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76497847 No.76497847 [Reply] [Original]

She saw Doki and Mint following each other on Twitter

>> No.76497908

shut up woman

>> No.76497922

>She saw Doki and Mint following each other on Twitter
Low quality bait

>> No.76497942

Shes only making my dick harder with her menheraness. God she should update her vtuber model with some jirai kirei element. Fucking imagine the suicide threat if i ignore her for 5 minute.

>> No.76497958

It's so fucking funny how every ex nijien is thriving and left the black corpo behind them, while Sayu simply can't stop dramabaiting and making her whole personality being an ex niji.

>> No.76498001

Holy shit Sayu it's time to move on

>> No.76498008

Doki "It's never my faaaaaaaault" bird

>> No.76498017

en rushia

>> No.76498018
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>> No.76498028

Kyos career has gone to shit but you're right about everyone else

>> No.76498042

She explained that she can't.
I give up, I can't fix her. It's time for professionals to do their job. Sayu, get off the internet, seek professional help and come back stronger than ever.

>> No.76498045

I forgot he even existed

>> No.76498049

>sayu is upset due to everybody still ghosting her a year later despite allegedly being "vindicated"
>sisters think this is somehow about Doki and Mint

>> No.76498091

sayu, please just reel it in a bit. you have a good shot at coming out on top in the long run if you just cultivate what you already have. i know it's gotta be tough for your mental situation to receive constant sister death threats and harassment, but this is one of those situations where the best revenge really is just living a good life.

>> No.76498128

Really trying, aren't you?

>> No.76498135
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Sayu will never move on she's going to be bitter about niji until niji it self implodes

>> No.76498144

this is getting annoying
every week she starts seething again

>> No.76498174

Unfortunately, it's not that simple, especially when a whole community is forming out of the people who continue to ignore she exists that she feels she'll never be able to interact with.

And unfortunately, they've proven her right so far. God, at this point I wonder if she should just give up on the vtubing sphere entirely.. She can keep the model and the vtubing thing, but at this point it's probably better to break out of the vtubing shell and start working with more fleshtubers or something. There's a whole community out there for her that doesn't know and doesn't care about Nijisanji.

>> No.76498258

Even then 5 years after niji en blows up she will still probably still act like this

>> No.76498313

Nah. By then she'll have friends and a new circle who will actually support her or she'd leave streaming forever and become a wagie, but I hope not
She really just needs an actual support network right now to lean on.

>> No.76498355

she collabs with phase girls and some vshojos and filian and stuff. it's not like she's being frozen out of the scene or anything. she has her silver play button, which is more than any niji organ can claim. she has things pretty good all things considered.

>> No.76498522
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>> No.76498790

Go through what she did and I guarantee you you'll kill yourself. Just move on from getting hard doxxed, slandered by a multimillion dollar company and betrayed by all of your friends

>> No.76498820

Yes you are. Anything else to add?

>> No.76498851

Mint and Doki went through much worse shit than Sayu, who was just a menhera off her meds for a month and then got a boot. Doki and Mint suffered YEARS of harassment from everyone around them in niji.

>> No.76498876

My advice to both of them is to stay faaaar away from Sayu. She is bad news

>> No.76498934

>Mint and Doki went through much worse shit than Sayu
Lol, lmao even

>> No.76498958

>comparing trauma
actual subhuman behavior, sister.

>> No.76498968
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This bitch is like a broken record player, the same sob story over and over again despite having left kuro over a year ago now

I really hope Mint and Doki dont get pressured into interacting with this walking basketcase.

>> No.76498971

Shit like this is why no ex-niji or their fans want anything to do with sayufags and their oshi. Just full on victim complex Woe is me shit, no self reflection.

>> No.76498997

>grouping them by ex-niji
be less obvious, sister.

>> No.76499027

>no self reflection
Yeah cause that's totally what Mint's been doing, she's shown no regrets at all, at letting her best freind torpedo everyone's lives into the dirt

>> No.76499026

Not an argument

>> No.76499028

Do not look at Quinn's numbers, or his twitter for that matter, he resorted to posting selfies

>> No.76499040

From what the catalog is telling me, this is from some fag in chat, right? Why the fuck aren't her mods tardwrangling chat's ass? They know this shit will happen.

>> No.76499054

Sayu showing once again that she’s the biggest faggot of them all

>> No.76499086

We're talking about the ones who actually had value

>> No.76499152

Mint is not Doki's keeper

>> No.76499174

i was talking about Elira

>> No.76499178

>he doesn't know

>> No.76499184

She didn’t get a free pass on not having to make actual content to be relevant

>> No.76499200

Mint is not Elira's keeper

>> No.76499329
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Nigga there are people who have lost their lives to swatting, or aren't able to move on when doxxed because some kiwi schizos keep following their every move IRL and harassing business or people they interact with. There was a 3view halo streamer from the early days who literally lost his house to an anti committing literal arson and then homeless after getting banned on google.

It is a fucking shame that nijisisters felt the need to harass someone for an unjust firing, but she ended up fine and has a shit ton more support than all the people mentioned above. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.76499342
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>Sisters still wonder why everyone hates them
God, I can't wait until your black company goes down.

>> No.76499449

This bitch is crying about the bed she made herself and now that she’s sleeping in it is a meltdown after the other.
Sayubeggars are fucking obnoxious and their oshi should quit already I bet she’s a BPD bitch. The nasty kind.

>> No.76499469

Isn’t that what you people did with Mysta?

>> No.76499495

Holy projecting sister

>> No.76499534

>you people
Who? Laughing at people just because they are dealing with depression is inhuman, no matter who they are.

>> No.76499566

> Mint and Doki went through much worse shit
When did they get doxxed?
When did they get death threats?
When did subhumans like you harassed them?

This is so obviously a sister argument it's not even funny. Go watch a Niji stream, maybe then they'll be 4 views again

>> No.76499584

how do we save this hag

>> No.76499602

Bitch needs to get off the internet if she wants to move on.

>> No.76499647

By convincing her to help herself somehow. I'm expecting to things go even more downhill after offkai if she doesn't take steps in the right direction.

>> No.76499730

i'm sure being drama whore will help her to move on

joke aside, just stop thinking about niji like doki

>> No.76499842 [DELETED] 

Why do we have three separate threads on the exact same topic on the catalog today? Isn't 1 enough? Do we need three separate threads just to shit on Sayu?

>> No.76499896


>> No.76499905 [DELETED] 

>"just stop thinking about niji like doki"
>Copy and pastes Niji career, subtly shit talks them and shows Nijisanji mascots on stream

>> No.76499915

Sayu may be racially Japanese but she's so Californian in her way of thinking. Only Californian work culture promotes the whole "coworkers are your buddies" thing and she drank that koolaid when she worked for tech companies. She has got to realize that the rest of the world is not like that, especially Japan. People in Japanese companies couldn't give less of a fuck about you if they tried, even if you seemed to be on good terms with them at the time of employment. 99% of the time, people keep their personal and professional lives strictly separate.

