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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76431076 No.76431076 [Reply] [Original]

Mococo was already past the breaking point the week before Golden Week. And instead of taking any precautions at all, FWMC floored it with no brakes right through it, and now look where we are. Why didn't they listen to Bae-senpai? Why was Bae insulted for giving sound advice? This is literally what she warned them about.

>> No.76431115

No one cares about the holostars condom, anon. Keep your garbage away from my dogs, thanks.

>> No.76431127

2 girls are more stubborn than 1.

>> No.76431151

They themselves said that 2 heads aren't smarter than 1.
They're twice as stupid, not twice as smart.

>> No.76431189

>Why was Bae insulted for giving sound advice?
Because she’s a homocollaber. If Fauna had said something, no one would have complained.

>> No.76431194

Bae is a good egg.

>> No.76431206
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These 2 are too high strung, they should take it easy like their senpais

>> No.76431242

>The runt of promise have any actual opinions on anything
kek maybe when she stops letting northernlion make decisions for her

>> No.76431264

Lots of ruffians like >>76431115 feel FWMC is superior to the rest of EN and believe that taking the advice of a homostars onahole would be an insult to their greatness.

>> No.76431284

Gotta admit its funny how everyone dismissed the "senpai advice" as jealousy and swore fwmc would never burn out.

>> No.76431301

>superior to the rest of EN
800k subs with 2 people, lmao if anything theyre the last place shitters

>> No.76431355

>sound advice
you want another repeat where 80% of the girls were MIA?

>> No.76431375

because they dont give a shit about anything except extracting as much money as possible from their retard fanbase

>> No.76431474

Because they're fine until they're not, and fans (me included) hoped they didn't put themselves fully in the mud.
Here we are though, an announcement during stream from them that they would be streaming less than they did during the move because of homework and assumed throat issues.
Moco-chan had them prior to the move btw. She was already aeeing a dogtor for it and that's how we got the first solo Fluffy stream.

>> No.76431516

Bae was insulted because ruffians have massive inflated egos and can't handle criticism. Look what happened to advent. Fuwamoco are stealth suspended already and they just finish moving to Japan. Bae and mori both warn these girls about this very moment and they didn't listened. So I don't feel sorry for them.

>> No.76431526

We had a solo fluffy stream before that.

>> No.76431572

Maybe she should have given the advice TO Fuwamoco, rather than ABOUT Fuwamoco. Kind of a cunty thing to do to your precious kohai

>> No.76431587
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>least obvious falseflagger
It's not a stealth suspension when they've been pretty clear they're being forced to rest for their own health.
This is a good thing. It proves that the management is actually willing to take charge and manage the talents for the sake of their own health.
Total world baumination can wait until they're healthy. They've already made it into Hololive. They can wait a little longer.

>> No.76431598

>feel FWMC is superior to the rest of EN
Are they wrong?

>> No.76431617


>> No.76431621

>he believes the "homework" excuse
maybe just accept that your oshi is lazy

>> No.76431632

God forbid anyone in EN be ambitious

>> No.76431648

Yes. Because these two girls are sharing subs. Unless you're saying one of them is a shitter.

>> No.76431656

They actually show the result of the homework though, they done like 10 voice packs and 5 covers

>> No.76431680
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>> No.76431684
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They are, but that's more because they're my oshis rather than them being better by any objective metric.

>> No.76431707

Thats really a matter of taste, enforcing that same taste in everyone else is pretty retarded, I wouldn’t measure any EN as objectively the best for every viewer.

>> No.76431737

So who's the Shawn Michaels and Jannetty of the two sisters?

>> No.76431742

You can measure popularity in numbers, an objective metric. Mococo is objectively superior to Fuwawa.

>> No.76431788

>Anyone who is shitting on other holos on my side is a nijinigger!
Lmao retard

>> No.76431806

They work hard, give a shit about their fans and love Hololive. The bar to be the best in EN really isn't that high

>> No.76431828

Mori and Kiara do laps around the dogs, and not just because they've been around longer

>> No.76431833

>they work hard
they haven't streamed in weeks LOL

>> No.76431835
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Yeah, if there's one thing I can believe, it's that it's not Nijisanji, but likely obsessed /cgl/ girls annoyed that they finally made it into Holo.
The seething REEKS of woman tactics.

>> No.76431837

It was rigged from the start because Mococo got the sexier model.

>> No.76431851
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Weeks, huh?

>> No.76431869

>they haven't streamed in weeks LOL
They still have the most streams in EN since debut.

