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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76610125 No.76610125 [Reply] [Original]

Busy being a vtweeter edition!

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audtion_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://auditon.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/180415989332816307 (embed) (embed)
Useful links:
/asp/ discord server: https://discord.gg/xA7zrUd3NM
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Do not despair

Previous Thread: >>76574372

>> No.76610205

I was inspired https://files.catbox.moe/gv7g1w.png

>> No.76610346

Second for /asp/ love :]

>> No.76610571

I’m gonna kill myself and no one here will care

>> No.76610607

I can't tell the difference in voice between Shavh, Fwofie and Autumn

>> No.76610656

collab between the three

>> No.76611073
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we need more girls in glasses

>> No.76611099

Found an absolute schizo vtuber and he's amazing.

>seen him do five stream so far
>three were video games
>two were multiple hour long rants about some schizo drama he has with some other vtubers
The drama rant per video game stream is at a 2:3 ratio so far.

>> No.76611131


>> No.76611279

Still not and never will be gumping my jorts

>> No.76611323
File: 1.56 MB, 1978x994, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Gclef was supposed to be a cute femboy? This guy is hunched over with a gut.

>> No.76611375

No, some random guy from twitter. It makes me happy that no matter how fucked up I am, there's someone more unhinged and crazy than I am.

>> No.76611517

>believing anyone is a femboy without seeing a photo of them in their gamer socks

>> No.76611621

Haru thighs...

>> No.76611665

that’s what happens when people hunch over. anon…have you never seen another person in real life?
also even if he was a hunchback with a gut id take the gclef cannon so fucking hard. canon in d? canon in my a

>> No.76611671

femboys are not real idiot.

>> No.76611780

>people get guts when they slouch
No dude we don't. You're actually fat

>> No.76611803

I want to have sex with her

>> No.76611844

What are you talking about? He looks fine

>> No.76611891

He's on the low side for an average American, but he's got beard shadow, bad posture and a messy fuck room in addition to being on the fatter side. Get standards.

>> No.76611906

God its so over

>> No.76611977

I can nearly touch my feet with my head and I still don't have a gut that big

>> No.76612036

It's a loose jacket not a gut. Do you have a higher resolution picture?

>> No.76612045

don't know why I thought he was polish

>> No.76612048

At first I thought these were just separate streamer rooms but is this actually what people treat their bedrooms and apartments like? Is it that hard to not leave shit everywhere

>> No.76612076

Hey can you guys be nice please

>> No.76612150

gclef is so nice idg why ppl crab him :(((

>> No.76612183

Calling someone fat isn't an insult its legitimate concern. Its the same as pointing out a cancerous lump

>> No.76612196

That's a t-shirt.

>> No.76612225
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Just realized, denpa's retweet of this art is the same girl that got stomped by iriya in her apex stream
Is she /here/ or just weird coincidence?

>> No.76612228

You're a cancerous lump on the thread if you think those are well-intentioned

>> No.76612264

I feel like im better as a viewer and supporter than a streamer

>> No.76612316

I don't know. Intentions don't really matter. Its how you react. Just don't take things personally

>> No.76612326

Probably a coincidence. There aren't many degrees of separation in the vtubing sphere

>> No.76612332

He has eating food on his plans for today too.

>> No.76612378

So you're saying I can fuck Gura?

>> No.76612436

I'm not saying you can fuck anybody but you probably know somebody who knows somebody who knows Gura

>> No.76612609

Well american women are into fat ass men just ask Gobb. Its a masculine thing there

>> No.76612725


>> No.76612739
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>> No.76612781

I hope gclef goes on a diet for his own sake.

>> No.76612792

I would say most vtubers have visited /vt/ at some point, whether or not they are /here/ is a different idea

>> No.76612834
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We're getting skill issued today with Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. Just finished the first part of the NElves vs. Naga campaign, and now I don't remember anything else from this expansion (played over 10 years ago), so we're basically going blind!
Suffering builds better micro.

Watch my skill issues live here:

>> No.76613034

Question for the women, have you masturbated to any of the guys here?

>> No.76613067

Stop pretending like we aren't all fat with 20 BMI here. I'm sick of this. We are vtubers for a reason. We are all fat and ugly.

>> No.76613079

I find it fucking insane how I can find the most obscure 1view that nobody has ever heard of and see them follow or be followed by someone I know. The indie vtuber scene really is a lot smaller than I thought.

>> No.76613108

speak for yourself

>> No.76613115

Remember, the typical /asp/ie has never had the misfortune of working with a twitter normie vtuber. Things are, on the whole, so tame around here that all of the drama is manufactured by bored schizos shitposting on 4chan dot org. Outside there are vtweeters writing twitlongers about how another vtweeter stole their favorite color or how their ex boyfriend (that they met over discord) was an abusive asshole with 4 other e-girlfriends on discord.

>> No.76613183

Speak for yourself, tubby. I'm an ugly skeleton, not a fatso.

