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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76603904 No.76603904 [Reply] [Original]

What caused the Burnout?

>> No.76603932

I did

>> No.76603936

How can she burnout when she barely even does anything.

>> No.76603959

There is no burnout. She just doesn't want to stream.

>> No.76603966

I burnt out her butthole with my peenus weenus

>> No.76604063

a massive bank account

>> No.76604095

It's pretty much impossible to understand what a burnout is without having experienced one, this shit is awful

>> No.76604141 [SPOILER] 
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Kronii raping her

>> No.76604147

Honestly I think she wishes she had less than 20K people watching her when she streams.

>> No.76604230

It's an excuse. She just doesn't want to create content anymore, at least as Gawr Gura. And why should she? She gets showered in money every time she hits live.

>> No.76604266

i don't know
I'm Stuff tho

>> No.76604290

her family leeching

>> No.76604296

In this case, just laziness. It would take no effort to casually stream a fun game 3 times a week for 1-2 hours.

>> No.76604333


>> No.76604463

- Mori.
- Chumbies saying NO to her.
- Chumbies being paedo's and wanting to fuck her.

>> No.76604519

Gura doesn't want to stream but what is causing that? Tempus literally fought with management to get 2 model redesigns so there is a good chance the same thing is happening with HoloEN.

>> No.76604532

>Gura expressed a willingness to collab with them, hazing rituals and shit
>it's literally the reason the joined this company, to make friends
>new management had a better idea: we should isolate Advent and focus on the gen thing
>Gura's plans were ruined
>went on burnout mode

>fast-forward to today, now all the restrictions are gone, but so is the magic of the first few months
>Gura now doesn't want anything to do with Advent since they chose management over her

just take a look at how shallow and soulless this shit was
and compare that to this kino

hope you enjoy the most soulless hololive gen since gen 4 Adventkeks

>> No.76604599

I don't know, but it's somehow Kiaras fault.

>> No.76604637

>what is causing that?
Not giving a shit.

>> No.76604708

>chumbuds in charge of not exposing how much they hate the rest of hololive

>> No.76604721

you assholes

>> No.76604733

You niggers got your answer in the sendai stream. Shes baking bread and reading books. Literally living the normie life without any fucks given or remorse and only coming back to get money.

>> No.76604870

>but what is causing that?
She simply doesn't want to. She's lazy.

>> No.76605363

she should graduate hololive and go indie and do what ever she wants

>> No.76605482

I think Gura more had too much pressure put on her.
She went from moderately successful to being one of the biggest streamers in the world literally overnight.

>> No.76605526

Cover most likely pays her a shit ton to NOT do that. The amount they make off of her merch and other deals is too valuable for them to give up.

>> No.76606011

She wants to do other things. But Cover pays her too much for her to quit. So she just does what they make her and spends the rest of the time offline enjoying life. I mean really, would you do any different if you didn't have to? We all say it would be easy to just stream. But if you could get away with not and still be rich, well, why stream when you really truly don't want to?

>> No.76606186

Exactly. Practice for live performances, and then do what you really want to afterwards. Cover forcing you to stream? Threaten to quit. They need her as she is EVERYWHERE as a mascot.

>> No.76606450

what I do is like just like y'know like y'know

>> No.76606460

>She gets showered in money every time she hits live.
She gets showered in money even without going live and that's why she has no incentive to actually stream.

>> No.76606591
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>> No.76606846

the missing Y chromosome

>> No.76607155

EN management
The last time she was happy was back before she had a fight with them, which was like a year now

>> No.76607353

Having to be cute and wholesome when she wants to be sexual deviant.

>> No.76607371

California branch
she become local manager for that office

>> No.76607395

She spent all her drive gauge

>> No.76607463

an underrated tactic is cut off your ear to prove a point

>> No.76607490

Based game

>> No.76607534

Not only that, they literally blocked Gura's merch on purpose like the scumbags they are and she had to beg to the JP management to get stuff going

>> No.76607844

With how badly they want her to collab with males to fulfill their DEI EGS garbage I could imagine why she doesn't want to stream any more

>> No.76607848
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In her mind she graduated 2 years ago, and there's a strong rrat that she actually tried to end her contract at the end of 2022, but Cover knew her leaving would be a near unfixable blow to hololive so offered a much more lax contract and let her do pretty much whatever she wants.