>> No.76431897

Bae does too, you could throw Mori and Kiara in all of those categories as well, not every EN member is Gura.

>> No.76431929

I just hope they were not serious with the "stepping stone" idea. It can't end well. And no, it wasn't a rumor, it is real.

>> No.76431952

Neither did the rock loli she had an entire 2 weeks break bedoee going to Japan your point?

>> No.76431967

Kiara cares about her fans and takes an interest in them, the other two not really

>> No.76432020

Mori and bae are homocollabers they don't care about their fans and nobody gives a fuck about Kiara. Fuwamoco are what every other vtuber should aspire to become. And all the unironicals whores who collab with men need to be cleansed away from hololive.

>> No.76432044

>Fuwamoco are what every other vtuber should aspire to become.
lazy whores with annoying fanbases? i really hope not

>> No.76432094

I fucking love it that the annoying as fuck and smug ruffians got got by the obvious consequences

>> No.76432195

Mori and Bae’s fans aren’t unicorns, why do you insist what you value in a vtuber is the same as what everyone else values?

>> No.76432413

>Nobody gives a fuck about Kiara
Consession accepted. FuwaMoco are not the best EN has to offer and you instantly lost this argument when you willingly ignore reality. Thanks for the W.

>> No.76432432

>Mori and Bae
People only watch these two because the queen of cdgct gura isn't streaming let's be honest. Is not a good look when people tune into your content because the person they want to watch isn't there. Fun fact none of these holoEN girls give a fuck about their fans the same way holojp cares if they gave a fuck about the fans they be coming up with special stuff for them like all the events the jp girls doing for their fans giving back to their fans instead what you're seeing is women streaming for money without giving anything back to the fanbase.

>> No.76432444
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NTA but they are the best because I love them dearly.

>> No.76432474

>npc tier response
No you lost. Nobody gives a fuck about Kiara other than you kfp.

>> No.76432525

They chose to overdo it. They chose to accept more homework than they could handle if anything came up.
They chose to move to Japan(although this honestly was a good move). They chose to push themselves to do golden week because they wanted both more homework AND 1m subs before Sep.
And now here we are, they can't stream because their voices are weak from overuse, unable to stream because it truly is more important to Cover that they are able to finish the obligations they signed up for in a timely manner than to stream.
It's exactly why they didn't say jack shit in the last stream about sub goals or numbers, they know they put themselves in that corner and their personal estimate of when they'll be out is September.
See you all in 3 and a half months!

>> No.76432526

>four days ago
>working hard

>> No.76432550
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Give up, sister.

>> No.76432590

Enjoy that jap cum leftover cuckian.

>> No.76432634

Nihao sisters

>> No.76432662

nah everything would have been fine if not for golden week, it was a complete waste

>> No.76432674

The dogs can't even bother to show up at the advent off collab. They're basically the vesper yabba dabba doo meme all over again at this point.

>> No.76432691

>Any proof contrary to your retarded claims you deflect from
You are a retard. What do you want, a full breakdown of shit Kiara's done for fans and what she's worked through to give them streams? If you're basing everything off of #'s, you already lost this argument.

>> No.76432700

I don't pay attention to the rest of EN does global really seethe about fwmc this much?

>> No.76432713

I'm an unicorn not a sister. Fuck off with all of your /v/ console war faggotry.

>> No.76432768

(You) must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.76432777
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Nobody cares about Kiara. Seethe all you want, it doesn't make it any less true kpiss.

>> No.76432820

The catalogue is obsessed with these dogs.

>> No.76432999 [DELETED] 

Damn, holoniggers do be chimping out

>> No.76433152

To be fair they didn't burn out in the usual definition, their spirit is still willing

>> No.76433314

Global didn't like them from the start. Most of Global are a few left over Mythfags and a ton of Promisefags, so of course they'd be werry of the new kid on the block. Now that FuwaMoco have stumbled, the fags are out in full force.

>> No.76433363

No but EN sets a really low bar.

>> No.76433457

They don't really have much respect for Bae. If Marine said something after that collab I'm sure it had a lot more impact.

>> No.76433581

Hololive EN couldn't survive a 40 hour workweek. They would literally die from a normal job.

>> No.76434397

They only interact with each other in collabs anyway. They live in their own bubble they don’t care about anyone else

>> No.76434401
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nice one Phasecuck

>> No.76435711
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>Mococo is objectively superior to Fuwawa.
How dare you anon. Fuwawa is pure sex.

