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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 77 KB, 544x1024, 1716508575010455m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76470344 No.76470344 [Reply] [Original]

Are you happy chuds?

>> No.76470478

>24 seconds ago
Shit nigga pulled the trigger immediately

>> No.76470507

Nothing wrong with what she's saying here.
Now what is this a deflection from, it's hard to pick one since you trannies give plenty of material so i'll just go with this

>> No.76470513

Just graduate already if the money she gets is not worth the damage. Or just be like Gura, Cover never lets their IP lose, so not streaming is still an option.

>> No.76470522

>24 seconds ago

>> No.76470600
File: 340 KB, 773x793, 1716006536827841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm bad at communicating but i'll try to do better
>this is a (((meltdown)))
rope yourself kek

>> No.76470612
File: 66 KB, 833x900, mfw that post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaking members only posts
>"24 seconds ago"
You disgust me.

>> No.76470665

Learn how to save images you braindead phoneposter.

>> No.76470697

>24 seconds ago
How do I become retarded like OP

>> No.76470700

well, this seems pretty reasonable

>> No.76470701

Cover really should have not let her male gay friend go

>> No.76470732

That doesn’t read like a meltdown, you gigantic faggot, OP.

>> No.76470783

Just seems like fairly reasonable post. Having said that people leaking members posts should be hanged.

>> No.76470816

Wow it's a nothingburger. Good for you Kronii, though, that's some interesting food for thought

>> No.76470820

clearly kronii made the thread

>> No.76470823

>hence therefore
Oh yeah, she's big-braining

>> No.76470846

>24 seconds ago
Obsessed. Reevaluate your life holy shit

>> No.76470851

>24 seconds ago
holy mother of rent free, kroniischizo

>> No.76470856
File: 2 KB, 124x125, 1715841002487064s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>members content
>24 seconds ago
you sisters deserve a shotgun blast to your head

>> No.76470873

>24 second ago
holy shit. this dude definitely camping.

>> No.76470896

This isn’t bad at all what are you on

>> No.76470905

Gifted subs were a mistake

>> No.76470906

Nigga read that entire block of text in 24 seconds
Everyone clap for him

>> No.76470923

>24 seconds ago
Gift memberships were a mistake

>> No.76470965 [DELETED] 

Kronii, please just graduate. No one likes you

>> No.76470980
File: 661 KB, 1600x2162, please kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76471005

OP dramanigga rushed so fucking quickly to post this shit he didn't even read it to find out it's fucking nothing

>> No.76471011
File: 21 KB, 267x223, moco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Kronster, i get you. Thanks for poasting this to the anons.

>> No.76471027

Why the fuck do you niggers always post such low quality screenshots? Like you paste it on Paint and intentionally degrade the quality or something? All browsers nowadays have tools to take screenshots, Windows, Android, iOS let you take screenshots and before all of these there was always the printscreen button on your keyboard too, so why the fuck you niggers always post screenshots where you can barely see anything? Why?

>> No.76471041

>these two are different types of "content",
>one being done offline
>and the other offline
What did she mean by this?

>> No.76471046

>one being done offline and the other offline, henche therefore, requiring different communication with the public.

What did she mean by this?

>> No.76471047

I was hoping someone in Advent would experiment with a $5 emote only tier to soak up giftedfags

>> No.76471081

She probably wished she offcollabed with Vesper

>> No.76471111

>literal nothingburger

>> No.76471169

>one being done offline and the other offline

>> No.76471172

are you an autistic faggot in the real world as you are /here/? thats what she means.

>> No.76471201

Hold on, everyone, as an expert in-between-the-lines reader, let me translate this into practical terms:

>"Everyone was shocked when I bitched at them suddenly, and I realized it's because I need to bitch more consistently and on a regular basis."

Expect Kronii to nag and control the chat even more from now on. No more boobers unless authorized, and don't even think about being sexist because, whew, oh boy, you, oh, whew, I just, I can't even right now.

>> No.76471234

>24 seconds ago
fucking based, i kneel

>> No.76471240
File: 211 KB, 520x612, PankoNiger[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3ypq8r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76471259

maybe stop being a tranny Kronii

>> No.76471284

Membership posts are never safe and should never be expected to be kept private. All it takes is one person, whether they paid or not, for such info to be revealed. Hopefully they know this by now.

>> No.76471308

Kronii... get off 4chan, you have a collab in 2 minutes

>> No.76471313
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1459706218241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hence therefore,

>> No.76471346

>24 seconds ago
Fucking narc

>> No.76471353

Where's the meltdown?

