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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76067701 No.76067701 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't attended any concert yet? Factually, tickets start selling the closer it is to the actual day of the event. So go on and spam more threads.

>> No.76067951

I mean you probably are right. If you check the number of ticket sold every second for hololive you probably have more sale between the 2nd and 3rd minute compared than between the start to the first minutes, resulting as most of the sales occuring closer to the actual event.
I mean we are talking if stuff sell out. And well you can always increase sale by lowering the ticket price anyway.
Still gona be pretty empty.

>> No.76068102


>> No.76068238

Ohhh i remember you and this particular comment of yours. Got BTFO'd so bad that you have to make a thread about it yourself just to feel better eh? Kek!

>> No.76068293

Fuck nijiniggers they only blame everyone else but themselves for their fuckups

>> No.76068639
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Post tits

>> No.76068797

Spammed the thread with 4 low quality topics. Typical of a Nijisister honestly suffering a huge inferiority complex in real life. When you are a disappointment to others on an anonymous message board and you take it too seriously you have lost. Time to get a life I say.

>> No.76068849

Why does this picture look badly photoshopped? We know what the turnout actually looked like.

>> No.76069668

>Factually, tickets start selling the closer it is to the actual day of the event.
This is true for small-scale events like local bands. For anything big, if you don't score tickets ASAP then good fuckin' luck getting on-site tickets. Don't think that's gonna be a worry in this specific instance though.

>> No.76069817

>Nijisisters cope

>> No.76071415

Exactly. Watch this retarded OP make another thread like this soon, they just never learn

>> No.76071831

Lmao, you are so BUTTHURT that its not selling well, you are now creating a different reality for yourself.

what a sad nijifag

>> No.76073702

Good luck buying concert tickets anytime after the first 2 hours for any major band ever. When not even the scalpers attempt to buy the tickets you're beyond fucked

>> No.76073773

>facts backed by ?????????????

>> No.76074283

>half of these seats are visibly empty
you are either falseflagger or dumb nijisis

>> No.76076638

factually, hololive sold out in 3 minutes
get btfo nijinigger

>> No.76078084
File: 2.01 MB, 1536x2048, virtual rhapsody singapore males.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it sold out real good huh, even ghosts bought the last 2 rows

>> No.76081478

OP you call this concerts? i call this karaoke

>> No.76082296
File: 3.27 MB, 1582x1590, 171376541138068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even fill a function room

>> No.76082908

>Factually, tickets start selling the closer it is to the actual day of the event

>> No.76084209


>> No.76085034

Hmm. During my life I've missed several concerts because they have sold out in minutes and I've been too late.

>> No.76085719


>> No.76086229

Yeah, but those were for popular events

>> No.76087111

This one might be legit, this is a concert for fujo so more will attend for the boys. The image is also cropped to maximize the amount of attendees in this picture, sadly for them you can still see a lot of unoccupied seats.
