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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 342 KB, 1800x2048, GOGV9wSbMAA26LQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76344961 No.76344961 [Reply] [Original]

Desk -50HP Edition
Previous Thread >>76333401

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76345000
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>> No.76345553

how are you supporting them during these turbulent times?

>> No.76345707


>> No.76345994

Tweets. Can't do much else.

>> No.76346027

Not writing anti walls and making them sad
I'm being supportive by default

>> No.76346029
File: 2.26 MB, 2471x2664, 20240505_151838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lusting for fren

>> No.76346052


>> No.76346102

I just write a tweet every now and then talking about them, I'm sure it helps more than it hurts

>> No.76346148
File: 209 KB, 1534x2048, Fn62oEIaIAM8knC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lusting after your friends

>> No.76346187

no, let them focus on their projects/work. else theyre gonna goon and screw up their sleep schedule.

>> No.76346208

tweets, drawing reps, and I'm fumbling around with a DAW to try and make music

>> No.76346333

I'll tweet at them every now and then, I guess

>> No.76346352
File: 52 KB, 551x660, 1690405484631532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its so over

>> No.76346389
File: 161 KB, 485x900, literally me [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5xng08.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76346406

its gonna be around christmas

>> No.76346405

Likeshizos... we lost to the troons...

>> No.76346429
File: 1.02 MB, 2046x1260, F76ML_gbAAAqQ7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, death to all likeschizos.

>> No.76346437

Fuwawa's ASMRs are gonna ruin me

>> No.76346481

>Elon was the likeschizo this whole time

>> No.76346540

The End of Likeschizo...

>> No.76346548

clean your links you knuckle dragger

>> No.76346566

BASED BASED BASED! Maybe now the likeschizos can fuck off.

>> No.76346623

that's like 3 months from now

>> No.76346636

I'll prepare fake screenshots to make people feel bad

>> No.76346643


>> No.76346648

crossposter stop spreading misinformation

>> No.76346650

The funniest part about this is that you'll still get the notification, but there's no way anyone else can verify it now

>> No.76346664

fwmc wants people to know though

>> No.76346696


>> No.76346698


>> No.76346749

Now I can post my cock tributes and they're gonna like them because it'll be just between us

>> No.76346750

Then nothing changes for me and I don't care. All that matters Is I know I got liked.

>> No.76346753


>> No.76346788
File: 8 KB, 228x234, 1714666210804358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76346790


>> No.76346815

A twitter engineer is the one saying this is happening https://x.com/wanghaofei/status/1793096366132195529

>> No.76346828

didn't some ruffbud say they used to check Gura's likes just to know if she was even alive? it's so over kek

>> No.76346858

Cliquebros I don't feel so good.

>> No.76346877

That stopped being a useful metric once she admitted how often her manager uses her twitter

>> No.76346895

Yeah. Whoever gets the likes are going to post screenshots though

>> No.76346928

Feels nice to not fucking care honestly. I'll still get my notifs if they enjoy something. Only thing missing out is FWMC stalking my likes which they don't anymore anyway.

>> No.76346930

No one will care. Once the likes are not public everyone will just assume that your likes are just fake screenshots.

>> No.76346999

die clique, die

>> No.76347020

The priviledge of sharing your porn with Fuwawa through twitter likes is for year one ruffians ONLY

>> No.76347035

With the amount of fake images that one anon posts about FWMC Twitter activity and membership posts no one is going to believe it.

>> No.76347054

I never liked blatant porn of them anyway, I'm losing nothing, gonna be nice seeing the meltdowns though.

>> No.76347075

Are you serious? The reason I'm happy about this is faggots like you having less ammo for your petty gossip. No more OH MY GOSH SISTER THEY'RE LIKING THAT BALD SURFER FROM THAILAND TOO OFTEN THIS MONTH!!!!!!
Get fucked.

>> No.76347076

Just retweet it

>> No.76347120

>he doesn't share his recommended lewds and write a wall to review them on their hashtags

>> No.76347172

>Only thing missing out is FWMC stalking my likes which they don't anymore anyway

>> No.76347206
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, 6533564337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more jp liking sprees

>> No.76347209

they only stalk newffians and their favorites

>> No.76347242

The reason people act like that /here/ is because the clique niggers always gloat about their likes, it makes others feel bad and they start questioning if FWMC play favourites. The private likes will kill those clique faggots.

>> No.76347303

It's just as fucking retarded

>> No.76347329

>the reason is because faggots are literal cry babies
ok i guess

>> No.76347339

kys cliquefag now you can't showoff your likes to the thread. Get fucked.

>> No.76347436

you mean 3 times more JP like sprees and you wont be able to tell

>> No.76347468

even JPffians deploy screencaps

>> No.76347471

Is it that hard for you to not gloat about getting likes? I don't even use Twitter, but have some empathy and think about the other ruffians that didn't get lucky like you.
Grab your "big W's" ang go KYS.

>> No.76347493

They did like a Ruffian writing a review of a VN he was playing, kek. I think it was Ray Romano

>> No.76347513

You care way too fucking much about a little finger tap from cute girls.

>> No.76347564

This is genuinely pathetic. Grow up.

>> No.76347574

No, it's the other way. They won't give a single like to JPs and you won't be able to tell.

>> No.76347576

virtual hugs puts you on the husband list

>> No.76347590
File: 105 KB, 255x288, fuwawaagape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for Elon to fuck up the update and unprivate bookmarks instead making likes private somehow

>> No.76347625

Already on the list cause I love and support them.

>> No.76347640

Tell that to the ones spamming "big W's" when they get a like.

>> No.76347656

>it's not my fault for being a gossipping little faggot who has zero faith in my supposed oshis, it's the clique! the clique deployed the screenshots to destroy our image and make us look bad! it ain't us, it's the clique!