>> No.76613196

Im thin and handsome, but very short. we all have flaws, friend

>> No.76613204

>boyfriend (that they met over discord) was an abusive asshole
/asp/ had that exact thing with odette and shania

>> No.76613232

I'm in pretty great shape and have a really twinky body.

>> No.76613330

I'm going full bear mode, I could probably benchpress the little twinks here

>> No.76613335


>> No.76613340

…even Alpin??????????????????

>> No.76613422


>> No.76613505

i always say his name when i come, and he knows it. i haven’t sent him a recording of me masturbating yet because i worry he will think i sound cringey. it’s someone from the k tier.

>> No.76613606

>someone from the k tier.

>> No.76613660 [DELETED] 

Yes. Unless you're being pedantic and are going to say BMI doesnt factor in muscle and act like a huge autistic nerd about it

>> No.76613697
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mami live with beryl

>> No.76613755

I'm skinny and ugly actually

>> No.76613776

>draw a girl call it a boy

>> No.76613845
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>> No.76613885


>> No.76613949

oh, hi stalker-chan

>> No.76614013
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There is no world where 20bmi is overweight you anorexic retard

>> No.76614030

o//o maybe

>> No.76614063

Anon 18.5-24.5 BMI is healthy for an adult male. 20 is closer to underweight than it is to overweight

>> No.76614065


>> No.76614090

I don't masturbate and never have or plan to because I fear God's wrath and also I think it'd hurt and feel gross.

>> No.76614119

How absolutely American

>> No.76614169

can I not be obese at 6ft?

>> No.76614175

my dick loves it

>> No.76614245

shondo what the fuck are you doing here

>> No.76614358

>the 17 bmi

>> No.76614364

OKAY JESUS I'M SORRY. 20 looked like a big number, I thought it was up high on the scale.

>> No.76614404

makes me want to throw up that men can end up like this

>> No.76614448

Anon, a 20 is in the normal "healthy" range :] if you lend much credence to BMI anyways.

>> No.76614450


>> No.76614483

are you really retarded?

>> No.76614557


>> No.76614570

My mom wanted a girl so I've ben raised to be very strict on skin and weight and hair stuff. I think I'd look very fat at 20

>> No.76614667

>yumi in chat

>> No.76614691

I hate this shit, I'm extreme enough I don't show up on the charts.

>> No.76614795

It follows a clear pattern you can just shift it to your stats

>> No.76614851

Don't know what to tell you. I think I'm pretty lean. I have visible hip bones at about 21 bmi

>> No.76614918

20 is closer to underweight than overweight

>> No.76614931

so close to quad 4s, K10N…

>> No.76615002

Stop it. Now.
I'm sorry. This is just how I am. It doesn't help that I'm straight.

>> No.76615089

underweight is 18, overweight is 25

>> No.76615131

/ednos/ general

>> No.76615162

Did mami groom beryl?

>> No.76615175

I don't usually say this but I'm gonna say it OK

rent free

>> No.76615176
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I'm cursed with her mental illnesses, but not blessed with her cunny. This world is so fucked.

>> No.76615183

I'm under 18 bmi. Do you think I'm bad?

>> No.76615215

He just said he's into drugs too, he's so dreamy.

>> No.76615246

you're probably a skelly

>> No.76615288

he said he into drugs but he doesn't like being on them, what the fuck did he mean by this

>> No.76615320

>gael still trying to peddle his scribbles here

>> No.76615341

Can I masturbate you for you?

>> No.76615538

well i now know my bmi
im a skelly so i never cared to check before

>> No.76615556

No I'm just worthless. I'm under 18 bmi. I cut myself. I stream. I like starving myself. I have long hair. I dislike being perceived. I disliked being liked. I disliked being disliked.
I'm straight as an arrow and a virgin so I hate myself for being the opposite of what any woman wants. Gobb started drooling over Laios' body so I cut myself.

>> No.76615584

He's talking about some hard stuff, hard to tell.

>> No.76615638


>> No.76615644

Not judging you as a person, anon :] just take care of yourself.

>> No.76615859


>> No.76616164

Who is this

>> No.76616241

a lot of women like long hair, but, if you want to attract them and worry they won’t like it…why don’t you cut it?

>> No.76616415

Jesus christ, eat a fucking sandwich. I'm the same height and only 2 pounds more than you. Wish I weighed more

>> No.76616680

Nobody important
I feel like I'm losing a part of myself. Cutting my hair makes me sad. Also I don't like how I look with short hair. I don't like my masculine traits or ny of my secondary sexual characteristics at all

>> No.76616735

Going to start taking Estrogen to get that female streamer buff, anons... male chuubing is painful.

>> No.76616809

it doesn't work like that

>> No.76616851

This is why I choose to be a man. I'm too bulky to be a babi or femboy.

>> No.76616865

are you questioning your gender

>> No.76616906

HRT doesn't change your voice.

>> No.76616956

I know. I also just hate how ugly and male I am. It's cope.

>> No.76616955

I will fuck you so hard you will wish you remained a guy.

