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File: 149 KB, 573x385, Leavemealonebutnotreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76081421 No.76081421 [Reply] [Original]

>Leave me alone!
>I don't want anymore drama with a certain company
Does this and keeps farming it till it backfires like it did with Kenji

>> No.76081447


>> No.76081503

How many times are you gonna make this thread sis? Buy an ad

>> No.76081505

>streams for 10 hours a day
>3 minute clip
>probably prompted by gay retard dramababies in chat
kill yourself already you anally devastated faggot

>> No.76081615
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>more bait threads than tickets bought

>> No.76081653

Even if she spends 0.01% of her time talking about drama, that's too much. She should never talk about it at all.
I don't know what's so hard for synchroknights to understand about this. She's so depressed about being isolated, but she constantly does shit that make it impossible for anyone to touch her with a 10-foot pole even if they wanted to. There's no reason to excuse this unless you just love drama.

>> No.76081662

Holy shit Finana is a fucking bitch

>> No.76081716

Those dramababies ARE her fans and she herself is one

>> No.76081719
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>”I don’t want to continue this drama! It’s over!”
>still has a lot to say about the black company
>continues to grift
Why? Why even continue? I thought she stopped.


>> No.76081722

the video lenght is a finana

>> No.76081832

We know what type of person Finana is.
She literally threw a fit because her mom ate a slice of a cake that she was supposed to eat.
She made Pomu pay for everything because she spent all my money on gacha.
Shitting on Finana isn't drama, it's a moral imperative

>> No.76081963
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>Those dramababies ARE her fans

>> No.76081971

>She made Pomu pay for everything because she spent all my money on gacha.
When did this happen? She was the one being okay with gambling.

>> No.76081989

It's not drama. It's comedy.

>> No.76082021

pathetic behavior

>> No.76082168

Proof of this? Or did you just read it off the catalog and accepted it as fact to feed your confirmation bias because she called you out back then?

>> No.76082236

Nyfco lost.

>> No.76082383

The first part I can't say, I don't watch retard fish.
The second part was... alluded to via PL.

>> No.76082408
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I love the smell of NIJISEETHE

>> No.76082485

Wow lol who knew a bitch like finana would call herself a "nice person"

>> No.76082767
File: 115 KB, 271x216, IMG_9726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pweeease weave me awone, no mowe dwama :,^(
>What? They’re leaving me alone and not watching my streams anymore? BRING IN THE DRAMA BABEEE!!!
Man fuck this hypocritical shit, this is why I only watch Nexas now; they’re too small to get into fights like this. Every single Vtuber wants drama for the views, but not a single one of them has the balls or honesty to actually admit it.

>> No.76082785

i will not deny that what happened with her was very shitty but come on... There are people in the community that got worse shit than her and don't complain about it every single opportunity.

>> No.76082831

>The proof is in another castle
Isn't she active in said PL already? Where is it?
I accept your concession

>> No.76082982

What's with these subhumans always having less coherent sentences than an elementary age countryside raised kid.

>> No.76083114

I have been on her side since the Zaion drama but this shit is getting tiresome already including her talk a few days ago about how she would never know if they could be friends and how she even contacted Kotoka. Sayu please, they don't want do anything with you, and they are probably not good people anyways, you don't have to befriend everyone neither be giving second chances when they dont actually want anything to do with you. please accept it and move on.

>> No.76083241

she remind me someone i used to know. Wanted to be friends with everyone but was ALWAYS the center of drama. Cut it out of my life was the best decision

>> No.76083504

go find it
both are true though

>> No.76083516

So don't listen to it, what is the problem? Don't you have some other vtubers to watch? There are literally thousands of them.

>> No.76083620

>like kenji
Lmao kenji got fucked and now his butt buddy gawd or whatever is getting fucked for being a pedo hahaha.

>> No.76083626

*cough* Dokibird, Kson, Haachama, Fubuki, Delutaya, Matara, Chinami etc

>> No.76083725


>> No.76083732

Sister, you clearly don't know anything about Rushia.

>> No.76083911

I do. But then if I watch someone else, you’ll call me a seething Nijisister for not supporting Sayu

>> No.76083944

>I only watch Nexas now
Who's currently winning the battle royale?

>> No.76083982

I don't get it. Did Niji recently bother her or something? Why is she poking the beehive again?

>> No.76084039

>they’re too small to get into fights like this
Tiny indies constantly feud with each other though? If anything it's the opposite, both Sayu and Finana are too BIG to be doing this.

>> No.76084068

She will eventually just crash and burn if she keeps being so naive, Im just saying. This world is full of bad people.

>> No.76084079
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>how DARE you say bad things about Nijisanji

>> No.76084100

viewership is down

>> No.76084140

Finana made a suicide joke and people got on for her ass for it
Millie, in her infinite wisdom, instead of shutting up decided to counter the backlash, would spam a bunch of feel good propaganda about how awesome Finana is
Now everybody is like, "Hold up, Finana is actually a fucking hypocrite and a bitch".
So just another day in nijisanji

>> No.76084182

Hi Finana
post ankles

>> No.76084188
File: 826 KB, 865x704, IMG_3976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poette Evergreen. Former SJW just like Aia, except she has a big fanbase /here/, which basically means she’s doing the best, since we’re the only people watching that company. She calls us “the crusties”, and you can make up your own reasons as to why. Tends to talk about pseudoscience schizobabble like chakras and zodiac signs, but also talks about basically anything, and she streams like 5 hours a day, which impressive considering it’s literally all just zatsu.

>> No.76084317

That's her problem. Eventually she'll either learn not to associate with human trash.. or she'll crash and burn by associating with them. Either way, you can't force someone to be smarter about picking the people they associate with. Wasting your time worrying or thinking about it is just going to hurt you.

If I'm calling you a seething nijisister, then you're a seething nijisister. I wouldn't call you that for anything short of being a blatantly obvious seething nijisister. So don't be obvious about it.

>> No.76084347

I don't even watch Sayu but you retards are so dishonest it's sad
She did not milk the drama, Doki did not milk the drama
Talking about things is not milking drama

>> No.76084388

Israel, people actually support that company? Also I thought this green whore was one of the worst debuts when we watched it on the first few days? Turns out streaming more than your fellow tributes puts you ahead

>> No.76084411

What in the world
I don't understand. How do they always yabbing like this?

>> No.76084420

you made this thread already sister.it sucked the first time and it sucks now too
jannies, do your job.

>> No.76084455

So? Why do you care? If you don't like it just don't watch it.

>> No.76084510

I mean, Kronii is yabbing too, but I'm pretty sure her mane is tard wrangling her right now.

>> No.76084518

Holy shit its a retarded clipper. Do we need to have another thread because of one clipper bringing something up from like a week ago? Jesus fuck

>> No.76084668

>If I'm calling you a seething nijisister, then you're a seething nijisister
Or you’re just wrong, and tend to paint people who disagree with you as strawmen to more easily dismiss criticism. Which is ironic, since normally men are supposed to be the ones who act logically and critically, while the women are the types to rely on strawmen and fallacies in their arguments.

I’m just saying, if Hololive’s word was unironically unquestionable on this board, there wouldn’t be such an overwhelming anti-unicorn sentiment at the same time. You are not the monopoly that you think you are.

>> No.76084677

Because nobody watches her streams LUL

>> No.76084996

>I only watch Nexas
Bitch please, no one watches Nexas. Not even Nexas watch Nexas.

>> No.76085024

Look in the mirror sister, she has more.views than your liver cancers

>> No.76085078

>She should never talk about it at all.
She has a lot of trauma associated with how the whole thing played out, which were frankly just reignited by the last few months. On top of that, she's an extremely direct person who doesn't mince words, so dancing around how she feels about something isn't really her style.

Maybe she'll find peace when the people who wronged her finally get theirs, i.e. NijiEN closing down

>> No.76085116

I'm a holochad

>> No.76085572

Here is the problem. I have never called you a seething nijisister nor have I claimed to be an unicorn. Literally everything you just said is schizo shit you made up in your head and attributed to me for no discernable reason.
At this point I could call you a seething nijisister and there is very little chance for me to be wrong, because I can't think of any rational explanation that makes sense for your behaviour.

>> No.76085611

It's harsh but this anon is right. The account that uploaded this clip is pretty much entirely dedicated to drama farming shit from the former Nijis. Sayu keeps getting discussed because even 2 minutes of a 10 hour stream is 2 minutes more that someone like Doki is giving them. They'd probably love to farm Doki all day long but she's given them NOTHING to work with. Their most recent Doki clip is just "uhhh Doki's doing a thing she also did in Niji!" as the loosest kind of connection possible. Feeding into it period is the wrong move if you're trying to move past it.

>> No.76085622

>Millie, in her infinite wisdom
You already know it's gonna be a banger just from this

>> No.76085667

2 minutes that someone like Doki *ISN'T giving them. Despite the /vt/ catalog revolving completely around Doki, she herself hasn't given anyone anything to work with.

>> No.76086077

>Doki, Mint, Matara streams 10h a day
>Literally zero drama months after debut even if clipfags try
Geee whiz I wonder why the retarded dramafags zoom in on Sayu who gives them food every week

>> No.76086088

>She should never talk about it at all
She wouldn't need to, if Kurosanji didn't randomly decide to destroy her career and sic the dox horde on her.

