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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76506786
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, BG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeple is back
>block game collab

>> No.76506919
File: 431 KB, 1920x1080, accidentally nude wink wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spawn in mostly nude
this is a good start

>> No.76507251
File: 1.21 MB, 1258x708, 1707754175383784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gremlin noises sheep is live with ASMR

>> No.76508128
File: 95 KB, 900x506, GOIibyFWIAAH9bR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moisi will be 3 soon and she wants to watch a silly horsey movie with you
>26th may i will celebrate
> My Little Pony: A New Generation
>WATCH ALONG 9 pm (GMT +2)

>> No.76508528
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuho is playing a game when you send drunk ojisans home
> she is also drinking wine IRL

>> No.76508863
File: 388 KB, 2048x1543, GOWUT1ea4AEKmiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't eaten yet
>drinking wine for now then chawari once she only has half of the wine left
>she drank something to prevent hangovers
The food for tonight:
>made mozza tomato otsumami (right)
>there's also tarako pasta (top)
>fries and ham (left)

>> No.76509065

huge chonks of mato and mozz (based)
kind of an odd assortment

>> No.76509503
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already feeling tipsy
>didnt use to be this weak but it's cheaper this way
>I want to wear something so cute it could get me weird looks in public, like a princess dress and all sorts of teddy bear accessories
>wondering how this ojisan creature is standing back up while being this drunk and only using his core muscles, maybe he was a dancer before
>getting really giggly already
>i know im getting drunk when my nose feel stuffy
>when i get too drunk, i forget how to sing and i cant sing at all
just now starting the game

>> No.76509572

>grad party
Am I seeing this right? She's celebrating her retirement?

>> No.76509621

actual college graduation

>> No.76509671

Oh ok. No problem then. Enjoy yoir newgrad.

>> No.76509996
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, 2nd death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st death was cause by trying to figure out controls and bumping into stuff near the starting aread
>2nd death was close contact with a giant metal box on wheels
>3rd death was near a dumpster
this game is too realistic...

>> No.76510447
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>countless deaths by encountering cyclists later
>*cracks open a cold one*
>this is 4% ochawari, it's basically juice
i already lost count of the number of deaths but its a lot and half at least

>> No.76510750
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells a spooky story about how she once saw a vehicle in town with a kid's hand poking out of the window
>but once it stopped and she got a good look at it was the type of work vehicle a kid would definitely not be in, and the hand was gone
>she wondered if it could have been a ghost
>chat asks for the punchline of the story
>there is none, and so she loses it and has a laughing fit over it
>it's silly to expect a dunkard's story to have a punchline
yeah she is pretty baked already

>> No.76512070
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the creator of this game made it because the game he wanted to play did not exist
>i wonder if he is a really person who never gets angry at the game and just wants to bring ojisans home
Yuuho is in her falling into ditches ear at the moment

>> No.76512539

that sounds fun
how will the watchalong be conducted?

>> No.76513090
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant sleep until i see the sunrise
>this is gonna sound a bit chuuni but maybe i am a vampire..
>when the sun is up i have no energy and at night I want to do so many things
>and I love ending my day by eating the McDonald's morning menu before going to bed
>i used to hate hashed browns as a kid but now i love them and i want to write a fan later to whoever invented them

>> No.76514415

japanese breakfast menu macdonalds sounds comfy...

>> No.76514479

the version of movie she will be watching is on Netflix and you play it on your own, however you acquired it
i assume she will be streaming her reaction and a timer, the way YT watchalongs usually work but on Twitch

>> No.76515022
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was doing maro reps and sort of tuned out the way this ended but Yuuho was getting sleepy and she had just gotten past the construction/death pits/beer area of the game and got a bit singy
>and then she got ran over by a dog
and raided a bday streamer

she isnt the first JP chuuba who i've seen stay up or wake up early for their "asa mac" aka JP McDonald's breakfast menu
they always make it sound like it's pure crack

>> No.76515088

found the movie on archive.org
i can setup a cytube room for the thread to watch it together if anyone's interested in that

>> No.76515383
File: 71 KB, 944x394, H-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The star/moon of the day is awake!

>> No.76515401

oh yeah it's oneesheep maro day very soon
I got nothing for her, though

>> No.76515605
File: 74 KB, 680x383, GOWwz80W8AAq_mC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fonhayo!! @Riyu_TheLamb & I are doing our very first collab today! wan wan
>I'll be on YT: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5PY19bukBFk
?And Riyu will be on twitch!: https://twitch.tv/riyu_thelamb
Pick your poison, I have no idea what to expect

>> No.76515875
File: 120 KB, 852x480, ladybug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in this game you are dog,
>the most important button is SPACE for BARK
>have you ever swallowed a lady bug by accident?
>no... have you?
this is gonna be a very pink stream i think

>> No.76516385

>lampd doesnt have a driver's license (thank god)
>needs to know whether you would still love her if she was a worm and whether you would drive her to get boba
that feels like an acceptable deal in exchange for her never ever driving a car

>> No.76516581

>are you into being eaten?
>i think it's called vore
not very surprising

>> No.76517073

how would worms eat boba

>> No.76518382

very sloppily with a high risk of drowning in it

>> No.76518911


>> No.76519522
File: 3.65 MB, 1942x2001, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oneeshop on the telly
she's killing me with these random early starts

>> No.76519573

anime girls action figures shell snail returns

>> No.76519616

>going a walk today
>about to leave rn
>wearing a beeeeg sweater when it's arms
yes... sweaty esilas...

