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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76216877 No.76216877 [Reply] [Original]

Is this real????
Holostars are new Nijisanji now?

>> No.76216942

>Unicorns are clipniggers

>> No.76216985

This thread again?

>> No.76217085

you gotta throw the whole branch away
better yet along with this thread

>> No.76217137
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>> No.76217166

/pol/tards love to rage at LGBT shit, it's the best weapon nijisisters won't use.

>> No.76217234 [DELETED] 

This thread is a bit early, most American's haven't woken up yet

>> No.76217271

So this is really what it was about all along, trannies shoving politics where they don't belong. Holostars were a fucking mistake

>> No.76217290

You did your bait thread wrong, sis. You're supposed to say "Hololive" when referring to the irrelevant homos.

>> No.76217423

wtf based gibby

>> No.76217458

He did so well that he announced today he’s taking a week vacation, kek

>> No.76217551

waiting for grudgekeepers to keep watch for him slipping up with more LGBT garbage

>> No.76217574

>trans friendly space
>your life has value
It's rich coming from groomerbullet.

>> No.76217621

i was hoping somebody kept these, time to spam his replies

>> No.76217650

Homohaters are lashing out here because Cover switched off the automod so they can't bury homo threads on reddit anymore.

>> No.76217681
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>> No.76217682

>EZ 1 week vacation

>> No.76217699

oh so that's why the homo thread kept getting deleted

>> No.76217769

Is anyone surprised? The Vtubing space just like Anime has always been "Left-leaning." Who cares about this bullshit.

>> No.76217782

Fully deserved, a little to short though. I would have given him permanant vacation, but again i wouldn't have debuted his branch at all.

>> No.76217823

> filled with lefty tourist that everyone hate and who hate being part of anime space

>> No.76217824

You faggots painted the board blue for 3 days because Kronii said she didn't like a joke anymore, you don't get to complain like a little bitch anymore.

>> No.76217840

Some homobeggars trannies already post it on subreddit though

>> No.76217864

Kronii and the homos are on the same side retard

>> No.76217868

It's the same shit every single time.
>a youtuber starts virtue signalling
>look up their past
>grooming and/or pedo allegations

>> No.76217873


>> No.76217968

thats only 1/3 of his debut grooming allegations, there were at least three of those imgur albums. crawl the mans archives for groombullet

>> No.76217973

The sisters also hate the homos.

>> No.76217985


>> No.76217986


>> No.76218029

Everybody but their fans hate the homos, newfag.

>> No.76218038

they really don't do background checks for homostars, they're that desperate for a single successful one

>> No.76218187

The first 4 retards literally shilled Iluna's debut. They were at least niji-adjacent since the very beginning.

>> No.76218201

Good on Gibby

>> No.76218214
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>Holostars subreddit is now political platform
God, thank you unicorn for gatekeeping

>> No.76218308
File: 77 KB, 729x859, bad advice korone 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76218345

Thank fuck the whores who were enabling these subhumans got whipped into shape

>> No.76218425

I knew Holotars would likely have a bunch of gays,but I didn't know it would also have fags.

>> No.76218486

Almost 5 years of stars being in Cover and this is what they accomplished folks, having a “variety” subhuman fanbase

>> No.76218527

You shouldn't label everyone who values tolerance and diversity as a ""tranny"", such an attitude won't contribute towards sensible conversation in our community.
I believe live and let live is a worthwhile principle that we should collectively strive towards.

>> No.76218545

I don't hate them I don't watch them either.

>> No.76218568

trannies should 41% themselves, may they sink with the homos

>> No.76218637

it's vtubers, what do you expect
every corporation & those working for them has to validate fake identities because propaganda is essential in maintaining them

>> No.76218638


>> No.76218676

Homobeggars are actually trannies????

>> No.76218758

>I believe live and let live is a worthwhile principle that we should collectively strive towards.
"live and let live" went out of window when liberals and leftists started destroying countries globally through imperialism, regime change, and their faggot/human rights/"anti-corruption" foreign founded ngos
it also went out of window when libs bullied India in sterilizing millions of people, then had UN award the culprit "population award" for doing it
pinochet is inevitable

>> No.76219140

Wait wait, doesn't this prove Hololive does stealth suspensions too?

>> No.76219225
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This fag was 100x worse

>> No.76219299

Crazy if true. Keep in mind though that they did publicly announce that Vesper got suspended so my guess is that they’re only willing to do stealth suspension if it deals with something that they know will get a lot of backlash if they announce it publicly. Yeah they can try to keep it vague like Vesper’s but I think most people will figure out why

>> No.76219324

>Tried to oust Allende, paving the way for Pinochet

>> No.76219369

keep watch for after the supposed suspension is over if he spews more lgbt diarrhea again

>> No.76219490

How the fuck did they fuck up this bad? Neither Tempus gen was even close to being this shit.

>> No.76219546

It's almost like lib-left have no principles and would ally with Satan himself to get their way

>> No.76219576

This is the sort of shit I dreaded (among other things) when HoloEN debuted. It's honestly been a positive surprise how professional the girls are. Either they've been managed well or they just naturally have more sense.
StarsEN, on the other hand, seems to have fucked up just like NijiEN did.

>> No.76219632

>libs bullied India in sterilizing millions of people
Wtf I love liberals now

>> No.76219707

>Neither Tempus gen was even close to being this shit.
>when the blue fag and flygon exist
roru. rumao even. Even the spic fag talked about it.

>> No.76219716

>keep watch
Fuck no I finally accepted that they’re trash and stopped watching them.

>> No.76219811

Drastic action should be taken against the homostars and their beggars.

>> No.76219831
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Hololive EN has always been a safe space to the LGBT community everyone is welcoming and open.

>> No.76219887

the point is less about the actions themselves, rather it's about who they really are, and why "live and let live" is impossible with such people

>> No.76219927

What does this have to do with legbiters, besides people dressing up as something they aren't.

>> No.76219939

male vtubers are a mistake

>> No.76219952

>that Ame in the bottom centre.
If that is who I think it is, I've seen her pussy.

>> No.76220005

Wasnt it only once, i havent seen any clips after that, heard there was a fight in the background between Magni/Vesper and him after that.

>> No.76220059
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>> No.76220130

Secretnoel, I think.

>> No.76220206

That was never in any doubt, they're an excellent way to hand out slap-on-the-wrist punishments for minor infractions.

>> No.76220471

The guy openly admitted to losing his temper with management so they had to make an example out of him which is why it was so public.