>> No.76086156

It's blatantly obvious who wants you to stop bringing this stuff up.
>"Uhh, can we like, stop talking about Niji being bad already and how most of the livers are snakes that are using NijiEN as their personal dating agency? You're just milking it at this point..."

>> No.76086202

She streams more than your welfare abusers then

>> No.76086214

>gay retard dramababies in chat
oh wow you just described her fanbase

>> No.76086429

>I don’t understand believing a company over your friend
This feels like a weird statement to me, it implies that she should have just trusted Zaion even if the company was right about her. I don’t know if Niji got everything right about Zaion, they probably didn’t, but I also don’t really know why she thinks Finana should’ve just believed her purely on the basis that they were friends.

>> No.76086472

The roach brings up "Hollywood" all the time

>> No.76086475

I think it would be better for Sayu is she managed to forget about this whole thing, but she has every right to be mad as fuck about it.

I'm sure Nijisanji, the sisters and the people who backstabbed her would love if everyone stopped talking about what they did, but that's not going to happen. Karma is a bitch, and sooner or later everyone has to face the music.

>> No.76086697

I believe Dokibird because Selen has never given a reason for me to disbelieve her
I do not believe Sayu because Zaion has never given me a reason to believe her

Simple as that. I will continue to hate Niji and I will continue to support Dokibird and I will continue to not give a single shot about the "plights" of Sayu

>> No.76086711

>This feels like a weird statement to me, it implies that she should have just trusted Zaion even if the company was right about her
...Yes? The company only has its own best interests in mind, why would you believe them over a friend? Also, why the fuck would you go out there to attack a friend?

Don't bother, I'll answer myself: because Finana only cares about Finana and she wasn't really friends with Zaion. Sayu gets attached to people too quickly.

>> No.76086723
File: 29 KB, 246x360, IMG_4195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a very rational explanation, actually. You are a Holobrony, which makes you a unicorn by default (do you really think it’s a coincidence for a “brony” to be a “unicorn”?). And because you are a Holobrony, you are incapable to acknowledge anyone who disagrees with your opinions without strawmanning them as a Nijisister. Because you are (no offense) a weak man raised in soft times, who isn’t capable of handling conflict without dehumanizing the opposing side to make you feel morally justified. That’s not a dig at you personally; you’re simply a product of your environment.

>> No.76086759

Sisters keep replying so the bait must be working

>> No.76086790

Sweet nijiseethe

>> No.76086826

Oh wow, you proved my point immediately.

>> No.76086830

It's funny seeing people telling her to let it go when she's actually explained multiple times why she can't. It's also incredibly disingenuous to compare her with Doki, Mint or Matara, since they weren't universally crucified by the community after leaving. It's very easy to say she should ignore it and it will go away, while brushing aside just how insidious the smear campaign against her was.
Anyway, the clip is so messy since it chops up some important context, but whatever. Clipniggers don't care, I guess.
>probably prompted by gay retard dramababies in chat
I don't even want to shit on you, because you're defending her, but it seems you don't even watch her streams either. She was reacting to a video of the Zaion situation, and the responses from her genmates, so she naturally talked about Finana's response because it was one of the more sinister ones to her.

>> No.76086886

>It's another attempt at falseflagging as a Dragoon.
You aren't subtle.

>> No.76086907

That's a nice falseflag you have there, but you need to remember that everything that Zaion said (bad management, stealth suspensions, the merch cut...) was later corroborated by ex-nijis and by what happened to Selen. If you are implying that you don't trust what she said about Finana, well, the fish didn't hesitate when she threw Selen under the bus, and we have the black frame stream to prove that the back stabbings are a pattern.

Try harder next time, please.

>> No.76087002

Finana also got to actually be a part of the company though, we can only speculate on what actually went down. If I befriended a new hire on the job site, and they start fucking things up, I’m not gonna back them up when the bossman starts bearing down on them, if they made their own bed I’m not going to jeopardize my position just to protect them.

>> No.76087030

>it seems you don't even watch her streams
no shit genius, why do you think I put that probably in there

>> No.76087041

Are you seriously having trouble understanding why trusting a faceless company over your friend, and then going on to make a statement against that friend using knowingly outdated information is morally shitty?

>> No.76087039

>he has no argument, just seethe

>> No.76087120

it's all bullshit, remember these retards tried to get the purple drama faggot to call out reimu about how she made some fag kill himself or something and it turned out to be bullshit. don't even get me started on the mass hysteria event known as the "gurrat"

>> No.76087181

>If I befriended a new hire on the job site, and they start fucking things up, I’m not gonna back them up when the bossman starts bearing down on them, if they made their own bed I’m not going to jeopardize my position just to protect them.
Sure, you would just shut the fuck up. That's a perfectly normal thing to do, and that's precisely what, for example, Doppio did.

Now, what about doing a stream just to attack that person? Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.76087206

Yes, all you can do is reply “seethe” when someone presents you a man’s argument that uses facts and logic

>> No.76087224

A streamer's livelihood is their image, which is why what happened to Sayu is not comparable to what happened to Mint and Selen.
If your company amputates a former employee's leg and then hands you the saw, you're not forced to saw off the other leg.
There's no excuse for what Finana did because unlike Kotoka, Finana should know how important one's image is.

>> No.76087237

Kenji? The one that rushed to apologize after realizing that she could sue him?
Just take the L with some dignity sister.

>> No.76087327

>There's no excuse for what Finana did because unlike Kotoka, Finana should know how important one's image is.
Agreed. Finana is not as retarded as most anons think, she is perfectly aware of what she did, she just doesn't care. That's why she didn't give a fuck when the same thing happened to Selen.

>> No.76087326

Why can't she just stop talking about it, she's so mentally ill

>> No.76087976

Pop quiz. If there's a smear campaign against you, should you
>a) make a brief statement giving your side and then buckle down and stream normally until the drama inevitably dissipates
>b) bring it up over and over again as much as possible until the drama is so intrinsically associated with you that you're radioactive

>> No.76087979

That’s not the timeline at all though you’ve got it backwards, Sayu decided to come out with this “revelation” about Finana first and that and the twitter leech tranny making some post about getting blocked by her is probably what resulted in Millie’s twitter thread

>> No.76088190

You guys now remember when Finana tried giving dating advice, tht was really the red flag to what a manipulative person she was. She literally admitted on streams to playing with people’s emotions for her own amusement.
This is who Finana has always being, she’s the fakest person one can meet, and its not hard to figure out, problem comes with how she manipulates her fans emotions, but to her own detriment fucking up so lany times woke up even her biggest parasocial fans. Because lets also not forget how she tried winning some of her fans back after the discord leak, she went and tried to appeal to them without even adressing the real issue. And that is because Finana only thinkg for Finana.

>> No.76088232

I know
Sayu said this shit a while ago.
It only started getting brought back up again because people are talking
about Finana being a hypocrite.
The clip was likely made in response to that Finana discourse

>> No.76088283

You disingenuous faggot fucking SEA retard, Mint literally brings shit up all the time, she just deletes it before dramafaggots pick up on it.

>> No.76088406

b) because it's radioactive against nijien, though they've been dying off so quickly even I kinda feel bad for them lmao

>> No.76088514

So when NijiEN dies, you die, because no one cares about you anymore. This is why you don’t have a Youtube channel. This is also why Doki is far more successful than Sayu btw, despite the latter having a massive headstart.

>> No.76088531

>a) make a brief statement giving your side and then buckle down and stream normally until the drama inevitably dissipates
She was harassed and doxxed constantly for almost a year, in debt, labeled as a pedophile, her reputation completely ruined, most of her vtuber friends didn't want to be seen hanging out with her, and things eventually got so bad that she seriously contemplated the idea of killing herself. Things only got better for her because Nijisanji went full mask off with Doki and the community finally understood what happened to Sayu.

But sure, just "buckle down" and "stream normally". Holy shit. Fucking retard.

>> No.76088566
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Why is Dokibird the only Ex-Niji who has moved on from NijiEN and the Drama?

>> No.76088723

A Because nijiEN still exists
We're human beings. Everyone believes in some sort of eye for an eye, a punishment for a crime. Doki or Mint might think Nijisanji has served it sentence, but its basically a nonarguable fact that Nijisanji did not get the sufficient amount of punishment for doing what they did to Sayu.

>> No.76088896

Wait didn't that shit happen like two weeks ago? Why is it only getting covered now?

>> No.76088970

Doki doesn’t browse /here/, so she’s not poisoned by the idea catalogfags here spread that ex-Nijis need to make quitting Niji their entire identity. She KNOWS that NijiEN is gonna collapse soon, and that once it does, so will every single ex-Niji that forever tied themselves to it. Doki and Pomu will eventually become known as massive indie Vtubers with their pasts at Niji entirely forgotten, while every other ex-Nijileech will starve due to their host dying.

