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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75942064 No.75942064 [Reply] [Original]

never change Kronii

>> No.75942176

Don’t worry, she won’t.

>> No.75942219

>“Yes, there unfortunately is because idol culture is a thing”
Is this the Mandela effect? Everyone here says “unfortunately idol culture is a thing”

>> No.75942242

I used to really like Kronii and I was excited to support her and everything but she really kept on showing herself to be not a totally nice nor genuine person and it was just off-putting to me.

I'm not a hater, and I certainly have nothing against her fanbase. I just think Kronii could've been better. At least for now I can say that at least her voice isn't annoying to listen to like 90% of the hololive members. a Vtuber using her natural voice is kind of based.

>> No.75942286

>lesbian doesn't want to be shipped with guys

>> No.75942353

It's SIR!

>> No.75942357
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>don't ship me with Subway

>> No.75942360

Why are canadians like this?

>> No.75942387

all to the same clipper btw

>> No.75942402

ah this was embarrassing

>> No.75942405

Keep your shit to yourself, kronii. I'm here for entertainment not for your big talk.

>> No.75942422

>schizos and unicucks still fuckign seething over this shit
what did she fucking do to you? did she kill your dog?

>> No.75942483

something something "respect my collabs choices"

>> No.75942518

it's not seeing to talk, laugh, or complain about past events.

You can say people dredging up old drama is holding a grudge, but seething? dude find better words to describe things.

>> No.75942526

she was really cringe and you are also cringe for white knighting her, faggot

>> No.75942564

Hahahaha she's so /here/

>> No.75942572

Tge3se are recent comments or very old? im new here

>> No.75942576
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nah her newest comment just brought back some memories that's all

>> No.75942581

Least obvious discord thread

>> No.75942586

Why is she like that though?

>> No.75942598 [DELETED] 

She is a tranny f/m and she removed her tits IRL

>> No.75942648

>Idol culture is a thing
That really is the unfortunate thing. It's a culture that does nothing but breed schizo freaks.
That said, her meltdowns are really funny.
Korean women in a nutshell.

>> No.75942653

she's still bearable compared to that orange woman

>> No.75942696

>krocucks deflecting to KFP

>> No.75942735

after 2 years she is still the same person

>> No.75942748

funny way to spell laughing

>> No.75942882 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ did the twitter account not tweeting her outfit reveal mindbreak her this much

>> No.75942950

>my idea of fun is to make bait threads and samefag them
When Ame told you to improve yourself, this is what she meant.

>> No.75942978

I refuse to believe that someone would do that and then get a job that denies their identity.

>> No.75943049

>all 28 posts? me
Ame should have followed her own advice

>> No.75943070

still a woman like how an mtf is still a male

>> No.75943080

Happened after joining holo, not before. Kronii is secretly trying to transfer to holostars

>> No.75943112

theres people working in the company that hate lolicon. why pass a good opportunity to make money

>> No.75943141

Well that’s just, like, your opinion, man

>> No.75943157

Is it really that hard to just not look up clips of yourself and stay off of social media except for when you need to work?

It is times like these where you just need to turn off the laptop/desktop, turn your phone on ignore, and go outside. It is not good for you to be online all the time searching for what everyone says about you.

Captcha: 00HY00

>> No.75943159

It's /vt/ taking every statement a vtuber makes as being an attack on something or someone they love in ordr to milk as much drama out of it as possible

>> No.75943189

I don't make them, there are just that many people here who enjoy laughing at her.
And you clockcucks seething every time someone brings it up makes it even funnier.

>> No.75943201

It's actually the other way around if you saw Kiara and Kronii's melties

>> No.75943220

Those things take years to get that far. I refuse to believe it came to her in a dream recently and she just did it on a whim. It doesn't matter if you're a bigot or not, but everyone understands that holding two diametrically opposed identities is going to fuck you up.

>> No.75943232

>if you actually watched this stream
Well, anon?

>> No.75943301

>before : blended subway
>after : blended subway I R O N I C A L L Y
My life has been a lie

>> No.75943304 [DELETED] 
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>Cuckronies will defend this

>> No.75943306

Yes, people keep twisting her words.

