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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76298231 No.76298231 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>76161190 (where we talked about... Ayame being a dork, being plap buddies with Aqua, and DBZ-esque fights in our fics)
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.76298246
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Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.

>> No.76298296
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.76298345
File: 1.54 MB, 2120x1767, Outing Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story recap!
There were no stories posted last thread.

>> No.76298819
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I think you all out there are doing a great job. Keep it up!

>> No.76298883

Pekora is sexy not only because She's pure legs and ass, but also because shes really prickly and sensitive to touch. Just hugging her is a weird ritual where you can only approac her from the front, squeeze her a bit and then leave her because she pushes you away with shame.

Imagine when you are plowing her shaking body and She's still weakly pushing you away, only to double down and make out with her. She would cum buckets and make all kind of sounds as she tries to push you away while She's red as a tomato

>> No.76298980

>”eh—tch—s-stop touching me—eehh—not like—nyeh—fuck, peko!”
>pekora squirms as you sheath yourself in her up to the balls
>oddly enough, she’s the one who asked for this

>> No.76299006

t. Miko

>> No.76299511

Sex woth pekora, the hikkineet that barely showers and shaves in the middle of her musty cave, surrounded by used clothes, things out of place and cum tissues she forgot to clean

>> No.76299688
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>> No.76299690

Mikochi, you raped her already. Isn't that enough for you?

>> No.76299997

Pekora’s amusing to imagine intimacy with. Simultaneously touch-shy and touch-starved, desperate for physical contact yet repulsed by skin-on-skin connection, so horny she’ll rub herself off on the corner of a table but too shy to hint at sex even if she goes on a date. Truly a mess of contradictions wrapped in a leotard that’s just a bit too tight.

>> No.76300686

Pekora's sensible body and prude behaviour mixed with a strong libido could work for a lot of scenarios
>Go to see a movie. Pekora wants to see action
>Sit. She puts the special earbuds that prevent damage to her sensible rabbit ears. The movie starts.
>The speaker below her seat is tunned a bit wrong and ir rumbles quite a bit.
>Pekora being pekora doesnt want to move because She's offended at your implication of her needing to change seats
>One hour later, pekora has an accident because sitting under a rumbling speaker for an hour is quite the stimulating experience
Or you two go to the park and pekora wantd to play in the jungle gym for old times sake.
Rigid bars+you needing to rub and hold to them/them digging into your crotch=peko needs a dicking in the bushes to think straight

>> No.76301771

AA's assistant, looks like Holojourneys 45 got its link mixed up with Chained Promises.

>> No.76301994

Welp time to expose myself:

How do write smut good?

Ok, caveman speak aside, I do really want to try my hand at a smut fic, and writing set-ups is always my favorite part, but then I get to the actual nitty-gritty and my brain just melts into hot slag.

Does anyone have any general tips?

>> No.76302525

sex with no buildup feels weird unless the idea is to convey extreme hornyness.

In general think of it like jerking off. You can go slow, fast or on and off but it depends on your mood. ITs the same here

You need to put a timing and either keep it or shake it depending on your wants. People do the usual 3 act structure for sex because it has a good pacing
>Foreplay/oral sex
>Second round/aftermath

You can absolutely write Kaela breaking your pelvis by squeezing 5 shots but it needs a good rythm, just how you can also write fucking Koyo for a quickie as long as the quickness is on point

>> No.76302883

Don't describe the physical aspects of it in detail if you're not good at it. Focus on your sensations and your thoughts about your partner.

>> No.76302990

please PLEASE reign in the ways you name genitals.
Erect obelisk or gaping abyss are dark souls bosses and do not belong in a sex fic

>> No.76303098
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Keep these ingredients in mind
>Physical action
>Feelings, emotions, sensations
>Bodily noises
>Moans and grunts
>Reading the partner's emotions
>Inner monolog
>Dialog to co-ordinate teamplay
>Screaming the military rank of one's partner
>Psychedelic symbolism

>> No.76303230

You don't want to hear about your mighty musket blasting her tight torpedo-tube full of love-cream?

>> No.76303428

Perhaps some mollusks?

>> No.76303595

>>76303098 (me)
Also remember to keep track of the sex-havers' level of exhaustion and sweatiness for the readers.

>> No.76303660
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>Screaming the military rank of one's partner
This is key. I'm surprised more people don't utilize this for their H-scenes

>> No.76303929

They do, it’s called “grunt”ing

>> No.76304036
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>> No.76304106

So that's who Private Affair is.

>> No.76305310

I appreciate the fitting image.

>> No.76305754

Carlos is on a roll today huh. This is why I keep coming back, easily the best thread in this dramafag-infested board

>> No.76307082
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>> No.76307232

Wow, this is some helpful advice~ Thanks all.

>> No.76307772

There are a lot of Anon's who love stinky chuubas... but how many chuubas love stinky Anon's?

>> No.76308193
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>> No.76308965
File: 281 KB, 1600x2048, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_phos_s_phos__7fd41e254a1dc831ca9cd27c920108b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People often ask me which song lyrics I associate with the Hololive virtual youtuber Hoshimachi Suisei the most. Well, here you go:
>She walks down the stairs
>With dignity and no rush at all
>Her appearance makes you gasp and stare
>Her presence makes you feel like you'd crawl
>She takes a look around the place
>Makes the other ladies feel disgraced

>She takes a drink and stands
>You just can't take your eyes off her figure
>She laughs with her friend who ain't a man
>Now you're getting so, so eager
>It's time to try your luck again
>But remember what I said

>It's gotta be the real thing for that lady
>She ain't here for any faking, yeah

>> No.76309218

Need that clean Sakamata smell

>> No.76309618

Aqua is a smellfag

>> No.76309985
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>> No.76310032


>> No.76311454

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.76311531

I like the idea or hyper leather Chloe always being her smelly self which makes you nervous when she smells or soap because it means she just offed a bozo

>> No.76312260
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It's still being worked on alongside the crossover which has to be done first since it's canon. I'm just sick and focusing on not getting shot.
I'll get it. Standby.

>> No.76312827
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>> No.76313844

Does she possess the same (if not a bit diminished) strength as her siblings? So she is a huge nerd, which is attracting bullies and stacies to talk shit. But when someone tries to get physical with her, can she send them to the hospital just as easily as any other oni?
You could even push it in the direction of
> her siblings don't ever get disciplined for what is essentially gang activity
> she is constantly nagged about being good at school which she h a t e s
> in actuality her old and wisened parents see her as the only one that has a chance to adapt to human society and won't let her become "just like the other oni"

>> No.76314166
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Thanks as always for being you bro. Stay safe.

>> No.76314628
File: 619 KB, 791x1242, shishiron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I wrote something very indulgent and fetishy today.

"A Mile In Their Shoes"
tags: botan, wedgie, self wedgie

>> No.76314665
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>> No.76315554

>Does she possess the same (if not a bit diminished) strength as her siblings? So she is a huge nerd, which is attracting bullies and stacies to talk shit. But when someone tries to get physical with her, can she send them to the hospital just as easily as any other oni?
Yes, that's the plot twist where she defends her nerdy friends from getting bullied.