>> No.76088979
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Slow week

>> No.76089003

Because Millie attempted Operation Rescue Finana's Image and so the rebel army deployed Operation Finana is a Backstabbing Bitch

>> No.76089040

Shit thread
Btw guys is that Queen's Blade: Limit Break game any good? Been getting a lot of ads here of it

>> No.76089063

You must be new, so let me give you some notes
>Finana and Pomu used to have at least one collab a week.
>Pufferfeesh was really popular among their fans
>Finana anounces that she was gonna go on a trip with Pomu and they were gonna do an off collab stream
>Days comes and we got an actual Homo ruin the pufferfeesh vibe fans wanted to see and were already familiar with
>Pomu gets full blame for it because it was on her channel
>Pomu feels so much guilt that she hard arms Finana into make a twitter space for the fans
>Finana’s return stream, she reveals that she went to a hoyoverse convention and tricked both her parents and fans about the girls only trip.
>She only invited Pomu because she knew her parents will feel much safer, never mentioned Uki to them out of fear
>Pomu’s return stream, she talks how she didn’t enjoy it but went thru with it for Finana
>Finana was a brat the whole trip, not even listening to Pomu for stores she wanted to visit
>Had to pay for Finana’s stuff because the feesh credit card got maxxed
>Finana’s fan actually had to apologize to Pomu for their oshi’s behavior
>Pomu wants to keep doing pufferfeesh collabs but Finana declines
>Finana ends up killing the pufferfeesh collabs after using Pomu

>> No.76089076

At this point ts really difficult to choose which of the two remaining lazulight members is worse

>> No.76089081

Finana joking about killing herself is the most retarded thing she has done in a long while.

>> No.76089096
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There's also U-san. They're beloved by VShojo, beloved by Doki, and beloved by indies and produce so little drama people often forget they exist. That's why they're in the center of this art piece of the ex-Nijis.

>> No.76089149

>That's why they're in the center of this art piece of the ex-Nijis.
lmao, U-san is on that drawing because the artist is a Quinn fan girl and wanted to leech from the other fanbases.

>> No.76089241

For one thing after her neo pets stream got counter programmed by the black stream she only made one post about Niji and didn't even name drop them and proceeded to move on. After she made it clear she's done with Niji, pretty much any attempt to bring it up wether it be idiots super chatting to farm clips or drama tourists mentioning it in her chat is ignored.

>> No.76089253

Sayu's 'headstart' was ruined by twitter freaks who can't take a joke involving SA and nijifags who have to circle the wagons. Doki had the help of major youtubers like moist critikal to back her. But sure retard make it about
>well if you would just stop talking about le drama

>> No.76089392


>> No.76089400

>At this point ts really difficult to choose which of the two remaining lazulight members is worse
Finana by far. Elira is involved in some shady stuff, but Finana has been proving non stop for the past few years that she is a terrible person.

>> No.76089409


>> No.76089480

U-San's awesome.

>> No.76089573

Yeah. It isn't as if a bunch of sisters come out of the woodwork to give her free advertising every time.

Face it, you and the rest of the sisters are the reason this bitch has a 100K+ subs and however many Twitch followers.

>> No.76089665

You don't realize how quickly people will forget about that if you shut up about it. Yes there will still be a few schizos but a year or two is like a hundred years in vtubing.

>> No.76089737

You don't realize how much Sayu was hated.

>> No.76090150

>If your company amputates a former employee's leg and then hands you the saw, you're not forced to saw off the other leg.
Did Niji give her the saw though, or did Finana act on her own? If I had to guess why she did it(assuming Niji management didn’t force her to), it would be because she saw all the rrats floating around and decided to attempt to correct the record, which completely backfired on her, the fact that management even allowed her to make any statement discrediting a former talent says a lot about how inactive management is at Niji. Ultimately thats not really the part I was focusing on because Niji’s behaviour after their chuubas get unpersoned is obviously retarded, it just doesn’t look good to me when Sayu is complaining about her friends not backing her up against management when they may have had justification to boot her, I won’t ever know if the termination was justified because I wasn’t there. I don’t care if it’s my best friend, I’m not going to jeopardize my job by protecting them if I think they’re in the wrong, and that seems to be what Finana thinks.

>> No.76090236

Finana is stupid but does not deserve the hate she is getting

>> No.76090249

And shittalking Finana in May 2025 is going to fix that?

>> No.76090490

It's not shittalking as much as setting the record straight. Finana said her piece, and Sayu has said hers.

>> No.76090657
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Sayuschizo rn

>> No.76090699

WTF, where’s Sayu?

>> No.76090728

Well, yeah.
Listen to Finana's stream where she talks about Sayu. She makes it seem like Sayu killed her parents, and then killed her grandparents after saying "sorry I killed your parents"
Any credibility that Finana gets is negative towards her own image.

>> No.76090898

Anon, I don't understand what you think Sayu wanted them to do. Doppio went along with the termination, but him and Sayu are still friends. The difference between Doppio and Finana is that he (and Ver and Meloco too) did it in the most professional way possible. Sayu only has issues with 3 organs: Kotoka, Finana and Hex, because they were the ones who backstabbed her and encouraged the smearing and harassing campaigns against her.

> I don’t care if it’s my best friend, I’m not going to jeopardize my job by protecting them if I think they’re in the wrong, and that seems to be what Finana thinks.
Again, there's a difference between shutting the fuck up to protect your job and going out there to attack a friend.

>> No.76090929

Any Vshojo follows Doki, not even Kuro....

>> No.76091107

It is not so much about protecting but more about feeding into the smear. You don't have to say something for your friend but you could still handle it professionally. 3 organs managed this and yet 3 didn't. You might already know how and why

>> No.76091166
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>> No.76091654

>this thread
Once again, the sisters proving their complete lack of human empathy.

>> No.76091807

Fuck, man. I remember most of that but I didn't know about the convention thing since I didn't watch the finana vod. Goddamn it... That stupid fish...

>> No.76091891

My mind has always won out against my penis when it comes to Froot. I refuse to let my mind weaken...

>> No.76091946
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>> No.76092070
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>> No.76092077
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>> No.76092104

>imma look you in the eyes when i say this
>But let me say this in a quote, because I'm too scared to reply to anyone

>> No.76092162

Away with you sinful and foul demon!

>> No.76092165

I know people don't watch streams but Sayu literally said in that stream that she's on her revenge arc.
I don't think you realise how strongly some sisters tried to prevent her from just moving on.

>> No.76092209

Honestly, I don't give a fuck about Sayu not getting art with the other ex-nijis, it is what it is. But going out of your way to shit on her is just awful. Why is it so hard to be a decent human being?

>> No.76092226
File: 56 KB, 580x324, karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since someone made a Sayu thread, can I say how cheated I feel? I was told she's some edgy, freestyle no-corpo-can-hold-me vtuber and when I go to her twitter all I see is a Karen. Why the fuck do people lie like that?

>> No.76092288

NTA so she IS farming drama? This is based, you Sayuschizos keep depicting her as a bohoo crybaby that wants to forgive garbage people, this includes the shitty clipper

>> No.76092309

Don't believe that retard he is as stupid as his braindead oshi. Sheep (Esila) is winning based on the number of gifts she gets and viewership. Just by being an on-brand Sheeptuber gets /wool/ to support you.

>> No.76092324

If you hate it so much then stop making threads about it.

>> No.76092339

Sisters now want to Doki to publicly destroy Niji by airing Niji's dirty laundry? Weird take but okay.

>> No.76092349

Looks like they succeeded.

>> No.76092350
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She's a little broken and too scared to do anything too edgy anymore, but she's still a very sweet honest bitch with a minimal filter instead of no filter anymore.
If you like yapping hags, I highly recommend her.

>> No.76092383

Okay, I trust /wool/, Watame's kind and their fans never lies on behalf of their oshis, it's much more believable too

>> No.76092412

>project negative energy all the time
>keeps farming drama over and over and over and over and over
>"waaaah why is everyone so mean to each other on the internet, im too old for this"

>> No.76092437

Lol lmao even

>> No.76092644
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1687495470447030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry sisters, you won't have to keep worrying about Sayu for much longer. Or about anything else.

>> No.76092911

A-are you going to kill Sayu?...

>> No.76092955

There's no need to do that, NijiEN will die pretty soon.

>> No.76093214

If NijiEN dies, the sisters will just move to StarsEN

>> No.76093490

Full on pornstar, huh? Melody is somehow less slutty than this.

>> No.76093662

You really don't know about her pre-vtuber art, huh?
I think she only drew a few actual porn pieces, but her art was always hot as fuck and super adorable.

>> No.76093801

newfag here, why was Sayu hated by niji/finana during her time in niji?
and why is she ignored by the community now whereas Doki is universally loved despite both being similar niji's victims?

>> No.76093897

Niji fags are mostly made up trans twitter users so joking about SA crossed a massive line for them. Then you have the usual tribalists, both those groups converged on her.

>> No.76095032
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>newfag here, why was Sayu hated by niji/finana during her time in niji?

Sayu was labeled early on as a troublemaker because she had a fight with management over her genshin account, and she didn't want to back down and just accept that japanese companies are retarded. Nijisanji eventually got fed up with her because they realized they couldn't control her, so they decided to make an example out of her and terminate her.

To justify Zaion's termination, they throw against her everything they could think of (pic related), and the community ended up considering her the second coming of Hitler. Finana, Kotoka and Hex going out of their way to throw her under the bus just finished sealing the deal.

The whole vtubing community started hating Zaion, and most of her friends abandoned her because they didn't want to be associated with her. A couple of months later, Sayu released a document trying to explain her side and accusing Nijisanji of being a black company, and that only made things worse for her because the sisters saw her as an enemy to destroy.

As for why Finana hated her... we don't know for sure. From what Finana and Sayu said, we can guess that Sayu tried to get Finana's support on something related to the issue with her genshin account.