>> No.76471391


>> No.76471489
File: 36 KB, 127x179, 1635682380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feels to see your shit thread being full of anons taking a dump on your head faggot?

>> No.76471496

I wonder what content creation is she talking about? But this does read like she's in some serious need of dick. Even lesbians say that they sometimes crave dick. All women need dick at some point.

>> No.76471542

>24 seconds ago
OP is having a meltdown kek

>> No.76471592

>be illiterate
>Every post longer than a paragraph is a "meltdown"

>> No.76471593

venmo me 160 USD so I can buy an AX badge and a niji concert ticket and I promise to stop spamming blue woman threads

>> No.76471613

keep seething for another year kroniischizo

>> No.76471666

nothing this bitch says EVER makes sense

>> No.76471686

this is just self induced autism by oversocialization, many such cases.

>> No.76471698
File: 140 KB, 1440x1080, UgkxrB1i4oOCpls3ZymoKRzLtxT0mnaBTfGK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't care. Menhera moments are too strong.

>> No.76471702

>24 seconds ago

>> No.76471708

OP set up RSS alerts to leak members content. OP bought a 4chan pass just so the captcha wouldn't slow him down. OP has a desktop shortcut straight to Kronii's channel. OP would literally drop his wife's boyfriend's baby if it meant clicking post faster.

>> No.76471717

>24 seconds ago
OP meltdown
Are you happy Kronii?

>> No.76471856

true. ultimately it's all for male attention. the "real" lesbians just committed too hard to the performance and ended up gaslighting themselves.

>> No.76471875

That's a lot of words to just say a bunch of nothing

>> No.76471977

>posted a wall of text
>must be a meltdown
Hang yourself anon.

>> No.76472005

woman on the internet please understand

>> No.76472016

>24 seconds ago
kek, Imagine having notifications enabled for someone you despise so much

Talk about obsessed

>> No.76472089

In OP's defense he probably didn't have time to read anything in 24 SECONDS

>> No.76472194
File: 39 KB, 402x680, F8AIyQDawAA3JvT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna Diego cuck stream
>doppio Mcdonalds
>Niji concert flop
>500k milestones reached (again)
>Niji JP old guard graduating
>China has to lie about holo for attention
>alban soft graduation
For every blue woman thread you make, another Niji yab and embarrassment shall follow

>> No.76472253

>24 seconds ago
Holy fuck, OP, touch grass

>> No.76472301

she smoked a fat blunt before writing this

>> No.76472310

isn't the same retard that sold family land to watch her?

>> No.76472341

i don't understand, what's the yab?

>> No.76472360

She realized that if she doesn't describe what she's doing and thinking while offline, her fans go schizo. They lack the object permanence and social wherewithal.

>> No.76472465

Nothing, OP didn't read what is on the actual post.

>> No.76472466

based dramaCHAD

>> No.76472570

I don't get it
Like actually, most of this is just rambling nonsense

>> No.76472582

>24 seconds ago
Kronii stop "leaking" your own shit

>> No.76472611

There is none, OP is just so obsessed with Kronii that he saw a tl;dr members post and assumed it must be a meltdown and immediately came to post it here without even reading it.

>> No.76472741

Doesn't matter what you say it breaks the narrative that greys (holy boobers) are evil and always the scapegoat greens (paid never gifted)could never be upset and lash out against their oshi, out of thousands of fans not a single PAID member would do this OKAY?!?!

>> No.76472756


>> No.76472767

so does this mean she is pro-boober or anti-boober?

>> No.76472774

tl;dr she just realized that the fabricated controversies around her are because she sucks at communicating

>> No.76472945

>24 seconds ago
based obsessed schizoposter

>> No.76473102

Are they, though? Is there any form of communication she could use that would prevent every possible occurrence of a Holy Boobers, or make people not like the sandwich thing? I think not.
Kronii's real problems are twofold:
1 - remove stick from ass
2 - do more funny stuff

>> No.76473151


>> No.76473253

Kronies are batshit crazy

>> No.76473260

this thread is apparently about a Kronii meltdown, in case you forgot

>> No.76473421

>"hey knock it off with the subway meme, it has been almost 2 years already"
Yes, fabricated

>> No.76473437
File: 460 KB, 602x752, Randall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 seconds ago

>> No.76473494

If anything, this makes me like her a bit more knowing she actually does care about her fans and thinks about their perception of her being away when she's making things offline.
Not sure why you thought this was a meltdown.

>> No.76473545

Anon, you are in a fucking thread about a random 24-second old community post saying literally nothing is her "having a meltdown"

>> No.76473670

Leaking fucking members post legit almost 30 secs after being posted and calling it a meltdown.
You should fucking neck yourself right now

>> No.76473676

what about Tempus?
do you think there could also be problems with management because she sucks at communicating?

