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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76181107 No.76181107 [Reply] [Original]

Is the hate for male vtubers on here ironic or do you guys genuinely think a man existing in a space mostly dominated by females (only because that brings in money) is a threat to the entire medium?

>> No.76181273

it's 99% shitposting by bored people mixed with the 1% that's genuinely schizo about it. obviously most people watch vtubers just for cute girls, but dont take words said on 4chan seriously

>> No.76181772

it's not ironic. they've proven over and over that they're bad for the medium.

>> No.76183178

So which is it lmao

>> No.76183272

Please do not use le retard vox akuma as represenation of all of them

>> No.76183274

There are legit crazy people here, but the drama vultures that stoke the fires make things worse.

>> No.76183370

Male vtubers are fucking boring
All the worthy male entertainers are normal streamers, and if one became a vtuber, their content is skewed towards women so that shit sucks and their fanbases are always rabid AF

>> No.76183483

Yes you stupid fuck holy shit hang yourself for even asking this

>> No.76183565

>Male vtubers are fucking boring
Aren't like half of the active ones former lets players?

>> No.76183804
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I think Vedal, LordAethelstan, and Heavenlyfather are all alright, and this is reflected in them having a mostly male audience.

>> No.76184375

it's not a threat. it's not "m..male taking my waifu away!.." it's simply a different form of entertainment I don't want to watch. Like if I'm watching K-On, I don't want to see dudebro Jojo shit. if I want to see that, I'll just watch Jojo. Totally different feel and dynamic that shouldn't mix.

>> No.76185562

They see all male vtubers as a threat to their own fantasies with female vtubers, so they exaggerate the threat to make them look like all of them are womanizers.

>> No.76186052

vtubing is inherently cringe so a woman acting cringe is significantly less embarrassing than a man acting cringe.

>> No.76186141

I refuse to believe anyone on this board actually still thinks vtubing is "cringe" in any way. I can't imagine being that irony poisoned.

>> No.76186197

I do

>> No.76186886

it's mostly reactionary hatred. there are legit manchildren who hate any and all male vtubers for existing because they can't grasp someone could possibly enjoy that. but other anons hate stars for 'intruding' into their watching habits, changing something people like into something else.
all thanks to the starsEN disaster btw. nobody on the en side really hated starsJP before that as far as i'm aware.

>> No.76186993

All Western Male VTubers are creeps until proven otherwise.

>> No.76187210

Yeah, same reason why I don't watch vtuber whose language I could immediately understand. It's double cringe if the vtuber is the same gender as me and I could understand what he is saying.
At least with Japanese vtuber, my mind have to translate the language first so my mind is too overloaded to acknowledge the cringe.

>> No.76187332

So the idea of a EN guy being an anime character is cringe to you even though you're on an English-speaking anime website

>> No.76187445
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>he says on a westoid-riddled normalfag board

>> No.76189624

It's ironic that even japan's idol culture isnt as crazy about hating males as much as the people in the west.

>> No.76190107

considering the record of male vtubers being sexpests trying to constantly hook up with any girl vtuber they can, the idea isn't any better or worse on a neutral standpoint, but in reality even if you ignore them they won't ignore you and will just creep closer and closer to whatever girls you like if nobody says anything/does anything.

their just being in the same space, the same streams, as girls totally changes the entire feel if not the entire point of enjoyment the the audience for female vtubers gets out of the whole thing. rather like >>76184375 says. also, because vtubers just stand there talking the format is not "anime but real" it's "a flapping mouth that can look around" which is much more translatable to the kind of moe CGDCT / iyashikei anime type feel than it is for whatever action shonen shit for 12 year olds.

vtubers can't move much, they're not action heroes and such and it's so fucking goddamn cringe seeing some guy try to act all cool and animated and anime-like when it's just a png warping around on screen a bit to the left/right. they want the medium to be something the tech just cannot do (at this time) and when they finally learn that that fails, the one audience they do maintain are girls who want bishie sissyboy models and for you to gaybait and talk about doing your laundry or whatever. if you have some actual unique skill or gaming chops to make up for it, aka if you still would have been interesting without vtubing being involved at all, you might be alright, but to rely on the "I'm a vtuber!! wow!! us vtubers amirite?!" kind of thing is very played out.