I thought this was common sense, why is this still being debated on?

>> No.76608355

Gura would break her contract if she leaked what's been happening internally. She's just fulfilling her role as an idol now, not as a streamer. Nothing more, nothing less. She's forced to do what she doesn't want and hindered in what she wants to do by the same people. There's this overbearing groomer mentality that corpos unfortunately have. So then she can not stream for as much as she likes within contract limits.

>> No.76608373

okay very well now explain ayame without the yagoo baby rrat

>> No.76608914

Yeah and that's not by her choice either. If the inside is rotten (hint: thanks westerners), then you'd want to stay away as far from it as possible, but nothing was rectified except for a bunch of people getting fired covertly. The issue still persists, and that's why Gura is still like that.

>> No.76609071

NBA collab.

>> No.76609659

It is common sense. However, common sense is not that common.

>> No.76609706

>There is no burnout
>Trust me bro
>Just turn your brain off bro and don't delve into the deeper reasons bro
This reeks of astroturfers from the inside trying to cover up shit, Kill yourselves

>> No.76609812

"burnout" means she has enough money. one stream every 5 months is enough for her drones to fill up her bank account for a while

>> No.76610138

Hololive is switching into an IP company.
They want to decouple their main source of income from something as unpredictable and unstable as streamers and create something more stable like IP, characters etc. Just look how depending too much on streamers went for Nijisanji.
Remember that shit with Kizuna Ai's and her company firing her voice actress in order to take control of her IP? They did it in the most clumsy way and it backfired on them and it all went to shit.
Hololive is doing a similar thing tho, but they're handling it way more carefully. They don't fuck with the talent like that, but they're pushing games, anime, stuff that doesn't really need the talent behind the IP.
As for how its related to Gura - I don't know what is happening in her life and I have no interest in speculating. But I think it's something that in other circumstances would make her quit. It was probably Cover that offered her some sort of a sweet one-sided deal with no strings attached to stay with them in exchange for nothing. Like getting a salary for not even streaming, maybe with some incentives for showing up from time to time. She would have no reason not to go for it.
Cover doesn't really need her to stream, they just need her to be there and she will be making them money in other ways as an IP

>> No.76610243
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>soulless hololive gen since gen 4
Nihao !

>> No.76610282

Probably the expectations that come with being the biggest vtuber of your agency as well as a fanbase that consists of overly protective manchildren and shitstirrers that will go on crusades in her name everywhere even though she doesn't want to have any part in it.

>> No.76610474

Yeah its never her fault!! its always someone else yepyep

>> No.76610548

She could get more money by streaming, and she's happier streaming as she said herself, yet she chose not to for a reason. We're not that braindead dude
She's not even making any money from streaming, it's mostly merch now. And she's completely passionless about it, unlike normal streamers. Funny how all of this started after the massive fight with the management.
Three theories: Either management has forced her to stream far less in an attempt to spread out her fanbase to other livers (otherwise it's bad for growth, they think), or she purposefully stopped streaming much just to spite the management that makes her very sick of streaming. Or lastly, it's some severe health issue that stemmed from the fight and may have involved attempted suicide.
Not acknowledging her friends, gen mates, and a complete vibe shift is very unnatural.

>> No.76610552

* chumbie who probably believes whatever excuse Gura comes up with and probably would throw £1000 to her if he could get away with it.

>> No.76610631

>Shes baking bread
Bun in the oven huh

>> No.76610660

There is a suspicious number of corporate bootlickers on /vt/ that constantly defend Hololive by shifting the blame onto the vtubers. If they aren't getting paid by Cover they have a child like faith in a large corporation where they can't even imagine Japanese managers doing anything wrong.

