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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 206 KB, 440x731, 1689417635210813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75934912 No.75934912 [Reply] [Original]

Are You A Shondo Man™?

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75894199

>> No.75935222

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.75936052
File: 1.16 MB, 816x1200, 1699340837392105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shota (You)
Larping aside that drawing made me curious about something, what were (You) doing when wifey was lets say ten? I was selling packs of cigs to delinquents and used to dream of becoming a crime boss, then it hit me that I could make more than 99% of thugs by studying very hard to become a programmer so I did just that.

>> No.75936121

Why is it black?

>> No.75936171

Hmph. I'm not black, I'm a person of shadow.

>> No.75939495


>> No.75939768 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 250x156, 1707599896177020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75940126

I hate tourists

>> No.75940626

I hope she can truly be herself when she comes back, regardless what happens.

>> No.75940715

New peep over here, what's the spill with the Subathon goals?

>> No.75941371

I was in 7th grade having my science teacher explain to the class how men can’t get pregnant

>> No.75941489

made them too easy for people to acquire so she ended up swamped in work for them and eventually it just fell off into the background. everyone accepted it besides a handful of faggots seething here because it’s the one and only time they gave her any of their neetbux so they feel entitled rather than just being understanding that she bit off more than she could chew. could she have avoided the situation? sure, but shoggers need to find anything they can to hold against her so they can shit their pants

>> No.75941655

the wheel didn’t have that much on it that could swamp her. she’s just too much of a perfectionist
in fact, she could have been knocking off prizes during the subathon. The 1-min sketches would have been easy to finish in one go.

>> No.75941995

Sorry guys. I don’t know if I’ll have the energy today to anti or timeloop. I want to give you my best but today is just a slump I guess.

>selling drugs
>hanging with thugs
That’s nice owlbyte. Glad you decided to learn2code.

>> No.75943095
File: 290 KB, 653x368, 1715403021319773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me wife
luv me son
simple as

>> No.75943620

Not much, I had a pretty boring life outside of middle school and at that time I wasn't in middle school yet

>> No.75943807

>she learnt:
>> ohnoes my sekret klub thorns apart my community and drives my husbands crazy
>instead of
>> i should ban the horny emotional abusers, even if they are the most active members of my community
That's the correct lesson though?? At least between the two, the other is still valid though

>> No.75944262

She was herself for quite a while, you just didn't want to believe her because you project various headcanons on her.

>> No.75945129
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure you can handle it? it's not to late to leave now anon, she even gave you a pass

>> No.75945241

Smile I'll do just fine, brainworms are strong, but nothing I can't handle(fomo based brainworms really pack a punch though)

>> No.75945361

that's good shogga, let's check back in about... 12 years sound good?
maybe fomo brainworms can be your strength because if you leave before the 29 year mark you'll really miss out on some of the best parts

>> No.75945495
File: 201 KB, 898x1200, 1710703174236114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm not sure, I will definitely watch the return stream and I hope it's on shadowchama so she's a lot more clear about those changes she mentioned in passing. Nevertheless I'll decide after her first stream.
In my case it's concern not brainworms, this hiatus made it clear that anything could happen to Shondo and I'm powerless to help. Just pray for an update every day? Not sure I'm strong enough to repeat this cycle once a year or every 2 years.

>> No.75945598

Did my 2nd workout this week since almost a year of being a twitch potato. I'm getting fit so I can carry Shondo around when she's too tired to walk.

>> No.75945723

Why would I ever share anything with you that's to do with my life or me as a person at all. No one in this entire community can be trusted with even the smallest pieces of information. Shondo is the biggest offender of this.

>> No.75945802

Smile I'm trustworthy

>> No.75945816

projecting head cannon is cringe, I don't want her to change for the worse anon It's always a possibility. Her being herself is what I want.

>> No.75945843

Because you're anonymous and not retarded enough to have your name on the internet? I hope at least.

>> No.75945983

I took the pass and left. Just doesn't seem feasible for me to keep this up for any meaningful period of time. I've got my own shit going on.

>> No.75946018

The fact you can't already carry 40kg is horrific.

>> No.75946101

40kg is a lot, not in terms of people though

>> No.75946114

Most men vastly overestimate their own strength, they can lift 40kg but not carry that weight for more than like 20 seconds.

>> No.75946379

Go to the gym now.

>> No.75946547

No. Working out is a part-time job for low class men.

>> No.75946552

I'm a skinny fuck with very little muscle other than on my legs and I don't go to the gym - I carried a 65kg pack on a two week hike. My knees and back were fucked for weeks after but it wasn't overly difficult and shouldn't be for any reasonably fit adult.

>> No.75946584

I've never tried carrying 40kg, idk about you
If it's shondo I totally could though

>> No.75946630

if you're into findom there are plenty of vtubers out there for you

>> No.75946837
File: 98 KB, 925x899, 1714696747768984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly, we're friends innit

>> No.75946887

Thanks for proving my point, you cannot actually carry a 65kg backpack if it destroys your body in the process. What you did is the equivalent of me doing a suicide vest attack on a UFC champ in order to "win" a fight with him.

>> No.75947038

How fat are you, be honest.

>> No.75947083

>defending not being able to lift 39kg as an adult male
lol irl. your average man can deadlift more than his bodyweight with no prior experience lifting weights. your body has literally atrophied because all you do is watch vtubers and jerk off 24/7

>> No.75947222

92kg at 186cm I'm chubby.
Reading comprehension reps, I said the average man can't carry 39kg for more than 20 seconds. Of course he can lift it from the ground retard.