>> No.76473684
File: 52 KB, 596x261, 1709597649885944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote is for picrel

>> No.76473694

How the fuck is this a meltdown? Everything she wrote is perfectly reasonable.
>24 seconds ago
Oh you didn't even read it, your monkey brain just saw a long post and immediately filled in the blanks with shit. Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.76473760

the post age 24 seconds doesnt update unless you refresh the page
so he could have theoretically unlimited time to read it

>> No.76473759

McDonald's is not a yab, it's Twitter being retarded

>> No.76473782

So lying to her closest fans about male collabs was also a communication issue, gotcha

>> No.76473990

>24 seconds ago
Remember that no matter how pathetic you may be at least you aren't as pathetic as this mindbroken obsessed schizo

>> No.76474030

>24 seconds ago

>> No.76474085

KDF is out

>> No.76474091

I think the communication issue there was giving people the impression she was going to give the unicorn faction anything more than a raised eyebrow before telling them to fuck off. Now, she's saying she'll just tell them to fuck off immediately.

>> No.76474185


>> No.76474287

If anyone needed any more evidence that kronies are actually nijiniggers

>> No.76474320

Gift subs were a mistake.

>> No.76474573

Where was the lying?

>> No.76474584

Kronii Should just do an Apex stream with Altare and Kobo

>> No.76474768

i think she needs to stop smoking shit weed its fucking up her brain

>> No.76474908

>because she sucks at communicating
She is truly the woman for me.

>> No.76475019
File: 16 KB, 463x453, 1674123056832342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine and reasonable. Not a meltdown at all. Are you deflecting from another Niji moment?

>> No.76475043

>1 - remove stick from ass
And replace it with my dick
>2 - do more funny stuff
She was so much better when Grampire was around. Those two were such an amazing comedy duo it was unreal.

>> No.76475098


>> No.76475130

Apparently not funny enough to replace subway

>> No.76475300

And it took her like almost 3 years to realize that? Truly not the smartest tool in the shed.

>> No.76475309

Bait used to be believable

>> No.76475328

Oh yeah, that's gonna set off the "Mint doesn't like Doki!" sisters kek

>> No.76475475

so did OP apparently

>> No.76475596

Did you see the new outfit? We aren't the KDF we are the Kronii-SS.

>> No.76475747
File: 444 KB, 3402x1608, AgUF3vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroffen SS beating the NDFs into the ground. No wonder Kronii went to Poland

>> No.76475814

>24 seconds ago
I don't even like Kronii at all but you're an absolute nigger.

>> No.76475834

Suisei graduating deflection thread

>> No.76475867

This is a mature and thoughtful response.

>> No.76475928

More like 10 people on Twitter being mentally ill, which caused 20-30 /vt/schizos to spam threads about it for multiple days when nobody actually cared.

>> No.76475932

and these morons think they are the owners of our community.
I'm glad that these parasites are dying little by little.

>> No.76476062
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1024, 1707665211416387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More like 10 people on Twitter being mentally ill
so like 5% of Doppio's entire audience

>> No.76476192

goddamn, you losers really be camping vtuber community posts and twitter all day to make these threads, huh? I'm guessing you're all living off government benefits too because an actual normal and success person won't be wasting time trying to stir drama about a niche interest, even if they're retired.

>> No.76476297
File: 276 KB, 2048x2048, __FZ8-XJ5agAA4ZYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing up Niji out of nowhere. GSH

>> No.76476304

Where's the meltdown?

>> No.76476310


>> No.76476368


>> No.76476476

Reintroduce the draft, some people have too much free time.

>> No.76476555
File: 2 KB, 125x115, 1707335238501802s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a lowblow anon

>> No.76476639


>> No.76476652
File: 441 KB, 1079x758, 1716514825736209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ask to do Voice pack for merch
> Received the script from staff
> So far the script looks good, let's do thi-
> Last sentence is for gachikois
> Rejected the script and made
one herself

>> No.76476720

She must be in a really weird place mentally for her to realize this super obvious thing after 2 years or whatever, of streaming.
Anyways, I personally dont watch her but I wish her all the best. I dont think she is a bad person. But I still hate male collabs.

>> No.76476781

Don't use Kaela for your false flagging, Nijifag

>> No.76476847

>24 seconds ago
So it's pretty obvious Kronii made the thread right?