>> No.76499946
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The fuck is a sayuseethe?
Did the sisters just steal another gag because they're that incapable of making their own?
Talk about nijiseethe

>> No.76499959

They've been doing this for a while

>> No.76500006

Not an argument :)

>> No.76500016

>When did they get doxxed?
>When did they get death threats?
>When did subhumans like you harassed them?
Is this a joke? Literally all the popular Niji streamers have been doxxed, harassed, and sent death threats. The three who moved on to VShojo have all talked about their experiences with this.

>> No.76500034

How long will that take? I think it's faster for better on NijiEN first

>> No.76500048

>they are not even denying it
Sisters are pathetic.

>> No.76500066

PL is not doxx, retard

>> No.76500086

There's a difference between PL being shown and your fucking legal name, address, and passport pasted under all of your tweets for days

>> No.76500095

Pomu's doxx was a thousand times worse than Sayu's. And what she did? Instead of wallowing in self pity she did a kino karaoke that is still unmatched by others to this day, and kept streaming like normal.

>> No.76500106 [DELETED] 

Vox is literally in hiding because people actually came to harass him in person near his apartment . He's recording in a sound studio

>> No.76500114

Mint has talked about people coming up to her shouting about nijidrama in public, its not just a PL thing.

>> No.76500119

Selen commited to a death threat on herself and is getting tons of support because it it. Lul

>> No.76500133

>Pomu's doxx was a thousand times worse than Sayu's
You are a fucking retard, and I say this as a wisp.

>> No.76500176


>> No.76500180

Kys fillian poster

>> No.76500187


>> No.76500233

Again, you are a fucking retard. Sayu's passport was leaked, sisters sent death threats to her own home, she had to move and people at cons evaded her because they didn't want to be seen with her.

>> No.76500250

The doxx I was referring to wasn’t pl reveal.

>> No.76500309 [DELETED] 

Explain how that's worse than people harassing you near your home

>> No.76500334

Because Sayu also got harassed near her home. This is not a fucking competition.

>> No.76500345

I don't see why nijisisters pretend to be so baffled by feelings of rejection, worthlessness or depression when they feel it everyday.

>> No.76500373

No she didn't lmao

>> No.76500422

Sister, you are a fucking retard. I hope you get doxxed.

>> No.76500472

Okay I'm gonna be real with you, you're very clearly pivoting from shitting on Doki to shitting on Sayu after they followed each other again.

>> No.76500574 [DELETED] 

Proof? Cause Vox talked about being unsafe near his home which is why he's currently in the opposite side of the country using a recording studio and Mint talked about being harassed in person

>> No.76500621

Basically when sisters are feeling down and depressed they go back to their favorite target Sayu.
Then they make 3-5+ threads to bitch and moan about how she should die, while also making sure to call her irrelevant and a nobody despite them keeping a very close eye on her.
Honestly wouldn't surprise me if they're the one who cause the breakdowns by shitting up her chat.

>> No.76500667

Let me speedrun through this, because you are clearly a disingenuous retard
>Watch streams.
>No, I don't care if you don't believe me.

>> No.76500670

Oh another menhera vtuber? How surprising.

>> No.76500708

Hi Enna

>> No.76500713

I can fix her...

>> No.76500748

You Dokifags have no compassion at all you keep forgetting sayu was the original bullied woman whom everyone including the dragoons laughed at when their purple dragon was still part of that shithole corpo.

>> No.76500885

>Sisters shit up catalog with anti threads
>W-why would Dokifags do this?!

>> No.76500921

>B-but Doki fans
Sister you tried this already months ago get a better tactic

>> No.76501006

It is kinda funny watching a whole bunch of posts get nuked at once by mods. They don't exactly hide the samefagging very well.

>> No.76501017

I empathized with what she went through but this woman is fucking insufferable
Stop. It's time to STOP. Holy fucking shit
Quickly becoming one of my least favorite non-niji's in existence

>> No.76501025

The fact you call me a sister even after I just called a niji a shithole company proves me right dragoon. Be better for your oshi sake.

>> No.76501112

>Thinks dragoons are the ones making these threads
Come on now at least pretend to have a brain

>> No.76501122

>I called niji shit
>therefore I am exempt of being called anything
No, fuck off sister, you fool no one.

>> No.76501152 [DELETED] 

I accept your cucksession

>> No.76501179

>So many bait threads
Sisters are really got ass blast huh

>> No.76501196

Sayu spent like one fucking month in the company and she's acting like she made the deepest bonds ever. It's so fucking weird. She really acts like she's owed the world. This dumb shit truly cemented her whole personality as "The ex-Niji". It's so fucking pathetic looking.

>> No.76501248
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Okay dokizhang since you wanna go there when are you going talk about doki kneeling to ccp and participating on that bili bili apex tourney? Or does selling out to the ccp only applies to Nijisanji?

>> No.76501266

i would simply have not gotten fired during my probationary period at work

>> No.76501294

The more she makes a big deal out of this the harder she's making for everyone else to have any sort of public interaction with her without drawing tons of unwanted dramafag attention. Her order of business should be to lay low until the dramafags stop caring about her, then reach out privately to the people she wants to get back on good terms with and make things right with them personally and privately and only then start having any sort of public interactions and collabs with them. The more she keeps having public melties the more of a toxic commodity she's going to become.

>> No.76501304

I didn't call YOU a sister. I called the OP one. But since you have pagpag levels of reading comprehension and became immediately defensive...

>> No.76501357

Stop deflecting faggot you aren't about to make excuses for your nonsense shortly after attacking me.

>> No.76501402
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>> No.76501429

>I would choose not to get fired despite my employer throwing me under the bus
Are you retarded?

>> No.76501437

>OP is called a sister
>defensively reacts
>wonders why they are getting called a sister
only deflection going on is from you here honey

>> No.76501452

It's too late at this point. She's way too much of a liability to have as a friend. She is not mentally sound.

>> No.76501491

Not that guy but bro he clearly wasn't attacking you, calm your ass.

>> No.76501505

Yeah that's the thing, she's simply not mentally stable enough and everyone around her is probably afraid she's going to somehow damage their image too whenever she has her next melty, and understandably so.

>> No.76501642

>doki speaks canto
>doki only knows basic writing in traditional
>mainlanders make videos burning selen merch
yeah I don't think she's selling out to any ccp. hong kong? taiwan? now that's more likely

>> No.76501671

Have they tried not ostracizing?

