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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76382154 No.76382154 [Reply] [Original]

I want to stream but I've been stuck in my menhera arc... Should I just power through and stream anyway? What if I breakdown and cry on stream? What if everyone thinks I'm annoying and leaves? What if I full on sob and no one cares? What if I can get any comfort and continue to spiral. Women my age should be married I'm gonna die alone and I can't even press the go live button.

>> No.76382205

Only one way to find out, Gura

>> No.76382207

Just stream, Gura.

>> No.76382232


>> No.76382246

I still love you Gura.

>> No.76382308

Mori you already put up the frame don't bitch out now

>> No.76382313

strims are supposed to be fun, fren

>> No.76382342

Take a break.

>> No.76382424

>thinking gura types like that

>> No.76382431
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I can fix (You).

>> No.76382522

You’re right

>> No.76382771


>> No.76382823

I got a boner reading your post OP. Menheras are pure sex.

>> No.76382863

Please fix me
Please fix me
Please fix me
I need to be fixed
Please fix me
Please fix me I beg you

>> No.76383046

Aren't most vtubers Menheratubers?

>> No.76383062

I know what you should do. Give me your discord.

>> No.76383136


Go to asp

>> No.76383299

Will it help? Should I? Can you fix it? Do you promise??

>> No.76383400

Yeah, I will. Promise.

>> No.76383427

Let's get married and have some cute little tax credits

>> No.76383839


Pleas e help m e

>> No.76383996

Okay. You might want to delete this now.

>> No.76384352

Ame I love you
But on a serious note, streaming shouldn't make you feel so anxious, take a full break with no date to comeback if you can.

>> No.76384520

You can call me Ame but please don't stop being kind to me

>> No.76384615

>Women my age should be married I'm gonna die alone
You dont sound old anything past 30 and it’s owari da

>> No.76385096

30 seems so close too close what do I do the years all go so fast

>> No.76385153

buy an ad

>> No.76385187

Well wasting it on 4chan isn't the best idea.
I say this as someone who's been here since 2010

>> No.76385236

How do I know you’re real

>> No.76385294

Tick tock menhara. Your eggs are on the clock.

>> No.76385303

Post tits. It won't make you feel better but I'll definitely fap to it :).

>> No.76385373

please stream, gura

>> No.76385432

terrible voice changer, change the gain

>> No.76385444

What do you want me to say? I'll say anything, please...

>> No.76385455

the only sane post itt

>> No.76385478

tits or gtfo

>> No.76385509

I'll just make fucked up children anyway... I know it they'll be as messed up as me... >>76385303
Will it really?? Should I? Can I on here??

It's my voice my phone doesn't take it very clear but it's me it really is

>> No.76385570
File: 668 KB, 720x697, 1715691382455832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no modern phone has a mic that terrible, just shut the fuck up and post tits

>> No.76385581


>> No.76385640

Post another vocaroo and say parangaricutirimicuaro. I’ll hear you out then

>> No.76385681

post tits already, slut

>> No.76385743

If you stream after showing everyone your knockers you'll be guaranteed a place in vtuber history

>> No.76385782

It’s been done before. If you’re already menhera might as well double down.

>> No.76385886

It's a redmi...


>> No.76385974
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>> No.76386018

Fuck off Lifriim

>> No.76386046

zhang psyop

>> No.76386114

Please stop. Trying to find comfort on 4ch is the last thing you should be doing.
I hope it gets better(it will, it always does) but please leave this place for now. for the sake of your already crippled mental state.

>> No.76386135

ngl the only thing I understood was
>I could try tomorrow
but it's obvious that you said something else as well.
you should post your tits already and include some socials written on your body so that you can properly get fixed

>> No.76386224

If you want to larp as a woman you should try learning how women speak, or any actual human being really. Could've been great b8 but you ruined it

>> No.76386300

ywnbaw troon

>> No.76386315

kek alright you crazy bitch you’re good in my book. I’d love to add you on discord or something but still don’t know if I trust you. Feel free to trauma dump in /hag/ there’s already some other femanon blog posting all the time so you can get coddled there. Keep your head up little menhera!

>> No.76386358

worst voice I've heard on this board

>> No.76386475
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Have you tried exercise, normal sleep schedule and a good diet? It doesn't help solve any problems but it makes my head somewhat clearer

>> No.76386523

I have a Redmi Note 8 and the mic isn't that shitty...

>> No.76386557

Sounds like you need a good dicking

>> No.76386584

I have nothing else what do I do even cruelty is better than loneliness

On my body...? What's should I write???

