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File: 662 KB, 1759x2495, GODjEj5bcAADecw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76260131 No.76260131 [Reply] [Original]

Big Day Edition
Previous Thread >>76246128

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76260306
File: 2.15 MB, 2976x4096, GFPdIp7bYAAifjM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overnight headache cleared, it's their big day today

>> No.76260620
File: 333 KB, 1585x2085, 1713661667034673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is the only rapist we love /here/

>> No.76260658

kino fanart, makes me want to watch Byousoku 5cm with them.

>> No.76260786

Anyone seriously or "jokingly" talking about rape should be banned and or killed. How can you even say that about such pure loving demon guard dogs? Can't you just love them?

>> No.76260872

So you want to kill Mococo? Also, you're genuinely autistic.

>> No.76260900


>> No.76260909

That's abundantly obvious. They would be bored out of their minds with these prudes who are even anti-cunny in this thread. And then people don't know why they never give the titles of the things they're enjoying. This is what these people would think if Fuwawa shared her fantasies with them:

>> No.76260911
File: 780 KB, 600x768, GKAQaCsXkAACyvy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wives

>> No.76260957

Rapefags are better than scatfags and brapfags. Fuwamoco have enjoyed many things with rape in them.

>> No.76260999

how can you say you love them if you wouldn't even rape them?

>> No.76261002

kill yourselves

>> No.76261029

Ain't anti cunny, I draw the fucking line at real sexual assault, you are a fucking freak and a degenerate. And worth less than nothing.

>> No.76261139


Slit your fucking wrists and die painful agonizing deaths alone and afraid you disgusting wastes

>> No.76261185

I'm surprised at how common both rape and scat are in VNs. It's genuinely hard to avoid, I stopped trying.

>> No.76261311

Enjoying fiction with rape in it doesn't mean you want to be raped you fucking subhuman ape

>> No.76261318 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 939x939, The Big Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76261321

Seriously depends on the genre you're reading.

>> No.76261358
File: 2.43 MB, 2400x3200, F79oT1Sa8AAYuI5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are mutually exclusive anon

>> No.76261356

shit album

>> No.76261413

Fucking this, they'll apply it to loli but can't distinguish fantasy from reality in this topic? Absolutely abhorrent

>> No.76261466 [DELETED] 


>> No.76261581

Making a fictional post on the internet doesn't mean you want to rape someone either you autistic retard.

>> No.76261605
File: 311 KB, 603x573, 1706846270380393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76261608

>rape is..le good
Yeah? With all the pajeets invading Japan, how would you feel if they were raped by an Indian man who you encouraged?

>> No.76261642

I suppose, but even Kana Imouto that Fuwawa recommended as something that changed her view on life has rape. Female on male, so it's lighter, but still.

>> No.76261695


>> No.76261722


>> No.76261778


>> No.76261784

I doubt it was just the rape that changed her view on life anon, can't make that assumption.

>> No.76261802
File: 528 KB, 2150x2150, 1674598621492329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK he can't even escape being shit on in a thread about hag anime dogs on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.76261824

i saw a video of them destroying beaches in jp
they need to shut down the borders again

>> No.76261853

You can just link this thread and the previous next time people wonder why they're not fully open. EN audiences are not ready for true unironic weebs.

>> No.76261893

They were nearly crying in fear and sadness at the mild school days rape scene and you degenerate chimps think they fantasize about that happening to them?

>> No.76261913

we already know ruffians are normalfags

>> No.76261952

It sucks that this fanbase has so many people that share none of their interests.

>> No.76261977

Brap and scat fags are far superior to rape fags.

>> No.76262005

There's nothing wrong with enjoying it in fiction. It's these retarded chimps assuming it means they want to be raped and ruined forever that I hate

>> No.76262042

kek, of course, I'm not saying this. Just that it's an innocent drama lovey dovey VN and it still has rape. It's VERY common. Nips just don't think it's a big deal to have it in fiction. The west only finds it acceptable if it's to make a point against it. It's still popular if you look in porn websites, but people pretend it isn't when talking about it.

>> No.76262041

fuwawa should rape me instead

>> No.76262057

People will cling to anything to justify their shitty behavior, my only issue is anyone thinking in ANY capacity that shit in fiction means that it transfers to fucking real life. Finding rape sexually appealing in a VN does not mean you want it to fucking happen to you.

>> No.76262178

I'm not against fictional rape. Doesn't bother me one bit, chimps that are emotionally stunted and think it transfers over are the problem.

>> No.76262180

You hate people you made up in your mind because you're too autistic.

>> No.76262186

>EN audiences are not ready for true unironic weebs.
>If you don't like rape then you aren't a weeb
The fuck is this mindset
Learn to separate VNs and real life. FuwaMoco are real people and I know not everyone is only joking about raping them

>> No.76262213

Why are japanese people so obsessed with rape and NTR? I swear ever woman from there I've talked to loves that shit in everything

>> No.76262236

My new rrat is that fuwamoco moved to japan just to get away from the indians flooding canada driving up the cost of everything

>> No.76262246
File: 168 KB, 444x1007, 100005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say "rape"?

>> No.76262302

I don't care if FWMC like VN rape and get off to it. Nobody can fucking convince me that some of these 'jokes' aren't serious, and to those people. Kill yourself. I mean that wholeheartedly.

>> No.76262318
File: 163 KB, 803x1199, GJjHeA5WMAAzXdQ.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovey-dovey handholding babymaking sex with FUWAMOCO!!