>> No.75947284

It didn't "destroy" my body though. I was in pain after like I said but I have no lasting issues and I've gone on many hikes since.

>> No.75947338

if you can't hold 39kg for 20 seconds you can't do a set of deadlifts with that weight either. thanks for confirming that you've never been in a gym and have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.75947425

I'd win

>> No.75947529

Love moments like this. Really puts things into perspective. Makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.75947535

>if you can't hold 39kg for 20 seconds you can't do a set of deadlifts with that weight either
Bullshit. You do realize that 20 seconds is a lot, right? Especially if you're not standing still? The last time I moved to a new place my arms hurt from carrying a microwave from my car to the 3rd floor, keep in mind that a microwave is like 25kg.

>> No.75947675

I just shared my little achievement, why do you guys immediately have to start a fight? D:

>> No.75947715

My sister is getting close to 20kg now and I can and have carried her for hours over several miles. I've carried my 80kg fat sack mother on my back for 5 minutes and I have to regularly carry 90kg around 200m.
I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.75947737

nah bs you should absolutely be able to do that much as a farmers carry

>> No.75947846

You're not the average man.
I did but my forearms were burning, next day I was sore.

>> No.75947991

>You're not the average man.
Feels good to hear. Made me forget shondo hates me for a few seconds.

>> No.75948118

>>75947846 (me)
I carried it like a forklift with my arms under it and my palms holding it still.

>> No.75948237

Last week I walked like 1 km with 10kg in one hand(it hurt, but i imagined shondo telling me that if I carry it with anything but my right arm I'm a faggot) and ~8kg in the other
Am I below the average man?
I still believe I could carry shondo if I had to though

>> No.75948266


>> No.75948312

>>75948237 (me)
They were groceries in bags for context

>> No.75948320

How long did it take you to cover the 1k

>> No.75948321

Yes, you're even weaker than me (microwave anon).

>> No.75948396

>forearms were burning, next day I was sore
That's the process of building muscle mass. You can't hope to properly hope to get stronger if you're not feeling at least a little sore - that's not /fit/ bullshit that's science.

>> No.75948416

>>75948321 (me)
On second thought we might be equal, your 1km vs me walking up the stairs to the 3rd floor.

>> No.75948494

Did it hurt your arm or your hand where the bag was digging into it? If it's the latter then that's fine and nothing to do with strength.

>> No.75948588

Probably like 15 minutes? I had to change grip decently often because the bag was digging into my hand, the 10kg one, since I put the condition of not putting it down or anything until I got home

>> No.75948753

It was a bit red and it tore the skin on my palm a little bit after checking it home

>> No.75948766

beginners shouldn't worry about being sore in their first year, they need so little stimulus it doesn't mean enough to stress over, after that though yeah ideally you want at least a tiny bit
the amount of soreness doesn't measure work out quality well

>> No.75948826

just decided to check her out thanks to this thread (I expect shots from the op) and she seems really funny from the clips I’ve seen
might have found my new oshi :D

>> No.75948888

welcome. we all hate each other with a burning passion here. don't take it personally

>> No.75948893

That's fairly slow anon.. even for walking with weight. Try and get it to 10 minutes.

>> No.75948921

she's nothing like the clips, don't get yourself involved with this, quit while you're ahead

>> No.75949037
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Bottom line: I'll manage with my average male strength. I don't need to go to the gym, for weight loss I'd rather get into a sport like table tennis and play outside on sunny days to work up a sweat.

>> No.75949071

we're full find someone else

>> No.75949212

The maps app said 12 minutes so I accounted for added weight and time it took in total to alter grips... I didn't look at the time at all

>> No.75949447

That trophy? Mine

>> No.75949622

>29 year mark
We’ll already have our grandbabies by then. Why would leave at that point? Love my lolibaba wife.

>> No.75949642

!jesse the offline chat

>> No.75949680

You are not me so stop the larp. Except I can already carry here little noodle frame around.

>> No.75950045

looks normal to me

>> No.75950182

My little girl just laughed at you all after we read the thread together.

>> No.75950216

It's just autistic circlejerking, nothing new.

>> No.75950491

give me her number please. or snapchat

>> No.75950565

She's not old enough to own a phone anon.

>> No.75950631

Even better! DM me!

>> No.75950659

would you trust shondo around your daughter?
and what part of this thread is a child finding funny?

>> No.75950700

Have you guys talked about the porn in the art tag yet? Its right after Girus so shes sure to see it
I hope it doesnt put her in a bad mood

>> No.75950832

I was just telling her other people couldn't lift her up like I can and for some reason she found it funny. Her humour isn't exactly advanced. I would trust shondo with her as much as I would a random dog in the street. I would never leave the two alone in the same space.

>> No.75950906

you’re only telling me this to make me horny

yes, I trust shondomama around our daughter. She carried her for 9 months after all and she’s been doing very good in therapy.

>> No.75950980
File: 528 KB, 900x900, channel4_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has nsfw in sfw art tag

>> No.75951039

I forgot about it desu

>> No.75951103

That's a clever metaphor. It's like an artistic depiction of the Fillian collab showing how fucked things got since.

>> No.75951557

>guys.. porn...
>Thread goes silent
What's going on fellas

>> No.75951561
File: 351 KB, 1915x1017, 1707839485507577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason i wouldn't trust shondomama is because i can't risk her going to jail, otherwise we could always make another
i would love our child more than anyone else like i do shondo but shondo takes priority, but i know instinct can kick in and that might change things, though i would hope not

>> No.75951568

wait…what picture?
jesse are you talking about?
just link the damn thing (please)

>> No.75951635

lazy fuck

>> No.75951666

saved but reported

>> No.75951709

sounds callous, but yeah, wife comes first kids come after.

