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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76197644 No.76197644 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen her acknowledge anyone in Advent otherwise

>> No.76197663

she got 2x bijou's views btw

>> No.76197725

She's scared because Biboo has 2x gura's cuteness at least

>> No.76197838

I close my eyes and imagine you all getting pwned

>> No.76197868

sister, please buy a ticket

>> No.76197879

Why did she do it bros

>> No.76198332

I think I'm finally starting to understand why Gura doesn't like Bijou

>> No.76198455

Absolutely based
The weak should fear the shork

>> No.76198468

She always has been a bitch to her coworkers, she is a typical narcissist, honestly I'm glad she doesn't stream often, because she would sour the work ambient for everyone in holoEN.

Thanks alcoholism!

>> No.76198530

>doesn't like bijou
Because she feels threatened by new cunny, the way she was threatened by bae and mumei early in council's era but later glomped onto mumei's owlussy and began doing the old shark suckle?

>> No.76198553
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>Shork ran away, rock remains immovable

>> No.76199160

I honestly think she just looked at her numbers and saw Biboo wasn't a threat

>> No.76199178
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>> No.76199235

Not like she had the energy to keep going anyway. She doesn't actually like streaming so spite can only power her for so long

>> No.76199826
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biboo's jealousy of gura is weirdly hot, gura simultaneously realizes that she can do nothing positive about this but also that competition is good for biboo's work ethic. she's too busy chasing gura to fail.

>A view on Heroism from the role of a Producer
miss Ame the admin and her friend the walking view spike, damn that is some Tal Shiar tier shit girls

>> No.76199926

Biboo was legit going head-to-head during the first two weeks with Gura there. even fucking /#/ went nuts since its the first ime in a veeeeerrrrryyyyyy long time someone actually could go up against the numbers shark. Gura DEFINITELY saw Biboo as a threat, especially considering the niche the Gem was going for.

there's Gura's one mistake in there: she didn't factor the possibility that Bijou is a goddamn Streaming Monster. When Council debuted and Gura did the same tactic they quickly folded and submitted to her dominance. Biboo basically went "fuck you" to that and never stopped. Eventually Gura ran out of juice and also realized Biboo ain't gonna yield so she just silently fucked off.

>> No.76199942

Realistically, probably was asked by management to crowd control most deranged schizos. But i like the idea of Gura just dunking on Advent cause she could.

>> No.76200039

Is Gura trying to destroy Hololive? I can't imagine any other reason to overlap your kouhai for their entire first 2 weeks and then immediately stop streaming.

>> No.76200056

>she was threatened by bae and mum
People say this, but there isn't any evidence

>> No.76200107

>But i like the idea of Gura just dunking on Advent cause she could
and the best part of that rrat is that she failed. Advent did not yield.

>> No.76200233

what do you think i'm trying, steam cards may be 5 dollars but reselling them for real money is not instant

>> No.76200239

>Gura's one mistake in there: she didn't factor the possibility that Bijou is a goddamn Streaming Monster.
This, old and busted tried to hang but broke down instead kek

>> No.76200275

>every time you insult a numberfag, you could be insulting THE gawr gura

>> No.76200455

idk, she has always done stuff for the lulz, maybe she thought it was funny to overlap em, got bored and left (for another time).
Gura says so little to nothing that rrats about her are all false and true at the same time because there's nothing to pull from besides "haha feet" and "Gura pwns Holos and Nijis depending on her mood".
And again, the above could be very true or pure schizospeculation because we just don't know. And might never know.

>> No.76200614

Because you are retarded, like most chumbuds. Like do you think she'll have notarized papers in her office "fuck the rat and and the owl"? There's a reason she 'vibed' with kronii- kronii was making numbers. She hangs out with SNOT because Kronii was popular and Fauna/Mumei were also doing pretty good numbers. She rarely talks to bae because bae fell down to kiaraland. Shiori was ignored forever because she was always irrelevant. She was threatened by Bibbo and talked about 'protecting smiles like fuwamoco' because they were getting numbers. These are all self-evident if you watch streams, just from her actual collab partner choices she ignores number poison and grabs the ones that could threaten her potentially. She only stopped because she is too drunk and hates streaming now.

