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76195429 No.76195429 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from joining Hololive to become an idol, another reason is that she wants to compete certain big 2434 agency

Pretty based to be honest

>> No.76195850

When I saw that clip, I was trying to remember what her PL was because I felt like there was some implications there. But maybe I was thinking of Luna.

>> No.76195978

But Polka, you are the biggest

>> No.76196131

Wanting to join the underdog and help them get better is based, but you shitposting with the funny fennec woman isn't. Keep your tribal faggotry to yourself.

>> No.76196850

>Wanting to join the underdog and help them get better
Hololive the underdog? LMAO. Polka was Gen 5 anon, Gen 5.

>> No.76196909

It's fine when Hololive does it

>> No.76197092

Polkahime was a fan of Hololive back when she was still at upd8.

>> No.76197301

It's okay when notPomu does it with Niji and anons ran it to the groud
I know Niji lately has been shooting themselves a lot, but back then Niji was still massive in terms of Japanese market. In fact, back when gen 5 debuted Niji was still larger than Holo (so large that they can influence one of those gen 5 members to leave)

>> No.76197447

It's fine when Hololive does it
It's not fine when Niji does it
Simple as

>> No.76198254
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Haven't learned a single thing about Polka I don't like. Every time I think she can't get any better I'm proven wrong.

>> No.76198253

NTA but she probably made her plans at latest in the middle of 2019 when it was clear she lost all of her companies support, if they were even still a company by that point. Hololive didn't really explode in popularity and become the dominant force it is until many many months later.

>> No.76198380

more like is not fine if they end up regretting it like pomu

>> No.76198402

Gen 5 debut is when Nijifags realized they were starting to lose the war.

>> No.76198560

It's not fine whether they regret it or not.
It's always fine when Hololive does it, even if they regret it later.

>> No.76198772

Mococo is really good at choosing who to oshi.

>> No.76199055
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I really like how all the backlash gen 5 got on both /jp/ and 2chan is one of the most memoryholed things here.
I dont even know why anons hated that gen so much back then.

>> No.76199104

Porka all out buffet

>> No.76199383

I think most of the backlash was towards Aloe and the remaining 4 members were collateral damage

Lamy, Botan and Nene have clean records and Polka is one of veteran known VTubers. Only the succubus has created beef with the JP sisters and that weight carried to her Holo persona

>> No.76199530

Why does she keep collabing with niji?

>> No.76201481

Cover and Niji get along great. They're sister companies in a niche market. They're constantly in each other's events. Only on this board is there some bizarre rivalry

>> No.76201699

Their JP variants do, sure. Scale that down to the EN side and there’s far more scarcity.

>> No.76201827

Western women don't get along with anyone.

>> No.76201837

>Only on this board
if only you knew what nijifans have done...

>> No.76202080

Why does hololive keep collabing with niji when they obviously know that niji is bad and hate them?

>> No.76202270

In retrospect the war was won when Gokisei debuted but Holo has a rather infamously long incubation period and Polka has a history in the industry that influenced her viewpoint of where things stood

>> No.76202330

There's two answers to this question.

The first is that you can't ignore your competitors entirely.
The second is that Vtubers and in this case their companies don't assume the worst of fans are also the best of fans.
The third is that 100% of old vtuber companies from back when everything was still seen as "just another weird tech startup" have skeletons in their closet by virtue of being just another weird tech startup, and none of them want their doors ripped open by a rival so ya just play nice.

>> No.76202414

Those anons were scared nijifans.

>> No.76202479
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>> No.76202558

Remember harder, protip, tribalists be warned

>> No.76202560

What is it with Luna?

>> No.76202790

>compete certain big 2434 agency
This nigger has never seen Macross. She is talking about fighting intergalactic entities with the power of an Idol. I can't believe this site tolerates retarded fags like you.

>> No.76202904

wrong quote? i said nijifans

>> No.76203083
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>> No.76203993

polka waging war against niji jp is going to end terribly, for her that is. but thankfully shes just joking in this clip.

>> No.76204041

A better example is Nasa jumping ship from Anycolor to get in on the ground floor of Phase Connect, who then overtook her old black company in the western market

>> No.76204430
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The market is not big enough for the two of them.

>> No.76204578

imagine them rubbing their tummies together

>> No.76204672


>> No.76204837
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>> No.76204875
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>> No.76204916

Yep, my fennec is really based

>> No.76205633

guess I'll ZERK OFF

>> No.76205698


>> No.76205937

holy kek

>> No.76206029

Honma my beloved retard daughter

>> No.76206146

So great niji mass striked all holo streams causing the holocaust

>> No.76206216
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Yes. That's exactly what happened. Nothing else.

>> No.76206217
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Just nijiniggers lashing out everywhere, they felt very threatened. today, they are scrambling like the retards they are, while trying so hard to disassociate from NijiEN and hiding behind >LE JP UNITY meme.

cant wait for NijiEN to get shafted , so that the dramaniggers will move to their focus to NijiJP. rittle rattle nijinegros

>> No.76206769

Leave it to an EOP to not know about Polka

>> No.76206773
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>warlord flashbacks intensifies

>> No.76206802

spoonfeed me daddy

>> No.76206939

gen5 debuts were delayed by about half a year so with that in mind Polka must have signed on with cover at the end of 2019 or early 2020
several of them mentioned wondering if they will debut at all at some point

>> No.76207160

feeling threated are we? it took 4 years to be able to freely shit on Niji at any occurence. everything they do they just get made fun of. 4 years of waiting for karma. i'll take it. Nijiniggers and organs deserve to get shat on.