I only see the hang in there and the cute emoshumo by giru’s

>> No.75951741

see >>75948266

>> No.75952195

That pic does funny things to my brain. Being able to hate-fuck Filian and rape her while shondo watches and then letting her play with Filian's tired and limp body would be such a fun dynamic. Always been a fantasy of mine since shondo said that if she was a male she would be a rapist. The idea of shondo using (you) as a rape-fueled attack dog on girls is the ideal (you) that (we) should aspire to be.

>> No.75952197

Me and shondo, except I just beat her

>> No.75952276

yeah she won’t forget more than once after the first black eye

>> No.75952454

okay, I found it. had to specifically look up shaduoh and see farts tweet


>> No.75952613 [DELETED] 

holy fuck man we gotta do something guys!!!
they kidnapped dewd!! >>>/wsg/5546171

>> No.75952698

sorry dewd. maybe the mistook you for butterbeef?

>> No.75952721

Stop posting about yourself

>> No.75952773

:c sorry

>> No.75952789
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!! im glad she is doing good again!!! and im happy she is tweeting even if it was a blue archive tweet!!!! i hope she is getting her meals in and maybe even doing a little bit of exercise!!!! stay strong shondo!!! love you!!!!

>> No.75952861

you guys are silly c:

>> No.75952862

don’t set yourself up for failure
at least be realistic in your hopes

>> No.75952976

its a realistic depiction of me and her
my thumb might not be fine afterwards

>> No.75953037

Homie's posting porn to different vtuber's sfw tags
Kinda funny but also oh no he cant read

>> No.75953114

I really enjoy your posts because it always reminds me of one of the happiest days of my life

>> No.75953117

>shondo keeps liking tweets of that little bunny loli
shondo do you want to see yourself in more cute outfits like that? i can make that happen, you'd look super cute in them.

>> No.75953129

i dont think walking for 10 or 15 minutes is too bad. this is my version of the subathon goal whining

>> No.75953155

>drew (you) as white
she is gonna have a complete melty when she sees this. expect another 2 week hiatus after she finally checks the art tag

>> No.75953168

I can't remember the happiest day of my life.

>> No.75953300

She's done it before though? It's also just a sketch innit

>> No.75953798

alright shondo, lilytroonkins is funny and cute. you can collab with >her some more. just don’t flirt or sexpest or I will beat you (real) for cheating

>> No.75953831

second male collab

>> No.75953902

Someone should put rtx inspired art with a white (you) in the art tag just seen where the line is :D

>> No.75953909

here som you fag, your retarded ass meme was used for something actually funny

>> No.75953949

It's asmr is also kinda cute but don't let anyone else know I said that

>> No.75953957

Erm…i’ll kill myself brb

>> No.75953982

dumb phoneposter lol

>> No.75954004

Retard. You'll delete your post now

>> No.75954021


>> No.75954063

>tards can’t get the joke that the meme is never funny
Honestly a 400IQ play, shogga. gj

>> No.75954140

You're him.

>> No.75954201


>> No.75954206

Thanks. I am him (true husband).

>> No.75954510

didnt she draw (you) as white herself and 'people' got upset about it?

>> No.75954836

i am rubber and you are glue
whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

>> No.75955013

It's over... I got got... Good bye forever, i am die...

>> No.75955388
File: 607 KB, 1511x818, 3MHZMmP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really missing you a lot today, shondo

>> No.75955623

she’s not missing you
blokes keepin her company in da klub
stomach full of bailey’s

>> No.75955695

in da klub before 8? cmon shogger atleast be believable. shes at spoons with ft and shadowmama on the predrinkin sesh and getting some scran

>> No.75955891

shondo right after she got out of her depressive episode:
You can find me in the club, bottle full of baileys
Look hubby I got the X if you into taking drugs
I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love
So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed

>> No.75955910

They call it scran up there? Thought that was a more westerly/south westerly thing.

>> No.75956077

urban dictionary says it came from the north/Scotland so don’t know what ur on shoomfie

>> No.75956137

i would hug shondo for hours while rubbing her

>> No.75956236

Interesting. I had always assumed it to be our thing.

>> No.75956364

I can't lie to you anymore.
I'm just getting fit so I can steal Shondo and get away before someone can stop me.

>> No.75956387

I love my whaler wife

>> No.75956461

anyone else get miffed when they see other vtubers in /lig/? I mean...how can anyone care about someone who isn't shadow?
it sickens me

>I'm just getting fit so I can steal Shondo and get away before someone can stop me.
stop larping as me! I'm also gonna let her get a head start running through da woods and then slowly stalk towards her. it will be so funny and hot. i'm great at date planning.

yeah... :]

>> No.75956757


>> No.75956862

you could give her a head start of a few hours she wouldnt get very far. it would just be a casual walk and you would catch up in no time

>> No.75956914
File: 1.11 MB, 960x1234, 149_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put the 'master' in front of my name. i've earned it

i know that's why it's so much fun.

>> No.75957322
File: 39 KB, 932x560, 1689013492652532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April was so much fun. what a great month =D

>> No.75957509

I wonder what happened 7 days ago to make that guy start posting in the discord every single day after that. Previously it jumps from 19 days ago to 17-13-10-7 and then into every day. What happened 7 days ago.

