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76362694 No.76362694 [Reply] [Original]

>Panders to gfe
>Loves her fans
>Dedicated fanbase
>Encourages lewd artwork
>Always streams
>Kind of dumb
And yet she has never been more hated, what turned her reputation into a laughing stock?

>> No.76362773
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>> No.76362839

educate yourself

>> No.76362911

Can you fucks, for once in your life discuss why you hate her instead of posting the same “meme” for the 100th time?

>> No.76362914

>Panders to gfe
That's supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.76362955

i hate her because shes a slut that talks about her "eggs"
>t. hasn't seen a single clip of her since 2020

>> No.76363061

not my job to educate you

>> No.76363184

newfag op please educate yourself, I will not do your reps for you

>> No.76363214


>> No.76363432

I think you know exactly whose fault it is that the discussion you want has already ended after just two replies, Finana.

>> No.76363440

In non-meme terms, she repeatedly alienated her fanbase over a series of what would normally be minor issues, because she was never, and is not, pretending to be dumb as fuck, she just is.

>> No.76363452

your words hurt us like "trap" hurt finana

>> No.76363614
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She got gaslighted into being a horrible person.

>> No.76363629

I hate her because she's not a slut enough, she talked about that shit but can't even do a succubus asmr.

>> No.76363672

Holy fucking shit

If you have not seen the numerous threads posted here in the past discussing why people hate her, then genuinely do your reps. It is not that hard. Just go to the archive, look up her name, and read. I’m not fucking with you.

>> No.76363984

nigger we shit on finana at least 3 times a week, don't fault us for wanting to speedrun this shit

>> No.76364056

>Loves her fans
Yeah, the ones on discord.

>> No.76364161

When are you going to stop making fun of her?
She may have said some poorly thought out things in the past but that doesn't mean she deserves this constant ridicule she's receiving here.
Everyone already knows that she's doing relatively poorly and has been for a while, but there's no need to perpetually pour salt into the wound.

>> No.76364163

You can dismiss most stuff like the Zaion thing and parasocial fucks as her being a naive retarded child, so I dont care about that. It's the fact that she had a good thing going with ASMR and decided to slap fans in the face by lying about doing a valentines day one, then proceeding to never do ASMR ever again and ban people who even bring ASMR up in chat.

She also treats her fans like dogshit, getting pissy at fanart she doesnt like, and making fun of fans for trying to get a billboard setup as a birthday present for her.

>> No.76364292

That time she teased a lewd Asmr stream for days but then turned out to be an April Fools' joke. And if that wasn't enough she went to Twitter and made a mockery and humiliate all the people waiting on chat. She then go hang out on the chat of one of her male co-workers no less to keep mocking, disrespecting and berating the thousands of people still on her chat waiting for the stream to start, it went far beyond just a simple prank. After this my hatred for Finana and Nijisanji became like a bottomless abyss. You can't never not hate these people enough.

>> No.76364317

Maybe a year after you've retired from vtubing altogether and people have forgotten about you. Emphasis on maybe, because odds are people will always point to you as an example of what not to do as a vtuber, Finana.

>> No.76364326

>Educate yourself
This was something that was aimed at transphobes and she even apologized for her behavior. Even if she was out of line she never meant to make people feel bad for using a term that was hurtful.
>I was gashlight
She clearly trusted Sayu, and something happened which betrayed her trust, the other one talking about this is a known menhera
>April fools
Clearly you guys can’t take a joke, it was obvious to anyone that she was never gonna do the ASMR. You people just want to use this to paint her as a horrible person, when she never advertised herself as actually wanting to do it
>Discord groomer
After the first tine she was reprimanded by management and didn’t joined again. If she really is still playing with a certain fan group that shit should stay private. What doesn’t happen on stream is her private life and people should respect that.
>Parasocial fucks
This was clearly aimed at the Vox fans that were attacking Reimu. And yet folks still claim Finana told this to her own fans

Finana is the sweetest and kindest vtuber I had the pleasure of watching. It’s such a tragedy that people take her out of context to paint her as some horrible lying person. Anyone who watches her can safely know that she is just a bit dumb but with a kind heart that wants people to be happy, she never comes off as some malicious person.

>> No.76364551

Shut up, Finana. Nobody likes you.

>> No.76364564

Even if it's not Finana, it must some very dedicated Anon because I see him in almost every Finana-thread.

>> No.76364722

Go back to discord, you're better off trying to pull off the twitter support spam than bitching about Finana getting flamed here.

>> No.76364736

>and didn’t joined again
Holy Millie ESL

>> No.76364787

Iron for your sake leave, you're just gonna get your ass blasted here.

>> No.76364812

At this point I'm convinced this skinwalking anon would be better Finana than actual Finana

>> No.76364822

>I had the pleasure of watching
Past tense is correct. Nobody watches her. Not even (You).

>> No.76364854

See >>76317740

>> No.76364916

They can't. Catalog is literally filled with one brain celled zoomers who gets all their education from Tiktok or Facebook.

>> No.76365003

>Loves her fans

>> No.76365044
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On the contrary, she and Yuko Yurei are textbooks examples of what not to do, they should be remembered forever as a warning to aspiring vtubers.

>> No.76365109

Damn near every single Finana thread shitting on her has people pointing out everything wrong with her. Don't throw a hissy fit just because you're illiterate.

>> No.76365157

I don’t even need to bother picking this entire thing apart.

You just said “if she is getting groomed, that’s her private life and people should respect that”

Christ on a bike

>> No.76365163
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>> No.76365204

>selen tries to kill herself
>gets fired
>finana breaks contract MULTIPLE TIMES even after being told by management to stop
>nothing happens
ok so most of them are just sucking dick under the table right?

>> No.76365296

yeah, that's what the GURRAT was about.