>> No.76610849

>where they can't even imagine Japanese managers doing anything wrong.
That's pretty disgusting. Japanese companies are known to be quite abusive and should be exposed for any such behaviors Hololive, Niji or not. There must've been some big leak on the JP side and no wonder big corpo stocks are tanking really bad.

>> No.76611110

the worst match is the japanese work culture with western agenda cancer, like forced male collabs
it's like your forced to eat dog shit

>> No.76611263

she gets enough from her drones who are ready to shower her with money every time in her single stream per quarter and from the salary for being a mascot
she streams as much as she needs to and no more. Nothing wrong with it, she's doing what she wants and living the life.
you are just blaming others as always, take your schizo theories elsewhere. you don't even need to, again she's not doing anything wrong.

>> No.76611338

Let me guess, you love licking the dogshit off of management boots.

>> No.76611513

Why would gura even consider theidea of quitting when 5 more years of this could have her and her family living like kings for the rest of their lives?

>> No.76611601

because the company or culture is shit
who would put up with being forced to collab with males or get bullied

>> No.76611885

She is at the minimum a basic millionaire now, she could probably quit any day and still have enough to never have to work ever again.

>> No.76612023

It's true she's not doing anything wrong, but what caused her to act like what she is now certainly is what's wrong. Don't forget about the people in the EN management who got fired, which you seem to be just shrugging off pretending it was nothing. Nobody just changes in a week for no reason at all unless it's either enforced or she's been put in that position. Burnouts certainly don't last for over 2 years. It's a year at most, less than 6 months even for a sweatshop, yet Gura for some reason feels like she's shedding her life away despite your claims of "doing nothing".

>> No.76612329

ye, but she ignores her genmates, friends and everybody like what the other guy said, which is not normal to suddenly happen
plenty of time she's absent on important collabs, some health issue going on with her

>> No.76612398
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>she's happier streaming as she said herself
>We're not that braindead dude
this is pretty funny.

>> No.76612482

Of course shills like you are just gonna ignore every important point regarding her and deflect with whatever

>> No.76612531
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She thinks it's burnout but it's more likely this:

>> No.76612590

Nah. Plenty of active ADHD streamers out there.

>> No.76612687

bruh twitch is literally filled with people tagged with adhd

>> No.76612815
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here's a more accurate version

>> No.76612944
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>you are just gonna ignore every important point regarding her
like fan like oshi

>> No.76613430
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I don't have an Oshi and I mostly watch vshojo
I hate overbearing corpos in general especially Japanese companies like Niji, I think both Niji and Hololive should collapse and everybody should go indie.

>> No.76613431

She's probably just baking and gardening all day and she unironically makes more money by not streaming. She still has full access to the holo girls without any of the negatives. It's not some huge mystery

>> No.76613702

Are you retarded? Nobody was bullied for not collabing with males in Holo. Half of them didn't and no Advents have yet. Go back to your Nijishitters.

>> No.76613831

the only expectations are to show up more than once a month, and she can't even do that

>> No.76614183

if u want that she needs to go indie then, management hates her clearly

>> No.76614327

Anon chumgoyim will literally make up alternative realities to justify almost anything gura does

>> No.76614442

I do this too and I don't have ADHD
It's called not being assed to do something which you need to do

>> No.76614487

>muh chumgoyim
i think they should retire gura, which is what bootlickers here don't want

>> No.76614554

why should they retire her?

>> No.76614597

because management is bad and she is not productive

>> No.76614755

why can't things just stay the way they are?

>> No.76614872

it's not good for everybody's health
gura is clearly unhealthy, fans are too mentally ill, and the management is making things worse

>> No.76615149

she prints money by existing, they don't care as long as the cash keeps coming in

>> No.76615311

she actually doesn't she's one of the lowest there, especially by supas and memberships
she lost over 90% of them since the health spiralled down
if all the management cares is cash and not health, that management should be shot down and reported to authorities

>> No.76615626

doesn't seem like they're doing anything illegal, and gura is a grown ass woman, if she wanted to end the contract/quit she could.