>> No.76347694

At least we'll be able to see FWMC's bookmarked porn.

>> No.76347708

That's embarrassing, yes, but your reaction is pathetic. It's worse. Yes, you're worse than them. You can kill yourself now to get rid of this shame.

>> No.76347725

>not liking every possible JP ruffian
From what timeline did you come from? Did they decide to learn russian instead of japanese there?

>> No.76347736

KYS cliquetard

>> No.76347759

Doesn't know them like a lot of shitters on this thread.

>> No.76347784

Oh boy the clique is here.

>> No.76347810

>I-i-i-i don't even use twitter! It's not for me! I'm fighting the good fight!
>What, you disagree? YOU MUST BE IN THE CLIQUE!!!!!

>> No.76347853

KEK the clique is getting mad

>> No.76347861

Funny how the moment the clique gets mentioned we get this on the thread after its been relatively peaceful most of today.

>> No.76347876

Wuffians you good?

>> No.76347909

Don't you cliqueniggers have multiple Discords to do this shit? Why do you have to shit up here?

>> No.76347920

its more like the topic is free bait

>> No.76347957

Exceptionally good, clique got fucked, I still get to see my likes, and I couldn't give a shit. Not caring is so fuckin easy.

>> No.76347960
File: 109 KB, 1200x900, manly men [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpdqx80.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live meltdown from gossipping faggots realizing they're losing far more than the people they gossip about
can't wait until they continue posting their Big Ws and you continue impotently seething about them

>> No.76347985

I was the one that started talking about them. Ruffians are too easy to bait...

>> No.76347988
File: 1.86 MB, 2023x3000, GHMOOQ5bUAA064w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76348048

How are we losing more? Stop shitting the thread and go back to discord, disgusting faggot.

>> No.76348084

now people might feel obligated to post their likes since nobody will be able to tell they're being active on twitter otherwise

>> No.76348117
File: 77 KB, 2210x1900, 1690235266923258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never going to be able to give them a nice massage after they get out of dance practice and take a 3 hour bath. Sadness

>> No.76348143
File: 382 KB, 1266x2048, 1715609544011744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need her to fucking scent mark me with that all that sweat and ripeness.

>> No.76348157

They'll continue doing exactly the same thing they do, you'll lose your likeschizo whining and keeping track on how often they like hungarians or whoever else.
I won't ever have to read another whiny limp dick post about how "they do so many JP egosa, oh my GOD!"
Get fucked, you gossipping little shits are the worst part of this thread by a mile.
Go write your next evil mastermind exposing tweet about your second favorite discord celebrity.

>> No.76348201

>can't wait until they continue posting their Big Ws and you continue impotently seething about them
Sure "ruffian".

>> No.76348239

Don't they know I'll feel bad when I see it? :(
Think about me, the ruffian with no like, boo hoo, I'm only 39 years old.
Completely justified in shitting thread after thread because of it.

>> No.76348265
File: 58 KB, 225x223, 1713396066303757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /baubau/, don't get too menhera

>> No.76348339

You know that you are the one shitting on the thread now, right? Stop gossiping and post something about FuwaMoco, stupid retard.

>> No.76348350

Yeah, I can take care of both myself, nice of you to offer, though.

>> No.76348362
File: 491 KB, 2600x2600, F9cKgGsaAAAcHvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be normal for once

>> No.76348373
File: 177 KB, 850x1275, 1715693404128146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need every drop of the Fuwasweat

>> No.76348381

another self reply

>> No.76348419

Sorry, can't contain my excitement at the end of likeschizos, but you're right, it's still off topic.

>> No.76348436

No one cares KYS. Post Fuwawa sex or go back.

>> No.76348440

you got me

>> No.76348441

its gonna be funny because i feel like people will start to post them on the general hashtags instead of sticking to their own walls

>> No.76348463

good night

>> No.76348508
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>> No.76348628
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>> No.76348644

Fuwawa you fluffy brain

>> No.76348679

I want FWMC's used panties as merch for their next birthday.

>> No.76348697

>falling for the original link towa baby in 2024
I knew avatarfags weren't the smartest, but still...

>> No.76348704
File: 75 KB, 675x1024, 1716321151649241m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76348796

I don't even think.
I see a FuwaMoco twitter link, I click.

>> No.76348816
File: 398 KB, 1400x2000, 1691992336213145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you tempt me Friend

>> No.76348847

I use the likes tab of Japanese artists to find other Japanese artists, especially those that are shadowbanned. And many japanese artists do not retweet other people's art, but they like it instead.
This change will completely destroy any desire of mine to use the website. I'm so fucking sad.

>> No.76348896

Wait by making likes private, does that mean all likes or you just can't search on a profile anymore?
If you click an individual post, can you still see who liked it?

>> No.76349023

Yeah I always used likes to find similar content to the profile I was on, since usually artists like that will like stuff similar to what they draw. This kind of ruins that for me It also had more art than their media tab which would be 85% gacha shit

>> No.76349052

Considering the reason they're giving for removing it, I'm assuming that will be gone too. Maybe not for the person who made the post exclusively.

>> No.76349094

I do the same. Some people use their likes to show their interests too and it takes you to weird places that you wouldnt see otherwise. The nip twitter is a very interesting place.
the post doesnt say it but given the apparent reasoning, the ways to check who liked what should be completely gone

>> No.76349098

kek yeah same, its easier to train your page by looking at their likes and liking those too

>> No.76349163

huge W bros...