>> No.75957763

what happened to make you so gay that you need to give a fuck

>> No.75958167

I'm onto you

>> No.75958230

I see people who joined during the hiatus and never even watched a single stream saying they miss her and calling her wife

>> No.75958374

chestnut says he's aro so i looked it up and aros don't have romantic feelings...weird to say you miss your 'wife', then

>> No.75958447

I find this parasocial shit pretty weird, like you simp for a gal that will never ever touch you.
At least her streams are fun.

>> No.75958463

stinky femcel

>> No.75958521

interesting how women always cry about men only wanting sex, but then they insult you by saying you're an incel who doesn't get laid.
which is it whores?

>> No.75958523

There's levels to it. Some people love her and then other people seem to think they're actually going meet up and ride into the sunset together.

>> No.75958625

Yea but like how can you ever hope that you out of thousands of people are going to be the one to meet her in bum fuck nowhere?

>> No.75958752

>other people seem to think they're actually going meet up and ride into the sunset together

I don't think anybody actually believes that. It would defeat the whole point of this relationship and would make her a cheater.

>> No.75958789

Shondo if you're here can you tell me if cakes go off and how long it takes. I always assumed things with high alcohol or sugar content never or at least take a really long time to go off but I ate some cake that was sitting in my fridge for around 3-4 days opened and 5 minutes ago I had sloppiest shit I've had in months. So much clean up. Also what's up bitch.

>> No.75958839

That's where groomers shine

>> No.75958887

Ain't nobody grooming shondo at this point she's a hag.

>> No.75958918


>> No.75958984

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu she just got very stressed in the subathon and is crying uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu she such baby she need to be held and protected uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>meet her in bum fuck nowhere
maybe i know where bum fuck nowhere is Smile

>> No.75959001
File: 162 KB, 1080x1368, 1695024900395107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get trying to score good boy points and save face so you don't look like a name doxxnigger piece of shit to the entire community. Especially since the poem was conveniently never posted in her discord art channel like other poems are.
But it's funny that the methods currently being involved are just chatting with the resident autistic darlings and unironic faggots in her dumpsterfire of a discord.
They've become a literal shit-test for antis wanting to blend in. I can't tell if this is a sign that her discord needs a nuking or not because it's genuinely fascinating watching so many disgusting people act like 2-faced snakes.
My personal rrat is that shondo realized this nearly a year ago and that's why she leaves it the way it is. It's fascinating to her as well.

>> No.75959142

You've also noticed this then? Very strange person.

>> No.75959149

stop posting about yourself

>> No.75959156

your first mistake was checking the cesspool of that discord lmao

>> No.75959227

From the perspective I've gained, I wouldn't call it a "mistake".

>> No.75959251

>just chatting with the resident autistic darlings and unironic faggots
what else would you do in the discord? that's all it is.
also why are you there?

>> No.75959347


>> No.75959451

good thing shondo would never act like this
way too straight for that

>> No.75959497

Movie night starting now

>> No.75959549

it's 2 in the afternoon dumbfuck
what kind of movie night is that

>> No.75959602

it's 9 pm at her place. perfect time for a movie.

>> No.75959610

what do you mean by this INSANECAT

>> No.75959852
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>> No.75959874
File: 291 KB, 1280x720, margeshumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think she's neat

>> No.75960030

She's fixing her schedule like she always said she's going to do

>> No.75960251

>this tiem 4 rael!!

>> No.75960439

I thought so too, but maybe it means something else?

>> No.75960500

What movie is next for the discord watchalongs? Something 4 fears?

>> No.75960591


>> No.75960687

butterbaby, lets have 10 children together

>> No.75960696
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, 1714268252509898m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good movie?

>> No.75960700

Gone girl.

>> No.75960728

nta but books were okay. typical YA stuff like hunger games. teenager girl bosses her way to overthrowing dystopian patriarchy.

>> No.75960750

Fair enough

>> No.75960850

every time someone mentions patriarchy i think of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtPgSnCkcEU

>> No.75960862
File: 307 KB, 669x490, IMG_20240421_064409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want my wife to touch me when she's also married to a whole of other dudes? That'd be unfair to them
As much as I would like it, i won't have it happen
Maybe I'll figure out something in the future

>> No.75960979

>That'd be unfair to them
such a stupid fucking cuckold, low-t mindset.

>> No.75961025
File: 72 KB, 673x1024, 1712700473444667m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75961058

calm down groomey, you're showing your spots again

>> No.75961139
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1692649231560394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other people seem to think they're actually going meet up and ride into the sunset together.
yeah, me

>> No.75961264

>having a free-use gf/wife is based actually
no thanks. only groomers want to indoctrinate others into thinking shoggas shouldn't shoot their shot
lowers their competition

>> No.75961349

groomers want to paint their behavior as normal and acceptable over slightly discouraging the competition that they'll do anyway

>> No.75961351

this is a battle royal after all

>> No.75961471

I'll only accept this as a battle royale in the literal sense
I'm going to be fighting shoggas when I can

>> No.75961549
File: 1.06 MB, 1272x687, 1715875052845844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a husband, or a groomer, or an anti. Yet I still lurk here on a daily basis, I'm not sure why.

>> No.75961560
File: 166 KB, 500x469, 1710651430042075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since some shoggas have brought this up before

>> No.75961596

This relationship isn't real, if you emerge victorious in the soon to begin husband trials then it isn't cheating.

>> No.75961651

You're him, there's no way someone is that gay to be this obsessed with another man

>> No.75961689

The husband RP is just one big courting ritual. She is a Victorian lady with a thousand suitors, but only one may actually claim her hand in marriage.