>> No.76190242

This is a bait thread but I'm bored so I'm just gonna lay it out. Don't hate the dudes themselves. Their content is inherently woman oriented,which is smart because women are the ones who will spend money on them. I'm not a woman or a homosexual so I don't watch them like I don't watch kdramas or follow celebrity gossip etc, because I don't care about that stuff. If that were the end of it that would be fine. Nope. The homostars take up resources that could be better used on projects my oshi wants to do. Nijisanji fans are all terrible people, doesnt even have anything to do with their dudes. Male indies ruin group dynamics in indie group collabs because men and women act differently around each other. I shouldn't have to like a group that ruins my entertainment viewing experience in any way. I don't owe them that.

>> No.76190442

You keep calling it cringe like it's normal to look at an anime character with a male voice and start wincing at it lol

>> No.76190673

what did I just fucking say. IT'S NOT ANIME. you ARE NOT an anime character. you are a flapping mouth that is stuck to the screen. you can't do anything cool. there is no plot or story, you sit there and talk. that's fucking cringe.

again the general nature of what vtubers do, is actually-not-unlike certain types of anime - but they're not the types of action-shonen stuff (or anything with action really like whatever isekai etc) that involve manly men and so on. they're the cute girls sitting around drinking tea kind of anime. that's why vtubing took to that kind of format so damn well, and normal way it works for dudes en-masse (aka the guys who pull like 50k viewers in nijiJP) is doing that but in the form of being like hosts, otome char type things specifically targeted at a girl audience.

>> No.76190798

You aren't looking at an anime character. You are looking at a real person wearing a pretty good mask. A girl shows up in a mask hamming it up and acting like a dork. Cute. A dude does the same thing? Weird. This guy needs to get a hold of himself and act like a man.

>> No.76190968

You sound like an ironic weeaboo desu

>> No.76191080

I watch vtubers to laugh and I don't find most male comedians particularly funny. My ideal entertainment is a small group of witty or creative women bantering while playing games. Bonus points if they don't rely on vulgarity for most jokes.

>> No.76191835

the japs at least have v-tubers that like v-tubers. all the en ones are like that fag with the doll avatar

>> No.76191897

>the year of our lord 2010+14
>having a p*nis on the internet
kys yourself you filthy normie casual faggot

>> No.76192615

i just dont like the ones that try to flirt with girls it's really cringey to me

>> No.76192805

So do you want co-ed collabs to just be like The Avengers or something where everyone is making quips all the time

>> No.76192975

i think the hate is more about the fans they bring into the hobby, at least in the west

>> No.76192983

i don't want them period, but i suppose if i had to be forced through it i would prefer if everyone just acted like dudes including the chicks, the only girls i actually got along with platonically were the tomboys that acted like guys and you didn't really want to fuck them

>> No.76193073

>dont take words said on 4chan seriously
Rarely have truer words ever been uttered

>> No.76193465

not a fan of the retarded faggot males that have zero chill. actually that applies to women too so honestly hate over 99% of them.

>> No.76193953

>all thanks to the starsEN disaster btw. nobody on the en side really hated starsJP before that as far as i'm aware
Kind of this in a way. I don’t hate stars because they exist and have the potential to interact with the girls, it’s my least concern. It’s just the fact that after 4+ years they all seem to just not… try to grow? EN stars basically opened my eyes on that, at least Hakka and the musical flip try to push on growing by doing covers and such. JP doesn’t do much of that anymore, hell one of the homos apparently slacked off on their mandatory karaoke relay based on what /stars/ said.

>> No.76193993

They don't grow because there's still a stigma after all this time against males. Like, duh.

>> No.76194324

Yeah that too but some sisters still think it’s JUST that