>> No.76262336

Do you usually have spergouts about every single thing you don't like? Why do you keep assuming things nobody is saying?

>> No.76262358

why did he do it?

>> No.76262375

Now I understand what they really meant when they said Japan had whiskers now

>> No.76262384

I don't care as long as its fictional, when it crosses over to real life that's the issue.

>> No.76262412
File: 9 KB, 267x223, 1716242409329248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is infinitely worse than the last one. Make the next one another brap edition please.

>> No.76262423

I think you made it pretty clear in your previous 80 autistic tantrums in the past 20 minutes that nobody can convince you otherwise.

>> No.76262451

well i for one am glad that fuwamoco found their calling instead of cucking their fans

>> No.76262465

No, I know. It's just shocking to me how normalized it is over there in media.

>> No.76262493
File: 154 KB, 1271x926, peroids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna hold their hands UNCONCENTUALLY
kys cucks

>> No.76262525

Same, I'm starting to think they were onto something when they said that everything happens for a reason.

>> No.76262536
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x2147, GNZq7xFbMAAs-OF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. lovey-dovey sex is infinitely more appealing than rape

>> No.76262540

They're currently recording a 3D showcase promo with tempus so I'd be careful what you say. CTW2 has homos

>> No.76262590

How are their actual rape statistics? The pedo ones at least are greatly in their favor against pretty much any country that tries to shame them for liking lolis. But with the train groping culture and whatnot maybe rape isn't as favorable.

>> No.76262594

I will engage in CNC with Fuwamoco and they will love it while you're all wringing your Puritan hands.

>> No.76262612
File: 46 KB, 521x402, 1706111310215190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76262652

>If you don't like rape you a cuck
The fucking state of this thread my fucking god.

>> No.76262670
File: 582 KB, 534x616, AIIIEEEEE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F84nk4t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76262700
File: 1.60 MB, 424x600, Fuwawa Nerissa I got a bit surprised there. I'm hovering over you Fuwawa.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo5p21h.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76262752

anon? that was clearly a joke?
are you ok?

>> No.76262777

Never noticed how nice Newissa's hips are. Too bad it's kind of wasted on vtubers since we're only seeing tits up 99% of the time.

>> No.76262787

Bird women can't rape hag dogs

>> No.76262838

No, VT has started to melt my brain, I can't tell whats a joke anymore. I'm in the final schizo stages.

>> No.76262844

I can see why this thread devolves into shit nonstop with regulars like this. This guy is the most retarded and easily baited person I've ever seen.

>> No.76262957
File: 659 KB, 640x560, 1703376329584599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advent in 3D is going to be really nice

>> No.76262972

he is not me in case you are wondering

>> No.76262984

dude, i mean this seriously. close the thread, close twitter. this shit is not worth destroying your mental

>> No.76263007
File: 119 KB, 254x236, 1704753877476549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76263047

Is there a size where they would be too big for your taste? Or is there no such thing?

>> No.76263081

I'm overplaying it. The rape shit does have me genuinely exasperated though

>> No.76263099


>> No.76263119

Why are so many of the hardcore fans and paypigs getting so short in their replies now if they even reply at all? Burn out?

>> No.76263184

For me my max is having a bit of a belly, when you start getting into obese territory nah, I don't like fucking whales I like fucking cute chubby girls.

>> No.76263207

You're too young for the internet. Or too old. Either way you're definitely guilty of replying to obvious bait at least 3 thousand times since debut, and you need to repent.

>> No.76263209

We've run out of shit to say

>> No.76263210

For me, I'm an unironic cuck who likes to imagine them both having loving sex with their future Japanese husband(not me)

>> No.76263246

rape is a really common tag for women. that's just a fact. you getting your panties in a knot was pretty retarded

>> No.76263258

Good morning sirs

>> No.76263260

they write enough in superchats

>> No.76263275
File: 303 KB, 577x629, smell like nerissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76263289

If that's actually the case, its cause they thought FWMC were 'back' and jumped the gun and thought they were gonna fully return lol. While the rest of us with brains actually expected it because we listen to what they say. I knew June was gonna be busy, they're just getting started earlier it seems.

>> No.76263334

i've had many women admit to me that they fantasize about getting raped and fuwamoco are no different

>> No.76263340

I often force myself to keep my replies shorter so I don't come out as being as desperate as I really am.

>> No.76263346

I'm trying to be more concise

>> No.76263356

hey mogojyan
how's your day?

>> No.76263398

It's absolutely justified with some of the comments made about literally raping them, I'm not standing down from that.

>> No.76263405

Basically this for me too. Cushion and bigger floofies with a bit of pudge is one of the hottest body types. When it starts to actually impact their health visibly or impacts their movement it's too much

>> No.76263409

Demon's Souls is better than jong

>> No.76263439

jong is shit

>> No.76263488

>*rapes you*

>> No.76263509

I'm just disassociating a bit since they won't be with us consistently for at least 2 months. I'm also gonna be busy soon so I won't be around as much.
I'll be there for whatever streams I can be in this two month period but I'm not gonna kill myself over missing tweets or whatever anymore...

