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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7609909 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7609934

Did anyone watch VCC here

>> No.7610676

god i love their bratty energy

>> No.7610771

literally a bunch of kids fucking around. I love it

>> No.7611127

God I want to be Astel so badly right now

>> No.7611404

Gorilla pushing for predator again in 2 days

>> No.7611459

Can i just say how ridiculous op seer is? Tactical that damages, cancels skill/revive/heal, tracks hp/armor and even gives flashbang effect? That is just the tactical only, wtf is respawn even thinking?

>> No.7611477

This will be fun to watch

>> No.7611496
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>> No.7611520

They really really want to be the next Blizzard

>> No.7611651

They overtuned him so the newbies are tempted to buy him for actual money. Nerf him later to acceptable or underpowered levels to rebalance the game before too much damage is done.

>> No.7611941

>this entire stream in a nutshell

>> No.7612578

For anyone who's watching the stream, give it to me straight, what are their chances of winning this tournament?

>> No.7612641

win? extremely unlikely. but will this arc(training/scrims/tournament itself) be one for the kino halls of fame? definitely.

>> No.7612678

Low, not impossible, but they're the sort to have fun while playing instead of going full sweaty major leagues.

>> No.7612855

Top 10 would be a good result for them.

>> No.7612881

Slim chance of winning in all honesty
I don't mind though since at least the team has grown close enough to provide some kino bants during their practice

>> No.7612943

Outright winning? nigh impossible unless Astel pulls a miracle and makes rbc and choco good players.

>> No.7613057

Would it be fair if Holo EN, Niji EN, and other Vtuber EN agencies did a tourney?
Is Selen that cracked? Is Ame even remotely close to anything close of a good enough Apex player?

>> No.7613137

Ame is dogshit at APEX

>> No.7613169
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VirtuaReal now has costume right now.

>> No.7613193


>> No.7613250

They'd need an organizer for Hal just for that, not to mention sponsors and other stuff
It also depends on the ping of the participants since unlike Shibuhal's tourney where all the participants are in Japan (and thus have more or less similar ping), EN chuubas are scattered all over the globe and some might have greater ping than others

>> No.7613306

Recruit from US/CAN and host the game on a Texas server so East/West coasts get roughly same ping i say.
Niji has Selen, does Holo have anyone that's plat+?

>> No.7613397

Quite low but probably higher than some people think. A lot of the teams in the tourney are also 1 monster and two sidekicks

>> No.7613430

>A lot of the teams in the tourney are also 1 monster and two sidekicks
Not really, only a few teams fit that description.

>> No.7613444

No thanks I'd rather not give president pooh bear my personal data

>> No.7613464

No, Ame is a CS player first and foremost and still thinks the re45 and the repeater is a good load out.

>> No.7613490

Unless that Irys girl is good, Ame is the best thing holo EN has and that isn't saying much. Even Vshojo could put out a better team.

>> No.7613601

>"Is Selen that cracked?"
Yes, unironically.
>"Is Ame even remotely close to anything close of a good enough Apex player?"
Lmao, fuck no. Her aim is solid, but it decays rapidly without practice, and she doesn't even keep up with patches or nerfs. To say nothing of her inventory management and weapon stubbornness. If she grinded rank again (something she outright doesn't want to do) she'd be around high plat, which still means she'd need an Astel or equivalent to coach her.

>> No.7613610

>open stream
>all this dead air
>no interesting conversations
are astelfags trying to make this seem he has some cute dynamic with them or something? it's just boring

>> No.7613694

God i fucking wish she'd devote time to getting good at the game, she already has the raw physical skills, if she would just bother to get familiar with the intricacies of apex I could see her becoming a really good player

>> No.7613726

What is with Apex and Vtubers?

>> No.7613736

There isn't actually that many western female apex streamers to fill a lobby unless you wanna invite the western male pros.

>> No.7613762

Free game+popular in Japan

>> No.7613806

It's not a Vtuber thing, it's a Japan thing, APEX is probably the #1 game in Japan currently.

>> No.7613870

t. didn’t open the stream

>> No.7613878
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>> No.7613910

i did and it was boring

>> No.7613936

They speak Japanese so it's not like you'd understand them anyway.

>> No.7613961

>criticizes stream
>y-y-y-y-you just don't understand them!!!!! it's not boring!!!!!
this kind of deflection doesn't work as well as you think it does

>> No.7614022

Have you tried not outright lying?

