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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75952288 No.75952288 [Reply] [Original]

>Handcams with pure white satin gloves for two years
>today she brings out the shiny black fetish gloves

Nijisanji changed her...

>> No.75952473

>male size gloves
she doesn't even care to hide him anymore, does she

>> No.75952573

Yeah, me

>> No.75952612

she looks chubby ngl

>> No.75952650

>multiple Rosemi threads today
What the fuck happened this time? Is someone mind broken again

>> No.75952692

Are you doing a Shiori reference bit or something?

>> No.75952707

She didn't completely crash and burn like the other Niji members so the SEAfriends are mad

>> No.75952815

>What the fuck happened this time? Is someone mind broken again
Apparently people decided to stop pretending she's "one of the good ones".

>> No.75952848

My rrat? Clique is already putting a target on her back for when she grads and these are just the droplets of forment trickling down the Nijicord pipeline anticipating the deluge of of spite and libel the Sisters will end up heaping on her for "betraying" the company.

>> No.75952851

lmao u sure about that rosekek?

>> No.75952859


>> No.75952986

>>75952848 (Me) meant for >>75952650

>> No.75953491

She's part of the clique and she's not going anywhere (unless the branch is gone after Q4 results).
Feel free to screenshot for future grudgeposting.

>> No.75953534

i just want to know which gloves have been between her legs

>> No.75953629

Her gloves have been stained black by the company
You cannot save her

>> No.75955505

she is the last pillar of nijianji. people are trying to support and bolster her so their dogshit company doesnt fall into oblivion.

>> No.75955823

Some schizo has been making bait threads, mostly focused on Niji, then bumps them once they are about to die.

Yhe organ used to bait changes depending on the day and if there's a new thing to bait with

>> No.75957523

First time seeing Roseschizo at work? /rose/ used to be faster than /ggg/ because of him.

>> No.75957679

>She didn't completely crash and burn

>> No.75957748

it's so funny how when ever the "good ones" get brought up by these shills it's always her and fucking Vivi instead of anyone that is actually ultra distant from the clique

>> No.75958084

Roseschizo, I feel like we're friends now. My favourite phase of yours was the "nice thread, rosecucks"-arc. It looks like you feel off recently. It looks like your best posts all come from 2022. Heh. Fitting, right?

>> No.75958194 [SPOILER] 
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Let's be honest, we know who's the good one, but it'd be boring to just go straight for the answer. So we spin a few rrats for fun, before getting to the ending.

>> No.75958607

>one guy
Man he must have mindbroken yall to oblivion

>> No.75958647

Futasemi Girlcock

>> No.75958705

I don't think that's PVC.

>> No.75958812
File: 52 KB, 352x386, 1715381660199078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki did well in her seat during Sajam slam 2 and people are still calling rosemi a fraud for her poor performance in the first tournament because nobody knew her true skill level then got seated in the advanced bracket and was made honest by a jack player

>> No.75958932

Rosecucks on suicide watch.

>> No.75958964

Rosecucks, I feel like we're friends now. My favourite phase of yours was the "nice cope, rosecucks"-arc. It looks like you feel off recently. It looks like your best posts all come from 2022. Heh. Fitting, right?

>> No.75958975

>nobody knew her true skill level
I wonder whose fault it was

>> No.75959076

>wins a few sets in baby bracket
>dookiefags cannot stop spamming that she won the entire tourney or that she beat sajam

>> No.75959121

>rosecuck larping as a roseschizo
He won.

>> No.75959166

>roach says she's her only friend in niji
>endless anti threads
real make think

>> No.75959226

I love you.

>> No.75959267

>fetish gloves
Rosemi love to whip her fans

>> No.75959325

sisters trying to revise history again?

>> No.75959387

Roseschizo hates being called out and also brags about "winning"
what a weird freak

>> No.75959408

Yeah, all me btw

>> No.75959463

I think you're cute.

>> No.75959571

Did well in her bracket, yes. Beat Sajam, he's not even competing. Won the entire tourney, no. But she did 2/5 in her bracket expecting to go 0/5. And her team placed first in the first round robin. Also made shiphtur alt f4 on stream kek

>> No.75959657

Rosecucks can't accept losing and also are "dilating"
what a surprise attempt

>> No.75959718

Roseschizo is my favorite boogeyman, rosecucks will point hands at every single person in the thread and cry Roseschizo, and before you ask yes I am Roseschizo

>> No.75959914

I really never understood why vtubers have to wear gloves like retards for shit like this. Like who's going to find you by simply looking at a hand Is a fucking hand for fucks sake. Autism is run rampant in this hobby and I'm hoping I don't end like most of you who made a thread about a fucking glove of all fucking things considered.

>> No.75959957

Rosecucks, this isn't a good look. He is laughing at you.