>> No.76315619
File: 109 KB, 850x1261, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_mikozin__sample-9a03b8342fa7786b75cdddac4abb10c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While i normally write prompts about fucking the shit out of pekora until she's pissing herself or molestating her, today i wanna share a cute idea i have but it wont be able to write for personal reasons

>Pekora feels like she's being unfair to Marine and others when she pushes their physical affection away, but she genuinely doesnt know what to do
>asks you how to help her fix it. You suggest she should slowly ease into contact until she can give and receive it
>Pekora says alright. Asks you to help because she feels ashamed in asking Pekomama and she wants to get better for her genmates
>Cue to first sitting together, then holding hands, then hugging then cuddling
>Fall in love with Peko and slowly teach her how to enjoy intimate contact
>Finally, the fic finishes with Pekora summoning all her valor and hugging all her genmates. Then steps off and goes to hug you
>Years later, you are driving your daughter and her friends/bandmates (Botan's daughter a cowardly lion and Watame's daughter a cool sheep) while pekora nags them over getting house in time after they finish fighting the system
>unload the instruments, as your daughter starts walking away pekora AHEMS
>your daughter complains that they are in public
>Pekora AHEMS louder and opens her arms
>Your daughter is red, her friends are amused, and she just mutters "I love you mom, i love you dad"
>Pekora goes "Oi you brat! come give your mother her hug! how dare you!"
>Your daughter has to swallow her pride and give her mom (and dad) their hug
>She mutters that she doesnt get why she's so obsessed with physical content

>> No.76315762

This is very lovely!

>> No.76316032

This probably spiked my blood sugar level. Very wholesome and cute. god i am alone

>> No.76318308

Hah, same

>> No.76318416

You know when I said brother's and sisters I didn't mean it as in Ayame having actual siblings. I meant it as in her people who are oni just like her.

>> No.76319848


>> No.76320667
File: 447 KB, 850x1202, 1665411787723201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, time for a writer check-in! How's your current WiP going? Got any progress to report, questions, or even need to just vent? Lay it all bear. Talk about it, talk about someone else's WiP, whatever you want.

>> No.76322992
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>> No.76323799

I want to start something new, but I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the prompts and discussions we had recently. There's been a lot of interesting material...

>> No.76323831

Neat! I hope you recovered from your menhera episode wedgieanon

does watame really have fluffy wool pubes you think?

>> No.76324435
File: 296 KB, 455x937, 1705201482939007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't written anything in like a month because I started a new job and haven't had the energy. Adjusting is hard. I have enough downtime during my job that I can probably squeeze in some writing which furthers sap my motivation because you know what I can't do at work? Play video games. How do you family men do it I'm withering away over here.
I should do some writing at home because otherwise I'll never get done at a reasonable pace.

>> No.76324805
File: 60 KB, 323x245, 1713874013666601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far so good. I've written a rough draft of chapter three of A White December and in the process actually came up with some cool concepts better saved for later chapters down the line. This is starting to shape up to be a good story.

With that said, I have had a little thought if anyone would indulge me: Botan's going to teach Sora to read and write so I thought it may be cute to, with permission, take a expert or two of other author's SFW stories if anyone wants a portion of theirs featured in this one. If nobody does that's cool too. Just a thought I've rolled around.

>> No.76324862
File: 434 KB, 1365x2048, GLDcVkxXAAAq-Vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a WiP that I'm having a good time writing, got a whole load of ideas for it. But at the same time, I'm getting distracted by diablo's new season a lot.

>> No.76325587
File: 983 KB, 1056x1080, 1670327109482894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can sometimes be easy to feel a bit engulfed in all the ideas within the prompts and talks we have, so take a minute to just breathe, like actually breathe. Blank your mind and do a slow, controlled countdown, you'll reground yourself and can try to focus on a singular idea as your starting point. Take it at whatever pace you need, and I'm sure you'll find your footing.
I'm in a similar boat, but I'm a little ashamed say that I've been at this new job for about 6 months now, but I'm still adjusting and trying to learn everything there is about the system I'm working with. As a family man with just a wife and animals, who in turn need no short amount of attention, all I can say is to try to plan your time accordingly and to know your own weaknesses. Recently I've just had too much to take care that I barely have energy to write, but in recognizing what is sapping me, I can try things to counter it. If I kick myself to take care of the tasks I need to with more efficiency and haste than usual, I can chop down the list and eventually get back to a point where my mind is free of thoughts of what I need to do later. It's tough, but I know you can manage, and also remember, our paces can change all the time, don't beat yourself up for how little you may think you are writing. Every little bit gets you closer.
For things like references it's best to just feature something that has meaning to you. Paying homage to something that either inspired you or simply made you happy is a wonderful thing. Glad your outline is going well and that you appear happy with it so far.
Glad you seem to be having a blast with it! Distractions are in no short supply in our world, but the important part to remember is if you are having a good time and feeling relaxed, you are doing a service to your writing by indulging yourself in those distractions. Also cute drawing.

>> No.76328255


>> No.76328790

I love this sexy retarded dork like you wouldn't believe

>> No.76328947

I’m a little better yes.
Also yes, I believe they’re fuwafuwa soft like sheepy wool

>> No.76329081
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This while sniffing my boxes. Which I'm still wearing.

>> No.76329650

Why are you wearing boxes

>> No.76330083

I got my technical degree at uni, I got a job and study an engineer degree at night.
I barely have any time to myself and it's too late to freeze without going into massive debt. I want to write again but there are barely any dead hours on my job and my exams are up soon.
Shit sucks. Maybe I should quit life, become a hermit, and post my fics through telepathic thoughts.

>> No.76330175

Out of clothes

>> No.76330717

>post my fics through telepathic thoughts.
This just makes me imagine a shitpost that starts off as sickly sweet fluff piece but like halfway through it gets interrupted by Watame talking to the narrator about buying a mattress. Then the fics just shifts from the two narrations, from the fluff Pic to getting distracted by Watame testing a mattress and back.

>> No.76332069

Why is my auntie showing me her panties?!?

>> No.76332598

Your auntie is a WHORE

>> No.76333409

And you're a KEK!

>> No.76333481

13k words have been shelved and I am in the process of writing a (thankfully) more fleshed out version of the story I'm working on

>> No.76334077
File: 122 KB, 850x1202, IMG_6232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeehaw bitch-aaaass~!

>> No.76334495

I bet Clara is actually quite stinky

>> No.76334911

She wants you to touch her, anon.

>> No.76335314

I bet she smells like salt

>> No.76336237

Pill me on Clara. She's a variant bunny person right?

>> No.76336934

She's the sex symbol for literal autism

>> No.76336983

Okay what else? What if I don't plan on writing about fucking her?

>> No.76337713

Well, she’s just weird. And I mean that in a good way. Sings well, very fun to watch. But really really weird. Shiori wishes she was this out of pocket

>> No.76337884

She's a terminally online hag steeped in internet culture due to being raised on the internet. Is a pervert.

>> No.76338723

Oh yeah that too she’s also like 35ish iirc

>> No.76338915

Pervert and weird I can work with. She sounds like she's comfortable being an entertainer as well? What about setting? What kinda place would she gravitate towards?

>> No.76340066

Yeah, she's comfortable as an entertainer. I don't know her well enough to tell what kind of place she'd gravitate towards, but she seems both lively and social, so I doubt it'd be a library.

>> No.76340344

Let's talk alignment. What direction does her moral compass sway? Would she be alright helping people fall into the tightening vice of gambling to play off the casino dealer motifs? Does she just wanna be rich and famous? Would she call me a dork? Or try to get in my pants if I match her type? Does no mean yes to her?

>> No.76340453

Promise visits a Ranch and Mumei sneaks out to fuck a horse in the middle of the nightonly to find everyone else in the door of the stableand then the fic turns into a comedy about everyone triying to pretend they werent going to fuck the horses

>> No.76340666
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>> No.76341060
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life is lifeing. might not even advance until i get some free time.