>and why is she ignored by the community now whereas Doki is universally loved despite both being similar niji's victims?

Even after Doki's drama, it took a while until the community stopped trying to pretend that Sayu's case was different. She was so fucking hated by everyone that no one wanted to recognize they were wrong about her. Her friends included.

Sayu is the eternal awkward reminder that the community stood aside when someone was getting harassed and doxxed just because they were considered one of the "bad guys". That's why you have so many people asking her to forget about it and move on, because they don't want to be held accountable for what they did to her.

>> No.76095443

>Zen and Froot

>> No.76095812

I see, they always have to ruin every hobbies.

thank you for the detailed write up anon, things are clearer and fits with every bits and pieces I heard.

>She was so fucking hated by everyone that no one wanted to recognize they were wrong about her.
>That's why you have so many people asking her to forget about it and move on, because they don't want to be held accountable for what they did to her.
bunch of hypocrites unable to swallow their pride huh? I can totally see now why there is such a rift in reception between Sayu and Doki. this makes total sense.
I feel bad for Sayu, it must sting to see all the support doki is receiving compared to her.
Same for matara, what's her deal? I'm instinctively put off by her, made me stop watching zen and henya actually with how much they collab.

Im gonna unsubscribe to finana, can't believe I still was while all of this was unfolding. I understand now why I saw her with pitiful numbers on my yt page

>> No.76095896

You sweet summer child. Go to /asp/ and tell me that there's no feuds between 2views

>> No.76095918

Finana's thing is tangential. Zaion is just another tuesday in her long, long list of shitty, selfish actions that hurt others.

>> No.76096000

Don't remember ever claiming to be a hololive fan either, if anything you're cementing the idea that you're a mentally ill nijisister at this point.
Must be rough, I got no idea why you'd ever do this without getting paid. It has to be mentally draining.

>> No.76096528

>Don't remember ever claiming to be a hololive fan either
You don’t need to. Only Holobronies are schizo enough to accuse everyone who doesn't like them of being Nijisisters for no reason, kinda like you’re doing right now.

>> No.76096582
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I wish nothing but pain and suffering for everyone who was involved in harassing Zaion. Niji will burn.

>> No.76096636


>> No.76096736

>everybody who hates Nijisanji is either Hololive, Dragoons, Wisps, Sincroknights, Phase, Vshojo, ex-nijis, normies, americans, westerners, SEAfags, dramafags...
Huh, is it me or does everybody with a pulse and a brain hate Nijisanji?

>> No.76096794

There's also the fact that she speaks fluent Japanese, and karened her way past middle management to speak to upper management, which is one of the reasons they cited for her suspension. Among the GURRAT beliebers, this tendency and fluency made her a direct threat to the clique's power.

Someone on the doxxsite, claiming to be Kyo Kaneko (though you can name yourself anything there), bragged about being part of a group behind her termination, and told everyone it was coming that day, about two hours before the termination notice was actually posted. Might not have been in fact Kyo, but it was clearly someone who spoke fluent English on the inside.

>> No.76096822

>She literally threw a fit because her mom ate a slice of a cake that she was supposed to eat.
That's hilarious as fuck if true. Did she also buy that cake or did her mum buy it?

>> No.76096921

I think both Sayu and Finana should have sex (with me)

>> No.76096925

Worse, she asked her mom to bake it for her, then got mad because she only got one slice of it.

>> No.76096994

>she asked her mom to bake it for her, then got mad because she only got one slice of it.
What an ungreatful bitch Finana is. She clearly hasn't heard of the saying "if you're not fast you're last" has she?

>> No.76097033

Yeah, she was just bandwagoning because all of the real cunts of NijiEN were shit-talking her. Except Finana is extra stupid so she did it on stream instead of in private.

>> No.76097126

Doesn’t matter. I am not a woman, nor do I watch Niji. I am simply a rational man who seeks to correct the irrational and fallacious, and there exists irrationality on both sides, but only one of those sides is allowed to roam about uncorrected on this site.

>> No.76097180

Ah, so you're a tourist who doesn't watch vtubers and expects his opinion to matter. kek.

>> No.76097233

Because she said she'd give evidence and never delivered so the second she loses public favor, that'd come back to bite her in the ass

>> No.76097252

never said that sis

>> No.76097291

Neutral parties are considered the most rational in the majority of conflicts, so yes, you can consider me the Switzerland of your “all-out World War II”

>> No.76097312


>> No.76097466

She said she'd release a statement, she did.
Stop timelooping. February was months ago.

>> No.76097645

She did say she’d release receipts tho

>> No.76097683

I'm not touching that game, but there's someone on Youtube who reviewed it, I think

>> No.76097719

I'm only accusing you because you're doing a good job convincing me about it. Not everyone, you specifically. You're not the same as other people.

>> No.76097722

No, she said she had them and that if she needed to, she'd use them in court. They are not to be public because that'd actually cause a fuckton of hate to spread everywhere and unlike Niji, she does not want nor does she condone harassment of any kind.

>> No.76097752
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>Niji will burn
Why must Rosemi suffer?

>> No.76097795

No, Doki said she has the receipts, she never said she would release the information.

>> No.76097859

>Same for matara, what's her deal? I'm instinctively put off by her, made me stop watching zen and henya actually with how much they collab.
Matara's case is a little special... some sincroknights hate her, but I'm just neutral towards her.

We know that she and Sayu were friends, but some kind of shit went down between them around october of last year, probably related to Sayu talking during her subathon about how worthless Nina felt when she was working in Niji. Matara saw it as a betrayal because she told her that in private, so she cut ties with her. Sayu tried to patch things up multiple times, but Matara wasn't interested.

Things got worse when Sayu tried to apologize again after Selen's termination, but Matara ignored her and started hanging out with Quinn. We don't know exactly what happened between Sayu and Kyo, but she fucking hates his guts, so she felt very hurt by this.

And then... last month? Matara unblocked Sayu on twitter. They haven't interacted in public, but maybe they are talking things out in private? Just maybe?

In any case, Zen is a good egg, she had a collab with Sayu not that long ago.

>> No.76097933

No, she actually said "I will release a future statement with more evidence". Well, it's been months. Where's that evidence?

>> No.76097995

>And then... last month? Matara unblocked Sayu on twitter. They haven't interacted in public, but maybe they are talking things out in private? Just maybe?
Realistically she shifted from a block to a mute.
I feel like if they talked it out, one of the two would've blabbed about it.
I was neutral on Matara until the Quinn thing. As far as I can tell, that was a blatant picking of sides and likely a direct message to Sayu to back off.
I avoid Matara in everything I can, now.

>> No.76097996

>Don't ask what Doki thinks of her mom

>> No.76098025

>she does not want nor does she condone harassment of any kind
Could’ve fooled me considering she can’t seem to stop sniping at them. I’d rather she just pull the bandaid off since all the speculation just means Niji’s who might not have done anything are getting lumped in with the shitters.

>> No.76098054

She let her parents move into the house she bought recently, so I don't think a several year old tweetlonger is going to help your case.

>> No.76098082

Because she is cozy with all the worst dox and dramafags out there like retardednousagi 4chinparrot and the like. She is probably a few weeks away from doing a livestream on the farms or something. She has herself seen how harmful doxing is but STILL plays ball with the biggest scourges on vtubing.

Dokibird has given NOTHING to that dramacrowd after the initial termination. She has continued to stream and won that way

>> No.76098122
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lmao you are the sister from the other day

>> No.76098193


>> No.76098212
File: 133 KB, 612x1194, zaions dox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I know how much /vt/ hates DN, but I think there's a distinct difference between talking about someone's PL and THIS being spammed for days under both her termination notice and most tweets she made at the time.

>> No.76098217

I haven’t shown any support for Niji, nor hatred for Hololive, only hatred for HoloFAGs, which any rational human being would have seeing your guys’ posts. You assumed I was a Nijisister because I went against the popular opinion, and are now doubling down because I predicted your response before you actually said it, because Holofags only see people as fellow Holofags, or Nijisisters; they cannot even comprehend the idea of a neutral third party coming in and finding them annoying because of their posting style, spam, and overall allergy to logical and rational discussions.

>> No.76098255

They know the difference, they just don't care.

>> No.76098270

Yeah, even though she said she wanted to cut her parents out of her life because they abuse her physically and emotionally. I guess she does have a habit of lying on the internet about personal information. I wonder if there's a pattern or something

>> No.76098414

Honestly, the hatred over DN sharing doxx is kinda hypocritical in hindsight, considering how people here don’t even TRY to make distinctions between Sayu and Zaion, or Doki and Selen. People don’t care about opsec as much as they like to pretend they do.

>> No.76098498

Because usually PL stuff is not considered doxx.

>> No.76098643

>Don't ask Enna what she thinks of her mom

>> No.76098689

Yes it is

>> No.76098714

You mean she has a habit of forgiving her abusers, which is why she stayed in Nijisanji for 3 years.

>> No.76098734

Rosemi is not Niji. Rosemi the character is Niji, but Rosemi the person is not Niji. She's a person. She can make her own decisions on this matter. She doesn't have to suffer if Niji goes under. Rosemi has a choice. Many of the livers have a choice. If an option exists, then they have a choice. It is up to them to decide what they value. If they value their shitty company, then so be it.