>> No.75961707

language is fluid, which is why getting picky over definitions in a conversation is pointless and autistic. i see it all too often where the focus will get shifted on to trying to say they used the word wrong instead of just asking them to clarify what they meant by it
like you said, this happened with the "based" discussion

>> No.75961766

wife tweet reminds me of her draw stream with lemonleaf

>there's no way someone is that gay
you would be surprised ;)
i don't like it anymore than you do, shogga.

>> No.75961822

>umm language is fluid so anything goes! nothing has any meaning! if you dont agree with how i use a word even if its completely wrong then you're just autistic!
i dont care if its autistic of me, pointing out incorrect use of language is important because semantics matter

>> No.75961862

I never understood flipping your drawings, it's really unnatural for me

>> No.75961912

wtf is she talking about, if she flips the canvas so often because she has it hotkeyed, then she wouldn't be drawing on a flipped canvas for 30 minutes because she flips her canvas often
what kind of bullshit made-up scenario is this for a tweet? either you flip the canvas often or you don't shondo, what the fuck

>> No.75961915
File: 2.85 MB, 800x800, 1706106605450377.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its to make sure both sides are more or less mirrored, i guess
also just fun to do cause they look like they're dancing

>> No.75961953

the semantics of a word's common use are irrelevant most of the time, you want to know the semantics of what they meant by that word, which is completely separate to a written definition
it's not about getting you to agree with how you use the word, it's about getting you to understand what someone meant by the word, which is the whole point of language and there are many everyday scenarios where definitions are broken in conversation, so i don't think you really are or want to be autistic about it because you'd be wrong too

>> No.75961966

If you flip too much you forget which way was the normal way and can end up treating the mirrored work as the base

>> No.75962023

she didn't forget, since she said that her normal one looks wrong after the 30 minutes of not flipping the canvas

>> No.75962062

dont care
using "pov" to mean "your point of view" when it isnt actually your point of view is for retarded niggers and they should be executed

>> No.75962073

oh look we're picking apart everything she said again
she really loves when we do that

>> No.75962114

>dont care
that's all you had to say
you're assuming they care what she loves

>> No.75962132

>antis are anti'ing in the anti-thread
yeah, anonchama real peculiar

>> No.75962226

ive been watching a couples travel channel on yt recently and it makes me want to fucking kill myself that me and her never will experience something like this

>> No.75962263
File: 163 KB, 906x1200, GJnAZeHbkAAjBjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will experience it with her though

>> No.75962313

i'm saying four but i actually mean 5, the language is fluid, get over it

>> No.75962338

One more word out of you lot and I’m taking what’s left of her virginity.

>> No.75962454

for the purposes of the conversation i would because i'm not sub 100IQ

>> No.75962596

Alright fine. I didn’t want to interrupt her during her drawing, but you couldn’t keep your trap shut.
She’ll be bedrotting under my beer gif for the next 33 hours so enjoy your radio silence.

>> No.75962615

the more you think about it the more it will hurt and the more the thought will pop into your head

>> No.75962619

i'm absolutely retarded sub 75IQ kid that uses POV incorrectly because it's short and nothing else came to mind when i did an unfunny gif edit

>> No.75962762

so do her words have meaning or do you just take it as dribble with nothing behind then, might as well watch a Japanese streamer if that's the case

>> No.75962847

Are you proud of yourself? Feel good about what you have done?

>> No.75962870

Are you talking about the fluidity of the language?

>> No.75962892

>i'm absolutely retarded sub 75IQ kid
minor grammatical error
you must be especially bored today to keep it going over a topic this boring

>> No.75962894

i still use pov correctly. not everyone is a retarded tiktokfag

>> No.75963138

so dribble, got it, no point talking about anything if you think words have no meaning

>> No.75963152

it gets worse when you consider her maro answers

>> No.75963154

can i ask a genuine question of what you shoggers think and get some serious answers?

do you think when she tweets stuff out, she actually wants to hear what we have to say about it, even if we don't really know anything about the subject? or is it just an obligatory thing and she ignores all the replies?
obvious exceptions of course like when she is asking for feedback, but i mean in general

>> No.75963208

no idea
i just dont comment when i dont have anything to say

>> No.75963222

>so do her words have meaning
Yes, but only when they align with whatever I want to believe. When she says something that conflicts with that, it is just 'Kayfabe', 'Pandering' or just a lie.

>> No.75963290

exactly, now stop replying to yourself

>> No.75963293

the purpose is to relive fatigue from looking at the same image for too long exposing mistakes and can also make some lines easier to draw depending on which hand you draw with

>> No.75963355

she is such a fragile baby
im done anti'ing her, even when it's funny
i will only support my wief and never banter with her because i know she can't take it and thats okay

>> No.75963361

you are not a couple who cares

>> No.75963407


>> No.75963462
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>you are not a couple

>> No.75963499

He didn't write the bait posts, it was me. I believe that the POV example is idiotic, there should be a line for fluidity, because it becomes a slippery slope otherwise. The slang words, especially modern and born of twitter or tiktok, are all buzzword by definition and often don't have particular meaning that passed the test of time. They are fluid by nature.
Acronyms are used as a code for a bunch of other words, they are closer to math or coding constructs than the slang words and idioms that on top have an evershortening lifespan nowadays.

>> No.75963735

when is the barbie girls cat offcollab

>> No.75963767

Obviously she wants novel interactions or opinions, she's looking for fresh stuff because she's a writer and likes to read people, unless it's the sea of banality.

>> No.75963900

Word salad with no dressing. What is she gonna get from tweet replies to "i flipped my canvas a bunch haha".