>> No.76501720

Critical thinking isn't their strong suit be patient with them

>> No.76501746
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>this is how cuckgoons cope

>> No.76501753

Why do they have to be friends?

>> No.76501786

Have Sayu tried? Because all I ever see from her is whining that others aren't reaching to her.

>> No.76501797

concession accepted honey try again later

>> No.76501838

even her defenders can't gloss over the fact that even if a lot of her fuckups were minor, she still kept fucking up frequently after debuting
being so blithe about it reflects poorly on her
if she weren't taking the gig for granted, she'd have tried harder to keep her head down and not rack up infractions

>> No.76501888

Yes, a lot.
Half of the meltdown is about how even people that have publicly "thanked" her for helping them with the document, whistleblowing, whatever have completely ghosted her.

>> No.76502000

>trusting dramafags
That's on her lmao

>> No.76502291
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I hope Sayu finds the strength to move on from the negativity, and to focus on being a good entertainer for her fans first and foremost. As long as she's stuck in the past, she won't be able to make significant connections in the community - she'll remain a tragic figure people pity from afar because getting too close would be uncomfortable.

>> No.76502902

lmfao, only if you're a thin skinned piece of shit. literally walk away from the keyboard you stupid motherfucker. "muh cyber bullying" KWAFB

>> No.76504243

>for her fans first and foremost
The people baiting her are her fans. Half her fanbase is vultures circling for drama.

>> No.76504388

If I saw someone getting universal acceptance and praise for confirming something that got me dragged and shunned I'd probably be looking for a clocktower with a good view.

>> No.76504406

I mean, the fact is Sayu wasn't in NijiEN long enough to really build any rapport with any of the other livers, including Pomu and Selen so of course they're not going to immediately group up with her post-Niji career.

>> No.76504420

It's even worse when half the people giving that universal praise were people you thought were your friends... and they're STILL pretending you don't exist.

>> No.76504617

Mint had CP of her from years ago posted, sorry but I think that's worse.

>> No.76504719

This. A Sayu who is not painting herself as a victim and trying to cast a bad light on others is someone who is no longer interesting to them. The drama aspect is the main selling point for her dramafag and saviorfag audience.

>> No.76504742

Kyo who?

>> No.76504934

idk either, some fag that came after luxiem i guess

>> No.76504976
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>> No.76505062
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fake and gay sister

>> No.76505295

So yeah, it's time for therapy

>> No.76505379

That means changing herself for the better would also improve the makeup of her fanbase, so it's another upside.

>> No.76505479

If you wish you could move on go to therapy, meet new people, try to find new things to do. You have the fortune of being bigger than 95+ percent of vtubers, there's no point in giving up.

>> No.76505622
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Man I love bpd women. It's like the hottest trait a woman can have.

>> No.76505724

If there are any sayufags still in this thread, what actually caused the issue this time? I thought things are going well for her, like the Offkai thing.

>> No.76505755

im sorry, but she is literally PRO rape, think about it....

>> No.76505781

>10 new threads about sayu
If you're this obsessed with her why not turn it into something more positive, like becoming a fan artist or clipper?

>> No.76505870

Speaking of Offkai. Will she try to approach and meet people who don't want to see her? How bad will it end?

>> No.76505887

she oneguyed on YouTube and discord about some tuber that got sue for modding and rant
That it

>> No.76505988

Sister are retarded please understand they just camping sayu nowadays heck they can't even be an ass to watch their oshi

>> No.76506008

>She's frustrated that she's STILL effectively exiled from everybody, despite being "vindicated"
>people who were friends with her who shunned her after the termination are now still shunning her now after flocking to support the other ex-nijis
>said people have even gone out to publicly tweet or "show support" by saying how much zaion's documents, whistleblows, etc. helped them, but refuse to actually show any support to Sayu herself, and still actively ghost her if she tries to reach out, while claiming how much she "helped" them in public.
>those people are now all forming their own communities around the ex-nijis and explicitly leaving her out as she doesn't get the benefit of meeting anybody fresh anymore, as everybody knows her and avoids her like the plague, lest they feel the wrath of Niji or get attacked by the sisters.

>> No.76506070

delete your accounts turn the fucking computer off go outside and get a real job

>> No.76506108

She got oneguy'd (technically twoguy'd but the other guy was smart enough to shut up). The oneguy in question wouldn't shut up about some bullshit involving Warner Bros, modding and other VTubers. She ends up going on a tangent, which led to her depression spiraling until she ended stream.

>> No.76506243

Was she particularly social before Niji? I thought she just played gacha games by herself for 8 hours at a time.

>> No.76506275

Like a month before Pomu quit she literally said she would never leave Nijisanji and that she loved it there. Mint is a fucking grifter you retard simp.

>> No.76506365

Holy shit, Mint has her own seething antis now.
Well, okay, she always had them, but they were usually better hidden than this.

>> No.76506373

You pushed her to the edge. Next thing you knew, Sayu committed suicide.

>> No.76506390

Proof next thread right retarded sayutard?

>> No.76506480

She was as much a networker as doki and matara currently are before joining niji, part of me thinks she didn't enjoy that all that much

>> No.76506492

God this bitch is literally me
Never forgive them they're all living happily and left you behind
Everyone will do it the only people who'll like you are sucking up nothing is gonna make this better

Jokes aside hope she moves on and appreciates better what she has instead of crying about what she lost!

>> No.76506504

I know being terminally online is a common condition for vtubers, but Jesus this girl needs to get some distance from social media before it completely rots her brain out.

>> No.76506514

twitter doesn't show results from locked accounts

>> No.76506531
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Yeah, she still has it pretty good and her future outlook is better than ever. When depression brain tells her she doesn't have anything, it's feeding her lies. She needs to stay with her community and keep growing past her traumas. Hopefully it will one day all fit together, and her head will finally accept that she is loved and supported by the community; her community, the community that walked through hell with her and supported her all along the way.

>> No.76506922

They're probably the types to violently repress those thoughts and lash out whenever others express similar thoughts unless if they can get something out of it like clout

>> No.76506948

Trying to tard wrangle a bunch of indies sounds really hard. Makes me wonder how Fillian does it.

>> No.76506970

selen did go through worse than sayu yes. dunno about pomu. i know it's you sayu just stop. time to detox for a few years. go work as a lumberjack or something

>> No.76507044

She needs to understand that her community isn't her therapist. Traumadumping on it isn't good, a lot of people have their own plate of shit to deal with, this is only going to drive away the ones who don't want to see any sheer negativity from a streamer.

