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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 560 KB, 1774x3657, jpkaela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76085443 No.76085443 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ hate Kaela so much?

>> No.76085515

/vt/ the nijiniggers to /jp/

>> No.76085530

they say it pretty clearly in your image

>> No.76085581

more like

>> No.76085584

>Why does /jp/ hate Kaela so much?
It's written in your image anon

>> No.76085589

Grinds too much, threatening to "spoil" the fun of other people by making it too easy.

>> No.76085624

I once saw an Indonesian guy on /int/ post about how he was glad his grandmother was raped by a Japanese soldier in WW2 because it potentially made him partially Japanese and I thought to myself "yeah, that's the kind of guy who posts in /jp/". It's self-hatred.

>> No.76085637

besto frrriend!

>> No.76085663

/jp/ is filled with sub-humans that's why

>> No.76085672
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>Indonesia is a lovely nation with rich culture
kek okay sure

>> No.76085684
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>nijinigger behavior
wonder why...

>> No.76085698

OK, but can't we just laugh at her singlehandedly ruining Peko's fun?

>> No.76085713

I can see where they're coming from tbdesu
Kaela has a very inoffensive personality but the metagaming gets annoying sometimes

>> No.76085744

you mean the "not actually hardcore" server?
so fun...

>> No.76085760

They hate god for she has forsaken them.

>> No.76085762
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>"spoil" the fun of other people by making it too easy.
About that...

>> No.76085811

The way Japs insult each other is always interesting to me.

>> No.76085812

this shit reads exactly like /vt/

>> No.76085818
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>caring about what the last samurai faggots of /jp/ think

>> No.76085854

Can't you read?

>> No.76085861

Let me change the question OP, whats wrong with ppl liking Kaela?
At best she is filler.

>> No.76085862

Why cant we be this based?

>> No.76085882

Everyone knows that one autist in the server that has no job and grinds 24/7 just to feel superior to others.

>> No.76085895

Ah the /jp/fags came to defend their 'honor'

>> No.76086031

kaela fucked up ngl

>> No.76086047

Sure, but what does that have to do with ela?

>> No.76086067 [DELETED] 

/jp/ brownoid monkey opinion is irrelevant here, bunch of fucking snob

>> No.76086089

go back jak

>> No.76086135

>just to feel superior to others
But that isn't her reason.

>> No.76086192

this apparent hate on Kaela is also a form of Crab Mentality; when a crab climbs on a bucket, they drag them back to the bottom. it's a very prevalent trait among SEA people, particularly filipinos.

>> No.76086225 [DELETED] 

OP is based not because of the bait thread but because like every SEAnigger hololive member they regularly check 4chan so some are used to using warosu so when Kaela looks this up later she'll see it with her name attached and get sad because she realized she fucked up
stupid bitch

>> No.76086264

Oh the irony

>> No.76086267

because this board is /jp/'s gay baby jail

>> No.76086278

They're right, naruse is not the main character and should retire

>> No.76086300

It was pretty obvious from the start that soon as Kaela got into the hc server she would ruin the whole purpose of having a new server

>> No.76086306

yes yes /jp/fag we know you hate yourself, stop projecting that on her. tsk tsk tsk.

>> No.76086318


>> No.76086322

They really came here just to seethe more

>> No.76086362

theyre shitting up hlgg right now too

>> No.76086364

You say it like the whole point of the haaaaaaaaarrrrrrrdcore server didn't get thrown to the trash the moment death was no longer actual death in game

>> No.76086434

I see nothing wrong with what's written. I like Kaela but that retard should refrain from fucking things up for everyone else in the future like she did with Netherite farming the past two days.

>> No.76086454

holy shit no way the kensamas penetrated the impenetrable IRCfag hugbox?
i kneel

>> No.76086486

Why is /vt/ so obsessed with /jp/?

>> No.76086489 [DELETED] 

I'm so tired of seeing ESL retard babble, can jannies just start banning subhumans that can't write English correctly

>> No.76086494

>pokes hornet nest with a stick
>why am i being stung?

>> No.76086508

Lmao if you think /vt/ browns were annoying try to communicate with those monkeys on /jp/

>> No.76086514

t. Pagpag eating faggot.

>> No.76086523

>can jannies just start banning subhumans that can't write English correctly
I don't think they can ban themselves

>> No.76086531
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>> No.76086538
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>Indonesian (lovely nation with a rich culture)
I don't think even indos themselves believe that.

>> No.76086541

lol, sure they are. Come back when you can suggest something that's actually possible.

>> No.76086556

Its okay, my love for Kaela weighs against it.

>> No.76086577

You're not a hornet, you're a faggot

>> No.76086582
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>> No.76086593

Since when /jp/ opinions matter?