>> No.76349245

this isnt going to quell the menheras because everyone is going to be posting screencaps anyway. The only thing it will change is that you wont know when they are egosa right away and they can like more JP stuff without anyone knowing

>> No.76349329

>give OPTION for people paying for premium to hide their likes
>enforce it on everyone anyways

>> No.76349336

>will still be liked
>will know because xwitter will still notify you
>/baubau/ will not unless they stalk my account
feels good man

>> No.76349348

it will improve this thread because they come here to complain

>> No.76349359

maybe they'll give the premiumfags the option to display their likes instead

>> No.76349403

That is so fucking stupid, I believe it.

>> No.76349414

they'll come here to complain after they see the screencaps anyway

>> No.76349537

For who, though?

>> No.76349633
File: 139 KB, 1200x885, F4l-0CSaMAAiqBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The likes tab is how I find artists. I don't know what I'm going to do. Even if everyone changes to reposting (and they won't because most artists don't want their profile to mostly consist of everyone else's art) I can't go through a thousand gacha results or food posts to find art. The website will literally rate limit you and won't load new posts.
I'm going to lose access to Japanese artists. I use it every day to find new art. And the likes tab is the only way to find small artists.
I feel like I want to die.

>> No.76349782

that is usually not the trigger
most of the gossipping and schizoing is because the menheras here are stalking their likes 24/7

>> No.76349839

This made me realize why artists like their own art posts. Its a nice way to filter stuff.

>> No.76350031
File: 168 KB, 575x602, 1715062297278273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Ruffians, just got home from the yugioh tournament, did better than I expected. Anything interesting happened?

>> No.76350086

literally nothing
just a bunch of bored people

>> No.76350108
File: 3.56 MB, 2048x2048, F3ZO7phawAAamJk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job at the tournament. Nothing to report...

>> No.76350107


>> No.76350244

...wasn't it already a toggleable option? If people were actually thinking this way they would turn it on

>> No.76350285

its a toggle for the bluefags, not for the rest

>> No.76350394

I saw in between rounds the guy that was shitting the puzzle room, I though it was really funny that someone was that pathetic
Thanks Ruffian!

>> No.76350462


>> No.76350483

Why don't they just make it a freely available option instead of forcing people to conform to stupid bullshit?
Elon has to know he's actively trying to piss away money by now right?

>> No.76350501

hi fuwamoco how was your day

>> No.76350562
File: 2.01 MB, 2508x2160, 1709491805278950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to know

>> No.76350606

it's so over...

>> No.76350695
File: 139 KB, 430x443, starryfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you did better than you thought! Not much really happened here today though

>> No.76350759

Fuck you elon fix your fucking garbage ass site

>> No.76351287

Damn, Fantia got blocked from taking Visa and Mastercard. Can't even buy porn in peace these days...

>> No.76351636

It's been a pain in the ass buying anything on dlsite or fantia lately. Just let me give you money already

>> No.76352469

need to buy bitcash and shit nowadays, huh
there's actually JCB available in my country, I guess I should invest some of my time to actually make one because it seems that's actually available anywhere on JP side

>> No.76352631


>> No.76352674

is it me you're looking for

>> No.76352711

Is there anybody out there?

>> No.76352720

Dammit, now I’ll never know if they liked any sexy art.

>> No.76352826


Please commission some fundoshi art.

>> No.76353074

While I agree on the basic idea, likes are very useful for a public persona as a soft-retweet when they don't want to fill the profile with too much content.
They should make public like tab at least an option if you have more than x followers.

>> No.76353107
File: 144 KB, 408x510, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bust-shot 1 aka
>full body 2 aka

>> No.76353335
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1715144130578841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn ruffians!

>> No.76353349
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76353353

good night

>> No.76353392
File: 327 KB, 467x472, mogogotosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76353465
File: 18 KB, 570x381, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>default standing model is the one that ran out of stock first
the fuck's wrong with adventrix

>> No.76353919

initial batch might be smaller
it's a restocking product anyway

>> No.76354101

That's the main reason why I'm just waiting until it comes back around so I can bundle it with some other stuff

>> No.76354185

It's not really going to be three months of this, right?

>> No.76354187

What was this?

>> No.76354228

Expect the worst, hope for the best. But nah its probably gonna be this for at LEAST the rest of this month.

>> No.76354239


>> No.76354266

Lol this shit
First FWMC merch I'm not buying

>> No.76354338

More like whats wrong with Myth and Council when they don't buy their oshis merch

>> No.76354508

Myth and Council don't deserve it. Advent's been pretty strong up till now. Still not sure how much is genuine fall off and how much is just the honeymoon period wearing off.

>> No.76354743
File: 124 KB, 500x500, Mocosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76354866

Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.76355269

Unironically based. Retards who think monitoring other people's interests is good need to be shot

>> No.76355782

In general I like this, but I hope FWMC aren't too bummed about this since handing out likes was an easy and fast way of interacting with fans

>> No.76355821

It doesn't stop them giving likes, it only stops menheras looking at it all day. It should be an option though I don't see the point of forcing it on everyone

>> No.76355844

The fans will still get the notification.

>> No.76355860

>no more likes of shame

>> No.76356019
File: 13 KB, 1280x720, sad blue ruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they no longer have a way to tell everyone that they see the temptress tweet and soft-pinned it for everyone to see
why live

>> No.76356080

They will have to find other ways to tease us.

>> No.76356378

Will it say that FWMC were the ones that liked it?

>> No.76356413

What do you think?

>> No.76356606 [DELETED] 

>ID official MMD released

>> No.76357069
File: 954 KB, 850x1700, fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_reylan520__sample-ccda7627c07f583da2d98ce6f3586c05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obsessed with fuwawa's breast those floofy things always makes me act unwise. ToT

>> No.76357456

Only if someone doesn't like it afterwards
I didn't know I got a like by them for the last good night tweet until I checked who all liked it

>> No.76357802

heh, that's the exact reason I muted notif from people I don't follow

>> No.76357961


>> No.76358036

>1 like
Found the paypig Japanese alt account.