I am a women right now I don't feel human but I'm a girl really if I were a man would I feel different?

Thank yiu il make friends I need friends

>> No.76386624

Stop looking at the catalog kronii, they don't even watch you.

>> No.76386658

Menhera’s are the best

>> No.76386660

It's terrible but it's mine...

Maybe it's just me maybe I should stop I don't lnow

>> No.76386681


>> No.76386686

>What's should I write???
some contact information. Discord, Line, Throne - whatever you feel like. I'll contact you

>> No.76386720

I can only walk in the dark the sun makes me sick and I have terrible insomnia

>> No.76386736

Write your channel name or your other accounts. If you won’t do that write the date or your last post number

>> No.76386769

None of those things actually matter, just do what you want to do.

>> No.76386821

>even cruelty is better than loneliness
You poor child. I hope things get better for real. Stay if you must then, just don't take anything being said here to heart.

>> No.76386832

>tfw no menhera gf

>> No.76386940

Be careful with what you post on here, I know life can be super lonely and sad but most of the people you find on here likely won't have the best intentions. Wishing you the best, don't be too hard on yourself.

>> No.76387027

Listen babs, I do feel sorry for you and I hope things do get better, but I'll need to see your tits to be 100% sure you're real. No need to write on your body, get a piece of paper and write today's date and time you took the pic, upload it to catbox.moe and then post that here. After that, you'll get a rush of anons trying to be your friends. They'll have nefarious goals like getting more nudes, but maybe one of them will help you stabilise truly.

>> No.76387064

I would sub.

>> No.76387107

Just start by short walks and increase the intensity slowly but continuously

>> No.76387109

Just do a prerecord, idiot. Say you're going on vacation or something and post shutterstock images, most people won't know the difference and they'll treat it like a normal stream.

>> No.76387137


>> No.76387154

have you tried lying to everyone?
put on a mask and stick to that roleplay.

if you can't handle 2 hours of stream, your imaginary character will on your place, she's probably more interesting than you are

>> No.76387160

Well catastrophizing probably isn't helping

>> No.76387199

Really? I'll get help if I show my body? But won't you all just leave if I do?? You'll see it then want nothing to do with me... I'll be lonely again.... Please nonono nonp no no

>> No.76387216


>> No.76387269

You guys serious? Listen lady, I like tits as much as the next anon but posting yours here won't do you any favors.

>> No.76387296

That's true! Thank you anom you're so smart! I'll try and fake it, if I'm her I'm not me and anything is better than me!

>> No.76387322

We all love women who show their bodies. You’ll be remembered by everyone here if you do

>> No.76387362

Stop pretending to be a woman. Idk if you're a troon or using a voice changer but it's very obvious you're not female

>> No.76387363


>> No.76387413

Love yourself more maybe

>> No.76387468

>Women my age should be married
Banish yourself to /hag/

>> No.76387477

I'm so confused... Thank you anom, you're too kind to me I really don't deserve it....

I don't know what I can do to convince you I'm a girl, I wouldn't mind if life made me a man, maybe I'd be more likeable then I am now...

>> No.76387578

>I don't know what I can do to convince you I'm a girl
Posting tits would help.

>> No.76387606

Discord is saying you don’t exist…

>> No.76387640

Put on your favorite show and take a nap. Sleep on it and see how you feel in a couple of hours.

>> No.76387648

It's really hard to love me

>> No.76387664


>> No.76387669
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fleshtuber supporters ITT

>> No.76387706

We won't leave after one pic, maybe after a few tho
>I wouldn't mind if life made me a man
Ah a tranny, nvm I'm losing interest already.
Listen, if you want to stream, that means you have a streaming setup right? With a decent mic? Use that to record a vocaroo with an actually clear and understandable voice, then maybe anons will believe you.

>> No.76387707

I'll put on maquia it's my favorite. I think it's only in shows like that true love exists.

>> No.76387735

i WILL fix you. tits and contact information are proof that you are indeed you.

>> No.76387790

Whatever to make yourself feel better. One step at a time, homegirl.

>> No.76387859

Who says love has to have standards. It's your fucking life. You are going to die someday and you really want to go through this without a little bit of the grace of self love? Just do it. It's good for you. Even if you don't believe it right away. It all comes back to love I think

>> No.76387866

Okay anon I'll do that, what do you want me to say?

I do, two people found me and they're being kinder then I deserve

I've only streamed in cosplay once, I hate myself and id rather pretend. That's why I became a vtuber.

>> No.76387880

(You) can't save her

>> No.76387993

Nah, I'd win.