>> No.75964091

She likes her salad, you know that.
Even a simple response to a mundane post might be impressive in some way to her, depends on your skills and her mood.

>> No.75964656

since making this post I have wanted to criticize her no less than 3 times

>> No.75964997
File: 366 KB, 1572x592, 1714285007427213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/shon/ is just one big faggot cunt contest isn't it?

>> No.75965189

nah, i make nise posts about how i love shondo or what i want to do with her sometimes

>> No.75965533

that one big faggot cunt? me

>> No.75965542
File: 433 KB, 810x892, 1696430457647667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want her to make me a nise tasty bacon sandwich and then eat it while she tells me about the silly stuff she saw online.

>> No.75965772

When is the shondo snuff film dropping?

>> No.75965851

when you volunteer for the victim role

>> No.75965911

this place is unironically not where you come to if you even like shondo. /lig/ is niser for talking about her and i'm starting to thing we should have never splintered off.
i think about wanting to say something nise to her or reassuring and then instantly think of what you fags will say and twist it in a negative way.
we all fucking suck

>> No.75965926

15-20 years after we marry there will be a spat of disappearances across the UK
videos will surface later on

>> No.75966069

sounds like you just have brainworms
if you want to say something nise about shondo then just do it

>> No.75966136

i think you're overthinking things

>> No.75966173

its fine if i say it /here/ but as soon as i say to main, some shogger will start shitting themselves cause it makes them feel like a good lil white knight for virtue signalling on her behalf.

>> No.75966253
File: 18 KB, 305x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i am so happy
they changed the recipe for the beer i used to drink and made it taste like shit
bought it on a whim today to see if its still bad and it tastes like it used to
now im gonna get smashed and watch the last episode of twin peaks
captcha: G0DTV
it was meant to be

>> No.75966267

im not sure what you're saying
you cant say something nise to her on twitter because someone will whiteknight her and derek you? i dont get it

>> No.75966371

this could be us shondo

>> No.75966415

damn...still got 100hours of subathon left (before sleep time and breaks are cut out)

yes you get it
re-read the
>twist it in a negative way

happy for you bro
twin peaks sounds comfy

>> No.75966490

we need to repost every response to her tweets in here to throw them off

>> No.75966584

i think you're just autistic
ive been nothing but nise to her on twitter since i got here (i even criticised her before a little) and nobody has ever mentioned me or been mean to me

>> No.75966623

good for you, really :) read threads though, since at least 2022 and you'll see you're the exception

>> No.75966822

>twist it in a negative way
if you're scared of white knights doing that then it sounds like you know what you want to say has a negative connotation to it
he probably wants to say things like "i hope you're trying harder today :^)" "try not to bedrot and do something with your life :^)" "hope you're feeling better and can get back to streaming soon, my life has been awful since you left :^)"
if not then he is autistic

>> No.75966980

actually i was going to try to reassure her to not worry if she has tech issues on her comeback stream because i know she might spiral again if that happens.
but again, thanks for twisting my words to fit your own interpretation, shogga :)

>> No.75967148

>thanks for twisting my words
i used the word probably and left the possibility that i was wrong in there, the fact that you're getting upset about what i said to you means you probably are being silly
no one is going to attack you or twist that and it definitely won't be a virtue signaling white knight

>> No.75967188

there is a few ways your words can be twisted, but I'll ne nise
what if she makes a troubleshooting prep stream first where we just solve her problems so she's not under pressure?

>> No.75967325

>you probably are being silly
i'm never silly >:( that's girl shit

but would she listen? and if the internet goes out AFTER she did a tech stream, that would be even worse.
I hate hearing how upset she's getting just doing the subathon and I don't want her to feel like she messed up her comeback stream cause the ISP shat the bed.

>> No.75967411

when has the fanbase trying to solve her problems with tech stuff on stream ever gone well. she just ends up getting pissed off as everyone clambers over each other to help.

>> No.75967502

i don't think she likes mouz-tier responses. you don't always have to have something topical or helpful to say, just drop a funny little comment or don't say anything. if you need to think about what to say you might as well not reply anything because at that point it's just forced.

>> No.75967564

i dont think so
>"i hope you're trying harder today :^)" "try not to bedrot and do something with your life :^)" "hope you're feeling better and can get back to streaming soon, my life has been awful since you left :^)"
thats all mostly fine i think

>> No.75967632

If it's just about things she can't fix on her end and which is out of her hands then make it clear you are reassuring her about that specifically. However, something like an old game not getting picked up by OBS or whatever else can be solved in advance.
That's because she was mentally prepped for certain actions and outcome, not for dealing with issues unprepared. Troubleshooting streams could be specifically just for dealing with tech issues.

>> No.75967653

>and i'm starting to thing we should have never splintered off.
you seem new. this gen was (re)started by liggers as a containment thread because we'd shit up /lig/ with the same timeloopy schizo shit that we talk about here. i know one of the liggers are still baking these even though he doesn't care for shondo.

>> No.75967749

I never read what mouz says so I have no clue why he is called an AI.

>> No.75967764

This, it should be natural and succinct first and foremost. Even if it's a banality it's still better than a forced attempt to stand out.

