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76599088 No.76599088 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not caring enough to update your fans, but still keeping tabs on shit to overlap.

>> No.76599186

I can only imagine seething nijiniggers who still care about a basically graduated holo.
How is the new wave nijikek?

>> No.76599245

whatcha trying to deflect today, sister?

>> No.76599251

She has yearly quota to meet of hours streams and if gura was streaming everyday you people will use it to shit on advent regardless. So whatever she does in going to end up triggering people like you and sisters looking to cause drama to deflect attention for their corpo latest fuck ups like always.

>> No.76599415

Streaming everyday isn't overlap retard, if she just had a FUCKING SCHEDULE she wouldn't get accused of targeting everyone she randomly overlaps

>> No.76599495

>Chooses slopnautica
She really hates her fans

>> No.76599518

>Gura streams, there's a big event going on
>Gura streams, there's a big event going on
>Gura streams, there's a big event going on
>Gura streams, there's a big event going on
>Gura streams, there's a big event going on
Yes, merely a coincidence chumkek

>> No.76599533

It's honestly a genius marketing move. I see why she's at the top now

>> No.76599591

Imagining being the operative word here.

>> No.76599722

You think gura keep tabs on doki and niji events? You're fucking retarded. Gura doesn't even keep contact with most of her branch she just shows up when she feels like it. Corp is okay with it because she makes them money so why the fuck are you seething?

>> No.76599845
File: 13 KB, 929x220, 177341978134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advent debut
>Valentines' day 2024
>NijiAR live
>NijiEN debuts & Wrestlemania
ShE JuSt ShOwS uP wHeN ShE fEeLs LiKe iT

>> No.76599867

>Reading comprehension

>> No.76599974
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Based. The shark stalks for its prey.

>> No.76600036

It's based if you are a hololive fan
It's dire if you are a chumbud

>> No.76600078
File: 255 KB, 1500x1000, FuwaMoco Aggressive Smile Protection[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv5zu0g.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden overlap you say?

>> No.76600091

Ain't no reading comprehension issues you disingenuous faggot. All you retard think gura is some sort of secret weapon from cover that yagoo deployed to kill everything everyone else is doing. You aren't about to deflect from your own retarded thoughts.

>> No.76600194

wait... are you suggesting she´s the surprise guest? that be lit.

>> No.76600235

>doesn't know the definition of random

>> No.76600308

Going to keep deflecting you drama stirring primate?

>> No.76601000

Weren't the debuts yesterday though?

>> No.76601613

>Braindead monkey refuses to admit he doesn't know how to read

>> No.76601773

Imagine seething and making bait threads daily about a Holo who streams 1s every 2 months. Fucking retarded OP, kys.

>> No.76602042

Other than advent debut's, no one else knows what you're saying

>> No.76602121
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>> No.76603597

stop doxing my wife

>> No.76608264

I'd be willing to believe that if she didn't consistently go live during those times lol
