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[ERROR] No.7653309 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on superchat begging from vtubers?

>> No.7653328
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>> No.7653626


>> No.7653635

Plain sad

>> No.7653752

Ohhh I rember this and then ummmm I forgor.

>> No.7653779

Imagine paying months (plural) of seanigger salary to get a kiss.mp4

>> No.7653808

It's very smart of Risu but at the same time quite scummy. Right after releasing that cover, she put out donation alerts and a 1000$ donation option, and sold it well "Oh it would be so cringe if you gave me 1000 and heard the sound it plays oh no whatever shall i do if you give me 1000! ". Fucking hell I'm a Risuner but this is no better than cam whores, sorry Risu but not sorry.

>> No.7653884

that's my main point, she basically begged for someone to do it which is just cringe. OMG GUYS IT WOULD BE TOTALLY CRAZY IF SOMEONE DID THAT LMAO

Was cringier than Cali trying to make people "stop" donating

>> No.7653911

Risu must naked dogeza on stream as an apology

>> No.7653941

I like Risu but I don't know what she wants to be. It's like she's caught in a tug of war of being an indie streamer and a corporate streamer and she's getting the worst of both worlds.

>> No.7653942

Avoiding the annoying donation sounds is why is prefer youtube streamers over twitch streamers. If it becomes more standard on youtube i may just quit watching streamers altogether.

>> No.7653967

She’s lazy

>> No.7654023

Pretty cringe but she's at least pretty transparent about it. Ones like Mori who emotionally manipulate their audience to donate by using weasel words and crocodile tears are worse.

>> No.7654037

Every Vtuber does it in one way or another and I hate it

>> No.7654055

I don't mind. What triggers me are those who brought up the topic of superchat, gets spammed by it, and they go "please stop".

>> No.7654078

Hell even Risuners themselves doesn't know. Only Risu knows what she wants to be.

>> No.7654125

Whatever she wants to be she sure isn't doing it. It is obvious she doesn't care to play video games, which isn't bad, but she just doesn't really do much else. I'm fine with the casual streamer bait game that she can finish in a sitting or two, but she is just so directionless. Does she want to sing, do skits, shitpost, or what?

>> No.7654177

im quite disappointed with her, thought she was better than this.

>> No.7654225

She prefer taking things slowly, the problem is that its so slow that people grew bored and lost interest with her. Hell she had more paypigs in the past and they grew tired of waiting as well.

>> No.7654256

>Only Risu knows what she wants to be.
she doesnt

>> No.7654269

Probably the skits and shitposts. Kareoke is meh after all.

>> No.7654272

Better than chuubas who cultivated schizos who donated on their every single stream. You're watching someone who streams to make a living, at the end it's about milking paypigs and there's no use to be high and mighty about it, just don't go down to schizo pandering or emotionally manipulative path.

>> No.7654494

When's this happen? Can i get a timestamp?

>> No.7654509

Risu want to be popular like moona, but sadly her dream gimmick & relationship with Korone isn't going anywhere

>> No.7654575

If it works it works. Donations are their main source of income. I have no problem with chubas reminding their fans about donating or doing shilling streams.

>> No.7654595

If it’s for a good cause (Korone daki) then it’s all good.

>> No.7654618

Not all of them. Some actually dislike the idea of superchats.

>> No.7654623

If she did she would've have remained the most popular ID, unfortunately she's just too lazy to try. It's unfortunate but no one can change her mind at this point.

>> No.7654634


>> No.7654650

Nah, she doesn't know how to leech off of someone. For sure she needs to learn from the leech master but she's lazy ass squirrel.

>> No.7654664

Begging? She said a lot of time to not donate so much and that you should keep your money.
IMO 1000$ is overkill even for cringe kiss. She could do 250$

>> No.7654684

I have no idea where is she going or if she knows it herself. But I will enjoy this bumpy ride until the end.

>> No.7654691

You don't watch her lately, anon???

>> No.7654758

>Kareoke is meh
i can't believe she actually said this, her refusal to do a proper karaoke perplexed me, her laziness cost risu her number 1 spot in subs to moona back then and now moona are taking her spot as the best ID singer and inclining really hard because she does weekly karaoke the thing risu just refuse to do.

>> No.7654780

>Kareoke is meh after all.
Her talent is so wasted my god

>> No.7654885

If you like her karaoke so much why don't you bankroll it?

