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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76552019 No.76552019 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.76553069


>> No.76554515

Sayu cute

>> No.76555933

Oh well that's awkward.

>> No.76557029

She never sold herself though

>> No.76557529

>prefer to sell her body than doing something she didn't like

>> No.76557591
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>> No.76557746

well that’s something I could have gone without hearing today

>> No.76557905

Nice try but she hasn't done it
Promptly kill yourself

>> No.76557966

She said she considered it. Not that she did it.
Also can you sisters really not get your panties in a twist at the mere sight of Sayu? This is one of the most unassuming posts I've seen on the board in the last few minutes and you jumped in with this crap as first reply.

>> No.76558048


>> No.76558052

I’m too weak that if she has another mental breakdown that’s absolutely rough like this one, I’m going to be filtered out. She genuinely needs to seek out mental health experts IRL because she really does seem to have plenty of baggage to deal with, especially with how quick she can be to snap.

>> No.76558258

kek stay mad. She lives rent free with you bitches and you know it

>> No.76558273

Still fucking gross lol

>> No.76558367

kill yourself then go back

>> No.76558417

I hate to break it to you but your oshi is not a virgin, anon

>> No.76558660

at least she never considered selling her body like a dime a dozen used slut

>> No.76558701

>kill yourself
careful, sayu might after her next breakdown

>> No.76558857

Big boys are talking now sis not now

>> No.76558953

Sayu cute

>> No.76558984

They likely would if they had to deal with the shit Sayu did, if they didn't kill themselves first.

>> No.76559051

>says she doesn't want to do things she doesn't like
>has no problem with being a literal whore
I see, it wasn't white knights who defend her, it was groomer coomers all along.

>> No.76559080

Not really, It may come as a surprise to you that not everyone has the mentality of a 16 year old spoiled cunt with no self respect

>> No.76559088

>on cooldown

>> No.76559208

But enough about Enna

>> No.76559249
File: 3.78 MB, 1280x720, 1711466354547934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been. Now watch the sayucucks do a 180 from "she's not a heckin whore shut up!" to "ummm there is nothing wrong with being a whore".

>> No.76559273

I wont argue with that, they're both turning into fucking lolcows.

>> No.76559297

But enough about Enna/Finana/Hex/Uki/Vox/Kotoka/Elira/Millie

>> No.76559368

If they were smart they would all collectively stop watching her so she has to become a whore and they can actually fuck her instead of just donating money for nothing

>> No.76559399

Still not a whore, if you manage to bang her though let me know

>> No.76559444
File: 3.91 MB, 994x560, 1711847802906563.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a "sayu is my wife" thread to be posting in or something?

>> No.76559501

I'm assuming this was supposed to be it.

>> No.76559535

nothing wrong with being a little lewd for your fans, the shit she said during her breakdown is actually disgusting though

>> No.76559570
File: 44 KB, 1423x529, 1694111470063756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought you were supposed to be cheering with the other sisters about how successful the new wave's debut was?

>> No.76559572

Nah cucks don't actually want to get laid, which is why they're cucks. Just look at all the incels who throw money at camwhores (some of which literally publicly show off their boyfriends) instead of just paying for a hooker.

>> No.76559641

Is that meme graph supposed to make sayu less of a whore or something? Rent free btw.

>> No.76559826

i think most vtuber watchers are incels and coomers who desperately want to fuck women but have zero game so they just throw money in hopes of getting a crumb of attention, not actual cucks.

>> No.76559864

I'm not the one schizoposting in a thread about someone I'm anti-ing

>> No.76559902

But paying for a hooker is guaranteed sex, no "hope" required. Pretty sure there are even whores who'll roleplay as your gf.

>> No.76559980

You literally have an anti image that you posted rent free lol. You cucks are always so idiotic.

>> No.76560004

why pay for a hooker when I can simp for one on /vt/

>> No.76560080

Based sayucuckbro.

>> No.76560119

I want to see her doing porn aaaah

>> No.76560153
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, MillieCharacteristicsOfABlackCompany[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg500w9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anti-image, you say? Like this?

>> No.76560210

illegal in america. and even if it wasnt, some guys are pathetic enough to do both

>> No.76560448

Funny how you're not even pretending anymore. It's always the same with you cucks, whenever you get argued into a corner you just start deflecting and seething rent free at something else to try derail the argument. I hope sayu sees how dedicated you are and blesses you with a new feet pic cuckbro ;)

>> No.76560554

More than a year of good will built up by sayu and she destorys it with this 1 clip. What was she thinking? Just sad man

>> No.76560561

Damn that's gross so which porn star resembles her btw haha

>> No.76560646
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>> No.76560671

this reminds me, when I used online dating apps before my life got really hectic, I matched with a girl I was able to figure out did porn, and she had even asked me to help her improve her video skills. If I get back to those apps, I wonder if that match still exists.

>> No.76560781

Lmao you know you were the first one to start crying about "antis" right? And now you're acting like I'm the one having a melty for simply turning it back on you. Sanest cuck.

>> No.76560832
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>> No.76560884

>sayucuck latching onto doki

>> No.76560890

No one cares except obsessed sisters

>> No.76560904

And they are right you tip your hand nijisis

>> No.76560926

I'll just go right to "sex work is work" and "kill yourself chud"

>> No.76560946
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>> No.76560947

Oh my what a haul of sisters I caught tonight

>> No.76560992

>cuck still clinging onto doki when sayu herself is constantly seething that doki won't give her attention

>> No.76561064
File: 220 KB, 529x507, 1716175309070265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bringing up doki in this prostitues threads. She doesn't want anything to do with Sayu for a reason, I realize that now.