>> No.76341556
File: 1018 KB, 4096x2423, GOG5pPuXwAA7scT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou is the most erotic "loli" in hololive

>> No.76341722

Makes me think of this just being a conversation of them digging the hole deeper and deeper.
>Kronii: ACTUALLY I was here for the pigs
>Fauna: Oh no, I'm here for the cows... I mean bulls - the bull.

>> No.76341786

Loli's are not erotic

>> No.76341847

I just like that she gets drawn with a gigantic ass in some fan arts

>> No.76341889

That's a deep question. She's probably good, but at least neutral; she does toe the lines of what can be said.
She's mostly a pervert.
Pekora copypasta:

>> No.76341991

>"Bae? What are you doing here? and why do you have a chair huuuh?"
>"oh this is..like..you know...for my...juggling act!"
>"And you Fauna? why are you here? and what's that lube for?"
>This? This is...aaa...yknow...A snack! a vegan snack!"
>Fauna takes a swing of the lube and stops
>"damn that doesnt taste half bad"

>> No.76342087

Wait to say that until after you've had one sitting on your lap

>> No.76342237

i know its a tired joke but i think a funny ending would be Mori coming out of the stable and going "hey you guys here for the horses? big ups!"

>> No.76342884

Man the ears being on one side of her head is really fucking me up. A sexist rabbit is something I could probably work with though. No respect for a man's boundaries, assuming they wouldn't mind being check deep between her thighs, not giving a fuck who they might belong to. That could all work.

>> No.76343634
File: 116 KB, 850x1202, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triying to flirt with timesmith but none of the two can catch a hint

>> No.76343799

>Kaela in a microbikini
>she's still trying to insist that she's "cool" and not "cute"

>> No.76343898

Its just a regular Bikini. Kaela hasnt bought one in years because in her mind, if it works it works

>> No.76344688

Given that she's terminally online and comments on almost every single clip made of her... someone could probably superchat her and get her to come here. Not officially or anything, but if she caught wind there's a thread for chuuba fanfiction and she's a topic of discussion, she'd be over here in a flash.

Not that I'd ever do that, of course. Just... hypothetically.

>> No.76345675

She isn't really a rabbit, the ears aren't real.
She has "broken containment" by replying to a 4chan screenshot. She would know better than to come here and admit it, though--that's not to say she doesn't already do so and wouldn't read your fanfiction.

>> No.76345953
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oh god ah fuck oh shit i guess my sickness is acting up...if only someone wrote Miko....maybe sex...maybe fluff...anything will save me...

And if i dont get saved and die...shit i guess i wont update my popular series like [Thing you like] and [thing you want a next chapter of]

>> No.76348844
File: 1.85 MB, 1225x2072, 93311823_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deploying emergency fox life buoy

>> No.76349648
File: 668 KB, 1350x2400, charlotte-su-hunnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm switching between my current fic and a WIP for Destiny 2 because I've been playing that again in preparation for the next(and potentially final) expansion and I've been thinking about the story of that game again and the myriad ways it pisses me off.

>> No.76350020
File: 76 KB, 312x313, IMG_4600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m… procrastinating something I should be writing.

>> No.76351317

I'm going to absolutely rape that life buoy

>> No.76351644
File: 1.87 MB, 850x1082, 1632838215386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you possibly want to defile something as pure as this smile?

>> No.76351972

You’re right it is a tired joke

>> No.76353002
File: 47 KB, 648x574, chp3 prv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this for drill sergeant behavior? Is it good or should I dial it up/rein it back a bit?

This is also just the rough draft so I'm going to be putting a lot more fluff around it later. I just want to know if this is good enough for how a DI should behave.

>> No.76353226
File: 17 KB, 750x422, r._lee_ermey_full_metal_jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could use a little spice, watch the first half of Full Metal Jacket for reference.

>> No.76354375

A single day passes without a new Kronii Smut, the closer I am to actually learn how to write with my illiterate ass.

>> No.76354464

That little quip from Sora would have absolutely earned her some push ups, DIs make it VERY clear you do not, ever, question an order in that manner.

>> No.76355034

A. We suffered a 13-hour blackout so no writing for me.
B. I think the root of my problems is that I'm an action kinda guy writing a romance-drama-smut. Something way outta my pay grade. The thing I dont wanna talk about from some threads ago hurt my motivation a lot. Hurt, but not dead.

>> No.76355104

That for me is Shion. Iirc, the most senior loli in Holo?

>> No.76356504
File: 111 KB, 850x1369, __gawr_gura_and_gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_h_eitilog__sample-801977edfb729e25717313c1508e3514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriesanons doko?

>> No.76356615

My series didn't get enough (You)s so I dropped it.

>> No.76357051

Would you continue it if I review the continuation and the part before it?

>> No.76357096

Just start writing while reading similar works, and you'll develop - more quickly the lower you start. It's not hard to be satisfied with your own smut if it caters to your own tastes, usually.

>> No.76357148

t. Haachama

>> No.76358661
File: 639 KB, 2894x4093, __nakiri_ayame_and_nakiri_ayame_hololive_drawn_by_iruka3__ece51cb8645336a3b20825131ec92215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76358731

Not really, it was more just a matter of me taking it as people not being interested. If nobody likes the story I'm working on then I'll drop it and try something else.

>> No.76359149

Struggling to stay sober

>> No.76359442

You know what they say, write drunk edit sober.

>> No.76359571
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You could just write drunk. Take a notebook and pen with you when you go to a bar. And don't forget cigarettes, otherwise the scene won't look as cinematic.

>> No.76360737


Write stuff based off what im reading.
No writing multichapter long stuff yet (2k word limit?)

Im wondering how yall learn how to write decent prose. I try to learn it, and its a lot.

>> No.76360798

Imagine having to explain to a chick trying to hit you up that you’re not a struggling writer hipster looking for his next muse but rather you write about virtual streamer abuse fanfiction for a Korean cross-stitching forum

>> No.76360931

>“So who’s your oshi?”
>“…You, as of a few seconds ago.”

>> No.76361270

Did you enjoy writing it though?

>> No.76361471

If you write a shorter story, it's easier to read it to yourself (or have a computer voice read it to you) to find out how the prose sounds and what needs changing. It's easier on beta readers, too.

>> No.76361592
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>Bunch of hot women are clinging onto you
>You're so immersed into writing your and Ayame's love story that you don't even notice them
>It's finished and you're back to reality
>"What the f... get off of me you disgusting bitches!"

>> No.76361644

My oshi unironically loves shipping her fans

>> No.76361724
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I will give it a rewrite. Thank you.

Taking my time to make sure it comes out right.

>> No.76361882

>You’re bar hopping with your friends one night.
>You somehow get split up from the rest of the group.
>Drunk out of your mind, you stumble into a nearby building that you register must be a bar, after all, there are people drinking.
>Unbeknownst to you, it’s Bar Robel, only exclusively open to Holos.
>They don’t kick you out, they think you’re harmless enough.
>Besides, you’ll forget about this location in the morning.
>You order a drink and open your phone to a WIP you’ve been stuck on for days.
>They notice and start badgering you about how “Fubuki doesn’t talk like that” and “Mio would never baby trap someone”.
Potential for comedy?

>> No.76362184

So its a "ill know if i hear it" type thing.

>> No.76362285
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>Im wondering how yall learn how to write decent prose
Read books. See how the people who do it for a living write their prose. It's like learning music, you obviously don't go straight into writing and composing your own songs, you have to listen and learn to play existing songs first.

>> No.76362368

I would say so, because people are usually a lot better at judging something than doing it themselves. Just like the best way to improve your own recipes (if you're not relying on other people to rate your performance) is to taste how the meal turned out.