>> No.76086607

Honestly I was surprised how quick they got rid of permadeath.

>> No.76086612

you now remember every fucking elytra in a 20k block radius on the jp server was farmed by the penguin

>> No.76086624

/jp/ is about as mentally ill as our fun generals like global and #

>> No.76086677
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>> No.76086681

she never took a single elytra from JP server, please proceed to kys faggot

>> No.76086685

/jp/ makes me realized there's no unity lmfao, browsing that rancid generals makes me unsubscribe to all JP beside FBK.

>> No.76086700

holos searching for elytra used to be content

>> No.76086710

they didn't, only give 1 revive

>> No.76086725

kek how did she get away with this?

>> No.76086741

holy shit i just realized i've been on the eopretard board the whole time, didn't know there was a real chuuba board, moving there now

>> No.76086746

>Kaela ruined Pekora's plans
I don't see how this grinding ruined this server, if you ask me reviving other members was more of a sin than anything else. It's called Hardcore for a reason

>> No.76086745

>"hates" kaela so much they shill her for free in other boards too
sasuga SEAmonkeys
go back to your dea- comfy board!

>> No.76086799

/Jp/ has always hated /vt/ and Kaela is maybe the most /vt/ person in existence
She is like the personification or the living avatar of this whole board. Just natural that she gets some hate from /jp/

>> No.76086811

She got away with the" I don't need tranny in my fanbase" and the another thing she did about making fun of a nigger character on stream, she can get away with anything she wants.

>> No.76086823

Had to revise the whole revive system because autist couldn't read the room, not to mention getting diamonds as a reward by competing tasks became pointless.

>> No.76086835

they do have a point. kaela streams for the sake of streaming. it's a better discipline than most of EN and ID but she struggles to think on the next level i.e. "how can I make this harder for my coworkers but more interesting for the viewers". part of it is because of her autism, part of it because there is no one in hololive she can learn from.
Her perfect collab partner is someone won't feel bad for trolling her. pekora and okayu are great at this but they always wear kiddie gloves around non-JP holos.

>> No.76086863


>> No.76086878

Should have never been subbed to JPs.

>> No.76086888

I'd really want them to play some thematic modpack like vshojo does but I imagine the manajews would want the author of every single mod included sending a fax with permission lmao

>> No.76086941

Who cares? Pekora's "event" sucks ass and the sooner it's over the better.

>> No.76086945

one revive/member, unless special occassion like yesterday's colosseum battle

>> No.76086984

I just don't like how listless she is and her laugh with no sound kinda makes it awkward sometimes when the other person she's collabing didn't realize she's laughing

>> No.76087060

Those are some of the exact reasons I do like her.

>> No.76087064

>revival by trial is a thing
>revival by dragon balls is a thing
>pekora really wanted to do a revival trial
and they scrapped trials by day 2
fucking jesus christ this entire board is just EOPs galore, she even said the rules are subject to change to prevent retards like you
most people that are on their second revive are out, pekora just today said that she denied nene's third revive offered to her by suisei

>> No.76087076

the problem is, like always, culture
jp value talents that entertain their audience, because shocker, they watch vtubers to be entertained
en don't care whether stream is entertaining or not, they just watch regardless. i still don't understand why.

>> No.76087113

before kaera:
>dedicated stream to search for an elytra
>potential hours upon hours of cringekino as they fumble at every step
after kaera:
>a... ano.... kaera... eritora purizu
>*gets 2 elytras just in case* (unless it's beejoe)

>> No.76087136

so called "hardcore servers" when someone actually tries hard

>> No.76087158

>it's been like what, 3 years since it was created? and they still haven't developed any kind of culture other than chimping out over drama. all their memes and lingo come from here or twitter, there's no OC whatsoever, all their threads are either dead generals or cesspools full of ESLs, and they are made fun off by other boards constantly.
it's a really sad place.
they're talking about /vt/, it's funny cause anon described what /jp/ is lol

>> No.76087183

I don’t think it’s Kaelas fault directly but lots of people will abuse her to ask for help and ask for resources which does in fact diminish accomplishments of those they did it themselves.
I personally don’t get how someone likes to get carried by someone OP since that’s not fun at all

>> No.76087311

go back to your rancid general

>> No.76087419
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>> No.76087489


>> No.76087522

>Kaela is maybe the most /vt/ person in existence
>She is like the personification or the living avatar of this whole board.

>> No.76087541

you're so close to getting it samurai-kun
nobody watches a stream unless it entertains them in some way. different things entertain different people. just because you aren't entertained by en doesn't mean they aren't entertaining to others

>> No.76087574

Now why do you need to spam EN on /jp/?