>> No.76561147

Yeah totally not nijiniggs trying to force tribal not everyone retarded as you nijisis

>> No.76561165


>> No.76561243

>get called out on how stupid he is
>"a-a-a-actually YOU are the one making those stupid posts"
cuck brains are just built different

>> No.76561292

Nijisisters aren't good at this are they?

>> No.76561359

No. It’s actually pretty sad

>> No.76561374

>Trying to deflect this bad
Fucking hell this is fucking easy

>> No.76561385

Yeah, she needs to get some therapy. I think she's got a long and promising streamer career ahead of her, and that job has unique mental health challenges even if you AREN'T a black corpo survivor.

>> No.76561417

I'm sure acting retarded comes easy to you when you're unironically retarded

>> No.76561472

Yeah, if you think about it, she's playing the game on hard mode

>> No.76561543

>You're a retarded one
KEK get a mirror sis

>> No.76561597

who's the one who brought up niji and doki out of nowhere to defend his favorite whore? all you do is seethe and project kek

>> No.76561606

You can admit being esl. It’s ok anon . This is a safe space

>> No.76561783

Why do Vtubers always have something wrong with them

>> No.76561794

Sayucucks being ESL third worlders is strangely fitting.

>> No.76561889
File: 8 KB, 249x202, basara sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened THIS time?

>> No.76561938

their website is down again. they big mad.

>> No.76561964


>> No.76561978

it's in the first post anon >>76553069

>> No.76562046

I assumed it's something more. There are vtubers that have actually done porn in the past and bounced back, the only difference is they aren't a drama minefield like Sayu is

>> No.76562070
File: 599 KB, 800x1067, @MUGI062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much what the breakdown was over.
She said that most people get to go into new encounters at 0, a fresh start. But due to all of her baggage and how notorious she is thanks to Niji, she starts at -50. Yeah she sometimes makes progress towards -40, and that's objectively better than she was before, but then she slips back to -45 and it feels like nothing she does ever mattered in the first place.

>> No.76562270

>Doesn't realize you're talking to the wrong anon
KEK and sisters call other anon retarded

>> No.76562332

>feels like nothing she does ever mattered in the first place
Hence why she needs therapy. She's a respectable 4 view with the cash to sponsor events at OffKai, and the artists that DO want to work with her are all knocking it out of the park. She's doing really well, she just needs professional help to see it.

>> No.76562475

Think about what kind of person decides to talk to strangers behind an anime avatar instead of getting a normal job. They usually aren't the most well-adjusted person, a lot of them are shutins.

>> No.76562775

This. She’s doing better than she realizes, but she needs professional help. She has a lot of hang ups that she needs to work on otherwise she’ll never be happy, her fans can only do so much.

>> No.76563123
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wew lad

>> No.76563314

If she still has diehard cuck simps despite being a constant menhera whore then I'd say she's on easy mode.

>> No.76563343

chat is this real

>> No.76563374

Better saying that she considered compared to a slut pandering around her latest shag on screen despite being a vtuber.

>> No.76563390

>4view on twitch, which is objectively like top 1% or something
The fuck is her problem?

>> No.76563467

every woman considers it, because it's easy money. most of them, including Sayu, don't do it tho.
>inb4 cope
learn English then you'll maybe understand the grammar she uses.
Verification not required.

>> No.76563472

Even considering it for a millisecond is yabai. Imagine if it was your GF that said that.

>> No.76563565

Sayu is old news. Niji bought a small NBA contract and the schizo rrat brigade begins again on how they will fuck it up.

>> No.76563619

>cuck is now trying to drag down every woman in existence to defend his whore
Honestly really creepy seeing some incel speak on behalf of women as if he has the first clue about them.

>> No.76563670

Then I'd work harder to support her so she doesn't have to take that route? The fuck is that question.
She doesn't care about the numbers as much as being able to connect with other creators and get a sense of community. That side of vtubing is pretty closed off to her right now thanks to Niji and the other indie snakes.

>> No.76563734

nta but it depends on what kind of whoring we're talking about. If we mean actually being a straight up prostitute, then yeah it usually takes some serious desperation to go that far. But if we're just talking like some camgirl stuff to make rent that month, yeah it's a much lower hurdle to jump.

>> No.76563768

maybe she should collab with her best friends doxxagi and parrot then

>> No.76563776

I'm not a little bitchass chud who lets others mindcuck me with Jesus juice, so I'd actually think it was pretty hot. Especially if it was foot stuff.

>> No.76563824

>Don't have a rebuttal so immediately jumps to calling them a creepy incel
lmao classic

>> No.76563851

>muh cuck
>muh incel
>Verification not required.
go wash your gash

>> No.76563927

My rebuttal was calling you retarded for claiming that every woman considers being a whore. You're chimping out because I hit the nail on the head with that accusation.

>> No.76564026

Based cuckbro.

>> No.76564133

NTA but you really got triggered by the grammar comment didn't you.

>> No.76564222
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>> No.76564342

He should have specified average or better looking women. Obviously ugly fat foids wouldn't entertain the thought.

>> No.76564478

Can you incels just stop giving me second hand embarrassment already? Attractive women don't consider selling themselves to ugly incels, they leverage their looks to hook up with millionaire chads. Just because you're pussy deprived it doesn't mean everyone is desperate for sex like you. Would you argue that every man considers selling his asshole for quick money? Prostitution is degrading, not a normal thing, which is why Sayu is mentally ill for having no problems with whoring herself.

>> No.76564754

>Can you incels just stop giving me second hand embarrassment already?
>*recycles the most tired incel copypasta they can find*

>> No.76564849

I accept your concession.

