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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 449 KB, 1530x845, koafeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76036100 No.76036100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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idolEN Genesis:

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[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Kattarina_Qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Kattarina_Qutie

【 Nikki Rei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Nikki_Rei_Idol

idolEN E-Sekai:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@YukoYurei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

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【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
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idolEN Endless:

【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RourinRoca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RakunPoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
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【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Coni_Confetti / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Coni_Confetti

idolES EternalS:

【 Meica05 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Meica05 / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Meica05 / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Meica05

【 Koa Akugaki 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@AkugakiKoa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/AkugakiKoa

【 Ruby Runeheart 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RubyRuneheart / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RubyRuneheart

【 Lalabell Lullaby 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LalabellLullaby / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/LalabellLullaby

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【 Enya Ignis 】
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【 Shabel Tonya 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ShabelTonya / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya

【 Chikafuji Lisa 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ChikafujiLisa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ChikafujiLisa / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ChikafujiLisa

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Previous Thread: >>76031426

>> No.76036123
File: 45 KB, 600x650, 1708464656381498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76036131


>> No.76036152


>> No.76036172
File: 21 KB, 220x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuko LOVE!

>> No.76036180
File: 204 KB, 1184x1200, GM25Fm5XQAAy-cj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koa Love

>> No.76036184

Those toes are too basic to make me feel the urge to suck on them
I like the fanarts better

>> No.76036208

I fucking love (you) and all archivechads

>> No.76036213
File: 1.44 MB, 3602x2933, GJiE77laQAEwoCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXTRA sweaty racing sex with Poko

>> No.76036216
File: 238 KB, 1921x1362, 1715408652243356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff Coni's feet

>> No.76036248
File: 3.12 MB, 4096x2248, 1702234068586085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sleep
Good night jewbros

>> No.76036275

Not a footfag subhuman but this looks wrong to me too. Shouldn't the big toes be bigger?

>> No.76036294

good night, rest well, and dream with your oshi

>> No.76036307

they're based on her real feet

>> No.76036362

>No broken pinky toe
Watch streams baggot

>> No.76036409

static feet from a frontal perspective is the hardest way to draw them

>> No.76036432

I heard Poko is planing in getting a new model for notPoko. Pls fandits tell me its not true. Pls

>> No.76036437
File: 2.07 MB, 592x448, pok'o clock [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0xh58n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poko time! Mario Kart Training

>> No.76036461
File: 319 KB, 800x1080, Koa_sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Koa!

>> No.76036463

its true

>> No.76036502

What about those? We know she commissioned them herself

>> No.76036519

Economic NTR:

Imagine that, you are a follower of your favorite Oshi for many years, and to show your support, you dedicate yourself to donating to her. The problem is that, because you live and were born in a third-party country where getting a job is almost impossible, and if you have one, your salary at the end of the month is very low and barely helps you make ends meet. Because you were born bad, your appearance reflects a lot about that. And considering that in most Latin American countries, being healthy and eating well is only available to a VERY small sector of the population, you are more likely to be a fat, smelly black man because paying for water is so expensive that you decide not to pay for it to save more, but with the disadvantage that you are dirty.

But despite all the complications, you donate it to show your support with the best intention in the world. Because you respect her and love her....

...but all that changes since one day, a user who is unknown to both her and you, appears in the chat and starts talking flirtatiously to her. Obviously she gets angry. But then... he donates 100 USD. An amount that she has never received from you. She gets excited and thanks him very much.

And when you think that's all: BOOM donates 500!! 1000!! 3000 USD!! He gives her so much that she forgets all the bawdy things he said to her.

To top it off: He is a TALL, BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE, ATHLETIC, GOOD JAW, and with a good penis with A LOT OF EXPERIENCE in bed.

He starts talking to her on Discord with her, and they decide to go out. You realize that from rumors...

Finally she stops responding to you or even reacting to your super chats, and only gives attention to the beautiful boy that she herself met, dated, and had sex with all the passion in the world.

You decide to forget about her and stop seeing her because she has forgotten about you for a long time...

Damn being a latinx is hard...

>> No.76036542

she is a connoisseur anon

>> No.76036547

This one's gonna stick around for a while huh

>> No.76036564
File: 883 KB, 627x1075, 1707511189843710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Momo

>> No.76036590

funniest shit I've ever read

>> No.76036614

I hope it becomes a ritual post

>> No.76036680

Is Koa rich yet?

>> No.76036703

Fuck. Why. Why. Did some retards shit on her hands or what

>> No.76036711

Did I miss kino streams today?

>> No.76036725

Cucks are funny, no matter the language huh?

>> No.76036734

she will be fine anon, don't worry

>> No.76036747

that actually happened with riro

>> No.76036830

Why does she wear hand leggings? Ruby did it too in her debut

>> No.76036929

Where does the copypasta originate from?

>> No.76036957

It's OC

>> No.76036997


>> No.76036999

two threads back I think

>> No.76037034


>> No.76037047

looks like AI to me

>> No.76037102
File: 3.95 MB, 1020x1080, Thank you anon[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F38qncv.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope to get one these from Ruby tomorrow as well

>> No.76037118

Actually good pasta. Cook must be italian

>> No.76037124

two threads ago, from anon replying to argie

>> No.76037173

vtuber model feet rarely look nice, I've seen some really bad ones, but Koa's are alright

>> No.76037199
File: 180 KB, 372x402, 1687591869999529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true