>> No.76263513

thread theme with all the talk of rape and indians

>> No.76263516

I can only squeeze out enough brain juice to write a couple full-length tweets and the daily encouragement tweet already took one

>> No.76263530
File: 146 KB, 963x1017, 1714071266333771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting hard for me to say things without basically repeating the same thing

>> No.76263536
File: 1.07 MB, 2894x4093, F8UzQFpbYAAgJbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you are such a faggot
nevermind, i hope the raiders break your brain

>> No.76263539
File: 231 KB, 363x451, 1713804588134328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit a skunk just passed outside of my apartment and it fucking STINKS here

>> No.76263566
File: 1.11 MB, 545x280, 1704679164956213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76263576

Is there a jong room?

>> No.76263627

There's not shit to talk about besides "Hope you feel better" and "Do your best". We have no streams. Also I was never a big wall writer anyways. I mean yeah I COULD overly gush with praise and support like some fags but they get enough of that anyways and it just feels fake and tired after a while.

>> No.76263694

jong deez

>> No.76263718

Why are you reading through paypig replies?

>> No.76263728
File: 945 KB, 3165x4096, GFTXg2rbAAAf9q0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that fuwawa likes being handcuffed

>> No.76263799

This, I try to stay fresh and original for them.

>> No.76263810

I want this with Fuwawa as Chloe and Mococo as Gozaru.

>> No.76263833

They would be absolute freaks in bed after you got past the walls, knowing what they enjoy

>> No.76263888

I've practiced enough so I can let my praises flow naturally forever, but encouragement is a new thing for me.
What can you even say, good luck? Knock on wood? I pray to the Great Zophis the Conqueror of Three Suns to bless your endeavor?

>> No.76263898

That is an absolutely pathetic showing of a cock by Iroha. I expected more of the samurai spirit.

>> No.76263901
File: 269 KB, 1190x1684, 1712444827083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should open her shirt like this

>> No.76263933


>> No.76263970

I keep saying it. People focus on the first time too much. Yes they're both delicate princesses who would love and deserve to have an extra special lovey dovey night, but it won't be the first time forever. You have to think about the future too.

>> No.76263972

i stopped being hardcore a long time ago
turning off their notifs really put some distance

>> No.76263994
File: 902 KB, 1131x1600, GB4n0LCWQAEyDSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa should open her shirt then take it and all her clothes off

>> No.76264015
File: 247 KB, 1546x2048, GCMD6adacAAN0rM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think she should be wearing a shirt at all

>> No.76264024

Yeah lol

>> No.76264038

I wonder if she'd join in with me handcuffing and teasing mocochan

>> No.76264046

Hot, you should write dialogue for these.

>> No.76264061

Is there no long-term cure for frequent migraines and headaches?

>> No.76264072

I have and do, I've got nothing against freaky shit, hell I'd even be fine with consensual non consent if it got that far, but plain rape is a no. I wouldn't do that even if they genuinely begged me to. I have limits I won't cross, only a few, but still limits.

>> No.76264074

wtf is there a stream?

>> No.76264131

trade with me, elon doesn't want me to have notifications. I haven't missed a single tweet yet, but that's exactly the problem, with notifications I can ignore twitter until they come, without them I keep checking.

>> No.76264135

Not that I'm aware of

>> No.76264147

just relax

>> No.76264152

The Mococock is bigger than that

>> No.76264170

Moving away from Japan, reducing all stress by having a laid back job and reducing screen time. So for her, no

>> No.76264214


>> No.76264239

Lots of natto

>> No.76264250

>but plain rape is a no. I wouldn't do that even if they genuinely begged me to. I
what a fucking faggot you are lmao. if they're begging you then it's not really rape but instead becomes something consensual but you'd be fulfilling a fantasy of theirs. this is why they call for macho men like me

>> No.76264258

>reducing all stress by having a laid back job
Sigh, okay. She just have to tough it out.

>> No.76264280

you only afraid of it because you know you would enjoy it and you fear how far would you go with it, it is never happening, no one here is ever going to bone the two, get over it and fantasize all you like

>> No.76264289

Me and my sister both have migraines at least once a week, she got all sorts of fancy tests done on her, they couldn't find shit. I didn't even bother.

>> No.76264294

Don't you got women to stalk in the streets? Ain't got shit to do with you.

>> No.76264308


>> No.76264335

i think you love them too much

>> No.76264362
File: 715 KB, 581x667, silly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because I like CNC doesn't mean I don't also like lovey dovey handholding sex. In fact that's the whole point, variety is the spice of life. If you just do one thing forever, it gets boring. The contrast between CNC and passionate lovemaking is what makes it so good. Just imagine a rough round of CNC followed by slow, intimate, sex, where you stroke her hair gently and whisper how precious she is to you, while kissing her all over. Or imagine a night of desire and pleasure that starts out slow and loving and grows in intensity and fervor until you violently take her deep in your embrace. I just like Japanese rape where they start enjoying it, if she doesn't enjoy it, there's no point.

>> No.76264371

>even if they begged me
That is the definition of consent it would be all role-playing that would make then happy and more satisfied. You're a fucking faggot who doesn't even love them. If you won't do that, then you don't belong with then anyways and you're the exact reason they're so scared to share anything at all about their interests

>> No.76264405

I'm gonna fart on you.

>> No.76264412


>> No.76264423

A proper diet and sleep schedule would definitely fucking help. LOOKING AT YOU MOCOCO.

>> No.76264453

once my girlfriend asked me to choke her and after I refused she ended things with me just a bit later I ended up learning my lesson, let anon discover it for himself

>> No.76264463
File: 1.52 MB, 3043x4000, GISg8fkWUAAQKHZ.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today?