>> No.76358100

a paypig alt being followed by FuwaMoco? Isn't that scandalous? Also I'm sure that guy is just a clipper from Taiwan.

>> No.76358399

I love it. I got my first one the other day but am very happy to see this die just to make the dumb bullshit here die.

>> No.76358463

They'll be even stronger after 3D

>> No.76358488

Years of buy merch and having 20 thousand plastic standees means I don't really need more plastic standees.

>> No.76358646

>Not buying dozens of acrylic stands and renting a room to take photos of them all

>> No.76358656
File: 1.73 MB, 850x1275, fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_honkivampy__sample-a60bb94338d485868b0ef18768b3c198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa's floofies in 3d!!!!!

>> No.76358729

Too big and saggy here.

>> No.76358875

>$21 to buy a single clear folder and have it shipped
>$27 to buy a single standee and have it shipped
Yeah, nah. Bundling isn't bad, but it's not like we get much other than those standees, so I don't ever feel the need to order them on their own. I can buy 3-5 days worth of groceries for myself with that amount of cash.

>> No.76358900

another one
the fuck is Cover working on that is killing everyone's stream schedules for months? I thought Ollie's was completely unrelated, but guess not.

>> No.76359063

Whatever this summer is.

>> No.76359139

The like news is one of the best possible things that could happen. Implement it now please and don't let it be something that gets walked back. It is unironically going to be good for everyone's mental health. Save schizos from themselves.
FWMC will start replying to everything instead

>> No.76359184
File: 113 KB, 299x323, 1702634462127506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76359222

Get your monkey paw bullshit out of here

>> No.76359303

Fuck... I wanted to think that we misunderstood FWMC when they said that things wouldn't go back to normal until September, but it looks like it wasn't a misunderstanding... And the worst part is that FWMC won't be doing gorilla streams, so if their situation is the same or worse than Anya we'll get one stream in the weekends every week at best for the next 3-4 months. And if after that FWMC still take more homework and start appearing in other members 3Ds... Then we won't get a stable streaming schedule until next year.

>> No.76359318

What a nightmare. But I hope they do it just to kill off the menheras.

>> No.76359359

Seeing certain ruffians going into full melty mode over this makes it clear who the likeschizos were. It was already pretty clear, but people are attacking others for saying this is a good idea which shows they are the ones obsessively checking likes and living only for attention.

>> No.76359451

All this means is that I can finally shower this 3view I've been following with likes without FuwaMoco seeing.

>> No.76359465

makin some air fried tenders for breakfast after drinkin a bottle of wine all night
this is what happens with no streams

>> No.76359502

I don't think I've seen anyone saying it's a bad idea

>> No.76359506

I already do it to make them jealous. Gotta give them a little push to not forget about me because there's other vtubers out there if they do

>> No.76359531

People are fighting over this on twitter? kek

>> No.76359573
File: 9 KB, 1823x99, truthofbaubau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The damage is already done, I've already had my own dedicated schizo for months now.

>> No.76359613

you just have to be nice to them
(many "fans" fail this single task)

>> No.76359648

The Hungarian was on a caps lock rage over it this afternoon. Everyone else seemed happy with it.

>> No.76359669

heh, that's exactly why I joined the readschizos rambling and adding random name that got liked recently, regardless of whether they actually get read
dilute the shitlist
and once everyone on the shitlist

no one is

>> No.76359700

I want my own schizo... If I have one they are way too shy. Let it out please.

>> No.76359708


>> No.76359723

It’s a shame that this is only a problem with you fags when Shiori and Nerissa reply a lot to people on twitter.

>> No.76359748

Objectively speaking, if they make it an optional thing like a setting people can turn on and off, it would be a good change
But if people are forced into it, I can't imagine people who usually use likes for one reason or another will be very happy. Taking control away from the end user is usually never a good thing

>> No.76359783

>Taking control away from the end user is usually never a good thing
For the end user, that is
For the one in controls, in the other hand...

>> No.76359784

But even if you are giving fake names you are still shitting on the thread.
Just report and ignore, I don't want the thread being spammed with real and fake names whenever a single shitposter decides to derail it.

>> No.76359802

The only good argument against it I've seen was the people bringing up artists and discovering new ones. But it's not like this is the intended use of the feature, right? It's the issue of using such a global fórum that encompasses literally every single discussion subject imaginable, but only has universal rules and moderation.
If it was a vtuber social network, that would be a stronger counter argument, but if you try to think outside of our niche, their reasoning actually makes a lot of sense. The feature was being used for the exact opposite purpose from the intended one.
This is like when devs fix a glitch and as a side effect we lose cool unintended gameplay tech. I love the tech, but I can't fault them for fixing their game for the general audience.
Maybe if they continue to make things suboptimal for the vtuber crowd, that shitty twitter knockoff Cover keeps pushing will have a chance after all.

>> No.76359815

next stream will be “don’t scream”

>> No.76359822

nah bro, it's just fun

>> No.76359826

What evem is the positive healthy reason to spend hours looking at someone else's likes? It's always stalker behavior or someone trying to expose them for liking something weird. You can still when someone likes your own posts. Shit, I'd rather no likes at all other than anonymous ones for the algorithm

>> No.76359874
File: 670 KB, 1280x1280, 1709779138538932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists moving to Twitter was a fucking mistake anyways. Go back to Pixiv. Japanese artists in particular are way too mercurial and delete shit off Twitter too quickly, not to mention they are limited by Twitters shitty size limit and godawful compression. Plus there is no way to properly look at, index, or even search through all the art they've posted.

God I fucking hated that so many JP artists went to Twitter.