>> No.76098740

Then you don't know what doxx means. That's ok, half of this board doesn't know it either.

>> No.76098739

If Quinn was actually this clique agent like people like to pretend, he wouldn't have graduated. And they're not even friends, they had what, one collab? The only way you can read this as "picking sides" (not even sure what the conflict is supposed to be here) is via weaponized schizophrenia.

>> No.76098793

Sorry your shitty website is gone sis but that doesn't mean you can post here.

>> No.76098808

The differences include
>DN selling doxxes on his Patreon
>DN doxxing faces by proxy
>DN doing this to JP Vtubers who are 10x more likely to have actual stalkers
>The people who are okay with people knowing about their PL reveal it themselves

I don't think Matara wants anyone to find her old political channel where she acted like a typical tankie. But she is perfectly fine with people knowing she's Nina

>> No.76098828

You are barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.76098887

clique shit and Quinn/Sayu are completely unrelated.
Sayu didn't get fucked by a clique. Sayu got fucked by Nijisanji. Quinn might've been involved, he might not have, but what little info we do have is of him being a complete snake and that Sayu hates him. And Sayu's an actual doormat who does everything she can to patch up problems with people, so if she thought Quinn was irreparable, whatever he did was truly heinous.
Talking about previous work history is not the same as posting somebody's address, legal name, and passport number.

>> No.76098913

If there even was any abuse

>> No.76098952

PL has been called doxx since the beginning of this board. Faggots like you have been trying to claim that ackshually doxx means roommates and not PL because you want to post about PLs (and roommates under the guise of them being "PLs") while continuing to shit on whoever you want for being "doxxxxxers".

Why are you acting like "dox" has not literally always just meant "the past account of a vtuber"?

>> No.76098962

Okay, but even if that's all true, there's no reason to assume Matara is aware of it.

>> No.76098999

So she forgives her mom for beating her dog for fun and her dad for getting physical with her? Does she forgive them for forcing her to buy them a car she couldn't afford and stalking her? Forgiven for not allowing her to go to the hospital?She can forgive that but can't forgive someone delaying her vanity project? Kek, her parents are right. Major BPD

>> No.76099022

>Why are you acting like "dox" has not literally always just meant "the past account of a vtuber"?
forgot to add "in vtuber context" at the end there
I'm well aware that this board has never used the word "dox" according to it's actual definition.

>> No.76099030

Mate you literally came in here, started schizo ranting about how I'm on team red and an unicorn when I said something that had absolutely nothing to do with either team. The fuck do you call this?
You're not a neutral third party, you're a mentally ill schizo. You could convince me that you're merely mentally ill and not a nijisister if you wanted to, but I don't see what difference it makes at this point. You're still spamming retarded tribal fight shit and consider hololive fans your enemy. You don't know what the word rational even means.

Btw I'm neither holofag or nijisister if it helps. I've only watched a limited number of streams from both.

>> No.76099051

>PL has been called doxx since the beginning of this board. Faggots like you have been trying to claim that ackshually doxx means roommates and not PL because you want to post about PLs (and roommates under the guise of them being "PLs") while continuing to shit on whoever you want for being "doxxxxxers".

No, I don't want to call PL stuff "doxx" because it's disingenuous to what happened to, for example, Sayu.

>> No.76099066

Weak b8 m8

>> No.76099163
File: 2 KB, 154x89, fuckkyobtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu and Matara were allegedly close friends up until November when she talked about Matara's imposter syndrome. Which means she was likely close enough to know about Quinn if she was talking with Sayu throughout the time she was being hit by Niji and the sisters the hardest, including her termination. I find it completely unrealistic for her to not know about somebody this fucking awful who clearly had something to do with her trauma at the time they were still friends close enough to talk about personal issues.
To be clear, I, as well as every Sincroknight I've ever met or seen, am not going to harass nor attack Matara, but I'm sure as hell not going to watch anything with her in it.

>> No.76099200

>I don't want to call PL stuff "doxx"
Yeah of course you don't. I correctly just explained why you don't.

>> No.76099324

Sayu hates Quinn because he said sexual assault should be taken seriously referring to a genshin drama. That's it. That's the only reason. I guess her heart was broken because she probably wanted to groom her for that high demand big white cock

>> No.76099329

Anon, please, your basic reading comprehension reps.

>because you want to post about PLs (and roommates under the guise of them being "PLs") while continuing to shit on whoever you want for being "doxxxxxers".
is not the same as

>because it's disingenuous to what happened to, for example, Sayu.

>> No.76099374

>She literally threw a fit because her mom ate a slice of a cake that she was supposed to eat
Cute spoiled princess feesh

>> No.76099472

Honestly, I’m fine with being a schizo, since at least that’s subjective. Being called a Nijisister is just objectively a complete lie, one that disgusts me to the core considering how they treated Selen, so I’ll always fight back against that accusation.

>> No.76099547

Thats a great thread OP but remember how Elira bullied a coworkers so much, that coworker attempted suicide? And then the company kept harassing that person while she was recovering in the hospital?
Now that's really fucked up.

>> No.76099601

sayufags are a plague upon vtubing

>> No.76099633

>Sayu and Matara were allegedly close friends up until November
You sure about that? I've never seen any evidence to suggest that's the case. In fact, when Matara complained about Sayu publicly revealing their private conversation, she phrased it as "breaking NDA", i.e. the conversation that was leaked occurred when they were in Niji. Where exactly have you heard they were close up until November? That really doesn't sound like Matara at all.
>I find it completely unrealistic for her to not know about somebody this fucking awful who clearly had something to do with her trauma
Well considering you don't even know what Quinn allegedly did, beyond that Sayu hates him, you might be missing critical details here. "She must have known because it matters a lot to Sayu" isn't going to cut it.

>> No.76099662


>> No.76099673

Fortunately I have a 10 foot pole (my unprotected cock) and so I have the tools and means to touch her.

>> No.76099683

So sad. That bit of Pomu feeling sorry for Finana for not having teeth while Finana proceeds to crunch on doritos is what got me into chuubas. Those days were so damn fun.

>> No.76099746

This but instead of sayufags it's nijifags

>> No.76099826

Wasn’t Quinn retweeting Zaion’s harassers right after she got terminated?

>> No.76099865

Because she's not as left wing as the other livers

>> No.76099928


>> No.76100003

>You sure about that? I've never seen any evidence to suggest that's the case
Unfortunately, that seems to be consistent with the rrat that Sayu was a lot closer to Matara than Matara was to her. The one that makes the most sense to me is that Matara vented to Sayu once or twice about her issues without thinking about it, assuming it'd go back into the ether, while Sayu tends to take each relationship with people seriously and took it to heart.
This kind of thinking, which is consistent with Sayu's extremely trusting and naive MO, is why it's hard to "hate" Matara over this, though she's definitely something I'd like to avoid.
The quinn thing is something I'll defend to the death, though. Sayu even went so far as to try to defend Kotoka after the bullshit that Kotoka slung, so whatever Quinn did is on a scale worse than that to her. My rrat is that he's the source for the sisters who spread her doxx around and likely got it from Niji fumbling private information like usual.

>> No.76100015

Pomu knew about Uki comming to the off collab? If not, poor Pomu... she probably just wanted a girls night stream and Finana ruins it by secretly (tee-hee) inviting a guy, which is 100% save since he's a raging homosexual according to Finana's brain process.

>> No.76100086

If you count Vtubers saying "rape isn't funny" as harassers, you're a fucking baby plus there was never a retweet. If you're talking about people who doxxed her, it never happened. You retards must think this board is the #1 news source for Vtubing

>> No.76100131

Nijisanji's termination notice of Selen Tatsuki and Elira Pendora's black screen stream.
In the Termination notice, Nijisanji admitted to harassing her while she was in the hospital.
In the Stream Elira and Vox simply said that they didn't think their actions were bullying but didn't deny it.
As for now, a third party investigation of corporate bullying inside nijisanji EN still doesnt exist. Multiple ex-talents in Nijisanji have also claimed bullying inside the branch exists.

>> No.76100136

Yes it is. You want to post about PLs so you keep saying that they're not dox.
Here's a fun little question for you: Is DN a doxxer?

>> No.76100216

>>DN doing this to JP Vtubers who are 10x more likely to have actual stalkers
Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.76100233

>Yes it is. You want to post about PLs so you keep saying that they're not dox.
You are completely missing the point.
>Here's a fun little question for you: Is DN a doxxer?

>> No.76100360

How is DN a doxxer when all he does is post about PLs just like you? You're looking like a massive hypocrite right now.
Now you're going to say that PL only means "past vtuber account".

>> No.76100377

That snake bastard continues to do it to this day. If I had a screenshot of his interaction with Kenji I'd post it.

>> No.76100452

>Nijisanji admitted to harassing her while she was in the hospital.
Didn't happen. Not my fault you can't follow a basic timeline
>Elira and Vox simply said that they didn't think their actions were bullying but didn't deny it.
So they said they didn't bully her. Saying "I don't view what I did as harassment" is denying it. In the same way "I don't think I have an alcohol problem " is denying you're an alcoholic
>Multiple ex-talents in Nijisanji have also claimed bullying inside the branch exists.
Citation and proof needed

>> No.76100461

>that entire post
This chick is like two steps away from finding Jesus Christ but her commie-tier California upbringing will keep her in the dark for years to come unless someone in her personal life leads her by the nose. Heart wrenching.