>> No.76264485

I don't know why I keep thinking I can scroll twitter in public. It's just nonstop fuwamoco and holo porn

>> No.76264496

Fuwawa already does that

>> No.76264499

You're all genuinely disturbed, and are looking for any excuse. and projecting your shit onto them. Seek psychological help. Or eat a bullet, same result.

>> No.76264539
File: 965 KB, 1204x2408, GCaIwkgbIAAVybg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"men" like that autist are what make women finish themselves off after sex, you're never going to satisfy them

>> No.76264552

kys daniel

>> No.76264559

5 bucks says antirapeschizo is just purityschizo
Women have needs and desires, and if you aren't going to fulfill them they can easily find someone who will.

>> No.76264607

Is your Following tab working properly? Mine is all out of order for the past week or so.

>> No.76264617

If its consensual, yeah im good with it. you can have both as long as everyone has the right expectations.

>> No.76264638
File: 251 KB, 1100x1366, GE4K3EOXwAAHv3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco aren't for you

>> No.76264650 [DELETED] 

Based Daniel

>> No.76264654

I know that, anon doesn't, it is a lesson we all learn

>> No.76264658

You're the faggot who makes up scenarios. I would never rape them. If they begged me to play out a rape fantasy that's entirely a different thing and of course I'd participate that's hot as fuck. The consent is critical. You couldn't be more obviously a virgin purityschizo if you tried. Stop trying to dictate how adults live their lives.

>> No.76264714 [DELETED] 

Can you stop calling him Daniel, it's a very common name. Just call him Hungarian or Turkroach, or Fehrer.

>> No.76264741

Yeah mine is fucked. So I started using for you but now I'm remembering why I stopped doing that outside of my house kek

>> No.76264785

anon, you can't explain shit like this to a retard. Women can't consent to role play scenarios ever lmao

>> No.76264798

purityschizo would hang himself if someone talked about kissing them

>> No.76264826

Shouldn't he be sleeping? Or is he shock collar attention whore? What would fuwamoco think if their darling favorite ruffians menhera came here and said things like this?

>> No.76264870

This is an extension of what the purityschizos had trouble understanding, and took until Marshmallow Mania to get into their heads. "Pure love" is a meme, of course they want to hear all about how much you love them for who they are, but they also want to be desired. They're not appealing to different crowds with the love bombs and the sexy misunderstandings, they hope it's the same people enjoying both.
Unless you're a daughterfag, of course, but that's a different story.

>> No.76264896

speaking of twitter have notifications stopped working for anyone else

>> No.76264899

Unless it's him talking about it because you know, he's the only one who knows what they want and the rest of us aren't worthy. God he's such a hypocrite.

>> No.76264940

Anyone who saw MM and thought they didn't wanna be sexually desired is a mouth breather

>> No.76264951
File: 599 KB, 2148x4096, GG07z-fbgAAXjfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa forced nakadashi
rendering fuwawa completely defenseless

>> No.76264953
File: 2.35 MB, 574x600, Mococo Head drill[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F85s8ye.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people report that carnivore diet, sunlight and grounding works
I didn't have migraine, just a headache for over 15 years and it went away when I started doing meat based keto some years ago

>> No.76264957
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, sleepy moco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay paypig talk hours

>> No.76264974

Thank you. It fucking boggles my mind that people can say Fuwawa or Mococo is better. Ultimately they are two sides of the same coin, that's why they are a package deal. Sure you might have a slight bias but at the end of the day, I want them both.

>> No.76264979

>ways to decrease the chance of having one to begin with
yes, but not everyone follows the doc's advice

>> No.76264995 [DELETED] 

oh nonononono daniel, you share your name with a gaylord

>> No.76265019

The roach and purityschizo aren't even paypigs, don't let their attention mislead you

>> No.76265023

only sexual offenders use their real names in Twitter

>> No.76265072

same, my desire and love is for both of them, I dunno if they are actually a real package deal, shit like that is hard to do in a real relationship, but I'd like to think they are. Couldn't choose one.

>> No.76265076

Yeah, when I go to my Push Notifications setting it's completely blank, doesn't even show as turned off. I still get notifications (not push, the bell ones) for likes and RTs, but for their posts I get nothing.

>> No.76265132
File: 1.73 MB, 2334x2160, CG_Christmas2023_Fuwawa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet this faggot would've listened when fuwawa said "don't come anywhere near me when you're being THIS silly" or would've stopped after being slapped

>> No.76265199

I really need a "stuck in tight places with Fuwawa" doujin

>> No.76265215

Fuck him, I had it first.

>> No.76265225

No, it's just third worlders. People from third world shitholes didn't grow up with the old internet so they aren't used to using screennames.
Take a look at Indians who got EZ access to the internet when smartphones became readily available to them. All Indians use their full names no matter what site they're on.

>> No.76265292

>shoujo rei
are they gay?????????????????

>> No.76265347

M-m-mmy apologies princess! I didn't mean to offend you, no misunderstanding I'll leave you be! Haha that was a silly dream huh?

>> No.76265349

To be fair, they're Indians, so there's a thousand other people with their exact name anyways.

>> No.76265352

>don't come anywhere near me when you're being THIS silly
>would've stopped after being slapped

>> No.76265398

What people don't understand is women who have a rape fetish want to be raped by a man they're already attracted to, who will then forcibly treat them like princesses(while also regularly taking her by force whenever he wants).
It's also never physically violent, either.