>> No.76362412

I did for sure, but if you're about to tell me to write for myself then I'll have to stop you right there. Don't get me wrong, about half of it is writing for myself and the stories I want to live out. But without the other half, which is reader engagement, I can't feel motivated to write.

>> No.76362423

I don't know, you could find a muse among those women.

>> No.76362671
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Then I wish that your next piece gets you all the (You)s. Give it your all.

>> No.76363153

That's just making me imagine Anon is typing it out via voice typing because of drunken stupidity and everyone is literally cutting in with their voices until it effectively becomes chuubas playing as themselves with Anon as the narrator.

>> No.76363167

>Read books
I personally would recommend Haruki Murakami, his self-indulgence definitely makes him a honorary /wg/ author and all his protagonists are pretty much Anons. Start from Norwegian Wood. People will tell you that it's the babby's first Murakami novel, but I personally I enjoyed it more than the ones where he goes balls deep in magical realism.

>> No.76363668

The artfags of Cover get together to concoct essentially their own FlaVR without AI, just pure autism.

>> No.76364569

nta but I would add that you ought to also branch out beyond Murakami and read other authors eventually. Marquez and Natsume Soseki, maybe Borges. Those guys.
You can start with Norwegian Wood, yeah, then plunge into something like Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World. For me, that's his most "anime" work. If you liked Catcher in the Rye for some reason, you can read Kafka on the Shore and pretend Oshima is Ao, Sakura is Suisei/another chuuba you want as a sister, and Miss Saeki is [insert nerdy mommy chuuba here]. Read the Trilogy of the Rat books (or at least Dance, Dance, Dance). Pretend Yuki is whoever loli/hebe chuuba you like but don't want to admit you do. Then ruin your life by reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle twice. That's pretty much the introductory course to Murakami.

>> No.76364847
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Switching between your pass times is a great way to keep you fresh! Also a story that pisses you off can be an excellent motivator and treasure trove of lessons for yourself as a writer!
If you don't write today, you don't. Try not to chastise yourself too much over it, but if it helps, do your best to even just write a sentence or two.
It's only above your pay grade if you accept it to be. At the very least going out of your normal comfort zone is a great way to improve. I'm not sure what could have hurt your motivation since the thread has been rather productive and interactive, but I hope you feel better about it soon.

>> No.76365012

So before I actually go and make my own style of prose, I just mimic stuff.

What really catches my panties in a twist are the technicalities of prose. Stuff like show dont tell, sentence structure, and other big stuffs.

>> No.76365210

I'm reading Yukio Mishima's Spring Snow at the moment. I love the dynamic between the protagonist and the heroine so far.

>> No.76365253
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>I just mimic stuff
Yup. Steal a whole variety of techniques from your favourite authors and mix them together until you have your own unique style of writing.
>What really catches my panties in a twist are the technicalities of prose. Stuff like show dont tell, sentence structure, and other big stuffs.
That just comes with time and feedback. Reading other books as I said is well and good, but you also need to actually write and put your work out there to grow. But don't worry, you can't do any worse than the first story I published for this thread.

>> No.76365551
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>how to write decent prose
think of prose as your language and your form of expression. While reading books is important, after all is learning how to express yourself, i think you should also identify how you wanna express yourself.
Reading all the books in the world wont matter if you just try to emulate prose, or if your prose is stiff and robotic. Try and inject your creativity on it even if you feel like its to the detriment of the "quality"

A visual aid i can offer you its Bleach. Kubo talked about how he avoided drawing backgrounds when a character had their big moment/their reveal because he felt like drawing eyes away from the moment lessened the blow.

Technically, not drawing a background is a mistake, but conceptually it makes sense. It looks cool!

Do the same. Find ways in which your prose speaks, and polish them until people go "oh that's deliberate! that's cool! i get it!"

>> No.76365579

Fuck, I forgot about him. I oughta pick Spring Snow one of these days too.

>> No.76365668

AA assistant. wires crossed again. Thanks for your hard work anyway
Ame invented Curleh moustache link gives you Medieval Synthesis once more

>> No.76365741

Techniques? Heard bout those a lot, but not in a concrete manner.

>But don't worry, you can't do any worse than the first story I published for this thread.

The moment my Hololive Rape Epic drops yerr gonna eat those words >=[

>> No.76366058
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Started my next chapter off in 3 different ways so far, and none of them are feeling like the correct fit, but I'm bound to find the right one eventually.

>> No.76366093

Gets your panties in a twist, you say…?

>> No.76366133

>Hololive Rape Epic
I do love me some good ol'-fashioned rape. What kind of rape are we talking here? The chad mentally traumatizing power cruise, or the virgin she-actually-wants-it rape?

>> No.76366322
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awyaeaeuaeyhuaehbehaeweeeee ugweeeeee uuuuuuhaaaaaa busyweeeeee

>> No.76366974

The victims, perfectly unwilling as god intended, and broken and bruised when done.

>> No.76367099
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>rape mentioned

>> No.76367525
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I think the topic of reader engagement is one that might be interesting to sink our teeth into. We got various degrees of engagement going on for any number of stories, and they all have likely caused some works and writers to shape into what they are today.
Reader engagement, how important is it to you as a writer?
>Do you need it to keep the lights on so to speak?
>Is it more of a luxury since we are in the business of self-indulgence?
>How much engagement is healthy before it can potentially have too much sway?
>What is the level of preferred engagement? Is it a simple 1 sentence post? Or something that branches an entire paragraph? How much detail of the stories themselves is the accepted standard to go into?
>How can someone boost their own reader engagement? Should they take actions in order to accomplish this? Or just let their stories do the work for them?
>Some readers are likely shy to engage to begin with, but does that make their silent affirmation any less valid than the vocal ones?
There's a ton of good ground to cover with this, and I'm interested to see what we make of it.

>> No.76367554
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Life in a small town gets shaken as little by little, members of Holohigh start dissapearing. Anon, ex-alumni of the school, returns to his hometown to try and help solve the problem, plunging himself into the unknown

>> No.76368057

i want to recuperate last thread's girl turns into a mess prompt because lamy works great
>Beatiful half elf with the status and the cool/chill aura. A standard of feminity and class
>Year's later she's a college dropout, blowing the money her parents send into alcohol, games and gambling
>Mendokusai Onna.
>stopped taking care of herself since no one wants to deal with a girl who can drink you under the table and is annoying so she has a huge bush now
Perfect idea if i say so myself. Completely free of bias

>> No.76369482

Throw in some common speech-to-text and autocorrect errors for flavour, it would be funny.

>> No.76369976

Something I like to do is close my eyes every now and then and try to immerse myself in the scene, fill it with people, objects, landscapes etc. and run all kinds of simulations in my head. What do I see? What do I hear? What do I feel? What would I do? What would I say? How would she respond? When I do that I feel less detached from the story and I'm not just a person typing text on a word processor anymore.

>> No.76370072

What if it was the inverse?
Anon, high school student in the small high school of holohigh is feeling strange.
Everyone's freaking out about the new group of transfer students, regloss they call themselves, but wasn't it a different group? Advent or something like like that?
In fact wasn't the school much smaller than this? And... Why does it feel like you've gone through this all before?
High-school mystery fic about a never-ending high-school year that keeps getting mysterious transfer students who retroactively make the previous transfer students locals. Is it a curse, a time loop, a simulation?