>> No.76564901

but enough about your father.

>> No.76564956

First time I've seen an underage schoolyard insult around here, sayucucks really are mentally deficient manchildren kek.

>> No.76565006

>everyone who sees through obvious sister bullshit is a fan of sayu, despite her having virtually no actual presence on the board beyond sister seethe threads

>> No.76565076

I hope she sees this bro, maybe she'll even DM you a custom feet pic, keep it up!

>> No.76565093

She doesn't make a great case for why ANYTHING else is so much more of a burden than whoredom.

>> No.76565126

Seething Nijisisters have no grounds to be calling anyone mentally deficient when they're some of the most insufferable people on this board.

>> No.76565176

But enough about sayucucks constantly jerking over a literal whore who is obsessed with dramabaiting.

>> No.76565181

If your GF wasn't a virgin before you it doesn't matter, you're a cuck either way.

>> No.76565202

This is just sad, man.

>> No.76565277

She's lazy, talentless and entitled, all the qualities of a whore.

>> No.76565288

>Obsessed with drama
Once again, the pot calling the kettle black.
Also lol. lmao even

>> No.76565309

We're not talking about Finana though

>> No.76565356
File: 42 KB, 340x340, IMG_0536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person sound like a piece of shit from day one. She’s a fucking drama, YouTuber people who only do drama and bullshit like it are fucking worse than some of the shit to cover. of course she thinks like this stupid useless whore. Keep this bitch away from mint my oshi and doki.
Imagine having thid whore as a oshi lmao.

>> No.76565375

Man this thread only happened because Aloucucks got real made their oshi was treating them like shit again. Humiliation is the sisters fetish though.

>> No.76565401

There's nothing "drama" about calling a whore a whore when she admits to being a whore.

>> No.76565405

The replies to this are hilarious when you'd ask any man out there what he'd do if he woke up in a female body and their immediate reply is being a massive slut or even letting their friends use them

>> No.76565414

English, do you speak it?

>> No.76565472

>haha sisters are mad that enna called male viewers pussy deprived
Can't even get your copes right kek. Every one of you cucks are definitely mentally ill.

>> No.76565509
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Imagine letting some random chatter get to your head so much that you stop a gaming stream just to rant about prostitute fantasies like a lunatic.
This chick clearly isn't cut out to be a streamer, she should just quit instead of acting like a manchild.

>> No.76565542

holy fucking homotranny projection, kill yourself freak

>> No.76565597

>*will either die alone or marry a woman who poisons them for the life insurance money, but at least Jesus will give them headpats*

>> No.76565609

>hat side of vtubing is pretty closed off to her right now thanks to Niji and the other indie snakes.
No, that side of vtubing is closed to her because of her own actions. There have been people dragged through much worse shit like Mint, Doki and Matara that are thriving and making all sorts of connections.

>> No.76565624

the thread killer

>> No.76565688

I was using voice to text (I am very lazy)I am not having a stroke. Thank you for your concern

>> No.76565836

Her problems can be mitigated with therapy. The same cannot be said for the sociopathic idiots in Kurosanji, with whom Sayu still regularly wipes the floor in CCV counts. Seethe harder, sister.

>> No.76565856

You know what is drama though? The fact that you sisters are still seething this hard about her existence after a goddamn year and lashing out at people who call out your impotent rage. It's as unhealthy as Sayu's own inability to just let shit go. Seriously, she needs to get off the Internet and go see a therapist, which is advice you could also take.

>> No.76565906

Sure would be a shame if someone sent this streamable to MiHoYo's business contact and asked why they are sponsoring someone who acts like this on stream.

>> No.76566117

Yeah the sisters have really show this board they literally have no life.
See a reply since the purpose of this thread has always been a deflection thread

>> No.76566194

>stupid bitch who does click bait and drama bullshit
>drama brings in the clicks! I hated my workplace let me slam dunk on them
>oh this person has drama!? Better make a video
>people I know and did stuff with now have drama, better make a vid
>why won’t people interact or like me!? Can’t be because my world revolves around drama
>wtf doki and mint had the same history as me why am I not getting my dues!?
>waaaaaaaaa I want to whore myself out lmao
>uh oh I have become the drama… better make a video

All drama faggots on YouTube have the same story fuck this slut

>> No.76566295

The divorcee hag with clinical depression is never going to love you back.

>> No.76566315

sayufags are the dumbest people on this board and it's not even close

>> No.76566393
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1695350123552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therapy has nothing to do with not being able to handle some single asshole baiting in chat without ruining the stream. It's streaming 101 and someone as large as her should know how to deal with it by now.
Also what the fuck is a kurosanji?

>> No.76566425

It's Nijisisters by a long shot. The amount of coping they have done when logical put in a corner is beyond mental disability stupid.

>> No.76566500

true, we were talking about the sister's mom
>Verification not required.

>> No.76566620

Sadly, it's not just one person one time.
This was more of a breaking point than a single event that caused her to spontaneously collapse.
The actual discussion point was on how fucked her relationships are right now with the vtubing scene. The prostitution bit was just a jab at how fucking little she gives a shit about herself. She was talking about how she envied miguel fucking cat for how she was at least able to work with her old artist without them declining due to fearing backlash.

>> No.76566643

holy projection, batman

>> No.76566713

she already does, tho.
>Verification not required.

>> No.76566834

>I thought about being a whore fresh out of high school
>if vtubing doesn't work, I'll just be a whore

Christian Weston Chandler levels of giving out retarded info you should keep to yourself. Literally I HAVE NUMBERS OF PAIRS OF DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS! levels of honest content right here. Why the fuck did she think it was a good idea to share that with the audience.