>> No.76519786

if you want to send maros:

>> No.76520200

>destination reached
>one way trip already ate 10% of phone battery

>> No.76520252

>I'll eat a flower right now
Sheep urges

>> No.76520408

>for Esila, "walking distance" means within 2h of walking
that's not what people usually mean by that

>> No.76520655

>NEXAS had to approach Esila TWICE for her to say yes
almost never got to meet her

>> No.76520968

>in fifth grade i had a donut
>and i was eating it outside
>it was the kind with glaze icing on it
>and it was windy...
>and my hair kept getting on the donut and it was sticky ang gross
>and that was the day my hatred for the win began

>> No.76521013

oh i never considered wind sucking for women

>> No.76521016

>The day the Saxon began to hate
Esila edition

>> No.76521425

sheep are capable of walking for 4-10 hours at a time

>> No.76521498

>prefers the cold and rainy and dark
>as long as there's a way to keep warm inside
love her more every day
it's me, I'm the way

>> No.76521534

>some of the things wind does are good
>like bringing snow or making leaves rustle
>but wind itself isnt

>> No.76521613

>Esila didnt used to be afraid of thunder
>but a couple years ago she started to become jumpy when she hears thunder
that must have been the start of her sheepification as it is a common sheep trait

>> No.76521857
File: 467 KB, 568x516, blue dolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a barely audible Dollie is playing Serious Sam co-op with a blue male thing here:

>> No.76521967

>when she thinks about sushi the first thing that comes to mind is rice circles with stuff inside
it took me way too long to understand that she meant california rolls
bros, i dont think i can save her...

>> No.76522229

>Esila gets wolf whistled and honked at
must be the big jiggly esilas or the horns

>> No.76522797

>Esila is back home
>now making tea
>already 85 maros to read

>> No.76523035
File: 70 KB, 123x324, eccel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am running late and I would usually post the anchor for liveposting but I probably won't be back in time
If someone else could use the pic from that tweet to make the post, that would be nice

by using that exact pic, it will prevent double posting so don't afraid to give it a go if you usually wouldn't make such a post

>> No.76523178

I'll get it
should be recording the vod, too

>> No.76523474

Esila is gonna say the gamer word...
>here it goes...
>rawr uwu XD owo
i am shookefthed

>> No.76523659


>> No.76523804

>Has already turned down collabs
The oneesheep is in high demand

>> No.76524016

i dont think collabs through aniline would really help anyone or be fun to do
maybe when they can stream on other platforms and like play a game or have some some sort of visuals to rely on and bounce off of and kill the awkwardness
and honestly i prefer solo stream

>> No.76524111

Once she's free of the app and gets a bit more confidant I think she'll dip her toe into collabing hopefully with other sheep

>> No.76524127
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, GOXY9AVXQAA6utv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76524169

Would it still be okay to talk about a sheeptuber if they end up graduating to join a major agency as a non-sheep? Would they still have to be some kind of woolen creature like a llama, alpaca, or mammoth?

>> No.76524394

yes, give it a try
seems like the thread recently adopted a literal fireball, about as far as you can be from woollen creature
if you want the thread to adopt your creature, you have to post about them, and see the sort of response you get
it would be strange to start with the post grad non sheep creature but it might just work if they have a sheepish personality

>> No.76524456
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, lookitlookitlookit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76524479

and thank you for the anchor

>> No.76524577

>ahh the pepeloni, pepeloni. you know the pepeloni? the nooo one. i always, i always order the, the domino. domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. i always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. pepeloni! i like pepeloni, yeah. i always, i always order the, the cheese- cheese pan. ahh how can i explain? i can explain by my drawing! i always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. ear of pizza. and then, i order- wh- when i order pepeloni, the ear- it always have a pepeloni on h- on a top, but i pick up these... away! cause i don't eat it. and then i eat the cheese pan pizza. okay? you understand? understandable!

>> No.76524599
File: 223 KB, 1129x1080, GONnVxEW8AAhkUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone did the thing

>> No.76524688
File: 410 KB, 610x708, 1711473191926009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baker fren's making stickers again

>> No.76524945
File: 299 KB, 1583x1080, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up with a sore throat again yesterday
>so i did EVERYTHING in my power to make sure i would not wake up with a sore throat today
>and i think i did okay, it still feels a bit strained but not painful
>i let scolding hot water run to turn my bath room in a steam room
>i actually clean-cleaned myself
>yesterday i tried to stand in that scolding hot shower but i could not stand it i was literally dancing like a chicken to avoid the hot water
you are now imagining a completely nude Essie, squealing, dancing around in her shower, very modestly jiggling perhaps

>> No.76525133

>went to bed at 4AM
>literally could not sleep
>did have a diet coke at 11AM
>but that just means i'll be able to stay awake the entire stream
>i feel the caffeine in a diet coke is very potent, even compared to a monster
surely it's not the caffeine maybe the aspartame?

>> No.76525258
File: 222 KB, 1277x992, meeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Essie is hugging me today is really cute

>> No.76525362

>it's not too unreasonable to believe that the world will end within my lifetime

>> No.76525412
File: 528 KB, 678x381, wawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essie as a little delinquent and would often skip class to get cold brew coffee from Wawa gas stations
>she would drink so much of it she would be "tweaking" on caffeine
the lattes are allegedly yummy

>> No.76525552
File: 273 KB, 1483x1024, stone cold bruer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need essie's eyes on the can instead of the bulls

>> No.76525551

>Watame is cute
>Sheep are pretty cool

>> No.76525641

>at home we make rice on the stove in a small pot
what flavour of asian is this???
everyone single asian person i know uses a ricecooker

>> No.76525699

>Essie and Esila both REALLY dislike egg yolks
>Essie might even be mildly allergic

>> No.76525782

>finally done one day's worth or maros
>13 left to go
i assume first and last day got a way bigger volume of maros

>> No.76526045
File: 1.45 MB, 1483x834, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this?

>> No.76526080

>has a giant collection of spilled drinks because she used to hold her cup from the lid because the main body is too cold
she literally needs me to constantly warm her little cold hands ...