>> No.76087590

It’s the jp fault really, first step was denying Kaela entrance or adding some requirements for how she plays. Next was to have a real plan and make ppl adhere to it instead of making it mostly on the fly or by “reading the room”. Waste of time and cultural issues.
Like it’s not even that hard to plan this. Schedule day 1-2 set up most things. Day 3 look for x y z as a group, everyone please don’t do it on your own. Day 4, larp as an army to fight the dragon and wither and what not. Come prepared or prepare before the group meeting. Don’t do anything like fight it yourself. An it’s not like can’t communicate any additional ideas and rules throughout the first day.

>> No.76087609

I like Kaela, but I knew as soon as she got into Minecraft HC she would grind the hell out of it and make it not fun to watch.

>> No.76087624

Imagine calling the very nice and amenable person "the living avatar of /vt/"

>> No.76087702

What I don't understand is people acting like Kaela's the only one grinding. Iroha has a huge villager farm. Kiara's farmed a shitload of netherite. Everyone here knows how to play the game, it's not like they're all bumbling peasants and Kaela's the only one who knows what she's doing

>> No.76087719


>> No.76087763

i don't? they spend enough time seething about en without my help

>> No.76087770

Seems to me that if anyone in JP really thought Kaela would make things too easy or ruin everyone's fun (and I'd say neither of these has actually happened) then they could always have just mentioned it to her beforehand. Or if that would have been an insufficiently Japanese way of handling the situation, they could have mentioned it to someone from EN or ID and had them relay it to her instead.
But since that didn't happen, it's obvious that they didn't think it was a big deal, so maybe it doesn't make sense to second-guess them.

>> No.76087800

You have to understand that these people don't actually watch streams, anon. They just read threads and find things to get angry at

>> No.76087833

Yes you do. You're here seething that you get told to fuck off whenever you post EN on /jp/.

>> No.76087846

there were threads with the same complain here before that, your little brother complex is showing m8.

>> No.76087859

Remind me of Gura/Iofi amongus accident, something about translation. Those retards takes things to seriously, and imagine anti the most yabless member ever, they can just say they don't like anyone that not /jp/.

>> No.76087860
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Let me grind for hours, My master Pekers

>> No.76087861

>Kiara's farmed a shitload of netherite.
DYRBI? kiara only lives in handouts, i don't believe she actually grinds for gear herself. and no i will not watch her streams to be BTFO. my truth only counts here.

>> No.76087910

this raises a question, who in hololive would be

>> No.76087919

i think you have me confused for someone else, have you taken your meds today? it's important to stay healthy

>> No.76087920
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>usual retard is schizoposting for hours, even cross post his shit left and right
>janny does jackshit despite being in the thread all the time

>> No.76087925

>i will not watch streams

>> No.76087923

She lucksack the netherite, literally.

>> No.76087945


>> No.76087957

based, the penguin mogs all

>> No.76088009

You're literally seething about /jp/ not liking that EN gets posted there.

>> No.76088070

Well you cant really blame him. Kiara isnt really that entertaining.

>> No.76088073


>> No.76088085

i guess that answers my question
take care of yourself anon, there are people who care about you and wouldn't want to see you like this

>> No.76088124

Wait people actually bring up EN on /jp/ or just /jp/ bring up EN to shit on them? Which one do you think? I'm not that guy on your reply btw

>> No.76088140
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, bitch stupid little bitch (karma) [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6c7hqe.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hugbox is when you dont let me spam KIARA IS A WHORE until bump limit

>> No.76088165

I'm not gonna reply to all of you faggots but please do tell me what exactly Kaela specifically did to make this server not fun, how did she specifically "spoiled" the fun?

>> No.76088223

Her numbers were better than Nijis

>> No.76088241

she existed basically
that was too far for retardniggas

>> No.76088251

they don't like it when an indog is too good at a game made for Japanese people.

>> No.76088313

There's one or two posters that chatpost EN streams. NOBODY randomly brings up EN shit just to shit on it.

>> No.76088348

the truth nobody wants to admit.

Should never have allowed an EN holo with JP players. It's just a dumpster fire because the EN will always find a way to ruin it.

>>fucking jesus christ this entire board is just EOPs galore
EOPs that think Google/DeepL are truthworth "translators".
Not a single one of them are able to even understand こんかなた, much less even read it. They just believe what ever the translator spits out (which couldn't be more wrong).

>> No.76088357

God forbid someone enjoys playing a children's video game, oh the horror

>> No.76088365

how do I get the audio to play for these again?

>> No.76088390

If you shit on EN on /jp/ your posts get deleted. I shit you not.

>> No.76088418

>how did she specifically "spoiled" the fun?

Well, being English for one.

>> No.76088423

>EOPs that think Google/DeepL are truthworth "translators".
JOPs do the same retard

>> No.76088425

larp harder

>> No.76088440

>Japanese: 愛してる

>> No.76088458

Zero personality. All game selection and skill.