>> No.76566914
File: 813 KB, 1730x1240, 1691301712834503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grim lmao. Women need to be in the kitchen for their own good.

>> No.76566965

why is this surprising? the only time I watched her was for 10 minutes and she started talking about her vietnamese ex-boyfriend or something

>> No.76567022

Sucks she get dealt a bad hand with networking, but exploding and making an ass of yourself over it when fans just want to watch a gaming stream isn't gonna solve anything. It's just making her look less desirable as a collab partner or whatever she means.

>> No.76567062

I'll take the cute spunky woman with treatable mental health problems over any of the black screen streamers any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

>> No.76567069
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1700105149894603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"25 results found"
Jesus, Sayu really lives rent free in your heads. Here's a crazy idea: why don't you invest your time instead on supporting the new wave?

>> No.76567152

that would involve watching a non-Rosemi Nijisanji stream in 2024. grim

>> No.76567367

They don't even watch the new wave, what makes you think they'll do anything else to support them >>76559570

>> No.76567397

Is Scarle okay though?

>> No.76567667

Maybe watch who you want and not care about /vt/ opinions like a normal human being

>> No.76567804

yeah Scarle's still cool, my bad

>> No.76568130

Honestly that just makes me feel bad for her more than anything, because how little self-worth do you need to have in order to just say that and not utterly hate yourself? It's the sign of a broken person that no one has tried to help in a long time.

>> No.76568178

That's what I'm saying man. Her being isolated by everyone she wanted to become friends with certainly made things worse

>> No.76568463

You think they're really gonna give a fuck lol

>> No.76568507

If they didn't drop her after Niji threw her off a cliff, they're not dropping her.

In fact, she had another genshin ad just a few weeks ago

>> No.76568518

>sincrocucks empathize with sayu because they're trannies who fantasize about becoming women and whoring themselves out to men
top kek

>> No.76568625
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1712657625065186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits to having been a whore and will go back to being a whore if her streaming career flops because she literally doesn't like doing anything else
>still a 4view with an army of simps
Women live life on easy mode, especially on twitch. Kill all cucks.

>> No.76568806

it's not her fault that no one wants to pay money to see your corpulent zit-covered ass

>> No.76568872

It's your parents' fault that you pay for little snippets of feet pics instead of just getting a real girlfriend.

>> No.76569048

my dude, any woman who lets you anywhere near them is sizing your miserable sexist ass up for the life insurance payout, and rightfully so.

>> No.76569085

Now that's a career killing clip if I've ever seen one. If she wanted to stay an isolated indie for life this is the way I guess.

>> No.76569135

Nobody wants to listen to your incel cuck fantasies. Just go jack off to more paid feet pics or something.

>> No.76569207

i can see why you wouldn't, you're living them everyday

>> No.76569248

fuck it, I’ll give Sayu a shot. not like I’m a unicorn anyways, kek

>> No.76569310

>no u
Pitiful retort fitting of a pitiful incel. Enjoy the cope I guess, it's not going to change your sad reality, cuckcel.

>> No.76569373

Sayu and her fans are somehow the worst of all worlds, it's pretty amazing. Nobody likes sayufags just like nobody likes Sayu.

>> No.76569452
File: 133 KB, 380x353, 1691489414470608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know maybe Nijisanji was right in firing her

>> No.76569454

I wish we had the unique poster stat back jesus fucking christ

>> No.76569489

>an IMAX level of projection

>> No.76569501

easily manipulated anyways

>> No.76569526

nijisanji was right and dokibird is right to ignore her

>> No.76569565

True, but most of these sisters are so braindead that they couldn't falseflag their way out of a paper bag.

>> No.76569807

Another deflection thread full of falseflagging pearl-clutchers, when will it end

>> No.76570208

I would buy her body.

>> No.76570230

It'll stop when she stops breathing

>> No.76570266

But enough about Finana.

>> No.76570323

How can anyone even defend this? What the fuck is wrong with sayucucks?

>> No.76570474

I would say that's some bug-level spite but considering all you can do is shit up a thread every now and then that'd be an insult to their dedication.

>> No.76570497

I will always support my mini hag wife and pay to use her pussy. We will fuck in a dirty hotel room while niji burns to the ground. Best orgasms of my life.

>> No.76570513

I'm not sure, but is she literally the most "living rent-free in your head" of all chubas, those of the big three and kurosanji aside? Doki had her threads but they were pretty mild IMHO and they died down, only re-appearing to deflect nijiyabs.

>> No.76570748

No matter how much of a fuckup Sayu is, her antis always makes themselves look thousand times worse.

>> No.76570759

Just because you listen to her yap about her victim complex every day doesn't mean it's real.

>> No.76570859

What good will? Everyone avoids her, her pic in an op on this board is an automatic shit post, she's basically a cautionary tale at this point. Are you really going to pretend this has changed your opinion of her? C'mon now. Effective lies need to be at least slightly believable.

>> No.76571004

>teenager has a stupid bad idea
Woah stop the presses guys, big yab up ahead!

>> No.76571034

Yes, cyber bullying isn't real just turn off the pc bro :^)
I don't see how this has anything to do with my observation though.

>> No.76571045

She's 35 and heavily implying she still feels the same way 20 years later.

>> No.76571049

Please explain the replies in this thread

>> No.76571053

Except she literally said her stance on prostitution still hasn't changed and she's willing to do it again if streaming doesn't work out. She's a whore to the core.

>> No.76571093

She's actual small potatoes compared to any of the other ex-Niji. She's tiny and already depressed and yet the sisters keep attacking her both in public and on this mongolian basket weaving forum.

It just sounds like a bunch of bullies going after an easy target.