>> No.76359900

I hope they move to holoplus right now before the beta even. I want paypigs and schizos ro lose their fucking minds from missing out. Force people to do their reps and use the JP app if they want to interact with fuwamoco.

>> No.76359911

It's not a problem if they give everyone the same attention, but it WILL be a problem if they only reply to paypigs.
It makes FWMC look bad, and it gives shitposters shit to throw to make the ruffians feel bad.
It's that simple.

>> No.76359932

>Force people to do their reps and use the JP app if they want to interact with fuwamoco.
People can't get the JP app outside of Japan

>> No.76359942
File: 149 KB, 788x1200, Mistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fluffy magical mistress

>> No.76359944

They don’t even only give LIKES to paypigs. You’re just a schizophrenic.

>> No.76359948

Then you are just as bad as the readschizo.

>> No.76359961

Right, there's that too. Even without this change, twitter was always garbage as an artist hub. I always thought "you can't be serious" when I was looking for commissions and their "portfolio" link was their twitter account, kek.

>> No.76359971

>It's always stalker behavior or someone trying to expose them for liking something weird
I mean, you can just do this shit with past tweet, no need to go the hassle of shifting through significantly bigger pool of likes.

>> No.76359982

>he doesn't know
You're the type I hope get filtered

>> No.76359988


>> No.76360028

The type of person who would spend hours looking through someone else's likes, is the type of person who will find a way even if the platform stopped them from doing so

>> No.76360031

They intentionally don't give likes to paypigs outside of a few menhera ones. The lockwhite supeechat really affected their behavior

>> No.76360035
File: 113 KB, 1241x843, GOLKkQsakAAFP2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76360070
File: 24 KB, 346x357, Cakepinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76360085


>> No.76360091

Where did I say that, retard? Read again. I'm talking about replies. More specifically about the possibility of FWMC mostly or only replying to paypigs and clique faggots.

>> No.76360096

disgusting coomer behavior, do it for the ears instead, she will get the message and you won't need to be a fucking horny dog

>> No.76360121

And why worry about that when that doesn't even apply to likes? Again, you're just a schizophrenic.

>> No.76360129

this looks really familiar but I can't put my finger on it

>> No.76360136

She'd rather you touch the floofies than her ears

>> No.76360137

>You're the type I hope get filtered
The fuck do you even mean? I wouldn't mind downloading the official app using their official links even if it's in JP if they would fucking let me, but they don't

>> No.76360162

Have they ever given you a reason to think they'd do that? Chill out

>> No.76360178

Slowly this artist is getting closer to drawing fuwamoco sex

>> No.76360184
File: 1.33 MB, 1241x843, grab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76360195

They do reply to artists they follow, they QRT sometimes, be it art, clips or recently that collection. I've never seen anyone sperging out about any of this.
I wouldn't mind seeing them reply more, like for example I've seen a ruffian once asking people for recommendations of anime songs that don't sound like anison, and I kept thinking it would be cool if FWMC replied with their recommendations, but I also don't think it's a particularly big loss, and I trust them to know how to handle their fanbase. Do you really want FWMC being successfully baited to reply to every cybercancer bait that turns out to be nothing and cured by the power of anime?

>> No.76360215

You can just download the apk and use the JP version now. You always could. You don't even need a VPN to use it outside possibly account creation.

>> No.76360228

True Form Midna?

>> No.76360252


>> No.76360313
File: 1.09 MB, 1241x843, GOLKkQsakAAFP2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arm a bit too small. Much better.

>> No.76360337

and now make her pregnant

>> No.76360345

I don't care about the apk
The app itself is region locked and I can't download it officially
And from what I've seen that's what a good portion of holofans outside of /here/ think too

>> No.76360346

The fuzzy ass... Imagine how soft and warm it is. Feeling her heartbeat through her cute butt cheeks

>> No.76360381

I jerk off with my right arm actually

>> No.76360403
File: 1.01 MB, 1354x1637, __mococo_abyssgard_fuwawa_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shuuzo3__62d5612eede6b3b4c32b5d9ceefdd680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a Twitter account, why are likes so important? Shouldn't it just be an option whether they're public or not? Can you be active on Twitter and not be a gigantic cockhuffer?

>> No.76360439

I don't because Mococo, who isn't pictured, sucks my cock instead.

>> No.76360508

>Can you be active on Twitter and not be a gigantic cockhuffer?

>> No.76360509

>Shouldn't it just be an option whether they're public or not?
There is, but it's currently only for premium members.

>> No.76360517

I actually have four arms, so can you please make it canon and add one choking her?

>> No.76360519

They aren't unless you're an attention whore or schizo. They never should have been publicly compiled on a profile in the first place, this is just fixing a mistake.

>> No.76360528
File: 132 KB, 960x363, IMG_8792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why ruffians are this retarded?

>> No.76360561


>> No.76360575

based but you forgot #FWMCMORNING. Perfect question of the day material

>> No.76360583

>Hihihi I hope FWMC starts doing things that make people seethe /here/. It would be SO fun to see this place completely ruined 24/7!
Are you guys even ruffians? Or are you sisters and shitposters obsessed with trying to ruin this place?
If you are ruffians let me tell you; FuwaMoco would be more disgusted by you than by the schizos.
When things are calm this is the best place to talk about FWMC, because we can be completely honest, but every time the schizos calm down we get the schizo-schizos trying to make the schizos have meltdowns again.
Just ignore and report the schizos and stay on topic, it's not that difficult... Or it wouldn't be if FuwaMoco were your oshis, but it seems like your real oshis are the schizos you like so much.

>> No.76360595

Didn't read.

>> No.76360618

Shut the fuck up Daniel

>> No.76360667

What about the schizo-schizo-schizos?