>> No.76435889

they'd be average for HoloJP, but they are vastly superior than HoloEN, especially better than Myth and Promise

>> No.76437558

Nobody in JP patronizes their audience like those two. They'd be garbage tier over there.

>> No.76437986

>holo vs holo

>> No.76438262

Wasn't the goal to reach 1 million in the first year? They debuted in July

>> No.76438459

They moved the goal when it became obvious they couldn't make it

>> No.76438519

>Ruffians are the antis shitting on Kiara and Bae in global to deflect from their oshis
Suddenly it all makes sense. Imagine taking the crown for the worst fanbase in Hololive in less than a year. Sasuga.

>> No.76438560
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>entire thread from OP down is just threadreaders baiting other threadreaders
It's almost impressive in a way

>> No.76438644

>we don't use savestates
>no game has been dropped
>things won't change when we move to Japan
>we didn't know it was an ASMR stream
It's all just little lies, but they do pile up

>> No.76438801

>Why didn't they listen to Bae-senpai?
A homo collaber doesnt deserve respect

>> No.76438814

I'm just surprised they haven't off-collabbed with their genmates yet, given the opportunity. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's probably health or pre-booking, but it's poor optics.

I also find it a bit funny how little of a connection EN1 & 2 seem to have with Advent. There's a couple good pairings, but the branch connection is thinnnn.

Like have Mumei, Ame, Irys, or Ina had any recent interactions with any of them? Can't recall the last time.

>> No.76438875

>80% of the girls were MIA?
Not MIA, on the contrary they had lots of actions, fucking and fucked around

>> No.76438918

>Homo collaber
>Homo collaber
>Failed vsinger
>Homo collaber
It's a good thing Fuwawa and Mococo don't associate with trash.

>> No.76439119

I'm getting increasingly convinced Ruffians think about the cock and balls of male vtubers to an obsessive level since they bring it up unprompted so often.

>> No.76439501

Bae is a zoomie. There is nothing worse than a senpai that is younger than you. It makes it hard to listen to them.

>> No.76439632

fuwawa has the superior throat.
yeah, why haven't they offcollabed? even if they barely talk.

>> No.76439771

Everytime I see "Ruffians" shitting on Bae, I'm told it's sisters falseflagging
The problem is that this everytime lasts damn near every single time they mention Bae. So which one is it? are these really falseflagging sisters anymore? how much more do I have to tolerate this bullshit and keep thinking it's sisters while doing nothing in return? because it's getting increasingly harder for me to do it. I'm at that breaking point where I have had enough. The opposite never happens where Bae is mentioned in a positive context so what the hell am I supposed to assume here? that it's still sisters and not actual ruffians? please convince me that this is all the work of sisters because if you don't, I'm gonna bite back and I won't hold my punches.

>> No.76439802

>he fell into the most obvious falseflag

>> No.76439885

use your brain
who will benefit the most from holo vs holo?

>> No.76439946

>98% of our streams will be in English
The dogpile of lies has been growing ever since debut.

>> No.76439951

Notice how these "sisters" somehow have intimate knowledge of the going ons of every Holo girl they anti.

>> No.76440058

Funny thread, sisters. You even got the egg to come in and bring Kiara out nowhere.
I know Hololive is thriving because you're still trying so hard. Success breeds jealousy, after all.

>> No.76440082

It's /#/chumkeks or /#/ who liked Gura for her numbers. Fans of the blue dorito brand and numbers it brings (built on JP branch which they know nothing about), not the girls themselves generally. If anything, they hate other girls who don't bring numbers or conform to their consolewar retardation. Pretty obvious imo

>> No.76440182

Classic unprovoked mask off moment

>> No.76440557

Your need to immediately reply and deflect by chimping out with usual brainlet buzzwords is all the proof anyone needs, not that majority of the lurkers on this board don't see who's who. It doesn't take a genius when you dips self-report constantly.

>> No.76440613

Classic projection moment.
Keep going.

>> No.76440682

Alright let's say it is numbermonkeys. What if they are real fans who buy merch and have membership? am I not supposed to consider them fans and associate them with a fanbase in that case?

>> No.76440748

Based retardchama

>> No.76440751

meant for

>> No.76440866

It's both. Nijisisters think they actually benefit from holo vs holo, while ruffians are just chimps who get a kick out of shitting on every other chuuba.

>> No.76440876

Because they've gotten in trouble with management. They were put on a week full suspension of any front-facing activities and are now severly limited in what they're allowed to do on stream. Management is watching them heavily. The exact reaaons why are still up in the air, but I feel like the only time a manager would care is when they can't preform their recordings which results in projects they're a part of getting pushed back. So now management is taking an active roll in limiting them. The week of silence and the pinning of the 'We just want to protect your smile' is everything I need to see to know that this isn't 100% of their own volition.