>> No.76100513

Fair enough but if you don't wanna be called that, acting like one and getting really defensive about it isn't a great idea. I'd have never even considered the possibility if you didn't bring it up and start mimicking behaviour attributed to these people.

>> No.76100521

The only thing people have managed to produce is him retweeting someone saying "rape jokes are NOT okay yall, fr fr". There's claims there was something more but no one has ever been able to show any evidence.

>> No.76100520
File: 304 KB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20240420-150452_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76100551

He directly responded to a twitter thread that had doxxed Sayu, agreeing with it on his PL, and was retarded enough to address it on stream on his Niji account, claiming he wasn't aware of the whole thread. It was peak retardation on every level, and people have conveniently memoryholed the entire thing because people, including myself, are too lazy to dig through the archives to find posts from over a year ago, and Nijisisters would obviously love to act as if it never happened, and if it did she deserved it.

>> No.76100560

What EN vtuber has even been stalked IRL by a fan? I guess you can say Vox but other than that, there has been no one while it's way more common in Japan

>> No.76100562

also sheepgirls by definition have EXTREMELY hairy pussies and that's just the best

>> No.76100612

Proof? If it was on Twitter, surely you'd have a screenshot of this doxx he retweeted

>> No.76100634

The fuck are you basing this on

>> No.76100695

Where did I say he retweeted it? Also, I literally said I'm lazy, so if you don't care to look through the archives I'm neither going to try to convince you, nor dig it up for you. Believe what you want.

>> No.76100713

How does DN reposting MTL'd japanese zense blog pages behind a paywall for his EOP audience enable the stalking of japanese vtubers in japan?
Literally not a single stalker even knows who the fuck he is nor does he have ANYTHING that could enable stalking.

>> No.76100717

You can tell how bad Sayufags are because their response to her hanging out with doxxfags like DN isn't disappointment in her lack of moral character but instead
>"acshually doxxing isn't that bad, and you're all hypocrites because people post doxx on /vt/ all the time hurrdurr."
Fucking drama tourists need the rope.

>> No.76100894

My response to her hanging out with Doxxsagi is it's unfortunate, but he's literally one of the only people outside if 4chan who gave her a fair shot when everyone else was dedicated to unpersoning her. It's like how you'd drink someone's piss if you were stranded in the desert and desperate enough, even if it wouldn't really help.

>> No.76100960
File: 92 KB, 1239x1658, doxsayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More that we need some new words to use for doxxing if it's going to be watered down like this.
Because the scale on what happened to Sayu and what DN was doing is a bit different.

>> No.76100999

How does posting personal information of Vtubers on his Patreon enable stalkers? It's almost like they can pay DN to give them doxx information so they could have an easier time stalking them. They don't have to pay either, someone who did pay could have just started spreading it online. Truth of the matter is delusional stalkers who is a big issue and fear of Vtubers and guess who was handing out personal information that makes it easier to find people in real life

>> No.76101037

>but he's literally one of the only people outside if 4chan who gave her a fair shot
He literally just wanted her to feed him drama that he could monetize to his pagpag audience.

>> No.76101051

So you won't prove it because you can't. Understandable, spout less bullshit next time

>> No.76101060

Pretty sure he was still inactive at the time due to being chased out for the whole patreon thing.

>> No.76101068

Sisters do not have the right to complain about some PL peddling cheapskate when they themselves hard-doxx the very girl they anti so hard

>> No.76101101

Both events were shitty things to do. Doxxing is bad.

>> No.76101116

Because he posted private and personal information related to certain vtubers, including their faces. Information that they didn't want to share with anyone. Comparing stuff like that and Sayu's passport getting posted all over the place, to simply making a connection between Doki and Selen is, again, disingenuous.
>You're looking like a massive hypocrite right now.
I mean, that's ok, you are looking like a massive retard right now.

I don't know if you are an actual retard or just trying to use me as a strawman, but it's pretty clear that you are not interested on having an actual discussion, so count me out. Enjoy my last (You).

>> No.76101133
File: 66 KB, 664x178, harassment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you trying to protect a company that cant protect its talents and why are you protecting "people" that feel no remose over what their actions do?
Sooner or later Elira's bullying will come out. Hopefully before her actions cause someone to kill themselves.

>> No.76101164
File: 52 KB, 574x393, kyolikingtweetsaboutzaiondox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76101190

What personal information has he posted?
>It's almost like they can pay DN to give them doxx information
Who? The japanese stalkers? I just told you that they don't even know who the fuck he is and that they already have all the "information" he has, for free.
DN doesn't have any actual doxx and only what you faggots call "PL" aka not doxx, by your own standards.

>> No.76101292

>Because he posted private and personal information related to certain vtubers
Where's the proof of this? I'm pretty sure all he did was repost all the shit anyone can find from japanese blogs.
You literally just argued that doxxxxxxxx means real names and addresses but you're ironically just reverting back to calling PLs doxx, just as I said everyone on this board has always done.

>> No.76101381

Sure, I can agree that both were stupid, but one was actively malicious and the other was just autistically dumb and potentially endangering rather than a direct call to arms to hurt somebody and giving them the weapons to do it.

>> No.76101406

>dumbfuck actually gaslit himself into believing the Gurrat
If you had her membership you'd know she was always talking about actual management. Stop trying to excuse Nijisanji's bullshit by projecting it onto a liver.

>> No.76101437
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, AMessageFromNijisanjiEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not innocent here.

>> No.76101464

Maybe, but that doesn't make her a manager.

>> No.76101495

I'm just saying what obvious to anyone who grew up in America

>> No.76101511

>Sure, I can agree that both were stupid
You should've ended this post here
The rest of it is just defending a doxxfag who tried to make money off of it and makes you look retarded. He knew what he was doing and you're being very disingenuous using the "but but nijisisters" card.

>> No.76101535

Probably because she's going through a lawsuit right now and doesn't want to ruin it by speaking something she shouldn't.

>> No.76101542
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>> No.76101569

There's no lawsuit tho. She said she decided to just move on.

>> No.76101581

Lawsuits are public record. If it existed, we'd know about it.

>> No.76101601

DN never posted their address, only their faces and what the talents were working before joining Holo/Niji/any other corpo.
Which is whatever, because Youtube itself doxx them, showing videos of their RM on recommentation without the need for you to search.

>> No.76101624


>> No.76101656

Seriously, it's annoying how I can't look up a clip without being blasted by random "forbidden knowledge" crap.

>> No.76101690

So where did they say that Selen was in the hospital while they did this? Explain how exactly other members were able to speak to her too. How come this happened on the 26th and Selen said she was in the hospital on the 27th? Like I said, basic timeline. You should follow it

>> No.76101753

You're right. The whole termination happened on the 26th. Not a single moment happened outside of it.
In fact, it's still the 26th of December. They've never mentioned dates again so clearly it must still be the same day right now.

>> No.76101761

did she really just call herself an influencer who the fuck is sayu influencing

>> No.76101797

So it's just as I thought then. Anyone trying to justify PL posting while calling him a doxxer is "pro-doxxing" and almost equally pathetic as him.

>> No.76101826

I wonder how this personal information he was selling could further spread. Maybe by a big dramafag being the one spreading it to anyone willing to buy. Spreading someone's PL is doxxing too unless the Vtuber is the one doing it to themselves. Like I said, do you think Nina or Noel want their PLs to be widespread information?

>> No.76101897

yae cause she is the EN side of things she talks about the "managers" that are a bunch of JOPs that can't communicate with the rest of the EN branch unles the talent speak japanese
the gurrat is immortal

>> No.76101968

>Noel want their PLs to be widespread information?
Considering it's still active, I believe she does.
Hololive doesn't forbid people from making or monetizing other channels or whatever.
This is an entirely different case from posting somebody's fucking address, legal name, and passport all over the internet for several days in places that they frequent and I can't fathom how you're unable to tell the difference.
Yes, neither should be done, but one is CLEARLY worse than the other.

>> No.76102006

>Spreading someone's PL is doxxing too unless the Vtuber is the one doing it to themselves.
Oh my god you're one of those people. I bet you watch vshojo.
>do you think Nina or Noel want their PLs to be widespread information?
It's already widespread you STUPID FUCKING RETARD.
Not a single stalker needs to pay your favorite boogeyman "doxxer" to get that information.
If you post PLs in any capacity you're a doxxer, and given your permissiveness towards posting about PLs under your own personally approved conditions, you most likely have posted PLs, you fucking doxxer.

>> No.76102083

My dick

>> No.76102130

>Dramafag does not have basic reading comprehension
They said she was suspended on the 26th and why she was suspended. You read this and you take this as "It was actually spread out between two days and they harassed her in the hospital" despite them never saying it went on for two days. They clearly give out other dates too so you're blatantly lying about that. Like I said, you can't follow a basic timeline and think they just waited until she was in the hospital to make a tweet about the MV and not immediately like they said they did

>> No.76102193

I swear you dumbfucks are going to create a situation where Elira will "graduate" and everyone is going to think Nijisanji is cool again. Also the managers Selen talked with talked to her back. They know enough English to do their job. Sadly their job is pure evil.

>> No.76102212

I am now acquainted with the IRL looks of like 2/3rds of /lig/ just off Youtube doxxing them in recommendations, despite the fact that I only ever look at vtuber clips.