>> No.76365453

Bitch why the fuck you lying. The only thing i can pretend to excuse is the parasocial thing being directed towards Vox's fans. Every other "rebuttal" of yours has been a bold-faced lie

>> No.76365457
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Turned woke, showed her true colors, encourages favoritism in groomer discord, only plays shitty gacha, really dense with money, I could go on

Finana is kind of an interesting study case on "What to not do as vtuber"

>> No.76366473

Every single one of those threads are just spreading rumors out of proportions
Like I said here >>76364326
most of them are out of context and being painted as something more than it is. The recent Sayu point if how they ironed things out in dms. If Sayu was already terminated how did she had access to their twitter accounts to talks privately? Things just dont make sense, but since y’all already hate Finana you just use it as more fuel. You even have drama channels pouring fuel into the fire making her lose her 500k miles before Petra, fucking Petra of all people.
What more do you fucks want from her? She’s already struggling on the regular to fake a smile to stream, why the fuck does she need more pressure when she has done nothing wrong?

>> No.76366518

This is probably a larper but on the off chance that you're actually Finana I'll bite. Finana, this entire post is a picture perfect example of the core reason why people dislike or outright hate you; your adamant refusal to properly accept responsibility for your own actions. Every bullet point you made either downplayed or denied any wrongdoing on your part, but the Zaion section in particular was egregious. There was literally no justifiable reason for you to join the dogpile against her after she had already been beaten into the ground by everyone else. You did that deliberately, with full knowledge of how your fans would choose to respond to your words, and don't try to say you had no idea; social media was full of people talking about Zaion and the discourse in question was some of the vilest I've seen outside of /here/.

I know it sucks being a walking monument to failure (300CCV) and having everyone outside of your few remaining fans rooting for you to fall further but you did it entirely to yourself. So when, not if, when you leave Nijisanji I suggest you learn from your mistakes because the indie scene is even more unforgiving than anything a corpo job will throw at you. You won't survive by doing the same stupid shit you're currently doing.

>> No.76366714

>This is probably a larper but on the off chance that you're actually Finana
I stopped reading right there, why the fuck does it baffled you lot that she still has fans? So you really think everyone will abandon her after some few mistakes? Not everyone is blinded by their own ego, not everyone will abandon a sweet and kind girl just because antis like to take quotes out of context.

>> No.76366831

>The zaion thing
She doesn’t live 24/7 on social media dude. Hell most of the time she’s either sleeping during the day and when she is not she is too busy preparing for the next stream or working on new covers

>> No.76366954

>If Sayu was already terminated how did she had access to their twitter accounts to talks privately?
Iron you're making the ryuguards look even more braindead than they are.

>> No.76367228

>stopped reading there
Of course you did. You always refuse to take responsibility for shit
Captcha: 4KAY

>> No.76367471

I get that you're trying to stand by your oshi and, personal dislike of Finana aside, I respect your commitment. But for both your sake and hers, stop ingesting copium. If she was busy enough to not know about the Zaion situation then why would she comment on it. Also, why is she even speaking about it unprompted on a random Yakuza stream. Finally, an online content creator failing to keep track of current events and trends in their scene is not an ironclad defense, it's an act of laziness. Nothing that I, or any other Anon has said is unfair criticism, harsh wording notwithstanding.

>> No.76367563

So... how's the twitter support spam going?

>> No.76367658

>Some few mistakes
The biggest person being blinded by their ego is the girl in question here. She has made it clear that if she had the chance to do things over, she would do everything over again because she doesn't see anything wrong with what she did.

>> No.76367731

NTA but there is unfair criticism, but it only applies to the billboard thing since the quote used is from an organizer contact, rather than Finana herself

>> No.76367766

>Refusing to take responsibility for ANYTHING
>Not even the fucking awful April Fool's joke
Finana, you are a terrible person.

>> No.76367949

is think she is stupid and hanging with spiteful people and a toxic work environment rubbed off on her. if she goes indi and can make peace with sayu i can see a future for her. not as big as she used to though.

>> No.76367965
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>Finana is the sweetest and kindest vtuber I had the pleasure of watching.

>> No.76368051

anon don't fall for it I'm worried about you
she's going to take your kidneys

>> No.76368502

Riku needs more livers. The yacht won't pay for itself you know

>> No.76368762

>This was clearly aimed at the Vox fans that were attacking Reimu. And yet folks still claim Finana told this to her own fans
Doesn't matter you can't shit on parasocial fans and then continue to make parasocial content

>> No.76369011

She needs to go back to doing coomer ASMR

>> No.76369236
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Yeah, I don't hate her, but that fucking list + everything else that came afterwards just made me pity her, poor girl is the biggest ass example in Niji of what happens when the grooming goes out of control.

>> No.76369321

>Made her visit to New York with Pomu absolute hell for her
I do not feel bad for that stupid fish at all. She can burn.

>> No.76369329

It's actually easy.
>"normal" vtuber fans hate her because she acted/acts like a degenerate twitch whore.
>"coomer" vtuber fans hate her because she acts like that but doesn't deliver on it.
>Sayu/Doki fans hate her because she threw their oshis under the bus.
>Some niji sisters hate her because she is a thread to the males purity and is breaking the rules all the time, getting away without even a slap on the wrist.
>Then there is the rest who just doesn't care for her at all because she is a gacha addict.

>> No.76369411

Oh, I forgot:
>She also has a discord full of "special" groomer fans she favors.
Going by the amount of money she spends on gacha and the amount she earns from streaming they are probably "donating" her money behind anycolors back, through paypal or something similar. Maybe getting special favours in return, since she likes to take spicy selfies, but never mentions what she does with them.