>> No.76220864

>destroying countries globally through imperialism, regime change, and their faggot/human rights/"anti-corruption" foreign founded ngos
Most of what you perceive as hostile actions are more likely motivated firstly by a constructive goal of unifying all peoples under the same global standards regarding societal and cultural issues, which, if successful, will invariably lead to a more peaceful world where matters can be more easily solved with dialogue in common spirit of shared values, and secondly by a desire to safeguard the lives and safety of disenfranchised peoples around the globe, since human rights and comparable beliefs are disregarded by many countries and communities around the globe.

>sterilizing millions of people, then had UN award the culprit "population award" for doing it
I doubt such a thing actually happened as you describe it, since you seem like the type to oversimplify a complex issue such as abortion by insisting that it tantamounts to murder. But even if that truly was the case then we ought to remain cognizant of the fact that history is filled with instances of events and trends spiraling out of control, even when relevant actors weren't necessarily motivated by malice. In a globally connected world such as ours mistakes of that nature are especially prone to occur and human beings themselves are of course hardly infallible, regardless of their motivations. Nevertheless it can hardly be denied that certain regions of East-Asia have or had excessively large human populations, as well as further projections for their growth, which are not necessarily sustainable from either human or environmental perspective, and corrective measures to reverse such demographic developments are needed.

>> No.76221508

> where matters can be more easily solved with dialogue in common spirit of shared values
Yes, values like "we'll rape and kill your people in name of human rights if you don't let us into your markets so we can rob your country and people of resources."
You're acting as if this is 18th century and as if liberal capitalism arose yesterday, but even then you've had people who've seen it for what it is: merely economic, material conquest.
> and communities around the globe.
the same system, by the way, has managed to destroy communities internally through very policies it's imposed on society, because money rules every aspect of the system.
> I doubt such a thing actually happened as you describe it
your ignorance of it speaks for itself, and it's hardly the end of it, especially as republicans afterwards adopted same policy at scale (see national memo 200, created by kissinger).
> even when relevant actors weren't necessarily motivated by malice
by all means, the same day you apply that to fascism or monarchies which lib-left has overthrown, I'll consider it.
> and corrective measures to reverse such demographic developments are needed.
Quite funny how you go from "You know, I doubt US bullied India into sterilizing millions" to "you know, we need to bully countries into doing even more."
Good job.
I've long said that nazis were pieces of shit who killed countless people, but even jews and slavs survived nazis; they are unlikely to survive liberals and leftists

>> No.76221560

>reddit corp is LGBT friendly
imagine my surprise.

>> No.76221621

I would never have suspected that the men would be first to do this shit, but I suppose it takes a certain type of man to become a vtuber to begin with.

>> No.76221728

Is it really so fucking hard to say the same shit without mentioning a specific group?
>"Hey I know that some of you might being going through some stuff, and that people can say a lot of nasty stuff, but I want you to know that my streams will always be a welcoming place for everyone, to have a good time."

Also, the fact that he brought LGBT up, and only talked about them specifically when talking about "not being seen as a real man", makes me think he thinks straight cis men don't deal with that shit.

>> No.76221979

It's an obvious Nijinigger larping here, their concert isn't sold out yet.

>> No.76221987
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>the men would be first to do this shit
They weren't


>> No.76222107

can we rename /mans/ to /troons/

>> No.76222122

Hilarious how you're still using the one girl who would be openly in favor of axing the homo branch if she could.

>> No.76222269

>Using unicorn prime to support stars
Are you unironically retarded?

>> No.76222338

Ok and how is that related? The pro-faggot and pro-tranny sentiment within Cover Corp was there long before Holostars EN, these are the facts

>> No.76222358

Oh my God please don't let this be a trend with corpos pandering to the queers, this place is bad enough as is, we really don't need /pol/tards and the fags barging in

>> No.76222369

All Hololive talents are lefties. Just go watch Pippa if it triggers you so much.

>> No.76222397

Least obvious false flag.

>> No.76222424

>He doesn't know

>> No.76222435
File: 1.99 MB, 2900x1632, pray to her to receive her protection #KFPicasso F9PfTSHbIAAqYH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76222449

It’s been known since Oga got “recommended” to go on vacation when he pissed off the nko dice dev

>> No.76222491

Aren't they prohibited from DMing fans? Was that not one of the reasons Rushia got suspended/terminated? How is he still streaming? Also some of those images imply others in StarsEN do the same, wtf is wrong with that branch?

>> No.76222695

You're right. She only cares for male e-celebs, not male vtubers.

>> No.76222767

>male e-celebs
This is pathetic, sister.

>> No.76222994
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Rest assured. It has already been taken care of.

>> No.76223139

This is an Ironic post, right? You can't be this pathetic.

>> No.76223218

I told you homostars were a mistake. I told you they'd be used as a gateway for castration cult bullshit into hololive.

>> No.76223222

Also the the retad homo supporter who probably is in this threat, you should turn of your redit upvote bot, it was obvious but a deleted post getting upvote is ridiculous. Also if you spend money for upvote you should bot their stream instead of your reddit post retard.

>> No.76223326

Based Kiara protecting all the lesbians from the transwomen rapists.

>> No.76223384

Pippa said that if you can't respect people's super special identities then she doesn't want you in her community.

>> No.76223442

Lamenting not being born a man is not the same as subscribing to transgender ideology.

>> No.76223558

Seriously can we get one fucking holostar that actually streams Vidya and streams consistently? They're turning out to be worse than the girls with this political bullshit.
The girls are political too, but they're not outright about it.
Also fuck Ruze.

>> No.76223631

The girls have gotten many stealth suspensions

>> No.76223760
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>> No.76223792

>All holos are lefties
Yes. Even vesper was despite being the best Holo.

>> No.76223835

EN homos definitely are, pretty sure several are blatent Niji rejects. JP is debatable.

>> No.76223856

You're saying this while smiling for girls who have boyfriends and are pushing s/u/bhuman shit.

>> No.76223898

You have Autism.

>> No.76224103

This faggot should've been in Niji

>> No.76224110

LGBT is okay when it's for titillating heterosexual men

>> No.76224131

You sound like a faggot who preaches tolerance but who's principles will go out the window the second you someone with a "problematic" opinion.

>> No.76224219


>> No.76224243
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x1024, Foolish Sisters [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk2idqq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76224251

>"If you earnestly believe you are, then you're a girl"
>"Whether you are female, male or if you feel you are neither female nor male"
>Not transgender idealogy
You guys to the "thing vs thing, Japan" for everything Holo JP does, completely unironically

>> No.76224285

Most people in the first world are some variety of centrist liberal unless they're terminally online

>> No.76224382

>/pol/tards and the fags
Same shit

>> No.76224407

Ogey, this one is funny.