>> No.76616995

be like >>76613697

>> No.76617037

I wish I were born a girl but I would never transition if that makes sense. I'm firmly a man and I firmly like women.

>> No.76617048
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asp for this feel

>> No.76617088

Trans girl into "real" women. <3

>> No.76617165

I don’t like when people make positive or negative comments about my body.

>> No.76617244

Testosterone makes your voice deeper but estrogen doesn't make your voice higher

>> No.76617294


>> No.76617331

I feel the exact same way and I'm a man. For some reason the women in my life feel they can cheer me up by saying I'm handsome and pointing out specific features. But it just makes me feel even worse.

>> No.76617334

women even have it easier when transitioning going to kill myself it's not fair

>> No.76617409

I think everyone should compliment me constantly because I am so good looking and attractive (not a lie)

>> No.76617449

Egg-anon. I thought the same way a few months ago.

>tfw I'm looking into informed consent and therapy now.

>> No.76617494


>> No.76617591

Nah I seriously have no interest in that. I don't feel that way. Its more nuanced

>> No.76617617


>> No.76617652


>> No.76617771

women than become men just look like pathetic manlets

>> No.76617824

NTA but the only time where I considered transitioning was when I was mega depressed and started soft-transitioning (dressing in girly clothes, shaving my body, wearing wigs, doing makeup, I could actually pull it off pretty well especially through photos) and got a lot of positive attention. Then I realised I was being groomed into being a tranny and I was just really fucking sad not that I'm a girl. It has made me harbour resentment towards pro-tranny communities forever.

>> No.76617826

>women say I have a great jawline and skin
>women say I have wonderful eyes and eyelashes
>women say they wish they had my body
>women say they love my hair
>women say they wish they had my lips and compliment my cupids bow whatever that is

just makes me want to run and hide
i dont like it when people look at me or use my name either

>> No.76617862

Same, had a nice time when I was a young thin and feminine boy, but now I've grown up and I like to bulk and enjoy good food.

>> No.76617913

Of course, egg-anon. ~ Whatever you decide, I love you.

>> No.76617923

i could care less, i've been told i look like an auschwitz survivor
yea i feel ya

>> No.76617987

Get away from me creep

>> No.76618074

You're fine the way you are. But you should acquire strength within your lifetime, as it would be a pity to not know what your body is capable of

>> No.76618130

You can tell when women aren't actually attracted to you because they compliment you and how YOU look. I noticed girls who were attracted to me liked to talk about themselves and I made THEM feel.

>> No.76618211

I dont want to be a woman, I want to be a futa. I want to indulge in fucking, being fucked, and getting to experience the highest level possible of pleasure! I want my every hole filled with cum while I also fill up a chick! I want to spend hours on end in orgies that are the epitome of degeneracy!

>> No.76618243

i dont think im a very good man at all
i wish i was a miscarriage

>> No.76618245

some positive comments on my body would be nice. i almost never hang out with people IRL these days but i was recently tempted to take a picture of my fit in a public bathroom because i was feeling pretty confident and wanted to show off but i decided against it

>> No.76618252

stop trying to groom people into being trannies for fuck sake

>> No.76618281

I'm 5'7 and 145lbs. You should try having a liter or two of milk a day

>> No.76618301


>> No.76618317

Gallon of Milk a Day

>> No.76618354

I was supposed to be a miscarriage, but my parents rolled a 1 on that saving throw...

>> No.76618361

Yes, but he knows when I do because I tell him.

>> No.76618484


>> No.76618495

Does it have to be cow milk?

>> No.76618521


>> No.76618523

A gallon is a bit much. I figure at that weight, he's probably not doing enough activity/his metabolism is too slow to make the most of a gallon, so starting smaller and being consistent will pay more dividends than overindulging and not sticking to it because it's too much.

>> No.76618559

girls use to grab my thighs and talk about how they wish they had my thigh gap lol
i hate being looked at so much

>> No.76618643
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>> No.76618671

as long as it's high in fat and protein I guess not, I wouldn't go with oat milk though unless you like feeling bloated and shitting your guts out

>> No.76618685

I'm lactose intolerant

>> No.76618745

Well fugly, if you'll be with me, then I promise you that you'll never hear a compliment ever from me. It's a win-win, since I won't ever look at you and only call you bad names.

>> No.76618774

god i need that k10ndu55y

>> No.76618782

I love men or women grabbing my thighs and butt holy shit I wish I got groped in public.

>> No.76618790

God girls use to do this to me too, both hands they could wrap around the entire width of my thigh. WHAT DO YOU WOMEN NOT UNDERSTAND THAT GUYS DON'T WANT TO BE COMPARED TO GIRLS?!

>> No.76618821

Cow's milk is readily available and cheap at that, but goat's milk can be quite good as well. If you have access to in season oranges, a liter of orange juice can provide numerous benefits as well, complimenting the milk as part of your diet

>> No.76618979

That's fucking vile, I'm so glad I like men who look like men.