>> No.76526093
File: 1.05 MB, 1483x834, dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid fucking selection line

>> No.76526288
File: 212 KB, 633x711, couldnt have been us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i watched Lost in Translation yesterday but it was really boring
>i did force myself to finish it tho
>it was really like think, Japan
>Loneliness, Japan
>>3 sentence DLDR?
>Do not trust your husband or wife when they travel overseas
>Especially when you are having a rough patch
Essie did not like the movie about a cute and lonely girl failure falling for an old ojisan in Japan.... it's so over

>> No.76526319

YES!! perfect! thank you

>> No.76526498

>>would you prefer more younger viewers or older viewers?
>older viewers
ojisans enter

>> No.76526729
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, kr men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't handle real ramen, and it's too big of a serving anyways
>this is Essie's favourite instant ramen
>she also enjoys the buldak carabonna one but she adds milk to it

>> No.76527053

>essie wants mormon baachis to please stand up and also sent her silly sodas from their specialty shops
i wonder how small the mormon/vtuber overlap is

>> No.76527668

I'm south american and we cook rice like that as well

>> No.76527801
File: 352 KB, 1760x1080, cute koreaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont look my age
>my sister says i've looked 17 since the day i turned 17

>> No.76527921


>> No.76528287
File: 319 KB, 1561x1068, yaoi grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essie is thirsty for that aged yaoi grape juice

>> No.76528288

Another kiss for the secret place, which she described as a website

>> No.76528412

Also reached 30k coins goal today and will buy an expensive pack of pokemon cards to open on the stream later. Pretty big considering she didn't want to do handcam streams earlier.

>> No.76528649

she said before she'd use gloves

>> No.76528655
File: 42 KB, 900x506, GOWI0UPboAExa2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep Sheep is doing some ASMR Yapping
>The creature from down undah is baaaaahck

>> No.76528723

>Para invited Essie to play CS through steam RIGHT NOW
she isnt watching her oshi's big event stream...

>> No.76528813

i think it's good practice to say she won't be looking at that strange website whatever it may be but i wonder if she know how many places on that site talk about her

>> No.76528895

>this is gonna sound so bad but,
>i would still love my baby with a birth defect
>but first looking at their deformed faced would scare me really bad
this doesn't sound so bad just honest
Essie needs to learn about damascus goats

>> No.76528968

>Heartbeat ASMR
It really does sound different when there is something there,,,

>> No.76529039

for the love of god no

>> No.76529115

>chatters drooling in chat asking for mommy ASMR is gross
>baachis asking for chuus is okay

>> No.76529236

How many sheeptubers are in this thread?

>> No.76529568

including friends in this
confirmed shamelessly here maybe 2
officially aware of here but not looking 5?
mostly like lurking here most the the heavily discussed ones and those about to debut

>> No.76529704
File: 16 KB, 381x235, 1599527224710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-zero chance they saw my drunkposting when i was at my weakest
welp at least it didn't spill over to their actual chats

>> No.76529836
File: 214 KB, 1299x994, only 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zatsu (you are here)
>karaoke (SOON 15min maybe?)
>coin game and drinkies (short segment) thx NL
>roblox classic with chat
>dark souls (starting at or before midnight)

>taking a break to heat tea rn
>will take 5 to 10min break between segments
>will take a longer 20m break at the 6h mark
>voice will prolly be dead by DS segment, so Essie will lock in and play quietly

>> No.76530043

i say this as a cautionary tale of how this was (one) of the reasons /lig/ turned to shit so fast was because people were outright breaking containment many times and also chuubas were very plausibly there, so the schizos and spergs flared out and took over discussion

>> No.76530049

that's what this place is for
if they look, it's on them
good job keeping yourself contained brother

>> No.76530185

>wants to do tsundere RP ASMR
>knows she's gonna struggle being mean
>it's not like i like you baaahka
cute creature

>> No.76530520
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, soresheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lisaur listening to an album
>today is a bad voice day
>really exhausted from move

>> No.76530773

>sheepy is being devious and drinking a carbonated beverage

>> No.76531203
File: 14 KB, 284x160, mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essie's first calc exam didnt go too well

>> No.76531316

>hates 9to5 math/engi people who work from home
>mostly because she is very jealous of them
she will learn to love me

>> No.76531445
File: 111 KB, 478x192, GOYCPqeagAA0VFK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the album and the listen along is starting now

>> No.76531700

>Didn't know steel wool was not made of actual wool

>> No.76531707

>is steel wool not made out of wool?

>> No.76531821
File: 184 KB, 394x393, S T E E L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget rock and stone
so anyways, steel wool watchalong

>> No.76531940

im not in chat someone please blow essie's mind with burning steel wool and how cool it looks

>> No.76531988

>>76530520 THIS IS
>>76524127 SO METAL

>> No.76532453
File: 268 KB, 1803x954, mpv-shot1535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Essie has now learned how to make steel wool and will make it at home
this is not what i expected from the stream today

>> No.76532609

>10 min break then KARAOKE
>you can do anything you want just dont leave
>yeah, anything, go kill a-

>> No.76533096

Liss has not been this horny for music since she discovered Lorna Shore on stream...

>> No.76533367
File: 313 KB, 1686x1033, I drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bnuy fren Rima raided in

>> No.76533510

Lisa was literally speechless for a bit
>it's giving Preacher's Daughter vibes frfr
>it's gonna be in my top5 albums for the year
>not even a fan of their stuff before that
>as my first impression, i need to check out their discography

>> No.76534354

>essie sings about men
>para boos
>essie starts drinking
toxic yuri....