>> No.76224430

>heh you don't accept me just because I think the jews and blacks should be mass genocided? so much for the "tolerant" left

>> No.76224767

>live and let live
That's nice and all but it was already tried. You give them an inch and they take a mile. You let them get married and they demand you bake them the wedding cake. They demand that their wedding be officiated by those who hold gay marriage to be against their beliefs. There is no "tolerating" these people. They are a cancer that needs to be purged whenever and wherever they appear. They will destroy everything they touch including vtubers and Hololive if you let them. I don't care if you think that's far fetched, they FIND a way.

>> No.76224837

the entire lib-left ideology originated through massacres and ever since it's come to forefront you've continued with mass exploitation, assassination, murders, massacres, genocides, imperialism, sterilization, and promoting abortion to domestic and foreign populaces.
TLDR; You're projecting

>> No.76224861

Yeah their meet and greet didn't do as well as expected, and Holostars sold out in a day.

>> No.76224933

You're either for it or against it
There is no in-between or conditional situation.

>> No.76224942
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>/pol/ has to AI generate themselves winning because it never happens in real life

>> No.76225151

is this guy really called Gibby lmfao

>> No.76225164

>we'll rape and kill your people in name of human rights if you don't let us into your markets so we can rob your country and people of resources: merely economic, material conquest
If you wish to be so cynical about it then surely you would agree that certain degree of greed and ""imperialism"" is prevalent in all human societies since those impulses are inherent in our nature, seeing as they reoccur throughout history, meaning that no society or societal elite that is capable of committing ""imperialism"", economic or otherwise, to their own benefit, will stray long from doing so. Given such a premise, wouldn't it be the best-case scenario that the justification for this inevitable ""imperialism"" that is bound to occur would be as humane and respectful as possible? If Germans had won WW2 and later fought in Vietnam or if Soviets had won the Cold War and fought the War on Terror in the Middle East, then surely their treatment of their enemies would have been, given their socio-political justifications and regime values, much more severe. If ""imperialism"" is inevitable, as a realistic assessment of human nature implies, then it is arguably better that it happens under the guise of a relatively wholesome moral system similar to human rights, which will function to hold back the imperialist from worst excesses of their position and guarantee at least nominal rights to its ""victims"".

>"You know, I doubt US bullied India into sterilizing millions" to "you know, we need to bully countries into doing even more."
My point was the problems require solutions and we can't always turn a blind eye to things that happen on the other side of the globe since in our current state of the worlds the effects could be seen throughout the world. Of course we should strive to humane and respectful actions and solutions whenever possible but if harsh measures were to be necessary then they could be justified to prevent a greater tragedy. Excessive idealism, even if motivated by just convictions such as unwillingness to harm others, are not a valid reason to disregard a necessary degree of pragmatism.

>jews and slavs survived nazis; they are unlikely to survive liberals and leftists
As I understand it many Jews living in the developed world, at least outside of Israel, tend to be quite supportive of both liberalism and (at least cultural) leftism, and depending on how you define leftism, many of its historical pioneers have been Jewish or at least heavily influenced by Jewish thought. When it comes to Slavs (there are of course many different Slavic peoples and lumping them together like this, especially considering the context of leftism and Soviet Union, is highly unpractical), they notably suffered severely under the Soviet government, which was hardly liberal and, especially if you consider its expansionist foreign policy towards Europe and the resulting wars partly caused by its actions such as WW2, is likely responsible for more suffering among Slavic peoples than the Nazis. Slavs also were the most numerous and leading demographic in the Soviet Union, arguably the most notable leftist state in history, and you could argue that this leftists state elevated many Slavic individuals and even Slavic peoples as a whole on the world stage. Due to aforementioned reasons, the perception that Slavs have of the Soviet Union and leftism in general is probably a quite complex one (and of course there are differences between various Slavic peoples), but in any case both Jews and Slavs seem to among peoples who have on the whole benefitted from liberalism; not only did liberal Westerners ally and arguably save them from Germany, but ethnic prejudice against Jews has certainly become more frowned upon as a result of liberalism's societal ascendency. Of course nobody can tell certainly what the future holds but for now there seems little reason for Jews or Slavs to be overly suspicious towards liberalism, or even leftism.

>> No.76225201
File: 28 KB, 326x245, goodluck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such soft weak-minded degenerates that you need a cartoon character on youtube to tell you that your life has value and you're safe. But hey, let me give you free translation of what that means:
>I will punish anyone that questions your irrational belief that cosmetic surgery can change a person's sex.
Trannies truly are the lowest form of human life. At least gays didn't constantly threaten suicide without constant validation and protection from scrutiny.

>> No.76225360


>> No.76225398

hopefully this is grounds for formalizing a permanent collab ban with hololive

>> No.76225429

>Nah man, you just don't get it man, the world will be great of we just let extremely corrupt and flawed human politicians and billionaires pretend they're just like The Patriots frfr, man.
>They're well-meaning, I swear.
>There are no tried and true sayings about good intentions, either.
>There's also no history to draw from related to similar goals, to see how it goes.
>Especially not in the last few hundred years, and especially not the last 100.
>You're just not getting the bigger picture.
>A few billion lives is a small price to pay for utopia.
>To be fair, you need to have a fairly high IQ to enjoy Rothschild and Morty.
Jesus Fucking Christ, please be bait. If not, drop what you're doing and read everything you can about history and psychology, from every perspective and bias, for the next several years. I am the guy who very specifically wants very badly to see how that would go, and even I think that actually trying it would be incalculably stupid.

>> No.76225432

That's what they rely on you being sold on. They want you thinking there are many of them and few of you so they can keep getting away with making the world a hellhole that only their species can live in.

>> No.76225474

>Mistranslated and ''localized'' clip
You faggots are the worst

>> No.76225483

Not watching, but does she actually use the terms transgender, or non-binary in this video?

>> No.76225545
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Yes, you either believe in your ideals all the time or you believe in nothing. You shed your principles as easily as you shed dead skin, which is why you will be destroyed by people that practice Will to Power, as those who came before you have been destroyed by the same.

None of this shit is new. Your "progressive" ideology is not new. ANTIFA existed in 1930s Germany and were destroyed. Trannies existed in 1930s Germany and were destroyed. Remember the Nazi Book Burnings? The primetime event was the German Student's Union raiding the Institute fur Sexualwissenschaft.

>> No.76225573

Is this the best holonigger cope?

>> No.76225741
File: 91 KB, 470x440, oneofthegirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gender? Is gender!
My gender? Is gender! c'mon now!
Gender is gender! My gender is gender! A-bring it back now!
My gender? Is valid!
It's so heckin valid! One more time now!
Gender? It's valid! It's super special valid!

>> No.76225873

> will stray long from doing so.

Imperialism often occurs at height of "civilization," as the culture starts decaying & dying out. This is seen internally, too. There's a significant difference between conflict, war, and imperialism.