>> No.76476902


>> No.76477011

OP is a colossal faggot and should be beaten

>> No.76477050

What I'm getting is that she's regretting from the subway meltdown since she could've mention she wants the homo memes to stop as well but didn't have the balls so it's too late

>> No.76477087
File: 62 KB, 320x290, 1708232768376224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so feminized...

>> No.76477291
File: 2.25 MB, 2097x1503, 114405742_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of Vtubers not corpos.

>> No.76477498

How tf can you take a screenshot, edit it, and make a thread to post solving the captcha all within 24 seconds of a member post?

>> No.76477707

Weaponized autism

>> No.76477806

Stop pandering to the existence of the sisters of NijiEN. Will it take the hiatus of Kronii for you to finally step up.

>> No.76477897

Are you retarded?

>> No.76477922
File: 78 KB, 282x316, Aqua Retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshots don't magically continue to keep track of time after they're taken, einstein

>> No.76477991

I didn't understand and I'm not interested in understanding.
I'm tired of white women and their dramas.

>> No.76478072

kronii isn't white yet is she

>> No.76478093


>> No.76478140

question, how come Finana and other Nijis get endlessly harassed and shat on for disliking their gachis, but Suisei gets away with it without any drama? is there a double standard or something I'm missing?

>> No.76478235

retardo. go fetch some grass for the goats

>> No.76478280

It's ok when...

>> No.76478355

Kronii wants her fans to know what she is uncomfortable with and bottling her anger up only make the situation worse. She has dropped hints before that she doesn't like the boob jokes and is merely going to make that more clear.

>> No.76478466

>>Every post longer than a paragraph is a "meltdown"

>> No.76478529

unironically because Suisei is arguably the most successful chuuba in history. no matter how much you disagree with her, she's beating your oshi in one or more metrics

>> No.76478568


>> No.76478677

Why? You know a majority of your viewers are losers who just like to hear a woman talk to them, why shoot yourself in the foot when that's the core demo? You won't change shit because the outside world will never have a reaction past "That avatar is really a dude with a voice changer, isn't it?". Who are you trying to attract, a way smaller group of people who WON'T give you money, attention, or feel-good compliments all the time?

>> No.76478684

I'd guess because Suisei has actual talent and she doesn't depend on her gachis to survive, meanwhile Finana is a spoiled gacha addict that feels entitled to fan support

>> No.76478796

A faghag is nothing without her fag. That's just science.

>> No.76478811

She was always anti gachi, whereas the fish was doing gfe asmr from the get go

>> No.76478880

Did you even read it? This is not a meltdown at all.

>> No.76478907

Why does Kronii hate being a woman? Being a guy is so much worse, just take a look at Holostars numbers. When you suffer no one gives a shit.

>> No.76478930

It's deflection as usual.

>> No.76479004

How did she take more than 2 years to realize that, is she stupid?

>> No.76479059

>24 seconds ago
Hi Kronii.

>> No.76479073

Can you retards stop leaking membership content for five fucking minutes. This ain't even worth a yab

>> No.76479078

A majority of the female to male transitioners tend to find themselves very lonely.

>> No.76479146

because she is a lesbian and her "friend" married Chad. Right now she already has a son and Kronii is still single

>> No.76479356

how is this a meltdown? She's finally going to open up and let people in (in moderation). That's what people have been wanting her to do for ages.

>> No.76479551
File: 143 KB, 200x103, woman_talking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76479587

Sisters really have difficulty pushing shit without their discords to help them out, huh? LAst time you painted the board blue, what went wrong this time sister?

>> No.76481628

It's very funny when you guys say stuff like this as if a woman not wanting you to be sexist towards women makes her an evil controlling harpy.

>> No.76481918

I think you meant "Don't make sexist jokes and comments about this fictional character."
Newsflash: that isn't a reasonable demand and it never will be.

>> No.76481929

it literally does thoughbeit

>> No.76482015

The fact she's still writing essays about this means she's still having a meltdown
Normal people wouldn't do this, they would just shrug it off
Remember that this is over mildly sexual comments from non-member transients who probably never watch her
She's not "wrong" in watch she said, but the fact that she's still doing this means there's something wrong with her

>> No.76482324

This still isn't a meltdown

>> No.76482396

>spent two days thinking of how to put that into words
>still came out as completely disjointed schizobabble
women trying to have thoughts is so precious

>> No.76482529

>holy booba
Words lose all meanings. Oh and Kronii herself likes to comment on characters.

>> No.76482560

you know what's even funnier than 24 seconds?

>> No.76482651

This has no thing to doing with NijiSanji. We discussing Kronii of Holly Live. Please paying attention and save on topics.