>> No.76440885

I'll make it easier. If you are a Ruffian and you are a genuine anti of girls like Bae, please post a timestamped picture of your membership or any sort of merch you possess. Be honest.

>> No.76440918

Ruffians are unironic HoloEN antis. Most of them are transplants from /hlg/ back on /jp/ that all larp as the last samurai and view HoloEN, and anything outside mainland Japan, as a blight. Anyone that was here before /vt/ existed will know exactly what I'm talking about. They latched onto FWMC because it finally gave them an excuse to watch HoloEN without admitting that they will never actually be Japanese. Remember all of the "We finally have a proper JP experience for EN" spam? But they can't just admit that they like HoloEN now and so they continue to shit on every other Holomem while acting like mid-tier FWMC are the resurrected avatar of Jesus in vtuber form.

>> No.76440959

>Ruffians throwing chumbuds under the bus to deflect from their oshis catching heat
Devilishly devious

>> No.76440996

/#/ is the most pro-holo thread on the board, the retard you are replying to is a seething nijinigger that gets made fun of everytime they step there

>> No.76441102

This actually makes a lot of sense, especially given how much JP girls are posted in /baubau/ while posting about Fauna there will instantly get multiple (You)s telling you to go back to global.

>> No.76441137
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why the fuck would ruffians give up their #1 deflection tactic?

>> No.76441232

Even a manager should understand the importance of a full gen offcollab.

>> No.76441252

Finana here deflection post

>> No.76441374

It has been proven that a large number of homo vs holos were made by sisters and their current tactic prior the dox side going down was to make holo vs holo threads so why shouldn't believe it was sisters again?

>> No.76441556

Anon don’t lie gura fans don’t watch anyone but gura. Hell they don’t even watch gura if it’s not on her channel.

>> No.76441592


>> No.76441623

They're the closest thing to honorary-JPs that an EN has reach, so its no wonder they like/tolerate them.

>ignores most of Holo EN
>moves to Japan
>full week of JP streams
>ignores Holo EN managers to the extent of getting suspended
Their plan may have misfired recently, but they clearly weren't saying it jokingly when they said they applied to hololive as well as Holo EN. Holo EN was just the fallback.

>> No.76441644

Fair enough, if /#/ is the most pro-holo thread on this board, why is it that they have nothing but seething hatred for Bae whenever she's brought up? are you gonna tell me it's all a sister psyop operation?
I'll give you some examples because why the fuck not
The other day, Bae was doing a stream which was very long and fun and had tons of cute information about how she met advent and had dinner with them and how she plans to bake entire loaves of bread and give them away to holos and there was zero discussion of it whatsoever in the thread until suddenly, the thread is flooded with posts shitting on Bae near the tail end of the stream, massively ramping up discussion because some homobeggar in chat asked her to raid a homo since no holo was streaming and she didn't, they were actively hatewatching her, not caring for the holo deets or even mentioning them and looking for any slip ups so they could dogpile her.
I'll drop a couple more facts about the /#/ thread
It is a fact that in the soon-to-be collab that's going to be on Fauna's channel, they are going to single out Bae and shit on her
It is a fact that whenever actual sisters are shitting on Bae, there's no attempts to call them out and the regulars in that thread let the slander slide unlike the other girls like Fauna, Mumei, IRyS or most of advent who have defense forces there 24/7
It is a fact that if you mention any of this or try to defend Bae, you get told to go back to your global hugbox
It's a fact that if you try to imply Bae is an idol in any shape or form in the /#/ thread, people are gonna shit on you
Now I'm not conclusively saying any of these are /#/ holofans, All I'm merely asking you is how can you prove to me that such consistent behavior is all a sister's psyop

>> No.76441782

nta but listen brat i'm not going to read all that
i'm just gonna tell you that you should spend less time /here/ and go watch your oshi, at least she actually streams

>> No.76441819

Bruh lurk around a bit cmon. I'm sure some threads are made by iketog cunts but 2 screenshots doesn't cover "everyone". Vast majority of homo vs holo threads in particular are made by hlg native who's also a shitter in /#/. He makes homochad shitposts in hlg because they are funny there and makes /vt/unicorn bait threads here because those get 100 seething replies guaranteed. He thinks that /vt/'s cock obsession is the funniest shit ever and he's not wrong. He doesn't make unicorn bait posts in hlg because people there don't care. Majority of homo bait threads are literally made by one turd who makes extremely esl posts because that in itself ticks some people off and gets some >muh esl replies. Holo vs holo is a different story