The mindset of this board and western streaming in general. No one cares about the actual person, only what they play and how good they are at it.

>> No.76088489

>they're retaded so I can be retarded too!!!

>> No.76088547

Yet that's the reality

>> No.76088559

You will never be Japanese Koala

>> No.76088564

ah, i see you dont watch streams

>> No.76088589

Reminder that the Japanese will never accept you as one of them, no matter how hard you try

>> No.76088600

Holy shit you're an absolute moron.

>> No.76088629

I can say the same to you

>> No.76088649

I unironically think Ina should have been the only EN allowed on the server.

>> No.76088693

No you can't.

>> No.76088695

thats why anya is much better than her

>> No.76088699

Damn, it's too bad Pekora doesn't care what you think

>> No.76088740

I grew up in Japanese culture, so I am culturally Japanese

>> No.76088786
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>> No.76088807

I miss the IP count

>> No.76088814


>> No.76088828
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>twinkfag was shitting up both threads
Glad to know it's a nijisister or phasecuck

>> No.76088829
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>> No.76088830

>hugbox is when you dont let me spam KIARA IS A WHORE until bump limit
this but without any hint of irony whatsoever

>> No.76088849

They seriously treat everything like its PuroWresu, huh?

>> No.76088894

why would anyone want to be Japanese?

>> No.76088919

/jp/ hates every Holo, they regularly dox Holos and shittalk them, even the JP girls even though they claim they only hate EN/ID.

>> No.76088981 [DELETED] 

>create eceleb board
>what could possible go wrong
moot was right

>> No.76088990

Good job on hiding the fact that the people doxing JP are EN and ID fans.

>> No.76089100

>the people doxing JP are EN and ID fans.
You know that's not true, the biggest offender is a mikeshart, and then the dumfuck nousagi and micometfag who also fight on /vt/ (with the exact same posts)

>> No.76089104

/jp/ are all subhuman nijiniggers. you can see the same behavior from any holoanti nijinigger that shits up the threads here. here they samefag and fight each other thinking they're really getting under hololive fans skins, there they do it without the audience to point at them and laugh at them for being retards, so its even more pointless.

>> No.76089156

>morbidly obese losers on an english fork of futaba source code made me unsubscribe from japanese vtubers

>> No.76089161

Fuck /jp/
Fuck block game
Simple as

>> No.76089218

i wouldn't fuck any of /jp/ if i was u tbqh

>> No.76089216

JP dox has been posted in response to people telling EN posters fuck off ever since global was created.
It's EN fans doing it and nothing you say can change that reality.
You talk like someone who spends a bunch of time on /jp/ so I'd wager that you're the faggot who chatposts irys and other EN trash and gets mad and posts dox when people tell you to fuck off to global.

>> No.76089263

/jp/sies hate everything that is good.

>> No.76089294

crab bucket

>> No.76089308

Why the fuck would I chatpost ENs in /hlg/ when there's only one person who does that most of the time? It's basically jerking yourself off and only inviting the retards there to dox your oshi like you said or make funny webms of towa killing them.
I visit /jp/ to get news about JP since this EN/ID-focused board misses a lot of shit. I don't post there.

>> No.76089315

but isn't it her job to grind mindlessly

>> No.76089336
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did someone say crab??????

>> No.76089363

>I-I'm Japanese I swear

>> No.76089380

Kaela cute

>> No.76089396

The only "people" left on /jp/ trying to talk about vtubers are cancerous F*lipinos that insist on continuing to shit that board up despite getting an entire fucking BOARD for the subject made
Odds are they stay there because then they don't have to play by /vt/'s rules 1 and 2

>> No.76089401

you want to delegate when you have given up or other priorities
minecraft is not just a game

>> No.76089408

Absolutely based

>> No.76089413

/jp/ the superior board

>> No.76089421

Again, JP dox has been posted by EN fans ever since global was first created.

>> No.76089434

it has evolved from something she enjoys
it is now expected of her, which is why she is trying especially hard this time

>> No.76089447

>Denying JP war crimes
HoloJP a such uneducated bitches 2 nukes werent enough

>> No.76089449

Kaela exposes how bad almost everyone else is at minecraft, and they can't deal with that.

>> No.76089460

Speaking of

>> No.76089465
File: 31 KB, 433x483, 1687147211846457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /jp/ that bad right now or just vtuber related stuff bad? is it actually worse than /vt/?
I haven't been there for like 8 years...