>> No.7614035

Please stop projecting. You're actually watching a Japanese vtubers so it's understandable if you can't understand them. I mean there's always people like Pewdiepie to look forward to.

>> No.7614079

I was just going to post about this. The motherfucker is competing by himself

>> No.7614272

There was literally a translator in both Astel's and Roboco's chat yet you couldn't even bother to try watching them without calling their entire session boring

>> No.7614302

Baitfagchama, at least try a little harder.

>> No.7614576
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Stop being delusional. her skill cap isn't that high. she just above average. most dedicated mediocre players could reach her "prime".

pic related

>> No.7614621

>really good player
do you mean diamond?

0 chance she will reach Solo Pred

>> No.7614667


>> No.7614722

There is is a reason why Rbc and choco are 2 of the least popular holos, don't get so fucking defensive when someone thinks this shit is lame. I understand japanese, roboco and astel have good rapport, but their banter is not that interesting.

>> No.7614830

It's a shame these that threads have become so shit.

>> No.7614865


>> No.7614884

>lie about watching the stream
>get called out
>start projecting like a 1960s drive-in movie thater

>> No.7614906


>> No.7614994

I blame the one that use holo as the OP.

>> No.7615012

Nigger Irys can't even aim properly and she has the game sense of a goldfish, she might be able to reach Ame's level but that's going to take months of dedicated practice and I don't think she is willing to spam apex for taht long

>> No.7615037
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Whoa there

>> No.7615060

I'm thinking more Masters level

>> No.7615100
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>can't aim properly and has the game sense of a goldfish
>able to reach Ame's level after months of practice
so you just proved my point? ty moron

>> No.7615108

Only if you consider Matsuri a master rank. She plays more like a Plat player.
t. Shitty plat player

>> No.7615120

Who's that on the top right?

>> No.7615126


>> No.7615134

isn't she grinding her rank with male "friends". i ll not concider this "her" rank

>> No.7615140

I have always though everyone here can also understand japanese since you guys also talking about vspo or fps streamer even when they're not doing fps. Was I wrong?

https://youtu.be/GxQiFKum3iw Sumire EA sponsored
Also Gorilla is streaming road to predator with shumaru and the L-Star predator guy.

>> No.7615146

That's my point. The only way Ame can grind to master is if she's going to be carried

>> No.7615160

Alexis Ohanian, he invented Tumblr

>> No.7615231

just want to point out that Ame never reached realy high rank in over watch wich she grinded a LOT back in a days.
thats why i consider her skill cap just above average, at least if we talking about fast pais shooters.
almost any regullar player with at least some grasp in shooters could reach some resoult after grinding enough, because rank is not about Skill, it is about points.

>> No.7615381
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we can theorized as much as we want, But Ame has 0 motivation to grind anything. she is just burnout FPS player who plays those type of games once in 1-2 month because still people expect this from her. (+she need game to forfill schedule)

if you want to watch dedicated En Vtuber grinding FPS just watch Selen. she already onounced she will repeat her 100 kills andurance NEXT week.

>> No.7615868

>Starts losing her mind half way through
>Is on fumes by the end
>Wants to do it again
This dragon is nuts.

>> No.7616071

>she a little confused, but he got the spirit
thats what im talking about.
neither Botan or Ame have those spirit anymore. even iRys more engaged into Apex now a days.

>> No.7616140

I haven't tried this kind of stream but is watching people grind through the ranks over and over fun?

>> No.7616164

If they're somewhat competent and making progress it is. You get hyped when they reach they next bracket.

>> No.7616470

she will not grind rank. but kill 100 ppl in 1 stream.
>is it fun?
as a person who watched a lot of streams i will say that the most important thing for streamer of any kind to have some sort of narrative because it is much more engaging in long term to watch a person grow and change(especially person you care about). it could be some sort of short/long term goal, like music career (Calli/Suisei), leaning new language(Uto) or music instrument (Luna), ingame challanges/goals (blue axolotl), "tournament arc", rank grind (classic one).

>> No.7616567
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doubters out, the man is powerful

>> No.7616641

Most people playing in this dont play apex at all, and sirius is on casting duty, so we don't even get to watch pred gameplay. Not expecting much from this tourney.