>> No.76534498
File: 25 KB, 376x168, bestie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bestie in chat posting other bestie's emotes

>> No.76534783

Baker Mintmai raided karaoker Essie >>76524127
>gets California Girls dedicated to her
that would be a hot hot baker

>> No.76535072

>seiso streamer gets jumpscared by california girls lyrics
this keeps happening somehow

>> No.76535848

>next week schedule on out on sunday
>gonna be kinda weird cause gotta finish the move
>monday and thursday are unknown
>maybe early stream tuesday
>collab with Junaur Unaurgi soon, either next week or the next
>long weekend off

>was feeling lethargic today, just standing up and i would see stars

Encore OffKai schedule (not 100% sure)
>meet and greet at 2PM FRI
>concert at 4PM FRI
>panel at 7PM FRI

>> No.76536187

>Lisa raided Nyaru

>> No.76536963

>got so many requests so sing Super Shy
>i dont know why you guys like my Super Shy so much
i only know this song because of a super shy sheep who started to hum it during a block game stream once

>> No.76537179
File: 25 KB, 630x216, PERCEIVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76537387
File: 328 KB, 1920x1080, cat crow demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheep girl from down undah plays cat game of the month

>> No.76537575

>someone asked me to do this song but i dont have the lyrics down
>i cant sing seriously it's too scary
> sings JP song acapella
i dunno boss sounds pretty serious to me

>> No.76538179

>roommate's boyfriend is ruining karaoke
>they met on valorant
>he doesnt speak
>he's so shy
>doesnt even say hello, i dont know anything about this dude

>> No.76538258

>met on valorant
that flag is #FF0000

>> No.76538281

>they met on valorant

>> No.76538762
File: 1 KB, 113x42, some retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody please explain this behavior?
What could you possibly be trying to convey by saying this in chat mid song?

>> No.76539063

that they weren't raised right
I was probably that way at one point in my life (wasn't exactly raised right, either, took a lot to figure that one out)
they just don't understand the world around them and don't class as much more than high functioning automaton

>> No.76539833

actually managed to nab that without mutes/ads
using vod recovery to dig the vod m3u8 out works
the last time I tried that was on that para karaoke that got black frames in it, but I'm just going to assume para's account is fucking cursed given what usually happens with her vods anyway

>> No.76540635

Did Lisa manually publishing the VOD during stream help with it showing up early before the Content ID muting process had a chance to kick in?

>> No.76540767

I downloaded it live (not recorded, that's different) so I doubt anything she did would have mattered
when did she say she was publishing it?

>> No.76540830

>stay with me made me want to sing disney songs
>two more songs
>then 25 minutes break
>then coin game

>> No.76540913

she's really good at disney timbre
silly sheep princess

>> No.76541003

I'm really confused then, what did you mean by this?
>vod recovery to dig the vod m3u8 out works

>> No.76541281

twitch generates the vod m3u8 regardless of whether it's published or not, so you just have to do more work to get it and then use a downloader smart enough to check it for updates (twitchlink)

>> No.76541369 [SPOILER] 
File: 863 KB, 900x1096, meow meows at you expectantly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hear this song in karaoke all the time
>moon song >>76489451
i wonder where she got that one from

>> No.76541579
File: 331 KB, 513x1060, GOEE-BkW4AEeOYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, roach community night in 3D

>> No.76541718

>>two more songs
>okay one more
>i haven't sang Laufey yet i feel like i have to

>> No.76541782

further autism:
twitch's version of content id doesn't usually hit until ~30 minutes after vods are finished if they're auto published from the start
if they publish them manually at the end of stream it seems to invoke the mutes faster in my experience

>> No.76541891

>>76541281 Gotcha
>>76541782 Now that's very interesting

>> No.76542331

>Scarlett crackles

>> No.76542775

>i need to become tradwife and cook 19 beans soup for the kids
the baby fever allegations

>> No.76543327
File: 169 KB, 635x1664, kung fu fighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essie is cooking old beef and roomies has beef

>> No.76543461

you use as stylesheet for that right

>> No.76543609
File: 272 KB, 1536x2048, GOY3l9KWAAAiELo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quedadilla. allegedly

>> No.76543766 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 838x518, stylin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah haha

>> No.76543945

>i had to ask for my boobs to be downsized THREE (3) times, did you know? did you know? did you know?

>> No.76544102

>back and munching down on all that juicy meat >>76543609

>> No.76544253

she's so cute bros

>> No.76544929
File: 321 KB, 1737x1080, hungry ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>react andy segment over
>Essie's hungry ass could never work at the chips factory
cause i would eat her hungry ass

>> No.76546025
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, doublons game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for coins underwater or something

>> No.76546546
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, goosed up bryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing untitled duck game or something

>> No.76547810
File: 324 KB, 1920x916, so close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76548674
File: 332 KB, 1920x945, -.-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76549720

she's so smashed already lmao

>> No.76549956
File: 345 KB, 1920x915, coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not into it

>> No.76550053
File: 27 KB, 500x316, 8ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok i'm not sloshed ask me any question and i'll answer here
>>what color?
lil bro is going to die or reveal something amazing in the next 20 minutes for sure

>> No.76550131
File: 344 KB, 1920x926, VIOLENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are baachis btw
she is REALLY into whacking baachis

>> No.76550756

>i bet you im so fucking fertile
the allegations nino, the allegations

>> No.76551223


>> No.76551509

>i want to make love with everybody
definitely not beating the allegations
VOD is getting nuked btw

>> No.76551630
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, taaaaaamaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look mom, no hands!

>> No.76552107

>Might not get drunk
No... my chus...

>> No.76552411
File: 382 KB, 1920x1080, bricked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are now robloxing

>> No.76554032
File: 439 KB, 220x271, gulp-swallow[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i feel very vulnerable right now

>> No.76554886

She sounds a little tipsy to me

>> No.76554897

about that...