>> No.76388044

>Okay anon I'll do that, what do you want me to say?
Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious. Then talk us through the plot of the show you mentioned in >>76387707

>> No.76388151

That's what you get for riding the cock carousel, whore

>> No.76388318

No… I wanted to chat too…

>> No.76388389

you're getting cucked already

>> No.76388613

Every woman is the same
Last time I trust a soft spoken menhera

>> No.76388659

>Should I just power through and stream anyway? What if I breakdown and cry on stream? What if everyone thinks I'm annoying and leaves? What if I full on sob and no one cares?
I assume you're new to this? do you even have an audience yet? Even if you screw up its not like many people will be there to see it
Being a small streamer is mostly talking to yourself and doing stuff you'd already enjoy but ~on stream~

>What if I can get any comfort and continue to spiral
Do not assume you will ever get any comfort, especially from random people on the internet of all places

Just stream, do it right now. Play a game, talk about something you enjoy, anything. Maybe people will show up, maybe they wont and that's life

>> No.76388672

>100 posts
>still no tits
I'm disappointed with you all.

>> No.76388735

I’m disappointed in myself too

>> No.76388801
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>> No.76388800

You got a phone, you got tits, this is easily fixed.

>> No.76388853

You should be

>> No.76388885


>> No.76388940

We’d be less disappointed if you just posted tits. You don’t want us to be disappointed in you when it’s so easy to fix, do you?

>> No.76388953


>> No.76389040

Post tits already you cum guzzling whore

>> No.76389056

How's it going in Discord? Do you enjoy talking with anons?

>> No.76389094

The tranny loves grooming little anons

>> No.76389136

Sounds like Ember from Phase

>> No.76389192

I can hear your Adam's apple.

>> No.76389193
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Well, wouldn't you?

>> No.76389280

>she (tentative) delivers
Alright, now if you also post tits then all the doubters won't have anything else to say.
Tell you what; you post tits+timestamp, then you start a stream an link it here. I don't normally watch small streamers but I'll make an exception for you. You'll get a handful of anons to coddle you live, so that shouldn't be too bad.

>> No.76389327

The glow from this thread could power half of the northern hemisphere

>> No.76389439

I'm sorry I forgot to post the long one...

They're very kind, I'm bad at talking with others so I don't know what to do...

Why do you keep calling me trans? Do you want me to try to be more masculine? Should I try to become a boy would that help?

>> No.76389443


>> No.76389491

You should post tits. Now

>> No.76389512

Scam? I only shared my discord... I haven't posted my phone or any other socials...

All I want is to talk, I'm lonely so please don't leave me...

>> No.76389575

If you're lonely then accept my friend request please

>> No.76389660

What do you mean women your age? Plenty of women don’t get married and have children until after their 30th birthday these days. If this is still a concern then now is the time to think hard about what you truly want. The hard truth being that what you think is your idealistic perfect guy doesn’t exist. Everyone has their flaws, so you’re going to have to accept some. Only then will you find the perfect guy for you who makes you happy.

I’ve made the mistake of turning down perfectly good women when I was younger because of this or that, which I didn’t appreciate about them. I’m not saying you can’t have standards, but most of the people I’ve seen who are lonely never give themselves the chance to fall in love with someone who is right for them.

>> No.76389754

How many pounds are you? That should answer all your problems

>> No.76389777

I'm sorry I didn't get any notification I'll add everyone that sent a request im sorry you'll have to deal with someone like memon your frienslist

>> No.76389820

holy shit this is worst tranny i've seen

>> No.76389881

It's not that... Even when I find someone kind I worry I'm not good enough and then I end things....

146 last physical...

>> No.76389950

the vocaroos made it very obvious but I don’t care. I’ll talk to silly menheras

>> No.76390111

you're fat

>> No.76390274

When people post post totally reasonable advice and you prattle on it kind of makes it look like you're not taking this seriously and not really thinking about what you need to change at all but is rather just.... crying for attention? Go look in the mirror and figure out your shit. When you have time. Adios. Send me pepecoin

>> No.76390322

Well, why don’t you feel good enough? Are they issues you can work on? Have you tried telling someone these concerns before breaking up with them? You’re sabotaging your own happiness for some reason. That’s not something you should be doing. I get it, self doubt sucks and is hard to shake, but next time just be honest with that person. There’s no guarantee they’ll agree with you.

>> No.76390379

If I add you on Discord will you show me your tits?