>> No.76482709

25 seconds

>> No.76482791

Suisei has always been anti-gachi and anti-parasocial, Finana was doing dick sucking ASMR and selling valentine's day rongs before doing a 180 and deciding she was too cool for GFE coomerbait

>> No.76482795

not reading your fag shit

>> No.76482834

>Self reflection and mediation is now a schizo meltdown
The internet was a mistake because dumb fucking groids like you get to use it.

>> No.76482845 [DELETED] 

The double standard is one is in Hololive and the other is in Niji

>> No.76483350

>No more boobers unless authorized

>> No.76483484
File: 85 KB, 850x601, 1701928525768608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76483609

hole should be square

>> No.76483862

I find it hard to take her long-winded sermons knowing at its core this is only because she hates being a woman and is trying to transition
It literally runs all of her decision making
Her new outfit completely covers up her assets, for instance

>> No.76483956

Mikeneko tweeting out admitting it's all an act for money and immediately flirting with males on stream is a meltdown, this is super calm self-reflection.

>> No.76484344

she's unironically lonely + cucked by sally =depressed. She needs a man more than even, but alas, she's too knee deep into feminist menhera dyke mode to even consider the idea. She might die forever alone...

>> No.76485086

If you look at the post on its own sure
Not when you pair it with everything else

>> No.76486025
File: 446 KB, 640x640, vsp73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper why did you leave her...

>> No.76486114

>le sekret club

>> No.76486149

How would having to emotionally support a man help?

>> No.76486255

>secret club
Do you even know what that means?

>> No.76486312

since when have women ever emotionally supported men ?

>> No.76486331

Jesus.. People watch that? What an awful personality

>> No.76486345

Kronii's merch isn't popular because she told her unicorns to fuck off multiple times and they're the only ones who want to buy "time shit" hoodies or whatever.

>> No.76486390

letting fags like you in was a mistake

>> No.76486584

Where the fuck else would they get it? Other men?

>> No.76486637

>Kronii's merch isn't popular
citation needed
>unicorns... the only ones who want to buy
citation really needed

>> No.76486724

women are a constant emotional drain on men and other men are an in case of emergency break glass situation
ever asked a man if he was fine and he said yes even though he clearly didn't look fine? that's a shorthand for "i will be 100% fine if you leave me alone with my thoughts for a bit"
most men are self-correcting

>> No.76486954

Are you seriously offended because a vtuber isn't getting rich off merch? Grow up, faggot.

>> No.76487398

Goddang you guys are bumping this thread harder than when I was bumping uglies with your mom and dad.

Also, in reply to >>76486724 , solitude is great.
Especially when you go outdoors to a park, forest or bench. Just sit and surround yourself with the sounds. Just taking in the environment is enough to calm yourself and make you self-aware.

>> No.76488836

>Goddang you guys are bumping this thread harder than when I was bumping uglies with your mom and dad.
I can't believe people are actually doing that. I would never.

>> No.76489001

Okay, I actually applaud that we're seeing a glimmer of some genuine thought being put into this. I would encourage her to take this a step further into considering not just when to voice discontent with something, but also how and why, and to work through those first and THEN say something instead of immediately going in the foot-in-mouth direction. This most recent incident and the unicorn boondoggle are both examples of talking before the brain can catch up to the mouth. Now with all of that said, boober sandwiches.

>> No.76489932
File: 66 KB, 970x581, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post tits please
>most men are self-correcting
not by choice though.

>> No.76490342

>post retarded shit
>get mad when called out
Maybe stop?

>> No.76490486

I'm a man anon, so I know first hand how much emotional support men get from other men.

>> No.76490518

Should’ve been a niji. She’d fit right in with Enna and Elira.

>> No.76490798

Emotional support is a myth. At best, it's a placebo. Good emotions are just a natural form of drugs; nothing but a distraction. Happiness and contentment are inherently momentary by nature. If anyone thinks they can hold onto them, they're just deceiving themselves.

>> No.76491283

Not them but happiness and joy as emotions are temporary like any of them are, sure but one can be generally content in their life long term
Other emotions or a bad happening every now and then don't have to change that since "contentment" is a different kind of "emotional"/mental state

>> No.76491577

>streaming is different from just making content and not having to talk to you losers
>I'll reveal as little as possible about myself as you disgust me

>> No.76491621

The funniest part of this to me is that the OP posted so fast they obviously didn't read any of this. They just saw a wall of text, read the first line, guessed it could be a menhera breakdown, and immediately posted it.

Unsurprisingly it's a nothingburger.