>> No.76615727
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>> No.76615829

seem doesn't mean that they're in the clear, that's what people think of niji too when they were abusing their talents
stop defending disgusting abuse especially when someone clearly unwell is involved

>> No.76615828

That would mostly work out for nijis but I don't see many holos doing too well without the cover backup, at least all of those who try doing more than just stream (i.e. all of those who get multiple sponsorships, release music, do concerts and 3D stuff in general). EN though, fuck I mean what the hell would they have done for the first 2-3 years without Ame? Absolutely useless fucks, but it seems like things are slowly changing.

>> No.76616226

Can't just quit a lock-in contract, you'd have to violate it though, which Gura is too mentally ill to even try to do so. Therefore she's stuck, especially when you factor in peer pressure. Corporate abuse works like that and these should be investigated really.

>> No.76616603

perhaps someone should do a deep investigation and dismantle cover and save gura.

>> No.76616760

they will find a way to put the blame on a dead half eaten turtle before daring to suggest that maybe she does not want to stream

>> No.76616779

that may involve doxxing gura, and that is beyond the scope of this board
she's stuck in the shit, and no one will save her

>> No.76616781

nobody cares about supas and memberships, they get most of their money from merch and Gura's merch is always sold out

>> No.76617082

if the reason was that easy then she would have just told everybody and not go through an entire personality change and ghosting
people here have said that the last time gura was consistent was when she had been fighting the management, so they are clearly bad since they don't even try to do anything about it and may even be making it worse

>> No.76617202

i mean to say have been*

>> No.76617626

the biggest flaw of your theory is that you are implying that a modern millionaire woman (does not even need to be a millionaire) will act on logic

>> No.76617920

just backtrack where the smoking gun is and you can easily surmise the culprit
other anon made 3 theories and that is undefeated, i only made one and i only care for her health
clearly at any case here, the management is at fault for letting this happen in the first place

>> No.76618010

Blame cover behind the scenes. All corpos are bad.

>> No.76618165
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Nobody's gonna get that joke anon.

>> No.76618410

same, i dont watch her
i jus care about people's health i really do and i wish abusive companies get investigated and make it an international point that japan work culture will not be tolerated and should be banned, i wish it becomes a big thing and there be sanctions

>> No.76618499

Imagine becoming the most subscribed Vtuber in the history of the world.

How the fuck are you going to entertain that many people? what if some pf them are hate watching waiting for you to mispronounce something and will run to X/VT and make a grudge post about it?

What if your choice of entertainment wasn't well received?
What if you just weren't feeling funny that day?
What if?
What if?
What if?

This is the HAD disorder of "decision paralysis. " She is so stuck with so many things that could potentially go wrong, she worried herself into a state of indecision so bad she barely functions as a streamer anymore.

>> No.76618695

Bruh, she literally had so many ideas but she got cockblocked so hard so many times by the WESTern management. You heard that right, not even the JP management where she came crawling towards.

>> No.76618858

What merch kek. Last time I heard about Gura was when they blocked her from even selling her merch, especially her daki.

>> No.76619692

that was literal years ago, you inbred monkey

>> No.76619838


Yeah same time Gura stopped streaming. Cope holobrony

>> No.76620481

>can't play the games she wants
>can't sell the merch she wants
>can't make songs she wants
>can't collab with people she wants (but collabs with males is a must, kek)
No wonder livers are mentally ill

>> No.76621687

sorry anon but none of those are valid reasons to not do her job, if she wants to do whatever tf she wants just go indie and stop wasting peoples time.

>> No.76622090

>ppl who don’t care arguing with larpers who pretend they do
So who you guys actually watch or just live on this board?

>> No.76622795

>just go
retard if it only was that easy
even nijinigs has a lot of bullshit in their contract wrapped in nda, that's the same with holos

there's a bigger world out there than the two most corrupt companies

>> No.76623895

and her merch is still selling like hot cakes regardless of her activity, literally breaking records

>> No.76624088

The only records shes breaking is the time spent being the most mentally ill holomember due to management

>> No.76626457

I agree on the mentally ill part, don't know about the latter

>> No.76627641

Too much sex with me, her husband

>> No.76629710

Gura started going into hiatuses before advent was a thing.