The 'don't recommend' button is basically worthless too because it's always a different channel. Since the pennies in YT revenue these drama channels make is enough to feed a family of 20 in like India or Bangladesh or wherever these people making them are from, they pop up like weeds.

>> No.76102316

It's even easier than that.
>we restricted her access on the 26th
>she tweeted on the 27th and 31st while being strangely out of character
>hospitals in canada take away your social media and phone for several days after a suicide attempt, and she came back on the 31st, yet had no further activity on her account outside of those two tweets until her termination
>they directly mention her emergency contact, which is not somebody they should be able to legally talk to about fucking PR tweets

>> No.76102336

>It's already widespread
Where? In this dox hugbox? The majority of people don't know about any PLs past the ones that the person clearly wants you to know about. I have never posted anyone's PLs either but considering you're fighting so hard to claim posting PLs with faces in them isn't doxxing, I bet you have though

>> No.76102340

That dumb quote in the image will never not be funny.

>> No.76102383

>Elira graduating means Nijisanji is cool again
No, because there's no one half decent to watch. No one is all that talented and almost no one is without skeletons in the closet

>> No.76102639

So now you're goal post shifting since you said they admitted to it and you're just rrat farming now. I'll play along though.
>she tweeted on the 27th and 31st while being strangely out of character
Yes, being in the hospital will do that to you
>hospitals in canada take away your social media and phone for several days after a suicide attempt
Canadian hospitals don't take away your phone immediately, the mental hospital does. They inspect them, check and treat injuries than transfer them to the ward once they figure out it was a suicide attempt. If they did take away her phone, how did Doki tell the other NijiEN members about what happened?
>they directly mention her emergency contact
Emergency contact doesn't mean hospital. By this logic, if I disappear so people call my family, this is an improper use of an emergency contact

>> No.76102649

Have you not read a single reply I've written? I said
>DN reposting MTL'd japanese zense blog pages behind a paywall for his EOP audience
It's the same place he and EVERYONE ELSE gets that shit from.
>The majority of people don't know about any PLs past the ones that the person clearly wants you to know about.
Yeah no shit retard. No one needs to go to le evil doxxer deprssed pagsagi and pay him 10 bucks for that either.
>I have never posted anyone's PLs
But you keep making excuses for posting PLs for some weird reason.
>you're fighting so hard to claim posting PLs with faces in them isn't doxxing
I'm not though. I'm simply calling you and DN the same kind of pathetic faggot that believes that what they're doing is actually totally ok while condemning others for doing the same thing.

>> No.76102685

This is the best I can find for people asking about proof of Kyo liking/replying to tweets of Zaion being doxxed. Besides him just being a massive bitch pussy backstabber, after even looking through the original tweet there's nothing I can see doxxing her. There were probably other tweets he liked but I'm not bothered to keep searching the archive.

>> No.76102799

> how did Doki tell the other NijiEN members about what happened?
She didn't, retard.
She was locked out of her accounts. It was likely informed to them through her emergency contact, whom they harassed about the fucking tweets.
Don't you remember #WhereIsSelen? Not even her fucking artist could get ahold of her.

>> No.76102844

Have you not read a single reply? It doesn't matter if he didn't personally dig up doxxes, he found them and spread it for money. What excuse did I give for PL posting? I said it counts as doxxing, the only time it isn't is when the person is the one exposing their own PL.

>> No.76102993

>There were probably other tweets he liked
Then why does not a single shred of evidence exist?
Keep in mind, a LOT of people hate Kyo, not just Sayu's fans. If he really did all this shit he's accused of, why have none of them been able to produce anything besides this single screenshot of him agreeing with someone saying "rape jokes are not okay"?

>> No.76103015

She didn't? Because Elira said she did personally. Never even mentioned an emergency contact. Selen ghosting people has nothing to do with it. Now prove they harassed the emergency contact

>> No.76103019
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Actually, in that case, can we call Selen doxxing? Doki and Selen have never acknowledged each other by name even once.
Hell, Doki's never even mentioned Nijisanji by name.

>> No.76103055

Elira also claimed that she could be doxxed in that statement, which Doki said was a flat out lie as there were no addresses in her documents aside from her own.
So yeah, Elira's words are fucking worthless.

>> No.76103069

>It doesn't matter if he didn't personally dig up doxxes
You just claimed that the information isn't widespread.>>76102844
>I said it counts as doxxing, the only time it isn't is when the person is the one exposing their own PL.
Then anyone saying doki=selen is doxxing according to you. I'm pretty sure you do not actually believe that.

>> No.76103100

very tame way to say obliterated

>> No.76103110

Except Doki is the one exposing her own PL and she is purposely doing it. Reading comprehension doko?

>> No.76103111

According to anon's standard it's not acceptable even if she acknowledged Selen. She is the only person who is allowed to say it.

>> No.76103167

When? Can you find me a single timestamp or link where Doki's ever mentioned Nijisanji or Selen by name?

>> No.76103217

>"which Doki said was a flat out lie"
She never said this. She actually said no specific addresses were given which doesn't mean there wasn't things that doxxed her in the document. How would you feel if someone gave out your ZIP code? Would you say that it's not a doxx because it wasn't your address or anything?

>> No.76103333

>Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned.

>> No.76103364

sayufags arguing themselves into knots trying to redefine the word "doxx" rather than admitting DN is a piece of shit? wow I'm so shocked.

>> No.76103376

She doesn't need to. She doesn't need to say "I'm Selen" to get people to know she's Selen. Can you find me where I ever said that people have to outright and explicitly say who their PL is for it to be exposing purposely?

>> No.76103394

The """""doxxx""""" was likely just their real names, because it's a legal fucking document.

>> No.76103424

More like sisters trying to deflect from the fact that they posted Sayu's fucking address, legal name, and passport all over the internet by watering down the words to make her "just as bad."

Fucking subhuman filth.

>> No.76103428

>I said it counts as doxxing, the only time it isn't is when the person is the one exposing their own PL.

>> No.76103437

That literally disproves nothing. In fact, it's exactly what was argued against in the post you're replying. You're slow

>> No.76103457

The mods of Selen's channel literally went into open rebellion by opening up a waiting room and saying "subscribe to Dokibird"

>> No.76103482

If you post PLs you are a piece of shit just like DN

>> No.76103506

can you point to the sisters in this thread? are the sisters in the room with us right now sayufag?

>> No.76103508

Where did I say "it only counts as exposing if you just outright say that that account is your PL account"? Surely you're not creating a strawman argument, right?

>> No.76103539

>Some of the information poses a risk to our personal safety and puts some of us at risk of doxxing. Notably, one section of this document alludes to where Millie and I live.

>the only locations mentioned in the document was Selen's own private information
>Both Selen, and Elira/Millie/Enna live on opposite sides of Canada.
>the dox was fucking Canada.

>> No.76103590

How has doki exposed that she's selen, exactly? By existing?

>> No.76103679

Yeah I found one right here >>76103506

>> No.76103747


>> No.76103802

The mods are not Selen herself, so they're posting dox.

>> No.76103838

Nta, but that means absolutely nothing to what he asked, since 1. it's the mods doing it, not Doki, and 2. it's not even Doki mentioning Selen. It would technically be Selen mentioning Doki, but again, she didn't even mention it herself.

>> No.76103970

She's a fucking communist

>> No.76104021

>implying they did it without Doki explicitly instructing them to do so
Fuck off. Is the boot smeared with jell-o or something?

>> No.76104077
File: 195 KB, 605x416, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why she was dramafarming, her new model is coming up

>> No.76104107

>schizo theory
They posted dox. the only person that can post PLs is the vtuber themselves, according to you.

>> No.76104157

By continuously talking about being in Niji, copy and pasting all her shit from Niji, calling her fans dragoons. Which isn't something someone who wants the fact they were in Niji to be secret would do. It's a pretty simple concept

>> No.76104186
File: 190 KB, 436x622, Hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming up
she already revealed that one 2 weeks ago, retardchama and has used it multiple times.

>> No.76104192


>> No.76104304

It's already come up and was before her reaction to the Zaion stuff you faggot.

>> No.76104362

But Elira said it alluded to where Millie, Enna and her live. So it's clearly not just their actual names
Then why didn't she say anything about Wilson or Rosemi? It's clearly a specific city or town

>> No.76104390

I never said i agreed with this board's definition of dox. It's fucking bullshit. Sayu's case is a clear example of dox. PL accounts on social media is not.

>> No.76104463

>Then why didn't she say anything about Wilson or Rosemi? It's clearly a specific city or town
Same reason Kotoka lied her ass off about Zaion.
They were trying to elicit an emotional response to whip up fans to eat up Vox's further smears.

>> No.76104468

As you headcanon that Doki doesn't want people to know she was Selen

>> No.76104478

But you did. You said DN is a doxxer and all he does is post PLs.

>> No.76104616

Wow that's exactly how most vtubers are identified as their being someone they used to be, they keep referencing the same things from the past but somehow it's only not doxxing when it's doki.
hmmmmmmmmm i wonder why

>> No.76104626

>Kotoka lied her ass off
>They were trying to elicit an emotional response
Then why didn't they name Rosemi or Wilson? Dokifags saying Elira tried to elicit an emotional response as Doki continuously talks about her multiple suicide attempts and her father crying is astounding

>> No.76104633

I'm NTA you fucking idiot. And for the record - DN never posted anyone's address or passport on social media.