>> No.76507068


>> No.76507100

i genuinely don't understand why she still wishes she was friends with these evidently horrible people? what is wrong with this fucking woman? jesus christ

>> No.76507131

I'm a tourist here and I don't care about all the drama, I'm just waiting for sayu to masturbate on stream. She alread has a fansly and her mental is gone. The moment is close and I'll be there to witness it

>> No.76507132

Sayu herself is a horrible person so she naturally wants to be in the same social circle as other horrible people.

>> No.76507142

Get fucked Sayu, never mess with NijiGODS

>> No.76507149

>dunno about Pomu
See >>76504617

>> No.76507161
File: 81 KB, 803x711, 1712943585608117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sayu says she doesn't keep up with drama
>despite being the personal cocksleeve of false, depressed pagpag and parrot
>immediately throws herself into drama against niggerji
>knows the exact moment doki and mint followed each other
Lying prostitute kek

>> No.76507170

Not all heroes get the recognition they deserve, and for some, it can take years or even generations before their accomplishments are recognized for what they are.

>> No.76507212


>> No.76507221

Mind you jannies let the thread stay up for 4 hours they should all be castrated

>> No.76507292

wasn't sayu literally in this company for literally like 2 months? fucking move on good lord we've all had dogshit bosses

>> No.76507411

she's such a selfish fucking narcissistic bitch it's unreal. if she tries fucking things up for doki and mint i hope she gets ousted from this community forever.

>> No.76507421
File: 29 KB, 557x472, 1713583495897216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need for approval taken to a toxic degree due to a lack of self worth. You see it in abusive relationships all the time.

>> No.76507441

I like you, Sayu, and I agree that you've had it rougher and didn't get nearly as much support as you deserved. But come on. Doki and Mint had/have a special relationship. You never interacted much with either. Don't take this personal. If you want recognition, don't do it just for recognition's sake. If you feel like collabing with either, make efforts to set something up, but as difficult as it might be, don't put your feelings about the past over your current needs.

>> No.76507480

She's literally already there. You have nothing to threaten her with.

>> No.76507488

She's just sad that she had peers and blew it, and nobody wants to be associated with her despite her being vindicated

>> No.76507498

nah i would be happy as fuck. i already don't have friends, getting paid thousands of dollars a month to play video games while remaining friendless sounds awesome.

>> No.76507559

Sayufags can see their oshi act like a lolcow for the dozenth time and think "heh, what happened to the Nijisisters THIS time?" Like holy shit this is unironically a worse meltdown than any of the retards in Niji have ever had

>> No.76507612

The current bait threads attacking Sayu for having depression are a good reminder of what kind of people are the sisters. Never forget that.

>> No.76507666


Timestamps for this stream.
Some povertybaiting to start
>You're the one making all the money
>not much lately
0:31:55, 3:20:43
>diego became popular because of me
>Enna explaining she set Diego up with his whole career
>He was just a random guy working a shitty job, until Enna found him and set him up with a lucrative career.
>Diego is a product of Enna's nepotism
Diego brings up Covid. Enna immediately shies away from the topic.
>Enna calls her fans pussy-deprived
>"Do you need dick?"
Enna's highly sexual "banter" with Diego
>"You're probably one of the only people I talk to every other day"
>Diego is single
0:56:35, 2:07:50, 2:10:00
>Diego's dad is Mexican, he is not really French
>Enna mocks one of her members
>she says her membership content sucks and doesn't know why anyone would buy it
>Enna and Diego talking about their IRL meetup
>Enna ate all his chips, tee tee so romantic
>Diego's racism story.
>"go back to your country you yellow fucker"
This starts a long talk about race.
>"There's a lot of asian ancestry in Mexican blood"
>sometimes I do think you look asian
>she couldn't find him in Japan when he was right in front of her....thus proving how asian he looks
>2:09:07 No actually mexicans statistically like, have a lot of asian ancestry
>2:09:20 Enna wants to do a DNA test with Diego on a future stream
>"we might even find out you have some irish blood"
>2:10:42 Enna would be traumatized if Diego had any Chinese ancestry because "then he'd be like, my long lost brother". Which is...for some reason a dealbreaker for her
>Enna gushing about how nice Diego is, tee tee
>Enna invites Diego over for a homecooked meal
>Some of the members of my chat are absolute bitches, Enna doesn't consider them real fans
>Diego thinks it's funny that some people in her chat could be insulted by that
possible graduation baiting
>It make sense that Niji is a streaming company, so my focus should be streaming
>but lowkey I just want time to work on projects and stuff
>Diego: "It'll be easier for you...in the near future...and stuff"
>3:27:22 "I am not, like, a sustainable streamer, I will be gone"
>"I don't even want to reach 1 million subs"
coping hard
>Diego went to an onsen with Enna
>He was naked under the robe and Enna mocked him for it
>the thickness of the yukata's was like...1 ply toilet paper. It was so thin
>"He was raw dogging the yukata"
>Enna posting diego's channel in chat
>shilling him heavily telling everyone to subscribe
Why is Enna allowed to openly promote her PL friend like this?
Enna's rant is sounding very anti-capitalist. Coming from one of the most privileged people on earth who is adapted for a super privileged living standard. Who, in fact, lies to her chat to bait donations out of them.
>Enna ranting about global warming
3:48:30, 4:29:40
>Enna is planning to bring Diego back frequently for future streams

This entire stream was a disaster. The format was intended to show off her close relationship with Diego and all of the questions were prompted by female shippers looking for crumbs. Diego kept bringing up extremely undesirable political topics. Also, bro she went to an onsen with him and he was naked there. Imagine if this was your oshi and you heard this story.

Enna's chat is pussy deprived:

Enna's racial rant about mexicans:

Enna doesn't even want 1 million subs:

Diego was naked at the onsen with Enna:

>> No.76507772

>Diego was naked at the onsen with Enna:
false info. this man is a liar

>> No.76507782

No one cares about your whore ennacuck

>> No.76507824

disclaimer not a sister and just woke up to all the bait threads and spent a while figuring out why:
sayu NEEDS to stop talking about this shit. I knew nothing about niji and felt sympathy towards her when I first learned about her when the doki stuff came out but I have a negative opinion now because she keeps fucking being baited or bringing it up while live. also she made some backhanded comments about vshojo when it was so unnecessary right after a collab with zen. if she's going to have the attitude where she shittalks a group and calls a person she was with "one of the good ones" she's going to be ostracized and it's entirely her fault, being unable to accept that friend groups within orgs can exist without toxicity and being rude for no reason is what cemented my opinion of her

>> No.76507828

True, and as someone who has become that hateful from time to time I can see it for what it is. It is pathetic childish behavior.

>> No.76507835

>"I don't even want to reach 1 million subs"

>> No.76507838

No one is attacking her for having depression. It's specifically roping other people into her negativity.