>> No.76619027

i thought i was the only one…

>> No.76619076 [DELETED] 

i don't like being insulted either this isn't some fetish thing

>> No.76619134

Do some fucking squats you little twinks

>> No.76619155

More like KL0ND1CK :]

>> No.76619173

what in the high holy fuck is a “k10ndu55y”

>> No.76619213

Introduce small amounts of milk regularly into your system, like a quarter of half glass every other day. See how you feel, and as long as you're consistent you can continue to up your intake. As well, ice cream seems to be well tolerated even by those that have lactose intolerance. I also believe that taking lactoferrin more or less cures lactose intolerance immediately

>> No.76619268

cant i just be dead instead
im not going to compete to be a man
use your gym physique to kill me

>> No.76619267

KL0NDlick deez nutz

>> No.76619279

Trust me, I'm bigger now but I still have major body dysmorphia from girls constantly telling me things like how small my legs or wrists were

>> No.76619309
File: 100 KB, 544x773, GD3H3lhawAAyro7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People said in a previous thread that they want me to read stuff out for vocaroos so any good ones?

>> No.76619320

your coolant has to leak from somewhere, darlin’. let’s turn that :] into a :[]

>> No.76619394

i wanna smother him in compliments until he gets super flustered

>> No.76619432

I find it pretty fun when one get buttslapped by the bros.

>> No.76619444

are you asking me to crush you with my powerful thighs?

>> No.76619460

Girls would grab my butt a lot in school. Cursed...

>> No.76619485

I have serious intolerance not just some farty stuff. I'm not going to mess with that. Pills don't help. Ice cream can hospitalize me

>> No.76619634

spitroasting k10nd1k3…i want that k10ndu55y gaping wide open while i jerk that k10nd1ck off as he gags on sterling’s stinky bricks…hbnbbbbbbbnnnngh eror 404 k10ndu55y not found

>> No.76619659

no im not gay but gymbros always like to point out how they could kill me and I just say please
i don't like being alive

>> No.76619720

With a bit of time and effort I'm sure we can make it a fetish for you

>> No.76619803

I think you just need a good dicking

>> No.76619810

gobb…..leave some for the rest of us thirsty old fujos……….

>> No.76619868

Women always compliment my face and tell me they think I'm so much prettier than them and say stuff like "I wish I had x's face, he's so much prettier than me and he's a boy" or "I wish I looked like x, I work so hard and he still looks better than me".
God I wish that was me. A nice squeeze too.

>> No.76620029

go away man

>> No.76620066

Women always compliment my lips, eyelashes and eyebrows

>> No.76620104

Drop your link bro.

>> No.76620163

Aspiring vtubers?

>> No.76620413

Next thread

>> No.76620455

These are no trans /asp/ies, it's 4chan

>> No.76620477

Guys always compliment my eyes and body, girls compliment my hair, "face" in general and my lips.

>> No.76620625

I just want to murder Gobb. Would she be into that?

>> No.76620633

you wake up, in a dark room, a pair of green glowing circles the only light. what you don’t expect is for them to flicker. what are they? a will/o/da wisp? and why do you remember what that is but you don’t remember your own name?
“who…..who am i……” you beponder aloud and suddenly, a deep low voice says, “that’s what im trying to find out.”
you let out a high pitched shreek. is someone in the room w you??!
“oh, sorry, where are my manners?” says the voice. “I furgot..:ur kind can’t see in the dark. my apologies.”
a light turns on. you find yourself face 2 face w…a ROBOT!!! he is wearing a red cape with a strange symbol on it.
“who are you? w-what are you? and what is that?!”
“where are my manors,,.my name is k10nd1k3,” he says. “i am a robot from up there, in da stars. an this? hehe. It’s a lil symbol of a little thing i like 2 call…peace.”
“p-peace? wat’s that?” you ask
“to me, peace is just a metal man, a tablet, some fwo-fie beats 2 study to, and friends,” he explains. “speaking of which, friend, time to add u to the guest book. I don’t know ur name, so I guess I’ll just put u down…as anon.”

>> No.76620790

I remember being hit on by lesbians.... as a man.

>> No.76620844

Fine… but I’m still gonna think about it.

>> No.76621007

Women were always jealous of my hair, it didn't give me dysphoria it just made me accept I have better genetics than them

>> No.76621025

there is NO way she isnt >here when she's posting her nsfw alt

get in get in get in https://x.com/denpafish/status/1794517964450136123

>> No.76621116

>A nice squeeze too.
no that's gay

>> No.76621194

ugly nipples

>> No.76621246

link for those lazy to click

>> No.76621317

“where r we ne way?” u ask the metal man. “its…so cold.”
he unhooks his cape and wraps it around u. it smells like pine trees and polar bears. “my apologies, anon. I forgot ur kind doesn’t do so good in the cold. perhaps a warm beverage would help warm you up?”
“s-sure,” u stutter. you take a look around your surroundings. the small workshop has a kitchen space with a cupboard. the robot opens the cupboard and gets out a mug.
“chamomile okay?” he asks and he turns back at you to see you nod. “good…”
k10nd1k3 puts the mug down on a kitchen chair and then, out of his groin area, a spout protrudes. a yellow liquid exits and splashes into the mug.
“woah, man, u can’t expect me to drink ur piss!” you shout but he holds the mugs to your lips and forces you to take a sip. to your surprise it isn’t piss — it is just herbal tea.
“sorry,” you demure. “you’re just so different than any other person i have met…at least…i think…”
“you really lost all your memories huh anon?” asks k10nd1k3. “have you even forgotten.::how to love?”