>> No.75967795

those are like the last things someone who is in their depressive cycle wants or needs to hear, the sentiments aren't bad but unless you can have an extended conversation about it you're doing nothing at best and hurting her at worst.
it's more pressure and expectations shondo can't hope to meet, and it's not her fault but she will feel like it is, you would need an extended conversation or long winded post to prevent that, not a painfully simplistic one

>> No.75967868

>groomers wake up and encourage husbands to not stand out
you could set your watch to this shit

>> No.75968016

do your reading comprehension reps
>inb4 merely pretending to be retarded
it's ok to stand out if you are a natural, otherwise you are just cringe

>> No.75968056

Someone just learned a new word today lmao

>> No.75968087

>troubleshooting streams
i'm sure hours of people repeating the first 3 google results for any issues she may more may not have, that they know nothing about, would be good for her when it has already annoyed her multiple times in the past. she can figure almost all tech issues out herself, and has done. not sure why a whole stream would be needed to troubleshoot when there's no known issues she's had recently besides her isp shitting the bed which is out of her hands. if she wants help with something she'd just post it in her troubleshooting channel in the discord.

>> No.75968117

happy for you, shogga

>> No.75968168

nta but I'm happy for him too :)

>> No.75968337

kon shadow and i dont care

>> No.75968552

i think most people are gonna talk to her about her health or what she is doing more than technical issues
personally i would never comment on tech issues for the reasons people already brought up, unless it was something i actually knew about.

>> No.75968880

Well I would hope most people knew not to just offer up random suggestions about stuff they were ignorant on.

>> No.75968929


>> No.75968946

Didn't she have some problems unrelated to connection during the last stream? Such little things add up and contribute to her melty. And it doesn't need to be hours long at all, just enough to solve and get comfortable. Discord is fine, but she'll need to share her screen. It shouldn't be an open stream, just for a select few helpers that know their shit. You do have a point about the unexpected issues being the real problem, can't test for these in advance.
My point was about removing at least some of the pressure from her, not making a counterproductive stream with a message spam.

>> No.75969174

stop trying to backseat her mental illness

>> No.75969234

Her community is excessively bad at this. It is solely why we had a tech "help" channel on her discord. That way she could actually ignore the autistic retards and sift for actual help. She even snapped at Hiroto for suggesting something in the week before hiatus.
She absolutely fucking despises how autistic this community is.

>> No.75969286

>>75969234 me
Sorry, to clarify: Hiroto didn't even say anything bad. But snapped on him nonetheless. Her feelings on the matter are still true.

>> No.75969301

she hasn't had a major issue that she's wanted help with since doom 2 wasn't working and the audio issues the other month. there's just zero reason to do such a stream.
>It shouldn't be an open stream, just for a select few helpers
lol. you want to talk about contributing to a melty, the fallout from her doing that would be infinitely worse than any tech issues she could have. i'm not sure how you don't even foresee the amount of shit she would get off people for doing a private stream for select people. are you sure you aren't new?

>> No.75969464


>> No.75969612

it doesn't need to be announced and is essentially not different from DMs that she already uses, unless you don't understand how discord works

>> No.75969699

your post is backseating too

>> No.75969713
File: 12 KB, 361x32, 1715902887316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished shondo was even a fraction as grateful as her

>> No.75969739

>DMs that she already uses

>> No.75969820

i wont ever stop trying to help her
i love her
if she doesnt like it she will mute me or ask me to stop

>> No.75969823

this is the only general where fans desire inaction over any kind of streams

>> No.75969883

dance for me monkey!

>> No.75969954

it's kinda weird how insistent you are on her doing a hidden stream/streams for a select few before she returns from hiatus. i refuse to believe you either aren't new or someone that would want to try take advantage by being there to "help." if she wants help she'll ask in her troubleshooting channel. her and the mods will clean up any useless retards attention seeking. your idea is retarded and would do more harm than good

>> No.75970298

Care to point me to the troubleshooting channel then?

>> No.75970331
File: 440 KB, 2460x2801, 1693335265666093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now we're adding tech help to this dilemma

/shon/ is the equivalent of putting monkeys in a room with a typewriter until they produce Shakespeare except replace Shakespeare with coming up with every reason as to why she should have a gated community.
She is heavily reliant on people to a fault, both on and off stream. It's baffling how we can retread so many topics surrounding this single solution that she has denied herself for so long, only because...?
Oh right, people would get their feelings hurt that they can't all have a slice of the shondo pie. The sad reality is that the shondo pie is smaller than even she expected. This hiatus compared to last year's work break is proof of this burden.
>inb4 groomer allegations, you just want her isolated, etc etc
If I'm deemed not worthy to be let in her pearly gates then surely I shouldn't even be here now. I would be blessed with knowing that I'm not oversaturating and ruining a good thing for her and I could actually detach from her with closure.

>> No.75970334


>> No.75970572

it's hidden right now. guarantee it will come back as needed

>> No.75970674

she should be in a gated community
but the community is made up of her family and friends, and then me and my family and friends

>> No.75970740

what if there is another hidden channel that doesn't come back? oh the possibilities

>> No.75970827

there's a way to see all of the channels whether theyre hidden or not
no i will not tell you what it is

>> No.75970864

when am i getting invited to the paypig discord? how much do i have to donate?

>> No.75970883

shouldn't have told him. let him think he's farming brainworms like a retard

>> No.75970907 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, 1700212687391764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she should be in a gated community
i agree wholeheartedly
>but the community is made up of her family and friends, and then me and my family and friends
i was thinking more like pic related

>> No.75971307

No more secret clubs. No more alts.

>> No.75971617

I'm converted. Don't think I'll be coming back I've found someone and I'm taking the pass.

>> No.75971746
File: 1.08 MB, 960x1234, 1686216232056504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so is she goth or emo? I hear people here and discord say goth, but she listened to the 'emo-trinity' and she sh. Seems a lot more emo than goth.