>> No.76369428

>Finana discord cancelled their b-day billboard project because she told them they're unoriginal and copying hololive

>male crashing Pomu+Finana yuribait off-collabs as a "surprise"

>Finana openly admitting to lying about it and selling it as a "girls night" despite the male being planned all-along

>comment sections getting closed to hide complaints

>Finana has a menhera meltdown on twitter about how nobody draws her in group fanart and cancels streams because of it

>Finana jumps in during the drama with her infamous "L + Ratio you parasocial fucks" tweet (somehow this doesn't stop her from doing valentines dates and sell wedding ring merch though)


>Finana menheraposts on twitter about "trap" being a slur and bans the word, tells viewers to "educate themselves", then promptly backpedals unbans it and apologizes after backlash

>Finana gets caught joining a fan discord server with her official account where she constantly joins vc and plays games with its members, gets bonked by management and is forced to leave it only for her to create an alt account and join again behind management's back, causing her biggest paypigs to leave her over the preferential treatment to the members of the server

>Finana's aforemention discord groomer circle leaks her Nijisanji audition tape
>Arranged an off-collab with Pomu at a hotel. The basis of the collab was that Finana's parents wanted her to have another woman around that she trusted while she went to HoyoFair (gacha shit). Finana snuck Uki (a gay male) into the collab after telling everyone (including Pomu and her parents) that it was a girls' night off-collab.
>Also, during that trip, Finana's cards declined because she's abhorrently terrible with money, so Pomu had to pay for everything, and probably never got paid back. Pomu herself brought it up as the reason the last LazuLight off collab was just her and Elira; Finana couldn't show up and Pomu wasn't paying for her.
>Finana hung out in a Ryugard discord, as Finana, which naturally resulted in certain Ryugards getting preferential treatment over others. When paypigs out of the loop complained, management told her to get out of that discord, which she did, then almost immediately rejoined under a second account.
>Among other things she may or may not have done in that discord, she leaked her Nijisanji audition tape, played games in Discord calls, and did ASMR for them.
>She's fucking retarded with finances in general; constantly spends her income on sneakers and gacha. Ryugards may have single-handedly funded Honkai Star Rail with how many rolls she's done on their dime.

>Finana has been playing offline with her fans and breaking contract
>She joined a fan server and was not shy to say who she was
>After people started talking she stayed hidden on the discord
>She later left the server and stayed in contacted with the mods of said server
>Her reason for leaving was not public knowledge until
https://youtu.be/zGtcE-lyTUM?t=11440 [Embed]
>We later see her fans from the same mod group playing with Ouren, her XIV boyfriend from years back
>She has all those same mods as steam friends
>She even shared her audition video, a clear break of contract
https://youtu.be/P0mLQ-8IrFI [Embed]
>She shared the audition to all of those new "Friends" who are small time wanabee vtubers, to audition to Nijisanji
>Her reason to ban the "Trap" and "Futa" was because of that new friend group

>> No.76369552

>Panders to gfe
Was never GFE
>Loves her fans
Only loved her oilers
>Dedicated fanbase
She ran them off with the valoguard saga
>Encourages lewd artwork
As does all non Holos
>Always streams
As does most.
>Kind of dumb
As is most.
>What went wrong?
She thought she was bigger than she is with certain dedicated fans and ended up running them off.

>> No.76369660

That's probably one of the bigger reasons she chose them over the rest of her fans. Why get 2% when you could get a few whales to privately send you 100% instead?

>> No.76369973

That's the funny part
Valoguards blocked off the other paypigs from joining.

>> No.76370078

*The paypigs
I forgot none of the Valoguards were anywhere close to spending as much as paypigs

>> No.76370100

Funny thing is she didn’t take her gachis, that’s why the whole discord leak started.
She started playing with some twitter trannies fresh from college and started ignoring her oil barons.
The discord she joined are a small group of zoomers who liked playing Valorant, and she wanted to play with them. That same group started playing with her xiv friends to get closer to her and made the secret discord to have private times with her.

>> No.76370430

Damm. I didn't like Finana ever since her first controversy but like... Godamm. Nijisanji... how do you do it. I'm almost impressed.

>> No.76370986

sounds a lot like yuko and what a coincidence that discord groomers are involved in both

>> No.76371142

Holy schizo what a bunch of nothingburgers. None of this is particularly bad or malicious, she’s just retarded. Give her a break

>> No.76371252

If she still did lewd ASMR I'd watch, but she doesn't so I don't watch

Finana is tainted, as a tainted woman I cannot watch her for anything besides fap content

>> No.76371293

>panders to gfe
There's your problem. I can smell the sleaze from a mile away whenever girls do this.

>> No.76371534

>I was gashlight
>She clearly trusted Sayu, and something happened which betrayed her trust, the other one talking about this is a known menhera
lol, lmao

Finana literally did the same play against Sayu that Vox did against Dokibird, and you could tell that Finana was reading a script when she was talking by tracking her eyes.
It's fucking Niji PR damage control, Finana willfully lied about the situation

>> No.76371835

>nothing of this is particularly bad or malicious
It doesn't need to be to make people hate you.
Some people genuinely HATE Fauna because she doesn't eat meat.

>> No.76372198

You cannot pander to gfe and do male collabs so that point is meaningless.
She has disrespected her fans multiple times so thats wrong too.
She pitches a shitfit about art she doesnt like so theres that too.

>> No.76372524

Discord groomers ruined her career and she istoo dumb to do anything about it
She's probably too dumb to even realize she has been groomed

>> No.76372640

It was brought up, she just sided with them anyways. It's the breaking point of why every paypig ditched her ass

>> No.76373062

I remember when she cried on members after Pomu’s graduation announcement. And went on to claim the discord stuff as rumors and how they stopped playing shortly after they started. Only for anons here to post logs of them playing a month back, so not only is she lying to her fanbase but she continues to shield the same group that have ruined her career

>> No.76373180

Doesn't have to be malicious to plain dislike her

>> No.76374012
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>>Loves her fans

>> No.76374031

All this evidence of her breaking rules, she even admits it herself. None of the dramafags touch this topic. Why the fuck? Is it because it’s harder to understand or do they not think it will get good clicks?

>> No.76374345

No one cares about finana enough for drama surrounding her to get clicks.
Drama is such part and parcel of nijisanji now that it really isnt worth covering unless its company wide. Heck even Luca's doesnt get brought up much amd hes miles more relavent.

