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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 32 KB, 591x470, 1698502467973080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76532198 No.76532198 [Reply] [Original]

>$100 membership tier with actual perks
So this is the power of Jewcorp

>> No.76532305

If that something else isn't blowjobs then I'm not interested.

>> No.76532322

The newest homostar en gen has 500 dollar tiers with perks
The Dino faggot literally pins your name to his chest if you buy it

>> No.76532422
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>NSFW wallpaper and Diary

>> No.76532538


>> No.76532565

Gotta have an option for the oil barons.

>> No.76532624

I mean /jidf/ is full of coomers last time I checked. It'd be a waste not to milk them desert dry wouldn't it?

>> No.76532637
File: 413 KB, 636x629, 1674069196220195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phase can't stop winning

>> No.76532670

>vaguebaiting a hundred dollar tier
Rope to you, rope to you, and some rope to you too!

>> No.76532722

Panko banko.

>> No.76532725

Jewbros are seething kek

>> No.76532729

>make fun of ARS every other day
>get instant karma'd with expensive memberships and have to either beg argies to leak content or find a way to use ARS
kinda based actually

>> No.76532783

It's blowjobs of her futa cock

>> No.76532787

Do I really need to go fetch Hime's new membership prices for you fake phasefag

>> No.76532848

if Idol fans are good at one thing, its leaking members content. best move is just to wait a bit and see what the content is before joining.

>> No.76532856

At least he's giving something in return unlike cover talents who give nothing to people with their 100 dollar membership other please buy this to support us and look like the biggest loser on the chat because you aren't getting nothing extra and just paid for a pseudo status symbol that nobody including the girls or guys cares about.

>> No.76532904

Do it.

>> No.76532968

the fuck, monthly hand written letter? even a small corpo, I'd assume there's always gonna be a good amount of top level paypigs, so that's A LOT of work

>> No.76532999

spic here
T4 is 120usd for me
i can buy a month's worth of meat with that money

>> No.76533007

that's not a big deal, wemi and other phase girls do that in their 5 buck tier.

>> No.76533015

I think it's a general letter for everyone

>> No.76533023

I thought even the Phasecucks didn't like her though?

>> No.76533147

Jewcorp i kneel, Argentinian brothers enjoy your T4s

>> No.76533183

It's just a meme
She's fucking disgusting tranny pandering filth that deserves any bit of shit her name gets.

>> No.76533225
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>Monthly handwritten letter

>> No.76533304
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more like three fiddy

>> No.76533481

It doesn't technically say whose hand was writing it.
Nevertheless, I'm sure everyone will be happy with their monthly letter from their oshi, Deepak Sharma (biggest world fan of bob and vagene).

>> No.76533539

that's like 6 months worth of pagpag for three meals a day, who could afford that????

>> No.76533595


>> No.76533613


>> No.76534236


>> No.76534381

can we just ban Argentina from the internet?

>> No.76534502

we love hime

>> No.76534651

Which phase girl had a bbc yab now?

>> No.76534699


>> No.76534896
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she died for this

>> No.76534931

greedy shit like this makes me want to buy this trash in ARS and then leak it all.

>> No.76535004
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>> No.76535324
File: 146 KB, 913x1024, 1700173981636724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol also just had another donothon.
The top donor gets a date night with the girl and her panties!
Make sure to save up because the IdolES girls will be having their donothons soon.

>> No.76535440

Hime is made to be raped (with love)

>> No.76535444

this is pathetic, just get a real girlfriend with that money

>> No.76535461

jesus fucking christ dude

>> No.76535596

I don’t think I could ever do this without feeling immense shame, is that weird?

>> No.76535645
File: 119 KB, 335x392, 4 whales and then the rest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're a bit late, it just ended.

>> No.76535746

Do you understand past tense anon?

>> No.76535784

Never understood why tourists got mad at this. Wish my chuuba fucked me too.

>> No.76535785

Dang, looks like one guy is strappin' for a kidnappin'.

>> No.76535850

you sound like a cuck

>> No.76535895

>One thread died for this

>> No.76535901

reminder that boobros leaked it was idol corp employees sending these fake donations to build up hype

>> No.76535914

Imagine being OFrancis right now.