>> No.76571102

I see the sisters are in full rage mode

>> No.76571105

The first few posts are along the lines of alcohol and sex with holo girls and I'm not bothering reading the other 200 posts...what the hell does that have to do with you wishing you were a woman to prostitute yourself to men? Why do sayucucks constantly deflect to everyone else in order to defend their favorite whore, then cry about nobody liking them?

>> No.76571164
File: 101 KB, 393x912, 1705268823200157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she's just entitled to more than what she's worth even though she's already getting more than she deserves, thanks to moronic simps like you.

>> No.76571240


>> No.76571262

Maybe you should focus more on watching your flopping debutantes rather than smearing someone who you failed to kill a year ago.

>> No.76571271

>She's 35

>> No.76571289
File: 28 KB, 1103x331, 1706459000103500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, I guess dramabait spam really does work, no wonder she keeps doing it.

>> No.76571297

>ccv drops
>drop another scoop
>ccv recovers
>do this for all eternity
or at least until the retards stop falling for the grift

>> No.76571317

>I guess dramabait spam really does work
Yeah look at Doki

>> No.76571323

Crazy how you instantly flipped from "she's tiny and pitiful" to "haha she owns your nijis" the moment you were proved wrong. Dishonest fans for a dishonest whore.

>> No.76571356

Thats gross where is it though

>> No.76571385

I like reading the posts in this thread because literally no one in it has had sex in like 20 years it’s just various flavors of incels

>> No.76571405
File: 56 KB, 850x513, zaion_conglatulations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is, both can be true.
She's tiny and pitiful, and Nijisanji's fallen even further due to their own spiteful actions, many of which were towards her in the first place.

>> No.76571441

kek typical

>> No.76571482

>waaaah stop bullying my top 0.03% twitch whore
>hmmm these new vtubers who are less successful than her through no fault of their own? hehe time to bully them to prop up sayu
Sayu really deserves these sort of crazy fans, both you and her can't stop being unlikable because you don't even understand why you're so hated.

>> No.76571544
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, AMessageFromNijisanjiEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hmmm these new vtubers who are less successful than her through no fault of their own?
Aren't you forgetting something?
A little something that happened before their debut, when they still had the opportunity to NOT be a part of it?

>> No.76571554

>all the pitybait drama is just a grift
>brain dead simp cucks keep falling for it
every time

>> No.76571587

You don't know when their contracts were signed. You're just imagining things like a classic sincrocuck.

>> No.76571646

Pretty confident she's mentioned being around that age several times

>> No.76571696

Holy COPE. Nijisanji opened auditions in January. If this was the pool where they were selected, then they still wouldn't have signed it until February.

If this is from the March - April pool though, which is scarily likely, then there's definitely no excuse.

The funniest shit though is you not even pretending like joining post february wasn't a terrible decision.

>> No.76571708

>Top 0.03% of Twitch
>still floats the idea of potentially dropping out of vtubing to become a prostitute
Yeah this whore is 100% a grifter bitch, pretending to be in dire straits despite literally TOP 0.03%. Maybe she wants a new car or house so she's trying to get more pitybux from paypigs.

>> No.76571744

And "that" stream didn't happen until mid February, which checks out. Next delusion?

>> No.76571805

New niji wave deflection?
doki panel at con mogging AR live deflection?

Using Sayu (the weakest niji enemy) in 14 threads in 2 days, you sisters need to do better, there are a few fans of Sayu in this board, but most anons here don't care about her or don't watcher.

>> No.76571814

You do know that around 50 viewers is top 1%, right?
Now THIS is cope. Especially since the termination notice itself happened on Feb 5, just two weeks after auditions closed, and it's pretty well known that auditions take several week to get through. On top of that, anybody with a brain would've gotten a lawyer to get them out of it like Grimmi did.

>> No.76571881

I'm not an anti but I have to wonder - was she ever even cute enough for that shit to work in her favor though?
She'd be a low range night walker at best with her looks. I guess being Asian gives her a little buff with white chuds but that's about it.

>> No.76572053

I think he's pointing out that the most common reaction in that thread by male anons to becoming a female Lamy is to be a drunk slut. Which goes back to (I'm assuming) his earlier assertion that the most common male reaction to suddenly becoming a woman would be to act like a drunk slut and (again I'm assuming) your denial of that stance.

>> No.76572066

I want to know what gen x or millenial didn't consider it? It was during a time when feminists were unironically telling us doing porn and generally being a whore was empowering for women.

>> No.76572082

Wanting to have sex with women is not equal to wanting to have sex with men, let alone whoring yourself out to men, you imbecilic tranny.

>> No.76572111

If feminists telling you to do something actually worked then they wouldn't need to keep telling people to do things in the current year, retard.

>> No.76572141

Also considering how grim the American economy is looking, I'm fairly certain a higher percentage of millennials and zoomers have considered this over like boomers and gen x
Hell there's a reason OF is considered more viable than ever

>> No.76572146

This thread doesn't deserve a single (you) god fucking Christ, how degenerate and mind broken are the people on this board?
I don't watch many vtubers outside of hololive and one or two indies, but you have a girl with a clearly severe depression after being slandered, lied about and shunted after trying to help her coworkers having a mental breakdown and you people try to pile on her and her fanbase on this board for fun?

Imagine for just one moment anons on this board pile on and bully your oshi so hard that they really commit suicide, what would you try to do to that anon? why people on this board can't behave with the slightest amount of empathy and charitability?
You don't need to drag down even further a 1k view vtuber that has been shunned and left in a cornet of the internet collabing with 3 views

>> No.76572171

Based, finally someone with a brain and some decency

>> No.76572210

>reacting to what she literally said herself on stream = rrats or whatever
Most subtle sayucuck.