>> No.75943361

>arguing semantics
Kronies are back in the competition with KFP for the most nijisisterlike fanbase

>> No.75943532


>> No.75943609

i watched the damn stream. it's totally fine. the problem is this is the second time she replied to this fucking clipnigger and blew everything up, the first time it got so bad she had to make 2 comments>>75942064 ,clipper then had to close the fucking comment section, and manager put out that infamous tweet.
she is jumping right into his trap without knowing it

>> No.75943624 [DELETED] 

She's really needs to get off the internet for a few days because I feel like this is only going to get worse

>> No.75943695

Watch streams

>> No.75943796

The meaning doesn't really change honestly idk what the semantics are here.

>> No.75943818

She was supposed to be traveling or something, right? Maybe when that's over she'll have a "What the hell did I do last night?" moment and realize that openly saying "Stop having fun!" over tiny non-issues was maybe, possibly, a bad decision.

>> No.75943822

I understand liking balloon tits, I guess. But will never understand why people like her voice, from the start she just sounded bored and annoyed.

>> No.75943944

There is a subtle but critical difference. She actually said that it’s unfortunate that there is a double standard, and the reason is idol culture. /vt/ baiters twisted that into her saying that idol culture itself is unfortunate, making it sounds like she hates idol culture as a whole.

>> No.75943950

And people here felt she needed to be "protected" from Vesper and Magni

>> No.75944037

Kiara male collabs: 0
Kronii male collabs: roru rumao even
I think we know who's better Clucks lol kwab :^)

>> No.75944041

Her voice is silky smooth. If it were physical, I think it would feel like pudding.
I just wish her amazing voice would say something funny more often.

>> No.75944110

The coolest part about science is that it isn't an opinion actually. Just like existence of kronii's three x chromosomes, these are things with irrefutable proof.

>> No.75944120

Pretty sure these comments are old since the Youtube profile picture is different then her current one

>> No.75944290

only the sandwich ones are recent

>> No.75944352

i'm just glad kronii doesn't have do deal with anything she doesn't like while doing her comfy six figure job, all jobs should consist of nothing but doing your favorite thing all the time

>> No.75944408

so you're saying she actually likes idol culture? lmao

>> No.75944556

i ain't reading all that
i'm happy for her tho
or sorry that happened

>> No.75944591 [DELETED] 

She’s an unironic lesbian she likes it a lot more than all the other Holos with secret boyfriends

>> No.75944605

Which stream was this?

>> No.75944744

literally zero evidence for this and retards thinking it's something that's happening while she's IN hololive are playing a retarded game of telephone with what the original rrat was based on and don't even understand why and when it existed as a rrat in the first place
no one who was actually a tranny would willingly join Hololive and if you actually watched streams like Girl's Talk and the stories about offcollabs you'd know she dresses like a woman in person and has makeup and you'd also know the surgery was fir her jaw (which was corroborated by various holos who she went to Disneyworld with when her jaw was still fucked up from surgery)

the actual simple explanation for Kronii's behavior is just that she is a frigid puritan like most korean women are

>> No.75944836

yo kronii, don't let people get under your skin!

>> No.75944949

I think kronii has ADHD and it's negatively affecting her health and possibly mental health by looking at shit on the Internet about her. she's 4000000% here no doubt

>> No.75945101

meme mental problem for attention whores

>> No.75945236 [DELETED] 

just because your pagpag shit hole hasn't discovered psychiatry doesn't mean it's not real.

>> No.75945278 [DELETED] 

The sad story of how Clucks replying as the cope with the facts :^)
KWAB :^)

>> No.75945287

You might have something worse than mental retardation if you actually believe adhd is real

>> No.75945312

grow up and you'll fix your "adhd" problem

>> No.75945345

Why do her fans even care? They know she's a fucking dyke.

>> No.75945347

NTA but you clearly don't know science and are talking out your ass, making unfounded appeals to science try and win internet arguments. Everybody knows it.

>> No.75945355

Hi Axel

>> No.75945388

where did your Filipino father touch you Anon?

