657671
File: 3.31 MB, 1530x2388, axconcert0525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument, nijisis.

>> No.76657719
File: 63 KB, 261x186, 1687804883049235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish I was one KEK

>> No.76657784

Sure, sis. Lemme guess. Sickling? Pissed that he got left out of the NBA "collab"?

>> No.76657847
File: 230 KB, 421x423, 1687403692184473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bzzzzt, wrong. Ex-pomudachi, now Wisp.

>> No.76657874

That's not the point. Her point is that she doesn't even get the chance to be invited because she was in the same company as them regardless of how much they interacted. She starts at a disadvantage by default compared to a complete stranger.
And it's not just with exNijis, it's with literally everyone

>> No.76657897

Hey, it's the usual falseflagging wisp sister. How are you doing? Still being a retard? That's nice.

>> No.76657923

Yeah, that's totally believable, sister. I'm pretty sure I nailed it right on the head. Don't worry, it's a good thing that Hex might get canned. He's a worthless shell of a traitorous scumsucker, but at least he won't be in Nijisanji anymore!

>> No.76657935
File: 66 KB, 228x221, 1687725020737673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love seeing Sayucucks squirm and characterize you as a woman squirting to Vox/Hex rape ASMR if you insinuate their queen is anything less than perfect. They're so stupid, holy shit.

>> No.76657971

Ok there is a lot more wrong with this woman than just ex-coworkers not liking her. Holy shit.
Bitch needs to work out that childhood trauma

>> No.76658000

God you're retarded. There are people out there with 1/10 her views who nobody has heard of and will never get an invite to big vtuber events, do you think they're going to claim they're "excluded" as well? Nobody is entitled to invites. Do something that earns it or just shut the fuck up.

>> No.76658020
File: 83 KB, 243x267, 1689502731052951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh falseflagging
Sayusharts still coping that someone else other than nijicuckis call out their oshit

>> No.76658039

You're the retarded one, I never said she was entitled to invites, you clearly can't read

>> No.76658056

Oh look, the sister found some pekora images to avatarfag with now.
Having fun pretending to be on the team of actual good people?

>> No.76658057

I have read your posts, I don't need to like sayu to call you a falseflagging retard.

>> No.76658070

You clearly can't understand English.

>> No.76658108

For her own benefit I agree professional help is the best option.
But psychiatric help is not a magic bullet, this is going to hang around her for the rest of her streaming career.
She was very publicly attacked by the company she worked for and by her coworkers with lies and half-truths and with legal threats to prevent her from defending herself. Not to mention the rabid fanbase that then had the green light to harass her.
That isn't something you can mentally recover from soon, maybe ever.
Just because life is unfair doesn't mean we should accept that as the way it has to be.
Man, I'm just here to shitpost about a hobby that I love and that incident really ruined a big part of it for me.

>> No.76658140

>No u
Concession accepted

>> No.76658188

Sorry retard but reality backs up my argument because everyone can see how toxic she is. Meanwhile you're stuck in a fantasy world along with Sayu where she does no wrong but everyone is just evil to her for fun.

>> No.76658191

Don't worry, hopefully it'll just be another month or two before the EN branch at least is forced to fold. It won't kill ALL of the sisters since some of them will move to NijiJP, but it should severely chunk their numbers.

They won't be able to hide anything on the IR report, and as we know Riku only gives a shit about his investors, not the fans or employees.

>> No.76658215

NTA but I don't agree she starts with a disadvantage just because she was the first to speak out against Niji. In the clips earlier ITT she said herself that's just how she *feels* she has gaslit herself into thinking not being invited to things means shes hated. In reality she has no evidence of this or at the very least she won't let anyone see it if she does.

She could very easily quietly ask for invites and do her own thing, again, like she said in that very stream. But because she had a woman moment she can't sperged out and stopped doing the very thing that will get her out of this hole to complain publicly even more. She shot herself in the foot twice in one month.

>> No.76658245

I wish she would just shut up for her own good. She keeps saying stupid shit like this and hurting herself.