>> No.76371612
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>> No.76372168

So she is completely loaded and has several dependencies including substance abuse, with no sign of parents doing anything about it? And she is a very demanding girl?
What would a hypothetical (you) bring to the table? A faux-father figure that would set her straight? A boytoy that is just that much more fun to use than a random hookup? Just someone who is really worried for her because this kind of lifestyle usually doesn't end well? You are competing with her solitude.

>> No.76372558

Whats his work usually bout?

>> No.76373483

I feel like in this instance you are either the clerk of a store she frequents or the last friend that hangs around her drunken antics.
In a sense, her last connection that can help her go back into the good path

>> No.76373764
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Stories posted here are usually praised after they are posted, even good stories get like 3 replies but when it's mentioned again suddenly everyone read it
Funny, isnt it
But asking for praise isnt the goal of writing, at least for me, the goal is to get the thoughts in my head on paper so it stops appearing during my daydreams
Ofc I would love a ton of engagement but if people are content with just reading it then I've done my job

>> No.76374258

Well my initial idea was more smut than plot but i think it would be nice if (to not step into similar prompts like Yakuza/princess) if you were a cop.
Born into a rigid and unflexible life, you meet this woman during one of your patrols and rather than processing her for public disturbance you take her Home and from there your bond starts.
Rather than going all in on the saviourfag aspect have it be a story about a person who doesnt know how to give or receive affection and a person who craves giving and receiving it. Of course also the whole straight vs relaxed
Feel like Lamy should be cranked as a bit more overbearing without falling into the yandere trope

>> No.76374290

I try to leave a reply to anything I read if I enjoyed it. It's good to get feedback and praise but if you're not careful this devolves into a ego circlejerk. If you want praise for releasing the same shitty slop over and over, go to twitter or Ao3. You'll get more blunt feedback here, for better or worse.

>> No.76374750
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Getting something out there is always more than enough for me. I always feel a great amount of satisfaction whenever I post a fic. Of course, I enjoy engagement of any kind and I will never say no to feedback but it's not the be all and end all for me if I get none.

>> No.76375806
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I suppose the point that it might devolve into an ego trip is the point where too much engagement is detrimental to the writer. I could see the argument that it could make someone complacent if they are met with constant positive engagement, and even in events where the engagement might be negative, it can still feed an ego. I've still yet to see fanfic engagement on twitter, but I also haven't looked very hard. With twitter's low character limit, it seems hard to really have proper engagement on there.

>> No.76376696
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Teaching Aqua all of Shion's sexual weaknesses

>> No.76377366

Why is Ina the villain in almost the majority of non shipping fics out there? Even before Bad end, it felt kinda prominent.

>> No.76377383

Breaking a spear in favour of those sites, they are catering to the masses of a bottomless abyss. We are a small closed community, so standards are high because we have a clear idea of whats the top and whats the bottom.
Going into ao3 or Twitter means you dont know what's the standard, how a bottom of the barrel fic looks or how the best of the best look. Filters are not specific enough and community votes dont always reflect quality.
So its not that it becomes a circlejerk... Is that for the average fan, desperate for some media and that has no idea of whats good, everything is good.

Not to mention that you are bound to encourage the guy who writes hajime pissing if he's the only person writing that and you cant get your fix anywhere

>> No.76377417

Eldritch being

>> No.76377615

What is good anyway?

>> No.76377720

Goddamnit, I thought it was more complicated than just that.

>> No.76377721

>My fics.
>The fics i like

>> No.76378072
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Well going into any new platform without your own knowledge base would make it hard to know what the standard is. The fact that we have a general essential reads list is probably a blessing few communities get to boast about.
Back to the sites themselves and the masses that use them, the community votes and numbers might act as a form of "silent engagement" that could possibly stroke a writer's ego in a way that would be a hindrance to their own progress and growth, since if you just get a ton of likes but not any detailed feedback, you might just keep trucking with what you've made. There could also just be a difference in culture, since here we strive to ask for, receive, and apply feedback, where it might not be the default to expect feedback on those sites. There could also be an idea where the platform itself is geared towards readers and not so much the writers.

>> No.76378208

nta but Ina's lore fits really easily into a mystical opposition due to the almost limitless strength of the force that backs her. The darker motifs and her reserved nature also lend her well to those types of roles. She is a fun cutie deep down, but it's hard not to want to use the eldritch being as an obstacle to overcome, and in some cases reach an understanding with.

>> No.76378419

I wanded to make a fckn multichapter lomg fic where Ina goes through Walter White's character arc but somehow, i think its out of character for her, and since Its been stuck inside of my head, i think i deluded myself to feel like it in character.

But thats for when im a better writer, whatever that means. Dont know how character arcs look on a granular level

>> No.76378496

I personally thought its the same principle as the reason why there is a lot of dom futa ina hentai. Good ol gap moe or a expectations being polar opposite of reality or something.

The Ina with a Cock Principle

>> No.76378509

Ina is gonna cook some meth? Might be cool.

>> No.76378722

I honestly hate "ina with a cock is a dom bitchbreaker"
She fits the bullied into domming archetype, but she shouldnt start swinging her weight around.

>> No.76378729

Not exactly cook meth. But something about her getting more egotistical as the story continues. She will be pulling a Scientology type thing.

>> No.76378800
File: 120 KB, 1762x1089, 7a5b95c534cb47524d6b1ca56b77557b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to find anything good on AO3. If it was up to me, every IP should have a dedicated site like evafics.org (RIP) and stick to the exact same system and layout.

>> No.76378936

Id say keep the shipping centered stuff separated from the non shipping centered stuff

>> No.76379069

That’s because she has tentacles she can abuse

>> No.76379185

>writing for money?
Write whatever the fuck the readers want. If you're on RoyalRoad and all they want are cultivation stories, you give 'em cultivation stories.Talk with the audience, find out what else they want. Play around with the formula a bit, but not too much if you're starting out. You just want to make your shit "good". If you somehow become famous, then you get to do whatever you want since you have an audience that will eat whatever you put out. But don't get too cocky either.
>not writing for money?
Then write whatever you want, as long as you hold yourself to some kind of standard in a "oh I'll never be caught dead doing X" kind of way. Reader feedback and engagement is nice, though beyond bits of useful feedback it shouldn't be the end-all be-all for your writing. Writing for free ought to be for personal fulfilment first. Don't completely disregard the readers, though. You'll still want feedback to improve, after all.

>> No.76379341

Damn the review system is pretty nice compared to the literal nothing most sites seem to have.
Pretty good broad categories. It makes you wonder why newer platforms don't try to implement these types of systems.

>> No.76379479

What makes a good fic? And how do you get your holos in character?

>> No.76380619
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ao3 is, ironically, suffering the same fate our archive: free form tags
Tags work as an approximate, and when they encapsulate something really broad or really narrow they work (Aka SFW/NSFW, wedgie, fluff, farting,etc).
The problem is the middlepoints. How the fuck do you tag a /ss/ fic that focuses on the bad parts of the fetish? what about the good tags? how do you give certain tags more importance over others?.
Ao3 having freeflow tags means that if you search say, futanari, it throws you all the works tagged like that...and not "futa on female, frothing, doing juggling with their cocks" which is where the interesting stuff for the reader might be.
This leads to the most logical thing: people vote for the stuff that first comes to their face, then they bump that and it becomes the most voted. A lot of multi-fandom works (Aka drabbles dumping grounds) rise to the top because they get votes for multiple fandoms. Separating it from fandoms will lead to the problem that if a fandom isnt big enough for the fic to hold itself, then its over.
The Girls frontline wiki, for example, is notoriously bad because the fandom isnt big enough to try and migrate it...and the admins of that wiki annoy/bully smaller creators triying to get their own wiki going.