>> No.76621431

Hi I'm a mildly attractive man are there any nice girls here who would want to pursue a longterm relationship

>> No.76621516
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>> No.76621518
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Yes, that's the point.

>> No.76621583

I'm a fat, old, ugly bastard. Any of you girls need to be broken in?

>> No.76621611

read these please >>76619634

>> No.76621641

still better than Witchpower

>> No.76621650

to that anon that called denpafish a whore last thread and i disagreed with you, you were right i tip my hat off to you

>> No.76621783

I'm always right

>> No.76621800

Good to know I didn't miss much this past day

>> No.76621806

…and then????

>> No.76621855

Everyone who follows Denpa's FAT FUCKING TITS:

Void room

But you just know there's a bunch of you weirdos on alts

>> No.76621889


>> No.76621979

>tfw k10nd1k3 will never use your mouth for oil change or coolant leak

>> No.76621992

Only two choices...
Would you rather Denpa or Yumi?

>> No.76622104
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>> No.76622127


>> No.76622139 [DELETED] 

Denpa you have THE SAME body as my ex, same proportions, same belly and boobs... are you from Chile?

>> No.76622206

Sheesh anon at least try to type like an adult. You learn nothing in writing class?

>> No.76622294

thats like comparing a 0 ccv with a 60 ccv

>> No.76622320

I’d rather kms than pick either of these whores

>> No.76622336


>> No.76622433


>> No.76622435

atleast compare someone who also has shown their boobs so i get to see more boobs

>> No.76622479

To be fair at least Patchey is honest in what he wants.

>> No.76622530

>flan cheating on gump

>> No.76622532

Yumi, for the bonus Sonic 'tism

>> No.76622601

Calm down ubume, not everybody is a master writer

>> No.76622773


gumpai get off the schizo throne

>> No.76622951

Best advice you'll ever get here is to close the tab.

>> No.76623054


>> No.76623086

>implying Ubume didn’t write it

>> No.76623229

>implying Ubume hasn’t abandoned us

>> No.76623263

I just had a great idea. What if we all just had sex with each other?

>> No.76623309

what do you think offkai is for?

>> No.76623385

I don't have a ticket. How can I go? Who can I stay with

>> No.76623413

Save it for Offkai

>> No.76623463

too late now

>> No.76623517

You better be and to give me a prostate orgasm or I'm doxxing you.

>> No.76623604

a lot of asps are fucking. don’t self report as someone who isn’t getting /ass/ out of /asp/

>> No.76623713

I'm too possessive to ever share with someone else.

>> No.76623907

That can't be real. There can't be that many serious steady relationships.

>> No.76623956

Yes, one person. I want him to record audio of him getting off to the thought of me so I could use it as masturbation material, but there's really no way to ask without it coming off weird.

>> No.76624039

Just ask, the worst he can say is no. Most people here are pretty understanding.

>> No.76624041

Fuck no, from those previous posts it sounds like most of you motherfuckers are frail like women. I like my men big.

>> No.76624081

I know it's annoying, but I'm really hoping that one day I can make it. My dream is for the Chaos Foundry to grow and be able to do content full time.. I know it will never happen because no one watches us, but I want to believe!

>> No.76624105

male vtuber and vtuber fan experience

>> No.76624110

just do it

>> No.76624120

He’s a bit fat on the tummy but that’s okay

>> No.76624123

Tier list of who is/likely/isn't going to OffKai?

>> No.76624155

We know you're a chubby chaser Gobb

>> No.76624290

I was going to post an application to a project I'm working on but this is probably a bad time.

>> No.76624405
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Bigger, I say. HEAVIER

>> No.76624465

Please be me. I'd record whatever you want.

>> No.76624468

do you like fatties, dad bods or bara?

>> No.76624519

I don't think I'll ever understand this. My mom thought all men should be fat too and it just made me run in the opposite direction
Like its gross why would you even want that

>> No.76624639

You don't want to overfeed a skinny anon while he works out, anon?

>> No.76624687

Vtubers shouldn't date vtubers. It's a really bad idea

>> No.76624785
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If you know, you know

>> No.76624856

which current gen is going to give power nelson a rimjob this year?

>> No.76624904

just ask me baby girl, i would probably do it

>> No.76625106

This is just a bunch of gay men giggling to eachother. It's not real, don't worry.

>> No.76625162
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enjoy your wet shirt

>> No.76625183

I say that this is bs.

