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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76129964 No.76129964 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry Hololive but digital items out of stock is very horrible manipulation mechanic

>> No.76132260

It's fine when Hololive does it

>> No.76132543

Are they bought with cash or something? I thought the game was pre-alpha

>> No.76132746

I'm not even downloading that trash. And I have nothing to worry about with my oshi because she'll never do extra work to add content to it.

>> No.76132834


>> No.76133066

sorry your bait thread got no bites retard, better luck next time

>> No.76133344

>japanese game exploiting players
Whats new?

>> No.76134294

This stupid ass pet project of the CTO is going to blow a lot of money and have nothing to show for it.
Holoearth has no direction outside of "Get users to spend money?"

>> No.76134473
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>> No.76134515

Yagoo really dont know what to do with this shit huh

>> No.76135247
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>> No.76137264

Nijisisters will finally have something to gloat about when Holoearth closes down within the financial year.

>> No.76137525

HoloEarth has a better chance of surviving to 2025 than Nijisanji EN

>> No.76138093

Is there a gambling site where we can bet on this?

>> No.76138318

Leaving aside “Getting users to spend money” is the main goal of most games, being able to carry out concerts without being affected by YT compression and giving their talents a platform to interact even more closely with fans don’t seem like “nothing to show for it” to me
Unless Hololive goes under, it should be easy AF for Cover to make back their investment and more with this

>> No.76140033


>> No.76141130 [DELETED] 
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you'll regreat your words and start kneeling when nijisanji releases the liarverse or what it's called

>> No.76141649

Having a virtual interactive concert venue is a great idea. Metaverse bullshit monetization scheme is not. Someone needs to pull Yagoo out from this madness.

>> No.76141778

>being able to carry out concerts without being affected by YT compression and giving their talents a platform to interact even more closely with fans
That's what they SHOULD be focusing on, instead its all this bullshit survival mode that takes more effort for less result.

>> No.76141832
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Real recognizes real

>> No.76141867
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Could be worse. You could be a fan of british plastic soldiers which are being hiked 5%~ on average to keep up with inflation, twice a year.

>> No.76141893

mandatory in-game microtransactions for real money = no

>> No.76146161

Kek, what a fucking scam. Glad Holodrones are proud of their money going into this

>> No.76146209


>> No.76146329

GW figured out the balk price of most of the community and everything's gonna be $170 now.

Now be a good boy and buy the new army when they decide to put out a new edition that makes all your units trash

>> No.76146383

>But...but... Other scummy video games do it too
What next? Defending EA and Ubisoft?

>> No.76146407
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>Stock status: almost gone

>> No.76146689

How is this game not even out yet and is already a shit show? The fan games are better at this point

>> No.76146836


>> No.76146859

>Already accepting Holo Earth will be shit on by the video game community and will be a failure
Didn't know Holofags were such doomers

>> No.76147003

You should be executed for insulting Neopets like that.

>> No.76147158

Why are you even buying them

>> No.76147247

Does a game being old and nostalgic automatically make it good? Why in the fuck would any normal person want to play a game where inflation can actually happen with in game purchases? Greedy ass game

>> No.76147360

HoloEarth actually has a good chance of staying in development hell

>> No.76147451
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cope, sneed and dilate

>> No.76147592

>Gladly shills an game rivaling EA in terms of corporate greed because of brand loyalty
Keep on deep throating yagoo cock

>> No.76147590

>Sock status: seggs

>> No.76147650

If they ever bother to write their codex at all.

>> No.76147806

>Second life with anime girl concerts that is free on same level as 120 dollar plus micro transactions single player game

Sisters aren't sending their best

>> No.76147836

Holofags would rather die than admit this game is garbage. I can already see the small culture war between the Holodrones and the video game community

>> No.76148009

>Anime girl game already has 120 dollar micro transactions and limited digital items in it

Might as well close your eyes. The game isn't even out yet and it has looks like a cash grab

>> No.76148090

Anon micro transactions have been here for 20 years, you can't pay to win a erp lobby game

>> No.76148229

Yeah and limited in game purchases is an extra level of greed. It'll probably also have inflated prices too. It's a dead on arrival project

>> No.76148252

right, it's a pre-alpha and you're already having a meltdown about it. do you not understand how you sound? lmao

>> No.76148292

What's this?

