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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76153482 No.76153482 [Reply] [Original]

>his oshi listens to rap music

Anon you know what that means...

>> No.76153609

That she likes rap music?

>> No.76153685

That she has poor taste in music?

>> No.76154459 [DELETED] 

I can't believe anon's oshi is a NIGGER

>> No.76154785

Her whole wanna be rapper arc is probably the one thing i hated about her, she seems to have left that behind thankfully. Tho her taste in music is shit period

>> No.76155005 [DELETED] 

All this diversity and inclusivity push only turned me into a racist. I don't want to be a racist but I can't help it but despise black people now... And kikes, and poos and pretty much any race that was never able to build a 1st world country, so they come to ours and shit up the place. Was also a lifelong democrat but now want to mass murder them all. All leftoids, especially the champagne socialists like Hasan, deserve to be tortured and killed.

>> No.76155097

I don't care

>> No.76155252

Not that much skin off my nose. The vast majority of them have shit taste anyway since most of them listen to idol weebshit. But then again I just hate rap because it became an excuse for my race to stop making good music.

>> No.76155255

yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.76155533

She was literally rapping a lil Uzi vert song on her last dragon age origins stream

>> No.76156401

Haven't watched the stream yet.... Well guess i wont now

>> No.76156536

Sir, /pol/ is that way.

>> No.76157208 [DELETED] 

I have a sissy BBC cuck fetish. Who is this chubba?

>> No.76157410

Go back holy shit.

>> No.76157499

>She actually began singing the "All my friends are dead" track

Vtubing is literally my only escape from this globohomo fueled world. I cant fucking stand listening to all this monkey beat music that just encouraged degenerate and violent behavior.

tl;dr dropped

>> No.76157604 [DELETED] 


Cucktomos can't get a break. She truly does take after her oshi Mori lol

>> No.76157709

bro how long have you been doing this

>> No.76157783

Amano N-word

>> No.76157895

>Anon you know what that means...
If Yuno, Yuno. Especially if you know where to look...

>> No.76157941

Yeah, dropped Fauna because of that

>> No.76158064

There's definitely something wrong with women who like rap, sad to hear this.

>> No.76158112

Dude grow up it's 2024. There's "conservative" women who only listen to Country but still date Black men.

>> No.76158276

You see, the kids, they listen to the rap
Which gives them the brain damage. You see!
With their hippin' and their hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'
So they don't know what the jazz is all about!
You see, jazz is like jello puddingNo!
Actually, it's more like Kodak film
No! The jazz is kinda like the new Coke
It'll be around forever- heh heh heh...

>> No.76160144

Only thing I heard fauna sing was some like tyler the creator

>> No.76160409

Crying about rap music is the biggest sign of having shit taste.

>> No.76162895

shut the fuck up nene and stream something. i know you are just sitting on your ass at home doing nothing.

>> No.76166300 [DELETED] 


>> No.76169118

Shes really busy anon, probably watching some shit anime and gaining more weight

>> No.76170873

Any music you like that isnt classical, military or folk music is heavily influenced by black people

>> No.76171051

But i like taylor swift

>> No.76172077

And? It sounds good. Also, that includes modern Japanese pop music

>> No.76172333

Yeah I mean japanese pop music overdosed on jazz, I just think it is a bit hypocritical to go FUCKING NIGGER MUSIC when it is rap when essentially all music we listen to today is nigger music, like even techno, house etc is nigger music

>> No.76172497

Those werent made by niggers they were made by smart niggas

>> No.76172929

Nene actually listens to metal. She just started larping as a rapper because her singing is not that great so she thought she could be that "rapper girl" within kawaii.
But I see that you don't watch streams so, not surprising at all that you come up with this dogshit thread.

>> No.76173082
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>still seething about rap/hip-hop in 2024

>> No.76173254

She only LARP as a rapper because she likes mori. She was living in Japan for a long time and also collabed with milkyqueen so I wouldn't be surprised if they talked at least a few time

>> No.76173326

brother. Nobody on this site was bothered about it 10 years ago. We have been seeing a regression towards ever lower forms of racism.

>> No.76176332

I know you know, but the thread can look at the top comment. That was a nice gesture.