>> No.76625323

Its a hag thing due to insecurity. Also women are dumb and conflate muscles and strength with just being big in general

>> No.76625386

Okay, here I go:

Hey, you. I definitely shouldn't be asking for this, I don't even know how you would share it to me without completely changing the course of our conversations, but I want to hear your heavy breathing and groans as you send yourself to paradise thinking of all the things you've been wanting to do to me

>> No.76625437

We are just making jokes, until someone DMs any of the guys here. Then we end up falling in love with eachother :3c

>> No.76625475

All three with a preference for dad bods.

idk man, animal brain like big man, can protect me, can squish me in bed.

>> No.76625488

yeah ive seen this kind of thing done worse, you should be good, I'll check my DMs

>> No.76625576
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>> No.76625665

I will never date another vtuber. I've done it twice now and it's been hell. I refuse to get that close with another vtuber.

>> No.76625666

Perfect that'll get his heart racing for sure.

>> No.76625671

Naw. I've seen vtuber relationships crash and burn. People know each other and it creates a very awkward divide in the community.
It's a "don't shit where you eat" mentality. I also think it's healthier as a vtuber to make relationships in general outside of the vtubing community.

>> No.76625709

what do you consider tall?

>> No.76625751

I was fat in high-school
I got made fun of so bad. Girls hated me. They called me gross.
So I worked really hard to get skinny and get in shape.
Now that I'm old and achieved it, women like fat guys.
Its just over. I'm an incel for life

>> No.76625819

sounds like poor judgement and bad taste in men to me

>> No.76625991

I mean, word it a bit more tactfully than that I think

"Hey, I know this is weird to ask but I use the thought of you when I'm horny and I was wondering if you could help me even more by giving me audio of you thinking about me?"

But yeah, if someone said that to me, I wouldn't be offended or weirded out. When guys and girls talk, it's naturally to start having dirty thoughts of them especially if you find them attractive. Worst I'll do is say I can't do that because I don't want the risk of that type of thing ever leaking

>> No.76626132

I'm a guy and I'd feel incredibly offended and weirded the fuck out.thats straight up not normal. Is this a generation thing

>> No.76626139

Uhh, idk, objectively? Probably over 5'10

>> No.76626191

6ft chads stay winning

>> No.76626233

Agree, some of us at least, are adult enough to say "I'm flattered but I'm a little worried about stuff leaking" in the worst case.

>> No.76626335

Never forget that guy posting on twitter about his offkai orgy with machines and all with pictures
Guy was pretty ugly and the women were landwhales, but still an orgy

>> No.76626345

I wouldn't do it but I'd at least feel flattered if someone said this to me.

>> No.76626372

My post here was me asking him for it. I know he's reading

I agree, if anyone just came up and said that to me I'd also be incredibly weirded out. Isn't that literally sexpesting?

>> No.76626389

Man thats gross as hell

>> No.76626480

Ask him to put a "personalized audio recording" on throne, then request something, maybe?

>> No.76626529
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The bigger they are, the more meat for the goblin horde.

>> No.76626557

Yeah you're just fucking old, obviously don't do this with people you actually know IRL but I feel in vtubing given how adjacent the entire hobby is to just being borderline prostitution, I wouldn't be weirded out, it's nearly expected.

We're just animals, we get horny, I'd be flattered that someone found me so attractive that they would ask me for something that intimate to help them get off, regardless of if I would actually provide that

Lady, there's a lot guys here and you haven't given any hints as to who he is other than you have talked to each other

> I'd also be incredibly weirded out. Isn't that literally sexpesting?
Women can't be sexpests

>> No.76626582

why are there so many horny goblin women

>> No.76626592

>5'11 1/2"
Looks like I have me a goblin to bust a long series of almighty nuts into. Later losers!

>> No.76626769

I'll have mario party at my room

>> No.76626789

It's my goal to get more people to rebrand into fantasy creatures. Humans suck, be an orc. be a goblin. be a drow. Hell, I'll take a kobold.

>> No.76626835

Nah I'm not old. You're fucked in the head.

>> No.76626840

be a changeling : )

>> No.76626844

but I always play as human male fighter in fantasy games

>> No.76626943

Didn't know we had monks who browse 4chan.

>> No.76626978

>we are animals we get horny

>> No.76627019
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>> No.76627027

Art stream, come in and laugh at my bad art

>> No.76627056

>heavy armour
>one handed sword

It just feels fucking good to LARP as a legionnaire

>> No.76627102

If we're just animals why even live? Depressing

>> No.76627160

I'll have Tekken 5, DOA2 & Rumble Roses at mine :)

>> No.76627190

Who knows, that's up to you to find out. But I enjoy the idea of girls getting off to me, I don't need to have an existential crisis to determine that.

>> No.76627195

My brother in Christ, why did you post your link BEFORE your stream was live?