>> No.76442043

I do watch her
I have a membership
I superchat her
I buy her merch
I'm just tired of the unnecessary slander and vitriol she gets, I have just tolerated it all this time, I know everything about her so I have more than enough ammo to bite back and essentially cull the slander and misinformation that gets spread about her on the daily. I just need to know I'm not fighting a fellow Hololive fan and am being tricked by a sister into this misfire, I bought this narrative this all this time which is why I've just kept silent, treading along and just watching my oshi but lately, it's getting increasingly harder for me to buy stuff like this as time goes on

>> No.76442190

>holo vs holo
>other desperate and retard shit
yeah success breeds jealousy >:)

>> No.76442468

Yeah that's precisely why i'm telling you to be /here/ less often dumbass.
Unicorns are always going to shit on her because she doesn't pander to them, and she's also a target for nijisisters because she doesn't make males her content.
If you're feeling tempted to sperg out at bait on this board then you're unironically weaker than the rat at ignoring bait.
And yes, just so you know, ruffians do shit on her, but that's because they shit on every en girl, they just find different angles to justify themselves.

>> No.76442479

It's the unfortunate way of this shitty board, certain members get shit on a lot more than others. I get how you feel. My oshi is Ame and I feel like I only ever see her talked about positively in /awat/ anymore. But that might be because most teamates stick to that thread so you don't see many people defend her outside of there. Maybe it's the same for the brats? Idk, I do wish you and your oshi nothing but good days ahead though.

>> No.76442892

Well I just needed confirmation, I knew the answer deep down myself but I just someone to tell me I wasn't crazy.
Your advice is the right one my good man but I'll politely decline as that's what I've done all this time, it gets a bit tiring after a while watching all these primates blubbering about while I sit back and do nothing whenever I come here. Next time I see misinformation spread or slanderous remarks being made against her by fans of another holo, I won't be holding back, I'll have my receipts ready.
You and your oshi too anon.

>> No.76443365
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No matter who these people are, one thing is clear. These people do not watch streams, and they aren't fans of Hololive. Does it really matter if it's a catalogfag addicted to drama or a sister missing her doxxsite? Fuck, even if it turned out to be real ruffians, what then? Do you feel the need to cuck out and just take their shitflinging on the chin until the end of time if that's the case? They aren't ever going to give your girl a fair shake, you'll never be able to change their mind. Not to mention their slander is not going to stick literally anywhere else. On any other platform, they will immediately be bullied out of the community, that's why they hide behind anonymity.
So do what I do - disregard them as impotent raging teenagers and ignore them. No sense in getting mad at a 13 year old girl from tumblr, right? Same goes for 13 year old boys high on catalog bait. Just don't interact and chuckle at how the fanfics they keep generating deviate further and further from reality.

Don't bite the bait, anon. These are pigs, you gain nothing from trying to fight them in the mud. They want any sort of reply from you, and the madder you get, the funnier it is for them.

>> No.76443905

In a Fauna bait thread a few days ago a bunch of Doki fans descended on it for some reason (presumably thinking it was a nijisister thread I guess, or there's a cross-over between Fauna viewers and Doki viewers but I can't see there being many) and the OP - after being repeatedly battered from all sides - eventually admitted that he finds vtubers cringe and doesn't watch them at all. Imagine spending all your time gathering just enough info about something you dislike so you can bait.

>> No.76444026

Oh right, blame fuwamoco fans. They are only part of who shits on Bae.

>> No.76444049

Sorry anon, but you will never ingest Fuwamoco's saliva

>> No.76444065


>> No.76445106

dont come here if you cant take people talking absolute garbage about a chuuba you love or god forbid your oshi
just step back and look at where you are and consider 4chan """culture"""
the only thing that matters to 90% of the userbase now is (you)s and riling people up and generals arent safe from this either anymore
used to be that people would keep shitposting out of them, but not anymore
i come here to read insane drivel, shitposting, conspiracy theories and laugh, its not the place for actual sincere discussion

>> No.76445143

I really do fucking hate that shit. There's clearly a subgroup of shitters from /jp/ who get pissy any time someone shows any displeasure in them streaming in Japanese semi-frequently or for saying you skipped a JP stream. Then they get even worse and start screaming about how you should have learned Japanese by now being a fan of anime or VN or whatever. It sometimes makes me want to start siding with and posting 'HoloEN', even if I hate those fuckers too.