>> No.7654904

I wonder how much Risu hates Moona

>> No.7654916

What's the rrat here?

>> No.7654938

>last 1-on-1 collab was a year ago

>> No.7654981

>I am not Moona
I think she just hates the fact that everyone expects and is pressuring her to do a proper karaoke because Moona can do one

>> No.7655006

She hates being pressured in general.

>> No.7655007

What's so hard to do a karaoke anyway? Just do it like Gura and sing once a month or twice a month, one locked behind memberships. Her NNN month could've incline her further if she added karaokes once a week followed by 2-3 streams a week in December. She's just a lazy fuck.

>> No.7655046

rratniggers don't watch streams

>> No.7655057

unarchived karaoke still needs a permission it think, & getting perms for japs song is pain in the balls

>> No.7655067

I mean didn't she admit it herself?

>> No.7655070

It's not hard for her. She is just a contrarian. She just doesn't want to do what her audience wants. Which is totally fine, but she should just join Nijisanji instead, they are better if she just wants to have fun.

>> No.7655077

>hates being pressured
imagine being this spoiled, good thing her job is playing video games and making cringe voiceline for that sweet sweet simps bucks or else live will hit her hard.

>> No.7655087

thinking about the fact that both of them might possibly see this thread

>> No.7655107

This is not a good mindset, especially when you have a fanbase as big as hers

>> No.7655124

What's her dream gimmick?

>> No.7655130

She's the irony here. Numberfags gave out good advices time to time so that vtubers could incline but she probably comes there to do the opposite

>> No.7655133

She has a family problem.

>> No.7655143

she said that she was lazy and tell people to stop telling her what to do in almost every membership stream. there's no hope for her.

>> No.7655145

she's married?!

>> No.7655155

Yes, to me

>> No.7655162

as much as I hate numberfags I do admit that they do give good advices, /moon/ is filled with them from time to time

>> No.7655173

hope they do. risu you have one of the easiest jobs in the world. would it really hurt to actually try? or are you content with having to beg for superchats?

>> No.7655186

Too bad, she could incline hard

>> No.7655187

This, I dropped so many content creators because "BROOOM WAHLCUM TO DA FURPACK!!"

>> No.7655188

Good, she needs a rude awakening.

>> No.7655226

Someone, please post that pre-stream chat when she shit spit on that she is not Moona.

>> No.7655239
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x4335, 449729_risu hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Karaoke is..... MEH"
Risu 2021

>> No.7655258

She's apparently thick-skinned oldfags, been here for a long time even before /vt/ created.

>> No.7655296

Then she'll get a thick-skinned responds in return.

>> No.7655350


>> No.7655353


>> No.7655356

She's trying to farm streamlabs more than super chat since they take less.

>> No.7655402

Only if they have a serious reason that requires money.
Otherwise, the only criteria for superchat volume should be their talent and hard work (which is sadly not the case nowadays).

>> No.7655449

she was getting angry at chat for requesting karaoke with song(she usually does acapella once every blue moon) and she responded with "im not moona", at the time moona was doing weekly karaoke and was inclining because of it.

>> No.7655473
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>> No.7655504

>numberfagging Risu
Really? What benefit do you gain if she inclines? She's comfortable in her spot and those who got filtered left a long time ago. But if this is a greviance thread;

Risu when are you changing your background again? It's too pink with no contrasting colors. They're fine if you're playing games but it's a bit bright if you're doing your zatus/acapella. You could also make your new donation prompt louder.

>> No.7655563

What she needs is advice on how to organize karaoke streams and profit from them from her manager, not from some random faggots from basked weaving forum.

>> No.7655592

I think she should probably show us her panties, at least

>> No.7655613

ID1 manager is busy sucking cocks and ID2 manager is busy cleaning after Ollie's yabs.

>> No.7655614

I cringed sometimes when chat mentioned another streamer.

>> No.7655629

Reminder she hasn't congrats Moona for 800k subs on twitter despite all her gen mates already done it. The hate between them are real.

>> No.7655648

Yeah like those time when Indogs complaining about language usage on Moona's and Risu's stream.

>> No.7655664

Did the chat mention Moona's name?

>> No.7655730

Yeah funny joke anon.

>> No.7655748

moona's "magic" is one of a kind. it worked because it was her being herself and it just so happen that pekora is that one catalist to enable moona's "magic". idk it's hard to put it into words. tl:dr: it works because moona is moona. thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.7655763

she's obviously jealous that moona is mogging her not only in numbers but on singing too now.