>> No.76265411

I'd stop after the full force slap, no question. It was obvious she was being coy with the first line.

>> No.76265431

Why did you fucking say that, now I'm getting sad just thinking of how disappointed Fuwawa would be with a passive partner. She would be forever unfulfilled but because she's so nice she'd just never say anything.

>> No.76265450


>> No.76265462

It's a very unique situation. In real life, the way normal relationships work, anyone trying to get with both would just naturally be someone looking to realize a fetish. But this relationship we have with them where we get to know both at the same time, their individuality, how amazing they are as a team, and fall in love with both at the same time. If it ever evolved into a true relationship, it's only natural that it would be a package deal. Everything is already established, nobody could just pick one as if it was a shooting range prize. It's the exact opposite of the IRL example, picking one would be the heartless, detached thing.
It's fun to think about.

>> No.76265503

How do you get Mococo to like you?

>> No.76265520

Don't worry I'll end up with her and love her exactly how she wants to be, even if she's a bit shy about it at first. We'd explore her boundaries and our bodies together

>> No.76265561

It's probably easier to get her to hate you first

>> No.76265567

Well yes if she physically slaps you, then that means she 100% doesn't want it, which means the relationship is ogre if you rape her.
Unless you have a magic ugly bastard hypnotizing rape cock like I do.

>> No.76265569


>> No.76265584
File: 171 KB, 1135x1523, GFigzpmaoAAgryE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now I'm getting sad just thinking of how disappointed Fuwawa would be with a passive partner.
i'm sorry anon but someone had to break it to you

>> No.76265590

It is. cause for me I never even considered twins a fetish or anything, I just fell in love with them naturally, so I'd never choose between. I couldn't just take one unless the other really wasn't as into me. Which is unlikely I guess

>> No.76265596

Im just myself.

>> No.76265600

Praise her, be kind to her. Trust her words and be excited for her, always. She's doing her best and loves you so it's easy to love her back. The fact you're asking means you aren't understanding something.

>> No.76265606

that is not it too, my ex had a whole talk about how I forced myself sometimes and even if it turned her on mid it, it was still no good and I should tune it down a bit

>> No.76265616

That line did so much damage to my dick... Just the whole situation of her noticing your erection, while you keep getting closer, her transitioning to sexy bau baus... This woman is something else.
And to think it was all improv right in front of her sister. Powerful.

>> No.76265652
File: 294 KB, 640x360, 1702692249613715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll save her

>> No.76265659

Yeah if you wanna do some physical stuff like that you need to talk about it before hand so you know its ok. That sorta reaction needs to be made clear if its a green light or not.

>> No.76265664

>Well yes if she physically slaps you, then that means she 100% doesn't want it
As someone who has helped their spouse with her own fantasies, no, that's not 100% true.

>> No.76265670
File: 499 KB, 778x816, F51Wui8bwAA8c_M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey Raffian...un, you know...sometimes, you know...you can be a little more greedy.
>Oh never my Princess. You're my delicate darling flower, and I only want to do things you want.
>"Un. Thank you. But you know...sometimes..."
>Yes Hime
>"Never mind, it's nothing..."
And so Mococo forever has a passionless relationship because she will never explicitly say what she wants and fags will never do anything for fear of offending her.

>> No.76265738
File: 61 KB, 224x232, 1714078454184602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape is good

>> No.76265739

I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle and this kinda stuff requires a lot of really solid communication. You REALLY gotta know each other's boundaries.

>> No.76265749

Please don't post doxx of me.

>> No.76265768

I just need a fuzzy week or stream again. I have so much I want to say to her and I hope I don't have to wait until her birthday next year to say it

>> No.76265785

Same, I never cared AT ALL about twins as a tag. I did try looking for it more after falling for them, but outside of finding it funny every time there's a coincidence between the fictional twins and them, I still don't care for it that much.

>> No.76265818

Bad End

>> No.76265854

People like that know nothing about women, they can't do anything in the spur of the moment and are so limp dicked they won't even initiate fucking their girlfriend. its pathetic.

>> No.76265866


>> No.76265878
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slut puppies...

>> No.76265897
File: 373 KB, 1743x2660, GBwChbfaIAAijmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad but true, both need real men like me and only me and no one else

>> No.76265934

I wrote these posts. I do enjoy some twin works but it wasn't something I specifically looked for.
I can only imagine the amount of courage and prodding it took to get her to admit about the panties or Marshmallow Mania. Mococo is a beautiful young woman with many healthy desires just waiting to be explored, but she's shy, so you have to help her by taking the lead.

>> No.76265957

I will add though when it comes to non con that's something that's gotta have a lot of communication and understanding. One bad move can really fuck things over so play safely and all that.

>> No.76265969

both each other firsts in a 5 years relationship, we used to share porn we liked be it manga or amateur irl, who knows what women want at this point is if as she got older the more prude she became

>> No.76265982


>> No.76266037

She's younger than me.

>> No.76266043

>Hey Raffian...un, you know...sometimes, you know...you can be a little more greedy.
my dick if mocotan ever said this to me would go into overdrive

>> No.76266048

Mhm, you start with reassurance and before you know it she's leaping onto you and doing things you never thought this quiet little shy girl would ever do, the idea of her becoming that for me is hotter than I can express.

>> No.76266088

Personally I'm a fan of not only safe words, but safe gestures, you know just in case I'm covering the mouth or putting my fingers or cock in.