But it's fine because when en4 debuts and it has cunny she will be there to overlap and you will post the same stupid shit that everyone can see is not true.

>> No.76201676

Could be.
I support this rrat out of the faint possibility that a large number of chumbuds have accidentally told her Oshi to go fuck herself because of numberfaggin or seething and they had no way of knowing they insulted and probably depowered Goobah for another day.
Gura being a regular /ggg/ poster or not streaming just to dunk on anyone else behind the anonymous mantle might also be a possibility. A fucking funny scenario.

>> No.76201980

I fucking love HunterxHunter

>> No.76203052

Some anons a while ago were talking about Goobah probably buying a fuck you lot of COVER stock back when the IPO happened.
So there's a feasible possibility that she actually holds a lot of power now, IDK how much but if she didn't blow all of her money in I don't fucking know, alcohol?, coffee?, and actually bought COVER stock or directly invested back into COVER then she might have catched up to Sora's league in terms of stock (Sora got paid in stocks back when Cover could not afford to pay her a full salary sometimes, that went on for quite a while before Miko's GTA V nigga moment and FBK memery due to how her contract worked or works).
The memes about Dimitry's being Gura's shadow watching over and controlling HoloEN might be true.
It's pretty fucking hilarious because if she's manager-tier or above nobody will ever suspect Gura because that token was already burned by public opinion, over an entirely different VTuber from a different company.
Elira Pendora.
>The whole February debacle
Still, Niji deserved it kek lmao hahahahahaha.

>> No.76203244

I know hating on jews is all the rage now but Gura is cool.

>> No.76203386
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>> No.76204494
File: 3.37 MB, 681x3500, bffffd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo was legit going head-to-head during the first two weeks with Gura there. even fucking /#/ went nuts since its the first ime in a veeeeerrrrryyyyyy long time someone actually could go up against the numbers shark. Gura DEFINITELY saw Biboo as a threat, especially considering the niche the Gem was going for.

Stop bullshiting Anon/ There was nothing special about Biboo, all Advent had similar numbers in their first 2 weeks. In fact the Dogs had the best numbers, and even Nerissa was above Bijou, and both FWAMC and Nerissa had streams while both Bijou and Gura where live. The first 2 weeks are post-debut buff.

>> No.76204922

She saw bibo as a fat ugly brown asians and puked

>> No.76204951

Honest question how does Gura still have a job when she doesn't do her job most of the time?

>> No.76204986


>> No.76205135

She's an Idol not a regular streamer

>> No.76205244

It's her time slot. She always streams at that hour. Plus her stream also overlapped with a bunch of FWMC and Nerissa streams. did she try to sabotage those two? Where the whole of Promise and Myth supposed to go on hiatus for 2 weeks so Bijou could stream for up to 7 hours a day with no competition? Moreover, There is an hour distance between Bijou streams starting, and Gura streaming. Bijou started at 8:00 and Gura at 9:00. So where exactly is the problem? If you look at the streams for the day, there is plenty of overlaps. Fauna started streaming at 7:00 that month, so an hour before Bijou, and lasted into Gura starting streaming. Did Fauna also try to suppress Biboo? Or was Bijou suppressing Fauna? Did Cali try to suppress Shiori, streaming at the same time slot with her? You morons don't do even the most basic fact checking, and then build narrative around your own brain farts.

>> No.76205368

Gura didn't overlap anyone, at least not more than the rest. She streamed at her usual time slot, and in fact her stream started always an hour later after Bijou's. Moreover, Bijou had 4, 6 and even 7 hours streams. She overlapped with basically everyone, except Kiara.

>> No.76205404

>shork can run to her destination, rock can't

>> No.76205491

This, people forget that Bijou IS the overlap queen of EN.
Gura is just the pet/in-house memelord.
Heck, she might actually not stream for the fucking meme of "Gura doesn't stream lmao".