>> No.76089508

im not even that faggot
just think its pathetic how upset you get because someone on the internet likes a foreign country
pretty hypocritical too considering most of this board is flips/spics pretending to be white

>> No.76089513

This is just normal amounts of effort from Kaela though

>> No.76089521

real, kaela has the same equipment as miko and kiwawa, and now hajime (even though she held her hand last stream)

>> No.76089529

They're right

>> No.76089556

> they stay there because then they don't have to play by /vt/'s rules 1 and 2
correct and those rules should not exist

>> No.76089580

yeah true, its just that the time limit is affecting what she can really grind out and the fact that everyone is on basically all day everyday

>> No.76089604
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Don't come to /jp/
You can keep the schizo though he needs a home

>> No.76089622

See the response from your average /jp/sy >>76089556
They just want to be allowed to doxxpost and shitpost freely

>> No.76089636

jp is just global without the reddit tourists and discord trannies

>> No.76089639
File: 131 KB, 1230x534, 1672418836285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you talking about the brazilian faggot? Yeah I'm sure he's a real ENfag, posting on a board that doesn't discuss ENs except to shit on them, trying to hijack OPs and genuinely being an annoying little shit while openly avatarfagging. I'm sure he's a real and average EN fan and not just a colossal faggot who pretends to care about EN just to trigger you.

>> No.76089663

/jp/ or "hlg on /jp/" because those fags think like they're to cool for this board and just cramped one board into one general called 'hlg"

>> No.76089679

dunno about /jp/ in general but /hlg/ is absolute trash

>> No.76089691

I have never seen a funny or interesting post from that shithole thread. It's 99% unfunny shitposting, retards posting dox, and fags pretending that they understand Japanese. I have no idea why anyone would use it, unless maybe you're just a contrarian faggot that thinks you're too cool to use /vt/

>> No.76089705

because she autistically grinds dumb baby games and ruins the game for everyone else. Og you played for 8 hours and were happy to find something? I have 64000 of them in storage

If she put the same kind of effort into getting good at an actual competitive game she'd be legendary

>> No.76089706

> They just want to be allowed to doxxpost and shitpost freely
Give me one (1) reason to use this website in current year besides being allowed to shitpost freely without consequences and saying nigger

>> No.76089714

It's completely justified to not want to move to this garbage board. Take a look at the catalog, it's a cesspool. (including this thread)

>> No.76089718

Filipino ghetto

>> No.76089731

>Iroha has a huge villager farm.
She was asked to build that

This is different because looking for the portal is good streaming content for EVERYONE. If kaela found the portal, they'd have to walk 24k blocks for the next one.

>> No.76089748

>and saying nigger
Uh bro? You can only say that on certain boards there's rules against it now...

>> No.76089784

>enjoys simple games and playing them a lot
>nooooooo you can't do that!!! this isn't a competitive game

>> No.76089791


>> No.76089800

because /vt/ doesn't talk about jp streams

>> No.76089822
File: 1.22 MB, 420x236, Niggatry at work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be JP seachama

>> No.76089831

No. I'm talking about you and the other faggot that posts about EN and ID on /jp/.
That brazilian is very obviously not the original marineschizo who never ever pretends to like EN or anything else besides Noel and niji.

>> No.76089838


>> No.76089850

/jp/ is for people who are primarily NijiJP fans and secondarily HoloJP fans

>> No.76089858

>No! Everyone needs to PLAY FAIR on the hardcore minecraft server! It's supposed to be a kid's game, but hardcore!
lol I don't even watch kaela but you're a bunch of pussies

>> No.76089880

Imagine how this thread would look like with flags, also respects for kaela,wish gura could have some of her stamina

>> No.76089888

god forbid people enjoy playing games that they find fun

>> No.76089891
File: 905 KB, 1262x1586, 1689244200242886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding the portal is supposed to be streaming content for everyone to do at the same time.

Bitch wanted to solo it because "MUH AUTISM", good thing Pekora's smart enough to tell her about it.

>> No.76089896

/jp/ is moderated by discord trannies that hate /jp/

>> No.76089918

>pretending that they understand Japanese
apparently japanese is an eldritch tongue that no mere mortal can possibly hope to learn

>> No.76089920

They act exactly the same, so I'll choose to believe you

>> No.76089928

They have a NijiJP thread on /jp/ and it's basically dead most of the time

>> No.76089944

just a reminder not only she didn't hand out single netherite on the server but she herself got 3 from Flare and 1 from Kiara

>> No.76089950

It's a streamer minecraft server built on fighting the enderdragon together.