>> No.76507887

>bilibili apex tourney
Nijisissy if you're gonna bait, you should at least know what you're talking about lmao

>> No.76507891

>No one is attacking her for having depression.
That's bullshit and you know it, so fuck off.

>> No.76507951

She needs professional help and I hope she gets it. She is not going to get better until she figures out how to move on.

>> No.76507962

How fun is it that mint and doki are still friends despite you making bait threads about thwm hating each other, nijisis?

>> No.76507965

Sayu just seems to be a person that wants what she just can’t have. It just isn’t enough to be happy with what she has and what she built for herself, or the genuine connections she made along the way, she wants to be friends with Doki and Mint and other Nijis. This is despite the fact that most of the friendships made in Nijisanji were superficial as she admits.
I understand that she feels like she was treated poorly by Nijisanji, because she was. But this is something she should consider talking to a therapist about because this is unhealthy. If Doki or Mint aren’t interested then she should not take that as a measure of her own self worth as a person, it’s just that they aren’t interested.

Based Ennaschizo

>> No.76508003

>backstab a friend that confided in you
>risk your company by fucking with copyrighted content
>be a pedo

>surprised people don't like you

>> No.76508016

>not a sister
>spouts word for word the sister narrative

>> No.76508025

>if i ignore her for 5 minute.

>> No.76508115
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1708776918945622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, you only have to take a look at the catalog to tell how much the sisters are seething just because Doki and Mint are friends

>> No.76508159

>Six gorillion Sayu threads
/vt/'s favourite lolcow apparently

>> No.76508203

is claiming literally every negative thing about sayu copium because she has some genuine flaws that people don't like which is why other vtubers are avoiding her?
she's not going to get another collab with anyone from vshojo because she called them a clique with all the baggage that comes from that word in the vtuber community and there was zero reason to. that's entirely on her, not some shit a sister made up to badmouth her

>> No.76508219

be stuck in a house for one for a few weeks then kek

>> No.76508226

And I'd like to quickly add that this isn't directed towards anons who are bothered by her thoughts dragging others down. There's justification in there. I'm talking about the people straight up spreading hate towards her for expressing any sort of grief over what happened or mad because she isn't pulling herself up by the bootstraps and getting over it.

>> No.76508317

As someone who suffers from Bipolar disorder (not saying Sayu does, just making the point that I have experience dealing with major depressive episodes) when I eventually managed to sort myself out in my early 20s and stopped blaming others for things I'd imagined they'd done to me, managed to stop misinterpreting everything as a slight against me or evidence that people hated me, and stopped raging about how unfair life is I started to get my life back on track. Sayu clearly isn't at this point and she needs to find decent mental health care (I realise though that she's a burger so this might be easier said than done). She needs to do this because things are only going to continue to spiral and a lot of sincronknights making excuses for her isn't helping either - I understand a lot of you mean well but it'll make her worse.

>> No.76508345

Sis, she already called them a clique a year before when she returned to streaming.

>> No.76508410

learn to read pakichan

>> No.76508497

don't project yourself like that just because you're this disingenuously wrong

>> No.76508517

It's particularly grotesque because sayu isn't attacking anyone, she just wants to be left and alone and make friends. Imagine attacking someone like that just because you think you are part of some kind of war. This place is just trash.

>> No.76508521

I don't give a fuck? what pissed me off was that she was so disrespectful after a collab

>> No.76508530

>because she keeps fucking being baited or bringing it up while live
You claim that as if you watched her streams. But if you watched her streams you would know that isn't true.
You're clearly a sister.

>> No.76508537

post pits pakichan

>> No.76508540

The difference is she isn't entirely imagining what they did to her because they did do a lot to her and have slighted against her on many occasions. Her having (presumably) BPD is just making the fact that it wasn't all in her head that much worse

>> No.76508556

pits tits

>> No.76508568

you're right, I don't watch her because I don't watch people I'm not a fan of. but it's kind of a weird claim to make because usually, if there's a clip of somebody saying something, it means they were live when they said it

>> No.76508614

It's comical, isn't it?

>> No.76508635

I think she understands this, but was caught up in her depression spiral. Part of depression spirals is you excessively focus on the negatives and ignore the positives of any situation. That's something I learned during therapy and after that I caught myself talking shit to myself so many times in so many stupid ways. I wish people don't take what she says during events like this as such defining statements on her character. She does want connections but she also previously said, in a much more clear state of mind, that she doesn't want to pressure them and knows that they never had much to do with each other while she worked with them.

>> No.76508645

>watch my genshin impact streamer
no lol

>> No.76508651

Yes she said those things but what you claimed isn't true. She streams often, she can stream for more than 10 hours at a time and won't say a single thing about drama.
She doesn't get baited. She ignores those comments all the time. Hwoever when they happen hundreds, thousands of times and she continues to be harassed for more than a year already, to this day, sometimes she feels the need to speak up about what's weighing on her heart. It's maybe 1% of her content.

>> No.76508941
File: 35 KB, 570x259, depressed nousagi fucked sayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sayu sells herself for money
>Sayu gave DN a "night of fun" after he defended her career
Kek homie got that pussy

>> No.76508942


>> No.76509109

we'ren't dokifags on her side? how does this retard manage to burn the bridge and piss off every fanbase that tries to give her the benefit of doubt?

>> No.76509117

I never said that she's constantly talking about it? it's just that it keeps happening, her ratio of talking about this shit to not I'm sure is massive but that doesn't negate when it does occur
look, I'm a mouse watcher and she does tend to get one-guy'd fairly easily but she has hard limits on what she'll be one-guy'd by. sayu needs to take a break until she's able to do that, I get that it's insanely difficult to handle the shit thrown at her and people are such assholes to her but again, looking at her comments about vsj her history is giving her an attitude that's causing her to self-sabotage future acquaintances that could potentially turn into friendships
also the stuff she recently talked about aren't things that should have been said unless she was in a mentally healthy state and was ready to talk about it, to me it sounds like she in fact was not ready and those are some very vulnerable things to discuss without prep. it's concerning and scary to see people bring up very deep topics while they're not 100% stable and it makes me think that she's not in a safe space mentally to stream. I don't judge her at all for what she actually talked about because I'm not an asshole and it's nothing to be ashamed for but it's still concerning that it was discussed in that context

>> No.76509302

she literally went on a schizo rant after getting to collab with a member of the agency she wanted to join and then got mad when said agency did not want her in for shit talking them, i genuinely wonder if she self-sabotages on purpose

>> No.76509427

I think the problem is that despite many in the public sphere talking a big game about mental health most people who haven't dealt with it aren't actually willing to put up with people who suffer from certain issues. I've experienced it myself - people who would try to help for the first week or so of a depressive episode but after that it quickly becomes an attitude of "why aren't you better yet?" This is probably the case with most vtubers - they're unwilling to deal with others who have chronic mental health conditions on the whole, and it'll inevitably result in others avoiding her sadly.