>> No.7616696

I kneel

>> No.7617252
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>> No.7617258
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>> No.7617569

tfw no apex gf

>> No.7617772

I can feel that this vsai is gonna be good just from the patch alone

>> No.7617842

Yeah, sure, if you enjoy seeing particle effects fly all over the place like it's overwatch

>> No.7618213

It is gonna be a clusterfuck. I watched a small tourney and one team in the final round got hit by 4 seer tactical consecutively from different directions while healing. The team was like let me heal fucking retards which is pretty hilarious.

>> No.7621326
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>> No.7622867

Who are solo pred streamers? I know Kamito and Kinako is known as solo pred. any other? not including pros or CR people.

>> No.7623141

astel > aqua > selen > ame > towa > matsuri > roboco

>> No.7623167

sex after apex

>> No.7623417

For those interested, this was the moment the miracle rat win happened. Gwelu's such a meme.. https://youtu.be/KNATW78EPgE?t=4610

>> No.7623627

I don't know man, are you EOP? because I am too and still enjoyed it

Honestly, I avoid watching vtuber playing apex but guess what, I am there...

>> No.7623697

yeah, why? why not in billion of other holobrony threads?

>> No.7625141
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What an EOP faggot lmao. Gets into chii-chan and res-chan's call and says "Don't hit on my girl chii-chan" then insta leaves. I thought that was pretty fucking disrespectful to chi-chan's feelings considering how she doesn't understand much english and that's essentially talking behind her back. And that the japanese culture would never perceive this as a joke but an offense.

>> No.7625217

Told him off in dms that it wasn't nice. Reminded him to go learn the language. Got blocked.

Also dude can't fucking do his reps to learn japanese and kept igl-ing in english in yesterdays vcc and shibuhal custom. They don't understand much english. If you want to play with jp livers at least learn the basics and form some decent conversations with them like bora-chan and respect their culture. Your true prime example of a EOP seanigger that spams in chat and does not have an ounce of etiquette.

>> No.7625614


>> No.7625907

stream ongoing. Briefly on what happened was
> chii-chan and restyan was "collabing". Tempplex joins call
Tempplex : No hitting on my girl chii-chan
>tempplex leaves call
chii-chan : ten-chan! e, ochita. What did he say?
>tempplex joins back call
tempplex : dont hit on my sister (chii-chan) or ill kill you res

He's such a fucking weird immature weeb

>> No.7626261

Some cute girls practicing for Vsaikyou

>> No.7626364

This is how an EOP would act if they become a streamer.

>> No.7626519

lmao. what a fucking clown.


>> No.7626610

How did he join the call anyway?

>> No.7626630

who even is this dumb bitch?

>> No.7626680

Because this is the hololive board

>> No.7626849
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Brain of an EOP thai weeb

>> No.7626870
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>> No.7627053

he doesnt know english either

>> No.7627122

Come on now.

>> No.7628012

He could be Thai by ethnicity, born and raised in Aus and not speak a word of anything other than English. Such a thing is possible, but I don't know if that's the case with him specifically.

>> No.7628209

To be honest, it's not that big of a deal but it's still cringe though. It's kinda apparent that this guy is trying hard to make it into the vtuber gravy train, maybe it did not work that good when he was with Qu

>> No.7628307

probably thought her numbers were too low for him.

>> No.7628389

Whats astel kill/damage record? Are there any holos with double hammer?

>> No.7628756

Holy cringe

>> No.7629246

That's..drama incoming

>> No.7629727
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meh i was wrong i guess the nip audience dont really care either. Still cringe as fuck from an eop weeb though


>> No.7630052

Anyone have any idea how much revenue from CR player videos goes to CR team and to streamer? Any estimates on percentage? if none, how does CR business model look?

>> No.7630381

If it wasn’t ten-chan they wouldn't think it was funny

>> No.7630961

God I wish I was homo.

>> No.7632649
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>> No.7634947
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>> No.7635607

Gwelu just attracts interesting situations.

>> No.7635782

Not sure about jp esport organizations, but western organizations give monthly salary, players get majority share of prize money from tourneys and keep their streaming revenue. Sponsorships and merchandises earning belongs to the company. Tier one organizations like tsm offer big monthly salary too. A lot of epsort organizations actually run at a loss though.

>> No.7638223

Mondo will take care of things, don't worry

>> No.7638911

Have to ask, but when is the tournament?

>> No.7639015

Seer reminds me of rainbow six siege when they first added lion.
Global wallhacks for 2-3 seconds with a shortcooldown, that only works when the enemy is moving. He was eventually nerfed but it was also awful playing against him on launch.