>> No.76148297

let's not forget the fact a jacket in this game is $10 kek

>> No.76148354

Are they going to remove the limit on items? Probably not, so the greed deserves to get criticized. You gonna cry over it?

>> No.76148403

But it's okay when valve did it 12 years before nfts existed for 2 popular games, go gargle some e celeb cum while you wait for next opinion to be installed in your programming.

>> No.76148430

reddit reposter lmao

>> No.76148499

you don't even know whether you buy these things with real money or not. you're the one crying about it, schizo. i'll play the game regardless and if you want to throw a tantrum over that then go ahead :D

>> No.76148511

The time, money and effort for this glorified gacha game could have been spent making EN less of a scuff fest. Kiara was right when she complained about the way the company uses their resources.

>> No.76148573

People will pay mad cash for digital items themed after their oshis.
If it gets off the ground its going to make mad cash, I dont care much for it but I might use it to watch concerts if that works well in it

>> No.76148588

You mean the time, money and staff wasted on homos

>> No.76148613

>Thinks Valve gets a pass
Nice deflection. A greedy corporation doing it doesn't mean it's okay when another corporation starts copying them

>> No.76148651

The Fubu/Ayame/Mio/Miko concert was great in it, and that was like a year ago

>> No.76148657

so true oomfie, they should've used the game developers they hired specifically for this to... help them with their streams? yep, that makes sense! no wonder nijisanji is dying with people like you as fans lmao

>> No.76148658

Nijisisters don't know HoloEarth isn't technology that will be exclusive to Hololive after it becomes a stable platform.

>> No.76148662
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most Japanese gacha mechanics(tm) are outright illegal in many countries after lootbox-legislations came in effect

curious to see how far will they try to push their luck with holo earth

>> No.76148661

>Thinks the free game won't have micro transactions
Did you just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.76148732

Nijisis talking shit when the black company shills gacha games with the most predatory practices lmao

>> No.76148737

Anon a very tiny minority of retards piss and whine about cosmetic micro transactions in current year.

>> No.76148741

the concerts may cost money? other things may cost money? you're twisting my words around to make a brain-dead argument. very convincing stuff. why does this pre-alpha of a game make you so angry? lol irl

>> No.76148766

This failed mobile game won't help with anything. What they really need is actual studios in the US and in Germany so talents don't have to fly to Japan (which, let me tell you, isn't very fun once you get past the initial wow factor of Tokyo).

>> No.76148891

Because acting like this game won't have an in game currency system that involves actual money you use to get items is retarded. Acting like the limited item mechanic isn't a cash grab is even more retarded

>> No.76148971

So? How is it even remotely bad? Can you cite your e-celeb sources?

>> No.76149043

>Inflated prices for low tier cosmetics
This game will be a shit show. It'll go down in history and people ten years from now will continue talking about it

>> No.76149140

Bro, just don't fucking buy it. They aren't forcing you, poorfag

>> No.76149177

well, keep seething then i guess if that's what you want to spend your energy and time on

>> No.76149206

That’d be too easy, so of course OP has to cry about for three hundred hours, instead.

>> No.76149222

just wait until you learn that there are skins in CS2 costing tens of thousands of dollars :)

>> No.76149241

fuck this bullshit

>> No.76149285

First thing that immediately comes to my mind is scalping. Someone can just buy up all the limited items then sell them either in game or the whole account for an inflated price. The second problem is the issue of players not having access to buy items that are in the code just to make items sell faster, which is extremely greedy as it preys on the FOMO. Third problem is the devs potentially releasing these limited items again at a raised price creating their own inflation through in game currency. It sounds fucking horrible already

>> No.76149294

Or how many games have a natural skinflint market with rarity that fucks your wallet up if you want that item/skin/mount or whatever applies here.