TLDR: Fanfics are like books. Their inherent nature makes tagging messy, and tags just help the broadest scopes posible.

because if you look at them you realize that they operate like app rating
>i dont like it. 1 star
>i like it because you wrote my ship! 5 star
>actual good review
>Im giving this review a 1 star until you fix X thing.
Cutting that out its just more efficient for people so you cant "review bomb" a fic

>> No.76380757
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Fuck. Thanks for the heads up

>> No.76381125

Total Medieval Synthesis sweep

>> No.76381241
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You make some good points about the review system. I suppose I was thinking how it must work for published books and the like, which are usually read by a reader due to the genre, author, or premise, in which there is less likely to be extremist votes for either end of the spectrum for mundane reasons. Those definitely still happen, but they might be less prone to it since they don't have to deal with the audience of readers looking for a specific character ship or something.
Tagging is another beast all together, and I can't begin to imagine a decent solution that is both intuitive to use while giving someone the power to easily find the best quality work that fits the scope of what they are looking for.

>> No.76381280
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ITs alrigt m8

sorry wedgiefags, i have option selected my approach and you now have to guess

>> No.76381321

Why’s he twerking

>> No.76381383

>Key pressure and offense tool for Nova. Has a great hitbox that covers both above and below him. Nova's safest approach is to box dash (superjump and immediately airdash forward once above minimum dash height) behind an assist call, and then perform a falling j.5H once in range. This attack is difficult to contest and causes enough hitstun/blockstun on contact to set up an offense or confirm into a combo.

This attack is also Nova's airthrow OS, and is very strong for that purpose. A stray air-to-air j.5H can be confirmed into a combo by using Flight Mode and/or j.5S, and this attack's solid vertical range can punish opponent who mash an early throw break against Nova.

He's a funny spaceman

>> No.76381697

That’s a lot of words
Guess this is the writing thread after all

>> No.76382513
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Simple, write because you want to write a chuuba, and THEN insert her into something. Don't write something and insert the chuuba into it. The idea should be centered around wanting to see the chuuba doing something, not something which has chuubas in it

>> No.76383356

Then what are the constituent parts of a chuuba? The tropes that are the base of their personality or the person behind the model?

>> No.76383773

What are those?

>> No.76383946

Both, really.

>> No.76383957

Anus, womb(via massage through her stomach), and nipples

>> No.76386236
File: 157 KB, 703x748, 1698070160618778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/wg/ Official synergistic relationships power ranking
>1. Suisei + corruption
It's fun to imagine Suisei prostituting herself to bigwig ojisans get ahead of the other girls
>2. Pekora + deredere development
It's cute when you finally get Pekora show her love to you despite shyness and fear or intimacy (but it should not be too much too fast)
>3. Chloe + rough sex
Sakamata has the most ravageable body in Hololive

>> No.76386338

If you get less than 5 you's the fic is a failure. However, you's that have a Mio or a Polka pic only count for half.

>> No.76386627

What would be good example fics for the relationships?

>> No.76386680

So you're Shion's (former?) bf and coaching Aqua on how to please Shion because she's trying to get with her?

>> No.76386698

>/wg/ Official anything
>no Fubuki

>> No.76386713
File: 974 KB, 1917x2916, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit tier list
>1 Lamy+rape
Rape lamy
>2 Lamy's fat elf ass+ my face
Lamy should sit on my face and break my neck
>3. Lamy's butthole+my dick
refer to point 1
>4. Luna+ comedy
fucking love that retard
>5 Lamy+sex
Refer to point 1. Can be consensual (not optimal)

>> No.76386765

Everyone at the Hololive office stops wearing anything but skirts and nopan so Botan and Suisei cannot give them a wedgie them. Hijinks ensue.

>> No.76386995

More of you and Shion having a relationship, and after pining after the both of you for months Aqua builds up the awkward courage to ask if she can have a threesome

>> No.76387094

That's a cute idea. Maybe she's hesitant at first but ultimately confides in you first because she's younger than you and your aunt.

>> No.76387889

For the first one there's only the million prompts I've written (see the links below for two examples). For the second one there's Cover High at least (I've still only read the first three chapters myself). I don't know about the third one.

>> No.76388211
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But what constitutes a successful (You)? Would it be better to get 2-3 constructed (You)s? Or 5 very short, but simple responses? They could all have their merit.

>> No.76388311

Patrician taste you've got there.

>> No.76388860

>>Some readers are likely shy to engage to begin with, but does that make their silent affirmation any less valid than the vocal ones?
Yes, absolutely. A large portion of feedback's worth is the dopamine hit for being praised or the different perspective and constructive criticism that follows it.

Taking pleasure out of silent affirmation is no different from the voices in your head telling you that you did a good job.

>> No.76388959

>Fubuki + Literally fucking anything
She's raped, gotten raped, cucked, gotten cucked, groomed a little boy, fucked a bug, gotten impregnated, impregnated an Anon with massive Futa Fox Phallus, etc

>> No.76389097
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You can't have one without the other. The character only goes surface deep in most cases, and when they don't, the roommate has a contrasting personality that adds to the immersion.

>> No.76389219

I wonder what else we can make her do. Hmmm.... I have an idea!

>> No.76389495

How about a scenario where she refuses to have sex with the powerful guy, but what bdsm play he puts her through instead is so humiliating that she ends up begging him to just fuck her after all?

>> No.76389666

Good criticism > short compliment >>> useless criticism > telling you to kill yourself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complaining you didn't cater to their fetish

All of them are successful in their own way. Knowing someone read what you wrote and that they cared enough to write something is usually worth more than their words.

>> No.76389798

>complaining you didn't cater to their fetish
No sex = dogshit fic

>> No.76390003

As sheepish as I feel admitting this, reader engagement is one of the key factors that determines how fast I write. I’m always going to be writing no matter what and will write what I want to, but if more people comment on my stories or say something like “I’m looking forward to x!” then I generally can write more often.
Obviously there’s more factors like how busy I am and how much creative inspiration I feel, but if I know people like what I write then there’s going to be more nights where I want to give them what they want. It’s why I sometimes check in on my favourite series to see how they’re coming along.
>>What is the level of preferred engagement? Is it a simple 1 sentence post? Or something that branches an entire paragraph?
Honestly? Just a “I liked this” is great. While full paragraphs of feedback is the dream, knowing someone simply enjoyed it is nearly as good.

>> No.76390015

That sounds pretty hot
>How about a scenario where she refuses to have sex with the powerful guy
When I read this part I was reminded of a prompt I made where suicorruption allegations where just rumors and Suisei is actually a heroic character

>> No.76390041

0/10 kys
This post had no obese giantesses trying to use me as some sex toy but it was nice attempt anyway, Satan.

>> No.76390181

STARTEND but they are doing a chapter of Half in the Bag

>> No.76390260

Alien fucking?
More scat?!

>> No.76390484
File: 17 KB, 480x448, unholy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like that genre of docking where a girl cum in the other's girls balls and its even better when they taunt them for having weak spermyeah im a freak, pretend this is a suisei/fubuki prompt for the gag

>> No.76390488
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True, someone caring to write anything in response is worth more than people might realize. It is a reassuring feeling to have evidence that someone partook in something you created.
I'm sure many other writers share that sentiment in regards to motivation. Some people find there to be more gas in their tank when something they are working on is being looked forward to by others, and also the notion of knowing you'll bring joy to others through what your create is an excellent source of motivation and can make us as humans work even harder toward that goal that became a group effort in a sense.
Being able to find value and joy from the short as well as the long I think is the right mindset to have. Even if someone doesn't have something very profound or detailed to say, their voices still have strength and can provide a lot of support to others.