>> No.76491729

skill issue

>> No.76491747

Jesus, it's like watching a CBT session, i mean, to each their own, but holy shit...

>> No.76491809

i have never seen jeans that zip on the back

>> No.76492172

The OP's still making about this means OP's still having a meltdown
Normal people wouldn't do this, they would just shrug it off
Remember that this is over saying dead memes are cringe
Op's not "wrong" in watch [sic] he said, but the fact that OP's still doing this means there's something wrong with him.

>> No.76492827

Now look at the image closely again.

>> No.76492962

>evil controlling harpy
That actually is the issue, if you think about it - control. Because the problem isn't that someone said something, and you think "Wow, that guy's an asshole." It's that afterward comes "and he shouldn't be allowed to say that." It's like "live and let live" was never an option; dissent is not permitted.

That's the primary objection in the Holy Boobers fiasco. There would have been zero problems for everyone, including Kronii, if she would have just allowed the comment to pass by without the need to shut it down.

What is it, exactly, that makes Kronii resistant to the idea of allowing people to do things that she doesn't necessarily like, but which harm nobody? Why should everyone else bear the responsibility of meeting her personal requirements, instead of her taking the responsibility to adapt her own reactions to better face the realities of a world of diverse opinions, where everyone has the inherent right to think for themselves? Sure, she technically has the authority to define the rules that govern "interacting with Kronii" and create a proverbial "safe space" for herself, but this will never actually stop some rando from offending one of her vast and mysterious sensibilities. She'll have accomplished nothing but pushing away her audience and establishing her reputation as the overly-sensitive, no-fun-allowed member of Hololive. Bad for everyone involved.

>> No.76492966

Please respect Kronii's transition.

>> No.76493014

yeah, how are you doing anon?

>> No.76493104

>She'll have accomplished nothing but pushing away her audience and establishing her reputation as the overly-sensitive, no-fun-allowed member of Hololive.
That's some impressive reach from her saying "there's a time and space for things, guys".

>> No.76493112

I never understood why Kronies would pick fights outside their own split, as if there wasn't enough shizos already.

>> No.76493229

nta but if she actually had a "woah that's not okay" moment over someone saying "holy boobers" then it's not much of a reach at all.

>> No.76493746
File: 5 KB, 128x127, 1688451129607065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, the meltdown?
should I wait for the malaysian reinforcements?

>> No.76494899

>24 seconds ago
OP is Kronii.

>> No.76495018

I mean...he obviously didn't read it if he thinks it's a 'meltdown'.

>> No.76495059

OP stole it from /hlgg/ I bet

>> No.76495075

when will this bitch realize she is corpo and is under constraints for a reason. She's tits and memes until she isn't.

>> No.76495932

>24 seconds
You really think a /vt/ anon could read all that in so little time?

>> No.76496007

Man, she has not been the same since vesper graduated

>> No.76496088

maybe next time learn English and improve your interpretation.

>> No.76496257

24 seconds ago is crazy skull emoji

>> No.76496345
File: 48 KB, 450x338, I think you should kill yourself anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76497038
File: 75 KB, 850x850, seleneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drama subhuman tranny gets a gifted membership and doesn't know about her writing/diary long posts
more news at 11

>> No.76497234

Gachikoi lines are only reserved for his one true love, Daisuke Sakuma, not for filthy no-name hoshiyomis

>> No.76497945

Kronii is fucking dumb. This post explains a lot. We watch these girls because we want to watch streams. When I want music I listen to actual talented music people.

>> No.76498062

You're saying you mindlessly watch things without caring about them or the people behind them, and yet other people are the dumb ones? Damn bro, yeah, you right, ok, now take these chewables and go back to the room

>> No.76498307

Holy fucking yikes. Do Niji male watchers enjoy getting called virgin losers like that?

There's already a thread, the sisters are not happy.

>> No.76498594

'women are better at communication'

>> No.76498736

holyshit. at this point i believe most of her fans are femcels

>> No.76498942

Kronii gave herself 14 thumbs up and used a 15th account to post on vt

>> No.76499021

what a waste of time, if thats a meltdown for you then you never saw what an average woman meltdown looks like

>> No.76499587

>without caring about them or the people behind them
if you care about a content creator beyond just the content itself you are simply being parasocial. they dont need your empathy to create content and you dont need to know how they feel to enjoy their content

>> No.76499760

I never claimed this menhera bitch honey

>> No.76499966


I might be a Kroni anti, but even I recognize that this shit is a nothing burger. OP is a brown retard.

Verification not required

>> No.76500266

The unicorn faction already fucked off. She's saying she's gonna tell the horny graynames in her chat to fuck off immediately.