>> No.7639224

The nips hardly care at all about how annoying this guy is but I guarantee you that the KR pros hate this dude

>> No.7639575

What makes you say so?

>> No.7639759

Just look at how Selly reacts to his shit in a lobby chat

>> No.7640026

wait that sounds funny show us

>> No.7641130


>> No.7645201

why cant selen stay away from my wife...

>> No.7645255

didnt she only mention chihiro in her debut stream.. now shes talking like she watch bora like a long time ago

>> No.7645375

Both Bora and Chihiro have talked to her. She's never said she was a long time fan of Bora.

>> No.7645416

I think you linked the wrong timestamp

>> No.7645462

Not that anon, but I doubt she ever watched Bora until recently given how she behaves. I'm worried Bora is being pressured somehow into interacting with her just because "Wow they're both good at Apex, they'll get along for sure!"

>> No.7645710

Or maybe she just likes her or wants to interact with her? You think she would go out of her way to write a handwritten letter in English out of "pressure to interact with her"?

>> No.7646341

bora is just that nice...

>> No.7646400

at 3:40 though to me it just seems like selly is joking around

>> No.7646861

I can safely say this was true when the thread was first created.

>> No.7647037

Bora is really nice. I wish I had a little sister like Bora.

>> No.7647348

Bora literally said she really wants to play with Selen

>> No.7647364

of course she fucking said that, what else was she supposed to say?

>> No.7647421

Yes, because >>7646341
Bora is sometimes too nice to say no and given she already had some burnout I don’t like the thought of her being pressured into anything.

>> No.7647537

Well if you watched her fucking stream you would know that she's being genuine. But I guess you just like to make shit up because you can't understand, right?

>> No.7647600

This is basically /axg/ but with vtubers, isn't it?

>> No.7647899

She could've just replied normally (like she did to the other nijis who replied to her), it makes no sense to go out of her way with the letter if it's out of pressure. Also this >>7647537

>> No.7648005

I was watching that moment and it was at the end of Bora's stream into the wee hours, it didn't seem like she was exactly straining at the leash, more just being polite. See Bora-Noah interactions by comparison, they're much more natural.
I don't have anything against Selen, but I can already see what might happen. If they have a collab, it will be extremely awkward because of language issues. It's unlikely Selen really knows Bora that much given that she doesn't speak Japanese nor Korean. Bora's audience is mostly JOP and so the stream will be virtually unintelligible to her audience. If it gets awkward as a result, Bora will blame herself for not making it fun enough. Worse yet, Selen's EOPs will take the collab as a sign that Bora should invite Selen to the next CR Cup and so there will be more pressure on Bora to do so, regardless of what Bora actually would like to do (maybe she wants to play with Selly or Zeder instead of being a KR-JP bot?). I can already see the EOPs getting mad if Bora doesn't invite Selen as a result.

>> No.7648261

The other nijis speak japanese, Bora went out of her way because she doesn't know english and had to ask a translator to help. She's the type of person who would feel that a Google translate would be impolite.

>> No.7648309

think the stream other referring to might be her 1 year anni stream where she mention wanting to collab with selen but that was only when some comment bought her up. as for cr cup if bora has to invite anyone it'll prob be someone who can give out orders... Also i don't feel too good about the clip from yesterday stream where she mention that she had ask selly to coach her...

>> No.7648337

That's just how Selly is.. he's not making fun/hating him.

Ras has good opinion of him. so it's not like KR pros hate him too. could be some but I haven't seen any yet

>> No.7648375

This is so dumb I won't bother anymore. Take your meds.

>> No.7648392

schizo thread

>> No.7648524

schizo thread for a schizo season, thanks to riot balance team

>> No.7648923

The threads are actually ok aside from the usual "you dont know apex" arguments. This thread sucks because of the OP and some guy defending Chihiro's honor

>> No.7649023

That coaching thing was something towa brought up first anyways in the shibuhal custom shitshow stream, but bora did mention wanting to improve over her break.

>> No.7649097

I watched her fucking stream, and if you think adding so many qualifications is something she normally does when asked to collab, you're the one who needs to watch more.

>> No.7649450

>so many qualifications
So you're still talking out of your ass. Got it.

>> No.7649561

guess we found who actually didnt watch the stream, lol

>> No.7649786

I still haven't gotten over how cute it is that the BIG coaches still kept their IGNs after all this time.