> given their socio-political justifications and regime values, much more severe

You can literally look at France, where citizenry noted "With germans we had to hide men, but with American women." Mass rapes of women and kids have been done by both 'mericans and Soviets, and unsurpisingly so as communism but an end-product of liberalism. Even at camps, and including of jews.

> human nature implies

Conflict is. Imperialism is not. It's a particular stage of society, as alredy noted.

> guarantee at least nominal rights to its ""victims"".

Tell that to all the dead. The purpose of "rights" is exploitations.

> on the other side of the globe

By all means, take up a gun and join a rando "rebel" terrorist group. You should be stripped of citizenship in the process. Many muslims do so. More than few westerners have done so. Join them.

> unwillingness to harm others

? As I've already noted, pinochet is inevitable for people like you, and I'll happily partake. Don't confuse my opposition to your destructive ideology for idealism lmao.
Nice chat gpt btw

>> No.76226011


>> No.76226016


>> No.76226022

Damn that's crazy, how's Nazi Germany doing today?

>> No.76226064


>> No.76226093

how the fuck is this real? At least be neutral towards lolis..

>> No.76226105

>According to Investopedia, the top 25 economies in the world are:
>1) United States
>2) China
>3) Japan
>4) Germany
>5) India
>6) United Kingdom
>7) France
>8) Russia

>> No.76226117

Alive and well in just about everyone, if progressives are to be believed!

>> No.76226202

>not a single mention of “non binary” or “LGBT”
>joking about groping woman while crossdressing
You nigger didnt even watch the clip

>> No.76226218

>trannies invade a new paradigm and attempt to gentrify it from the inside
>act surprised when people bitch about trannies
>imply they have nothing to do with the paradigm so discussing them is off-topic
You are an enabler of mental illness at best.

>> No.76226251


>> No.76226279

>no u!

>> No.76226348

>"neither male nor female"
>recommends showing her gender talk to children
>"joking" about molesting women on the train

>> No.76226350

When are people like you going to catch on that this isn't going anywhere until transgender ideology is wiped out for good? So you best get to helping if you sincerely want this to end.

>> No.76226367


>> No.76226420


>> No.76226424

nigger clipper mistranslated, fuck off reatard

>> No.76226566

anon they have been here

>> No.76226640
File: 28 KB, 320x320, 4c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't let this be a trend with corpos pandering to the queers
>we really don't need /pol/tards and the fags barging in

>> No.76226649

This is why homos are fucking cancer.... if he would just do his job and shut the fuck up,none of these bait threads would exist, this is what happens when you pander to these niggers, I don't even hate lbgts , I just hate their fucking allies ruining everything they infest, fuck you

>> No.76226676

Goldbullet. It's just fans infantilizing their oshi with baby speak as usual. Goob, Morbi, Wawa, Biboo, etc.
>Wake up
>See thread
>Write post
>Captcha: GM88
>Good Morning. Heil Hitler!
I'm not superstitious, but

>> No.76226698

>I don't even hate lbgts
For the record, LGB aren't the problem.

>> No.76226709

about as well as you'll be doing within decades
last I checked, liberal 'merica got owned by goat herders

>> No.76226885

I don't give a shit about anyone, they can indentify as a rock or kill themselves or drink bleach or sit happilly at home or have a nice walk down the beach, I don't give a shit what they do, all of the lbtgqhfjsjsj people are free to do what they want, just don' force others to act differently to accommodate you, I don't care if they are gay or trans or whatever the fuck man, but these OH THIS IS A SAFE SPACE bs is the worst shit ever, I will never accept homos because this is what they fucking bring

>> No.76226916

LGBs are the problem because they allow degeneracy and political retards

>> No.76226952

So give us the actual translation, JP-chad

>> No.76226984

NTA, I do hate the whole rainbow but you're right. There isnt as much problems with the LGB which are purely about attraction, than the retardation that exists with the TQ. However even with then LGB you have those fags that support the TQ

>> No.76227005

I watched one Holostars EN stream a while ago about a game I really liked and I got filtered in less than 1 hour. It had exactly the same vibe to it as NijiEN streams of the same game.

That stream was old as fuck, so maybe not so "new".

>> No.76227038

No I don't think I will, I didn't do my reps to translate for you eop retard

>> No.76227244

But then how will the people know what was actually said and agree with your position, anon? Unless you're lying out of your ass.

>> No.76227310

I don't care about eop opinions

>> No.76227354

now if you actually watch the video:
>ever wanted to become the other sex? maybe even have neither?
>well, I think life is tough either way, for all humans

the comments section, the response to this video is really disappointing, like just watch the goddamn parts where she says things
none of this is controversial, none of this affirms "be whatever gender you want", she's just saying common sense "men and women have different hardships" and trying mix some humor in there

>> No.76227412

They are retards baited by the thumbnail and just comment their slop

>> No.76227490

>Was that not one of the reasons Rushia got suspended/terminated?
It was not.

>> No.76227605

>none of this affirms "be whatever gender you want"
>there might be people who are neither here as well
How can one be neither male nor female without being whatever gender one wants?

>> No.76227629

for the record, none of those are real

>> No.76227666

They always resort to lying after getting btfo

>> No.76227991

I hate leftists.
t. leftist

>> No.76228052

>Tells people that they belong in society.
Being gay is not politics. Just because your political party politicised it doesn't mean it is politics. Yes, he is allowed to filter people like you, bigots, out of his community. Like how Kronii filtered out unicorns, it's a decision. It may or may not be a good decision, but it is one.

>> No.76228168


>> No.76228232

>does she actually use the terms transgender, or non-binary in this video?
No. The subtitles are actually accurate and the thumbnail is clickbait.
Ironically she worries that if she was a guy she couldn't look at a woman's cleavage. Hilarious mirror of the transgender ideology where men need to become women to be comfortable for... reasons.

>> No.76228268

Quick transcript
Kanata : have you ever though of being a girl
Chat : nha sound rought
Kanata : basicaly "ranting" for the rest of the clip how when you are a guy around sexy lady you will be labeled as a perv if your eyes or hand end up in the wrong place, but that she like being a girl because she can do those very same thing and end up scott free.
Result that clipper should be executed. No transgender no nonbinary stuff outside of clipper desilusions.

>> No.76228319

I don't see a problem with accepting gay people in the vtubing sphere, but by mentioning the "LGBT" community you're inherently siding with the libs. Politics shouldn't have a place in vtubing, is retarded and is gonna rot the holostars fandom just like Niji. They now face the risk of getting cancelled over the most retarded shit because the woke community is braindead.

>> No.76228360


>> No.76228414

you are proving his point, we never fucking watched homos anyways, he named hololive and said it was a safe space for troons,he is not even a part of hololive, now people like you come in, and say hahaha get filtered to the ogs lol , you guys are always the same, you ask for acceptance and pitty untill you get in and they kick everyone else out, I hope you die

>> No.76228529

Go back.