>> No.76500312

She has talent to back it up, so she doesn't need gachis. Normies are her main audience.

>> No.76501673

She wants to be a better communicater, and that being a streamer is different than a content creator which was what she was doing for over half a decade.

It's kind of dumb, because she can be like Gura and just continue to not communicate.

>> No.76502028

How is this a 'meltdown'? Or are you just a moron, OP?

>> No.76502055

>She wants to be a better communicater,
She's pulled this excuse multiple times. Always after she has a hissy fit over something that offends her and lashes out at the fans.

She's someone who just has to have the last word. And hiding it away in memebership wall of text makes it so no one can really contest it. She's super petty over that shit.

>> No.76502385

She's extremely autistic, so it's no wonder that it took years for her to realize that her behavior sets expectations for her audience.

>> No.76502412

So her plan is to cultivate a fandom of normies?

>> No.76502477

>be Kronii
>have foot in mouth disease
>try to choose her words carefully
>still somehow miscommunicates
Wow it's almost like there isn't actually any miscommunication issue and the actual problem is her actions don't allign with what she says

>> No.76502789

Merch buyer here.

I fucking hate unicorns, gachikois, and all non-functional mentally ill sad fucker variations.

>> No.76502930


>> No.76503496
File: 791 KB, 1076x1876, Screenshot_20240524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but I completely agree with him

>> No.76503679

>all non-functional mentally ill sad fucker variations
Anon... does that include Kronii?

>> No.76503845

How is this a meltdown? It's a perfectly reasonable post.
A bit late, sure, but better late than never.

>> No.76503901

"I always realize one type of content is done offline,
thoughever streaming is done offline"
--Clocktits, Blue Dorito

>> No.76504262
File: 478 KB, 662x720, 1703623340168490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come kronii chan

>> No.76504936

The bigger travesty is that there's no zipper stop, the slider will just slide off the zipper chain. Plus no button at the end to keep it from opening by itself.

>> No.76505077

Take your meds.

>> No.76505228 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 1689983817878856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab this, VShojobegger.

>> No.76505877

because she never pandered or wanted anything to do with them from the get go. that's the difference

>> No.76506526

When you do non-streaming content creation you will do the entire creation step offline by yourself and can curate exactly what you eventually release to people, which is what they get and nothing more, whereas streaming puts you out there WHILE you create that content and you are much more connected with your audience at every step.

>> No.76506670

ignoring the obvious bait, a collab with Kobo may actually help Kronii relax a bit, Kobo has a special way to get to her collabs partners hearts with the power of "random bullshit go", which seems to be Kronii's weakness if her collabs with Kiara are anything to go by

>> No.76506675

>Kronii really is going full Rin Penrose
Oh no
I can't wait for the 2 hour "FOLLOW MY RULES OR ELSE" because what follows is an actual reduction in fans and not whatever drama people cook up.
Remember, the vtuber is their own worst enemy and not some boogeyman the schizo fans make up

>> No.76506721

Where's the meltdown?
you didn't even read the post

>> No.76506726

I'm sure the clips you watch about it will give lots of dopamine.

>> No.76506760

Why are you conceding?

>> No.76506871

lolno. she's also less than one out-of-touch asian woman away from "EdUcAtE yOuRsElF" after crying about le blender incident tho so I stopped watching and giving a fuck about what she says

>> No.76506906

>Remember, the vtuber is their own worst enemy and not some boogeyman the schizo fans make up
this. well-said, anon

>> No.76506909


>> No.76506975

i have a 4k monitor and if i take a screenshot in full resolution, it's usually way over 4mb which is the limit for uploading
so unironically yes, i do downsample/recompress the screenshot after to make it fit

>> No.76507002

What is it with korean women? Why can't they just be normal holos? Why do they always end up "confronting" their own audiences anyway?

>> No.76507008

hence thereforth she shall remaineth offline. perchance.

>> No.76507019

Hi, Kronii. Weird way to get a message out.

>> No.76507029

i guess it's cute that a single comment from a grey launched her into a month long journey of self-awakening. i can't even fathom how sheltered she must have been as a person growing up.

>> No.76507091

I guarantee you she's not

>> No.76507147

I really don't like Kronii. Her entire personality makes her an awful hire in my opinion. She's not made for this.

>> No.76507163
File: 433 KB, 1080x891, 1690228957160506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vesperonii represent !

>> No.76507239
File: 1.31 MB, 2015x3542, Towanii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kronii

>> No.76507364

I want to like Kronii.