>> No.76555070

do you use ffz?
cooked a version that works for that, would have to adjust for raw twitch

>> No.76555173

>I feel like we haven't been streaming at all
I feel like we may go a little over 12 hours

>> No.76556118
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, PSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna go get vodka
>*sees a boy in the kitchen*
>im gonna kill myself... im gonna kill myself... im gonna kill myself... im gonna kill myself...
>i broke my mic...i broke my mic...i broke my mic...i broke my mic...
she did not break her mic, just undid the temporary fix her dad did for the stand
and she did not in fact kill herself
but she did get coke and vodka
>you hear that? that's 2 shots of vodka
>and then we will pour the kokakora~
>and here my guy- my people of the world,
>here is my concoction of the concoction of the concoctions... yeah
>i've made the concoction of a frickin lifetime
>and then what you would mix it with a frickin spoon but i dont have a spoon
>so i will mix it with my finger
>my finger is clean!!!
>you wanna lick my finger? you would get no diseases from it ... dabuhdeedabuhda ...aaahwmm
>*licks her own finger*
>ewwww... its strong...
>it's strong but it's good...
>why would you say gross? waht's the worst thing that could happen?
>if you were to lick my finger you would not get sick...
>why are you grossing me? there is nothing to be grosses out at
>there is nothing to be grossed out at...
>would one not sillily lick a finger?
>and i am here kill some babies
>*starts to play the game*
>>what if i get cooties?
>you dont want my cooties? you dont want my cooties?
>is it really that bad?
>i am okay... i am very normal you guys

>> No.76556460
File: 1.66 MB, 520x520, Payback[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fku11ad.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catbox finally unfucked itself
there was also a mommy bit, but I must have wrote the timestamp down wrong and couldn't find it

>> No.76556800

if the vod is still up tomorrow i can try hunting it down for you

>> No.76557166

eh not important
she was just clowning on ESL or asmr gooners or something

>> No.76557242

oh this vod is so dead

>> No.76557297

more than dead

>> No.76557678

So much for saying she wouldn't get drunk...

>> No.76557742
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, Dress To Impress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh my god it's already 12AM...
>yo we've been streaming for 8 hours
>we've been streaming for 8 hours this is crazy...
>i feel like we havent been streaming at all
>>24h stream?
>what if i went over the 12 hours?
>what if we went over 12 hours and we just streamed?
>honestly, sometimes i want to permanently stream...
>i just want to hang out with you guys all day everyday
>but i cant hang out iwth you guys all day everyday i have to do more than just play video games you know what i mean? i need to do more
>i have to... focus on outside stuff... i have to improve myself...
>im getting behinded!! FUCK YOU
>>24 hour stream lets gooo
>it was actually so embarassing
>my roommate's boyfriend was in the kitchen
>as i said very out loud, let me get a bottle of vodka... that was very embarassing
>and then my roommate texted me in the group chat she was like
>>yoooo waht teh???
>wait YOU WON?? let's gooo
>wait you guys!!
>okay, no more arsenal!
>come here. it's time... come here, come here!
>come to me come to me come to me come to me come to me come to me
>come to me come to me come here come here, come here!!!
>*cuter voice* come here~ come here~ i know you want to come here~~
>come here~ come here~ join the game, join the game~ come on~
>come here, join the game, join the game~~
>come on, come on, i know you want to~ come on come on~
>come here come here~
>let's play the best roblox game... im so excited~

>> No.76557844

one day i wont be so drunk that ikee keep forgetting abotu
>1 nuumbers in >quotes

>> No.76558136

how's she holding up compared to nino?

>> No.76558154

>I'm just good at sucking ass

>> No.76558344
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, brb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you that was the roblox segment
>im very happy
>thank you so much that i forced mysel-
>i foced all of you to play my stupid dress up game taht i play on roblox
>this game is so freaking fun is it not?
>i lvoe you all so much thank you for playing this stupid game with me
>im so glad that you played my stupid baby game with me thank you so much
>now im going to play FREAKING DARK SOULS but im gonna take ten minutes because i need to pee really fucking bad
>but then i will be back and your gonna see me and i will be playing dark souls and i will be killing this damn game and ill be so damn good at the game im gonna be right be give me a quick second, ten minutes okay and i will be right here
>if you do not stay here with me i will be very sad
>and you must stay here and you must stay here or i will freaking kill you
>if you leave the stream i will kill you forever good bye
>im here two minutes early becasue i ant to be here with you
>im gonna suck so much ass at this fucking game but im goot at sucking asss
guys i thnmk shes drunj

>> No.76558359

>essie sleeps with her modest essies out during summer

>> No.76558374

We have officially reached drunk Essie

>> No.76558408

who raided in? hinke? and someone before?
i was lost in time and typing shit

>> No.76558419

thnmk you are too >>76524127

>> No.76558441

hamflo then heme

>> No.76558604
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, D S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we're playing D [...] S

>> No.76558657

>Should I be a hag?
>I'm obviously a hag

>> No.76558708

i see

>> No.76559020

>Doesn't understand monsterfuckers
Human bros we are so in

>> No.76559169

I love drunk Essie so much

>> No.76559190

>you should share all your dark secrets with me COME ON
>everybody!! *bangs deks* lets share secrets!!
>RIGHT NOW come on this is a sleepover
>and its 1AM so its time to sahrer secrets
>*whisper* okay... guys my secret is that uhm uhm uhm...
>one time i went to sleep... and i wore no shirt... because it ws really hot ...so i sent to sleep shirtless
>and actually over the summer i always sleep shirtless because its really hot
>*move away from the mic* okay okay tell me tell me tellll me
>now its time for you to tell me your sheets tell me your thing
> ahh~~ my thing is breaking~
>my fucking my fucking microphone keeps falling back
>i bet a bunch fo you guys go to sleep shirt less
>dont act like im the only one
>have you guys ever watched whats it called
>have you guys ever watched icarly?
>i always awanted to watch i carly
>uh when i watched icarly iremember Freedy only slept with socks on
>freedy in icarly only slepts with sock on so honestly one of these days i kinda want to try taht
>i want to sleep li freedy where i only sleep with just socks on
>but you see i always take off my socks when i sleep so it doesnt really make any sense

i listend back a bunc hof times and when she meant to say secret the said sheets ithing that a freudian slip

>> No.76559265

yes but im drunk

>> No.76559280

Is essie okay

>> No.76559341


>> No.76559451

not for long at this pace

>> No.76559587

I am now changing my statement to drunk Essie being fucking dangerous

>> No.76559804

Dangerous and cute

>> No.76559889

smol essie burp slipped

>> No.76559926

>coke light
Is Essie a euro? Or is she drunk enough to call Diet Coke coke light?

