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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76016240 No.76016240 [Reply] [Original]

This was a pretty seiso CGDCT corpo and now after they got taken over by Culture Entertainment, they aim for cheap coombaiting and retarded twitch audience. Avoid at all cost.

>> No.76016349

Flayon creampying phase girls deflection thread.

>> No.76016357

You can't do footcam ok twotch anymore so you need to pick a different boogeyman

>> No.76016619

What's Culture Entertainment? It sound like chinese group.

>> No.76016667

>they aim for cheap coombaiting and retarded twitch audience

as opposed to what, cheap coombaiting and a retarded youtube audience?

>> No.76016707

Echoes of cyberlive whoring out their girls on discord for a few minutes of chatting

>> No.76016799

If there was only a way to find out. Like a search engine or something? Hmmm I guess we will never know.
Yeah, it's over.

>> No.76016874

>coombaiting is... le bad
Just say you're a faggot next time.

>> No.76017082

I don't really get small corpos. It's like having the downsides of big corpos (restrictions and management retardation) without the upsides.

>> No.76017106

It’s only freaking feet.
Just throw feetfags a bone then ignore them for months until they calm down.

>> No.76017162

Haha okay but is she doing it though

>> No.76017225
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come home to mozzu

>> No.76017302

>Mindless coombrain wants fleshposting in vtubing
Just say that you are an ironic weeb coombrain retard that wants to see tits everywhere.
Inb4 a cheap "Low test" reply to justify him acting like a retarded animal.

>> No.76017352

redpill me on this

>> No.76017443

Is birb getting axed? They can't kill their 2nd/3rd biggest talent, right? They wouldn't do that, right?

>> No.76017450

>If there was only a way to find out.
Doesn't show up chief.

>> No.76017462

Phase connect take pride of themselves about their no boys allowed policy while flayon has collab with like 3 of their girls already. So they been seething and stirring shit for days.

>> No.76017499

All big corpos were once small corpos.

>> No.76017532

Has she drank anymore piss yet?

>> No.76017582

There's still upsides if you're a vtweeter, 1view or have no foothold in the industry at all. If you're already on the level of the girls in the corp there's no benefit.

>> No.76017596

>who even wants to see a footcam
every straight male

>> No.76017613

very original, kronie. DO you have any other jokes from 22

>> No.76017632

Their only policy is not having male vtubers, not banning male collabs.

>> No.76017698

I don't see how this is such a big deal you gotta shitpost about it every day and every thread. It's like attaching Matsuri's name to Kanata just because they're both in hololive.

>> No.76017714

>without the upsides
What are the upsides?

>> No.76017787

Nah keep your reddit tier fetish out of vtubing
>hue hue mommy feet step on me pls say ara ara
Kill yourself

>> No.76017943

I'll take that as a no.
Oh well she's forever known to me as the piss drinker.

>> No.76018042
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Phase deflection thread

>> No.76018140

bake vdere thread

>> No.76018152

This. People need to stop acting like a foot fetish is the most disgusting thing ever. I think the armpit people are worse.

>> No.76018275

Stop projecting your NTR fetish on everything you cuck

>> No.76018295

Lua catalog bait thread? That has to be a first.

>> No.76018351

Why would Phase and Kawaii be against each other?

>> No.76018414


>> No.76018420

that mean she make it
the moment some chuba have bait thread, she won already

>> No.76018495


>> No.76018594

i'm still learning, anon
please be patient with me

>> No.76018725

Nene needs to wake the fuck up, you are good but not enough to carry a corpo on your own, take the loss and try to jump to other more successful corpo or go indie.

>> No.76018732

vdere fags not phase

>> No.76018792

Lemao, Nene acting all pure and innocent on stream, just to lash out later on her brothel whores like a strict pimp. No wonder 3rd gen organized an escape from Nene's basement.

>> No.76018907

I don't think Phasefags are the ones spamming the catalog with bait threads to deflect sister. You were on Kronii for the entire day.

>> No.76018958

Lua forced to make me coom, I've been dreaming of this for so long...

>> No.76018993

I wonder if her feet is as nice as panko's

>> No.76019067

Does she even stream?