>> No.76266091

I still consider her young

>> No.76266103

I do all this

>> No.76266111

>quiet little shy girl would ever do, the idea of her becoming that for me is hotter than I can express.
this is probably why my mococo fantasies drive me more insane than my fuwawa fantasies

>> No.76266135
File: 12 KB, 176x176, 1715219478990873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh never my Princess. You're my delicate darling flower, and I only want to do things you want.

>> No.76266170

I can only ever see Mococo as a little sister to me. The sex is just off putting. I do think she's extremely cute though.

>> No.76266181

stop being menhera she likes you

>> No.76266193

I would genuinely fuck her right there, even if Its a full nelson standing in the middle of a living room, or on a couch or wherever. If m I'll let her know how much I desire her in no uncertain terms.

>> No.76266243
File: 793 KB, 2509x3928, GFEL0TNacAA2nrA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the ruffian isn't as assertive as he should be

>> No.76266245

As long as your name isn't Raul you're good, she likes you.

>> No.76266266

Same, shy little mococo absolutely going to town

>> No.76266297

There are apps nowadays that people in a relationship can use. You both go down a checklist of kinks or fetishes and if both of you select one, it shows the list you both selected, and the ones that only one of you selected are never shown.

>> No.76266326

I'd do it in public, fuck I wouldn't be able to hold back. I'm so sorry...

>> No.76266330

Her being my little sister makes the sex even better.

>> No.76266347

Absolutely, shy little mococo absolutely worshipping me and begging me to rail her, my fuckin god.

>> No.76266377


>> No.76266380
File: 131 KB, 356x458, 1709882297250935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont remind me. There has actually been a few times where women were into me but Im so fucking stupid I didnt realize until years later. Its over for me now

>> No.76266382

I had a period where I would have daily fantasies about Moco-chan being addicted to blowjobs. It was all I could think of when I woke up. The scenario was that Fuwawa introduced her to it, she was very reluctant, of course, but she gets hooked and we start getting situations like them being late for something, Fuwawa comes looking for her, and she's on her knees sucking my dick. Fuwawa acts as if she's just mad because they're gonna be late, but she's starting to feel jealous because Moco-chan is hogging my cock for herself all the time.
I could get all of Tokyo pregnant with how much of my seed this fantasy extracted.

>> No.76266429
File: 1.06 MB, 2892x4096, GKOuJNjagAAqMmZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your loss

>> No.76266437

If I wouldn't be arrested and go to fucking jail I would too. But they'd probably actually never go for that. It's prolly too much for them.

>> No.76266447

>he wouldn't have sex with his little sister

>> No.76266477

public sex fantasies are probably one of my favourites GODDAMN public sex with either of these two, whether its trying to be stealthy during a train ride, being unable to hold back desire and going into an alleyway to do a quick fuck, ahhh sex at night ontop of our balcony and kissing to stifle those moans

>> No.76266484

If you guys could stop pretending to be me, I'd appreciate it. I wrote these posts.

>> No.76266519

just say the name anon

>> No.76266530

I would check literally everything just to make sure I can meet my wives halfway, and then would find out that Fuwawa did the same. It's so over...

>> No.76266535

Wow I actually think about her doing those often too, some of my favorite shit is mococo doing that. I want her to be greedy and be coy about it until I just feed it to her.

>> No.76266564

I actually don't know I just read about them in an article. I'm not some super sex haver, I've only ever had sex once.

>> No.76266619
File: 937 KB, 1408x2000, F5HE479bAAAuPB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not being able to restrain yourself any longer and you just fuck fuwawa out in the open where anyone could just stumble upon you two but not giving a shit because the only thing that's on your mind is making her body completely yours

>> No.76266624
File: 430 KB, 624x487, 1710747866853105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wuffian I see you ticked sounding. Lets get started right away

>> No.76266646

I liked all of the sex during a summer festival fanart we got with the new outfits.
Like these:

>> No.76266667
File: 369 KB, 800x600, 1000004572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these anons pretending they would be upfront an assertive
Roru. I know for a fact every single one of you saying this would be a confused blubbering mess if you were with either one of these girls

>> No.76266672

I only had sex with one girl, I think I still love her

>> No.76266717

I do think in the end its one of those things where as you grow and learn you go from being hesitant to more confident, first time I saw them sexually it was hard to wire my brain to that, but as time goes on you get more and more used to it. Would be the same with them, starts slow and lovey dovey but evolves. Its always on the table but exploring new things is the fun thing about having sex with someone you love.

>> No.76266738

>It's so over...
Stop fucking bragging Nerissa, you ain't too young and beautiful to get raped motherfuka.

>> No.76266760

stop posting Fuwawa you have a job to do today

>> No.76266798
File: 433 KB, 642x627, 1704548453034463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my goodness

>> No.76266800

Everyone here is going to have an erection and probably cream in their pants just from seeing their models in a holo meet

>> No.76266810

Initially yeah, but that's what cute about early love. You grow and explore together.

>> No.76266821

yessss these are perfect, their NY outfits are MADE for public sex, the short skirts that you can just gently lift up and expose their bare ass
i wouldnt be able to hold back at some point... just pulling them aside away from the festival and having clothed sex fuuuuuck

>> No.76266876

Fuwawa giggling and leading you into an alley as she quickly pulls out her floofies and makes you explode in under a minute befo

>> No.76266905

Well yeah, everyone here is a master of romance. That obviously explains their extensive dating experience.