>> No.76360742
File: 367 KB, 2048x1416, Greetings from 4chan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw3ywq.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco do NOT give a shit about 4chan and would expect nothing less than this place to be an absolute cesspool filled with only the worst schizophrenics.

>> No.76360754

not my fault that when I shitpost I get lots of (You)'s but none bringing actual discussion topics

>> No.76360756

The one reason I am sad about losing likes is the boost sex art gets when fuwamoco like it. They'll have to retweet it instead now . Or drop an oh my gosh in the replies

>> No.76360782

>I hope FWMC hold themselves back for the sake of a mongolian basket-weaving forum
I don't even want them to reply to people, I don't like that suggestion, but your oshi is clearly this board.
>we can be honest here!!!
Skill issue, I wear no mask. If you can't be honest to your oshi for fear of being judged, then your real oshi is the attention you get, not her.
I can keep spinning this empty statement too.

>> No.76360827

Fat fucks ruffians how do I deal with heartburn? I can't fall asleep it's so bad tonight

>> No.76360857

nip artists are all bigW fags and post screenshots of their likes all the time, kek.
they even replied to one they don't even follow who was wondering if his art was too spicy for them saying it was ok because it was cute.

>> No.76360861

There's no point being here if you can't enjoy watching schizos melt down over this weeks nothingburger

>> No.76360875

>a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 269 / 45 / 1[Update] [Auto] 1 new post
drink a fuck ton of water

>> No.76360876

I don't use bro

>> No.76360896
File: 63 KB, 830x720, 1706640591667940.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The one reason I am sad about losing likes is the boost sex art gets when fuwamoco like it.
This is the only reason I give a fuck about it. Imagine if when they liked this, we would've never known because it was hidden.

>> No.76360901

Nice quote

>> No.76360902

I hate people like you. You're essentially asking them to kneecap their fan interaction because people don't want to jump through 300 hoops just to say something nice to their Oshi.

>> No.76360923

endure it don't be a fucking little bitch about it

>> No.76360961

Tums or pepto works good.

>> No.76360962

what is the etiquette for these things? are you only supposed to do it to official art or is it ok to add the arm to fanart too?

>> No.76361005

Nothing is sexier than anything official.

>> No.76361033

I enjoy reading what people honestly think way more than most of the shitposts I see in the thread

>> No.76361086

maybe they'll just transition to sex RTs instead of hiding them in likes.

>> No.76361090

>purityschizo farming those likes

>> No.76361118

Maybe discord or reddit would be more of your speed.

>> No.76361153

Now Hologirls can like stuff from Homofags and we'll never know if they are trustworthy or whores. Fuwamoco could like every Homo tweet and we'd be none the wiser.

>> No.76361182

I hope nothing here is peoples honest thoughts because it would be very sad if they were that genuinely menhera and not just funposting

>> No.76361187


>> No.76361189

People don't often say what they think when a name is attached, whether they themselves realize it or not

>> No.76361191

>Le 4chin needs to be full of shitposts and trolling
Are you 14? Is this your first time using 4chan?

>> No.76361197

I am always honest in my meltdowns

>> No.76361255

>he doesn't take advantage of his anonymity

>> No.76361260

>a homo could photoshop a like screenshot and post it and there would be no way to disprove it

>> No.76361299

I always post my honest thoughts but someone always takes them and runs with them and amplifies it, either a sister or a schizo. I'll post something and someone will respond and then some other person will start arguing the point as if they are me and go throughout the whole thread. I dont even bother to correct anyone because its not worth it. We need thread ids and flags.

>> No.76361405

It's been obvious that antis have been using whatever insecurities Ruffians have and using them as shitposting material. I've never thought that it's a good idea to use this place for venting because it only gives ammunition to bad actors

>> No.76361436 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 1151x1680, fuwafuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76361564


>> No.76361599

>I don't think it's a good idea to use literally the only place without fake toxic positivity and worry about likes or upvotes to honestly discuss Fuwamoco because some ESL shitskins will misconstrue it.
If you give in to fear, the terrorists win. Anyone who can't filter the bullshit deserves to be lost anyways. At the very least, Fuwamoco should definitely be able to as oldfags.

>> No.76361605
File: 66 KB, 900x881, 1712274004690498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I almost forgot! We are in the prime timezone for SEAmonkey shitposts... That's the reason we have so many retards now "enjoying" menhera breakdowns! I get it, I'll just report and ignore those posts then.

>> No.76361606

Doesn't help that 90% of Ruffian insecurities are pants on head retarded.
>What if they're literally lying about everything?
Imagine trusting a random anonymous retard over your oshi. It's one thing to trust evidence, but between two people saying shit, you'd think the one you claim to love would hold a little more weight over the one you don't even know who it is.
Imagine FWMC started pandering to homobeggars after the official channel stream because they gave the criticis' thoughts as much weight as their core fans'.

>> No.76361693

bait, line and sink

>> No.76361697

It wouldn't be this bad if the menhera didn't make it just that easy.

>> No.76361745

little girl hands or giantess fetish?

>> No.76361754

spicsbros we're watching dbz movies with pekorsa in 8 minutes

>> No.76361794

Oh spicbros I'm retarded, it's actually 24 hours from now. Belay that

>> No.76361808
File: 272 KB, 684x1000, 1000_F_562640123_845vWJSvqGokj6XwLCzhEXhvvg1V091I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorillas! Let's save the thread again!
Post fluffy and fuzzy sex NOW.

>> No.76361829

I prefer /ss/, but since the hands don't really pass for a kid's, giantess is good too.

>> No.76361830

ah... peko postponed it for a day to rest her voice

>> No.76361848

which one is she watching first?