>> No.76019198

Fuck it, I'll ask here. I don't want to ruin /pkg/ even more, that thread makes me sad every time I look at it. If Kawaii collapsed would Cloudtomos prefer her to go indie or join another Corpo invaders style? If yes, which one? I hope it doesn't collapse but after seeing Prism dissolve, we have to agree that it's possible.

>> No.76019471

I was talking from a fan perspective, I can see why it's attractive for very small vtubers to join small corpos.
Tardwrangling, handling of merch, a cast of vtubers to regularly interact with, big events...

>> No.76019538

For real though when is Niji going to collapse so the sisters can fuck off from /vt/? There are always threads anti this company, that company, are sisters full of Negas. Negative people?

>> No.76019680

>acquisition by Culture Entertainment annohnced August 10th 2023
>3rd gen announced on the 15th
So this is why Enchantasia bolted the company then?

>> No.76019718

I'll post it for you on pkg

>> No.76019790

Don't care, Lua is the most womanly chuuba that has ever existed

>> No.76019870

Horny content in on itself isn't bad, lazily doing it to appease the lowest common denominator of a cheap quick buck ruins everything around it.

>> No.76019880

out of place for kawaii, but perfect for VAllure. Someone pass this idea along to not!Riifu, please

>> No.76019941

I don't want that fanbase near any of the small corpos I watch so I hope she would go Indy . Kawaii fans are the worst

>> No.76020080

I have yet to see any evidence that corpo fandoms aren't all just absolute cancer.

>> No.76020162

>I'm always right

>> No.76020726

No it's the workload not being worth the cut
Mozzu put it into perspective saying founding and managing their own psedo corpo didn't change their workload. Kawaii were just slave drivers

>> No.76020841

Hololive exists. Despite its troubles it has grown huge and their conditions really are industry leading standard.

>> No.76020974

Partially. The future was uncertain with the new management for sure.

>> No.76021030

She didn't stream at kawaii and doesn't stream now either so yeah the math checks out

>> No.76021049

Okay but I was talking about the fandom.

>> No.76021070

That's a lie, just like how she said they're blacklisted from everywhere while collabing with every single small corpo.
Mozzu doesn't even stream anymore because she's busy working on "projects" that the kawaii management used to handle like new outfits or merch stuff. She did like 20 streams in the last 4 months.

>> No.76021126

>Sava debuts in kawaii
>Streams for 2 weeks
>Goes on a long break
>Comes back from a break
>Streams for 2 weeks
>Goes on a "vacation" to Norway
>Wonders why her numbers are shit
She saw her friend in Idol and thought that just debuting should guarantee you a certain amount of success and some decent passive income.

>> No.76021198

We never had anyone even remotely similar to Gabe or Henri or any of those "famous" fanfags, and yet people keep saying that kawaii fans are bad ONLY because they don't like male collabs.
Which leads me to think that kawaii antis are a bunch of tranny homobeggars.

>> No.76021200
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>> No.76021344

Twice that number by my count.

>> No.76021410

>6 streams in 3 weeks
and that's when she's being super active lmao

>> No.76021417
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I prefer to sit here and eat my sweets

>> No.76021427
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>10 days ago
>2 days ago

>> No.76021486

>and some decent passive income
Even Nene isn't at the level of passive income from streaming. And she streams every fucking day. You have to work for it.

>> No.76021514

She asked the management for money to pay for her dumb Tokyo treats debth, and when they refused, she staged a protest which lead to a full gen walkout.

>> No.76021593

kawaii had male collabs and they have a bunch of sexpest orbiting them thanks to their twitchcoded garbage ass new gen, some fans and some kawaii vtubers are homobeggars themselves lol

>> No.76021629

Nice streamer you got there fag

>> No.76021697

You guys don't have those but make your own up for every girl which is the reason kawaii is the worst. No other small corpo fanbase is so obsessed with random donators and chatters, it's fucking weird that so much attention is there and not the girls themselves

>> No.76021799

>le semi fleshtuber
I hate this trend so much

>> No.76021898

>This was a pretty seiso CGDCT corpo
Lua has always been into coomerbaiting.

