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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75924785 No.75924785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board seriously needs mods who do their job.
>inb4 someone calls me a [blank]cuck for stating the obvious

>> No.75924821

Kronii deserves it.

>> No.75924852

NOBODY fucking deserves to have endless shitty roommate threads because some obsessed deranged loser from the Philippines or whatever fucking shithole he lives in, decides to spam the board bitching about Kronii

>> No.75924878

obsessed schizo

>> No.75924883

I dont even know what you’re talking about, but it’s based for making you seethe

>> No.75924899

She's the one who made drama out of literally nothing.

>> No.75924911

Please understand, hiring actual moderation for this board would cost money and we know Hiro is a penny pincher.

>> No.75924922

Oh nyo

>> No.75925051

It’s sad that I can’t even mock the janitor about his pay anymore.

>> No.75925070

>flips anti her
>other flips white knight for her
Kronii might as well be in phase with all the brown vs brown shitfests that she triggers

>> No.75925088
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>> No.75925098

didn't see you complaining about millie or enna or kyo or elira or vox or the rest of those nijis

>> No.75925105

How does it feel, having the board turned against you?

>> No.75925133

>suddenly throws it to niji
I hate niji’s and the rule applies to them too


>> No.75925140

just post the fat mori pic. it always spooks the jannies into doing their job

>> No.75925215

Sorry, the jannies only work for Phasekeks.

>> No.75925228

seething redditor spotted

>> No.75925236

Kronii if youre reading this. Please stop engaging in this garbage tier drama. I cant believe a 2 year old joke about a fucking sandwich can be use to start the shittiest drama in the history of drama. I seriously hope you and the kronies actually cherish each other and actually find peace for once

>> No.75925260

>proof next thread
The ones who make the rm threads are literally the niji retards

>> No.75925494 [DELETED] 

Phase connect can suck my fucking dick and all their talents are retarded bitches who couldn’t even get into holo or niji, and act like they’re hot shit. The only good one is Tenma and she’s impossible to watch for more than an hour

>> No.75925536

>it got close to 200 replies and only got deleted when children got posted
I guess the phase jannie is real after all.

>> No.75925581

Serious question

Why are the jannies that bad? Isn’t your job supposed to be to clean up on the garbage?

>> No.75925583

>keep posting about dookie 24/7 without any mod action
>one (1) holo RM thread appears
>shit pants and cry
Holobronies are so fucking pathetic

>> No.75925611

t. Kronii

>> No.75925634

Not everything revolves around a niji member who is an indie you dumb 14 year old. Come back when you’re older and can understand a conversation

>> No.75925644

Try harder next time

>> No.75925647

/vtg/ when? For the amount of traffic this board gets and the amount of absolutely deranged and schizophrenic haters these girls get over the dumbest shit, moderation is abysmal.

>> No.75925657

rangeban SEA
I'm serious