>> No.76266955

Holy fuck. I just farted for 5 seconds straight.

>> No.76267007

anon hit enter too early because he nutted just thinking about the scenario. understandable

>> No.76267015

In a small alley, Mococo's tiny body pinned against the wall, panting on her neck with your hands under her knees pushing them up as you rail her, soft little 'I love you's' between her adorable little gasps and moans as you lay into her, fireworks drowning out the sound of the rough hard thrusts as you feel her clench down and release all over you. Jesus....

>> No.76267028

someone crack open a window this guy just farted for 5 seconds straight

>> No.76267055
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>> No.76267087
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>> No.76267089

Don't look at me like that, Fuwawa, we're in public.

>> No.76267110
File: 9 KB, 236x161, 1716242409329248_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa please stop

>> No.76267151
File: 5 KB, 718x57, 1697065851316103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koahri poll up, you know what to vote for

>> No.76267167
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>> No.76267216

The best part would be having sex in public with one of them and trying to hide it but once you're done the other knows what you just did so she spirits you away for a quickie, and then eventually both of them just take you right there in the dressing room as they compete for your seed.

>> No.76267225
File: 778 KB, 1072x958, 1710147381267326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking about rape to an AI that is pretending to be retarded, anon

>> No.76267278

>FWMC options at the top
baused thanks Koahri lmao

>> No.76267308

ohh shit ruffians i think we might have a chance to win this poll, PLEASEEEEEE
ina x suiseggs is 36
lap sitting sex iwth mococo is 34

>> No.76267321

The best part about having sex with them in public is accidentally slipping into Fuwawa's asshole and her letting out a massive earth shattering gas cloud

>> No.76267332

reading this thread sort of reminded me of when marine once talked about wanting a guy who once and awhile "reminds her that she's a woman"

>> No.76267337

If I cream my pants during a meet and greet, should I take the opportunity to let them know?

>> No.76267346

I think the thing I'm most excited about would be the first threesome once you start dating, you've kissed both, made love to both, and spent quality time with both and the first time they want you at the same time, man that thought is so heart pounding.

>> No.76267405

literally all women want that, but many are afraid to say it because they think it sounds slutty.

>> No.76267424

Is this look because of the sexposting or the guy farting for 5 seconds straight?

>> No.76267433

Fuwawa will know instantly and giggle, don't mention it mococo doesn't need to know

>> No.76267454
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>> No.76267504
File: 1.91 MB, 888x944, Fuwawa What about Fuwawa_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbyypfk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76267527

Its only slutty when they get it from every fucking man on the block, when its just you its amazing, there's nothing wrong with wanting someone you love like that. Shit a lot of guys want women to take control once in a a blue moon, If Fuwawa pushed me down and informed me that she's riding me until I'm spongy and red, I ain't complaining.

>> No.76267561

fuwawa is the pov

>> No.76267568

don't doxx me

>> No.76267638
File: 595 KB, 4096x2896, GOCNg77akAAOwQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76267682

She's into more hardcore stuff though and not just fiction.

>> No.76267732

Hello from India

>> No.76267816

she also talks about being raped by her overseas fans. it's what I meant by "EN audiences aren't ready"
it's not that the 30k+ viewers she regularly has are all into rape, or in this case NTR rape, since they're not overseas themselves, it's that the likely majority who aren't won't spergout over it, they'll just laugh for two seconds and ignore it. nobody gives a shit about what you fantasize.
if it was said in EN it's a potential shitstorm. people can't separate reality from fiction over here.

>> No.76267819

Currently enjoy a pina colada rum cake from Blackbeard's rum cake factory, paired with a mug of cold milk

>> No.76267895


>> No.76267901
File: 294 KB, 1500x1066, fuwamoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the opposite. I think you start out with threesomes because Mococo for sure would be too shy/scared to go on her own. But then as your relationship grows, they get competitive and needy, not in a bad way, just that they've shared everything their whole lives so once in a while they want to feel like the only girl in the world.
You start off with Fuwawa of course because she'd be the one to initiate. One day, while Mococo slept, you'd just be in the hallway and she'd say or do something that would make you pin her against the wall and take her right there, which of course was her plan all along. Her floofies would be pressed against your bare chest, slick with sweat as you entered her again and again. She would whisper scandalous things to make you diamonds like
>"I won't tell Moco-chan"
>"This will be our little secret"
Again just for effect, I'm not going to NTR play here, Mococo would of course know instantly, and then she'd pout for a bit, and ask
>"What about Mococo?"
while you lovingly stroke her hair and kiss her and assure you love her just as much. Fuwawa would help and say
>"Well it's only fair that Moco-chan has her time with the Ruffian too right?"
and giggle before locking the two of you in the room. You'd make a show of trying to get out first and sheepishly shrug at Mococo. Then Mococo would break the silence.
>"You know...if...if you wanted to..."
And before she can finish her sentence your on her, bringing her lithe little body back as she yelps in surprise, one hand wrapped around her neck as you kiss her passionately, and the other going down her pants and into her tight wet little cunt as you finger her madly. Her hands and legs would wrap around your frame as you entered her, she would cry out wordlessly into your mouth, all the while Fuwawa puts her ear to the door and listens for the sounds of sex.

