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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 154 KB, 1000x762, Napoleon retreat from Moscow .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75972564 No.75972564 [Reply] [Original]

Would you unironically DIE for your oshi? Would you have any regrets? Hard mode: there is no reward and they won’t even know your name, all you’ll be is one in millions of faceless fans.

>> No.75972857

I would die for anyone who deserves it

>> No.75972950

Yes I would.

>> No.75972994

Hard mode yes
My life has no value

>> No.75973049

It depends on how I would die for her, but for the most part yes, specially if it's for saving her from a similar fate.

>> No.75973186

I literally signed up to fight for much less meaningful shit. Pay me a wage and provide equipment, and I'll sign up to fight for almost anything. I like it, and I was good at it. I wouldn't sign up to die, though. That's a loser mindset, and the enemy's job.

>> No.75973226

probably yeah. she better not even think about graduating for at least 5 years afterwards though

>> No.75973267

I'm not a cuck. If she's a pure maiden yes, but if not bye bye.
Imagine dying for someone that'll suck another cock in the next day

>> No.75973385

Dafuq, are you a mercenary? You in the Middle East or Ukraine bro?

>> No.75974183

I was in the middle east. Sorting shit out before I head to Ukraine. Technically not a merc in either case.

>> No.75974824

I have so many questions but firstly do you bring any merch to deployments?

>> No.75975677

No. I didn't get into vtubers until about 2020, right after I got divorced. I do have a Suisei wallpaper on my phone, but I never show it. It's a different environment. I have wanted to send a letter to my oshi, before I leave again, but I'm too shy, and it is probably not a welcome message as a content creator. I'll just watch from afar. I do take music with me, since I enjoy good singing. My oshi isn't the best singer, but I like her personality.

>> No.75975953

Send the letter bro. Life’s too short and I’m sure she’d appreciate the support, at least she’d find it interesting she has a fan in your unique profession

>> No.75975994

Yeah. Polka makes the world a better place than I do, so I'd take that bullet

>> No.75976140

6 months ago I would have said yes, now I don't care enough

>> No.75976321

I dream of dying to nightmare moom. Every single day.

>> No.75976579

I mean my life is pretty worthless, I'm never going to amount to anything, just keep existing and wasting oxygen til I croak in 30 or 40 years. If my death could save my oshi and let her continue on in all her glory having a long happy life and making a difference in the world, then I'd gladly do it.

>> No.75977815

hard mode: disqualified because she already knows my name.
otherwise: no, because I value my life and she could never forgive herself if I did and would probably anhero from guilt. if the hypothetical incident cost her life, you can expect me to build such a memorial site it'd be worldwide news.
no, I won't say who she is.

>> No.75977844

No never, she wouldnt die for me why would I, I am too egoistical for that
I already give her a lot of my time watching some streams, thats already a lot

>> No.75979826

Which side you on? Also how many people did you kill? Are you gonna have enough money to retire comfortably?

>> No.75983559

The side with dollars. I don't know. I will probably not retire.

>> No.75983952

>kill an enemy soldier
>go to check his body
>he's about the same age as you
>in his breast pocket is a little picture of your oshi

>> No.75984039

Damn, okay Shakespeare

>> No.75984086

That actually brings up an interesting question, is it really THAT different that used to go to wars for queens and kings?

>> No.75984164

you usually don't vote for your king/queen, but you choose your oshi.

>> No.75984185

Do you think we will eventually see soldiers with their oshi on their helmets like hoe people would have models on their helmets.

>> No.75984223

It depends on if the ruler was beloved. Napoleons soldiers loved him and believed in the cause of the republic, which gave Napoleon an advantage on the field because his troops would march harder and faster than the enemy armies.

>> No.75985355

For the glory of my Oshi and country, nothing will stand in my path

>> No.75985468

French soldiers in 1815 definitely had a parasocial relationship with their oshi Napoleon. May we all be so lucky to get a second hundred days with our oshis.

>> No.75985691


>> No.75985723

There are probably dudes doing that now. There's at least one vtuber out there that is Ukrainian.

>> No.75985765

everything becomes pointless when you are dead so the answer is no

>> No.75985801

Napoleon is a bad example because he was out there with them fighting. A better example is just a queen that people know as a portrait and go "my beautiful queen"

>> No.75985836

>in his breast pocket is a little picture of your oshi
One competitor eliminated. Parasocial Paratrooper gonna put it in her 2D pooper.

>> No.75986127

Also I don’t think Napoleon’s troops wanted to fuck him

>> No.75986413

They were French after all, you can't rule that out entirely

>> No.75986662
File: 155 KB, 988x400, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napoleon hid in the back like a bitch
He couldn't even handle being pushed by french politicians when surrounded by his grenadiers and fainted during his attempted coup and his big brother had to do it for him

>> No.75986706


>> No.75986830

It was his younger bro who saved him actually

>> No.75986937

My life for Cover

>> No.75986976

There were probably a couple of guys, it was a lot of soldiers. Free fanfic idea for you fujos, some soldiers unrequited gay love for Napoleon.

>> No.75988354

>Napoleon hid in the back like a bitch
He literally led the assault through a bridge with grape shot flying through the air. Whatever happened in the council, it was certainly not Napoleon's style to cower.

>> No.75988548

I’m surprised there are a lot of guys here who say they’d die for their oshi. Even for a site like this that’s sad. To you guys, none of you have family or friends that would be sad to see you go? No goals or aspirations?

>> No.75989388
File: 3.29 MB, 1982x996, Chloe hawking merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save? Yes. Risk death to help? Yes. Die? Why?

>> No.75990842

Because your oshi wants to stage a hostile takeover of her company by directly assaulting the headquarters and seizing the CEO’s office. There will be glory in victory, but you may end up shot and killed by security.

>> No.75991466

>thinking an Artillery General personally leads infantry assaults because he commissioned a bunch of paintings that depict him doing so at Arcole when it was Pierre Augereau who did so, and while Napoleon tried to do the same, his men all knew he was a pussy and ran away and he was later found in the marsh behind the bridge like the coward he is

>> No.75992873

Oh no no no no Napoleonkeks your response?!

>> No.75992965

No. Doesn't matter if I'll be remembered or not. If I don't know them personally then there's no point.

>> No.75994219
File: 278 KB, 1000x1667, 1700205323254104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like her, alright.
Love the rabbit, but I can't take a bullet for her. She should know the risks

>> No.75994578

Only if she fucks me