>> No.76021913

You're supposed to tardwrangle retarded suggestions as management, not the other way round

>> No.76022014

>ret/a/rd thinks he is welcome here.
You faggots ruined /jp/ and you've ruined vtubing.
Literally only newfags use "ironic weeb".
ALL weebs are shit. Period.
Back in my day you fuckers were told to fuck off back to Gaia by the entire site until you all invaded from Reddit.
Otakuchads own your ass. Kneel.

>> No.76022119

Kawaii general is a small general where one or two terminally online retards dictate what the thread looks like. You are retarded for thinking that is the most of kawaii's fanbase. One guy is clearly obsessed with Nene and keeps seething about her for 2 years while shitting up our thread daily.
What is really disgusting are Isla's doxxers who should be set on fire and tossed off a fucking cliff.

>> No.76022160

Lua refused to do ear licking ASMR's and refused to do more sexual ASMR roleplays. I don't know what you consider as coombaiting. Like wiggling your ass in 3D? Really?

>> No.76022164
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Not my oshi don't care

>> No.76022180 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.76022217

>Back in my day
Fake oldfag. 4chan is literally built around otaku interests and now retards like you unironically throw around terms like "tranime". Kill yourself.

>> No.76022254

>acts like an oldfag
>says "weeb"

>> No.76022268

the doxxers are management approved still in the community

>> No.76022453

Maybe you should kill off your general then because I don't see that issue anywhere else and it's clearly doing no favors to anyone that's remotely interested in kawaii.

>> No.76022612

>back in my day
When? In 2016? Get the fuck outta here, bitch.

>> No.76022747

Off collab with the girls. Became his cocksleeves.

>> No.76022779


>> No.76022866

Goddamn retard.

>> No.76022934

>jap corpo
>thinks they would sell to chinks
double retard

>> No.76023041

Coombaiting is whatever but management encouraging that shit sounds a lot like groomer problem

>> No.76023182

no, kawaii management is just genuinely retarded, like, they dont know anything about the internet culture. they probably didnt even know that people consider feet sexual

>> No.76023380

>he forgot about official kawaii account retweeting yaoi porn
They are coomers like everyone else

>> No.76023394

Did you forget about that one turbo autist that kept sending sc's to nearly every talent asking if they watched some collage he made for months? Megagamer or something like that. Then there was that guy that had a meltdown about Charzu and dedicated several streams about it.
That aside, the problem with the kawaii audience is that there is an active portion of schizos that actively try to push people away because they don't want the talents to grow a larger audience. It's something I've never seen with any other small corpo audience.

>> No.76023466

Not true, I check /tsunx/ every now and then and there's definitely mentions of chatters, particularly Miori's

>> No.76023593

Are we pretending like no one would tune in for this?

>> No.76023621

Sorry, we don't have our own jannies to delete stuff. We get visited by a janny once in a blue moon.

>> No.76023646

Holy Cope, this is like saying the nickelodeon twitter asking kids for foot pictures wasn't a fetish thing either

>> No.76023727

Megagamer is a legit autist. He showed up after all that in person during that anime NYC thing and he seemed pretty tame. He is really really really autistic. Like, for real. Not even "everything that happens is LE AUTISM" 4chan kind of thing.

>> No.76023817

Some catalognigger wants to repeat week-old bait instead of moving on to something more relevant and interesting

>> No.76023843

Ah yes, Dan Schneider's team didn't know that it's weird how he focused on kids feet in many of his shows

>> No.76024746

then why are they getting sued for discrimination?

>> No.76024804

because phase is a cult and phasecucks attack every outsider
>Verification not required.

>> No.76025202

The girls will actually read your messages

>> No.76025459

They're the easiest coomers to please too. They're so simple kek. Im a footfag so I'd know

>> No.76027284

Mio is an indie, that fanbase is self contained insanity and I don't have to worry about it spilling over into other people I watch or see people talk about it unless I am part of her fanbase.

>> No.76027543

people have been calling Phase "boyfriend connect" since long before flayon debuted

>> No.76027592

They're for groomer losers who want their psycho superchats and messages read

>> No.76027641


kawaii fans know that management are retards that have to be tard wrangled by the girls. The only good thing is that they can just ignore anything they suggest.