>> No.76559959

essie will be alright because you weirdo will accept her drunk ass and her weird aggressive drunk loving and that's all she needs

anyways, two more shots of vodka with a diet coke and some hiccups

>> No.76559976

she's EST isn't she?

>> No.76559977

she was calling it a diet coke earlier

>> No.76560057

she is technically american by land
but mostly asian by blood
and somehow a bit french coded for some reason
so she says things funny like bisque
and she has weird ideas about how the world works but we love her in all her quirky hiccupy ways

>> No.76560063

those are some cute hiccups

>> No.76560114

She's EST so she might have picked it up from para

>> No.76560135

why is drunk essie s sexy

>> No.76560265

She isn't holding herself back. This is Essie at full power.

>> No.76560287

So you guys think she's gonna leave the undead asylum before the end of stream?

>> No.76560331

I just want to cook her breakfast when she’s nursing a hangover

>> No.76560391

I don’t want my Essie to be like this… I will personally protect her from the poison that is alcohol!!…

>> No.76560419

can you fuckers please tell the cute creature is is being very cute not obnoxious or annoying and shes doing a good job right now actually because i cant

>> No.76560427

Is Essie one of those stereotypical pure girl types who's actually repressing secret unholy urges?

>> No.76560483

I'm not sure if she is repressing particularly unholy urges she just has a lot of love to give

>> No.76560489

take care of your own oxygen mask first para

>> No.76560569

>I don't think many people want me, I'm not exactly the type of person that people want
Is this true, shaggers?

>> No.76560637

i will find the assholes trying to be funny right now
if you dont want a chu close the fucking stream or suffer the consequences of take chus away from me

>> No.76560652

The brainworms do not speak for shaggers

>> No.76560694

it is her lived experience so its true in her head
she has no fuckign idea of how cute and evern sexy she can be at times
and if she knew it would be so over for everybdoy

>> No.76560724

Well I'm part welsh sooooo

>> No.76560883

every friend group she's in treats her like a lil sister or something

>> No.76560892

I really hope essie pees herself on stream

>> No.76560950
File: 322 KB, 1280x1143, GOHnzlXWkAAAjQP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raised religious, yes
really into tied up lamb imagery for unholy reasons
but she will ask that you do no partake in the offkai orgies

now listen to her talk about her very nice build and her fat seiso ass

>> No.76561065

>i must beat it
>im beating it
too drunk to join you essie sorry
ill beat it later okay

>> No.76561118

the random JP and constant pissing is very amicore that is all

>> No.76561195

"it was shy" - drunk essie weeks ago
essie's pee is abit shy when shes drunk okay
just dont point it out

>> No.76561256

Essie does feel like a zoomer Ami...

>> No.76561440

if her roommates start fucking its gonna be a bit awkward

>> No.76561475

Guys I think that I'm in love with essie

>> No.76561572

took you long enough
now get in line

>> No.76561633

I can't believe I've missed out on almost two years of this girl

>> No.76561668

That's how I felt a year ago

>> No.76561807

the drunken baby singing is too fucking cute im gonna die

>> No.76561929

>no one said the little sister was drunk
>essie instantly self inserted her drunk self in the little sister role
>and then got offended you got your sister drunk when you didnt
shes kinda drunk btw so dont pay attention to waht she says unless its about moles or how fat her butt is

>> No.76562092

>smoking is lame
>sleep deprived very basic salaryman smoking is kinda sexy tho
im in

>> No.76562152
File: 295 KB, 300x300, 1715771269613308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute roach raided by cute beetle

>> No.76562349

>sometimes i think about my baachis and i wonder if they are happy
>when youre sad now that i think about you
>honestly i probably care about you guys more than i care about my-
>more than you guys care about me
>i know that im pretty much too much

praphrasing cause this too hard rn

>> No.76562498

drunk essie can roll her Rs???
i dont think sober essie can

>> No.76562673

fuck she sounds amazing when she sings mindlessly

>> No.76562727

She has such a huge singing potential she just lacks the confidence

>> No.76562876
File: 14 KB, 284x160, 1h of drunk gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so about 1h into the game proper minus character creation and pee breaks to beat the asylum demon?
how many tries was that?
i think her drunk ass is doing pretty good

>> No.76562933

the karaoke was pretty good desu

>> No.76563005

>come here come here comehere
>this game is so easy
>this is so easy
>let me drink to that
the first kiss was just because she telt good defeating a boss
then you get more chus for bits and gifted subs
she just need ANY excuse right to give out chus

>> No.76563258
File: 16 KB, 284x160, silly goils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essie hates vtubers...

>> No.76563416

>essie has learned the jester

>> No.76563804

>Essie is susceptible to tickles

>> No.76564143
File: 52 KB, 615x615, essie's caked up fat ass of a lu;p bum butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a girl who sits on her ass
thank you for the reminder essie

9h44 >>76560950
>dont partake in those weird hotel room things that they do at offkai apparently
>i've been told that at offkai they do weird things in hotel rooms
>i would prefer that you not do something like that
>>im caked up
>im caked up as well
>actually im not caked up
>but whenever i sit on my friends' laps
>they always say that my lap-
>that im very cushioned when i sit on their lap
>and im very comfortable then i sit on their lap because i have a very nice build
>i am very-
>they say i have a very nice build so...
>just saying, just saying
>i would say that i-
>i would say that im also, im ALSO very comfortable to sit on
>wait no when i sit on people im very comfortable