>> No.76634359

Gura was a Sanalite and still hasn't recovered from the graduation

>> No.76641335

She still shines brightly

>> No.76642780

When you are successful, you just don't want to try as much.

>> No.76646482

Fans probably. That's always been my rrat at least

>> No.76647839

>Shes baking bread
Real meaning: she's being railed with the sole purpose of procreation, and she's in her 2nd or 3rd children by now

>> No.76648822

if you change it to
>doing the task last minute
>i know what needs to be done
and start with
>can't prioritize, organize, & start
this is my workflow

but remove
>guilty about wasted time
since i don't think about remorse until years later

>> No.76649258

obviously, she still does events and seemingly jumps at the opportunity when another member (Kiara) asks her for a collab

>> No.76653357

I fif

>> No.76655936

A lack of excuses, even after 2 months of free time.

>> No.76656323
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Sisters have short-term memory.
>What merch?
Gura's iPASS quilt broke records, outselling their past collabs with Hello Kitty, Jujutsu Kaisen, Disney, and Genshin Impact.

Gurarium merch sold out by day 2.
Sushiro merch (20,000 stands, 12,000 water bottles) also sold out by day 2. Both were for month-long events. And that's not counting the made-to-order merch, like Gura tail pillows. Cover keeps underestimating Gura. Both required tickets or eating huge meals before purchase. They not only made Gura tons of money but for the sponsors too. That has cemented Gura as a valuable IP. No doubt she's highly sought after and has been working for other sponsorships yet to be seen.

When Mayors are promoting her events and government officials replying to her tweets; she's not just a mascot but became an unofficial ambassador.

>> No.76656630

She has to say a couple of lines in the studio every once in a while, give her a break. It's really hard for her

>> No.76657031

It's lonely at the top. She has no competition so she lost all motivation to even try.

>> No.76657108

I expected Doki to do better and give Gura competition, for both their sakes.

Gura does love competition.

>> No.76657161

Maybe she just lacks direction. It's not that rare for people who become successful to just loose a sense of purpose. You read about people all the time that got their dream job and then suffered burnout or depression.

>> No.76657934

>burnout after not streaming for roughly an entire year
Thats not burnout, thats laziness. I am surprised they havent forced her to stream yet.

>> No.76658475
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When Gura participates in a karaoke event that mogs anything a NijiEN 'concert' can do, is she really trying?

Let's not deny she was the main attraction.
When she was flown to Taipei right after HoloFes, she was part in organizing the event and suggested to do a live karaoke, what she loves doing most. Turned out to be a huge success. Is it even fair?

>> No.76659540

Chumbies are too deep in they would still support Gura should be collab with a MALE.

>> No.76659990

Since she would be professional about it. See no problem. Gura and PewDiePie collab would be kino.

>> No.76660105

ding ding ding

>> No.76660367

Gotta love chumbuds delusions that they come up with zero evidence

>> No.76661743

Here is some more love:
Was Gura not the only one flown to Taipei not given a chance to enjoy Japan right after HoloFest? And it was to be a long stay since she asked about places to eat, in which the govt replied to her tweet. But Gura gets what she wants. Cover bans her from ever singing the baby shark song. Guess what she sang during the live karaoke?
So many coincidences like Gura being the first to call Yagoo Mr. Worldwide before others and the news article. "Hololive only gets stronger >:3" before Jap starts quoting it. Gura wants pyrotechnics for her Megu Megu Fire song and Cover makes it part of their concerts. Gura is more involved behind the scenes than she lets on. It's years later, that it's revealed that it was Gura working directly with Farhlan for the Myth and Treat song....with him saying she's no amateur.

So expect more live karaoke to come. Fill a venue at little cost compared to a mocap 'concert.' But only a few talents like Gura can do well. IMO, rather to see a live event than premade. Gura made it clear from the start that she joined Hololive for the stage, not streaming.