>> No.76149338

of course wallet voting and crying is better than just wallet voting fucking retard

>> No.76149405

My sides
2x combo on my sides
>devs potentially re-releasing limited items
Yeah, definitely the crime of the century. None of this constricts actual features, just so we’re clear.

>> No.76149412
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OP goes to a store, sees limited edition items and throws a temper tantrum

>> No.76149442

>It's not greedy, another greedy company did it too so it's all right it Holo does it

>> No.76149523

You seem to be very obsessed with greed despite this being centered around ancillary features in the alpha version of an unreleased game/platform.

>> No.76149578

That is the feature of the game. No one plays these kinds of MMOs for any other reason past collecting items and grooming.

>> No.76149581

correct. if you truly care so much about this you should go to the source of the problem, not a single game out of tens of thousands. goes without saying that your approach is completely pointless. the thing is, you don't actually care, you're just a mindbroken fucking nijidrone looking for something to complain about. because you're retarded.

>> No.76149608

Ah but you see, brainlet-kun, physical items might actually be limited, physically.
But a digital item does not exist physically so pretending its limited only serves one purpose, psychologically manipulate (you) into buying it

>> No.76149643

A “feature” that isn’t compulsory in any way.

>> No.76149657

It’s not a crime. It’s not even a loot box. If you see it in stock, have the money and want to get it, then you get exactly what you are paying for. If not, you can go your merry way. Unless you are a jealous bitch who cannot see someone else with an item you didn't want to pay for in the first place.

>> No.76149678

>Ah but you see, brainlet-kun, physical items might actually be limited, physically.
except this is not the case if they decided it was going to be a very limited edition in the planning stages? they could've chosen to produce more, but they didn't. so what's the difference then, einstein-kun?

>> No.76149703

And how is someone supposed to stop corporate greed? Go full commie? CSGO is shit and so is HoloEarth. I don't have to be an advocate to shit on a greedy company. You're like a child complaining that you got in trouble for doing something little Jimmy does all the time

>> No.76149736

Yeah and? It's cosmetics nigga and I believe they had plans of getting game currency without paying

>> No.76149764

>in the midst of throwing a genuine temper tantrum over items in a pre-alpha game that he won't play anyway
>calls others children

>> No.76149811

The fragile ego of the HoloDrone is quite a spectacle to see in real time

>> No.76149871

Are you actually a retard? You don't have to produce digital items, it's already written into the game. It actually took more effort making it limited

>> No.76150178

So you've never played an MMO and knows that it's the sole reason why some people play those games. Them being limited makes it even more compulsory

>> No.76150182

so true oomfie. i'll play the game and have fun looking at cute girls while you'll spend the rest of your life being mad at the internet. you truly won.
cute deflection. i accept your concession.

>> No.76150287

>retards don’t play the game to actually play it
>I should care about that
lol no
function over form, git gud

>> No.76150345

See, making physical items actually costs money and time so companies have a reason to purposely limit physical items. Meanwhile if you have the digital item, it actually costs nothing to let anyone have it if they want it.

>> No.76150426
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Just like the Nijiliars project?

>> No.76150535

You can't even make real criticism to cover cause you have faggots like this who just scream OKAY BUT HOW ABOUT NEEJEESANJAY and it's not even a /vt/ problem people act like this on twitter and in public it's honestly pathetic and just reinforces my thought that these faggots only latched onto to holo cause its popular they don't give a fuck about their oshis and would drop them in an instant if the stupid dorito left their name

>> No.76150568

the only solution is to force them to move into one country and live in the same city, i'm pretty sure the talents dont want that

>> No.76150672

We all know Holofags only watch for the blue Dorito. Look how hard view counts fall after members graduate

>> No.76150689

Just don't buy it, nobody is pointing a gun at you.