>> No.76564761
File: 100 KB, 445x571, dreaming about armlocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>baachis are small we can climb into your throat and scratch it
>okay aaaah
>climb into my throat aaaahhhh
>come into my throat aaaah aaahhh
>scratch my throat for me aaaahhh
>*giggles* okay... *plays the game a bit*
>>this place smells bad???
>what do you mean??
>i literally scratch-
>i literally brush my teeth every day and i shower every day too!
>okay im stretching right now
>what if-
>okay guys what if i was at a movie and we were watching the movie together and i did the stretch and then i put my arm around you!!
>*shy? smug?* what would you do?
>just saying... would you get scared
>im just saying but i think its kinda awesome
>its kinda awesome... would you get scared?
>and then after i put my arm around you i put you into a lock
>i put you into a arm lock would you be okay with that
>would you be okay if i did that?

sometimes in Essie's mind baachis become one singular non plushie, boyfriend shaped entity ...or so it seems

>> No.76564770

you better hop in for impromptu drunk ninoke

>> No.76564855

>isnt this such a great sleepover
>my mom wouldnt allow me to go to sleepovers if there was a dad or a brother there
>she was afraid i would get killed
>so technically this is my first sleepover
bros we need to make the sheepover happen frfr Essie needs it

>> No.76565024
File: 94 KB, 465x465, ezgif-5-709742ff7d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty4heads up hopped in

>> No.76565758
File: 307 KB, 372x488, 1716621603910705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retro jaypee sheep's building an HG Guncannon!

>> No.76565877

>man, i think drinking and playing video games with you guys is so much more fun than going outside and having a drink
>it's so much more fun this way
>i liek being with you guys more its always more fun
> dont you agree? i think it's way more fun
>i think- ..is it bad to say that im very attached to you guys?
>i think i am the most attached to you guys than everybody i know
>is that a bad thing? i think it's pretty annoying
>but i hope it's not
>i know i can get too much sometimes but i hope im not too much
>>we love you
>i love you guys too uuueeeh
>be as clingy as you want
>dont worry, im very clingy... i've admitted it multiple times
>i really hope that you guys are doing well
>i always think about you guys and i hope you always have a good day
>and if youre not having a good day im spiritually patting you on the head
>i really hope that you guys are doing well always i think about you guys a lot
>i always think about what you guys are doing
>i hope that doesnt come off as weird or creepy or anything like that tho
>>essie spittin
>i really hope you guys are doing well i but i dont know how to say it but it's really what i think i really hope you guys are doing the best
>i feel im so happy because i met you guys
>im not going to lie i feel as a person ive always been pretty lonely haha
>i think ive been lonely for like a big aamount of my life and honestly vtubing as well has been pretty lonely to me
>i do have acquaintances in vtubing
>and i do have one friend in vtubing but other than that it's kinda lonely
>the fact that i have you guys it's really helped me to keep pushing on so i really appreciate that you guys have been with me this entire time
>thank you so much you guys have really motivated me so much
>and you know that the fact that im celebrating this college graduation with you guys this is honestly a toast with you guys too becasue you guys have really helped me better myself too because i have done a lot to be able to stream for you guys too
>i would study on exams just to be able to see you guys

>i always hope

>> No.76566608

Guy I'm gonna cry I fucking love this sheep

>> No.76566663

>I want to eat you guys, okay?

>> No.76566832
File: 814 KB, 1143x754, whatchulookinat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute brat

>> No.76566971

>i want to become one
damn, she's not even drunk, just honest

>> No.76567010

Fuck man my heart is turning to mush

>> No.76567024

>Many times she felt like quitting
She's such a good girl I'm glad she's found happiness like this

>> No.76567118

I love how you can hear the smile in essie's voice

>> No.76567139

She's breaking out the 3dio!

>> No.76567150

>what if i actually got my 3dio?
okay then

>> No.76567437
File: 9 KB, 284x160, skin to skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ways she just undresses like its nothing and the screen looks like this

>> No.76567763

>it may be a bit selfish but i hope you think about me when you go to be and maybe even have a dream about me
>i dream about you a lot too

>> No.76567766

She's not even drunk right now she's just going all out it's over for me

>> No.76567805

bro cant you wait like a minute after stream for the DM wtf man

>> No.76567839

Who sent that dm I'll skin them

>> No.76567873

>i dont want to say goodbye but i should

>> No.76567964

I'm killing myself.

>> No.76568085
File: 243 KB, 422x336, 1716624448637788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tarkov sheepy's playing world of warships with a fren!

>> No.76568208

This is legitimately the first time I've ever experienced something like this from a girl. I didn't realize just how good it would feel, I didn't realize until now just how much I needed this. I'm at a loss for words; I just feel so sappy and mushy and it feels so good. Man.

>> No.76568407

yeah man
feels good to be loved

>> No.76568421

to the anon (or anons) who transcribes what's going down in streams: thank you so much, your oshi is very cute

>> No.76568680
File: 88 KB, 1523x1790, GMTxROTWQAAQD7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight baachis and goodnight Essie

>> No.76568967


>> No.76569331
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about how she started streaming to be able to do music stuff
>and here she is now building gunpla

>> No.76569446
File: 17 KB, 284x160, what do you mean context.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76570106
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is where the build is at
>gonna do singies for a bit now

>> No.76570140

lookin' sharp

>> No.76571170

>rare yuuho acapella, 5minutes ago
until the ukulele kicks in a couple minutes into the song

>> No.76571256

>seepmum dragged me on vacation from today till Sunday… she wouldn’t take no for an answer LOL
this is fine i got kissed at the end of the last stream i am satisfied for at least two more weeks

>> No.76571330 [SPOILER] 
File: 526 KB, 536x418, a normal cute girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>76524127 >>76566663 >>76566971
3:33 on screen time

>not gonna lie, i feel like the 1 year anniversary 24h stream kinda changed my brain chemistry *laughs*
>after i did that stream i was like man... i want to stream all the time, i want to hang out with you guys all the time
>and i feel that my addiction to streaming has jus been getting intenser and intenser
>i want to hang out with you guys all the time but obviously i cant just deliver streams i need to do more than just want
>i need to do more than just that