>> No.76662773

Also like to add when she talked about the Taipei event that she was practicing and was excited on how it will turn out. Seemed vested in it, far from being burnt out.

>> No.76663108

I imagine it's incredibly easy to become burnout when you realize you can make millions just by existing and doing nothing.

Anyone who believes this sad girl act is a fucking buffoon and I sincerely hope Gura squeezes every last penny out of them.

>> No.76663233

So not only is she telling the most obvious lies I've ever heard but now she's throwing her coworkers, Advent, under the fucking bus. Unfucking believable.

If she fucking hates it so much why doesn't she quit? If she's so fucking put upon, so fucking oppressed and singled out, why doesn't she do what Doki and Pomu did? I'll tell you why: because she made all that up and now she's seeing advent's success and wants to tear them down. what a piece of shit she is.

>> No.76663264

>I am surprised they havent forced her to stream yet.
She streamed tonight. How did you not notice?

>> No.76663490

>Have a absolutely horrible fanbase
>hate every minute you must pretend to enjoy interacting with them
>the hate builds up over time more and more every time you think about streaming to (them)
>cause you to burnout
I don't blame her at all.

>> No.76663980

t. retard living in poverty who can't even afford to do a supa
seethe more

>> No.76664442

>retard living in poverty who can't even afford to do a supa

Oh so are you basically admitting that it'd be perfectly fine to send a £1000 supa to Gura like what possibly YOU would do? If so then you are the bigger retard here. But you already knew that didn't you, chumbie?

>> No.76664488

Riding my dick too much

>> No.76664540

*4th most subscribed vtuber in the world.

>> No.76665178

Probably her fans. Her fans are just absolutely insane and overbearing as fuck. I ban only imagine how tiring it must be to deal with fans like hers every time you just want to have a fun stream.

>> No.76665408

If your a Artist autist you need to be able to do new things. listen to what she talks about in her few streams all random new hobbies shes picked up

>> No.76665555

why would i send money to a millionaire who makes a very healthy living off of merch sales? are you that shit with money?

>> No.76665594

most of her fans like little kids. thats why shes leagues above the jp hags. biboo didnt work out because shes not as shifty as gura is with the coombait.

>> No.76665668

>very healthy living off of merch sales
do you think the random japanese grandma who said "pika pika" is getting money from Pikachu stuffed animal sales?

>> No.76666365

Are hololive fans happy about that direction?

>> No.76666480


>> No.76666648

>some health issue going on with her

>> No.76667268

This kind of resembles my life.
I used to have so many interests but barely touched them and abandoned them because anxiety.
I used to be the kind of guy that knew a bit about many subjects.

>> No.76668560


>> No.76670685

while gura's laziness is a well known trait I think cover is also being overly cautious greenlighting her ideas because she's so big. if she was just another hololive karaoke chuuba she'd probably have an easier time doing things

>> No.76671652

I dont know how does she even have the balls to talk shit about advent when she was personally cockblocking the loli competitor just in case

>> No.76671820

The lack of a worthy rival, that why she just stream when something big happen, to see if she can finally be beaten.

>> No.76672833
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Bullshit you stupid faggot. They admitted directly how they get their big bucks paypigs who are the people who spend the most on shit like merch. It's the streamers creating a connection with a chunk of the core fans who will spend a ton of money on them.

>> No.76675483

>worthy rival
M8 She overlapped as many of bijou's early streams as she could, she doesnt want a rival she wants the monopoly

>> No.76675797

Hololive is having Gura stream whenever Niji has a big event. Because they know Gura will suck away lots of viewers from anything Niji does.
They're just using her as a secret weapon on demand to fuck with Niji. Otherwise she's free to not stream on all other days.

>> No.76676669
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On one side, that shit is giving us a ton of content outside of streaming, manga, games, we are getting a fucking actual anime next, so that's cool.
On the other hand, the girls signed to be streamers/influencers/idols, not actual actresses with all the baggage all that enthralls, Cover is pushing them to work on things that some of them maybe were curious about but definitely didn't had on mind when accepting the gig.
Personally as a fan, if they are happy, then I'm happy. But Gura does seems tired, the type of tired when you are just done and want it to be over, and that worries me for her.