>> No.7649996
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>> No.7650034
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Doesn't Selen know slightly more Korean than Japanese?
She even mentioned Korean in her debut stream

>> No.7650091

hmm i've seen her chat in korean in bora stream and it doesn't sound that natural, plus bora also mention that korean game language is different so there is still a language barrier

>> No.7650342

Is Selen the best apex player in Niji + Holo? Or who is the best?

>> No.7650407

Did she try to learn Korean because of overwatch?
She might be more familiar with korean game language then than japanese?

>> No.7650433


>> No.7650455

Where does Selen rank in all of holo and niji? Top 5?

>> No.7650522


>> No.7650526

Something like that. Probably 2nd if she derusts some more.

>> No.7650539


>> No.7650586

Yes, and towa was the one who initially brought up being personally coached in the yumekyawa shibuhal custom stream, is all i meant.

>> No.7650609

>you dont know apex
It's hard to avoid when it's well established most people here are bad at judging Apex skill, and then still type unjustified anti-tier comments shitting on the talents. Some even do it to their own oshis.

>> No.7650773

other branches aside, why lauren over axia? they have technically the same peak rank, since lauren was season 1 pred.

>> No.7650852
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The usual current-day video game model. You see it with other games, R6S already listed but as additional examples, Tekken 7 with Leeroy and FUR, Strive with its model of easy to execute, high payoff gameplay+Sol. Last season of APEX was already showing signs of decay with Boceck being overtuned, fucking Spitfire and now again with L-Star buffs, Rampage and Prowler on the floor.
Big disagree on high damage per bullet on LMGs, they already nailed a good middle ground with R99 being basically a machine gun but with low quality per shot. Respawn never really learned their lesson from Spitfire meta.
Seer is just the latest addition to bullshit made to bait new players along with newbie-friendly guns.

Now for a slightly cursed image from an ancient collab.

>> No.7650866

>they have technically the same peak rank
It's easier to understand if you just watch them play together. There's also some speculation that Lauren is actually holding back a little more than Axia is.

>> No.7650896

I haven't, but if it's that obvious, maybe I should check some vods out. I don't really place much value into the speculation part though.

>> No.7650942

Both of you could just link the timestamp/clip to disprove each other if it's so obvious.

>> No.7650979

Neither would I usually, but judging from his past, it's a possibility.

>> No.7653619

Who's that next to Yui?

>> No.7654076

>tfw everyone ignored this when he's a former pred and reached master in march

>> No.7654729

https://youtu.be/C46OVN8oa_c Noa with Hal and Greed

>> No.7654966
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Doing these challenges once a week? My guy Pakael did this shit for almost every stream for like a week straight.

>> No.7655095
File: 231 KB, 1000x1681, Ei0OwajUcAYzEGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazu-chan! In charge of cute and seiso for VSPO! Host of the now-defunct Nazu-news.

>> No.7655328

I need to catch up on old Yoruno streams. I found out about and instantly fell in love with gekipochi from clips after she died, four months before her revival I think.

Now that I think about it Yui sounds hotter.

>> No.7655547

been a while since I watched hal, crylix and hal seem to be cool now

>> No.7658652

schizo board
e-thot industry

>> No.7658946

Now you mention it, it reminds me her old 3d model looks like that.

>> No.7660022

Fox Gaming arena customs

>> No.7661773

Nose Met Reid Kanae Terraria

>> No.7663395

Kanon on Tamaki norio's channel.

>> No.7663791

People ignore plenty of predator vtubers.
Some people still think the KNR pair are the only two, and grasp at straws like Kamito or Amatsuki when they try to think of more.

>> No.7664081

That was a joke. They were messing around on stream.

>> No.7664949

why does he compete alone? none of the Niji want to accompany him at all?

>> No.7666503

he mentioned wanting to get a victory by hiding last time in nijipex, but wasnt able to do it, so he wanted to try again.

>> No.7666515

I hope the madman does it.

>> No.7666734

He got pretty far, 7th place with 0 kill points. Gwelu is powerful.

>> No.7666801

>Selen sends Bora back a cute handwritten message in (bad) Korean saying she hopes to get her JP and KR good enough eventually to play with Bora
Alright I'm mollified, but I swear if I see EOPs pressuring Bora in the near future I'm going to throw a fit.

>> No.7666864

he had a good chance that round he got second, but panicked and didnt know the map well enough to third party quickly enough.