>> No.76390530

It does sound pretty hot, but I don't think I could write noncon...I'd feel bad for her.

>> No.76390901

None of those things, actually. It doesn't even involve sex, but I can't tell you what it is because the value lies in the absurdity.

>> No.76391099

Is there a story about a giant Fubuki? Just asking for a friend haha...

>> No.76391386
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Nothing as crazy these but I'd love a Fubuchad story. Basically Fubuki being a Sakamoto desu ga tier perfect man (female).

>> No.76392405

I don't understand how a relationship could be formed when both of you can't offer something to each other.

(You) are a cop, a pretty rigid stickler for rules, disliked by both colleagues for wanting to follow protocol at all times and by those who, well, get arrested. Lamy shows up at the station in handcuffs after she caused an argument with a barman who didn't let her get completely shitfaced. She gets foisted off on (you) for identification.
What's now?

In this case, (you) see her as just another drunkard who is especially lucid. She is a nuisance having fun at your expense. You are just trying to do your job properly, pay your bills and go home. On the other hand she essentially gets to do whatever because she's loaded, which seems especially infuriating.

How do you get closer from that? Both of them are lonely on some level, but that doesn't cancel the fact that they are as different as an acid and a base.

>> No.76392491

NTA but if it's more smut than plot, finding each other hot in an "opposites attract" kind of way might be enough.

>> No.76392926

If it's just smut - sure. Someone good at writing could essentially reduce it to "Lamy gets punished and corrected because she's just too troublesome" and it would still be really hot.

>> No.76392976

Because if you are doing the rounds around her neighborhood and she's an unemployed lazy ass you are probably finding her in the regular.
Boots on the ground agents spend a lot of time talking to the community because that's how they get intel, specially in japan where they just hang around certain areas. This anon wouldnt be a USA cop (because then he would shoot korone and ask okayu to tip him) but more of a dead end service to the community kind of guy.

From there is, well, the issue of "this woman lives her life like its the last day on earth, why is that happening? i should ask".
The entire romance plot here comes from the fact that constant interaction will eventually cause friction and friction causes the sparks. It doesnt take a genius to go "lamy is fucking hot and she seems to be going through a rough patch, lets help her"

>> No.76395450

I saw she posted this on Twitter.
It feels like a good snippet of what she's like. On one hand, she's a very good singer. On the other hand, there's the fact she chose to cover this song in particular.

>> No.76395959

i like the idea of having a Lamy POV.
She's having a dream of her golden school years and then it hard cuts to her messy apartment and empty sake bottles

>> No.76397025
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These are all really good questions.

>Do you need it to keep the lights on so to speak?
Sometimes. For stories like Balsa I was so passionate about that I'm still (mentally) working in Blackbean. Kafka is another that regardless of engagement, small or large, good or bad, I will continue it as it suits me.

A lot of my stories aren't like that though, but White December may be a passion project so I may keep up with it even if it's just one anon reading or ten.

>Is it more of a luxury since we are in the business of self-indulgence?
I don't really see it as self indulgence. We all love positive feedback sure, but more than that I want people to critique what I'm not doing well. This thread has made me a way better writer since when I started and god knows I have more grown to cover to be better. More engagement means more learning.

>How much engagement is healthy before it can potentially have too much sway?
This is something I have struggled with a lot. Building Block Doll and Balsa both took very different plot paths due to what reviewers gave me and ultimately I think it mostly came out for the best. But I do have to learn that sometimes original vision is best and sometimes people just aren't going to like a particular plot path. It's life.

>What is the level of preferred engagement? Is it a simple 1 sentence post? Or something that branches an entire paragraph? How much detail of the stories themselves is the accepted standard to go into?
Anything really. I always love people saying good job or they enjoyed it, but I'm always down for someone to get surgical about my latest chapter. White December is already shaping up to be better because of one review. It gave me inspiration for a shocking amount of material.

>How can someone boost their own reader engagement? Should they take actions in order to accomplish this? Or just let their stories do the work for them?
Ultimately I don't think they should try unless they're intent is to sell their work. This is a hobby space and you should use to to write you craziest, out there fantasies.

>Some readers are likely shy to engage to begin with, but does that make their silent affirmation any less valid than the vocal ones?
Silent validation is well... silent. I don't mean to sound harsh but only the one who isn't speaking up could ever know that they read it unless of course it's AO3.

Sometimes though, just saying "I really liked that, keep it up" or some variation is enough. Not every comment needs to be a great, sprawling critique. Sometimes it's just nice to hear someone is having a good time.

>> No.76397334

>>>>complaining because you catered to a fetish they don’t like

>> No.76397473

What's the conversation of the Finana Standard Unit to reader engagement?

>> No.76397543

Rentry counts views, for what it's worth.

>> No.76397931

Finana can't read, so we shouldn't user her conversion rate.

>> No.76397965

Make it a reader insert instead and have it be about Fubuki replacing the sperm in your normal size penis so Mio can finally be impregnated with fox babies without her getting hurt.

>> No.76397993

My most viewed story is over 40 finanas

>> No.76398814
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It's just the classic case of needing to make money off your art versus making art for its own sake, just replace money with (You)s. I think reader engagement is symbiotic, at least for me. Yes, I do write for my own creative endeavors but at the same time, I give my best effort in writing for the readers. A huge reason why I went from reader to writer was because I wanted "a slice of that pie" so to speak. Or rather, I wanted to wow people with my art. If Art is a method of expressing oneself then Art without an audience is just self-indulgence. If something doesn't get a ton of responses, then to me, it's a learning experience that something was off. I think the real mark of a good story is having it be recommended or repeatedly brought up. I didn't think much of the first story I wrote because of the initial responses but having people go "Wow I really loved this" or "I recommend this" much later on put it in a different perspective for me. People asking for more/a sequel/an update to your series is another. It shows that people really resonated with my story and that motivates me to write more. My first series was done purely on that impetus. So if there's a fic you read from the random roll or whatever, I think a post simply saying "To the author of X, I really liked your story." is worth more than the (You)s

I try and give a response to every fic I read, even if it is just "I liked it." Although sometimes with that I feel like I'm damning with faint praise. If you really want (You)s, make a decently sized fic. Little nuggets of prose are fine and all, but you're not going to get much back without more to chew on IMO.

>> No.76398947

This is true, but at the same time a lot comes down to what you're writing and random chance. If you cater to the thread's desires and post the story when nothing else is there taking up people's attention, you'll get a stronger reception.

>> No.76399898
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I think you put it quite eloquently; the idea of giving your best effort for your readers as well as yourself. It's an endeavor that deserves to be recognized, since while a lot of us do write for our own creative passions, without readers to respond and resonate with it, we may stagnate. That balance of wanting to create for not only your own enjoyment, but for the enjoyment of others is a beautiful thing. Standing the test of time is also a true mark that something you made can be enjoyed.
What constitutes as decently sized in your opinion? Length is something that is often an unasked question by newer writers, so getting that out in the open when we can is probably beneficial.
Another good point, being at the right place at the right time is a constant for all things in life, but we should do our best not to dwell on the things we can't control.

>> No.76400489

>post the story when nothing else is there taking up people's attention, you'll get a stronger reception.
Though as a counterpoint, writers are also readers. Posting at the same time as a bunch of other writers does increase the chance of you getting feedback from other writers also looking for feedback.

>> No.76401955
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so far what I've learned from watching Full Metal Jacket is that Noel should be using a lot more racial slurs.