>> No.76104730

Don't take part in a conversation that's about the difference between DN posting PLs and anon's posting about doki being selen.

>> No.76104777

Doki is Selen

>> No.76104841

Reminder that literally never once mentioned she was bullied by a Niji talent. They just shot themselves in both feet, and then decided to shoot themselves again.

>> No.76104901

>>76104841 (me)
Reminder that Doki literally never*

>> No.76104916

Yes and most en Vtubers want people to know they used to be in the company so they reference it. Meanwhile the people who are in companies or used to be in a company and don't want people to know that they used to be in a company don't reference it at all. It isn't doxxing if the person is clearly ok with it and wants people to know

>> No.76104934
File: 115 KB, 883x919, firefox_J06Hq1KtJS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, keep timelooping, sister. I'm sure in just 2 more weeks Doki will expose herself to be the manipulative grifter you wanted her to be, while people continue to discover and then unsub from Nijisanji after finding Elira's disgusting smear video.

Seriously, who are you trying to convince here that the kotoka/hex videos and blackbox streams weren't just horrific smear attempts from terrible people backed by an evil company?

>> No.76105068

>the person is clearly ok with it and wants people to know
This part is all in your head. You do not actually know who wants it and who doesn't. I'm about 100% certain that you assume every single ex-nijiholo wants you to keep saying that they used to be so-and-so from nijiholo.

>> No.76105107

What is the fucking difference? The fact that some vtubers have fleshie PLs and others have vtuber PLs? I don't give a shit, if a corpo vtuber i like suddenly graduates/gets terminated, I want to be able to find them again. I enjoy the content, the form they take makes no difference to me. Expecting fans of graduaded talent to pretend that the person behind the avatar suddenly vanished from the face of the plant is bootlicking of the highest caliber.

>> No.76105146

You don't even know what smearing is. Where are the lies? Did Hex lie about not being okay with Zaion's joke? Did Kotoka lie about being disappointed? You can't even disprove anything they said in the blackbox stream either. Keep on using buzzwords to hide just how retarded you are,redditfag

>> No.76105309

sure, sister. I'm sure if you close your eyes hard enough, all of the western audience will come back.

>> No.76105346
File: 3.51 MB, 498x368, 1663890437208262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's an universe where all Doki threads look like this
Thank God she doesn't talk about drama.

>> No.76105370

If someone who used to be in a corporation continuously talks about being in that corporation and people in that corporation, they're clearly okay with people knowing they were in the corporation. Sana never talked about being in Holo post graduation so people digging up her PL would be doxxing. Mysta has talked about being in niji multiple times so it wouldn't

>> No.76105401

If you're not a hypocrite that will call some PL posters doxxers while excusing his own PL posting as not doxxing, you're all good and shouldn't be part of this conversation.

>> No.76105406

Mate, are you legitimately trying to claim that the Zaion situated wasn't a blatant smear campaign?

>> No.76105526

Who ruined her reputation but herself? She admitted that it was her fault in the first place. When did Hex or Kotoka lie about her? Because that's what a smear campaign is

>> No.76105635

>Who ruined her reputation but herself?
The livers
Their fans
Faggots on twatter

>> No.76105669

Again, it's all in your head. Kson or Mike have never said they were in hololive but you take some vague mentions as confirmation that they want you to spread their PL information everywhere.
I bet this somehow does not apply to existing corpos making references to their past with very specific stories.

>> No.76105802

>and things eventually got so bad that she seriously contemplated the idea of killing herself.
if it wasn't for Yuniiho's intervention she would have.

>> No.76105806

You mean they reacted to her reputation being ruined because she started making edgy jokes about rape? This is the equivalent of saying that a celebrity calling a Nigger in public didn't ruin their reputation but the people angry at them for it did

>> No.76105852

Hex said that Zaion was making those jokes as if they were an attack on him personally.
Zaion did not know about Hex's history, and Hex knew exactly what his words would do to her with Niji's fanbase.
The sisters spread that retarded smear of her being a pedophile, as well as a rape apologist. Of which neither were true, but between that and Nijisanji bullying anybody who'd come close to her, you'd have to actually be mentally challenged to deny this.

>> No.76105857

that "artist" is a dedicated Sayu anti, as exposed by later replies.

>> No.76105930

edgy but not a zoomer, retardchama
>Verification not required.

>> No.76105995

she's actually a Christian, but since you don't watch streams you didn't know that.

>> No.76105997

Kson has literally spoken about why she chose Vshoujo over Hololive immediately and Mike copy and pasted the Rushia model. That isn't vague confirmation, that's them blatantly acknowledging it. Keep on coping like they aren't okay with people knowing they were in Hololive

>> No.76106096

pretty much.

>> No.76106140

>Kson has literally spoken about why she chose Vshoujo over Hololive
No she hasn't. She has never said she was in hololive.
>Mike copy and pasted the Rushia model
That's not her saying that she was in hololive.
>That isn't vague confirmation, that's them blatantly acknowledging it.
Only in your head.
I could point to several existing holos refencing stuff that makes it obvious what their other account is but you would somehow find a way to claim that actually that's not them approving of spreading their PL.

>> No.76106200

>I avoid Matara in everything I can, now.
I actually stopped watching anything vshojo as a result.

>> No.76106240

I still like Mint so I can't avoid her entirely, but I'm definitely not watching that podcast or any of their collabs.

>> No.76106288

Hex said he wasn't okay with the jokes because he was a victim of sexual assault himself. He never said "Zaion is out to get me". There was no lie. Lies have to be intentionally false. If someone thinks Sayu is a pedophile or a rape apologist because of her own words, that isn't a lie. They can be wrong but it isn't a lie. Claiming Nijisanji bullied people who are close to Sayu is a lie though

>> No.76106335

>If I say something that I know to be untrue, then it isn't a lie
The absolute state of sisters

>> No.76106388

Why can't people simply be friends? Even if being nice is just an act, please keep the act up so as to not break the illusion.
I'm very empathetic, and because of that I become sad and affected when drama happens. And now because of all this shit now I'm so desensitized I stopped watching certain streamers just out of suspicion, which I admit isn't something healthy but I just don't want to feel sad anymore.
Additionally, I`m so unwell now I can`t even try to stop caring because either I end up hearing about things or accidentally seeing bait or threads and my fucking ass curiosity compels me to click it.
I hate myself, but I hate nijisanji even more for what they did to me. They fucking ruined my personality.

>> No.76106490

>Already time looping
I already said that people don't need to explicitly talk about PLs for people to know they're okay with it
>I could point to several existing holos refencing stuff that makes it obvious
As obvious as Mike changing her avatar into Rushia and Kson dedicating her first stream to talking about why she prefers Vshoujo over Hololive? Go ahead .

>> No.76106538

>Blatantly rewrites what was said
I accept your concession

>> No.76106580

Mint isn't in vshojo yet, and if retwatting the art the three of them +Doki are in is anything to go by, she probably won't choose a side in this and is more likely to try to mend wounds.

>> No.76106631
File: 165 KB, 550x1024, 1716023361724320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing my concession doesn't matter as much as these concessions.

>> No.76106700

Same here. At the very least Matara alluded that she's no longer close to anyone but Rosemi, so that kinda warmed me up to her a bit. I was kinda afraid that the clique would tell Matara to bring Mint back into the fold and do some fuckery to Doki. Right now i'm neutral towards Matara, but the Quinn shilling shit is still tone-deaf as fuck.

>> No.76106719

>Starts deflecting after being exposed
I take these deflection posts as a little badge of honor of my victory. Thanks for playing, try again

>> No.76106770

Marine literally posted past stuff she worked on before hololive. Her whole game is from her PL.
You will now say that there's actually something totally obvious that means she doesn't want her PL to be posted.

>> No.76106842

Basically everyone shilled Quinn. You can't expect everyone to hate him because he wronged Sayu in ways she refuses to even discuss.

>> No.76106924

You can't, but Matara in particular is a scathing one since Sayu at least liked her enough to think they were friends after her termination.

>> No.76106936

I'm sure karma will catch up with the doxxnigger too, eventually. it got kenji and kotoka already

>> No.76107028

If Sayu didn't confide in Matara as to what exactly he did to her, then yeah, I guess so

>> No.76107185

Kotoka is the funniest and most deserved because she literally is getting a taste of her own medicine
Maybe she'll finally got her conscience cleared if she apologizes to Sayu

>> No.76107270

That is nowhere near as obvious as talking about why you prefer Vshoujo over Hololive or just changing into your Hololive model. Posting something you worked on isn't obvious to anyone who already knows who you were before you joined. You will now argue that it's on the same tier as Mike turning into Rushia

>> No.76107337

It's almost like it never happened

>> No.76107435

Well? Go on. Finish the narc prayer, motherfucker.

>> No.76107512

total nijinigger death

>> No.76107515

>That is nowhere near as obvious as talking about why you prefer Vshoujo over Hololive or just changing into your Hololive model.
It's even more obvious, retard. She literally posted the same works as Marine while kson and mike have never said they were in hololive.
It's all in your head as I said. You're just making excuses because you're a rampant PL poster that wants to call others doxxers. kson and mike have never said they want you to spread their PL info everywhere nor have they implied it.
