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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75948725 No.75948725 [Reply] [Original]

>Riku is a literal trust fund baby
>He somehow still cant run a company properly

>> No.75948808

man, I wish I had rich parents who would casually give me 200k to start up my dream career

>> No.75948862

"small" loan of 30 million yen
"negligible" loss of billions of yen

>> No.75948894

Typical trust fund baby behavior what's new.

>> No.75948897

Isn't Anycolor his fourth company after the last three completely failed?

>> No.75949050

Riku should get into making his own jav company if niji fails. He runs his company like a porn studio

>> No.75949159

>multiple failed or collapsing businesses
>still somehow a billionaire
I don’t think this is how the system was intended to work

>> No.75949186

He should just release the tapes of Elira sucking off the investors and add some scenes to it. and voila, we have NIJI-001

>> No.75949280

Why does his face look so weird and punchable??

>> No.75949377

Isn't he basically a billionaire?
yes a lot of successful businessmen have multiple failed ventures, it's called "trying"

>> No.75949483
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Just rebrand Nijisanji as Japan's answer to Vallure. I want to see how desperate the Organs are desperate enough to remain on board.

>> No.75949621

Just have riku look sad while he's being cucked during those videos stroking his pathetic semi hard cock to elira getting those cheek busted looking like about to cry

>> No.75949691

>trust fund babies

>> No.75949794
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They already tried and failed.

>> No.75950000

>Small loan of a million dollars

>> No.75950029

Honestly, less loan than trump and an actual billionaire. His company is black but what’s he gonna do, wipe his tears with money? He’s more successful than you’ll ever be

>> No.75950128

kek, can’t believe Riku is a Nigerian prince

>> No.75950174

That's the difference between kids of rich parents and those not.
Richkids can afford to fail several companies, so they just make random shit until something works, they don't need to actually fear for their livelihood if it fails.
Riku is set for life regardless of what he spends his money on, at least as long as he isn't dumb enough to empty the coffers completely.

>> No.75950197

>an actual billionaire that can’t afford a few additional play buttons for his organs
wew lad

>> No.75950238

Hi Riku,please stop sucking your own dick in front of everyone

>> No.75950325

He can and has scuttled his previous ventures when he deemed necessary, and he’s likely to do the same again should anything shake up Niji on the JP end.

>> No.75950402

Drumpf is not a billionaire his assets are worth billions.

>> No.75950427

He manages companies like he manages vtubers: throw shit at the wall until something sticks

>> No.75950444


Nepotism is often hand in hand with incompetence

>> No.75950497

why are the children of rich people so retarded? shouldn't they be smarter?

>> No.75950667

No, they often shirk the more important aspects of their generational wealth and just try to justify their own existences by flinging shit at the wall until something survives longer than a year.

>> No.75950701
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>Be from money
>Sit in your parent's wallet all your life
>Have to commune with the common folk and divine their interests through your stained glass window
>Get it wrong until someone throws a rock through your window and suddenly you can see the common folk real clear
Too bad the Japanese can't shitpost by law. He could use a kind hearted bully.

>> No.75950888

Not all rich kids are retarded they were just raised spoiled and most likely home schooled with private tutors so they have absolutely no idea how the actual world function and cannot relate to poor people everyday issues.

>> No.75951054

Riku should become a Fairy Wish Prince and go around granting wishes.

>> No.75951192

Human babies don't inherit intelligence. It still needs to be taught. He probably grew up spending his dad's money and through some misguided trust, his father gave him a company to manage or he spent his own money on the first start up.

>> No.75951207

Sometimes, they can get stuck in a Catch 22. Given the internet’s rise and everyone having available info on practically anyone with heft these days, it’s not like they can just live among paupers and not get kidnapped on the daily. That being said, they’re still disillusioned retards that attended too many socialite balls and wealthy soirées and think people don’t see them as purely walking dollar signs in their dealings.