>> No.7655766

Yeah they did and Moona came to stream. Moona probably knows someone mentioned her name and came to risu's stream to say hi as a sorry.

>> No.7655817

someone explain this "dream gimmick" to me pls?

>> No.7655829

That's pretty clear, she is tired of this and tries to bank the maximum from you before leaving

>> No.7655859

im pretty sure she even said this on stream too, not that bluntly obviously.

>> No.7655861

Risu has more magic you dump fuck. Just look at her numbers before the whole PekoMoon and MoonUtau, she is the fucking biggest ID vtuber. Good fucking voice, great voice acting, have a real personality, and can give attention to her chat.

>> No.7655867

My point is that as a proper 4chan contrarian she will do the opposite of whatever people here tell her. But she can have a proper conversation and take advice from management. Too bad IDs are stuck with some minimum wage incompetents.
The only real benefit for us would be her having disposable income she could spend on making OG songs and such.

>> No.7655889

I really don't know what she could stream. She can't sing all the time, and it is obvious she just doesn't buckle down and play video games like Korone or Pekora. I legit don't know what she could stream outside of her chatting and low effort meme ones like mouth popping or keyboard ASMR.

I'm a newfag so I don't know what vtubing was like when she applied and what she expected to actually do.

>> No.7655902

I've watched a vtuber from a small company and she begged her audience to buy her merch and post pictures of it on Twitter. I don't know if she's always like that, but it's the first time I watched her live, and it made me feel really awkward, I haven't watched her again since

>> No.7655915

Big Mountain x Cute Sidekick who grow together like PekoMoon.

>> No.7655917

Before Holo flooded ID with their JP and overseas audience, Risu was the biggest one.

>> No.7655937

Honestly this is revenge for the piggy bank.

>> No.7655944

yeah, sure. they both got it all, good voice (in their respective style and characteristics) and personality, like you just said. the only difference is it worked out for moona and somehow didnt work for risu.

>> No.7655947


Too bad Risu doesn't make use of this 'magic' and chooses to be lazy instead. All that talent she has gone to waste.

>> No.7655952

"Magic" is nothing without effort, as soon as attention was drawn to them instead of doing something to attract the new audiences, she got too careless

>> No.7655971

Moona plays Minecraft, Risu doesn't

>> No.7655975

The keyword here is "try"

>> No.7655988

> Plays regularly

There fix it for you, anon.

>> No.7656015

ok now that just asking way to much.

>> No.7656033

She lost her momentum. For those who know the reason, it is not surprising. The rest can be content with Risu being "lazy".

>> No.7656041

Didnt think it was that big of a deal until i came across this thread

>> No.7656046

It's kinda annoying, but I feel bad for her when she goes live and there's like 300 people in her streams. Even for meme stuff like Stickmin she maxes out at 1 or 2k. I think she should've tried to get closer to Korone when that clip of her went viral with Koro-san watching her play Stardew. She knows Japanese well enough, and usually behaves on collabs so she wouldn't be a total annoyance like Kiara is with Pekora.

Moona is insanely popular and doesn't speak a word of Japanese that doesn't come from anime or minecraft chat.


Risu's mic quality will forever piss me off, too

>> No.7656055

1~2k viewers is fine.

>> No.7656064

Yeah, Minecraft literally the place to find collab partners. Many pairs and groups are formed from Minecraft

>> No.7656078

>OP is about donation baiting
>Thread is about karaoke
Yeah, it's not big deal at all

>> No.7656080

Reminder that Pekora invited both Moona and Risu to fight the withers, and the reason Moona logged in is to help Risu but pekora to notice and immediately requested both of the to help. Moona accepted it while Risu went underground, literally.

>> No.7656086


Not if you want steady SC money

>> No.7656095

She blew it with the collab with koro. Eisu was way too nervous

>> No.7656110
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Uh.. So they hate Risu for this??? Tree rat... you need to stop your pranks.

>> No.7656114

>Just look at her numbers before the whole PekoMoon and MoonUtau
after having a disastrous debut, it's not a surprise that moona would be at the bottom of the barrel during those times. with a little publication and recognition that she gained, look at where she is right now. totally deserves it. IT JUST WORK.