>> No.76228625

They're part of hololive
Stop acting like a cuck. It's pathetic.

>> No.76228647

>3) Japan
Old news old man

>> No.76228650

This is what I've been saying but homo fans don't listen and they wonder why holobros hate them

>> No.76228684

> Being gay is not politics.
There's no such thing as "being gay." "Gayness" is inherently political since it's a fake, ideological identity.
> bigots
No such thing either
> out of his community
People watching a streamer aren't a "community" you fucking negro

>> No.76228719

And now we need Lamy to say that only men and women exist.

>> No.76228735
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>> No.76228752

Based and truthpilled. She knows what she's talking about. And ya, no woke shit there.

>> No.76228813
File: 235 KB, 804x452, homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard

>> No.76228828

>They're part of Hololive
Kek. Watame disagrees https://youtu.be/QNW7yHDYldY?si=-GfgMGc5Cim-7OQs

>> No.76228872

Cry about it.

>> No.76228886

Uh bro why are you conceding?

>> No.76228900

you are the one crying because no one will ever accept you

>> No.76228937 [SPOILER] 
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Starsisters don't look

>> No.76228981


>> No.76228992

concending what? being a brach of hololive production doesn't make you a part of the branch " hololive" therefore, they are not a part of hololive

>> No.76229002
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These "people" are not your ally. They will turn on you the second you put one toe out of line and pandering to them is a bad idea. Thankfully the girls are smart enough to know that. Really, the homos have done nothing but drag down the EN branch since they debuted.

>> No.76229009
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>Holostars are new Nijisanji now?

>> No.76229015

Retard. homos are not a part of Hololive, they are however, a part of Hololive production.

>> No.76229093

jesus fucking christ, they really are the new nijisanji, it's fucking over for the boys ....

>> No.76229096

Oops wrong I meant it for this guy

>> No.76229107

I want some McDonald's now but I'm busy being a work at home chad

>> No.76229123
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Its Xim

>> No.76229147

nigger I'm on your side , why are you repeating what I said kek

>> No.76229206

Autism /thread

>> No.76229207


>> No.76229244

It was a misclick

>> No.76229518

I know im gonna get banned for this, but here goes. Your side actively tries to eliminate them from their everyday lives. Don't even treat them like humans, like an insect that needs to be squashed. You then turn around and cry "I'm being oppressed" at every opportunity when you yourselves are oppressing others. It's called being a cry bully. Bitch and moan at every opportunity to try to paint others in a bad light. If I were to choose one, I would choose the person trying to live their lives instead of the jackass trying to police other people's lives.

>> No.76229687

> Your side actively tries to eliminate them from their everyday lives.
yeah, it's pretty awful how people have personal choices
anyway, go suck a dick, don't be homophobic

>> No.76229814

>banned for this
why? do you think this is reddit?
>your side
what's my side? I don't hate gay people or trans people, I don't care what they do, I don't want to squash them, I literally don't care, they can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don't harm anybody else,I just don't like the lgbtq allies infesting every hobby I enjoy and sterilizing it and literally taking all the fun out of it and turning it woke, if they mind their own buisnes and stay the fuck out of my hobies, OR join the hobbies without making a fuss, I won't have a problem with them, but ofcouse that is not the case, stop pretending to be a victim , you aren't , I don't hate you for being gay/Lesbian/trans, I hate you because you are obnoxious and annoying,

>> No.76229819

>I don't like sexualization on characters taht don't have a say in it
Is.. is he expecting FICTIONAL characters to come out and announce whether or not they're ok with being sexualized?
Holy fucking shit what a GINORMOUS RETARD

>> No.76229837

I saw the clip for full context and you can tell this guy is high on attention that he very obviously never got before. He doesn't realize that the type of audience he's creating for himself is an audience that wants to be the center of attention when it should be him at the center stage. The audience he's inviting is the type that wants to ruin and destroy everything by bringing attention to their own sexuality, much like what happens with games and movies now. They don't care about vtubing or holostars, they just want a place to go to and attention whore about how gay they are. But he welcomes it, so fuck him and fuck that entire branch. Also
The dudes they hired are all perfect candidates for the type of shit you see in niji and this has always been the case.

>> No.76230126
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>throw a shitfit over some bullshit nobody actually cares about
>But now I don't know if I can continue to remain level headed.
These people (derogatory) are such fucking faggots.

>> No.76230237

nobody gives a fuck oh my god stop shitting up the catalog you don't even fucking watch him how fucking difficult is it to just turn off your computer oh my gooood you're so fucking retarded i can't believe it holy shit

>> No.76230301

nobody gives a fuck oh my god stop shitting up the thread you don't even have to read it how fucking difficult is it to just turn off your computer oh my gooood you're such a fucking nigger I can't believe it holy shit waaaaah

>> No.76230359

Cant blame him, if his audience is composed of fags and troons it makes sense to pander on that regard. That said tho i wouldnt want him near anyone i watch

>> No.76230387
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>Your side actively tries to eliminate them from their everyday lives
NTA but trannies have been part of the holoEN community since day one, nobody is trying to force them out, no talent is saying anything to make them feel unwelcome (unless you count IRyS using trap kek)
The only difference is attention seeking supas fishing for the streamer to validate them like picrel have been ignored because there is no reason to yap about pride month or days of visibility when the space is implicitly welcoming and non controversial in basically every way possible. I struggle to think how anybody could feel excluded in hololive/stars streams or communities unless they count not being overtly pandered to as exclusion.

The unwillingness (until the en homos) to go further than a blanket "everybody is welcome" is a breath of fresh air for everyone and one of the highlights of hololive and probably something the more sane homo fans value too. There is no need to cast aspersions on "the community" and talk about how welcoming YOUR stream is, its pure virtue signalling and inviting in the type of people who do want to make an issue over this kind of stuff on both sides. That's why people have a problem with it.
Even /vt/ is live and let live for the most part if you are not an annoying faggot about it.

>> No.76230498

nobody gives a fuck oh my god stop shitting up the thread you don't even have to read it how fucking difficult is it to just turn off your computer oh my gooood you're such a fucking nigger I can't believe it holy shit waaaaah

>> No.76230512

/vt/, /a/ and /lit/ are the only boards than haven't been conquered by /pol/tards yet...

>> No.76230545

Nah it went out of the window when they started firing people for it.

>> No.76230643

So this is how they infiltrate hololive huh

>> No.76230952

Holostars has to be Cover's biggest mistake barring the Taiwan incident. Imagine cultivating your own home grown antis.