>> No.76572235

Current year pushback only exists in reaction to feminists overreaching and not following their own rules. Most of us oldfags had to live through being indoctrinated for 12+ years with their horseshit.

>> No.76572269

Sisters are generally pro-whore, but that doesn't matter when they want to anti one girl to death so much they larp as male unicorns just to attack with that angle.

>> No.76572289

You're a basement dweller if you really think feminist drivel dominating the media actually resulted in every single woman becoming a whore. Literal /r9k/ incel doompill idiocy.

>> No.76572363

tbf OF only seemed viable because there was a huge targeted marketing campaign by OF to get the word out about how much their top content creators make. And women being vain assholes thought if that slut can do it then so can I, and I'll cash out after just a few years after maming millions. It's only after time passed that women realized they're literally selling nudes and sex vods for nickels and dimes. Can't even say they were tricked, just women being typical shirt sighted retards

>> No.76572375

Nijisisters keep proving they're subhuman trash day after day
I honestly wish nyfco didn't go down

>> No.76572413

Anon, there's a reason US has 80% divorce and most women have 10+ bodies before even reaching 25.

>> No.76572425

I'm not sure why you equate well developed reading comprehension skills with body dysmorphia but I think it says more about you than it does about me. Having some knowledge of a thing doesn't automatically mean that one has any strong convictions about it one way or another, and neither is aggressive stupidity a substitute for discernment and discrimination.

>> No.76572431

First of all, not a sincronight, but you choose to spam my board with this same thread over and over.
You are reacting to a literal mental breakdown of a depressed girl in the most vile and toxic way possible and insult anyone who calls out how vile are the comments you make. Reflecting on your self and how you would like others to treat you before commenting on other people is a basic skill in life.

>> No.76572447

>US has 80% divorce

>> No.76572454

Unfortunately, while the compassion is appreciated, sisters don't seem to see the vtubers or their fans as actual people and instead just fictional sportsball teams they can harass endlessly.
It's pretty depressing and I can't wait for their "team" to finally collapse under its own sociopathic actions. Thankfully there's been real progress on that in 2024, at least, so once that's done the healing process can progress easier.

>> No.76572469

Women are competitive against other women, but they pack a sense of honor or sportsmanship so instead of just being satisfied with a win they have to see the other side dishonored and destroyed before they're satisfied.

>> No.76572509

Are you unironically retarded? Some fag said he'd whore himself out to men if he turned into a woman and then you defended him by pointing to some people saying they'd have sex with girls if they turned into a woman, as if that's the exact same thing. You're simply a tranny for implying men and women are equal and there's no difference between having sex with either.

>> No.76572533
File: 426 KB, 550x550, Shut Up Woman [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fquu09h.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh sister you're sweating fat pig, better chill out or you gonna stink

>> No.76572553

Oh my bad, it was 50% for 1st time marriage and 60% for 2nd time, the 80% was divorces initiated by women.

>> No.76572572

Hilarious how you insist on pretending to be a holofag while desperately simping for an actual whore.

>> No.76572608

Nijisisters (derogatory) need every bit of misfortune to ex niji vtubers because they're this desperate to try and redeem their trash company.

>> No.76572619

so you'll seethe for 5 more decades? wonderful!

>> No.76572673

It's just a bit

>> No.76572680

I still don't get the point of hating and harrasing people in this way, and is not only to this poor depreesed girl, the amount of vile that comes out lately on this board is awful, even the Nijisanji girls don't deserve that kind of hate. People always commenting about wanting the person behind a vtuber to die, be raped, etc. You can dislike or stop liking someone for something she did or something she said, but this amount of hate should be criminal.

>> No.76572698

Chigau anon, remember graduations/terminations are the content over at Niji. They get to have a monthly catharsis over it and praise the saint while attacking the scapegoat like a religious event.

>> No.76572699

oh how I love the smell of NIJISEETHE in the morning!

>> No.76572726

You clearly don't understand women, especially the fat ugly ones with no personality
>inb4 your mom

>> No.76572732

and here comes the mass quote cuck melty

>> No.76572740

If calling you out for being grossly vile is simping for Sayu, you are just a troll begging for attention, or straight up in need of therapy and a caring hand to guide you through life.

>> No.76572811

If disliking self-admitted shameless whores is "vile" then you should go seethe at the majority of the population instead of here. Only a minority of white knight cucks could possibly defend her character. Even feminists would call her out as portraying a harmful image of women and want her to shut up. Stupid simpy incel.

>> No.76572856

NTA but you honestly sound way more like an incel than the anon you're replying to

>> No.76572900

You're just deluding yourself into seeing whatever's convenient for you, it's common among cucks.

>> No.76572910

Wait people in this board on this thread watch this entitled whore? What the fuck is wrong with you, she’s disgustingly ugly on the inside if she thinks like that >>76553069
This is unreal, get off this board Jesus Christ. Take a long hard look in the mirror before watching let alone paying this whore. Have some fucking self worth some dignity. Go literally and find a new Oshi. I well never respect her or her fans for this blunder. Goodbye collab, goodbye fans and hello antis, She should start over but the whore sounds old already so maybe just leave before she goes more insane.
She’s crying about doki and mint right? Imagine being so fucking entitled to think they owe you something fuck this bitch.

>> No.76572963

You are calling an Incel someone who is calling you out for being an vile Incel spouting horrid shit in this thread. That is inspired anon, that anon as treated you with more respect that you deserve you massive faggot.

>> No.76573002

Yeah, therapy most definitely, I'm not going to insult you as you do, I pity you and your loneliness in life.