>dude, it's like 30minutes left to 12 hours and it felt so short
>seriously, from the bottom of my hear...
>im gonna be a little bit sappy okay, listen to my sappiness... this is the only time im going to-
>let me finish my drink before i get very sappy

>but i really do mean it when i say im really grateful for you guys and from the bottom of my heart... i mean, this is kinda cringe but... UWAWAW ...i really do, love you guys
>i really do love you guys, seriously

>i feel like im not very talented... i cant draw, im very bad at singing, you know, im not very engaging as a person, i feel like my charm is very bad
>im not very appealing as a person
>and i feel like honestly... you know, throughout my life i always assumed, you know... i would be like-
>there was a point in my life, especially right before i started streaming where i kind of accepted i would always be lonely *nervous laughter*
>it was always really hard to fin people that would actually pay attention to me and would actually give me the time of the day
>but the fact that i have you guys, it has really changed by life for the better...
>like, my confidence has grown so much
>i feel genuinely happy for the first in so many years
>im like, actually- im genuinely so grateful for you all, like, seriously
>i know it's kinda lame because im noe like- there's so much of me that's kinda lame, im not very talented, im not very groundbreaking, i dont have like a group of people i that i can always collab with and stuff like that so im not exactly excited in that point either
>so i'm just me and that's it
>but i don't know... i feel like i've been given so much more than i... really... deserve...
>you know what i mean? i know that imposter syndrome is a big thing but i feel like i've really been given so much more than i deserve
>so thank you so much again, i really appreciate it
>you guys are seriously the kindest people ever and i', so happy that i've been able to meet you in this life time *nervous giggle* im really happy that i have been born in this live time to meet you
>and you know, i hope that you guys are always doing well

>thank you so much, seriously
>i feel you guys have really changed my life and streaming has really changed my life
>i know i havent done anything really epic the past two years but hopefully that will be able to change now

>just so you know you really have made an impact, i know that sometimes people can really feellke they dont matter but just know that you really have made an impact in my life
>and even if you are a lurker and stuff too, i really do mean it when i say i think or all of mt baachis and i hope you're okay
>i hope you are all doing well and you know, i really hope the best for all of you, you guys are so awesome and so kind
>and i really hope you guys are doing well because you know... i dunno...
>i know its kind of nasty and people feel kind of bleh at being being parasocial or whatever
>but i dont really care, whatever, yes i am parasocial and yes i am very attached but i dont give a F whatever i dont care *laughs* even if it's gross, even if it's weird even if that creeps people out, i dont care, you just have to deal with it im sorry *laughs*

>i mean it to everybody
>thank you for showing me support
>i feel like i need to do so much more
>>we embrace it
>im very thankful to know you all
>thank you so much, seriously from the bottom of my heart

>i love allllll of you guys individually and i want you to do sooo well and im just saying if you feel a little discourage or whatever, just know that i am thinking about you and i am cheering you on, okay?

>i hope i do not freak people out with the chu-chus either
>>nevermind the fact that she wants to run experiments on baachis' brains
>when i, when i, when i want to bonk you guys over the head with hammers and mallets and i want to rip into you, it's a form of affection okay?
>i want to eat you guys okay?
>i want to eat you guys and i want to consume you guys and i want to make you a part of my body but it's all affection... you know what i mean? you get what i mean?
>we wanting to be a part of you is very affectionate okay?
>i want to become one *awkward laugh*
>it's very affectionate okay?
>i think it is cuteness aggression
>i feel i want to pet you guys and chu-chu you guys the same way i chu-chu my cat

yeah, same
would lovingly rip and tear you apart to consume every last bit of your flesh and gnaw on all your bones, Essie

>> No.76572088
File: 1.36 MB, 1032x1421, yesn't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76572357
File: 251 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's back to gunpla and im back to bed

>> No.76572438

rest welll shagger o/

>> No.76575069
File: 478 KB, 570x660, GetUp[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftshyd7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76575683

NEUN RK Music Newcomer Debut...New Vsinging Sheep?

>> No.76576523
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, rockersheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winged onigiri oshi mark?
cute little horn placement and shape +1
horn accessories +2 (there are two)
gradient lock +1
cute 3d +1
late to the heterochromia -1
lacks a contrasting highlight color, could have been the eyes for piercing idol power -1

>> No.76576829
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing she's a vsinger?

>> No.76577277
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, naruhowings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare wing-ed sheep

>> No.76578565
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, fluffyfrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the starting screen was really cute too

>> No.76580323
File: 75 KB, 256x256, speen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76581893

Para will play Kenshi today.
Cannot wait.

>> No.76581900

please live
people actually care here

>> No.76582451

It's me, I'm people
I care /wool/

>> No.76582499

I feel like I'm cheating on my oshi when I listen to essie's affection, but it feels so good...

>> No.76582569

bump limit -8
going to have to bake anyway before the day gets started

>> No.76582626

it's ok to be a whore if you admit it

>> No.76582976
File: 901 KB, 1788x1161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76584964

dont worry i'll bake
just hunting for a thing

>> No.76585419
File: 3.96 MB, 480x996, wRwalaGKE23fLHsU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angel sheepy?
still have this cute nugget to the left, too

>> No.76586115
File: 222 KB, 2048x1152, GNiOHOJaQAANem_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye i was think chuuni datenshi wings were left out of the debut so maybe this one

>> No.76587267

shit fuck i peaced out and went to sleep after the first round of gartic

>> No.76588474

i dig the new creature
couple things were missing from debut imo but she seems lovely

>> No.76589104

essie love
pixel love

>> No.76590139
File: 145 KB, 673x680, GOTHUUUbEAEWAwI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>76590034 FRESH
>>76590034 THREAD
>>76590034 OVERHERE

>> No.76590141

i'll miss /wool/...