>> No.76231045
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Meanwhile over at JP after eating a burger and getting harassed from sisters

>> No.76231075

Homegrown antis are better than foreign antis

>> No.76231129

Kek, they're really going to kill Holostars. Homobeggars are a cancer on the community. The faster they wipe out the homos and jump ship to the next shiny toy, the better.

>> No.76231141

The Taiwan incident was the best move they ever made.

>> No.76231153

Laughing at troons and faggots isn't limited to just one board, sister

>> No.76231242

LGBTQ and leftist shit doesn't belong in our space. That also includes Yuri and yaoi shit.

>> No.76231354

It's deleted kek he may actually have been stealth suspended

>> No.76231381

So good that Hololive is begging the Chinese audience to take them back by returning to Blbl.

>> No.76231405

>Our space
This isnt your space reject, only your discord is

>> No.76231449

>Hating troons?
>Must be /pol/!
lol, lmao even

>> No.76231511
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldy but a goody

>> No.76231527

samefag chud

>> No.76231554

Sorry insectoid but integrity is worth more than Chinese money.
You can cope and make up any story you like about how it was a bad move but you are just wrong.

>> No.76231646

/pol/ is for fags and trannies, so we both wish they'd stay in their retard hole.

>More than one person disagreeing with me?
>Must be the same person!
lol, lmao even

>> No.76231651

why do you hate indians

>> No.76232258

>"your life has value" is a controversial statement
You're not pro-life?

>> No.76232640

>He doesn't know
Matsuri and Kobo are only the beginning.

>> No.76232777

Brahmins have huge egos, and usually underperform at any task you give them.

The other castes are alright

>> No.76233023

I see that buzzword a lot.

>> No.76233118

>Righties see education as a buzzword

This explains why you all live in trailer parks.

>> No.76233222

Being gay just means that you were so repugnant to the opposite sex that you gave up and are trying your chances with another absolutely repugnant person that gave up. Being this repugnant means something is either physically or mentally wrong with you so when two people that have the same issues get together it only amplifies those problems. This can never end well, gays need to be sent for medical therapy not assisted in butchering their bodies and fueling their delusions.

>> No.76233308

You do know conservatives not only have more wealth than liberals on average but also donate more too? It's publicly available information on Pew.

>> No.76233328

At least homos are the funnel for retards now

>> No.76233358

>live and let live
these people actively destroy and are always the aggressor.

>> No.76233417

>rightards only care about richtards
Why would anyone vote for them?

>> No.76233432

Pew is one letter away from Jew for a reason, tranny.

>> No.76233448


>> No.76233493

This is so retarded you must be for real

>> No.76233547

>Libs fighting each other instead of right wingers
Man, how could any group be that reta-


>> No.76233576

LGBT allies hate trans people

>> No.76233660

One minute everyone says Hololive is full of racists and transphobes, the next minute it's super progressive and welcoming.

>> No.76233674

>Linking to your own post.

Faggot move

>> No.76233704

>Imperialism often occurs at height of "civilization," as the culture starts decaying & dying out.
To paraphrase what I wrote earlier pertaining to imperialism; ""Societies that possess both ability and opportunity to partake in it will, given a sufficient timeframe, invariably do so."" I am glad to see we can at least somewhat agree on that point. I could be mistaken but you come off as somewhat of a Spenglerian with that sentence as well as some of your other statements. Spengler, even if his theories might not always be applicable or internally consistent, also thought along similar lines with his understanding of cultural evolution and decay, but he didn't recognize any way to revert back from what he referred to as ""civilization"" to the preceding ""culture"" in either form or substance, or even to deliberately stop the inevitable transformation of ""culture"" to ""civilization"", even if some temporary pre-emptive preventative measures might be construed from his writings, assuming that one considers his work to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Regardless, societal development, which you seem to point out as the cause of ""imperialism"", stemming from and lead by material needs, cultural evolution (including technological evolution and socio-political currents), biological factors and so forth, is obviously quite difficult for humans to fully dictate. The purpose of political-theological doctrines such as the human rights is to exert some broad measures of conscious control over the society and its development. Even if you consider that particular belief system to be insufficient or misguided, surely you can at least appreciate the attempt to moderate some of the less wholesome facets of human behavior and thereby mitigate their unwelcome results.

>Mass rapes of women and kids have been done by both 'mericans and Soviets. Tell that to all the dead. The purpose of "rights" is exploitations
It is quite challenging to name a single world power that has not committed heinous acts at some points of their history. Human history is full of ""exploitation"" as well, but again, the contemporary forms of ""exploitation"" practiced by Westerners are comparatively light handed when contrasted with the average behavior other countries in similar position (Persian, Chinese and Turkish history from the time they constituted great world powers provide numerous examples of this. In fact their conduct during last century and even today does as well, even if to a lesser degree. Under their historical forms of ""exploitation"" a vast majority of their victims would have preferred contemporary human rights, even if they're imperfect.), the average being a keyword here since many reprehensible acts are attributed to Western countries as well, as you illustrated with your examples (Of course the conduct of Germans towards the occupied populations differed due to practical as well as ideological reasons). Still, so far you have been quite critical of how Western countries operate or have operated in the past but you've failed to provide any suggestions for alternative ways, being content to merely critique others without offering solutions. You talk of the number of deaths that you attribute to liberalism, but the world population has massively increased as liberal political influence has grown, both due to increased prosperity and lack of major wars. If a significant cause of our problems is ""imperialism"", which is a ""stage of society"" as you state, then is there any realistic way to prevent this phase from occurring? If you are already at that ""imperialistic"" phase, then is it possible to revert back from it or advance past it (preferably without irreparably damaging said society in the process)? If we are now stuck in this ""imperialistic"" phase, then how would you prefer we deal with our current situation? You seem to admire Pinochet but I suspect that men of his convictions, were they in charge of the Western world, would accrue accusations of ""imperialism"", ""exploitation"", ""racism"" and other unseemly conduct faster than than the current Western elite does. I doubt they would be opposed to the idea of mass sterilisation of Indians on ethical grounds any more than the Western leaders today are, probably less so. Many critics of ""imperialism"" even point to Pinochet as a tool of Western ""imperialism"".

>> No.76233740

Because they actually make the country better, rather than acting "morally"

>> No.76233766

>There's a significant difference between conflict, war, and imperialism. Conflict is human nature, Imperialism is not. It's a particular stage of society, as already noted.
You to claim that ""conflict"" is either caused by or part of human nature, while ""imperialism"" is not, as the latter is merely a ""stage of society"". But is not ""society"", as well as its development through its various ""stages"" that you claim to recognize, also at least partially guided by humans, therefore meaning that all ""stages of society"" including ""imperialism"" are also, at least to some degree, reflective of ""human nature"", as they are a by-product of human actions, which presumably stem at least partially from ""human nature""? Would it not make more sense to see ""imperialism"" as a form of ""conflict"", since its practical applications usually requires some modicum of ""conflict"" to be established and maintained? The definitions you employ in this instance seem either quite arbitrary or at least insufficiently elucidated, but perhaps I am misunderstanding them or being overly critical.