>> No.76676756

Gura is trying to make bijou stronger, soon she will be ready to take the torch.

>> No.76676784

maybe she should just collect enough money, quit and enjoy life as she pleases until she finds out next what to do. Problem might be to be anxious about leaving something that is paying so well for an uncertain future.

>> No.76677039

gura barely streams anymore
ame barely streams anymore
cali had knee surgery and can't stream atm

Myth is falling apart.

>> No.76677128

I literally watch a 2 view who streams
7 days a week
Same time
2-3 Hours per session
And he has NEVER burned out and he NEVER misses streams unless he gets sick or an act of god happens. He's done this for 5 years.
Gura is just a shitter.

>> No.76677214

>gura no stream
>ame no stream
>cali no stream
Ina better step the fuck up to carry the gen, if she even wants to pretend to give a shit

>> No.76677248

With so many years, being so popular and widely known as Gura she's most likely a multi-millionarie at this point. She can literally just put her money into safe places like apartments or stocks and do fuck all for the rest of her life with all generations forward being filthy rich. That is the cause of this "burnout". Now she will just do some projects once in 3 months, release some merch and do a stream once in a while to milk out as much as she can from her fame.

>> No.76677332

See you next year, lol

>> No.76677365

it is not fair to compare a sick western small woman to a man coughing_baby_vs_hydrogen_bomb.png

>> No.76677374

If Gura is anything like the other dozens of creators I've seem across the years, she already found it and is just stuntlocked on what she wants to do vs. what Cover is allowing her to do, and prefers to just let time go by under the pretense of "if I don't do anything, nothing bad can happen"
unironically, she would be more at ease being a 7 gen shitter at NijiEN because no one would expect anything and she would be allowed to do fuck she wants.

>> No.76677690

>Someone who likes to stream and play vidya, probably likes to stream to his small audience
>Grifter who can't play vidya and hates her audience

>> No.76678488

"Gura complains about burnout" is a hilarious concept.

>> No.76678681

Cover could still make money off her image even if she quit. they own it.

>> No.76678706

Save us Ina! Aaaaaa!

>> No.76678931

It would be in extremely bad taste to do so, and they already showed the wouldnt with Cancelling the whole batch of holofive merch on standby with Aloe quitting. Also Coco

>> No.76679268

cunny threads

>> No.76680096

Nice cope, adventsperg.

>> No.76680886

None of you wanna admit this but it's literally every retard in this thread. Be it her "knights in shining armor" on a cum stained couch or her antis on a piss stained mattress.

>> No.76681835

Gura is literally Jerma of VTubers
>Gain more and more popularity
>Fanbase becomes toxic as fuck
>Dealing with the fans starts to take larger and larger toll every streams
>Mystery health issues appear
>Less and less streams
>Stops streaming because can't deal with the fans anymore

>> No.76681918

what happened with jerma fanbase ? Also jerma vtuber stream when

>> No.76681957

I do biannual burnout videos!

>> No.76683216

Torch to not stream as well.

>> No.76683574

>Stream on twitch which is full of trannies
>Jerma gets visibly depressed and burnsout
Honestly his fault for not streaming on the 'tube.

>> No.76684859

>Gura was a Sanalite and still hasn't recovered from the graduation
Whatever happened between management and Sana caused a lot of barely hidden anger in 2022. The multiple health breaks, Ina openly talking about graduation, and EN refusing to have full branch collabs which is still going on 29 months later. They do seem more optimistic for 2024 so things are improving but Gura still won't release her 3rd year membership badge.

>> No.76685272

>Anon who worked a summer job one time and "burnt out" and now relies on mommy for all of his money

Give me a fucking break. Streaming is a trivial job compared to any real work, and vtubers should not be given sympathy.
Shut up, stream, do your events.

>> No.76685475

She never enjoyed streaming, even before she was Gura.

>> No.76685544

ESL king not able to read their earnings report?