>> No.75945431

lol absolutely worked ya boilin huh :^)

>> No.75945474

rangeban all krokeks
make /vt/ great again

>> No.75945550

whiter than you, commietard

>> No.75945560

She really was willing to risk it all for Vesper... I still don't fully understand how Vesper managed to fumble the bag

>> No.75945578

My god why is it so hard for Kronii not to dig the hole deeper. All she has to do is zip it and let the drama pass and instead she's putting blood in the anti water

>> No.75945602

let them be, its funny to see them trying to defend retarded clock just to get fucked again every time she opens her mouth, is not even necessary to troll anymore, she does all the work for free kek.

>> No.75945617 [DELETED] 

FlipGODs will always be whiter than you, g**k

>> No.75945623

Congrats, you successfully got gaslit by phaseniggers and brownvtmemes.

>> No.75945624

Not even Chris Chan would want to go from Hololive to Holostars. ALSO DANG DIRTY MALES!

>> No.75945664

Mentally ill tranny will do mentally ill things. Shocker

>> No.75945670 [DELETED] 

rangeban all krokeks

>> No.75945693

same shit as mori, she was willing to risk it all for connor but somehow had a moment of clarity in between her drunken stupor

>> No.75945692

Jesus christ another fucking thread about kronii do we need more of these shit threads?

>> No.75945700

Wasn't Vesper super gay?

>> No.75945701

Not really, she have a fake dong now

>> No.75945717
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I thought she was so feminized now...
Did she not change...

>> No.75945728 [DELETED] 

ban krokeks

>> No.75945782 [DELETED] 

cry about it kwab :^)

>> No.75945827

Kroniii was still nicer about it than I would have been in her position. I guess "Are you all fucking retarded? I can't even talk to a coworker without you all shitting yourselves and accusing us of fucking? Who do you think you are to dictate who I fucking talk to? I don't even know you sub-humans. You're all like stalkers, except a stalker has a better chance of touching my ass than you braindead mongoloids," might have gone over poorly, even if it's completely true.

>> No.75945831

nah it's real

go read a paper or a book some day retards

>> No.75945835 [DELETED] 

>mfw a krokek committed 41% near me

>> No.75945857

Kek subway in the fucking thumbnail Kronii why are you like this

>> No.75945866

He pretty much stopped interacting with his homo genmates to collab with holos, so I'm not convinced. YBDBDO

>> No.75945885 [DELETED] 

ban krokeks CIK 1488 rahowa
total nigger death total tranny death

>> No.75945893

well if there's one thing i've learned from all these bait threads, not only are kronii antis still insane, but kronies themselves kinda deserve it because they attack other girls to try to retaliate against whoever is doing the shitposting, using the same buzzwords i've seen in bait threads against other girls.
if your fanbase regularly shitposts agianst other girls i'm not going to bother defending your oshi. have fun, kronies.

>> No.75945928 [DELETED] 

krokeks are lower than niggers on the social hierarchy

>> No.75945982 [DELETED] 

the difference between a krokek and a nigger is that a nigger actually has a 10 inch cock even though he is a subhuman nigger, krokeks are just pathetic tranny g**ks that will be exterminated when dark fishman takes over hololive

>> No.75946027 [DELETED] 

gas all krokeks

>> No.75946056

you didn't even read them, learn how to argue before citing sources left and right

>> No.75946078 [DELETED] 

gas all krokeks total nigger death

>> No.75946105 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 735x565, kronii tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer do y'all reckon until she "graduates" Vesper style?

>> No.75946122

>kronies themselves kinda deserve it because they attack other girls to try to retaliate against whoever is doing the shitposting
where the fuck is this even happening??
you're even more retarded than everybody else here

>> No.75946138 [DELETED] 

begone shlomo you get the oven along with the rest of the krokeks ITT

>> No.75946181 [DELETED] 

hopefully its more than a graduation so all krokeks are wiped off the earth

>> No.75946193

>I want to collab with guys but due to schizo /here/ I'm being forced to become someone I didn't want to be

so it's literally what mikeneko said a few days ago, this board should die already

>> No.75946243

you can see it if you scroll up past the guy spamming "krokeks" or the flip racewar shit (why is this even in this thread)

>> No.75946274 [DELETED] 
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posting in a based thread

>> No.75946349


>> No.75946362

She so badly wants to be Ao-kun, but she's way too insecure to be a girlfailure.