>> No.76267918

How do you choose which one you have 1 on 1 sex with first, though? Isn't the first time being a threesome the best way to go to avoid making that decision?
>but then who do you penetrate first?
Easy, Mococo because she would be more nervous and Fuwawa would help guiding your dick inside her with her hands. Everyone participates.

>> No.76268007

Stop being coomer faggots

>> No.76268015


>> No.76268112

it's pretty yummy

>> No.76268182

>>"I won't tell Moco-chan"
>>"This will be our little secret"
i mean, doesn't fuwawa say exactly this before going to the onsen with her? and then in the academy voice packs, mococo is almost quick to point out fuwawa's scent coming off from you. they do play with the competition bit so it's not an unlikely scenario

>> No.76268187

I can see why it'd be appealing, my sensibilities are just a little different, I really would wanna share my love with both of them as equally as possible, because the both mean just as much to me. I would want to get to know all about what they like, what sort of things turn them on, where they like to be touched, kissed, licked, all that. So in my case I'd prefer solo because it lets me learn about what they enjoy for later, and it lets me relax and just really enjoy the moment with them. I find the solo time and time together to be three seperate first times. And I'd enjoy them all for what they were.

>> No.76268263
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>> No.76268276

i self insert as fuwawa

>> No.76268325

I guess you ask, or one of the three makes the first move, I can see it happening plenty of ways that doesn't involve the other. A late night game with Mococo, cooking with Fuwawa while Mococo is out shopping, Watching a show. I dunno there are lot of ways any of it could happen

>> No.76268396
File: 1.01 MB, 1274x1080, 1704548735324821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76268403

I know, that's why I love it. The thrill of secrets but nobody actually gets hurt.

>> No.76268463

none of you have game

>> No.76268500

Well you saw it in the VT stream, they're not very jealous of each other, If you had sex with Fuwawa first, Mococo would absolutely bring it up and pout about it and wonder if you feel the same way about her, and vice versa.

>> No.76268523
File: 79 KB, 1200x798, 1703829337662967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my number one fantasy above any other ones is coming home to a tired Fuwawa who went through a lot during the day, but will see in your face that you're tired and immediately try to hide her shit day to be supportive. But then as she's busy preparing something for you while asking about your day, you hug her from behind, kiss her neck and get her to open up about her day to you, she tries to brush it off as nothing bad but you can see her smiling because you noticed.
I don't know why this scenario specifically, but it's the one that really hits the hardest. I think it was her opening up about how sleepy she was during Kanon after seeing how much people wanted to spoil Moco-chan for being cute and falling asleep while she didn't get appreciation for staying up that ignited this flame.

>> No.76268527
File: 3.16 MB, 2220x1450, 1715067051795472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76268583

Fart anon here. I'm making hamburgers again. You know what that means.

>> No.76268600

PS Triple bros...

>> No.76268627

Lots of my romantic fantasies involve appreciating and doting on Fuwawa, making her smile and telling her that I notice how much she tries for Mococo and giving her the praise and love she's due.

>> No.76268669
File: 127 KB, 900x1200, GGisePUaUAAlNiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76268684

It's over for my suggestion

>> No.76268721

where are they????

>> No.76268780

big day

>> No.76268806

getting married (with me)

>> No.76268871

they're out getting an ultrasound scan since we're expecting children soon

>> No.76268906

It's fucking stupid they have human ears

>> No.76268974

You can only try things and hope/pray they work.

>get a sinus CT and see if you have polyps or constrictions
>drop all food with any kind inflammatory ingredient, eat nothing but mostly plain meat/fish and vegetables
>move somewhere with stable atmospheric pressure
>live somewhere with no allergies
So, Mococo is enabling 3/4 (2/4 are "Japan", the other is enabled by misudo and rice and sugar) of these and the last she would have to go get scanned for.
>try hot showers >try cold showers >try hot tea >try sniffing water vapor >try hot compresses >try cold compresses >try voodoo >etc

Some people outgrow chronic headaches/migraines.

>> No.76269046

Dunno, she's already 2031, might be too late.

>> No.76269453

yeah, that's right, shut the fuck up

>> No.76269598

dance classes, hopefully a voice class too

>> No.76269998

It's a big day so probably testing 3d for the first time

>> No.76270074
File: 841 KB, 1111x814, 1708407301303218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute... embarrassed Fuwawa is the best...

>> No.76270187

All these scenarios make me sad it's not real.

>> No.76270265
File: 250 KB, 1200x1560, 1691890703527224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I was busy imagining watching anime with Mococo and suddenly pushing her down to pound her ass

>> No.76270338
File: 216 KB, 672x628, 1714226575486021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76270486

Fire is banned
bau bau

>> No.76270817

I can rizz you up

>> No.76270888
File: 7 KB, 881x680, GIYYm3Ga4AAg2ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76270898

I somehow managed to fuck a woman, so I have at least a little game.

>> No.76270918
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76271016

I had two

>> No.76271061

no one worth watching is on...

>> No.76271174

go watch Aokuyu

>> No.76271184
File: 390 KB, 562x585, 1715178662818858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, but I didn't pay a prostitute to get a second one

>> No.76271218

will we get a schedule when their voices are healed? Advent gets schedules

>> No.76271257

me neither, one was hafu

>> No.76271265

Don't rewatch the VOD to check who that "woman" was.

>> No.76271273

it's not even a matter of their voices anymore

>> No.76271393

Their voices are not going to be fully healed anytime soon and they have a limited window to record 3D with Advent. It's not looking good.