>> No.7667588

That's true, but in this case sirius is technically part of nijisanji, but is barely mentioned whenever people talk about the best player in that company. Even if people dont watch him because "lul china branch" and the fact that he only streams on bilibili, it doesn't make sense that a lot of people don't even know that nijisanji has had a recent predator for quite a while.

>> No.7667784

>it doesn't make sense that a lot of people don't even know that nijisanji has had a recent predator for quite a while.
It does if you remember just how unseen the non-JP branches have been up until recently, let alone one that's absent from the main platform. There's a reason IN was graduated.

>> No.7668209

I love watching this group

>> No.7670256


Sadly, a big no. Amelia doesn't have the take to fight under pressure as proven many times.

She just making many big excuses for her downfall except when she collab with her senpai to put up the image.

She has the raw talent of getting gold. She wouldn't able to perform well in the Plat lobby unless she is getting carried by good players.

>> No.7670551


Selen already mentioned that she was Apex predator twice.

Her first endurance shown that she is very rusty fighting against good players. However, she is very determined to improve for the next endurance stream. That's what I like about her. To make sure that she doesn't fall back.

Unlike Amelia, she doesn't seem to have the determination.

>> No.7670839


It really depends. Lauren is playing at the plat lobby now.

Selen's lobby is consist of the plat to pred in casual. It's way harder than Lauren playing ranked now in gold-plat lobby.

Selen & Lauren are both equally good in their own way.

>> No.7671083

season just started, current ranked plat is old diamonds, preds and masters

>> No.7671191

Does no one talk about Virtual Gorilla grinding to Apex Predator at the moment?

>> No.7672579

I don't really watch him solo. What's happening?

>> No.7674578

>Would it be fair if Holo EN, Niji EN, and other Vtuber EN agencies did a tourney?
you mean, like this one? or the previous one? or the other shitton of vtuber tournaments that have been airing for 2 years now?

>> No.7674977

EN, anon, EN. you quoted it 3 times. not JP

>> No.7680988

Two thirds of the teams have met up for practice by now:
Anyone want to throw in their ideas about which teams seem to have the best coordination at the moment?

>> No.7683836

from what I watched, Uruha team seems like it can grow a lot. their team work is quite good and improving fast too.

Hinano team need a lot of work in coordination.

Based on their first stream.

>> No.7683915

>HoloEN has absolutely no hope of participating in any APEX tourneys
Dear Niji, can we please hire Selen or Boro to train Ame?

>> No.7684737

I feel like it's still too early to judge, the season/meta changes have been pretty sweeping and have messed up the strategies of all the teams.

>> No.7685384

Wonder if they'll nerf Seer before the tourney.

>> No.7689242

he needs a hotfix like the bocek, why does his tac cancel heal? Why does it reveal health and armor? What purpose does koreaman serve if you can play gaynigga with a 30s EMP

>> No.7689385

Yeah Bocek got nerfed fast, hopefully they will be fast again. Ideally before the teams start scrimming.

>> No.7693330
File: 74 KB, 1982x1418, 1616013212229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7693801
File: 121 KB, 718x1231, doragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just copy the old OP with the links and stuff, even if it is outdated.

>> No.7695614
File: 206 KB, 1280x1280, 91790922_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7695874



>> No.7696562
File: 401 KB, 1000x1000, komorimet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MET NEW COSTUME IN about 5 minutes
let's go Met love!

>> No.7696696

It looks so ero.

>> No.7696947


>> No.7697176

I commented in chat just to be stepped on by Met...

>> No.7697357


>> No.7697407


>> No.7697725

Naraka is in team with SAIさん and KYOさん

>> No.7697863

So Kuzuha and Kanae's 3rd team member is nqrse?

>> No.7698224
File: 37 KB, 421x906, MyWife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife looks cute.

>> No.7698437

That's Space Fleet High Commander KomoMeto to you.

>> No.7698587

overpoint, so probably not

>> No.7699886


>> No.7702071
File: 336 KB, 2100x2360, E4uMIhgVoA41hZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No collarbones
>no armpit
>no bare shoulders
Ah... well at least she's still got that amazing smile...

>> No.7705504

Those boots though... Pure sex.

>> No.7711233

it wouldn't be a Met outfit without a dumb dorky hat

>> No.7711506

bigger hat would look much better

>> No.7715899
File: 449 KB, 1464x1900, Eo1Oil4U0AEOvlJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