>> No.75946386

there's that word again

>> No.75946385

I'm not any of those anons, but even the mere idea of mental illness gets strong criticism from within the field to this day. Needless to say it's way more complicated than a few links, a thread, or even a dedicated board on 4chan.

>> No.75946394

There's no "might" about it.

>> No.75946405 [DELETED] 
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Krokikes get the oven

>> No.75946410

Would schizos really do that? Just go on 4chan and post fake screenshots?

>> No.75946427

She never graduation. Don't cry :)

>> No.75946450

I'm kind of surprised it's taken as long as it has.
(Man, I hate how Kronii does that passive-aggressive thing like "I'm going to rant because I'm extremely pissed off. LOL XD")
Well, at least the other girls won't take it too hard. Except Kaela. That'll be sad.

>> No.75946471 [DELETED] 

Because mental illness isn't real
The gas chamber is where these subhuman Krokikes belong
DOTR soon Krokike

>> No.75946480

you're just saying that hoping I didn't, aren't you? The gist of all of them is that initially ADHD was believed to be just a childhood condition but has since come to be understood as being a heritable disorder caused by combinations of individual genes that affect networks in the brain that regulate things like attention i.e. there actually is a genetic and neurological basis for it
and the reason why it seems like so many people claim to have it is just because of how prevalent and common it is; at minimum something like 5% of adults are reported to have it but it's thought that this is underreported just because there's still the leftover idea that it's just a thing children have

tl;dr isreal

>> No.75946481

Vesper likes men and obese women

>> No.75946497

Are the JP girls as easily one guy'd and triggered?
I feel this happens a little too often in EN.

>> No.75946538
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>She never graduation.

>> No.75946545 [DELETED] 


>> No.75946549

I just want her to sit on face.

>> No.75946606


>> No.75946655

its just asian things
hololive should be white only

>> No.75946666
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>> No.75946673

I wish I was Kronii's boyfriend and could listen to her complain all day

>> No.75946703

vague mental illness and 'personality disorders'/muh psychology' is some bullshit but actual neurological conditions aren't
>heh if I just call it le juice science then it doesn't count!
this is exactly why Hitler didn't invent the atomic bomb and lost the war like a retard, you larping midwit

>> No.75946748
File: 91 KB, 283x259, pippers notices a subhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get away from me you disgusting freak

>> No.75946765

Depends on what you mean by real. Regardless, a century old debate that is still raging isn't going to be solved on 4chan today.

>> No.75946768

Its just our women due to the media overflow from the US. Its why i want a nice asian bride that wasnt born here

>> No.75946781

nice edited screenshots, retard
you ain't slick

>> No.75946785

Ever notice how few whites are actually employed at Hololive, even in EN? It's no coincidence, I can tell you that.

>> No.75946815
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>and lost the war like a retard

>> No.75946861

>vague mental illness and 'personality disorders'/muh psychology' is some bullshit but actual neurological conditions aren't
Not quite true either. Again same response as >>75946765 you're not elucidating anything here, you're just babbling slogans.

>> No.75946881
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>> No.75946883 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 1918x1773, 1714601721515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive has always been anti-white and pozzed forever. White Chads watch Phase Connect

>> No.75946937

ITT: We Summon Kronii


>> No.75946948

It's easier to figure her out once you realise she regularly thinks back to her debut where she became a voice slut for thousands of rabid horny men after introducing herself, cringing so hard her body physically inverts

>> No.75946950 [DELETED] 
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The oven's next for you Krokike

>> No.75946953

Like, her reaction is dumb as hell, but you can't really expect to not have women moments when you watch female streamers.

>> No.75946994

>flirting on stream with a guy in front of her paypigs at the end of a donathon
lol even

>> No.75947013 [DELETED] 
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She's a gook it's natural for them to be cunts

>> No.75947031 [DELETED] 

So youre saying she surgically implated an adams apple?

>> No.75947061 [DELETED] 
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Look who's talking Krokike

>> No.75947071
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Dont cry loser

>> No.75947120 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 768x1080, 1691611225746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My race wiped your kind out in the 50s and we'll fuckin do it again

>> No.75947163

I don't think links to scientific journal articles proving a point are just slogans but ok

>> No.75947168

>I'm done being good!
Bitch, when did you start?