>> No.76205532

Anon, doin't let facts get in the way of pebbles having delusions of grandeur. Her early numbers is all they will ever cling to despite her proven failure to hold on to them.

>> No.76205565

>Goobuh buys stonks
Goobuh is now the manager

>> No.76205609

It's you who is retarded. Gura doesn't initiate collabs, outside Myth, and even in there she does it rarely if ever. She is too introverted to take initiative with stragers. So if anyone collabs with her, is because they took initiative first.
And she didn't overlap with anyone. She just streamed at her usual hour, Overlapping in the first place is when both start at the same hour, which is not the case here.

>> No.76205753

Even the pebbles in #s try to dunk on other ENs when Biboo is a huge raidbaby and is the bitters fav target sometimes botting her to 30-50k

>> No.76205764

I thought you have to be japanese to buy their stocks?

>> No.76206007

Bibooschizo from /#/ in the catelog, nice

>> No.76206059

That's false. Holomem's can't buy stock, it was discussed already, when Botan mentioned trying to invest in Cover stock and being told that she is not permited by Cover.
You also obviously don't comprehend the scale here. If Sora is the the woman who has the 18-20% of the stock that would be worth about 150 to 200 million dollars. I highly doubt Gura has a million to her name, let alone 200 million to throw on stocks. I also don't buy this thing with Sora owning stock. If there is a woman who would have that much stock, I think that would be A-chan, who is the architect of Hololive. Sora being paid in stock makes no sense. When Hololive started, it was just a way to promote an app. Even after it shifted more towards streaming, Yagoo didn't even believe that there where money to be made out of it. So I highly doubt, he ever imagined an IPO for his company at the time.

>> No.76206177

Everyone is right about most of the stuff they've stated (Gura is shy, she didn't overlap for the most part, etc.) but it still doesn't explain the OP, Gura dipping the minute she heard Biboo in that one Palworld collab and her electing to play fucking MH Rise outta nowhere. Who is she saying no to there, if not Biboo?

>> No.76206261

What job? Her job is to make an IP marketable, and she does an excellent job at that. Each Holomem generates on average 2.5 million dollars a year in revenue (only a fraction of that is from streaming). So, do you imagine how many millions such an IP is worth? Especially someone like Gura, who is basically Holo's mascot, and is crazy marketable. The value of her IP is likely into the tens of millions. Why the hell would Cover want to lose that over some streaming?

>> No.76206298

>if not Biboo?
There was more than one EN playing MonHun at the same time, though

>> No.76206485

>only a fraction
1/4th of all revenue is indeed a fraction

>> No.76206913

>Who is she saying no to there, if not Biboo?
To the game is is playing. Her titles are shitposting most of the time. This is the girl who gave her streams glorious names such as 'heh' or 'hi hi hu ouch'

>> No.76207088

>Gura expressed a willingness to collab with them, hazing rituals and shit
>it's literally the reason the joined this company, to make friends
>new management had a better idea: we should isolate Advent and focus on the gen thing
>Gura's plans were ruined
>went on burnout mode

>fast-forward to today, now all the restrictions are gone, but then so is the magic of the first few months
>Gura now doesn't want anything to do with Advent since they chose management over her

just take a look at how shallow and soulless this shit was
and compare that to this kino

>> No.76207170

Most of that is driven by the top 10 earners in JP. But even then, Hololive makes about 500k dollars a month in SC, including the YouTube cut. That's like 1 million dollars a quarter my dude, or 4 mil a year. So basically as much as an average talent and a half generates in a year. Of couse there are memberships too that are are likely more important than SC's, and add revenue. And the trend is clearly showing that the streaming portion of the revenue is shrinking YoY,

>> No.76207174

the difference between botted big joke and gawr gura is staggering in vod views kek.

>> No.76207527

panis big jugger

>> No.76207745

Gura only fears Kronii.
RIP the really good clip of this.