>> No.76390408


>> No.76390442

Menheras can't take reasonable advice, and it's actually counter-productive because they'll start hating themselves even more for not following them.

>> No.76390463

I just farted

>> No.76390505

Maybe I should stop eating... Sorry anon... The women in my family have curves and I hate it because I can't wear some of the cute dresses I love... Maybe I should stop or throw it up or stop or only drink water

>> No.76390507

First, you need to work a bit on your clarity, only the 2nd part of this was easy to understand. I'm guessing you're still shy and emotional so you're afraid to speak up, so I picked a theme you seemed interested in to help you out, and it kind of did. This works for streams as well btw, if you talk about something you're passionate about, you'll feel more comfortable streaming, and your audience, even if small, will find the stream more enjoyable.
>Do you want me to try to be more masculine?
No silly, anons (well, most of them) *don't* want you to be trans, but the Internet culture is such that without posting your body+timestamp as proof, people will believe you're either trans, pretending, or both.
This. Try not to drag this out for too long, anons don't have infinite patience, and you're lucky this thread hasn't been pruned already. Either deliver tits and post socials for people to follow, or you'll lose your chance.

>> No.76390512

If that's kilos, then omg

>> No.76390535
File: 57 KB, 500x500, artworks-yeJue1eGe975QlkJ-HGmkuA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should post your tits now.

>> No.76390544

I like a body with a little bit of cushion.

>> No.76390558

I'm american it's pounds... I'm 5'7 146

>> No.76390638

>I'm american
Oh, my condolences

>> No.76390727

I should tell people when I like them but I'm scared I'll mistake their kindness for love...

I should be more honest... I can be better. When I spiral I can become unreasonable but I do get better usually... This doesn't last forever.

>> No.76390769

Depending on your chest size that's actually fine. Statistically though, this makes you more likely to be a man. You know what to do to disprove this though

>> No.76390798

I feel like this is only someone roleplaying and you are all falling for it

>> No.76391039

Anon, we watch vtubers larp as anime characters, this board is based on falling for/enjoying roleplaying.

>> No.76391043

Either a tall female or a small failed man, and since you're talking about being a failure....

>> No.76391071
File: 214 KB, 463x453, ogey22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stop pretending to be women?

>> No.76391100

>all this garbage for no tits
>didn't even post """"'"""her"""""""" supposed streaming account for people to look her up
giga fake and giga gay

>> No.76391113

I wish this was all fake...

The reason I started out by picking Hoshino Nia was because she looks so cheerful... I've moved on to a model that fits me more now... One not as sweet and bright.

>> No.76391117
File: 1.13 MB, 2480x3508, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_starkamisan__fd63a0fddd9a886c4827f46a18d30baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit everything about this activated my almonds

>> No.76391147

>Full grown man pretends to be a woman for eAttention

It's not even a convincing femoid post

>> No.76391263

I’ve got nothing better to do for the next 10-15m. Whether or not it’s real doesn’t ultimately matter to me. I’m happy to respond to 100 people baiting for YOUs if it means genuinely helping one person.

This feels like some deeply rooted issues. If you can afford therapy then I’d encourage you to try and find a therapist that can help you unpack them properly.

Otherwise, all I can say is to take care of yourself. Also don’t stop putting yourself out there. Rejections will happen, but the worst you can do is retreat inwards.

>> No.76391468

Thank you anom you're really really kind... I can't afford therapy, it's pretty expensive here unfortunately... When the intrusive thoughts get too much I do call 988 so I'm not burdening any of my family...

>> No.76391665

Unpack those tits and then we'll help you

>> No.76391910

Just your standard troon trying to erp for attention

>> No.76391931

I gonna be honest but... i really feel bad even if this is just roleplay... Just in case it isn't, hope everything turns well for you (alleged) femanon, and i´m the same class of useless retard... i'm too afraid to add you on groomcord.God, i'm so usless :(

>> No.76392080

I understand anon, it's painful... My spiral will be over eventually I just can't let the intrusive thoughts win...

If you add me I wouldn't be good at conversations anyway... I hope you'll get to her kind anons to reach out to you...

>> No.76392129

>the troon is trying to groom actual female menheras now

>> No.76392156

Never ceases to amaze me how small the world can be.

I understand how you feel. I’ve not gone to my family about my own issues. Please understand those intrusive thoughts don’t truly represent you, at least not the full picture. I bet there’s some really great things about yourself that you don’t fully appreciate all too often.

>> No.76392202


>> No.76392271

I'm a 40 year old, bald and fat virgin. Anybody wants to groom me? I don't give a shit if you're a tranny, I just want somebody to touch me.