If someone just went up and fought the enderdragon then surely it would spoil everyone who wanted to stream it, especially if they planned on everyone beating the enderdragon

>> No.76089965

this is an english website nigger keep your moonrune faggotry elsewhere pretty please tyvm

>> No.76089968

You can replace /jp/ with any board on this site and your statement still applies

>> No.76089973
File: 103 KB, 1080x606, bw30bben2q261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Indo I love it when my fellow SEA is seething over Indonesia. This crab mentality feels great when you're on the winning side.
Those guys (particularly Filipino and Malays) needs to understand that Indonesia has always been on a different level than them. It's just that nation building on a scale of Indonesia is very difficult, maybe among the hardest in the world. So that's why Indonesia has always been an underachiever, but that doesn't mean that Indonesia will always be a bottom feeder.
Indonesia is just a sleeping giant just like India until recently, China before the 2000s, or USA before the Civil War.
So it always futile to think that Indonesia will always be on the same level or even on the lower level than the other SEA countries. That's like Korean seething over China, Pakistani seething over India, Canadian seething over America, or Austrian seething over Germany.
Just accept that the level is vastly different, there's no way to compete, Indonesia is on the same level as the big countries mentioned above and it is currently the bottom feeder among them. People from those countries deserve to mock Indonesia. Though it may or may not change soon.
The other SEA citizens should just compare and compete with those on the same level as them, like Philippines vs Vietnam, Malaysia vs Thailand/Singapore. You'd just stress yourself if you try to compare your country with Indonesia, because a slight change in Indonesia could shake the whole region. The economy of Java island alone is bigger than any single SEA countries, and Java island only account for half of the country's economy, that's how different the level is.

>> No.76090022

You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.76090029
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I don't see anything wrong with their complaints. Aren't they supposed to have multiple stream POVs fighting the dragon? If Kaela did it herself dead in the middle of the night then everyone would be pissed.

>> No.76090036

I don't post about EN on /jp/ since I post about them here where I can actually discuss them instead of samefagging

>> No.76090068


>> No.76090088

All I got is you're the same guy that kept saying crab mentality crab mentality crab mentality

>> No.76090103

You see, seanigger don't understand it

They don't have the brain capacity to understand it that comparing them to monkeys would be insulting to monkeys themselves.

>> No.76090105

I never said that you incompetent nigger. I said most people are larping, which is true. If you actually understood Japanese, you wouldn't be using a dying EOP imageboard

>> No.76090119

Peko was on point there, but all this shit is too much for someone like Kaela

>> No.76090123

it is your lazy oshis fault for not going to get it themself

>> No.76090125

>handicapped herself so that fags from OP pics didn't shit and cry, shat the pants and cry anyways
Uhm my fellow tomodachis? Why is there a non pure blood japanese ON my Japanese events?

>> No.76090128

sounds like the other streamers on the hardcore minecraft server should just get good so that kaela doesn't have to wait for them

who the fuck actually cares about seeing the 16th ender dragon fight in hololive anyway, it is not compelling content no matter how many girls you have shrieking in the same voice chat and pretending that it's actually hard

>> No.76090136

i would because its funny

>> No.76090184

honestly, how retarded you must be if you genuinely think she wanted to actually kill the dragon and not just find stronghold

>> No.76090197

Because it's part of the event pekora was going to do at the last day which was announced

>> No.76090215

Ok, you personally don't post EN on /jp/. There's still other EN fans who do, and they're not that single brazilian from 2 years ago.

>> No.76090216

>should just get good so that kaela doesn't have to wait for them
it's a scripted event, they're supposed to do it tomorrow

>> No.76090230


>> No.76090231

This is a bait thread anon please return to normal threads

>> No.76090247
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>> No.76090283

Women can't aim their piss like this

>> No.76090323

Seems like she does a lot of things by herself and grinds to success. Japanese hate this mentality and find it selfish due to their socially collectivist culture

>> No.76090340

This, Kaela said herself that she only wanted to help Peko find the stronghold because she didn't know if the search was aprt of the event or not. Pekora told her it was so she stopped, but retards fucking watches streams and now here we are

>> No.76090343

Nobody does, it's always been one specific fag that's been seething about vtubers for 4+ years because he didn't get his /incel/ board he wanted and his home board /qa/ got shut down
You'd have to be a mongoloid retard to not realize it's the same posting pattern every time on both this board and /jp/, but you Jolibee dogs just want an excuse and he gives you one

>> No.76090345

>he doesnt know

>> No.76090346
File: 25 KB, 1002x141, 1691614693102438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seaniggas should be glad the rabbit held your chuuba's reigns

>> No.76090380


>> No.76090396

>>76090340 (me)
retards don't fucking watch streams*

>> No.76090402

Toyotomi Towa

>> No.76090427

Because it's my queen order you imbecile, the Lady Ochiba of Hololive, the one and only Usada Pekora. And one slight mistake will cost your oshi the worse fate ever, known as the "DOXX PICTURE" that i collected from my friends on facebook. t./jp/ chads

>> No.76090429

>does not know her past as pro

>> No.76090431
File: 95 KB, 463x453, 1715227037643392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi has a humungous gock niggy, sorry to tell you like this

>> No.76090471

>speaking Japanese
>watching streams

>> No.76090479

nijinigger was never subscribed to JP holos to begin with

>> No.76090510

So, autistic yellow woman good or bad?