>> No.75947191

/vt/ has been conpletely unsuable for months since the Niji implosion. Any mild criticism is just being a sister/pag/homo/fucking anything

>> No.75947296

You're not proving any points though. The fundamental bedrock that research is done on is contested, so you're not solving or proving anything today.

>> No.75947324

They might admittedly have more impact if scientific publications hadn't developed a reputation as little more than political tools.

>> No.75947333

Yes, extremely so

>> No.75947378 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, Kronii. Do everyone a favour and commit to your native heritage, and kill yourself.
Also, fuck you janny.

>> No.75947380

Your chromosomes definitely determine your primary and secondary sex characteristics (genitalia, hair growth, voice, etc.) but the idea of those features making your a human man or a human woman are something we've prescribed over the last centuries. That prescription is being overturned by a tiny minority of people on Earth, whether you like it or not.

You could argue that other animals are considered men or women based on their chromosomes. But we're humans. We're infinitely more complex than 99% of animals. We work very differently and can choose our own fate and social structures and definitions. We have and always will have changing social/cultural systems. Clothing, sexuality, hairstyles, make-up, language, body markings, etc. have never stayed the same over time. Gender is next on the list.

If this means "the West has fallen!!!!" or whatever then so be it I guess.

I was born with a dick, have always and will always consider myself a man, and work in marketing in case you all care.

>> No.75947444

>straight men are bigoted against the women they find attractive exhibiting heterosexual tendencies and only prefer her to be in a lesbian relationship they can participate in as virtual voyeurs.
Some psychologist is gonna get their PhD from this whole thing one day.

>> No.75947497

Those you call schizo freaks would still be schizo freaks without idol culture. They'd just be schizo freaks over something else instead. Stop trying to attribute everything to idol culture retard and kill yourself.

>> No.75947517

>Your chromosomes definitely determine your primary and secondary sex characteristics (genitalia, hair growth, voice, etc.)
Nah, that's mostly expression of hormones during early development. Remember, you're saying determine, so it's not true.

>> No.75947524

Didn't read.

>> No.75947558

Can I be spoonfed on what's wrong with these messages

>> No.75947576
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Honestly, if she went that far, i would have probably subbed and started watching her

>> No.75947583

Fucking thank god she's not you, that would of really destroyed her career

>> No.75947592

Go back

>> No.75947596

phasecucks are some of the cringiest and most pathetic niggas on this board and the fandom in general
your oshis are proven grifters and have keked you ON STREAM and the only reason you think they're ebin and based is because they lazily virtue signal the most milquetoast 'edgy' memes like dangling keys in front of your face to distract you like the underage retards that you are

your shit-tier company has to pride itself on out-competing dogshit Niji streams and consider that a win, and then pathetically beg for attention that they're never gonna get from Hololive like the world's most ineffectual leeches
you come here and shitpost about Hololive while your talentless lazy grifter cunt oshis beg for attention from holos like dogs, as cucked as their own fans are

>> No.75947649

This has ALWAYS fascinated me.

The viewers will watch girls stream with boys and the viewers will get called cucks.

The viewers will watch girls stream with girls and be flirty and nothing happens to the viewers.

Shouldn't the latter situation make you an OMEGA cuck? Cause not only is she not with you, she's with a woman AND being flirty with her, making her presumably lesbian (or at least bi). That lowers your chances to zero if they weren't there already (or closer to zero if they're bi).

>> No.75947742

>Proceeds to get graduated because of that and lose the easy mode life
That really would've worked like you think it would in your hypothetical scenario.

>> No.75947838

I thank God that I'm a male and my thoughts and actions can be free from my emotions of needed and chemistry in my brain isn't everything that makes myself
No wonder she wants to become one

>> No.75947870

its common knowledge to most normies even if they dont want to admit it. some men would rather have a woman cheat on them with another woman than another man because they dont see other women as competition.

>> No.75947886

That's pretty dire, you think men logically choose to behave this way?

>> No.75947906

Nothing really. Kronii telling autist to stop being autistic and they like to sperg out about it here.

>> No.75947933

>That lowers your chances to zero if they weren't there already (or closer to zero if they're bi).
Nobody beyond the top .00001 percent of schizos think they actually have a chance, the next best option is obviously for no other guy to jump ahead