>> No.76233787

A lot of the last minute breaks or vacations are stealth suspensions. If a holo just ghosts, like Ame, then it’s probably them just being lazy or dealing with real world shit. If the girls announce their breaks in advance then they are also probably legitimate.

>> No.76233819

This post is instant nyquil.

Brevity is the soul of wit, retard.

>> No.76233846

I want to fuck that Shiori.

>> No.76233858


>> No.76233958

Go back to discord, tranny

>> No.76233967

Shut the fuck up phase shill no one is interested in your grifting yabbit.

>> No.76234051

there's two or three in the picture

>> No.76234061

No u.

>> No.76234138

she mentioned people being neither
so this is no longer about the average girl having a tomboy moment, this is a safe space for the sexually schizophrenic

>> No.76234148

I'm always shocked by how low the standards are for posters on this board, please have some self respect

>> No.76234358

>I love you, let's get married!
>Eh? Be your wife? Okay, teehee~
>I think it's time I put the controller down for a minute and talk about something important: trans genocide

>> No.76234432

Anon you’re aware the democrats also wanted blacks enslaved and that socialists were nazis right?

>> No.76234442

Far right wing politics is on the rise in like every developed nation in the world. This is not an endorsement of their beliefs, but you have to admit that the dream of a fascist state is alive and well. Some might even say that far left politics calls for a fascist government to achieve its ultimate aims.

>> No.76234487

>The most basic bait of all time

>> No.76234596

You might be right

>> No.76234608

Except we know that the lefties are the real fascists and communists.

>> No.76234646

trannocide is very near and dear to my heart
I really wish more people would get involved it

>> No.76234724

I know, im really excited to blow away some chuds with my new mossberg and write it off as self defense

>> No.76234741

>when the word nazi is a shortened version of national socialist

>> No.76234750

there are literally no trailer parks in the entire country I live in & I live in a nice suburb with next to zero crime and zero niggers

>> No.76234781

>Keep politics out of Vtubing!
>But not MY politics. Mine aren't really political you see

fuckin tired of this shit man

>> No.76234829

Another failed socialist state

>> No.76234849

The main audience for Holostars, women who spend too much time on twitter and gay men, eat that shit up. Have no doubt that EN management was thrilled with him saying this stuff because they know who their audience is and how happy this made them.

>> No.76234871

Does Pippa still visit KF or did she finally stop going there?

>> No.76234878
File: 150 KB, 962x722, CwRAJs7WgAEEvIy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst thread on the board. Just remember that your voting for alien or predator

>> No.76234929

>The same guy tried the same bait.

Is school out already?

Captcha: GGERN

>> No.76234981

Why are trannys obsessed with guns, we need more gun laws.

>> No.76235031

You say that when people were on social media clowning about kroniis meltdown social media posts.
Also kronii is part of the LGBTQ agenda too btw. There is no one in the company more into it than her.
Only difference is that she is quiet about it in that she doesn't outright say anything, but masks it in blocks of text and meltdowns

>> No.76235037

the woke cult is extremely hypocritical

>> No.76235055

People get called far right for saying
>I want less government, less taxes and to be left the fuck alone
which is the exact opposite of fascist.

>> No.76235119

Then let people have abortions, and leave them the fuck alone

>> No.76235146

>let me kill children you fucking chud!!
oy vey!

>> No.76235165

Male say something? BAD
Female stay the exact same thing? GOOD!

>> No.76235177

I wonder what he thinks about his co workers playing hogwarts legacy?

>> No.76235235

yeah, this could really help the black community

>> No.76235240

Damn. Alphabeticals your response?

>> No.76235248

Thats what rightards pretend, but its not true. Rightards are all about enforcing their perceived "normalcy" on the public. You get left alone, as long as your doing what I agree with.

>> No.76235279

I'm new - what was the taiwan incident?

>> No.76235303

*Cries like a baby* I want to impose my will on other people but when they tell me I cant, my rights are violated. *Crying intensifies*

>> No.76235312

Example of this happening doko?

>> No.76235314

and here we have the textbook hypocrisy of the woke cult

>> No.76235373

Alternatively, if LGBTQIA+ people being treated with respect and getting healthcare triggers you, kill yourself.

>> No.76235405

Yeah that nigga is getting fired lmao

>> No.76235420

>seething child molester

>> No.76235428

Haachama and Coco mention Taiwan as it's own separate country while reading through where their viewers are from, Chinese Nationalists get pissed, Cover suspend both of em for 2 weeks but don't graduate em. Eventually leads into Cover pulling out of the Chinese market and graduating all their CN branch talents.

>> No.76235485

To all leftists in this thread, buy a gun and become familiar with it. Practice with it weekly. Its better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6, so shoot first when you meet a chud.

>> No.76235495

>Calls the country that jailed all of its socialists when the fascists took over socialists.

>> No.76235581

honestly that's just men in general. left, right, homo, troon, you look into the past of any man with a youtube channel and you will probably find some kind of scandal. and women will be whores at the least. they're all disgusting and the world will be better off when we're all dead.

>> No.76235640

>Leftist posts the truth
>Righties cant deny it
>Righties onions out yelling, SOURCE and PEDO
Like clockwork

>> No.76235649

they don't deserve any respect
they're aware of that as well, which is why they try to enforce it at gunpoint
you're disgusting and evil and anyone encouraging you in your filthy endeavors I will immediately think lesser of
kindly rope