>> No.76658285

>In reality she has no evidence of this or at the very least she won't let anyone see it if she does.

She did. She's constantly reaching out to people and they're flat out either rebuffing her or ghosting her. That's the source of nearly all of her mindworms. People aren't even just hating her, they're pretending she doesn't exist and refusing to answer or acknowledge her.

>> No.76658337

She sounds like a huge bitch. No wonder everyone is avoiding her.

>> No.76658362

I disagree, she wouldn't be acting like this if she hasn't already tried to ask for invites. Plus the other exNijis wouldn't want to be associated with her because Nijisisters have put a permanent target on her back

>> No.76658374

The problem is that she and her fans are retards who think the problem is everyone else being assholes for no reason instead of her causing her own problems.

>> No.76658413

>muh Vshojo
>muh Ex-Nijis
Yet nobody in the indie sphere wants anything to do with her outside of those who are much smaller.
Not 3AM, not Southside, not whore clan, not the aussies, nobody.

You are permanently tainted by collabing with dramashitters. This is done by her own hand, not anyone elses.

>> No.76658421

She's not wrong though. None of this would be an issue if Niji simply gave her the Yugo treatment, and Nijisisters wouldn't have been constantly on her ass

>> No.76658430

>The problem is that she and her fans are retards who think the problem is everyone else being assholes for no reason instead of her causing her own problems.
lmao, you don't know a single thing about Sayu and her community.

>> No.76658458

Doesn't sound like it from the clips ITT, it sounds like she was complaining no one reached out. But let's assume what you said is true: Who cares?? Why does she need to be in that group? Does she ever think about how many indies out there would KILL for a chance to collab with a 4 view like her, despite any past drama? Why not make her own group? Or just continue on by herself?

But nah she has to sperg. It was a very unfortunate woman moment. If you care about her you should do your best to explain this to her and not coddle her about it. She is legit blessed to have the audience she does have.

>> No.76658463

>no reason
We know the reason. The reason is that Nijisanji painted her as a pedophile rapist who hates jews, and is impossible to work with, and also if you ever consider approaching her favorably we'll fuck you over too. Also all of our fans are going to hunt you down until you kill yourself.

ffs they tried to bully a con just to make False delete a tweet. What do you think they'd do to Sayu?

>> No.76658529

>doubling down
And this is why she's not going to stop fucking up her own career. The Selen yab completely vindicated her from niji's slander but she kept creating her own yabs which have nothing to do with that to the point where nobody likes her.

>> No.76658543

>Does she ever think about how many indies out there would KILL for a chance to collab with a 4 view like her, despite any past drama?
Most of those still ignore her, too. Or if they're truly small, they're terrified of all the twitter freaks harassing anybody who gets near her.
While yes, a lot of this is brainworms, she does have legitimate fears which are backed up by the history of harassment she's gotten over the past year.

>> No.76658587

>sucks off doxxsagi
>wonders why she is excluded by all the mainstream vtubers
lol, what next, niji forced her to do it?

>> No.76658601

The Selen termination vindicated her but she was still ignored by her former friends and other big indies, retard
Did you see any of them tweet in support of Sayu during the incident? No, they only were talking about Selen

>> No.76658613


Sayu's antis are uniquely deranged and dedicated.
For an example, just look at this fucking board.
There's been about 20 fucking threads over the past 48 hours trying to smear her.

>> No.76658624

Yes, she's the only nice one. For some reason they all don't like her. She couldn't possibly be the one who isn't nice.
If no one is backing Sayu, why are her words trustworthy? Do you really think dokibird, mint and mata are all making the same wrong decision? Seems unlikely.

>> No.76658706

Nah dude this ain't it. Don't fall for that if she said it, that is bullshit. There are hundreds of small vtubers who would absolutely collab with her on a regular basis if she just wants a group.
This only becomes a problem if she wants both a group *and* a big numbers buff at the same time. She doesn't have that luxury of choice. That sucks but she has to move the fuck on.
Again you seem to be a fan so go risk a ban and tell it to her straight or she's gonna end up as a woman of the night turning tricks.