>> No.76375610

Nobody watched Finana that's why

>> No.76376049

>As does all non Holos
Plenty of Holos do too

>> No.76377327

sad and pathetic post

>> No.76378175

>"Clearly you guys can’t take a joke"
I can take a joke but what I CAN'T take is when she posts a header on her twitter showing us her sticking the fingers up at her fans as a "fuck you you got owned!"

>> No.76378239


>> No.76378271

Her biggest mistake was joining the Valoguards and lying to her fans

>> No.76378305

>Panders to GFE
That's a whole story in itself
>Loves her fans
She has repeatedly proven the opposite is true
>Dedicated fanbase
So dedicated that they abandoned her and the few that remain have had to apologize on her behalf to people like Pomu for her behavior
>Always streams
Gacha slop and JRPGs, both of which have poor audience retention
>Kind of dumb
Extremely dumb

>> No.76379052

Shut the fuck up Finana

>> No.76379781

>Panders to gfe
More like panders to cucks. Or are we forgetting this is the girl who invited a male coworker to an offcollab in a hotel room.

>> No.76380108

the most gayest guy in the whole world

>> No.76380212

can this bitch stop talking about playing roblox with the valoguard, she been doing that all week

>> No.76380386

>haha yeah don't be silly you don't have to worry about that guy hes gay
cuckcoping at its finest

>> No.76380562
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She alienated her fans again and again and again and again and again. Am I just supposed to look past this because she tries not to act like a cunt for a week or two?
Trust is like a tree, it takes a lot of time to grow, but it can easily be cut down.
Ask me in 2025 again when it's clear that some lasting change happened.

>> No.76381330

>want to watch her play the funny fred bear game
>2 dudes

>> No.76381795

Hey at least that gave her 3 finanas

>> No.76381966

>explain to me specifically the arguments that have already been explained dozens if not hundreds of times already (which is why they were distilled into quick memes to begin with) or those arguments do not exist
do your reps and then kill yourself

>> No.76382580

This is what I don't get, trust takes time to earn. And she knew people were leaving because according to some folks she tried to appeal to one of her paypigs by appealing to his fetish. Anyone knows what happened there? It could be a sign that she regretted what happened

>> No.76383844

no, she joined the valoguards and started ignoring her fans

>> No.76384051

Then why try to appeal to a paypigs fetish if she didn’t care?

>> No.76384173

it unironically became her fetish

>> No.76384337

educate yourself

>> No.76384415

>zoomers who gets all their education from Tiktok or Facebook.
> zoomers who gets all their

>> No.76384701

My understanding of the situation is that she regretted it a bit and a few days later was back to the same old behavior. Related to that, wasn't that paypig's arc way before the Valentine's Day ASMR thing?

>> No.76384762

Educate yourself chud

>> No.76385098

Mumei follows her on twitter, so I don't think she's the one who harassed Selen

>> No.76385177

she didn't regret it one bit, she tried to salvage things when she saw the truth come out and the fans rightfully feeling betrayed by what she did, but the way she did it was to give fake attention with the name writing stream were you had to pay her to write your name
after that she gave up and continued playing with the valoguard while distancing herself from her fans and giving them the middle finger, being late for streams because she was up late playing with the vlg, ending streams early because she had to go play with the vlg and more, if she had some regret she'd either bring more fans into the group or stop entirely but she never did, the valoguard hated the other ryugards and wanted the group to be exclusive to them i wouldn't be surprised if they poisoned her mind towards her fans which explains a lot of her behavior

>> No.76385182

Mumei still follows Elira too but as far a yesterday Doki mentioned she talked with Mumei.

>> No.76385728

I thought that about aster too until the discord leaks came up.

>> No.76386165

Of course the valoguarfs are toxic, they and especially leek lead a hate group against silver and later Maestro. I remember a screenshot going around of them talking about fans leaving and how they needed to take meds >>28787697
They were a bunch of nobodies who got into the fanthom, managed to get private talks with Finana and kicked the dedicated fans once they got what they wanted

>> No.76386172

aster was never gay at most he's a femboy but not gay, that's on you buddy

>> No.76386352

He did an entire fanservice asmr pretending to be a girl, my bad for thinking he liked men.
Instead dude is desperate to become the astolfo of ankoman's doujins.

>> No.76386583

Because those two comments marked the turning point of Finana losing all of her dedicated fanbase because the idiot is incapable to self-reflecting and understand that her decline has entirely been her fault.

>> No.76386732

I don't like her because she never gave even half of a shit of pretending like she cared about obligations as a vtuber. Granted I hate basically all of EN now but someone who constantly sleeps in, doesn't prepare for collabs at all, basically locks other people out of participating in things unless she's there, and while not an obligation her stupid comments pissing off her unicorns and groomers was objectively a stupid thing to do.

You've been educated.

>> No.76386915

Literally all the listed traits except "kind of dumb" (actually very dumb) are done out of ill, completely fucking dishonest intent. People with more than 1 brain cell can tell because someone who was even kind-of sincere wouldn't be caught dead doing even one thing out of this list >>76369428 if they had some actual desire to try to be sweet to and please her fans.

>> No.76387116

Now that I think about it... The VOD when she played the VN that had Valoguards VA was privated (last I checked it was still around in early january).

>> No.76387973

wtf she really is a liar going out of her way to hide anything related to the valoguard, her fans worked so hard to make that and she goes and hides the stream without giving a fuck about how they feel

>> No.76388194

she hid it because of the trap thing, that's were she talked about it but she forgot to say it was the valoguard who told her to ban the word
i can see how it happened now, she announced she was going to play the visual novel, valoguard members are part of it so they talked with her off stream and then the frog tranny t old her to ban the trap word

>> No.76388732

What ever happened to the stream she accidentally name dropped the valoguards? I know she disabled comments but can't remember the game

>> No.76389368

Timeline checks out, she backtracks 2 days later (another missing vod), and then the valoguard stuff leaks around mid-July

>> No.76390951

Funny how she privated even the apology
makes you wonder if she really believed anything she ever said

>> No.76390970

why don't you educate yourself?