>> No.76507387

>the only hot pic of her model, ever
makes you think

>> No.76507430
File: 597 KB, 2048x2048, 1714254602340685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like her then you retard

>> No.76507508


>> No.76507630

>citation needed
hundo for hoodie? nah, that's just common sense

>> No.76508178

Man, Vesper really fucked her up huh?

>> No.76508378

>Ligma Balls
>who's Steve Jobs?
>so sad that Steve Jobs died of Ligma
i don't get it

>> No.76508600
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>> No.76508695
File: 149 KB, 439x585, 1688260527176252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76508792

we cant troll the japanese tubers, they are beyond our sphere of influence. they succeed or fail without us.

>> No.76509152

never befriend a bisexual/gay man, especially a closeted one. they will fuck your life up

>> No.76509248

Pure delusion thinking you can influence the EN ones.

>> No.76509268

I can troll god himself if I put my mind to it

>> No.76509466

>Why do they always end up "confronting" their own audiences anyway?
Since they got stuck with highly sexualized models where a large number of coomers make sexually degrading comments? Kronii didn't ask for a model with a skimpy outfit or huge jiggling boobs. Cover is responsible for this situation and they need to stop forcing Hololive talents to be lewd if that makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.76509581

>forcing Hololive talents to be lewd
They're not asking her to do blowjob ASMR. There's nothing lewd about being hot.

>> No.76509950

Who gives a shit? You people sound deranged.

>> No.76510277

Why are people on this board so fast to try and psychoanalyze a person they dont know based on the extremely limited things said person chooses to put on the internet? Is this what happens when anons dont have any friends?

>> No.76510305

>cry because you aren't buying enough hoodies to save your oshit

>> No.76510501

>t. poorfag getting by on giftsub welfare

>> No.76510536

He model is a lot more sexual than any of her genmates. I dont think she likes it very much, every outfit she has gotten covers her up.

>> No.76510579

holy boobers

>> No.76510795

Everyone forgot what the 2 did because they were so uneventful

>> No.76510904

If you go by just the posts here you would think Holostars are fucking everybody's mothers or something. This board is incapable of shutting the fuck up about them.

>> No.76511068

You are projecting an awful lot.

>> No.76511434

Sounds about right.
Streaming is way different than just posting videos. It creates a parasocial audience which is bad and engages in live interaction.
Content creation (videos) don't create a parasocial audience, it only makes people expect content.

>> No.76511480

Holostars are fucking every ones mothers. The problem is that there are too many mothers and they need us to do our part and help

>> No.76511508

It's over.

>> No.76511979

>creates a parasocial audience which is bad
holy twitter batman

>> No.76513275

holy boobers

>> No.76513374

Yes it is bad. Sorry that you are so far down already you can't see it

>> No.76513601

>STILL seething about Subway jokes
I love this clock.

>> No.76513952
File: 186 KB, 894x3229, parasocial_sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough, usually those decrying parasocialism are often the most parasocial. Constantly concerned for their oshi, fearing their own emotions may harm them. Not saying personal things out of fear their oshi won't like them. It's like denying a cow it's grass and it's hooves.

This whole thing runs on it. If you can spend hundreds of hours watching someone play some game and yap on and on, and still not get parasocial there's fundamentally something wrong with you as both a chuubafan and as a human inclined and geared towards seeking emotional connections.

>> No.76514566
File: 3.91 MB, 680x680, polish cow [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuh4a0j.oga].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me when it's a day that ends in -y and OP is making another horrid bait thread about a blue woman because he has the attention span of a retarded goldfish, or maybe a dyslexic goldfish because he can't read at all

>> No.76514636

Totally agree. She has a habit of turning complete nothingburgers into footlong subway sandwiches and keeping them going for weeks when most people have long moved on.

>> No.76514654

What a cute clock

>> No.76514796

she's a good girl, just seems like idol stuff truly isnt for her and you can tell because shes constantly going menhera every week.

>> No.76515506

Kronii also thinks this but she's not as blunt with it because she actually has managers. Kronii does the same incel blaming and calls her chat out for not having female friends, always being creepy and horny, not allowing her to have male contact etc etc. Kronii and Enna are the exact same it's just that Enna says it straight because nijiggers have no management or future

>> No.76515539

>I should be more clear in general as this also affected my personal relations but I never really understood why this was a problem in streaming.
>Nobody cared about what I did, moreso what I put out so I never really understood why
The fuck is she talking about?

>> No.76516248

I have no oshi because i'm not mentally ill

>> No.76516274

Sounds like she thinks her interests and complaints have been overlooked by management and "others" (us) because she's been too Canadian about it, and intends to rectify the situation by being more "direct."