>> No.76535988

The real cucking is begging the company to stop her from sucking cock, as if she wouldn't just do it in secret instead. Like Finana fans whining about her Discord shit. Just leave, have some self respect. Unless you're one of the people who will get to fuck the whore, then enjoy.
Trying to force a whore to not be a whore is retarded. Why not just find someone who isn't a whore to follow?

>> No.76535997

source: it came to him while watching Pippa and browsing kiwi farms

>> No.76536168

nice cope. just say "yes, I'm a cuckhold" next time

>> No.76536186

the fags that ran off to report her to management during that last stream are truly the worst sort of "people".

>> No.76536385

It got a fuckton of threads here as soon as it happened on stream. Who do you think reported her?

>> No.76536413

honestly I think fans telling management that their talent is once again zooted as fuck on stream when she has a massive history with drug abuse and addiction when she just got out of rehab is pretty understandable

>> No.76536519

the same people that leaked it /here/
the shortest stint for a residential rehab is 21 days. when, as Riro, did she have time for that?

>> No.76536570

Except nothing like that happened

>> No.76536578

upset that your whore got fired?

>> No.76536645

memes aside, i hate that handwritten letter now means "written in photoshop and uploaded on the community tab". for that sort of money they should fucking send out physical personalized letters. even in the most expensive tiers it's still minimal effort being put into everything they do

>> No.76536653

right before she debuted dumbass
she literally talked about it on stream

>> No.76536762

No. Shes in a much better place now. It does suck that she can't collab with some of the other girls now though. They could do it on pl maybe

>> No.76536791

My god. 15k? should just go and buy a girlfriend if you have that kind of money. at least she might sleep with you.

>> No.76536866

>...and probably something else
If it's not used panties I'm not interested

>> No.76536889

>the shortest stint for a residential rehab is 21 days. when, as Riro, did she have time for that?
she barely did anything for years before debuting. what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.76536953

She's a princess not a cheap whore

>> No.76536970

Isn't that the same one who had a barefoot stream? Amazing how she got so good at milking money after giving that away for free

>> No.76537130


>when she just got out of rehab

sorry the original post made it sound like it was something that had happened shortly before that last stream and not months or years before.

>> No.76537189

yes you stupid druggie nigger being out of rehab for a few months is pretty recent

>> No.76537273

oh, well keep in mind that she only streamed for 8 months

>> No.76537351

even better

>> No.76537402

i hate this bitch so much i wouldn't even rape her

>> No.76537476

Im happy that her actions make people like you anti her, and feel bad for any talent you are a "fan" of.
I hope you can learn to be less hateful, its not good for the body.

>> No.76537521

>anti her

>> No.76537698

>bbc cocksleeve

>> No.76537816

Stop projecting your fetish onto her.

>> No.76539187


>> No.76539425

a fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.76539460

Isn't that guy a kawaii paypig?

>> No.76540106

Now this is prostitution alright

>> No.76540143

Rent free

>> No.76540677

Who the fuck is genjutsusama that he can spend nearly a months check on a donothon

>> No.76541212
File: 417 KB, 1860x1420, 1703300400643015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you thought that was bad, just wait until you see some of the ENstars (picrel). Mind you, most of the JP Stars' highest tiers are like 23£, aside from Astel who's is 90£.

>> No.76541380

kinda pathetic that Cover would even let them do this.
remember when Mori got skewered for putting her membership at $10?

>> No.76541588

>Crimzon Ruze
Well, at least he's upfront about it.

>> No.76541771

Probably the son of some rich saudi oil baron.

>> No.76541857
File: 106 KB, 1491x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking greed batman jesus

>> No.76542017

Stop being poor

>> No.76542271

>this is the current state of western vtubers

>> No.76542352

Stop being a pathetic emasculated paypig and spend money actually bettering your life

>> No.76542372

>russian jew

>> No.76542499

>Just waste money
Fuck no. Ill spend 100 something on ps2 games, macross and out of print kotobukiya models before paying for a vtuber membership.

>> No.76542671

kek Astel doesn't even give you anything at his $100 tier. He even told people "don't join it lol" when he opened membership (of course he knew the hardcore fans would do it anyway).

>> No.76542898

My life is good enough already, a few hundred bucks are nothing lmao

>> No.76543122

>Third world branch
>Highest prices in the company
What's the fucking point?
You need tier 2 to access any membership benefits like streams btw

>> No.76543174

I'll be poor forever if I spend my paycheque on vtubers...