>> No.75960016
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Rosemi's pure white gloves was just not dirty enough

>> No.75960172
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>> No.75960231

Take them yourself bucko, only the middle one was me but nice try

>> No.75960319

Rosemi wasn't treated with kids gloves like doki did on this tournament though. Is she a fraud absolutely but you forgot to factor that rosemi was playing against the big boy in tekken and not newbs like doki did. This is like saying the special ed kid is more smarter than the regular kid at school because the special Ed kid class is too easy while the regular kid struggle with grades because he's doing algebra 4 while the special ed kid are given easy assignments of add and subtract and how many chicken and apples juan gave away to jesus.

>> No.75960441

yeah this is how people shat on Selen for not beating Elira Pomu and Finana in getting 50 kills first, her elo was higher and Lazulight were basicaly playing vs bots

>> No.75960510

stop replying to yourself schizo

>> No.75960783

utterly mindbroken

>> No.75960881

She probably put in her graduation letter and sisters are turning on her.

>> No.75960941


>> No.75960977
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Imagine seething this hard when you think everyone who isn't kissing doki ass is a schizo samefagging. Apologize.

>> No.75961049

The apsolute state of a mindbroken rosecuck.

>> No.75961090
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>> No.75961102

>when proven wrong he decides to double down on being a retard.

>> No.75961201 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking everyone not agreeing with you is a roseschizo. Your whore is irrelevant and her best streams were all in 2022.

>> No.75961374


>> No.75962010

>2/5 wins in the baby bracket
and i'm supposed to be impressed?

>> No.75962169

Of course. 2/5 wins in the baby brackets>0 wins against pros according to the retards peddling this nonsense. But let them have their meaningless win is like watching 2 cripple fight eachother.

>> No.75962217

>Is she a fraud absolutely but you forgot to factor that rosemi was playing against the big boy in tekken and not newbs like doki did
If she was honest she would've been second seat and then all the people claiming Lilypichu beating her could possibly be vindicated and people would still shit on her. Don't forget, they also coped about how she was nervous and this is her first tournament and that's why she choked. Maybe she should've had the kids gloves as well, but again, that's on her for not being honest or at least streaming a couple of matches. In not even sure if her own coach knew how good she was

>> No.75962256

damn you shouldn't have used the w word lil bro, rosecuck hates seeing it

a win is a win, unlike the 0 win loser crying in her stream and having her chat go "o-oh you'll get them
next time"

>> No.75962324

I feel so sorry for you and your lack of acknowledgments from your parents, man. If it ain't first place it's last, amirite? You gonna cry about it?

>> No.75962376
File: 2.84 MB, 1413x2105, ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_825915-1413x2105-virtual+youtuber-nijisanji-nijisanji+en-rosemi+lovelock-rosemi+lovelock+(4th+costume)-punished+pigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets this outfit complete with ballbusting bat
>starts wearing shiny black gloves
Rosemi has realized she's sexually dominative and she isn't going to let her cuteness hold her back! You WILL surrender control of your cock to rosemi!

>> No.75962431

Posting this exact quote in dozens of threads a week has to make you some schizo of sorts especially for someone you think is irrelevant no?

>> No.75962442

my parents love me i just don't get why you're bragging and making endless threads about doki winning two out of 5 matches in the handicapped league. since we're making assumptions about each other though let me guess, your parents are divorced? or nonwhite?

>> No.75962447

You really want to die on this hill, huh? We are laughing at Rose because she is a sweaty Tekken Fraud, unlike Doki. The skill bracket is a footnote.

>> No.75962473 [DELETED] 

No thx dont want luca and harada's used goods

>> No.75962620

nta but it is true time and time again, which is also why he throws a melty and reports any post with the w word in it

>> No.75962693

>>75952650 asked why are there multiple threads. I replied. Then people started saying I was bragging about doki. You got any other explanation as to what other recent events would prompt all the rosemi threads?

>> No.75962720

Bro doki beat two nobodies who never played the fucking game. You really cannot compare playing against newbs vs taking on seasoned vets even if rosemi had it coming for being cocky. If roles were reversed you would be singing an entire different tune and even make excuses for doki as to why taking on a pro was unfair to her and rosemi victories being a fluke due to taking on newbs. Let's be honest you don't even want to come up with a genuine argument everything you're posting here is based on your retarded /vt/ console wars.

>> No.75962927

Nope, dont want luca and harada's used goods. Keep her

>> No.75962958

Doki is also a fucking nobody in Tekken. Nobody is saying she's a god. But she beat two people of equal skill expecting to lose everything now you are fucking mind broken and trying to downplay it to save the fucking rose. I bet even if she did go 0/5 everyone would just laugh, her included. If you watched the fucking stream you would know this. Doki didn't expect to win anything.

>> No.75963059

There was multiple Elira threads and today we have multiple Finana and Rosemi threads, it's just people going down a list.