>> No.76090513

she said to find portal not to kill dragon, you did not even watch so why are you angry?

>> No.76090531

i understand to some degree. kaela has turned the usual server almost into creative mode. part of the fun is collecting. and chat will always tell the streamer that kaela has it until they go get it or tell them to shut up.
i've seen pekora rta the ender dragon. kaela should just play the same game as all the other guests and let the host run the big events.

>> No.76090551

The faggots that post EN on /jp/ can only be EN fans because they're literally chatposting EN streams live.
Literally nobody on this board does the "you're alone :)) mods are on my side" and getting all retaliation deleted after posting about vtubers in a thread where they're not wanted.

>> No.76090558

Always good
Seething JP wannabes always bad

>> No.76090609

Imagine supporting Kaelaturd with this when everyone who watch the event wants the girls to find the portal themselves. What she's doing really ruins the discovery of the portal which is a good "scripted" content. fuck kaela maybe she should stay in indog server

>> No.76090658

>itt nijinigs and subhumans who never watched a minute of mincra kino stream shitting on Kaela
Here have a clip not even thread reading monkeys

>> No.76090671

Yeah lets make the final day last 15 minutes. That's great stream content.

>> No.76090677




>> No.76090716

Imagine seething at Kaela of all people lol, get a fucking life

>> No.76090738

>hardcore minecraft should be scripted

>> No.76090747

idk man, the no translation bit is kinda key to the holo mc experience

>> No.76090824

>Pekora just became Best Friend with Kaela!!!! in Hololive Minecraft Hardcore

>> No.76090830

The funny thing is that they're not even wrong. But this board has a boner for Kaela and pretends she can never be wrong.

>> No.76090858

>watches pro wrestling vtuber company
>upset at scripted content

>> No.76090875

What's wrong with seething at Kaela? Is it worse than seething at anyone else? I get the feeling the people defending Kaela here are the same people shitting on other vtubers that they feel "deserve" it.

>> No.76090883

That won't work, they shit on clips but they don't watch streams as well

>> No.76090902

but its true tho?

>> No.76090910

What makes foreign members entitled to anything? They are free to create their own event, but ohwait the lazy whores would have to actually put in effort then instead of leeching off JP and complaining its not made easy enough for them

>> No.76090935
File: 230 KB, 2040x1520, 1661933970606109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf i think some of it is legit criticism. She is too much babysitting sometimes. Hajime wanted to help in some way but in the end all she did was walk behind ela. Finding the Ender portal was also a stupid idea but she was running already low on brainpower at that time. She can't multitask at all.

>> No.76090940

let's be real anon, some of them do deserve it

>> No.76090961

Also damn we're almost at bump limit already. Never seen an ID thread get this fast except for Ollie bait threads

>> No.76090984

Kaela's just inoffensive. It's like seething at cauliflower

>> No.76091011

Personally I just dislike those elitist fags because they just hate everyone that's not Japanese, not because they seethe at the most yabless member or anything.

>> No.76091013
File: 99 KB, 333x305, 1714976087693730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also kaela cannot do wrong, it is scientifically proven

>> No.76091017

Kaela bait usually die quick but /jp/fags in particular loves to samefag

>> No.76091039

/jp/sies showed up to defend their samurai honor using the Jolibees wi-fi

>> No.76091043

Kensamas will defend her to die

>> No.76091053

You don't know what samefag means

>> No.76091058

I can't believe the twin doxx spammer got a successful bump limit thread this board really does have shit moderation

>> No.76091066
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>> No.76091067

I get it though, Kaela took Chammers's death really hard. She didn't want someone else dying on her. And in the end, Hajime farmed up on her own and has a full set of netherite

>> No.76091088

Go reply to your own post again retard

>> No.76091114

this is literally the jp autist mad that the IN autist is better at being one than she is. fuck pekora, she is dogshit at hosting, building, or really doing anything. I understand why hololive shoots down her ideas most of the time they're absolute failures unless someone else is there to be the backbone for it.

>> No.76091124

>I'm at least on 6 posts
MA I'M ON /vt/

>> No.76091139

The what now? Are you talking about another thread?

>> No.76091171

Quote the posts where I did that.

>> No.76091226

Kaela literally skip one day of streaming, she was actually crying and depressed because of Haachama, did you think she would let Hajime go by herself? And guess what, after Kaela left Hajime did went in by herself to farm gold and she did it successfully because of what Kaela showed her, but why would you care about that right? shitting on Ela is easier

>> No.76091298

I hope Kaela goes and finds the end portal just to fuck with the last samurais

>> No.76091339


>> No.76091404

Nah, loving Kaela is easier.