>> No.76235662

> stemming from and lead by material needs ... is obviously quite difficult for humans to fully dictate.
It's really not, as capitalism invents endless things that people don't need, or for that matter, haven't had a need for to begin with. The demand is manufactured in the first place to justify the supply.
And as we speak, we are moving away from such system, in particularly as it's spurred by shitlib global dominance - and toward multipolarity that'll make any such things more costly and risky. Part of the reason why shitlibs are moving towards utilizing ngos.
Regardless, lining up libs would go a long way towards speeding that up as well.
> surely you can at least appreciate the attempt to moderate some of the less wholesome facets of human behavior and thereby mitigate their unwelcome results.
the issue is that the purpose of liberalism has, from the very beginning, been to justify capitalism. there's no there-there, the entire ideology is but a means to an end, and that end is economic conquest and exploitation. it doesn't mean how many people live, die, get killed, as long the numbers go up and shitlibs make profit. it's not just imperialism though, it's every facet of liberal society; look at approached to DV, approaches to "hate crimes," approaches to "LGBT," basically anything, it's just a grift for people to pocket money, and the only things that get done are things that maintain the illusion the system generates (democracy). "human rights" are merely one such tool in the arsenal. Christianity did the same. But at least Christianity had actual morality (and I'm hardly Christian).
> that has not committed heinous acts at some points of their history.
Indeed. And the henious, but much needed act of rounding up libs & ruling class, will commence the beginning of a different system eventually. The issue is the pretense accompanying it; people yelling human rights as they rape and kill you, or in case of Israel, 'member the solider holding LGBT flag on the rubble & dead bodies in Gaza. The point being isn't some amorphous "hypocrisy," but the lies, manipulation, and so forth inherent within the ideology, the ideals, etc. whether it's trans shit, or even basic things like equality, individualism, etc. the entire ideology is built on lies and serves to justify large-scale social engineering, instead of adapting ideology & system to people.
> even if they're imperfect
the point isn't that they are imperfect, the point is that the function of said "human rights" is fundamentally different than what you believe it to be; in turn, you utilize said "imperfect' ideals to justify the reality of human rights - rape, murder, massacres.
> then is there any realistic way to prevent this phase from occurring
more than few, and attempts were made historically, internally as well. see: mother's movement to start with.
> You talk of the number of deaths that you attribute to liberalism
it's just obvious stuff, I didn't even get to immigration & or its responsibility for every crime/inter-ethnic crime/etc for decades upon decades. I mean, we apply the same standards to nazis, so why not.
> racism
no such thing
> You seem to admire Pinochet
it's more about the sentiment, less the person
> I doubt they would be opposed to the idea of mass sterilisation of Indians on ethical grounds
the point isn't about the action itself, but who lib-left are, and the fact "live and let live" is impossible with them

>> No.76235709

Oh what an interesting po-


>> No.76235727

no such thing as "LGBT," unless you're referring to lobotimized individuals

>> No.76235776
File: 48 KB, 580x449, 1714340128066186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you all so autistically obsessed with gay people?

>> No.76235792

go goon to tiktok

>> No.76235827

Already on it buster.

>> No.76235844

you'll get the death penalty after you shoot up another school, troon

>> No.76235873

wait holy shit is THAT what happened? I didnt really understand when it was first explained but whoa okay

>> No.76235883

Any day now

>> No.76235890

Nothing else to do

>> No.76235894

being caught in the right light is important now than ever, and something corpo vtubers should mind the most when it comes to clips. if it's not funny and instead things like this, it doesn't matter how genuine they are, it strikes fear and contempt in the hearts of outsiders. bro should have just taken kronii's approach in terms containing it to his roommate's. at some point you need to understand that if you can't handle "the other side's" scrutiny you need to protect yourself from whatever mental spiral you'll knock yourself into if they catch you slipping and say something about it

>> No.76235972

I live in a blue state. Already killed one MAGA in self defense. Dont want to do it again, but itll be easier the second time.

>> No.76235993

>Gay people
I have nothing against gay people. These people on the other hand are full blown FAGGOTS who ruin every community with their agenda

>> No.76236016
File: 100 KB, 267x258, 1000162888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does he say in the whole clip, also cant they just not say these stuff and just do it instead? just treat everyone normally. i cannot, in my very being think people who preache safe spaces arent virtue signalling.

>> No.76236027

>integrity is worth more than Chinese money
I guess, if you are underage or unemployed this makes sense

>> No.76236091

It won't just affect him too, this will seep into the other homos too because of fan overlap unless they do something to explicitly piss off that kind of "fan", but by doing that they're putting themselves in danger of being attacked by an angry mob of internet warriors. He kinda just screwed them over so he could fellate himself on stream.

>> No.76236102

lmao, I'm sure you did

>> No.76236158

im against the movement, and the stupid shit they promote. im specifically angry at them making kids transition and feeding them meds, that is just pure evil.

>> No.76236174

you know Fauna agrees with him, right?

>> No.76236330

>Making kids transition

>> No.76236342

You wish. Fauna is a chud.

>> No.76236380


>> No.76236391

fauna is like the unibomber, not a troon loving faggot

>> No.76236395

precisely. it's not worth speaking about; if it's just about being nice, okay, whatever, just treat everyone kindly with your actions instead of words. i honestly don't see hololive approving any lgbt charity stream that would actualize what he's saying so this is kinda moot if you can't even practically apply it. there's no amount of activism he can perform kek

>> No.76236407
File: 570 KB, 1284x1381, 1708458215752981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stars sisters have had enough, no more views and donos for da bois

>> No.76236427

>is a chud

More baseline bait, what happened to thr good trolls

>> No.76236489

she 100% supports Israel and it's ideals

>> No.76236498

Desperate to affirm your castration cult, aren't you?

>> No.76236509

oh so that explains that picture of her as a toddler dancing on september 11

>> No.76236529

In the first place the type of people who NEED to hear that they are welcome in any space are the type of people with a persecution complex. It’s not a message that’s going to land with “normal gay guy that just wants to live his like no. 374683,” despite what sisters in this thread try to make you believe, it’s a message that lands with hyper-radical underage twitterfags, the same ones that will turn around and cancel one of the homos for buying mcdonalds. It’s both virtue-signaling and pandering to the worst types of people

>> No.76236567

You're losing the ability to speak because you know I'm right.

>> No.76236686

This thread is literally the equivalent of two retards playing happy slappies. Im so happy ive been here to participate

>> No.76236722

he already said he was pansexual on (a different) stream too

>> No.76236782

Always find it funny watching them get so upset they filter themselves out without having to lift a finger.

>> No.76236799


>> No.76236984

you should prob still send a mail or two backing whatever they are opposing

>> No.76237043

But theres not any protestants in holostars yet.

>> No.76237082

is the congo a democratic republic?

>> No.76237228

Fauna does love her Starbies

>> No.76237271

why are jews so obsessed with hating christians I never understood that

>> No.76237402

I (muslim) hate christians because they molest little boys.

>> No.76237432

Real Christians oppose them. Synagogue of Satan etc...

okay Moshe

>> No.76237522

Sounds like what a child molester would write

>> No.76237941

pedos against pedos? who'd win? I'd say you should both fight it out to the death

>> No.76238048

no, he just means he doesn't like non-con/rape.

>> No.76238055

All I know is you'd die for sure underage

>> No.76238436

Technically, yes.

>> No.76238808

Gay people (actual ones, not virtue signaling twitter snowflakes) hate trannies more than people on 4chan do though, since trannies try to force themselves into gay spaces all the time and it's labeled as stunning and brave.

>> No.76238810


>> No.76238857

fuck off frogposter

>> No.76238889

yes, troons also hate men. that's why they're troons. (sometimes, unitroons.)