>> No.76361884

wrath of the dragon followed by fusion reborn immediately after

>> No.76361885
File: 1.43 MB, 2894x3774, 1715862002502660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76361955
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 【ポケモンクリスタル】8個目のジムへ!めざせポケモンマスター!ポケモン全部集める!#5【周防パトラ】 56-31 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo mention on Patra's stream.

>> No.76361956

it's funny seeing Peko's new purchases after getting hooked on Dragon Ball, a bunch of cute plushies and BEJITA in the middle.

>> No.76361999

not even patra can make me watch pokemon...

>> No.76362024
File: 2.27 MB, 1169x1653, 1713932432663391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you do it?

>> No.76362051

Yes, and then I would immediately touch Mococo's ears as well.

>> No.76362256

Oh is that the reason they don't let anyone touch their tails and ears?

>> No.76362263

>marrying F*wawa
heck no

>> No.76362339
File: 3.50 MB, 1156x1080, Fuwawa Ruffians, you're awful. I can't believe it. The worst. How could you dare touch my tail. You'll have to take responsibility for this, ok_![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fd6epiz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76362356
File: 1.74 MB, 2408x1532, IMG_8794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but fuwamoco

>> No.76362418

Come on man, they've basically made it the equivalent of fucking them. You do watch streams, right?

>> No.76362424

Fuwawa would be disgusted if she knew just how much I fapped to her.
She thinks she knows, she thinks she likes being desired, but the sheer volume of that desire would make her sick.

>> No.76362452
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_8489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76362642
File: 2.01 MB, 852x480, 1635293587309.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes tails and ear are very sensitive to kemonomimi

>> No.76362978

>Fubuki sees twin ojisans
>calls them FuwaMocoji

>> No.76363021

miko did the same thing yesterday

>> No.76363072

Everyone loves cute hags.

>> No.76363081

the dancing ojisan is literally me

>> No.76363708

they should see this

>> No.76363712

I have never once checked FuwaMoco's likes and I don't really care. And I certainly don't care about those that obsess over them.
But this change is devastating to me because it means I won't be able to find niche Japanese artists anymore by perusing artists that I like for small artists they like. Japanese artists almost never repost such things, probably because they don't want to push it onto other's feeds.
I wish they made this optional like how it is for premium users. It's going to completely kill my ability to find good art.

>> No.76363962

rude human

>> No.76364273


>> No.76364285

>Imagine if when they liked this, we would've never known because it was hidden.
You fucking shortsighted morons. That is literally your future. They aren't going to retweet art like that because it's too up front. That's why likes are important and why Japanese artists mostly only like things and don't repost the more niche stuff. This is why it's going to ruin the platform. No one who's conscious of their image is going to want this kind of stuff to be the first post people see when they go to their profile, but most of the time they'd be okay with people seeing it in their likes tab.
That's the entire point. The extra click gives people security. Anyone who doesn't understand why this is a terrible decision is a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.76364301
File: 825 KB, 3706x4096, GER5VwSbYAAaxW0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76364321

>getting to sleep as fast as we can is the name of the game

>> No.76364355

this tweet stinks of management

>> No.76364370

Are you fucking retarded or something? That's my entire point.

>> No.76364456
File: 316 KB, 576x520, 1713802849059033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76364473

That is bullshit BLAZING
Still my heart is BLAZING

>> No.76364510


>> No.76364544

i guess everyday is now "too big" for them to even consider streaming...

>> No.76364549
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, 1710839058230738.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moco-chan go the fuck to sleep!

>> No.76364590

Respond to the titty grab, Fuwawa, you know you want to lol.

>> No.76364622

not as big as these Ws

>> No.76364704
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/baubau/, I'm doing something extremely wicked.

>> No.76364712


>> No.76364715
File: 1.18 MB, 2208x3320, GIPlCWgWkAA5lye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76364758
File: 1.05 MB, 2893x4092, GLiv1Nsa8AAiEOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moco-chan's juicy tummy...

>> No.76364759

The paypig replies instantly became a reality

>> No.76364767

huge L

>> No.76364788

based zannie stealing jpniki ideas
FWMC is for EN

>> No.76364795
File: 1.35 MB, 839x1565, 114380170_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76364823


>> No.76364828
File: 147 KB, 882x1531, F-QrPYUaIAApX1U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76364834

Buy Twitter blue and you can get your untagged reply too!

>> No.76364837

Fuwawa doesn't like coomers

>> No.76364876
File: 408 KB, 2196x3200, GGBlHdXXwAAAoh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76364878

Fight me on strive anon

>> No.76364937

So is Moco-chan just blocking things out of jealousy? Fuwawa talks about asking to reply and Moco-chan saying no, but Moco-chan replies always go through.

>> No.76364961

Doubt she will. If she acknowledged it in any way it'd probably be another tweet saying ruffians are being silly and are grabbing things they aren't supposed to or something.

>> No.76364964

twitter blue only affects reply visibility

>> No.76365004

Do you really believe that? My for you even on a new account is always verified ruffians

>> No.76365063

That would be good enough, I just want Fuwawa to play with us...

>> No.76365104

Mine isn't. Everyone would buy twitter blue in an instant so it would very weird to not advertise that.

>> No.76365141

nothing to do with blue, it has been retweeted by an artist they follow

>> No.76365162

not everyone is an attention whore

>> No.76365205

The guy who did it first is directly followed by them.
But he also has twitter blue, so I don't think there's any rhyme or reason, it just showed up on their for you tab and they thought it would be funny to reply. This thread thinks about their twitter interactions a lot more than they do.

>> No.76365220

Mococo is such a dork, I love her.

>> No.76365280

I know you're /here/ and I'm convinced you're one of the shitposters that poke menhera just to fuck with them, this is your way of doing it right now.