>> No.76509448

It's incredible how much niji managed to destroy her reputation. Despite her being first indication of how fucked the company is and most of it later being confirmed with Doki, people still like to blame Sayu.

>> No.76509551

I can't speak for other dragoons and I don't watch Sayu but I still have a lot of sympathy for her. I mostly just feel frustration to be honest - I wish she'd get proper help. She hasn't "pissed me off"

>> No.76509588

>vt lolcow acts like a lolcow
>anons laugh at them

she's not special just because you like her

>> No.76509698

i wanted her and doki to collab so they could help each other heal but at this point sayu's only interested in getting validation, not even taking account doki's feeling plus getting mad at her for following mint is weird as fuck

>> No.76509742

>plus getting mad at her for following mint is weird as fuck
Sisters are really trying to push this rrat, uh

>> No.76509767

But how does this affect you personally?

>> No.76509808

It hurts me because I care about Sayu and I want to see her succeed

>> No.76509864

Whatever Sayu goes through, I hope that one day she can recover from it. I know it’ll take time, but that’s what makes her moments of lucidity that much worse, when she goes astray.

>> No.76509928

Niji destroyed it but she's definitely not helping build it back up. It comes off as neglectful to the people in Phase and Idol who welcomed her back.

>> No.76510391

Because it didn't fucking happen you SEAfaggot bitch. Go eat your pagpag and go to bed.

>> No.76510475

I don't think people in Phase or Idol care. They've been dealing with all kinds of retards everyday.

>> No.76510574

Welcome to depression spiraling, Anon. It's an ugly thing, especially when people go out of their way to try and make it worse. Like the sisters spamming these bait threads for example.

>> No.76511133

Sayu please don't hurt yourself

>> No.76511383

I don’t get it. She says she doesn’t care about them because she was never close to them but she’s having a menhera breakdown because 2 of her ex coworkers, who she said she wasn’t close with, followed each other on twitter? The fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.76511517

They are happy while she is not

>> No.76511543

Stop trying to push the rrat it's over Doki and Mint, because it's not.

>> No.76511601

When will people realize she is a fucking crazy bitch who is just trying to get your attention? She is a nutcase, a fucking lunatic.

>> No.76511797

My thoughts on this are that I think Sayu is just fearful that she blew her life away, in which some regards maybe she has and maybe she hasn't. She may have because of her actions that resembled something irreconcilable, or maybe that's how she sees it because she's perhaps fearful of trying again herself? It takes a lot of bravery to ask for closure with others, and if she can't seek it nor acquire it, then she will understandably be hurt, yet have to realize that not everything is her fault. She was a toxic person then and does not have to be anymore if through her actions they indicate so. But in the end she has a very successful career that's right in front of her so she can't exactly dismiss that as she does have support. For an indie Sayu enjoys very good viewership and broad support that puts her in the top percentile for sure, that's the gift that she was given and that's the gift she should be thankful for. I advise that Sayu now use this gift to exhibit her very best self to the world and especially towards herself. If she's able to do this consistently, then maybe she has the potential to unlock and reconcile once and for all. Take care of yourself, Sayu.

>> No.76511819

>Attention whore attention whores
And water is wet.

>> No.76511868

She doesn't understand that maybe she's just annoying, and posts like these don't help.

>> No.76511876

At this point I feel this is the way it's going to end. Nothing makes her happy. Instead of focusing on her growth and her stream, her short ass time on Niji is the only thing she thinks about lmao

>> No.76511894

You did.
You said
>she keeps fucking being baited or bringing it up while live
That's not true.

>> No.76511906

Hey, it worked for Doki

>> No.76511909

at Niji (me)

>> No.76511915

that wasn't actually cp, she just lied about her age. she's a lot older than she pretends to be.

>> No.76511959

Mind telling us what it is then? Because this outburst only happened after people found out they were following each other and it got posted /here/, which we know Sayu frequents.

>> No.76512008

>can't tell it's a shitty mspaint job

>> No.76512072

She doesn't look underage there at all.

>> No.76512169

Nope. At the time of the doxx, it was easy to find her linkedin and see her birth date. She was 14 when those pics were posted.

>> No.76512180

on one hand, I agree. on the other, when you put it that way
>I can fix her
you aren't helping my saviorfagging lol

>> No.76512352

Do you actually watch her? Her last stream makes it obvious what it's over.
Bro, just because you're a Mint simp doesn't mean you can rewrite history. The dox was bad for a reason, to the point you can tell it affected her but she had to pretend it didn't happen. Her irl posting literally confirms it.

>> No.76512469

dyrb she put her real age on linkedin?
>mint simp
I don't like jewesses, sorry.

>> No.76512562
File: 69 KB, 228x221, 1706341814701093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the nu/pol/ retard that thinks the "clique" of ex-nijis that want nothing to do with sayu are all jews

>> No.76512569

"keeps happening" is not the same as "happens all the time", I'm sorry if it came across that way

>> No.76512594

>put her real age on linkedin?
...Do you even know what this is? I know SEA folks don't really use it but...

>> No.76512668

>doesn't know what Linkedin is
You have to be at least 18 years old to post on this site

>> No.76512678

Sincroknights swore up and down that when she complained about "missing people" she meant indies she used to be friends with like Cy Yu, and definitely NOT the ex-Nijis.
Yet all it took was some retards in chat namedropping Mint and Doki for her to enter full menhera mode and cry about how she's all alone.
Look how fucking stupid you are, your cope is exposed, never post again.

>> No.76512684

people generally don't lie about information they put on their linkedin because they're supposed to be essentially your work profile, if the info you put there is false it's a fast way for employers to not trust you

>> No.76512769

False will go dark again instead of reporting news that makes Sayu look bad.

>> No.76512895

Stop same fagging

>> No.76512931

of course I know about microshart's job site, I don't think they required you register with an ID to prove your age at the time.
I don't disagree, but still.

>> No.76512932

I get the feeling that some anons who saved those pics are getting a bit worried about what they now have on their hard drive...

>> No.76512988

>everyone who criticizes sayu or her fans is the same person

>> No.76513106

I didn't save it. the reasoning is simple: if she _was_ underage at the time, all sites still hosting those pics would've been seized, like the cow farms lol. the sisters there have also proven beside that she wasn't underage.

>> No.76513153

I used to work on a bar and we have something called "challenge 25" here basically meaning that if someone looks under 25 we have to ask for ID (even though the drinking age is 18). There was one girl I thought was in her early 20s, asked for ID and she just gave me a fake so she was kicked out. I went to pick up my little sister from school a few months later - she was there and my sister knew her - she was 13.