I'm not even the guy you've been arguing with so don't project whatever he's saying on me, Doki beating even two scrubs is a good feat in her own right because she doesn't play fighting games either, you just want to downplay it for whatever reason. Rosemi talked shit and got hit for it, if she didn't puff her chest so much with all the vibrado and played with the normies like Victoria did people wouldn't be so quick to shit on her. Mind you the whole time she was bragging about her skill with fucking Noctis of all characters.

>> No.75963085

Weird. I remember Rose telling people not to expect anything because she was too nervous days before and even the day of when she was saying she couldnt even think straight and was going to do poorly. Where are people getting this fact that she said she'd do good?

>> No.75963367

Nobodies taking on nobodies and? How does that refute that playing with nobodies is not the same as being thrown in a pool full of sharks (in this case veterans). By your very own logic rosemi is also a nobody in tekken too since she can't beat anybody why does this law only applies to doki? I understand rosemi talked too much and chewed more than she could handle I am not disputing that and I am in fact agreeing with you that she deserved to be humbled down the way she did but the fact remains one had no experience taking one newbs and the other can't even play competitively so she choked against tougher opponents who sits all day on their cum stained underwear playing this game.

>> No.75963584

Nta but when you talk about how much you love Tekken and how badly you want perms to play it, lie, even if only by omission, and most of all get the attention of the director only to get bodied, it looks way worse than a nobody new to the game doing better than you
The fact you equate someone that has said loves Tekken and has played since 7 with someone that just picked it up is downright embarrassing.
That's not even taking in mind that Rosemi's mains, Noctis and Lili, are widely hated.

>> No.75963734
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she insisted she was alpha when omegaverse shit was brought up
built for domination loss

>> No.75963741

and harada still loves her and shills her on his stream and chats in her streams so

>> No.75963811

Her's her casually mentioning her purple rank, but if you've been watching her long enough she always mentioned being "good" at Tekken and wanting to enter Tournaments, she use to talk so much shit before she actually got the perms to play, and even after I think the Sajam guy said some stuff about her too gassing her up.


They were both playing against people in their skill zone, Rosemi said she was good at the game so she got put into that "sitting all day on their cum stained underwear playing this game" corner. You can try to downplay it as much as you want but only one of them did well and it obviously wasn't her.

He hasn't shown up since March, and he's unfaithful he also showed up to Vivi's stream

>> No.75963819

you think schizos watch streams?

>> No.75963895
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>lying nonstop about Rosemi and Teggen
for what purpose?

>> No.75963920

good for her for being his cocksleeve i guess and good of you to tell me so i know not to watch her.

>> No.75963926

>in this case veterans
Because Doki is never gonna play a veteran, whereas rose has a history of being a Tekken player and was dishonest and got put up against a veteran. She got made honest while doki was honest from the start.

>> No.75963936

roru, rmao can't wait to see how you get out of this one

>> No.75963986

schizo doesn't watch streams and posting dookieturd? checks out

>> No.75963987

Purple is average rank though? And she never said she was a pro with that so I don't understand. I also saw the clip and she was confused and flustered Sajam even said that. I also saw another moment where she brought up wanting to go to a tournament and backed out IRL after signing up from anxiety and never had interest again. You can talk about a game you love and that doesn't mean you're a professional. If you have actual proof of her saying she was a pro, I'd like to see so I can change my mind.

>> No.75963995

>He hasn't shown up since March
he was in her poppy playtime 3 stream, but ok

>> No.75964045

>He hasn't shown up since March
make sure to read the cope replies so you don't repeat yourself and waste time

>> No.75964212

lol that's my edit

>> No.75964331

Imagine Rosemi angrily jerking you off with those, yelling at you to cum as fast as possible because she has things to do.
I personally would never imagine things like that because I'm not a pervert.

>> No.75964496

And so was this one huh?

>> No.75964684

Her FNAF Security Breach streams had a good bit of her talking about it as well as The Walking Dead Season 2, there's also PL stuff but obviously have to leave that out. I will say for how much shit she use to talk she use to play on wifi.

>> No.75964888


>> No.75965132

nice trips

>> No.75966020
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Rosemi is just not a good fit for a fujo kuro entertainment industry.

>> No.75966251
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But enough about her outfit

>> No.75966938

>Rosemi is just not a good for the entertainment industry.

>> No.75967574

Wait a minute. Rosemi is playing fighting games on WIFI? is she retarded?

>> No.75967668

Extremely naive and childish, sure.

>> No.75970023
File: 14 KB, 493x500, 1690279580285408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to play WiFi but retweeted this meme when tekken 8 was released so she probably knows

>> No.75973143


>> No.75974281

this shit happened after Matara said her only friend left in niji was Rosemi

>> No.75976564

TL;DR is that she is still in Nijisanji.
