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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75991948 No.75991948 [Reply] [Original]

>vtuber tells you to not be a cringe unfunny faggot
>this is bad somehow
I don't know why anyone would have a problem with it.
Unless they themselves were a cringe unfunny faggot.

>> No.75992544

>Unless they themselves were a cringe unfunny faggot.
now I get picrel.

>> No.75993350


>> No.75993607

The worst thing a vtuber can do for their popularity is to state their opinions. Not because they have bad opinions or they are not allowed for any other reason, but because of how fickle the audience is.
Most viewers don't want to hear about something that them and the vtuber might disagree about, and once they realize that she is, in fact, not just like them fr fr, it puts them at an impasse, and very rarely they will decide they were in the wrong, instead they'll blame the vtuber for ruining their fun. Viewers are not looking for a unique perspective, they're looking for self-validation through a more suucessful person and when that person is not smiling and nodding along their whims, they'll switch off or worse, get angry at the vtuber for shattering their self-esteem in such a way.
Look at who the most popular talents are in HoloEN: Gura, Fauna, Bijou, FWMC, Ina. All of them are successful because they let their viewers run the narratives and don't say anything that would cause major dissatisfaction. On the other side of the spectrum, you have Mori, Kiara, Shiori, Nerissa, Bae, Kronii: all of them are strongly opinionated talents who will clash with the masses if they find themselves hurt by them.

>> No.75994193

>>tells you to not be a cringe
Tell that to Kronii for doing cringe, subway blending stream.
>>tells you to not be unfunny faggot
Tell that to Kronii for being an unfunny faggot.

>> No.75994430

>"Dont send inappropriate commends or supas on my stream"

>> No.75994491

KDF out in full force, if only a few hours late. Did your dilation session take longer than expected?

>> No.75994548

Of course she never actually watched hololive or any vtuber before joining

>> No.75994614

Sister, why're you talking to yourself in the mirror?
>Captcha: PAGM

>> No.75994672

>no u
actual woman/child behavior

>> No.75994799

>vtuber is a woman
>audience gets pissed when she act like one
Yeah the vtuber audience is retarded, what a surprise

>> No.75994973

She was almost on route to recovering from her homo collab yab, is she allergic to success?

>> No.75995620


>> No.75995768

Kronii just giving out tips on how to get under her skin for free. We call that a Mori.

>> No.75995936

>shattering their self-esteem

maybe theyre just tired of the vtuber acting like an unprofessional self-entitled egotistic bitch who DEMANDS her audience to stop having fun and expect everybody to know all her arbitrary rules with no consideration for the fact that there are clips of her that constantly bring new people in and that this is just going to be an endless struggle for her unless she matures and stop being so thin skinned

unfortunatly, simping culture is a thing

>vtuber is a western woman
>weebs who expect the vtuber to act like a japanese vtuber get pissed when she doesnt act like one

>> No.75998684

Krocucckies melting down kek

>> No.75999055

the next guy who says i have a huge cock in stream gets BANNED you hear me? let me enjoy a wholesome stream without you faggots commenting on my HUGE COCK

>> No.75999086

Touch a nerve, eh?

>> No.75999224

>Unless they themselves were a cringe unfunny faggot
Welcome to /vt/, retards have been uohposting and schizoposting for literal years straight. This board isn't much more than an NPC zoo.

>> No.76001000

>Unless they themselves were a cringe unfunny faggot.
That is Kronii's problem. She kept doing the stupid ribbon joke and the stupid subway joke over and over again and now pretends that other people forced it upon her.

>> No.76001137

Most people here are incels that have never been in a relationship, let alone talk to a woman. So, when the anime girl is even slightly confrontational towards them they shit themselves in anger. Now the anime girl is “rejecting” them as well? They can’t handle it.

>> No.76001190

Anon, shitposters don't even watch the talents. They are just in it for the drama. Any Kronies who felt genuinely betrayed by her past behavior would have moved on a long time ago.

>> No.76001214

A whataboutism is not a valid argument.

>> No.76001292

It isn't a whataboutism when the person directly accusing people of something is also directly responsible for it happening. It is very much relevant to the context of the situation.

>> No.76002000

pochi, your ears....

>> No.76002159

Hey Kronii how do I properly pronounce Magmar's Japanese name?

>> No.76002184

Maybe if you post enough lust provoking fanart of an outfit she clearly hates and never uses, people will forget about what a boring cunt she is.

>> No.76002187

She should take her own advice

>> No.76003024

EN is so shit

>> No.76003066

qrd on kronii apparently being a bitch?
I watch 95% indies and have only caught a couple kronii clips, so the only thing I know is t hat I like her voice a lotl,

>> No.76003730

>unless she matures and stop being so thin skinned
No doubt the irony of this statement is lost on you

>> No.76006320

She brought up on stream that she didn't like the subway jokes anymore. Not unreasonable, most people tend to agree it stopped being funny a long time ago, and phrased it mostly okay except for the part where she labeled making those jokes as "weird behavior." It probably would have blown over without much drama if that was the end of it, but Kronii went on to comment under a clip of that moment where she said the jokes somehow make her uncomfortable and that real fans would know how she feels and people who still make those jokes aren't part of the community. So even if you were there since debut, have months of membership, and spent hundreds on merch, superchats, live events, etc. the rainbow clock next to your name doesn't mean jack shit if you crack a sandwich joke I guess. She also had a smaller repeat of that same issue when she got one guy'd by a nonmember ogling her tits, disapproved of it on stream, and brought it back up again on twitter a day or so later

>> No.76006488

She's not cut out for showbiz

>> No.76006743

Adding that the clipper she commented under is one of her personal favorite members.

>> No.76006852
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>watching kronii post homostars drama

>> No.76006913

This anon makes a good point, as can be seen exemplified here >>75995936

>> No.76006976

She needs to stop posting comments trying to clarify things.
Either do it in a stream if you think it's important enough or don't do it at all.
She keeps doing it

>> No.76007574

...so are all the pro-kronii threads about this situation made by actual kronies who've watched her outfit reveal and past streams or are they just a bunch of shameless skinwalkers?

>> No.76007749

>watching streams
Heh, good joke mate.

>> No.76007785

There are no pro-Kronii threads
Kronies know what a cesspool catalogue is and stay in their general.

>> No.76010529