>> No.75951221

What happens is that when a rich kid succeeds, they get made out as a self-made man and get praised for their efforts. It's very common when you dig into successful people to just discover that they had all the cards lined up for them but we don't fuss about it when they do their job right, we just single it out when they fuck up.

Even Riku was mostly just thought of as a young success until nijisanji went to shit.

>> No.75951235

That makes them literally socially retarded, Anon.

>> No.75951352
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One of his business plan was to pump Nijisanji to be so massive and sell it to someone (Sony), that's why he accelerates

I can't believe that the Fishman is a better businessman here, during an interview with Urara, he says that selling a vtuber agency as an exit strategy is stupid because it relies on active talents who can easily come and go and the IPs of past/graduated talents has little value, only stupid businessmen will buy a vtuber company

>> No.75951759

That all depends on the caliber of your talent’s popularity. If Chronoir can continue to go unperturbed, it probably doesn’t even matter who owns Niji (aside from Sony in a full capacity). The hierarchical structure of Niji is so disproportionate that it probably can be sold without much incident.

>> No.75951780

Sony to PRISM...

>> No.75952160

>small loan of 30 million yen

>> No.75952298

That's not that much to be fair.

>> No.75952332

porn studios run better than Nijisanji

>> No.75952389 [DELETED] 

That's... what a billionaire is...

>> No.75952471

Fish is a smart business man even if he does run an equally black company at times. It's the difference between lawful evil and stupidly evil.

>> No.75953574

yes, trying to increase the wealth he already has, which he basically did, and the JP branch is stagnant compared to Hololive but it was still a successful business

>> No.75953639

if the gamestop shit hasn't convinced people money and value aren't actually real nothing will

>> No.75953962

>People think $200k is a lot for a business
Lmao third world thread.

>> No.75954077

Those subs don't match at all

>> No.75954124

You're a larping retard of course you'll add in your irrelevant two cents sister.

>> No.75954192

right, because a basement dweller such as yourself would have been a successful ceo if you had gotten 200k from mom and dad. that’s like 3 months of runway at a 2 man startup

>> No.75954225

fucking kek

>> No.75954292

Sakana started Phase Connect with $50000, and it was bigger than what Tsunderia started with. so yeah, 200000 is already a lot for starting a vtuber company, specially when you dont spend any of it on the talents

>> No.75954449

the japanese text is lyrics from a song
not sure if op wanted to show that /vt/ is retarded or that the mods are, but it seems to have been successful

>> No.75954628

Wealth doesn't translate into intelligence. Just look at Elon Turd

>> No.75954659

It absolutely is

The trope of the millionaire who lost it all is a myth. Once you're a certain level of rich, and especially if you're born into it, you're there for life. You can fuck up as much as you like and there will always be some safety net or bailout for you.

>> No.75954745

Anon, it's not like today's millionaires are where they're at because they're some sort of geniuses. Look at Elon for fucks sake
Face reality, 99% of the struggle towards making it big is getting the starting capital

>> No.75954854

Have you read the Isaacson biography of Elon Musk? If you did, you would know you’re coping.

>> No.75954877

Wow $194 dollars. He did pretty good for himself.

>> No.75954951 [DELETED] 

I hate Riku, but come on. Elon is not stupid, no matter the blunders he's made.

>> No.75954963

Elon can't even land on the moon. What a waste of money.

>> No.75955035

>only hires children, pays less than minimum wage
>can't afford to buy play buttons to send to talents

>> No.75955053

him and kimball were literally physically and emotionally abused by Errol and then they fled and founded 2zip with like $20k of Errol’s money, which they then sold for like 300 million

>> No.75955087

You know what you're absolutely correct even the masked guys at javfc2 treat those girls better than niji treat their talent.

>> No.75955100

Itt: trannies

>> No.75955202

Anon before inflation you could've started a business with 200k not anymore though. Most mom and pop store in the US started with a lower budget than that.