>> No.75971862
File: 338 KB, 682x622, 1686276994670314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funnier about the "no sekrit klubs" waffling is that this wouldn't even be a "secret club". That criticism was only valid because of how this community operates and coddles FOMO at every given turn.
Fact of the matter is that It wouldn't be a secret club if that was just the state of the community. It wouldn't be a secret, just not an open door letting in an infinite amount of autistic and insufferable drafts. Anyone trying to seethe at her about "b-b-but you said no more secret clubs!!!" would have no ground to stand on over the issue.

>> No.75972046

no more exclusive clubs either desu

>> No.75972107


>> No.75972201
File: 1.60 MB, 640x534, 1709293840725344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, I really like the goth/emo costume streams and the corpse imouto ones. Hope we get more of those, even if it's not until October.

>> No.75972232

Yeah the solution is to create more FOMO, that will really benefit her.

>> No.75972236

You're right. Let's expand and progress further beyond capacity. Maybe we can shoot for institutionalization next year around this time when she's quadrupled viewership and stops interacting on twitter for an entire year. That is the solution, clearly.

>> No.75972263


>> No.75972296

>Maybe we can shoot for institutionalization next year
I was going for that this year.

>> No.75972331

Shes going to keep getting bigger no matter what. When she ditches the husband meme entirely and your groomer asses get buried and ejected from the community, I hope you can reflect on how poorly you treated her.

>> No.75972338

surely more than that 40+10 you last did poorfag
entry fee starts at 4 digits every month

>> No.75972461

Your "victory" is just you shitting your pants and saying "well these guys shit their pants too!". Good one, anon. Let's see how next year goes when she's so medicated that she can't even stream anymore.

>> No.75972553

i can't wait to see his disappointment when she doesn't stream in two days
i want to see him suffer! xdd

>> No.75972578

its pretty clear that shes going to come back with a new outfit and big event or something. prepare for 2k ccv average and further inclining

>> No.75972587

Why would you watch her if you don't like the "husband meme". Oh, that's right, cause you're just an anti who wants her to hate herself after feeling like everyone left her. That's at least part of the reason she doesn't like to know view count, you know that right? 50 people leave and all she can think about is what she did wrong to make them hate her.

>> No.75972669

i hate how the nonderogatory emote went from making fun of fags to 'hehe we're so gay together please kiss me!!!'

>> No.75972677

she will have to announce that 2 weeks in advance
so no streams in the next two weeks

>> No.75972686

what's the golddigger doing

>> No.75972708

So you are one of those constantly accusing her of lying? You are literally one of the biggest reasons she is feeling like shit

>> No.75972748

not sure, i don't follow oli
shadow is doing very good though it seems!

>> No.75972782

You offer no solutions either to her problems for growing. Effort to grow bigger only creates more of the problems we are currently seeing. You quite honestly are far worse for coddling her own fear of people leaving her when knowing when to let go of certain people is a natural part of life and social development.
Your solution is for her to hang onto problems and dwell onto fear she creates in her own head. Quite the joke you're pulling,

>> No.75972797

sub only masturbation stream on pomf

>> No.75972861

What are you doing here then? This is the schizo loli golddigger's general

>> No.75972886

there are no problems
everything is going according to our plans

>> No.75972891

can we time loop something we haven't done in a while? like since before april?

>> No.75972922

cope chud
you are not welcome in her community

>> No.75972931

Shiggers would unironically rather see her grow and implode FURTHER than work towards an environment that actually helps her thrive just to own invisible boogeymen that think exist and want to 'hurt her'. Shit's unreal lmao

>> No.75972971

This would unironically fix everything

>> No.75972973

name 5 people who donate 4 digits, shondo

>> No.75973050

No, she won't have been lying, she will have simply changed her mind after growing as a person and understanding the situation that she is in.

>> No.75973057

I want her to suffer and implode because she deserves it and I don't like her.

>> No.75973066

she would only be in a good place if you removed everyone who arrived after the dec. 2021 debut.

>> No.75973121

>groomer wanting her to hang onto her own make believe fears while calling others groomers

>> No.75973232

groomer hands typed this post, they want her to just go to being a tiny streamer who cant afford to provide for her family or pursue any of her dreams. doomed to stagnate forever and dance like a monkey for you

>> No.75973248

It's still used for that reason. But might like the nigger word, the fags also took their emote back.

>> No.75973261

evan, som, ray, fireneko, astraios

>> No.75973327

none of those guys do that on a consistent month by month basis

>> No.75973358


>> No.75973393

>who cant afford to provide for her family
If only there was someone in her family who just got a job and can provide for his share of living. If only shondo had help with bills and one less mouth to feed.
Unrelated note: have we heard from FT at all? I wonder what's got him busy?

>> No.75973436

she is in a good place
unless you want back your personal attention from years ago
but that's a you problem

>> No.75973526

yes it is a (you) problem because (you) are just a colourful name to her. theres a reason she doesn't give us personal hellos anymore, even just for the first 5 minutes.
Your name is irrelevant to her unless you pay her to say it.

>> No.75973530

>In pesos maybe
Maybe 4 digits in total over the entire span of them following her maybe.

>> No.75973549

oh ok, so you are just a self-righteous armchair psychologist who acts toxic and dismissive towards things she actually cares about because he personally doesn't like them

>> No.75973676


>> No.75973762

>local english girl realizes what the word 'uncapped subathon' actually means, finds herself in over her head
>more at 11

>> No.75973982

I love it when people tell me I'm the main reason she feels bad, trying to appeal to my emotions. You're just telling me I'm succeeding in my goals.