>> No.7656122

ID1 manager was too busy responding to indog schizos complaining about them not speaking majority indog and when they forced that month, they didn't even fucking bother to donate or watch them to continue that
the fact that the manager forced them to do that proves she caves under pressure and doesn't let the girls do whatever they want or help them in any meaningful way

>> No.7656133

She could easily get Moona numbers if she actually wanted too. She just doesn't really care enough. Don't feel bad for her.

>> No.7656136


Phasmophobia with less than four people is a waste of fucking time honestly.

>> No.7656157


>> No.7656170

Korone's even said she'd like to do another collab with Risu despite this, but you know it won't happen because Korone never initiates and Risu.... Risu's Risu.

>> No.7656177


Moona played it right. She collab'd with anyone who offered and is friends with literally every person imaginable. Her birthday stream was the wildest collection of people I've ever seen. It was more than Roboco's. Seeing people like Oga, Shien, Miko, Pekora, Subaru, and countless indies was just wild. An endless parade of love for some awkward girl from Indonesia

>> No.7656220

Yeah if it was consistent with all her streams.

>> No.7656230

Thing is, Risu is at least as good a singer as Moona and I would say she's way funnier. but yeah, she's just not interested in putting in the sheer effort Moona does for whatever reason. Popping contest was funny though.

>> No.7656266


The only thing Risu has ever finished to completion was NNN, and that got old after the first week

>> No.7656296

Anya makes more than her with less viewers and she doesn't go out of her way to be entertaining or have an easily discernible talent
Moona is an anomaly and lightning in a bottle, nobody can replicate what she did
just look at how people disliked her until around August last year when she toned herself down and after that the Pekora interaction happened
Moona literally refused to interact with people prior to that, even Iofi had to bring her out of her shell in Minecraft when playing with Watame

>> No.7656327

And she's planning to make another one to please her nearly non-existence reddit viewers.

>> No.7656336


Anya is like ID's Ina, she has the hidden bilingual status and the people who watch her, love her very much.

>> No.7656352

Well, Risu rarely initiates too. I'm actually surprised that DbD collab is initiated by Risu.
Well in the end fans mirror their oshi

>> No.7656378

She's running this meme into the ground, It's gonna get old and people are gonna get sick of it

>> No.7656384

Ina is charming, funny and cute. Anya's appeal is literally just as the boke to Ollie's tsukkomi.

>> No.7656431

They both are good and have their own color. The only difference is maybe their circumstance IRL that made Risu not trying as hard as Moona. Alright, whatever, I just hope Risu is fine.

>> No.7656461

>disastrous debut
Newfag here, please elaborate?

>> No.7656499

The scuffed shitty laptop and shit internet. The only smooth ID1 debut is Risu's with her 'Korone is coming on her stream (her dog was barking loud).

>> No.7656512

shouldn't the funny one should be the boke, in this case ollie? anya seems really straight to be a boke to me.

>> No.7656523

Maybe it's just me, but I respected the hell out of Moona when she streamed from a car

>> No.7656531

I got them mixed up

>> No.7656544

Some people here obviously not watching a risu's membership stream that got privated. Or probably doesn't even buy the membership

>> No.7656566


Ollie isn't funny or talented. Remember when chat made her cry in Minecraft because they made her feel like shit? That was pretty funny I'll admit

>> No.7656586

I won't buy her membership because she does private things. I can't always catch streams due to timezones so when she just locks her chat streams like that then what is the point?

>> No.7656610

I only hoin the memberships of vtubers who are consistently entertaining.

>> No.7656612

This. I was her day one membership before, and after realizing that I was just watching paint dry, I got filtered.

>> No.7656676


Oh god, I can only imagine what a ghost town those membership streams are like.

>> No.7656722

She did it twice cus heavy topics. It's not like she does it all the time.

>> No.7656738

It use to be much better, the free talk was mostly enjoyable with her Ayunda gimmick was also more polished back when she activated her membership. Now she doing it half-assed and sound too depressed to even try.

>> No.7656859

risu fans also promote elitism culture about her limited time membership streams. gatekeeping anyone from talking about her stream and skirting around what they talk about in riddles just to double make sure nobody else but them understand what they're talking about. he even does it in that post, notice how he doesn't specify what he's talking about despite it being 3 hours stream, it could literally be anything.