>> No.76513217

>all sites still hosting those pics would've been seized
You are so innocent.

>> No.76513242

They're sheltered (in thought) women and have it easy

>> No.76513309

nope, I know about honeypots and all that shit, but not every site is fed controlled, especially not a small and shitty imageboard run by a bunch of tumb1r feminuts.

>> No.76513382

imagine being a sayufag
you're never good enough for her because she is hang up on friendships she never had instead of focusing on the community that is there for her

>> No.76513501

Of course. Nyfco sisters unironically have it the easiest out of anyone in this god forsaken fandom. They're women, they're sheltered, and they hold unforeseen power over everyone in numbers.

>> No.76513535

I know that feel because I've been there myself

>> No.76513586

Post tits

>> No.76513606

She is the EN version of Miguel Gato

>> No.76513658

That one was her fault all things considered, (the posting bit)

>> No.76513665

So my rrat is that Enna cheated on Kyo with Diego last year and thats why kyo started the proceedings to leave

>> No.76513672

You have a good point

>> No.76513698

Because I'm able to walk in her shoes as I'm literally undergoing what she is right now with my former friend group. The only reason why sisters are jumping on Sayu is because they feel validated playing the role of the victimizer, even when Sayu does not have to play the victim here at all.

>> No.76513702

go back nijicuck

>> No.76513776

>She has got to realize that the rest of the world is not like that, especially Japan.

This is absolutely wrong. Japanese culture actually dictates that you hang out with your coworkers after work, go out for drinks with them, etc. If you don't participate, you are considered an outcast and will probably cause your boss to make your life as miserable as possible to make you quit.

>> No.76513781

Post tits

>> No.76513830

I didn't ask for your opinion, unichud
Believe it or not, not every person in this community is in it for BFE like you are for Vox

>> No.76513862
File: 391 KB, 2048x2048, GOOL8Q0agAApakJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the lowest 3 view in NijisanjiEN makes money, shit even a few ID's here and there have talked about the money they made.
Play games and shut up, but she couldn't do that, she had to lash out like a child and break the rules, then she went full scorched earth and burned the entire house down.
She made so little impact that she's not even included in art with former niji folks, her legacy is just that girl that got terminated in less than a month and fuel for dramafags.
I have no pity for her, this is entirely on her, she deserves this, its karma coming to bite her in the ass.

>> No.76513881


>> No.76513994
File: 268 KB, 1277x1140, Screenshot 2024-05-24 182948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't bring leddit here like a fag and this could be totally an RP but relevant to the discussion.

>> No.76513998

White people age like milk, damn. 14 and looking like a whole ass hag

>> No.76514004

If you don't like 4chan try reddit

>> No.76514084

that sounds pretty sincere to me

>> No.76514221

he even apologized in the discord like a dozen times... the guy he's talking about is a massive autist and a clipwatcher

>> No.76514224

This. She pretty much has all the liggers and small corpos supporting her. These spergouts are only going to make it even less plausible that she ever gets along with ex-nijis.

>> No.76514281

Karma for what?

>> No.76514323

reading shit like this just proves that some people have no real problems in their life

>> No.76514483

is this woman bipolar?

>> No.76514585

I think both are pretty shit actually

>> No.76514617

I just had the epiphany that most vtuber watchers are genuinely autistic with no friends in real life

>> No.76514641

Check the nipples.

>> No.76514670

took you a while

>> No.76514718

I'd call you autistic for calling it an epiphany, but that'd be an insult to all the autists out there as you're clearly smarter than them for actually reaching it in the first place.

>> No.76514741

Most women are

>> No.76514802

NTA but go back

>> No.76514806

Sayu if you're reading this MOVE THE FUCK ON!!! They are not your friends, they'll never be your friends and they won't include you on shit. You got the end of stick which was covered in shit, you got slandered by everyone you knew, hell maybe even finana graduates tomorrow and doki and mint will talk to her PL while you rot, it's possible bit understand you have no bussiness with them anymore, keep doing your content, go jogging, hell start excersizing more insteald of sulking yourself of what could've been, that shit will eat you alive and you won't be able to do shit your entire life.

You suffered, you cried, you saw people getting a way better treatment and getting more recognition + money when they went throught the same shit as you and you barely make a fraction of what they are earning right now, life's unfair and will always be, move on and block every niji related shit.

>> No.76514932

I’d really like to root for Sayu to turn things around, but this is getting very tiring, if you want to get in touch with your old friends and make new ones, having a meltdown when the people you envy do literally anything is not the best way to go about it.

>> No.76514942
File: 133 KB, 438x438, 1691137903768880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu and her orbiters are some of the best PR Nijisanji has, lmao

>> No.76514982

Sayu please move on, fuck doki mint and Matara who fucking cares? There are indies who still like you. Pick better friends.

>> No.76515083

You didn't realize until now? There's male and female autists here.

>> No.76515093

as an indie watcher it's obvious that a lot of vtubers themselves are also on the spectrum, it's easy to spot but also plenty now just straight up say they are because it's been significantly de-stigmatized for women and if there's a part of them they're not good at masking it's better to be up front with their audience as to why they're loud or something

>> No.76515121

Why is she trying so hard to be with Mint and Doki? I don't think she has much, if anything in common with them besides the fact they once worked at the same company

>> No.76515213

Leeching opportunities

>> No.76515260

Doki got a massive BUFF along with Mint, when sayu left she got forgotten and had less viewers than her nijisanji counterpart, she had to grind and slut her feet up to rise her viewership whole the others just graduated and everything landed on their laps.
It's doesn't help that almost every NijiEN is joining Vshojo and she probably got blacklisted since Nijisanji was in really good terms with Vshojo
Sayu's story is one of the most unfair shit that happened in Vtubing, but she can't do anything but move on and forget about niji and ex-nijis

>> No.76515275

She applied to NijiEN under the assumption that she would be able to work with them IIRC. She's probably frustrated at the fact that Doki and Mint just aren't interested, but they also werent even friends while they were at Nijisanji and I dont know if they even share much common interests.

>> No.76515296

She'll never feel emotionally vindicated for what happened to her unless they're all friends like in those cringey fanarts of ex-nijis having fun together. I don't know why she's like this but she is.

>> No.76515333

I told her not to let the corpoganda get to her on twitter

>> No.76515403

Were they even friends when she was in Niji? If not then I don’t know why she’d expect them to suddenly befriend her now, she was just an old coworker that got fired to them.