>> No.76627224

weird take, playing martial classes is harder because of the fucked scaling magic classes get

>> No.76627322

I've been sitting on the idea of shifting chuuba lore to lean on the succubus angle, and make up some bullshit about being able to switch forms to suit a targets taste. Just so I can have a choco elf model to swap to.

>> No.76627324
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hello aspies i wrote a song today

>> No.76627364

I hate sex stuff. Why do you have to victimize me? I remember as a kid I hated it when adults told dirty jokes. You're ruining this whole life thing for me
Just stay quiet. Please

>> No.76627454

That's a lot of projection and cope

>> No.76627539

I don't like sex jokes either. But I enjoy the human experience of sex and feeling those things for other people. You can be playful and it's exciting when someone wants to play with you back.

>> No.76627566

No be a shoggoth

>> No.76627617

God I hate it. Just stop. Keep it between you and them.

>> No.76627624
File: 161 KB, 2030x866, chrome_6RTTt7jF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just the correct choice

>> No.76627658

Yeah you better ask directly. For all I care, even if my experiences make me thing I am 100% sure about who this is, I won't just give them such a weird thing.
Just do the easy thing, say something basic like "hey, how are you doing? I wanted to talk about something"

>> No.76627664

I want to eventually have 4 models that viewers can redeem to have me change through, but its almost oppressively expensive, so I might just do a base model and have different appendages grow/eyes develop/mouths form ect ect

>> No.76627683


>> No.76627747

Sorry, not everybody is a sexless automaton

>> No.76627941

True enough, I know that kind of think would be insanely expensive. I'm hoping to get good enough at drawing my own shit that I can just put up cash for rigging.
It feels better to vtube as my own creation anyways, I just want someone else to spend a billion hours rigging it.

>> No.76628149

Who's streaming?

>> No.76628157

I don't know what the hell I am. I'm humanoid, but got long ears yet I'm not one of those leaflovers. People keep calling me a Lalafell(which I find funny cuz I do play one), yet I'm too tall to be one.

>> No.76628178

nta but it feels like every online 20-something is either an oversexed porn addict or a prudish asexual and there's not a lot of grey between

>> No.76628219

you're a halfling

>> No.76628277 [SPOILER] 
File: 935 KB, 3120x4160, 0s2xdw2xxf641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that I want to have like, a base model thats cute and has some extra bits like tentacles and eyes ect, but I really want a super expensive redeem for a "true form" and its a fucked up looking thing like this

>> No.76628384

Tierlist them

>> No.76628383

Is that the cockatrice model? God it looks so gooooood

>> No.76628407
File: 20 KB, 640x379, a367a7af939005f72ec52fce005cd4d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LALAFELL, scoop him up. Jokes aside, I guess halfling is closest. gnome? half-foot if you wanna be chilchuck

>> No.76628472

https://www.twitch.tv/zenyahima - Crow Country
https://www.twitch.tv/autumnfuchsia - Lobotomy corp
https://www.twitch.tv/chakimoji - Just Chatting
https://www.twitch.tv/thenueowo - Zet Zillions
https://www.twitch.tv/kaignikkivt - Mario Party 2
https://www.twitch.tv/digbycat - Project Zomboid with kuromaru
https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting - Warcraft III
https://www.twitch.tv/sirshabby - Fortnite

>> No.76628537

yeah it uses 3 cockatrice heads lmao its not mine though, im too poor to have models lmao

>> No.76628557

Sheesh getting a true form modeled is gonna take forever but it will probably look pretty fucking dope.

>> No.76628612

>inb4 *streamer and its viewer list*

>> No.76628677

You're tempting me

>> No.76628706

it wouldnt be as complex as that, I was more using that image as an idea for how funky I want the form to be iin terms of design

>> No.76628725

Try having sex you fucking failure

>> No.76628757

singing is fun :3c

>> No.76628890

I like seeing who watches who, It lets me update me spreadsheets

>> No.76628920

on the off chance anyone watched me play lobo i appreciate it!~ .w. - autumn

>> No.76628983

I tuned in for a little bit but by god I hate that game. Comfy stream though

>> No.76628995

where would we find you?

>> No.76629039

They're rarely accurate, since I'm almost always in two streams at once, and I often switch between who I'm watching.

>> No.76629080

Do it. You'll never catch me.

>> No.76629144

twitch.tv/autumnfuchsia c:

ty! I try to be a comfy good background stream, i might not be v energized but i try to have fun commentary and goofs.

>> No.76629181
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you'll never be doxxgura

>> No.76629285

Same, it's like

> Spend 3 hours lurking in a stream while I work
> Swap to another /asp/
> Viewerlist man happens to post 3 minutes later

>> No.76629319

https://www.twitch.tv/camuich - Scorn

>> No.76629438

Who is tempting you, bitch? Fuck yourself and your guts you shithead who cares about your human failure of a channer who needs to fucking know who is watching who where and for how long just insert the bad dragon up your ass and keep pouncing on it you fucker nobody wants to see the list nobody gains anything by seeing you right now nobody fucking wants to watch and only your dilated ass pulses with the desire to watch the post going up and the replies flowing in calling you what you already know you are, you brainless castrated monkey.