>> No.76685604


>> No.76686049

she would have graduated years ago but management begged her to stay since she's too valuable

just consider her semi retired

>> No.76686137

>Flipping burgers.
>Cleaning shit out of toilets
>Being a teacher or some shit idk
>Literally playing a fucking video game.

There's literally no easier job than streaming. She needs to hit "stream" and play a video game.

>> No.76686293

All of Myth should stream daily or every other day at least.
BUT, they should only stream on Kiara's channel from now on. They'll never overlap timeslots so it works fine.

>> No.76686387

ask yourself that

>> No.76687005


> and be entertaining

something you don't understand. why aren't you making millions from streaming?

>> No.76687037

>They need her as she is EVERYWHERE as a mascot.
Cover has proven multiple times that they don't care if a Holo makes money, if they want to quit then that is their right to do so. Other Holos and the CEO and stuff can try to convince them not to but ultimately if it's their time to go then it's their time to go. Gura can't threaten to quit because if she wants to quit, then Cover will let her quit.

>> No.76687055

You have to make jokes, not to be boring overall

>> No.76687084

>And be entertaining
Lmao, lol even. Maybe at the start. Maybe. But the corpos boost the viewership on their chuubas. Even a wet blanket like Ina gets viewers spoonfed to her.

>> No.76687222
File: 61 KB, 659x496, 1713774271325065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Gura didn't like the restrictions of Hololive then she would have quit already and joined Vshoujo.

>> No.76687441

>why aren't you making millions from streaming?

>> No.76687787

That's cool, how does that benefit me as a shrimp?

>> No.76689012

here top 5 benefits
>less streams (no need to worry about missing streams if there are no streams)
thanks for reading

>> No.76689072

Tummy hort

>> No.76689081

Her annoying insufferable fans. I wouldn't want to stream to a bunch of mentally ill incels who UOOHH at real children either. Must be an absolute pain to deal with.

>> No.76689832
File: 350 KB, 545x545, 1689837896835854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burnout from not working

>> No.76689848

In a way it's based that she's getting the chumbud money without doing shit because his fans have no standards, on the other hand her burnout excuses are retarded, she would be better off lying and saying that some irl stuff is going on

>> No.76690079

New site was up within the day why are you spamming this
Hell youtube is full of doxx vids that never get deleted

>> No.76690110

>Play a video game
Holos don't play video games
You would think that the boys would change that, but no. Not even they play fucking games.
What's the point in having those useless dead weight bitches?

>> No.76690151

she probably just wanted to treat hololive as a lower priority job than her art stuff. omegalul took it personally and the japs didn't care about the treatment she got when they took over later

>> No.76690171

Everyone knows this
Her using leverage to get permission to do nothing doesnt change that shes doing nothing

>> No.76690322

I'd be fucking seething if I had any degree of responsibility over this little shit, she could be making ALL OF US into slates of solid fucking gold if she even bothered to do the bare minimum, and not just herself, but she fucking doesnt. Like holy shit I'd raid her fucking house and beat her to near death with a belt and then suck yagoo's dick for days on end for forgiveness if that's what it took to financially solve my entire fucking life in less than a year, yet that little gremlin is just sitting there doing NOTHING, she doesnt even need to make moral choices on endorsing some product that employs nigerian kids with STDs or something, she just has to fucking sit an evening in the computer, doodle a fucking pink fluffy shit on mspaint AND WE'RE MAKING MILLIONS ON MERCH AGAIN
Jesus christ I'm getting mad just from the thought of all this outright waste

>> No.76690605
File: 328 KB, 1751x716, 1716680601889497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I would consider believing this more if I didn't see the mask off shit from yesterday. Let's be honesty this thread was only made because the OP knew Gura would be streaming soon. I see tons of post being more "insufferable" in an effort to complain about chumbuds than I have seen a chumbud doing something worth point out as an example.

>> No.76693359


>> No.76699122


>> No.76699560

No stream today? Did the managers forget to tell her that the Doki wrestling event was 2 days long?