>> No.76573004

Wow why are you being so vile towards me? Seek therapy.

>> No.76573037

Nijiniggers have no human rights

>> No.76573069
File: 53 KB, 1020x297, Sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literal whore divorcee and habitual liar
So we're agreed Sayu fans are unironic cucks?

>> No.76573078

Have you tried not being a faggot retard just trying to bump?

>> No.76573084

>I'm not going to insult you as you do
>but ur lonely lol
Seething so hard you can't even keep up your cringe holier-than-thou larp. Stay cucked.

>> No.76573106

I'd fuck Sayu desu

>> No.76573116

That’s all they can say, as a dragoon this chick needs to leave and not go near my oshi.

>> No.76573128

But enough about Sayu.

>> No.76573214

Niji was right this one time by dumping this used up slut lmao. Never thought I say Niji was in the right KEK

>> No.76573241
File: 1.22 MB, 1232x1080, 1689742549381227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would sayu cost for an hour?
asking for a friend

>> No.76573246

1000% worst then nijisisters

>> No.76573249

Doesn't she also talk about how she has a male roommate? They're all cucks lining up to buy her nudes and hoping she becomes a whore so they can fuck her.

>> No.76573387

Rare Niji W

>> No.76573412

As a dragoon I pity Sayu and feel happy that Doki was believed by all and didn't have to go through all the shit that Sayu did and does go through. After two attempts, if she had half of what sayu had I know I wouldn't have an oshi today. And I know that a good part of Doki being believed is what niji did to sayu. So yeah, if in the future they collab I won't be super happy about it, but I would support it.

>> No.76573504
File: 21 KB, 360x360, 1685487901822650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends, sometimes she'll do it for free depending on who you are.

>> No.76573585

this is a gay thread, not even fun
try harder faggots

>> No.76573717

Sayu wasn’t there that long o thought meanwhile doki was in for much longer either way her freak out seemed a bit entitled “wish I could be friends with” or something along the line.

>> No.76573891
File: 247 KB, 1080x1201, 1703767770524050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76573953

Wishing you can be friends with someone is fine. Feeling like you should be able to be friends with someone is different. Sayu's point is that she doesn't even get to make friends like others can because of the Niji slander debuffing her

>> No.76574000

Rare Anon W

>> No.76574074

whatever it was doesn't even compare to the ungodly amount of ESL monkey screeching at her itt

>> No.76574205

Yeah Sayu seems so bitter that she wasn't given the same amount of respect and attention as Doki but fails to realize that Selen was a beloved vtuber and has years of goodwill built up while Zaion was just in niji for about a month. I guess that's also one big reason why the slander against Zaion worked but not for Selen.

>> No.76574469

I like her but she needs to get out of her own way

>> No.76574686

>Niji slander
That's like 2% of what she complained about. The vast majority of the meltdown was about the other ex-Nijis, how they don't like her, how they're happier than her, how they get more opportunities than her, etc. She doesn't really care about random faggots slandering her, or about randos supporting her for that matter, it's all about how of everyone who left Niji she's the one left all alone.

>> No.76574879

She needs a therapist, a mental breakdown like that on stream is a very bad thing, she is too easily bated by sisters and dramafags on stream, and she as a compulsive need to explain her self too much and that makes her spiral out of control. She as a very clear profound depression and she hasn't take any sizeable time off to compose her self.

>> No.76574979

Her not getting as much support as other ex-livers is a symptom of the Niji slander working. Even the other ex-organs ignoring her is an indication that the slander worked.

>> No.76574999

It's not about the slander itself but the aftereffects. It made her a leper

>> No.76575126
File: 84 KB, 400x297, 1688528571673039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76575151

At this point how do you even fix this menhera?
I think the only option is pregnancy, someone should do the sacrifice.

>> No.76575171

This is literally not how she sees it. She explains it very clearly, the issue is that she wasn't there long enough and created so many problems so none of them feel any camaraderie or sympathy with her. She doesn't bother bringing up random nijisisters slandering her because she doesn't care about them and they're mostly irrelevant to the problem she's talking about.

>> No.76575185

She does realize that. The problem is that vtubers like CyYu were friends with Sayu before the Zaion thing happened, and they didn't move a single finger to support her when she was being harassed and slandered. The same people didn't waste a second on sharing their own personal dramas with Nijisanji after Selen's termination. That's why Sayu is so bitter about it, because her own friends abandoned her and they are only supporting Doki because she is in the wining side.

Sayu is carrying the label of being an ex-niji, so she can't work with a lot of artists because Nijisanji has blacklisted her, and at the same time a large portion of the community doesn't want to support her because they can't admit they were wrong about her. She gets shit from everywhere and needs to struggle to do anything.

I think she is doing well and that her worst enemy is herself, but it's a fact that she is a victim and has to deal with a lot of trash and underserved hatred every single day.

>> No.76575193

godamn! how much for a night with her?

>> No.76575248

You a wrong anon, and she as explained this too many times, it is about the slander, it's about that she cannot meet and get to know other vtubers or sponsors from a neutral place, she as that stain on her reputation, she doesn't get the opportunity to prove her self.
About "other ex-niji" what she said is that for everyone out of niji she is an ex-niji, but for nijis and ex-nijis she was there so little that they don't consider her an ex-niji, and that obviously she is envious of the support and opportunities that go in other ex-niji ways but she is immensely happy for them.

>> No.76575438

There is a vtuber with a name similar in pronounciation as Zaion

>> No.76575631

>none of them feel any camaraderie or sympathy with her
This feels so weird though because people who went through the same shit usually reach out to lick each other's wounds, but only Sayu was left out. Even if she did do something bad behind the scenes, there should still be some sympathy towards her.