>> No.76392206

And she triples down on them with that other comment about making the same choices she's made.

>> No.76394715

>Finana is the sweetest and kindest vtuber I had the pleasure of watching.
You were doing so well until this part.

>> No.76395195
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tbf Finana is mostly at 3+finanas nowadays. Elira on the other hand...

>> No.76395771
File: 1.21 MB, 1094x851, finanas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana is mostly at 3+finanas nowadays
What gave you that idea? Her numbers this month are about the same as they were back when the Finana unit was first established.
Also that's Enna in your picture, not Elira. "Best year of her life" btw

>> No.76395875

not even op watches her anymore kek

>> No.76396263
File: 280 KB, 800x800, 1714887589780010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly from numberfags posting her ccv here over the last few weeks. Guess they where cherry-picking
also imma be honest, I watch none of them, and I'm never gonna put in the effort to remember any of their names cause they don't deserve it.

>> No.76396312
File: 297 KB, 937x638, 1652882239632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what people are chimping out over? the only bad thing here is what she did to pomu, are you all autistic retards????

>> No.76396545
File: 142 KB, 438x390, 7432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best year of her life
She really thought all of this was going to go down differently.
What an evil bitch.

>> No.76396777

>best year of her life
kek forgot about this

>> No.76398963


>> No.76400608


>> No.76404541


>> No.76404608

Holobronies are missing out because none of their lazy whores do proper GFE nor love their fans

>> No.76404627

Does that upset you finacuck?

>> No.76404660

Holobronies wish they had people who were OK with lewds and streamed every day

>> No.76404806

Holobronies can't because she's totally redeemed herself since then

>> No.76404906

Don't expect Holobronies to understand that Finana is exactly what they want their Holos to be. GFE, loving her fans, not autistic about fanart, and streaming every day. She only has shit numbers allegedly because she doesn't have the blue dorito. But you and I both know she's what Gura should have been.

>> No.76404927
File: 1.27 MB, 1276x2640, 1659714174035999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's afraid

>> No.76404991

This all happened years ago
Enjoy your lazy whores I guess
Holobronies love lying to themselves with rrats

>> No.76405075

You don't watch Finana do you?

>> No.76405119

>watching nijisanji

>> No.76405166

>watching Hololive in late 2023+.5

>> No.76405291

I'm not being paid enough to watch nijisanji

>> No.76405401

She unironically has the emotional maturity of a teenager.

>> No.76405691

Enough about Kronii

>> No.76406144

>t. Finana or seething ryugyard

>> No.76406431

How the fuck is a serial male collaber gfe? How is the one who coined the “PARASOCIAL FUCKS” meme gfe? How can someone who dangles an highly anticipated ASMR stream in front of her fans only to tell anyone who thought she’d do it to fuck off gfe?

>> No.76406743

Holy copium, Batman

>> No.76406824

Something something projection.. some people immediately flag what they themselves are up to by accusing someone else of being/doing that.

>> No.76409199


>> No.76409482


>> No.76414281


>> No.76414333

make me

>> No.76416487


>> No.76419402

And now you know why Finana has 300 views

>> No.76419777

Oh wow, retarded feesh actually smart enough to avoid the part that actually matters? Good for you finana, here's a star, collect 100 of them and we might let you out of the asylum early

>> No.76419909

Everyone /here/ tries to make it out as a result of drama when the reality is far more prosaic: she debuted alongside two talented powerhouses (Elira and Pomu), played a lot of debuff games, and got into a controversy early on that alienated a lot of her early supporters and just lost growth momentum, and the rapid expansion of NijIEN sucked up all the new attention into newer Livers.

It's not that she "lost" viewers - all of Lazulight were 3-4view in the beginning, she just never could quite gain and keep them, and the rapid pace of additional NijiEN debuts meant competition for viewer growth was fierce - Obsydia and Ethyria were all strong talents with their own niche appeals as well - and then you had Luxiem explode onto the scene shortly thereafter. You need viewers to snowball into more viewership, and there just wasn't a lot of time for Lazulight to snowball.

>> No.76420386

What the fuck are you smoking and can i have some?

>> No.76422048

I don't follow Finana but from what I gleam off of what is said about her, is that she became a woke-scold. if you are a GFE streamer, you want to keep up an attractive front. Almost nothing turns men off more than being nagged at and dealing with woke karen-like woman. Combine the two and it is even worse. There are other things that added to this, Like backstabbing Sayu, but this is the core issue.
Also, one of the issues with GFE is that when a man falls out of love with a woman, it is total death of that man's love and the GFE mimics this as well. GFE has the potential of getting the most rewards but is the biggest gamble because once lost it is near impossible to regain that connection. Non GFE chuubas who piss off fans have a much better chance of recovery because they did not make their fans parasocialy fall for them and then break their hearts.

>> No.76422110

Blowjob ASMR that is to this day her most popular VOD of all time.

>> No.76422738

Not saying this is the case, but a follow doesn't mean an endorsement. She might have forgor to unfollow, or maybe she is keeping tabs on her or maybe Elira had nothing to do with the harassment. Who knows.

>> No.76425042

I don't fucking care about all of those points. I stopped watching her the moment she let someone else direct her content. And I was there from the moment lazulight debuted. But when finana pivoted after her ASMR stream, I was gone.

>> No.76425526


>Panders to gfe
I dont really want my girlfriend to be a nijisister
>Loves her fans
>Dedicated fanbase
you'd love the dedicsted nijisisters too if they kept defending you for your fuck ups.
>Encourages lewd artwork
you need to elaborate on this

>> No.76425787

>Best year of her life"
She really hate doki

>> No.76425828

Nijisis are retarded.

>> No.76425913

It works? I guess i'll keep posting the meme

>> No.76425974

Never paid attention to this dumb meme or her, now I hate I just read some of this. All this gossip and drama you lads love is kinda worst then the stupid shit she did.