>> No.7656871


That's on her, though. She has so much potential, and with the world still stuck mostly staying at home she could make a real push for herself. They gave her a fucking new model, too why can't she just try? Iofi is someone who is probably never going to catch on, and she's perfectly fine with it, but it doesn't stop her from collab'ing with people like Watame and others. Risu had a blank check and never filled it out

>> No.7657052

I don't watch Risu but I hope she can deal with her IRL problem.

>> No.7657151

I believe the problem will be over next month

>> No.7657558

Did anyone do it?

>> No.7657666

I heard she is on some big project like solo cover and original songs, since Cover doesn't give any shit about funding, she has to do it herself, that's donation bait are obviously only worked for once and exactly what she's expected, I gotta says it's scummy but also a smart move.
not change the fact that she's a lazy brat.

trre rrat I know you had a hard time since the first rona outbreak, but now you got you're funding to make some project then make it happened and told that retarded ID's manager to get permission on goat simulator or deer simulator the only game that probably matches your content.

If you can't, please just graduated and back to your utaite shit circle.

I know you here tree rrat.

>> No.7657798

Utaite circle was fucking dead. If she wants to come back, the only place is indie chuba.

>> No.7657868

>Utaite circle was fucking dead
Eh not really

>> No.7658047

look at the OP pic anon.

>> No.7658152

Jesus fuck.

>> No.7658261

It's the same guy who dropped 2k on her karaoke relay. It has nothing to do with her setting up alerts, he just supports Risu singing. Pretty based, ngl.

>> No.7658358

six was a crypto monkey, not a surprise

>> No.7658363

He droped 3k on her 1 year as well.
He is just legend

>> No.7658381

he need to donate ONLY during karaoke to send a message.

>> No.7658565

250 is more bait-y and she coupd easily make more with it than the 1000

>> No.7658654
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Very based. He also a top donator on streamlabs.
He genuinely support risu, thats it.

>> No.7659158

please elaborate, im curious

>> No.7659336

another anon already explained it above, it's about the chink virus.

>> No.7660314

What was the sound? How cringe was it?

>> No.7660314,1 [INTERNAL] 

Moonas magic?you mean moonas tactic by literally leeching the populatlr holos

>> No.7661209

People realizing she's being scummy also ironically donates 1000 to her superchat. It's not even her problem anymore, it's the schizo fans that wants attention. If she said people to lick her shit then this fucking schizo definitely do it because of autistically fanatic

>> No.7661315

here, second link >>7654634

>> No.7661626

It wasn't cringe at all. The sounds are extremely mild, she's overplaying her reactions really hard and its working.

>> No.7661692
File: 1.41 MB, 1481x1225, nut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants more money
>could drastically grow her audience with minimal effort
>refuses to
>intentionally halts her own momentum every time her channel starts to catch fire
>chooses to panhandle like a hobo
Mere laziness can't explain it. Risu is an enigma.

>> No.7661717

I agree with this so much. I love Risu, and the voice lines are cute, but the novelty is already wearing off.

>> No.7663162

How is she begging for superchat exactly?

>> No.7663291

that's ID in a nutshell.

>> No.7663347

Very fucking cringe. Holy shit.

>> No.7663469

I cant blame her, 2 of her id kouhai have made more money in SC and even anya is about to catch up.

>> No.7665023

>Pekora invited both Moona and Risu
>invited Risu
What fanfic is this. Pekora never did.

>> No.7665591

Moona, Reine and Ollie are far from lazy

>> No.7665660

Why should I care if some dumb paypiggy gives her $1000

>> No.7666212

Risu is the contrarian schizo's chuba.

>> No.7666369

Don't you get it, someone donated 1k to RISU, holo no one cares about. Huge news, the scandal even.

>> No.7666472

Say whatever else you want about Ollie, she's not lazy.

>> No.7666525

she is my wife so more income means bigger house

>> No.7670930


>> No.7671602

>could drastically grow her audience with minimal effort
>refuses to
>intentionally halts her own momentum every time her channel starts to catch fire

>> No.7671703

She's basically asian kiara, but the thing is she doesn't know when to shut up. There's always shitstorm happening if she keeps interacting with people outside vtuber or even influence them to join homolive

>> No.7671730

I can let it slide if it is from any ID girls. Indonesia government are being asshole and they are struggling to survive.
>Lock down.
>Not even allowed to buy food.
>No money.
>Electricity and water bills still raising. And will be cut if they pay it too late.