She really has to focus on herself. Instead, she constantly complains about things she can't control. Like yeah, it was unfair what happened to her, but at some point you really have to learn to stop bitching about it all the time.

>> No.76575750

The slander is relevant when you're talking about third parties but almost the entirety of this was focused on the ex-nijis, which is how the entire issue came up in the first place. It's clearly not random people on the internet that are making all of them ghost her, ignore her DMs, turn her down for collabs, etc.
Honestly she barely even has trouble with getting opportunities anymore, that's why she's at OffKai etc. But none of that seems to make her any happier because she sees the other former livers having fun together, joining corporations, etc. and she feels left out.

>> No.76575798

I think the worst thing about Sayu is that she's always a glass half empty kind of person. She's part of the 0.03% biggest streamers, has friends who collab with her all the time, got collabs with big vtubers like Kson, Silvervale, Zentreya, filian, etc. 2 and 3views would murder someone to be in the position she's currently in, yet not only is she not grateful for what she has, but she constantly complains about not being more famous and successful than she already is.

>> No.76575860

I don't have a horse in this race since I watch Holos only but seeing all the other exNijis act like everything's ok in their one big happy family while shunning Sayu does really look intentional, and it makes me wonder whether these people are genuinely decent people or are they just that self centered

>> No.76576014

It's a long, long history that goes back to before any of them even started vtubing. Suffice to say they know exactly what they're doing and they don't care that Sayu suffers but it's probably not personal, just business.

>> No.76576148

yeah, with me

>> No.76576229

You're half-right and she even talks at length about how she feels bad about how she can't be satisfied with what she has. But I don't think this is really about "success" for her, the problem isn't that other people are more successful than her, but rather that she doesn't have the friendships she wants. She is not upset that other people are more famous, or have more viewers, or make more money than her, she's upset that they all love and support each other but won't give her the time of day.

>> No.76576703

>because they cant admit they were wrong about her
Have you considered the fact that the reason might have nothing to do with her former job?
Maybe it's because she purposely gets herself involved with drama at least once a month and looks like a risky person as a result. You really wanna collab with someone who gets into twitter fights all the time, or talks about personal conversations on stream like with matara?

>> No.76576969

It not even talking about collabing with her right now, I'm talking about ghosting her at the peak of her harassment, when she just needed a friend.

>> No.76577108

She had an entire large community behind her that even showed up to meet her at last years Offkai, along with plenty of support from chuuubas like pippa.
Or do those people not count and by "alone" she means not supported by who she specifically wants to support her.

>> No.76577409

It's 2 different types of support. Sayu's community is super loyal to her, but they couldn't do anything when she was being slandered and harassed, because they don't have any kind of voice in the industry. Her old friends could have helped her, but they chose to not do anything.

>> No.76577674

She's seeking vindication/resolution/forgiveness from certain people, she needs them to tell her that everything she went through wasn't all for nothing. Plappa can't provide that.

>> No.76577791
File: 175 KB, 512x512, 1000008371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you moving the goalpost here? You specifically said what she needed was a friend to help her get through hard times. She had both friends who DID support her, along with fans who stuck by her through all the lies and slander thrown, but now that's not enough and it has to be someone with clout or it doesnt count now?
Make sense here anon

>> No.76578007

I think the other anon meant at the time when she was getting blasted by the sisters with no one to defend her. Now she has support, but back then she had none, even the friends she thought she had didn't defend her back then. Sayu can't handle the fact that people supported Doki when Doki was at her lowest while Sayu got no support in comparison, especially from her friends

>> No.76578037

I got it all wrong?

>> No.76578290

What goal post? I have been talking from the start about her vtuber friends, and I have made clear how their type of support is different from the one that her own community gives her. Her fans couldn't help her to stop the slander, but her old friends could have at least tried to defend her. They didn't. The same peope were there for Doki when Selen was terminated. It's normal if Sayu feels bitter about it.

>> No.76578365

It's already been mentioned several times but Doki is different for obvious reasons. She was a much longer established vtuber, and was unqiue to anyone else in that she was the one to personally make conne toons with artists and sponsors, not management. She also had hard receipts proving that niji fucked her over to the point of a legitimate suicide attempt.

Like I said Sayu did have support, but if she expected to have the same outcome as doki did despite not having anything mentioned above, she's being naive.

>> No.76578396

You keep missing the point about Sayu's friends ignoring her.

>> No.76578418

If one person hate her then maybe she is not the problem, but if everyone hates her then she is the problem.

>> No.76578436

It's official.
We finally have the first legit /vt/ lolcow.
Sayu Suckyourdickfor5dollars-icity.

>> No.76578504

>worst then
Sure, SEAster

>> No.76578506

Who says that they hate her?

>> No.76578599

Skill issue. The more she bitches about being ignored, the more toxic dumpster she becomes in the indie scene.

>> No.76578681

>first /vt/ lolcow
No that was you, Luxiem tourist, now give me a good head

>> No.76578713

Then they aren't really friends and she shouldnt give them the time of day and move on.

>> No.76578755

I don't watch a single Niji vtuber anymore sayucuck. Cry me a river you literal simp nigger lmao.

>> No.76578782

That's the problem; she can't move on. She's letting herself get trapped by the past.

>> No.76578785

I agree, but, again, that doesn't mean that she can't feel bitter about it. I would.

>> No.76578922

I get it, but reality is it's been over a year now since they left her. Dwelling on it and being constantly bitter about it on stream is why most people aren't taking her seriously right now.

>> No.76579554


>> No.76579942