>> No.76365299

If mogojan didn't control her sister she would go full hornyposting

>> No.76365305

Who am I?

>> No.76365318

You'd be completely retarded as an artist or something to not buy it if it did that.

>> No.76365319

remember when no one would mention you? those days are gone now

>> No.76365356

I want more than to fuck with them, I want them to fuck off it this bothers them so much.

>> No.76365378

artists are the OG attention whores
imagine building a museum to show off your huge Ws

>> No.76365419


>> No.76365449

Mococo is /here/. Keep replying, my fuzzy princess

>> No.76365458

Hello FWMC! I’d like to glaze Mococo’s tummy and Fuwawa’s tits with my cum. Thanks for reading.

>> No.76365460

You're a retard if you think fucking with them is going to make them go away. You're only making them worse, and then they make everything else worse. Kill yourself

>> No.76365505

calm down menhera-chan

>> No.76365508

Who was it that mentioned they would increase their replies frequency

>> No.76365509

another paypig reply

>> No.76365512

Eventually their worse has to be fucking off forever. It's already happened to a few

>> No.76365548
File: 59 KB, 481x536, 1716036244654079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76365562

She's trying to normalize it bit now that likes are going away.

>> No.76365600

yeah have fun with the endless cycle you fucking retard, kill yourself

>> No.76365609

Would they even know about that already? I just remember someone mentioning that they would increase the amount of replies they give out a few days ago, might've been in a menhera wall though

>> No.76365633

Ok now you’re just fucking with us LMAO I respect it

>> No.76365650


>> No.76365656


>> No.76365663


>> No.76365664

likes are going away? wtf elon

>> No.76365679


>> No.76365684

holy kek unleash the replies

>> No.76365699

Coomerbros... emergency meeting.. NOW!

>> No.76365735

Just the likes tab, like how bluefags can hide their likes but it's gonna be enforced on everyone and it's non toggleable

>> No.76365743

They've got to be fucking with the schizos here. Based.

>> No.76365744


>> No.76365760
File: 2.15 MB, 2000x2000, 1714881467822339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76365791

Zannie is cool and I don't know who this number4 person is. If they reply to itter again, however, then we have a problem.

>> No.76365795

they could just do a FWMC Morning instead

>> No.76365799
File: 354 KB, 1440x2002, 1714316200512753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76365832

I've never made a post worth replying to

>> No.76365841

okay Zannie

>> No.76365863
File: 950 KB, 1024x1024, t. Sister[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1i65j6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nononono

>> No.76365882


>> No.76365917
File: 120 KB, 370x370, 1714623148402228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking they'd respond to any of the tit grabbing ones. Do you even know them at all?

>> No.76365957

The real question is will they reply to the thigh touching one.

>> No.76365989
File: 3.93 MB, 1150x1018, Fuwawa Being naughty is ok[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsre35i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76366021
File: 382 KB, 935x845, 1714751670489295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ear grabbed
oh no no no no no

>> No.76366038


>> No.76366081

Fuwawa really likes saying no, huh? I’d show her a good time and remind her she’s a woman then

>> No.76366138
File: 642 KB, 835x1067, 1708088870029715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Fuwawa want you to be gentle or ruff with her ears?

>> No.76366170
File: 557 KB, 2224x2664, F-wXcZWbUAA-Ycv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76366217

>does it herself

>> No.76366259


>> No.76366270
File: 9 KB, 297x218, 98027580972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I'll never get a like or a reply from them

>> No.76366284

kek she is so wild sometimes, its great

>> No.76366327

>liked a drawing in the middle of a reply chain with small fry pussy
they love him...

>> No.76366344

what is this

>> No.76366438

They follow the artist whose reply they like though

>> No.76366501

Her ears and tail are erogenous zones so you can be aggressive when playing with them in the heat of the moment but you have to be careful to not hurt her. Demon dogs are pretty tough though, so she might want you to go harder.

>> No.76366525

no anon you dont understand, we are here to make anons go menhera apperently

>> No.76366552
File: 367 KB, 3846x2167, IMG_8773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just came back from dancing

>> No.76366621
File: 1.08 MB, 2215x4000, GOL9uYsbUAAviC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is almost over.

Mococo sex.

>> No.76366665

Now THESE are the kind of tweets/replies I like.

>> No.76366683
File: 1.43 MB, 2782x4000, GOL9ykmbMAEjCwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76366696

tits too big

>> No.76366757
File: 91 KB, 850x1035, 1700669854147099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76366762

stop trying to control them

>> No.76366794

Giving Moco-chan lots of headpats and calling her a good demon dog when she swallows

>> No.76366805
File: 401 KB, 783x496, CG_Valentines2024_MarshmallowMania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo isn’t a complete flatty. She has small hills.

>> No.76366876

Holy shit good stuff

>> No.76366973


>> No.76366978

jesas haachama

>> No.76366991

She needs to be flatter

>> No.76367016
File: 302 KB, 1451x2048, 20240522_065118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76367069

What's happening, is today a Free Boob Grab Day or something?

>> No.76367123
File: 87 KB, 1080x462, Screenshot_20240522-095416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76367128
File: 938 KB, 735x862, 1704579409542184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like our daily interaction is... over...

>> No.76367158

deep throat inspection day

>> No.76367163

Maybe they got to see the scans the dogtor took of their throats?
Would be weird for all of them to go together there

>> No.76367197

I’ll inspect their throats too

>> No.76367206
File: 2.43 MB, 600x404, 274783884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're talking about sex.

>> No.76367219
File: 739 KB, 926x666, 1714493498271440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've been me.

>> No.76367246
File: 60 KB, 241x235, 1708198715278515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I would give to see those scans too...

>> No.76367260

>>76367158 (me)
katcha was 02dog