>> No.75955451

nigga you have brain damage, even with inflation being high in the last decade, $1 in 2000 is $1.82 today, just stfu and admit you’re mid

>> No.75955502

If Niji complete fails, he's still going to be rich. He'll go on a vacation to somewhere to get over his sadness. Also, there are always girls after rich guys. I doubt he's ever single.

>> No.75955849

Wow you’re retarded

>> No.75955911

no, you are, for being unironically deluded enough to think that you could compete with the best of the best if someone had given you a couple hundred k or mil

>> No.75955953

>but what about Phase
No one cares phaseturd. Your shitter will never be relevant.
But goes to show how little $200k is for a business, if some obscure shit EN brand needs 1/4th of that.

>> No.75956006

You're fuckig retarded I can already tell you're flip larping as everything else except for your own race. Why do you flips hate being flips so much?

>> No.75956134 [DELETED] 
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>> No.75956154

>unprompted seething over western chad wealth standards
Tell me you're a turd worlder without telling me you're a turd worlder

>> No.75956187

just cause you're a failure doesn't mean everyone else here is too, sis.

>> No.75956243

I’m 24 years old and my net worth is ~$325,000 USD

>> No.75956384

My favorite is still filmmakers telling people to go and drive a taxi somewhere in California, when in this economy anybody that isn't the owners barely make money.
I genuinely wonder what it would be like to get a fucking taxi license, drive 24/7 for a year for somebody, and then being able to afford a fucking house in cash. It sound like the wildest fucking economy.

>> No.75956453

lol failure

>> No.75956466


>> No.75956500

Stop projecting tranny

>> No.75956575

Larpers living on mom house with unkempt nails is calling other failures.

>> No.75956600

let people pretend they’re Elon/Bezos/Zucks equals and not literal subhumans compared to them, it’s easier on most people mentally

>> No.75956686

Its nouveau riche kids that grow up to become failures
Old money rich kids stay successful because they value generational wealth

>> No.75956793

>Human babies don't inherit intelligence. It still needs to be taught.
Nice projection, retard

>> No.75956794

that’s a meme. literally a persistent trope throughout fiction and data is that 99% of families lose their money after around 3 generations (buddenbrooks, etc.)

>> No.75956850

intelligence is at least 50% hereditary and pretending otherwise is borderline being cruel to the lower classes

>> No.75956917

Its enough to sign up a company, buy a few vehicles, be able to pay a few months wages ahead of billing, and then be able to secure loans on any bigger machinery.
Its also enough to rent a smaller commercial space or a garage, alongside that.

The problem then becomes:
Several high urban areas of countries are so fucking urbanized that you can't fucking rent garage space, or buy a house with proper garage space. This quickly act as a 10x investment barrier to get going
Finding a way to shuffle the initial risk on the bank, which usually requires some revenue for a startup enterprise
Having worked somewhere networkable, so you can startup and steal clients to get going

>> No.75957254

>A failed dad, a predator, a cuck
No thanks

>> No.75957263

You are right about him being a trust fund baby, but your image is bullshit.
The text in Japanese doesn't say "father" or "dad" or even "loan". It doesn't even have "Tokyo" in either of those lines.

You don't need to make up fantasy text to demonstrate Riku is a sheltered asshole.
Reality is bad enough.

>> No.75957319

Some people are *really* attatched to their writing tools.

>> No.75957407

It's a reference to a Trump quote, idiot

>> No.75957446

I'm sorry, I guess papa riku must be a fucking retard then

>> No.75957888

>living on mom house
fucking kek, everyone already knew you were an illiterate poorfag larper, there's no need to confirm it so thoroughly

>> No.75958159

>small loan of 30 million yen
/pol/ would love to vote for him cause he’s just like them frfr

>> No.75958938

He never been through nothin before this year.

>> No.75959306

And you're not beating those unemployed momma's boy allegations larper. Funny how that works, I don't have to type with perfect grammar, this is not a professional environment. Who gives a fuck about grammar on fucking 4chan other than defeated retard who can't refute an argument. You lost a long time ago.

>> No.75959466

Nijifans and anties are too young to remember Yumenographia.