>> No.76426053

>Cover stocks on a freefall deflection thread

>> No.76426169

>utako graduation deflection post

>> No.76427173

You tried, sister

>> No.76427274

>Mocks GFE fans despite profiting from it
>Criticizes and mocks her fans
>Fanbase was decimated due to previous points to the point all that is left is groomer life support and some male runoff sisters
>Is a whore
>Mediocre streams + M*les
>Actual fucking moron

>> No.76427483

Educate yourself parasocial fuck

>> No.76427536
File: 162 KB, 848x444, Parasocial beam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76427560

She didn't care for viewer's feeling when she said those words. It will come back to bite her again and again until she understand what she did

>> No.76428029

It's called nijinigger delusions
Don't touch it, that shit rots your mind

>> No.76429168

holy shit her last outfit is so fucking hideous

>> No.76429904

It represents her to a T
She had a cute model and she replaced it for something you would not recognize as the og Finana

>> No.76430134
File: 462 KB, 598x751, Egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks can seethe and mald, while Finana enjoys herself

>> No.76430169


>> No.76430270

>the zaion thing
Are you still pretending you got shafted like selen, zaion?

>> No.76430464

Do nijikeks really?

>> No.76430688

You are either Finana herself or the valoguards, fuck off you parasocial freaks

>> No.76433359

>view post engagements
replying before this post becomes a gigayab

>> No.76433373

>View post engagements
Stop coming here Finana

>> No.76433391


>> No.76433393

finana you are a terrible cropper you fucking retard kek

>> No.76433398

Finana why are you /here/?
love your pussy btw

>> No.76433397

show boobs finana

>> No.76433404

Uhhh Finanachama????
Why are you posting on 4chan?
Didn't you retards learn from Millie's stream that literally jumpstarted the end of NijiEN?

>> No.76433407

>View post engagement
You aren't subtle huh

>> No.76433411
File: 23 KB, 114x114, 1697459916083527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>View post engagements

>> No.76433413

>pretending not to know
>in 2024
kys and quit wasting catalog space

>> No.76433426

Holy shit hi Finana, say hi to Sayu for me would you?

>> No.76433444

Finana, you're coping and seething and that looks like shit

>> No.76433453

show tits please

>> No.76433455
File: 47 KB, 524x618, 1640590709162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way

>> No.76433480

i wonder how much other retarded schizo shit you post here, finana

>> No.76433505
File: 818 B, 192x12, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana... your cropping reps...

>> No.76433551

You should do more ASMR, Finana. No one else makes me cum like you can.

>> No.76433552

This has to be bait. It's just too on the nose to believe.

>> No.76433567

if she was, she'd have a massive speak as being dumb
she's just not entertaining in general, 100% of her views are just from the signalboosting of the Niji brand and being too beneath notice for sisters and haters to go after her

>> No.76433613


>> No.76433676


>> No.76433680
File: 739 KB, 1199x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> week old tweet
> same views as it has right now
> that crop job
lmao Finana you absolute retard

>> No.76433788
File: 332 KB, 598x751, 1687573112456765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checks out

hi finana

>> No.76433799

lmao. Fucking CAUGHT.

>> No.76433831

Can anyone explain to me what is this ?

>> No.76433860

you had ONE job Finana

>> No.76433870

It makes edits to the original image obvious. There's no edits.

>> No.76433896


>> No.76433925

Reported to Nijisanji, see ya in the graduation queue Finana

>> No.76433952

nijis really are as retarded as their fans

>> No.76433953


>> No.76433964
File: 73 KB, 530x530, RenLAUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit KEK. I can't believe Finana comes /here/ just to seethe at the people who shit on her.

>> No.76433984

>report in english
>elira is the one to see it
>ignore it then send finana a dm
>"you are an idiot"

>> No.76433995

lol Hmong moment. Why are all SEA bitches slutty and stupid?

>> No.76434021
File: 22 KB, 341x257, 1711137415840243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screencap

>> No.76434034 [DELETED] 

peko db watchalong 6k waiting, miko 5k waiting

>> No.76434043


>> No.76434064

>>Panders to gfe
Broke kayfabe enough times to disillusion her fans
>>Loves her fans
Only the ones that are grooming her in their private discord
>>Dedicated fanbase
lol, lmao
>>Encourages lewd artwork
By creating shipping chances with other Nijimales, very GFE
>>Always streams
Doesn't stream what the fanbase she wants to have wants to watch, then complains to the fanbase she has that they're not the fanbase she wants
>>Kind of dumb
Beyond "kind of", she's in the "so stupid it's actually repulsive" category

>> No.76434066
File: 360 KB, 685x624, 1707739862794096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana is /here/
>not only that but a catalognigger

>> No.76434065
File: 410 KB, 640x480, 1705952241187831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking retard.

>> No.76434070

Hmong should be short for Hmongoloid.

>> No.76434107
File: 379 KB, 1280x415, NijiNTRsanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggersanji GET THE ROPE!

>> No.76434110

What program is it?

>> No.76434141
File: 968 KB, 3703x2417, 1422822460055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.76434195

Can anyone confirm if the timezone matches with her? We may be falling for bait, this is way to convenient

>> No.76434202


>> No.76434228

kek retard

>> No.76434229


>> No.76434255

the pic is in EST, what timezone is finana again?

>> No.76434282
File: 333 KB, 900x900, 1703662589996357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like all out war in here

>> No.76434299

kinda funny that it took 2 hours for anons to realize

>> No.76434387
File: 412 KB, 1280x882, women_irrational.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> feeling the need to defend yourself on 4chan of all places
This is a certified woman moment

>> No.76434404

Personally my eyes just instinctively ignore Twitter screencaps, so I had to scroll back up to why people were freaking out. Glad I did, this is comedy gold.

>> No.76434406

Get me in the screencap KEK

>> No.76434414

she'll have a time to delete, which would kill the fun.