>> No.76392317
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Show must go on

>> No.76392340

Thank you so much I really mean it...
Once the spiral is over I can go back to my happy go lucky mask and I'm sure everything will be okay for a little bit... I just hate hitting these lows... I never know how long they'll last

>> No.76392354

Thanks for being honest op

>> No.76392457

I'm just here to watch the groomers

>> No.76392543

I do love Pomu... I'm jealous of how cheerful she can remain.

I hope you can find someone anon. I think there's too many lonely people and we all deserve love...

That's not me...

>> No.76392600

>I hope you can find someone
KEK, even the tranny groomer doesn't want you

>> No.76392608

I feel it anon, i'm terrible at talking to people even online. So, we are at a relly similar tune. Again, hopethe best for you... i'll try to add you...

>> No.76392633

>we all deserve love
Do you think you deserve it?

>> No.76392671

you'll never pass bro just give up and live happily as a man, there's always a chance you'll be female next life so just live this one healthy and good. obsessing over wanting to be another gender is what makes your life shit, if you like feminine things just enjoy them in peace, no one really cares nowadays. it'll take you some time to realize, but i hope it'll work out for you and you'll eventually stop pretending to be female online as a hobby. good luck!

>> No.76392690

I'm not a groomer... I wouldn't want to hurt anyone especially not in that way...

>> No.76392698

Pomu would have shown her tits by now and this is why everyone loves her.

>> No.76392756

Right now? Not really but some days I think I do...

>> No.76392848

>clean sewers for 12 hours
>nobody wants to be near me as I walk the streets
>my oshi doesn't read my messages anymore
>open /vt/ to have a few laughs with my buds
>see this thread
I wish I was in the sewers right now.

>> No.76392883

>Right now? Not really
And that's plain wrong

>> No.76393080

I love you so much. You're so talented, brave and honest. Wow. The only thing that's more radiating than your smile are those big fat milkers.

>> No.76393673

I really appreciate the kindness everyone's shown... Even if I don't go live today I'll remember your words the next time I stream! I hope you'll enjoy my happy mask if we do meet.

I've been under a lot of stress because a lesser known indie agency hired me, that means I won't be able to stream the things I like, but at least I'll have more money coming in... I hope...

To everyone who helped me though the darkest part of my spiral, thank you...

>> No.76393716

But i love cock…..

>> No.76393904

Remember, you are enough.

>> No.76394098

nvm, kys tranny

>> No.76394185

Ah nice you got some help already
Best of luck

>> No.76394275

wish you the best

>> No.76394345

Girls can love cock too anon. OP never delivered tho so definitely a tranny, shame.

>> No.76394652

What agency? They might not pay much at all.

>> No.76394753

>What if I full on sob?
It worked well enough for Pippa. if anything it got her more supporters

>> No.76395366

It'll be all on Iriam so I have no idea... I probably can't say much more.

>> No.76395428

then get some? deceiving strangers is not a necessity to get a dick up your ass. it's always better to be upfront about it to avoid unnecessary mental spirals that'll eventually lead you to the rope, man, it's just not worth it there's so much better to life than all this faggotry

>> No.76395559

Wait! Are you the one that made the thread earlier? Like yesterday? Or day before?

>> No.76395830

This isn't me anon....

I'm too scared to say yes

>> No.76395982

I am literally shaking right now...

>> No.76396132

Looks like you need some good dicking and lots of aftercare to fix you up.

>> No.76396321
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>> No.76396457

Don't be scared, I've been looking for your account so I can follow you but I've had no success. I'm monitoring /asp/ daily to see if you post your acc, but no. I will find you and I'll send you cringy supas.

>> No.76397047

Post tits, you sound really fixable and if you do we're 100% helping you.

But seriously, if i had your chuuba account i'd drop a few supas and become a chat regular. I like seeing people become better with time.

>> No.76397606

Good luck in the future! will be cheering for you.

>> No.76398451

This thread gives me huge Denko vibes

>> No.76398579

From Menhera-chan or Anon's anon?

>> No.76398810

What is Denko?

>> No.76398824

I don't know how to explain. I doubt OP is going to kill anyone, but something gives me the creeps

>> No.76399021


>> No.76399054

Where the fuck are the tits??

>> No.76399143

Like stalking?

>> No.76399569



>> No.76399940

I will be happy enough with AI and watching vtubers

>> No.76400387

Denko vtuber when (´・ω・`)

>> No.76401124

this so much this!

>> No.76404280

Add me baby i will show you a good time