>> No.76445172

shitposters abusing of an already mindbroken bratt, you retards really don't have a single drop of empathy

>> No.76445657

He really shouldn't be on this site if he can't take it. Do you know the absolute garbage I have to read about Fauna day in and day out even if I stick to just Global? Or if I just search up her name in the fucking archives? Getting mad at retards being retards, ESPECIALLY on this site, is stupid.

>> No.76445778

Didn't Mori of all people tell them to pace themselves?

>> No.76445910

I know, I learned to not mention my oshi outside of stream discussions because it spawns a fuckton of shitposting falseflaggers out thin air. But the guy here clearly wasn't in the nicest state of mind and people just kept enabling the shit in his head.

>> No.76445936

I want to put my peepee in bae

>> No.76446020

finally some good posting itt

>> No.76446306


>> No.76446877

To me it sounded like he wants to clear up misinformation that people spread about his oshi than defend her from people who are gonna shit on whoever will rile the most people up.
Me too anon, me too

>> No.76447071
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you're not White so your opinion does not matter

>> No.76447280

yeah i'm thinking based

>> No.76447464

for all the supposed ambition the dogs have they haven't actually done anything new or left a mark besides sharing an official channel

>> No.76447472

stop replying to yourself

>> No.76447581
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1714376998511066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.76448039


>> No.76448251

Why all the hate towards Bae. You told me there wasn't any problem with doing male collabs as long as they were on the table from the beginning. Bae never pretended to be Unicorn friendly and she's still hated.

>> No.76448395

>Attention seeker on an anonymous forum telling others to take meds
Women should stop taking drugs while pregnant and marry dudes who are actually involved in their children's lives instead of running away, otherwise it leads genuine schizophrenia like this

>> No.76448557


>> No.76448611

Baufags getting fucked by karma is just kino.

>> No.76448852

>Why was Bae insulted for giving sound advice?
That was never about FWMC, that was always just an excuse to shit on Bae.
Anon, if Fauna was the one saying something, her usual schizo would make a dozen threads about that, in addition to his usual “NOT YOUR FRIEND” and seething about veganism.

>> No.76448908
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>> No.76449099

Not unless you consider catalog tourists and spammers to be indicative of thread consensus.

>> No.76449596

>The other day
Because they don't watch her and they hate homos?
>It is a fact
No, this may have been true until 2023 but now # is still mostly positive about Bae, unless she collabs with Homos or something. She gets shit on if she gets shit numbers, but that's everyone. Most of it is shitposters and nijifags/phasefags.

>> No.76449763

I have nothing against the dogs but am glad to use any excuse to laugh at the ruffians

>> No.76449786

Let me put it to you this way: if they aren’t sisters, they probably don’t even have an oshi or even like vtubers.

>> No.76450109

true, ruffians have never had to be told to stop doing something before

>> No.76450884

>No no guys, this one retard shitting on other hologirls is totally a ruffian. As such, we should consider ALL ruffians are the same as this one retard.
Really? That's your tactic? Put some effort in your bait, anon. That's why you keep having to reply to yourself, no one is stupid enough to fall for it...

>> No.76453474

Retarded negro just go back to your reddit

>> No.76453529


>> No.76453736

I've seen members streams, the superchats, the people in the split and even the schizo attentionwhores on twitter. You fuckers are more obsessed than deadbeats, needier than KFP and saplins and more menhera than the kronnies. You take all that and you add the retardedness of your average /jp/ supremacist and you get a fucking ruffian.

>> No.76456185

Keep doubling down. It surely gonna work this time

>> No.76458721
File: 650 KB, 693x517, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who tf talks like this??

>> No.76459489

just like things should be.

>> No.76461606

I trust them

>> No.76462880

When did Bijou or Shiori ever collab with men?

>> No.76464667

Jesus christ you people type like this?

>> No.76464848
File: 433 KB, 1559x864, AQBmRz1ZAo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps using the same filename
>attacks 'homocollabers' in this thread, and unicorns in others
classic mental illness

>> No.76465428

EN should be dissolved. Nothing but lazy whore that don't even put in 1/5 the effort as JP. Absolutely ungrateful. Should go back to slaving for jew overlords and maybe they might appreciate what they once had.

>> No.76467780

The ruffkeks thought bae insulting their dogs garbage goin to JP while bae was advised about their throats will fuck up if they continue using fake voices for too long for their long schedules. Now we saw what happened to Mococoeh.
roru rumao