>> No.76434419

yeah, it's probably b8, but it's so in character for her that it's legit 9/10 HQ b8

>> No.76434420

she's such a pick-me
i pick her

>> No.76434432

She lives in upper America close to Canada so EDT or EST?

>> No.76434452
File: 346 KB, 615x621, 1716466031273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>view post engagements

>> No.76434537

She's CST iirc

>> No.76434563

Yeah, inadvertently this is even better because I'm pretty sure Feesh just posted it and left, completely unaware of her mistake. But now I really want her to come back

>> No.76434679

Finana please let me tongue punch your brown starfish. I swear you'll never have to work around these PARASOCIAL FUCKS again.

>> No.76434699
File: 30 KB, 354x213, doxx audience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Njikeks our response??? also parrot tranny is a third worlder doxx drama faggot who is not your friend. He will attack your oshi like a vulture when he feels a whiff of drama regardless whatever corpo/indie you support. Drama niggers get the rope

>> No.76434966

The Sincroknights send their regards, you dumb backstabbing cunt.

>> No.76435130


>> No.76435225

>yfw Finana is confirmed /here/
>yfw she probably went to sleep after posting this
>yfw this has time to be discovered by dramatubers
>yfw the shitposting that will happen from now on

>> No.76435246

>what is inspect element
is finana even awake at this hour?

>> No.76435282

put me in the screencap

>> No.76435290

dumb cunt getting found out reading her own anti threads and antiing holo lmao

>> No.76435312

La+ did it before it was cool

>> No.76435350

At the time the image was posted, yes she would normally be awake because she's a degen.

>> No.76435410

Dude, how have you not seen the copy pasta?

>> No.76435526

Keep reading the thread Anon, it gets so much funnier.

>> No.76435741

I hated that bitch since debut. Constantly fucks up and was a burden since the start. Still mad what she did to pomu in their first weird double member watchalong.

>> No.76435799

this. i can look past the other stuff but i will never forgive her for the valentines day asmr. asmr is not something you play around with

>> No.76435804

Where is she antiing holo?

>> No.76435962


>> No.76436015

holy fucking kek

>> No.76436056

Finana ultimately becoming a unit of /by/ CCV measurement is the funniest part of it all

>> No.76436080

Where is the fiber in this meal? How bad are her shits?

>> No.76436107
File: 133 KB, 438x438, 1700573047700391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana IS here
>She is the one trying to defend herself
I'm tired, stop the simulation

>> No.76436142

God, please let this be real.

>> No.76436160

Really explains all the "Finana a bad person, just misguided" shilling I see all the time.

>> No.76436178

>3:35 PM
is it her timezone?

>> No.76436219

>babbys first inspect element edit

>> No.76436227

isn't a*

>> No.76436247

i dont hate her but she's never been good, she was a stain in the otherwise perfect lazusydia

>> No.76436256

You stupid fucking retard, how have you not been terminated yet?

>> No.76436316

do it then

>> No.76436319

>you fucks
Alright then

>> No.76436342
File: 386 KB, 1332x744, 1716089521135814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck the crazy out of you

>> No.76436438

I will always laugh at the fact that Finana has become a standard measurement of CCV

>> No.76436573


>> No.76436585
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, 1714205542052302m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76436648

you fool oh my god

>> No.76436683
File: 901 KB, 740x883, 1705206824690631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I see, for reference. I'm GMT+2

>> No.76436697
File: 260 KB, 512x512, IMG_1876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hired this Koyote to laugh at you

>> No.76436717

Another one for the NIJI SAFARI~

>> No.76436718

Some of the posts in here make sense now kek.

>> No.76436720

You know what, I was in the middle of doing it and realized there's no bar chart icon to leverage, so unless it's possible to add that in via inspect element then maybe it's real after all. Or it's just a shoop.

>> No.76436737
File: 127 KB, 1242x1215, 1711322047563621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go cry somewhere else finana

>> No.76436968

Sincroknight here, I was willing to give her benefit of the doubt even after what she did to Sayu because I thought she was being misled by someone in Niji. And then it was revealed that she wasn't being misled at all and she did it out of spite. And from what I've read in posts in this thread apparently it's not an isolated incident. I regret ever giving this piece of shit benefit of the doubt.

>> No.76437000

Finana is Central Time, so it checks out

>> No.76437086

>anons falling for this
/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.76437143

It's either real or bait so good that I'm not even going to be mad that I got baited, so either way I'm having fun

>> No.76437160
File: 427 KB, 602x739, thisisclearlyfake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am Wawa!

>> No.76437166
File: 330 KB, 542x542, oh no what happened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO WHAT HAPPENED D: this has never happened to anyone posting on X before ToT did you get the approval/ok sign to mane-san before being exposed?

>> No.76437176
File: 9 KB, 277x182, 1707906311282642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has GOTTA be bait.

>> No.76437207

Shitting on Finana is always a good time, she deserves every bit of hate she gets.

>> No.76437376

aw man... pack it up boys

>> No.76437384
File: 74 KB, 500x615, IMG_3266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s left to check? Image meta data? I have my doubts this could actually be Finana, it would be extremely retarded even for her, and doesn’t nijisanji give them a phone specifically for work? I doubt they can access their accounts outside that device.

>> No.76437459

No if you then call your viewers parasocial fucks

>> No.76437496

>So what’s left to check?
Your brain

>> No.76437520

The grey line looks way too clean anon, go back to photoshop

>> No.76437572

Tell Hex he's next

>> No.76437596

Listen I’m all for shitting on Finana but this seems too deliberate to be her. If it’s a troll he got a lot of attention while damaging Finana even further

>> No.76437617

>doesn’t nijisanji give them a phone specifically for work? I doubt they can access their accounts outside that device
you might be more retarded than Finana

>> No.76437726

>I doubt they can access their accounts outside that device.

>> No.76437793

Zaion has her own problems that make her just as bad as nijiniggers to me, but her firing and the lies finana spread arent one of them.