>> No.76150703

hahaha this thread really just is nijiniggers seething

>> No.76150764

It’s fine, they always end up fucking their own shit up by doing so.

>> No.76150793
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It's okay I understand you grey dramafags are incapable of even understanding what real idol culture is.

>> No.76150825

so you actually think highly limited runs of hypebeast products by huge mega corps like nike is because they don't have the resources to produce more of the product? dude i can't.

>> No.76150830

I thought Anycolor isn't an idol company, so how would you even know what idol culture is?

>> No.76150841

It's still a scummy tactic. You can point out an obvious cash grab while also not falling for it. Just because other retards happily fall in line doesn't mean it's less scummy

>> No.76150924

who said I watched NEEJEESANJAY retard?

>> No.76150929

this should all be free so everyone has it. in fact, we should earn points just for playing that we can apply to store items. and it should be open source so we can use the code also. we deserve everything. everything./spoiler]

>> No.76150950

A company making money off of a game doesn't make it a cash grab by default. You should stop using buzz words you don't understand the meaning of.

>> No.76151019

$10 for a virtual jacket is a cash grab, they know their fans are fucking stupid and blow their money on merch. It's extremely obvious

>> No.76151071

You see, Nike is a huge greedy mega corporation. But they actually lose money producing sneakers so they actually save some money making it limited even though the purpose is to take manipulate consumers

HoloEarth is digital. They lose nothing if they made the items always available. They don't simply because they want to manipulate consumers. Meaning they're greedier than giant mega sneaker mega corporation

>> No.76151070

No, anyone can spend their money however they like. Trying to control how people spent their money is cringe. I earn my own money and i should be able to spent money however i like.

>> No.76151131

>Uuuuuu I need to buy everything because of FOMO
Sounds like a you problem

>> No.76151203

>defending nike
yeah, no. this conversation is over. you're legitimately and certifiably mentally handicapped.

>> No.76151225

You're free to spend your money on garbage and I'm free to call the guy who sold you garbage a scammer.

>> No.76151245

>>defending nike
reading is hard

>> No.76151262

This is the anon who got btfo from reddit for posting his essay.

>> No.76151265

Seriously. That is only $10 to you, but that's a lot of rupees. They should tier pricing like superchats are based on country.

>> No.76151312

>"Nike is a big greedy company"
>"Holy fuck, you're defending Nike!"
No I'm shitting on both Nike and Holo.

>> No.76151332

lol they're not gonna do that because the yen is in the shitter, as a USD chad this doesn't affect me but at the same time I'm not gonna buy inflated items of let's say Ina because scalpers bought out the first batch of """"limited""""" items

>> No.76151366

>it's in pre-alpha
so it's the literal best time for people to complain about it so that it can be changed for the better?

>> No.76151557

I can't wait for asmon to shit on it fellow twitchtomos!

>> No.76151597

I'm all in for the upcoming culture war

>> No.76151899


>> No.76152003

>It's not a crime, it's just a method to psychologically manipulate buyers for a quick buck
Much better

>> No.76152297

Now I think about it since they are purely cosmetic items wouldn't limited availability actually make more sense in promoting diversified player looks and allowing everyone to stand out more?

>> No.76152372

I will pay any price if it means playing a game that my oshi might join sometimes. I will bump and grind my virtual avatar up against hers until I virtually cum and get her virtually pregnant. None of you can do the same.

>> No.76152589

You're more likely to do that in Apex

>> No.76152658

lmao they're still clinging on to metaverse shit

>> No.76152930

That implies Holokeks have the mental capability to ever admit Hololive fucked up

>> No.76152938
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The Mythic king's word is law.

>> No.76153064

So you're just completely missing the point on purpose

>> No.76153129

Here's a better way for op instead of wasting his time here or reddit. Create multiple email accounts and use chatgpt to spam complain emails to cover's mailbox.

>> No.76154254

ummm... ackshually...
those are their best...
