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File: 130 KB, 1074x1258, 1707661648257347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76529027 No.76529027 [Reply] [Original]

Will AX cancel the Nijisanji concerts? It's been 9 days and tickets are still not selling.

>> No.76529622
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No refunds by the way

>> No.76529971

isnt this a live2d "concert"? what were they thinking trying to sell that many seats? it's going to look empty again like their last concert.

>> No.76530128

Shitskin repost thread.

>> No.76530140

It should actually be 3D, but wow, it's kinda sad to see.

>> No.76530237

do not be racist sister

>> No.76530251

Post the one with goku

>> No.76530379

let's fight somewhere empty

>> No.76530397

Is it really 3D? That's an even worse sign if they couldn't sell tickets.

>> No.76530535
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>> No.76531109
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>> No.76531872
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It should be a good show
I mean Goku and Vegeta fighting

>> No.76532419

Thats the stuff

>> No.76532545

Anyone willing to count how many seats are sold?

>> No.76532649

Just a reminder that Connect the World, the Dreamhack Australia Concert, and the Chinese Taipei Concert didnˊt sell out too

>> No.76532695


>> No.76532818
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Did those concerts look this empty?

>> No.76532916
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>> No.76532942

The entire upper sections and the back are not for sale btw —all of those seats are not listed for sale. There's a curtain that goes down to cover those areas. It's not going to be empty looking

>> No.76532959

I was at connect the world, it wasn't sold out, but it was pretty damn full. I think there were only the last rows on the upper floor empty.

>> No.76532995


>> No.76533014

even without that it's pretty fucking empty

>> No.76533085

You'll need to bring those curtains further forward than that if you want it to not look empty.

>> No.76533093
File: 573 KB, 1920x2091, notempty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, if you take away the back rows it won't look empty at all.

>> No.76533130


>> No.76534447

I'm afraid connect the slop was cancelled dronies...

>> No.76534866


>> No.76535383

that made zero difference

>> No.76535844

I just asked my mate who doesn't even watch vtubers if he thinks this will sell out in two months. He just glared at me and said if it didn't sell out in ten minutes it ain't gonna sell at all kek

>> No.76536032

It was never even announced. You sisters, I swear. You think we say some ridiculous shit, but there's a logical reason we can come to a conclusion. You just learned English second hand and just start throwing out wild accusations with no foundation. But what would I expect when people like you come from a country where you throw yourselves into on coming traffic to fake an insurance claim so some poor bastards has to pay for you for the rest of your lives. Fucking mainlander dog

>> No.76536105


>> No.76538294

nijibros... I...

>> No.76538728

I would go to the concert if goku and vegita are there

>> No.76538806

>due to changes in performers
They don't even expect all their organs to make it to July 6th.

>> No.76539464

We aren't fucking blind. How about sell out more than 15% of your seating reservations. I swear if you sold the ticket half price you would of filled it up. Talk about justifying greedy fucks wanting to turn a huge profit. How desperate are you fuckers due to Q4 really?

>> No.76539908
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>> No.76540345
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Don’t worry sis, I am sure we can use this meme back at th-ACK!

>> No.76540796


>> No.76540915
File: 34 KB, 476x468, 1714697223439729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that from Anime North? If so, kino.

>> No.76541904

>Everyone in seats
Oh no nijis, why couldn't Riku spare chair money for you???

>> No.76542317
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Looks like Doki is more popular than the entirety of KurosanjiEN.

>> No.76542718

These are the moments I hate not having the Invicible meme on my phone, it’s too fitting.

>> No.76542760

>Gets garbage, (barely) remastered, online only, heavily edited, shit-tier choreo, terrible quality 3D concert
>Gets premium priced, glorified karaoke, stiff 2D model, empty seats, amateur organized concert
>Gets barely selling, nijiEN whos, expo-gated, laughing stock concert
>B-b-but at least we get concerts!

>> No.76543854

did riku expect rosemi and petra to be selling tickets ? thats what you get for leaving out vox and vanta from the events.

>> No.76544804

>Male and Female concerts are literally separates
>Blames the females for everything
Nijisis keep falling in the same pit every fucking time.

>> No.76546175

They're selling like a ticket a day or none at all right now.

>> No.76549960

>They're not going to flirt with the literally hundreds of cute girls at the NijiEN male concert

You guys are missing out

>> No.76552583

What do you mean Connect the World didn't sell out? I barely got tickets myself. Do you mean that the resellers didn't sell all their tickets?

>> No.76552938

>Chinks whose last ditch effort is to cause self inflicted vehicular accidents so insurance will pay them out. I.e. jumping in front of moving cars causing an increase in dash cams in Asian communities.
Yeah I'm not touching them.

>> No.76553271

im not spending the ticket and travel+lodging money to meet fat fujos

>> No.76553808


>> No.76554324
File: 1.90 MB, 1902x897, 1715479628825713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Connect the World sold out.
Dreamhack concert and the Taipei karaoke also initially sold out. But they later added more shit seats.
NijiEN concerts can't even compete with Holo karaoke.

>> No.76556730

I'm guessing since negotiations and scheduling the venue can take months this concert was being planned way before the kurosanji drama happened, so they probably thought they could still sell out the seats
The real question is why didn't they cancel the reservation after seeing the shitstorm that happened? Were the cancellation fees really that bad?

>> No.76559118

wow, hololive return to China

>> No.76559610

Grim, Nijisanji... fucking GRIM.

>> No.76560199

Yes, it was advertised as "NIJISANJI EN’s first ever full 3D concert in the United States"

>> No.76560333

I wonder if they regret not taking Selen on her offer for an amicable separation

>> No.76560401

They had the same thing too for the AR Live, probably since Rosebuds and Pentomos only got like, 1-2 songs out of their oshis.

>> No.76560468

The funniest shit is them seriously believing there'll be no more concerts this year.

>> No.76560547

God I miss Connect the World. It was so much fun then. Genuinely the most happy I have/had been in a long time. I hope Hololive does another concert like that in LA.

>> No.76561021
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x720, NALiTIafV0D_ZqAM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah look at all those empty seats at the back

>> No.76561104

Holy shit. Was this the taipei thing? So was only Fuwamoco 2D?

>> No.76561240

>flirt with
I'm not going to pay hundreds to flirt with ugly indo women. I wouldn't even pay hundreds to fuck one.

>> No.76561937

Greedy and no way to turn back. They probably though they could make it at that price.

Imagine the backlash if they drop the price now to fill the seats. Sister tears will be deliciously sweet.

No Refunds btw

>> No.76564700
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, videoframe_9704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this guy

>> No.76566831

Taipei is in Taiwan