>> No.76437810


>> No.76438006

Don't they have private livers only discord servers that they use with work accounts?

>> No.76438128

He'll get his eventually, the guy is known to profile creep his underage fans so him getting outed as a groomer is only a matter of time. Personally I'm more interested in ruining the one who got out unscathed. Fuck Kyo btw.

>> No.76438177

This post almost has more replies than Finana has viewers.

>> No.76438193 [DELETED] 

it proofs that the img has not been altered but couldnt anyone just take a screenshot?

>> No.76438235

Artifact data is how these images are usually proven to be edited or not, and in this case it does appear to be edited

>> No.76438261

The thread has 1 Finana of posts thanks to >>76430134, so you could say she did her job in getting engagement

>> No.76438277

It doesn't even matter if it's bait, now she will see this anyway KEK

>> No.76438333

thats what all the no talent hacks do. they always resort to being lewd when they have nothing to offer

>> No.76438353

Hi Finana please start streaming on fansly, you are made for it

>> No.76438360


>> No.76438402

>>76438235 (me)
Not to be edited*

>> No.76438456

wait a minute. she has pussy pics??

>> No.76438637

hold on parrot and fish are friends?

>> No.76438767

Just saw this. If I was a drama starved fag and knew a lil bit of html, I would edit the text and crop it just so to bait (You)s, but who would do that? heh

>> No.76438780

Damn, anon, you scared me

>> No.76438837

That is the most unfortunate typo I've ever seen

>> No.76438917

What's this one look like under artifact?

>> No.76438961

Impersonation is bad anon, now you're making me ruin the fun to prove you wrong
>>76433741 shows the artifact data of this image, note how flat the top is on the bottom part
>>76434035 and >>76434446 show how the artifact data of one's own tweet is supposed to look like and how the crop doesn't matter. On real tweets there will be that little bump at the engagement icon the supposedly "real" image doesn't have.

>> No.76439167

Hi Finana, you backstabbing bitch. Always knew you were a cunt first and retarded second.

>> No.76439182

I mean did being confirmed as defending herself in 4chan really do any damage?

I don't think her reputation can go any lower without somehow involving her with Selen's bullying, or one of the Ryuguards go full Raziel and dumps all the Valoguard discussion receipts.

>> No.76439232
File: 371 KB, 1422x239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checking what the cropped one actually looks like
Unlike >>76433788 the real one has jagged lines with colors and a protruding part near the left side icon

>> No.76439291

kek you can see how NDF's got here as they try to shoot in every direction trying to >debunk the fish's retardation, yet again

>> No.76439387

you are trying to tell us that some anon only edited some half picture for some obscure reason while the other side is original, looks like you dont know wtf you are talking about but got sent here to do the job anyways

>> No.76439388

You don't need no groomers, you need an entire team of tard wranglers holy fuck

>> No.76439397

So it was a hoax all along, I think everyone should apologize to Finana :)

>> No.76439416
File: 180 KB, 493x500, 1714064388367958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screen-cap.

>> No.76439454

Only after you apologize to Mint, Sayu and your fans, Finana

>> No.76439506

> screenshot Fish's tweet
> crop the "view engagement" thing from one of your own tweets
> put it on her tweet, crop it a bit to make it look real (causing the top protrusion on the real one to be removed = perfect rectangle)
> farm one million (Yous).
> Bonus : Ruin Fish's reputation even further
Anon probably laughing all the way to the (You) bank

>> No.76439559

>Ruin Fish's reputation even further
that aint even possible, finana.

>> No.76439638
File: 98 KB, 405x720, oar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice for sayu, bitch

>> No.76439656

not even surprised

>> No.76439679

I can't believe you retards still fall for simple tricks like this. /vt/ is full of unironic retards. holy shit, i middle schooler could trick you into believing anything.

>> No.76439722

Dumbass fishpaste kek

>> No.76439727

hi finana

>> No.76439745
File: 573 KB, 938x497, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76439775

I don’t think you understand. I’ll say it once.

It doesn’t have to be irrefutably true. It only needs to fulfill two criteria for /vt/ to latch onto it:

1. It’s plausible enough to be believable
2. It would be really fucking funny if it were true

>> No.76439824

mom, finana is samefagging again

>> No.76439861

/vt/ is so starved for drama they fabricate their own shit. truly the worst scum on 4chan, and that's not a compliment btw.

>> No.76439876

You know it would've been better to just not address it but the fact people are defending you and you are too dumb to ignore it doesn't lean things in your favor.

>> No.76439915

I confirm I follow the 2nd point

>> No.76439962

Put me in your screencap parrot.

>> No.76440051

I mean if we're being honest a lot of the time it's enough for a rrat to only fulfill that second requirement.

>> No.76440090
File: 139 KB, 600x499, 1713391744900339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you retards are pretending.

>> No.76440102

Whole site is like this, dipshit. Just look at /b/ and their Taylor Swift is /here/ rrats.

>> No.76440129

Stop coming here then. It'll only ruin your reputation, not ours

>> No.76440195

Someone artifact these as well then

>> No.76440264

To be fair, Taylor Swift is so up her own ass, I wouldn't be surprised if she browses and seethes at posts about herself.

>> No.76440306

the IQ of this board is dangerously low

>> No.76440363

But is it as low as Fianna's ccv?

>> No.76440419
File: 110 KB, 312x312, 1713807201155454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76440470

>needing a program to look at a twitter screencap for artifacts(?)
Do you people not know about inspect element and that you can just fucking copy paste that shit onto any tweet

>> No.76440502

im just here to falseflag since no one will call me out because their distracted lol

>> No.76440522

Retard. Just edit the html on the page. You can't be this stupid. It's 2024 for God's sake. We've had computers since forever.

>> No.76440578

I'm at work on a phone.

>> No.76440593

>low iq
she never had a chance at life

>> No.76441105

she's /here/ ???

>> No.76441113

you can have the doxxnigger, I'll have the roach.