>> No.76658723

She immediately burned bridges when the Selen yab happened by publicly complaining about people not sucking her dick like they did with Selen. The proper course of action would just be to silently grind away like nothing happened while passively getting traction as one of niji's victims, not tell everyone how bitter and entitled you are. You're all retards.

>> No.76658772

Silently grinding away just means people won't care, idiot

>> No.76658781

Yeah, sadly, that's what we're telling her too. There truly is a world out there that's not niji or even /lig/ related that we really wish she'd focus on. Thankfully she at least seems to be doing better over the past few days, and I truly believe she's going to be fine.
The first step I feel is to get some better fucking mods, at least, though.

>> No.76658803

Because they had already made up their mind that she was guilty and deserved it, so changing their mind when the truth came out would mean admitting to themselves what they did

>> No.76658826

>better mods
This I 100% agree with, especially with how likely a dramafag can pop in with a retarded comment

>> No.76658847

>There's been about 20 fucking threads over the past 48 hours trying to smear her.
Please understand, it's been a couple of really hard days for the sisters
>Mint and Doki following each other in twitter
>The new wave is a disaster and they are already 3 view
>The NBA is sponsoring Niji!... not, Niji bought the merch license and they are just going to make cheap acrylic stands
>Vivi having a melt down over being left out and her PL vague posting about her return
>Mint and Doki hosting WrestlerTuber 2024

>> No.76658867

Yeah because Mint is currently an irrelevant litearl who now right? Doki and Mint are recent, prime examples of how Sayu should've conducted herself. It's not even up for debate when you look at the differences of how they acted and how they are currently perceived.

Sayu is a retard and her fans are equally retarded, and being idiotic "yes-man" simps is just going to make her blow up her career even harder. Not going to bother talking any more with someone who tries to deny objective reality.

>> No.76658918

>sayu keeps crying about how mint and doki avoid her
>meanwhile sayucucks keep using mint and doki to deflect/defend sayu

>> No.76658934

The twitch side seems to have a dedicated team, but the youtube side is still too new and I don't think there was more than one or two mods on at the time of that stream for that side. I know Sayu's scared of banning people, but she really needs to be more strict of at least putting people in time out for an hour or two.

>> No.76658961

Well all I can say is good luck, I don't hate Sayu but she seriously needs to change her mindset. Just don't be Captain Save A Hoe, say your piece and move on. As someone who's willing to go to prostitution or onlyfans she clearly has issues beyond this as well so don't invest yourself in this.

>> No.76658995

>just shut up about the abuse and harassment you took and the difference in treatment from the community
Are people really like this?? She has every right to speak up.

>> No.76659120

>The first step I feel is to get some better fucking mods, at least, though.
Anon, the mods are so slow because half the time they don't know what Sayu wants them to do. I have seen her calling them out a couple of times for deleting messages that she wanted to reply to. Sayu needs to step back, trust on their judgement and actually rely on them to actually moderate the chat.

>sisters keep making shit up and taking things out of context just to hurt people
>they wonder why everyone hates them

>> No.76659157

You are unbelievably retarded. Are you Sayu herself or something? Can you count how many times Doki spontaneously went on rants about the people who shat on her? Being the bigger person and humbly moving on while maintaining positivity is factually proven to be the right choice. Sayu can bitch and moan all she wants and you can circlejerk along with her victim complex, but that's not going to make her more popular. You're all emotionally driven retards too stupid to understand this.

>> No.76659192

You are her mod aren't you? You might as well relay this thread to her. She needs to read it.

>> No.76659220

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.76659342

I'm just a regular, but I'm sure she has people feeding her info from /here/.

>> No.76659364

so what do you think sayu was complaining about regarding "not getting invited to events" which coincided with doki's wrestlemania event? she's even outwardly stated she's jealous of doki's success, yet you keep using doki to defend her lmao i wonder how she would react seeing you cucks always going "hahaha doki is so successful and popular now" kek

>> No.76659412

If she doesn't show up in the next couple weeks collabing with a literal who then I will assume all of this went over her head.
Or more pessimistically that she only cares about numbers and not a group dynamic, which is the real reason she's upset. And if that's the case she might as well just go sell her body like she said.