>> No.76091416


>> No.76091431

I had both streams open. I saw Hajime getting the gold. It's not the first time Kaelas autism shows and i wasn't shitting on her. I watch her streams from time to time.

>> No.76091442

i will be japanese

>> No.76091481


>> No.76091492

>kaelatomos spamming posts to try and get this to bump limit
super lame
just make a part 2 later then

>> No.76091525
File: 165 KB, 550x1024, 1687014990323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.76091539

>just make a part 2 later then

>> No.76091550


>> No.76091598
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>> No.76091626

so how long was that wither fight?
pekora is summonin more dragons or warden to spice up things

>> No.76091643
File: 211 KB, 377x410, 1694480060613348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf some of the criticism there isn't wrong. This one specially and even I would be pissed if Ina, Kiara, and the others woke up to ender dragon being found or even worse, already dead. It'll make the deaths of the other members lose its meaning, too.
I don't really dislike Kaela's autism and I like Kaela but sometimes it could go too far and she can't help it herself.

>> No.76091645

It's the only place left that has discussion about HoloJP on this site

>> No.76091681

Aqua was suggesting some things to make it harder since they're so kitted out now so it'll probably be a dragon and warden or something

>> No.76091682

Minecraft is gay and anyone who plays it for difficulty should unironically kill themselves

>> No.76091707

you're not allowed to be reasonable in a toxic positivity hugbox

>> No.76091737

>about HoloJP
About Pekora or Miko*
They don't care about anyone beyond gen 4

>> No.76091771

She just needs some restrictions placed on her like not giving things out or she can only use other peoples farms etc, so they have to do it

>> No.76091775

careful, you'll make the brownfeet angry if you so much as imply their brownfoot idol isn't perfect

>> No.76091779
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>> No.76091855

only jimmy got anything valuable from kaela

>> No.76091863

I know Kaela wasn't gonna do that, but the idea of all the other holobakas fighting their way to the stronghold and finally jumping into the End portal, and like, finding Kaela eating a cake next to her completed Enderman farm would be the funniest shit ever

>> No.76091892

They shouldve just made Kaela the final boss instead of ender dragon

>> No.76091908


>> No.76091922


>> No.76091981

just goes to show people still dont like actual Autism, just the cute social media version of it

>> No.76092038

You did it you finally solved it. No one here or there speaks japanese they actually dont know the truth of anything and this drama is just because tall penguin lady made their peepee hard instead of a japanese girl

>> No.76092043

Bro a lot of the screenshots you cherrypicked are sane and correct criticism

>> No.76092059


>> No.76092176

What happened with haachama

>> No.76092256

ela took her to the nether and when she was burning in lava she froze up and couldnt save her (in her eyes), but chama was swimming straight into a wall and couldnt get out before she died
it was pretty sad desu

>> No.76092352

Absolutely this.

>> No.76092406

>cowards talk about vtubers in the non-vtuber board knowing they'll get called out for being annoying retards and gay avatarfags
Their opinion is meaningless.

>> No.76092426

honestly kaela's suffering might be the best content she's ever produced. Pure unfiltered suffering kino. To bad jimmy didn't die under Kaela's watch so we could see it get compounded.

>> No.76092458


>> No.76092477

>non-vtuber board
This is a drama board anon

>> No.76092493

She would be sacrificed for a greater cause.

>> No.76092504

I don't think you know what an avatarfag is.

>> No.76092616


>> No.76092665

Reminder that calling hajime "jimmy" was stolen from /jp/.

>> No.76092771

Okay but why are there so many /jp/ experts posting on /vt/
Do you guys really post on both? Gross.

>> No.76092924

Absolute killshot, bravo Anon.

>> No.76092939

i wish you'd all stay there. as it is you're a leaky septic tank constantly breaking containment.

>> No.76093019

No one asked you to describe /vt/.

>> No.76093024

Good tell the OP that then moron

>> No.76093046

>saying this when you faggots spammed Ayame for months

>> No.76093152

Pekora bothered bumping your useless whores' metrics tenfolds with her kino server and you still manage to be unhappy, indog...

>> No.76093205 [DELETED] 

Calm down indog, pray that your subhuman island doesn't drown tomorrow.

>> No.76093457
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>> No.76093548


>> No.76093808

I AM tom cruise

>> No.76093996
File: 70 KB, 1080x607, 1710605300913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea that's right cocksuckers get off my stoop

>> No.76095672

>Why does /jp/ hate Kaela so much?
It's literally explained in the image you posted you retard.

>> No.76096116
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