>> No.76207180

most intelligent post in this thread.

>> No.76207235
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Cover and Niji TALENTS get along. But there is quite a stigma surrounding Anykara, especially considering some of Polka's best friends in hololive.

>> No.76207469
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>> No.76207494

She was smart enough to pull the ladder up after her.

>> No.76208023

Funny fennec truly is the pillar of gokisei.
Eventually, she's become Fubuki-like

>> No.76208144

Generally respected but largely irrelevant?

>> No.76208255

#3 in JP subs, cry more EOP

>> No.76208460

And where is she in superchats?

>> No.76208537

>why are clip watchers like this
Anon... she has a policy to not read superchats because she feels bad for taking money she does not need.

>> No.76208634

supas are completely irrelevant for top holos. Suisei straight up turned them off recently

>> No.76208694

>doesn't answer the question
I accept your concession.

>> No.76209237

She is not in the supa ranking because she doesn't enable supas to add to her stats, but that doesn't mean she is "irrelevant" because CCV numbers are more important

I imagine you are like that retarded monkey who decides to turn off critical thinking and makes a fool out of yourself

>> No.76209323

>CCV numbers are more important
And where are those?

>> No.76209589

I don't know, go ask /#/ anons for that. I saw a thread of them sharing sites to keep track members numbers so go there and check for yourself. I ain't here spoon feed everything to you like a babysitter

>> No.76209616

>getting baited into a numberfuck argument
Ignore him, anon. If he's so enthralled with the /#/ virus that he can't understand that not every single vtuber (much less holos specifically) contributes / creates in exactly the same way, he isn't worth arguing with.

>> No.76209641

I accept your concession. Again.

>> No.76209818

Comparing CCV's are meaningless when talking about a gorilla streamer who drops streams 20 min ahead of time. You can't compare her average CCV to the average CCV of someone else who has a weekly schedule. Best you can do is compare her birthday and ani streams to similar streams.

>> No.76209841

Concession to what, this?
>Generally respected but largely irrelevant?
You idea of 'relevance' is flawed. If all you can point to is numbers because they are "hard facts" or some such, you're ignoring any work not publicly expressed, of which there is A LOT- especially in this kind of industry. Just because you can't see it easily and parse it in the numbers thread doesn't mean the work doesn't get done- you're just closing your eyes to it.

>> No.76209921

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.76210265

I don't remember that much backlash aside from Aloe but I still remember that dumb drama that started because of Lamy making a joke about janitors, it's still funny to think about.

>> No.76210517

what >>76202330 said
Also nijisanji were the bigger company and has a larger audience until not long ago, hololive were leeching off of them. (and some of them still pull better audience than most holos)
Now when they are smaller and want to leech back, there wasn't a reason to be a dick and refuse them. But you can tell holoniji interaction considerably decreased the bigger holo gets.
That being said, polka has always been looking out for smaller creators, ever since her Oda days. She's pretty close to one of the blonde niji nowadays, but like I can't be arsed to remember niji's name

>> No.76210559

>polka has always been looking out for smaller creators
Because she's fat.

>> No.76210638
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>leans into your path

>> No.76212060

>Gen 5 got Backlash
Man, i've never though Nijitard really did that for every place...
I though only HoloID Gen 1 got backlash by Nijinigger, especially when NijiID still a Thing...
I guess i know why Nijisister really something

>> No.76212135

Funny because most of her subs are EOPs.

>> No.76212134

>if only you knew what nijifans have done
i'm still remember what nijisisters done with HoloID, even Council too...

>> No.76212289

i remember grobber hans thr ex niji shill malding and sperging in her comment section about this because she apparenlty slandered nijisanji

>> No.76213082

>you can't ignore your competitors entirely.
You totally can.
>don't assume the worst of fans are also the best of fans
We do that on this board all the time. We even just equate the worst fans to all of the vtubers here. If you don't do that you're a nijisister.
There's not a single reason to play nice with niji

There's no difference between niji organs and their fans. They're all the same people.

>> No.76214001

There’s still gokischizo to remind people in /#/ of the bad times, but even he’s been overshadowed.
Polka was the one that made the joke, Lamy got the backlash because it was her POV that got clipped.
Were you not here for Council debut? They literally tried to pull an Aloe on Mumei.

>> No.76215186

wouldnt exactly call harrassing a girl to attempt suicide (no not selen, nor sayu, aloe) a proof of popularity

>> No.76215615

Don't use me for your shitty bait threads nig

>> No.76216265

I'm not saying NijiJP didn't have bigshots but Gen 5 debuted at the same time as Selejo and they flopped hard

>> No.76216323


>> No.76216417

So that's what she meant by being stuck in a black company. Her words, not mine.

>> No.76216494
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>Be polka
>Joined the underdog to beat the Top Dog of that era
>War was Won by time you debuted

>> No.76217841

Newfag, war wasn't won yet by Gen5. while Holo was exploding in popularity, it was still not as well known in Japan as Niggersanji yet.