>> No.76403199

We should all include more slurs in our fics. I can't wait to have someone call anon a dirty fucking miscegenist and teratophile.

>> No.76403760

>Ermey improvised insulting dialogue against a group of Royal Marines
>Upon viewing the videotape of these sessions, Kubrick offered Ermey the role
>Kubrick incorporated the 250-page transcript of Ermey's rants into the script.[
>Kubrick estimated that Ermey wrote 50% of his character's dialogue, particularly the insults.
Damn, 250 pages of improvised shouting and insulting recruits is dedication.

>> No.76404205
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>> No.76404431

Timing is important yes but this is where the "write for yourself" comes into play. A good fic will get responses regardless of when (unless we are arguing about dumb shit).

>What constitutes as decently sized in your opinion?
10-20ish pages minimum, depending on things like premise, pacing, and word count. Gives enough space for characters to interact and the world to breathe and shows how strong or weak your writing is. Like yeah you can write a cute scene, but can you make a story around it?

>> No.76405992

>numero 3
Agreed. Part of the reason I oshi her

>> No.76406001

Interrupting Bae's lengthy chuuni intro speech with a strong punch to the stomach

>> No.76406210

If a Finana is 100, does 1000 make it KiloFinanas then? Kilofins?

>> No.76407377


>> No.76407599


>> No.76407665

>”I am hakos baelz, chaos incarnate! I am the goddess of the absurd, the queen of crazy! Crazy bread is just regular bread to me! Mortals tremble at my might! I am—EEP!”
>rip her underwear off and shove it in her mouth
>(very muffled, weak, and high pitched) “witness me!”

>> No.76407810

Subaru harassing you for being a 'dirty kemono miscegenatist' because Fubuki is your gf

>> No.76407972

I think it would be funny if your characters broke the fourth wall every now and then to call (You) a faggot for writing fanfiction

>> No.76408321

Humans (Ducks) over Foxes?

>> No.76409906


>> No.76410889

>"Well well well, if it aint the goddamn zoo inspector"
>"Can we not, please?"
>"do you say that to your dog when you come back tired and it humps your leg?"

>> No.76412304
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Can someone recommend me some good Sakamata smut?

>> No.76413615

Willing Prey
made by me

>> No.76414460

It's a bit infamous for the concept but Shameful Desire is actually pretty hot for what it is.

>> No.76416420

cute pekkers

>> No.76417206
File: 177 KB, 819x1554, IMG_5959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got antsy and ended up ready the PD PT with chocomel in it. Will definitely check these out though!

>> No.76417675

If you're already reading that, I assume you've already read the Lui/Chloe miniarc. If not give that one a shot too.

>> No.76417896

Pardon my flaws in advance.

>> No.76418721

I'm supposed to be the one eating dirty, sweaty rrat dice panties, not her!

>> No.76420772
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>> No.76420940

both are married mamatori on the other hand

>> No.76421151
File: 2.79 MB, 1829x2240, HolomomsAll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND!? Plenty of married hags are still lonely, horny, and fertile.

>> No.76422999

My dream.

>> No.76423089

Tfw when 3 of them connect to your oshis. Guess which.

>> No.76423201

Nigga I don't care who your oshis are, just write about them and shut the fuck up

>> No.76423360

I like the idea of an NTR-adjacent fic where you fuck a Holomom while her daughter watches and masturbates, tied to a chair.

>> No.76423696
File: 2.26 MB, 2480x3508, PekomamaShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had an idea in the back of my mind ever since Pekomama first made an appearance where Pekora shyly invites you over to celebrate the release of her plum wine only to get nervous and drink herself under the table, leaving you and her mom buzzed and eyeing each other up while Pekora's passed out in her room. A night of loud passionate hag breeding would ensue, then the next morning they both would be super embarrassed over how it went, but (You) assure them it was fine and would love to come over again(Winking at a now almost certainly pregnant Pekomama)

>> No.76425586
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>> No.76425917

>mococo after i cum on her pon de ring

>> No.76425966

>Mococo after Fuwawa steals her boyfriend... Again.

>> No.76426482
File: 3.39 MB, 3179x4527, __usada_pekora_usada_pekora_don_chan_and_pekomon_hololive_drawn_by_munseonghwa__4220d64380220d40875ed05c68696c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daughter route:
>The plum wine tasting session escalates because you get too drunk and horny
>You completely forget that Marine, Flare and Noel are visiting too
>Pekomom guides them to Pekora's room and opens the door while you're at it doggy style
>A lot of awkward looks across the room
>You and Pekora put your clothes back on as nonchalantly as possible and take your places at the table
>Your faces however are red as tomatoes
>The four of them tease you two with sexual innuendos for the rest of the evening
>Pekora and Marine start brawling at one point while the rest of you try to stop them

>> No.76426683

Hey look it's Fuwawa and... there other one.

>> No.76427091
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>Shameful Desire is actually pretty hot for what it is.
part 3 doko...?

>> No.76428946
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>> No.76429519

Would've been better if you put us all into the story instead of yourself, to be honest.

>> No.76429717
File: 1.55 MB, 1462x1396, Fubusad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those Peko prompts just really make me want a finale for Cover High... dammit, I was promised lovey-dovey rabbit sex!
Where is it?!

>> No.76430776

>"impregnated an Anon with massive Futa Fox Phallus, etc"
What fic because I sure as HELL don't remember that happening at all.

>> No.76431619

Gomen, I was writing it in a universe I and a few others made.

Should I make an Anon copy of this?

>> No.76431652

How's the story tho?

>> No.76431947
File: 347 KB, 1500x1524, Rapid_typewriter,_1890_(Martin_Howard_Collection).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo City Freak Show of 1908
>You're in a cage with a typewriter
>Holos shout things like "Write, Anon, write!" to you
>"I'm not an animal, I'm not an animal!" you mutter to yourself with tears in your eyes

>> No.76432143

You don't have to, it's not a giant deal. But where can I read more from that universe? I liked the story, after all.

>> No.76432547

> everyone in that reality is a kemono or whatever
> Anon is born to fox parents, but with no tail or ears
> family falls apart because husband thinks that wife cheated on him
> mother hates him and moves to start a new life, Anon is left alone put up for adoption
> some rich-looking fucker shows up and bribes the orphanage director to take him
> Anon is trapped in a /freak/show along with others who don't fit the kemono race standards: regenerating demons, zombies, furries etc.

>> No.76432581
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>almost no sleep
>overcaffinated to the point where I'm trembling

yup. It's writing time.

>> No.76432648

We could do some ERP if you want.

>> No.76432680
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Gomen, Anon. I haven't been able to make much progress lately.

>> No.76432694

sorry, i'm not a homo dick sucking faggot thanks

>> No.76432750

Maybe you'd be a homo dick sucking faggot if you tried it once. I could be that dick for you.

>> No.76432766
File: 244 KB, 1076x1077, 1715545706146385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.

>> No.76432795

please refrain from sexually propositioning the authors of the thread, please.

>> No.76432800

Oh, I do like to play dress up.

>> No.76432834
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>dammit, I was promised lovey-dovey rabbit sex!
Here you go

>> No.76432930

Can I please request a Mio edition when we make a new thread?

>> No.76433127

Save me auntywoman!

>> No.76433284

The manlet said he was trembling and horny, anon. He needs his dick sucked and I was in the right place at the right time.

But you know what they say about horses and water.

>> No.76434305
File: 150 KB, 882x1309, Fjd1o8fUoAEeyp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miofas will see this thread and go: "Wife."

Migrate when ready