>> No.76629531


>> No.76629812

Daiyalogues week 9!

>> No.76629828

>https://www.twitch.tv/zenyahima - Crow Country
>https://www.twitch.tv/autumnfuchsia - Lobotomy corp
Ended stream
>https://www.twitch.tv/chakimoji - Just Chatting
Ace P
>https://www.twitch.tv/thenueowo - Zet Zillions
>https://www.twitch.tv/kaignikkivt - Mario Party 2
>https://www.twitch.tv/digbycat - Project Zomboid with kuromaru
>https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting - Warcraft III
>https://www.twitch.tv/sirshabby - Fortnite
>https://www.twitch.tv/camuich - Scorn

>> No.76629925

heh, missed me kiddo

>> No.76630055

>stalkerfag missed me

>> No.76630058

>you must login or create an account to continue

Lmao, what a little bitch

>> No.76630110


>> No.76630178

Ain't 169cm a mite too tall for them?
Played Gnome back in my WoW days... and someone already accused be of being like Chilchuck beyond the mask.
I have no idea who this Zenyahima but if I'm on their watching list, I guess I'll watch them. Curious about Crow Country anyways.

>> No.76630198


>> No.76630231

The missing is deliberate, it's to make it look like you're not supporting other chuubas

>> No.76630347

I don't know why people say ubume left when she's clearly still here

>> No.76630359

Chaki mogging

>> No.76630364
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how can he be saved aside from getting a not-shit model

>> No.76630399
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Don't know what to tell you Zeph, you were there

>> No.76630419


>> No.76630451

maybe some kind of half-dwarf?

>> No.76630497

or is i

>> No.76630528

I don't know, are you?

>> No.76630588

more interaction with people and more collabs

>> No.76630589

he needs to stop venting on main, watching him is just depressing

>> No.76630628


>> No.76630657



>> No.76630692

Never seen this man on here before?

>> No.76630706



>> No.76630715

Must be his new target!

>> No.76630783
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>> No.76630789

he's still on the tierlist, gets mentioned every now and then (like now) and he sometimes depression posts here

>> No.76630816

Network. The model isn't even the main problem, he just never interacts with anyone aside from some of the girls.

>> No.76630879

>aside from some of the girls.

>> No.76630906

I just report what I see in the viewer list and a quick glance at chat, if you just joined the stream it probably wouldn't show you

>> No.76631034

Hey guys I’ve been lurking and I wanna start but I don’t have a png or model. You guys have good reccs for how to get one? especially for free

>> No.76631099

Draw it yourself in paint

>> No.76631121

Are you a girl? Post vocaroo and someone will make a png for you for free
Are you a guy? Draw it yourself or buy one, no other option

>> No.76631148

Piccrew or just ask at the right time around here for one of the artists to draw you one

>> No.76631188

you better not be the doomer again

>> No.76631290

im dying chat

>> No.76631357

Despite the jokes I've had great luck with Etsy sellers, if you're conscious of reviews you can get a decent PNG going for like $20-40.

>> No.76631386

I have some advice for you:


>> No.76631392


>> No.76631406

try fiver, grimmi got a long way with a cheap fiverr model

>> No.76631510


>> No.76631519

thats the problem that many had, people like him or alto for example would only watch girls and then be sad when no one watched them

>> No.76631593

Fwofie taking lsd, tripping and going live, starting to vent and telling you all about the thoughts she had since she started vtubing and exposing to you her shyest self.

>> No.76631683

I bet she's a big whore deep down

God I love whores

>> No.76631734

Chill Grace

>> No.76631774

Mindbroken Fwofie...

>> No.76632209

check booth.pm for free models

>> No.76632259
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>> No.76632535
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Don't be silly, I'm stalking Ace. don't take this post seriously or else your pp is small

>> No.76632564

More bullet points please

>> No.76632631

My cock is small and I will take this post at full face value like a schizo.

>> No.76632706

You son of a..

>> No.76632753

If I notice someone doing this I stop trying to help them

>> No.76632795


>> No.76632817

I knew it, she fell for the ikemen...

>> No.76632862

hate stalking because of his collab with yumi is based and valid

>> No.76633066
File: 587 KB, 1079x1850, normal_austrian_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel

>> No.76633288

Sukadrii to niggers

>> No.76633335


>> No.76633402

we already have another thread its ok

>> No.76633407

Blindfolding, deafening her with earmuffs, ball gagging her, ankle cuffing her feet so she has to slowly crawl around on all fours then you get to play a game where you put different types of animal ears on her and if she doesn't make the right animal pose and noise she gets spanked and kicked in the ribs, if she gets it right she gets a minute on the sybian. The game ends when she gets 5 in a row correct (cat, dog, bunny, bear, wolf)

>> No.76633549
File: 11 KB, 100x100, angrycry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO only old men, I swear! I really like that one white-red haired guy in that new wuthering waves game. Probably not gonna play it though.