>> No.76515417

>It's doesn't help that almost every NijiEN is joining Vshojo and she probably got blacklisted since Nijisanji was in really good terms with Vshojo
She has collabed with Vshojo member multiple times, as recently as a month or two ago. And if they were on very good terms I doubt that's the case anymore after absorbing so many of their organs as either members or orbiters.

>> No.76515586

Its "hung up" btw retard.

>> No.76515600

Sayu wasn't in Niji long enough to form a relationship with everyone there. Only her own wave (Xsoleil), her counterpart in Iluna (Maria), and the other Hoyofag in NijiEN (Finana).

>> No.76515610

This >>76515213. She's upset that she isn't getting the support Doki and Mint are. She's desperate to make contact with the ex-Nijis to boost her relevancy since the only talents she has are complaining and dramafagging.

>> No.76515612

This shit's disrespectful to those who do choose to associate themselves with you. Move on, the only reason you want them to accept you is because they have clout, not because you like them.

>> No.76515626

There's a screenshot I could share with you about /b/ specifically (except you get over a month long ban if you do) that explains why /b/ and other imageboards like /cow/ still exist - and why /b/ is one of the only boards that doesn't have open janny applications. The feds do care and they are watching, and to be honest in terms of CP I agree with them.

>> No.76515642

She took a full blunt of niji's black practices and it was a primary reason niji tried to do the same to Doki. Yet, people who shat on her back then are either ignoring her or still shitting on her now.

>> No.76515698

This. If sayu could clean up her act she could probably pass holo auditions like shiori did and have the last laugh. Sayu need to stop letting people grift from her and also stop focusing on niji. She is looking like the western version of Mike every day.

>> No.76515789

Karma for telling the world what it needed to hear

>> No.76515823 [DELETED] 

So Quix is the guy who camps /hlg/ and calls the Holos whores every time someone brings up Mikeneko
lmao KWAB

>> No.76515869

They weren’t. She was friendly with other Nijis like Finana and Kotoka, but never Selen or Pomu. It’s hard to imagine either of them giving her a chance due to how awkward or uncomfortable a meeting like that would be now, as Sayu seemed upset that people with less subs or viewers were able to collab with them like the IdolEN girls or even one girl from V4Mirai and Production Kawaii.
I understand that she really looks up to them as content creators, but it’s just one of those cases where that doesn’t mean they’re all friends. Even despite the fanart, Doki and Mint aren’t friends with all the ex Nijis either.

>> No.76515923

Not anymore with what's going on! She's probably on every major corpo blacklist there is.

>> No.76515990

Feels bad for the guy. Hopefully the message gets relayed to her

>> No.76516000

I know exactly what you're talking about, but even mentioning some of the other places by name will give you a long vacay.

>> No.76516096

I will never not love Maria for actually standing up to management. They wanted the music cover gone but Maria fought for it. They reached a middle ground to just cover up Zaion in the thumbnail but not mess with the actual video

>> No.76516272

Ok, and did soneone force her to take those pictures or did she share them with the internet out of her own volition?
If anything she risked fucking people over by posting her underage porn without telling them her actual age

>> No.76516282
File: 84 KB, 985x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the lowest 3 view in NijisanjiEN makes money
Wow, such money they made. I'm sure the 2% off merch added to SC earnings made them millions.

>> No.76516388

That's a lot of money to earn in 1 week, though

>> No.76516436

>1 week

>> No.76516440

It's probably for closure on her end, an affirmation that she's not the pariah that the black company threw her out as. She's very approval seeking. Ultimately, it won't fully resolve her trauma though. She needs to stop looking to others so much for approval and figure out how to resolve things internally.

>> No.76516453

That's not 1 week. Playboard shows *lifetime* superchats. That's all they got since their channels went active.

>> No.76516482

I for one generally don't blame fourteen year olds for making poor decisions that fourteen year olds tend to make unless the decision seriously harmed somebody else. it also happened before teens posting nudes became a more widespread problem due to smart phones so there was less discussion or warnings about it

>> No.76516494

I honestly feel bad for this guy. He was a retard, but Sayu has been feeling like shit for a while, and he had the worst timing possible. It was just unfortunate.

>> No.76516547

>a child should be blamed for posting nude pictures of herself and pedos saving it
What is this mental illness?

>> No.76516576

>What is this mental illness?
We call it "nijisister"

>> No.76516685

Acting like someone's public nudes coming to light is worse than getting their passport and address leaked is what I call mental illness

>> No.76516737

do sayucucks really?

>> No.76516782

You tell me how bad can a parent's child has been raised to take fucking nudes of herself? mind you she wasn't 7-9 years old, i think she was 17+, if you're retarded enouh to seek validation on some mongolian forums by posting your nudes that's on you and the bad parenting, not on the people saving that shit.

>> No.76516855

Both sound like shitty situations

>> No.76516896

Let me help:
>Mint was a retard for posting those pictures, but she was also just a dumb kid. That happened a long time ago, and it was fucked up how the dramafags dug them up just to hurt her.
>Sayu was completely doxxed and the sisters where sharing her full name, address and pictures of her passport on fucking twitter and youtube, encouraging people to harass and attack her.

It's not a fucking competition, they are both victims. Fuck the doxxers, fuck the dramafags and fuck the sisters.

>> No.76516904

Noel is employed to hololive. And nobody cares. Like I said before if Sayu could just clean up her act and bet on herself she could make it. It all depends on her. She needs to get her shit together.

>> No.76516909

This anon is truly retarded. Hundreds of thousands of teenagers posted their nudes on 4chan in its early years. Millions of adults did and still do.
And this is before smartphones made it even easier and before like 90% of teenage girls started posting their nudes/risky pics on tiktok.

>> No.76516979

>sayusharts are now downplaying the gravity of Pomu's doxx in order to prop up their oshit
Whew lad

>> No.76517096


>> No.76517124

So, as I said, they are all retarded, what's your point?

>> No.76517173

>The new angle is Sayu VS Mint because Doki and Mint are friends

>> No.76517182

>they are all retarded
Who? Sayucucks? Yeah.

>> No.76517188

How did a picture of her passport even get on the internet anyway?

>> No.76517216
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>> No.76517217

Anon, Noel was a special case, right now Hololive is too big for their own good. Tell me how many ex-jav or ASMR NotNoel-like sluts has been employed since they got big?

>> No.76517220

Not everything is a psyop you retard

>> No.76517230

IIRC the dumbass posted it herself on facebook

>> No.76517271

I accept your concession, anon.

>> No.76517270

I believe someone inside the company leaked it

>> No.76517308
File: 249 KB, 888x888, 1707706599423778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't accepting shit because I ain't giving any sayucuck

>> No.76517385

Sounds like a troll

>> No.76517435

Doki is fat and retarded

>> No.76517616

>r/Kurosanji civil war

>> No.76517654

