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76585014 No.76585014 [Reply] [Original]

>just debuted
>sisters are already trying to cancel you

>> No.76585196

>list of kamioshis

>> No.76585228

erm loli is like le pedo and problematic??

>> No.76585270

But enough about Vox

>> No.76585351

>She was my kamioshi!
>She didn't even debut

>> No.76585482

Seeing loli shit get cancelled always makes me happy simply because I know how obnoxious cunnypedos are.

>> No.76585589

You’re even more obnoxious than them, though.

>> No.76585605

Everytime I read these faggots tweets, I always feel second hand embarrassment for all the niji fans out there. Like imagine having on the same fandom as this mentally ill le monkeys.

>> No.76585689

Anon,most niji fans (at least on the EN side) are like this,remember that these are the same people that were shitting on Scarle for eating starbucks

>> No.76585726

Go back.

>> No.76585804

more like
>she was in my list of multiple kamioshis

>> No.76585808

Rope yourself nijjer

>> No.76585811

What is an "oomf(s)"?

>> No.76585836

All the sane Niji fans left with Doki and Mint, leaving nothing but crazy fangirls there.

>> No.76585861

a parasocial mutual

>> No.76585908

One of my friends/mutuals

>> No.76586047

you need to go back

>> No.76586063
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This is what "more obnoxious" looks like btw

>> No.76586125
File: 544 KB, 1975x1080, Melodies of Niji CP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpy6m73.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76586191

yeah but does she rock?

>> No.76586210

>Sisters seething already

>> No.76586309

Yeah, this is an ultra rare sister W. Lolicon trash belongs in the bin and they're attacking one of their own to begin with.

>> No.76586316

>pander to lolicon in the most alphabet-pozzed corp on the planet whose few remaining "fans" are all twittertrannies known for harassing their own "oshis"
Peak retardation. Anyway you reap what you sow, I hope sisters eat her alive.

>> No.76586381

nijisisters only like the real stuff like enna

>> No.76586525
File: 196 KB, 850x478, loli gumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sisters need to read their memo

>> No.76586700
File: 114 KB, 1230x915, Simpsons-Monkey-Fight-meme-2et6ki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisisters vs pedos

>> No.76586773

>Barely just debuted
>List of Kamioshis
Fucking christ these people

>> No.76586808

>Switches from twisty to “Free palestine” when she finds she’s a lolicon
>Switches pfp to Maria, another lolicon
>Best friend uses Rosemi as pfp, another lolicon
This is the type of fanbase Niji girls have left after all the drama. They don’t watch streams, they don’t donate, they don’t will not even buy merch. They are nothing more than props to them and shipping bait to use with each other. Those types of fans will ran away any type of male dedicated fans the girls will get, for to them they are ”problematic” . And even the livers themselves are not safe, make one mistake and they will try to cancel you, it doesn’t matter if they are even fans, you will get hundread of twitter “activist” demanding you to apologize or change your content, yet they will never support if you cater to them, because for those people the idea is more important than the reality.

>> No.76586854
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I'll take cunnyfags over sisters yeah

>> No.76586973

Oh no

>> No.76586996

Proof of Maria and Rosemi being lolicons?

>> No.76587113
File: 945 KB, 1253x645, 99de2749ab603a4306f031c310020aa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cherry on top is she loves Ike, who listed multiple lolicon series on debut including Saya no Uta.

>> No.76587614
File: 20 KB, 1504x118, tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the zoomer sisters

>> No.76587699

The NijiEN fans hate lolis because they are problematic but I didn't think they would start attacking her this quickly. Twisty was never going to compete with Gura but their EN fan base is making sure of that.

>> No.76587807


>> No.76587889

It's what she gets for trying to steal my daughterfu's name.

>> No.76587952

Its Denauth! NIjiEN's uhhh 9th wave? Who cares its the latest wave!! Didn't hear of them? No?

>> No.76588108

rosemi is not a fucking pedophile

>> No.76588163

Us hagmaxxing stay winning no cap fr

>> No.76588248

To the surprise of no one

>> No.76588287
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yep it's tweeting time haha!

>> No.76588320

>just debuted
>already put her on a list of kamioshis
Sisters don't even know what a kamioshi is

>> No.76589864

Am I old or weird for not knowing these abbreviations?