>> No.76659435

>so what do you think sayu was complaining about regarding "not getting invited to events" which coincided with doki's wrestlemania event?
She already talked about this plenty of times, she is talking about offkai.
> she's even outwardly stated she's jealous of doki's success, yet you keep using doki to defend her lmao
Yes? It's normal if Sayu feels jealous about her success. That doesn't mean that she dislikes her.
>yet you keep using doki to defend her lmao i wonder how she would react seeing you cucks always going "hahaha doki is so successful and popular now" kek
Again, she has already said plenty of times how happy she is for Doki, and knows that a good portion of her community supports Doki. She doesn't care.

Sister, please, you can do better than this...

>> No.76659471

>she is talking about offkai.
she's a sponsor at offkai, how could she possibly complain about being excluded from that? sayucucks always tell shameless lies to defend her in the face of literal video evidence, it's so pathetic
not reading the rest of your cope since you opened with a blatant lie

>> No.76659507

She can't just collab with any literal who, because she won't be able to know if they are pro-Niji or not. And at the time there were still more pro-Niji than against.

>> No.76659520

>she's a sponsor at offkai, how could she possibly complain about being excluded from that?
lmao, so you haven't even watched the VOD and are just spamming the same clip all over the board. Sisters are so fucking funny and retarded, holy shit.

>> No.76659544

Nigga anyone can sponsor Offkai if they throw enough money at them

>> No.76659568

>she's a sponsor at offkai, how could she possibly complain about being excluded from that?
>sisters doesn't know the meaning of the word "sponsor"
I mean, after reading the NBA threads I'm not that surprised, but still...

>> No.76659681

Ok you are Sayu I am convinced. That is bullshit btw, Niji is hated near universally and you could oh I dunno, dm people and ask them?
I am 100% confident you would find a collab partner in under 12 hours if you put on your twitter right now that you are hosting an open collab, follow size doesn't matter. Do it, let's see who's right

>> No.76659688

I'm sure they'd also accept sponsorship from some neo nazi group or whatever too since it doesn't matter right? dumb cuck

>> No.76659764

Sister, just take the L and move on.

>> No.76659804

not an argument, you lost

>> No.76659832
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1690512185689347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is trying to argue with you? I'm just calling you out because you are acting like a retard.

>> No.76659838

Either Sayu is constantly defending herself in these threads or her fans are trannies considering how they argue like women.

>> No.76659863
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1708936640770126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
Jesus, sisters can't stop projecting even for a second.

>> No.76659943

>sayucuck pretending to be a holofag of all people
lol, yeah those guys would totally be first in line to leap in the defense of a divorced literal whore, lmao
sayucucks always pretend to be holofags, dragoons or wisps for some reason, I guess because they have to most clout these days, even though sayu seethes at them for ignoring her, pathetic

>> No.76659981
File: 211 KB, 594x521, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck is mad

>> No.76660005
File: 134 KB, 954x461, 1706547585661344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck cuck cuck cuck
ok sister lmao

>> No.76660013

Oh yeah I saw the Zen clip although I can't find it anymore, it was really fucking low and unnecessary, in another timeline she could've played with them on the minecraft server and gotten lots of collab opportunities if she simply kept her fucking mouth shut.

>> No.76660038

Hey she's not a whore yet she still has time to not sell that hole

>> No.76660104

>for months
actual delusion

>> No.76660164

>stolen screenshot

>> No.76660259

>Thing is, Sayu has done exactly one collab with Kson and one with Zen and she's acting like she's one of their besties and it's solely Matara being the reason she can't get into to vshojo when there's other /lig/ chuubas who are much closer to several vshojo members and done much more collabs that still haven't got in yet.

This, it's clear she has no idea how VShojo works, you don't need to be an official member to get lots of collabs with them, she self sabotaged her own opportunities here.

>> No.76660360

These threads show how seething sisters are and everyone who have a brain know it
