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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75897564 No.75897564 [Reply] [Original]

cuubas for this feel?

>> No.75897807


>> No.75897987

>cute 30 year old women woth big boobs who wnats to show you a daggerfall mod and uses word like "telefrag" so it means she played 90s fps mp games
You guys know that women like that are probably in the dozens country wide right? Also shit like quake sucks, tell her to play better games. Daggerfall sucks ass too desu

>> No.75898160

>image is made from the perspective of someone who is younger than her
Yeah sorry I can't relate to this, make her 40 and then we'll talk.

>> No.75898331

Chisaka Airi

>> No.75898402


>> No.75898984

For a 30 year old it would not be a daggerfall mod, it'd be oblivion (morrowind -maybe-). 40 year old, sure definitely. A 30 year old today was a very little kid in the 90s and would not be playing quake etc.

>> No.75899975

we played quake on the school's computers because some of the older students had installed it to annoy the teachers
>i'm 30

>> No.75900111

Daggerfall ran so Morrowind could walk

>> No.75900365

Somehow, my high school computers (in 2019) still had Quake installed. A great tradition, indeed.

>> No.75900546

Yeah, ran down someone's pant leg.

>> No.75901581

This is unironically Fauna to a T.

>> No.75902717

ya and reign of chaos shits all over tides of darkness too. the future is now, old man.

>> No.75902808


>> No.75903010
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>> No.75903037

My favorite chuuba is playing daggerfall right now.

>> No.75903145


>> No.75906223

What's her average age, taking into account her uwu?

>> No.75906514


>> No.75906873

>procedually generated dungeons
Yeah no, it had some cool concepts but the entire map felt like the same exact locations with a slight painjob to differentiate.
Morrowind is a much better game.

>> No.75907967

Every girl I meet online in their 30's is either a complete normalfag with boring tastes or severely autistic, like to the point of not even being able to hold a conversation properly with.

Where are all the simple nerdy weeb hags I keep hearing about...

>> No.75908052

You live in fantasy

>> No.75908309

>Where are all the simple nerdy weeb hags I keep hearing about...
the adidas lion...

>> No.75908381

Yeah, but its a nice fantasy that makes me happy. I just want a cute mid 30's terminally online womanfailure who is as obsessed eith vidya as me

>> No.75908519

I hope your dreams become reality anon <3

>> No.75908912

>Extreme social anxiety

Yeah, no

>> No.75908985

That's literally all of them.

>> No.75909140

Well if you're flexible about the woman part, there are plenty of people who will match that description

>> No.75909351

yeah no

>> No.75909435

me but i'm trans

>> No.75909551

They are already getting jizzed inside by the alpha nerds, sorry bro

>> No.75909634
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You're a real son of bitch you know that anon fuck you for putting that idea in my head

>> No.75909735
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hag love!

>> No.75910090
File: 1.35 MB, 675x380, 1542036365069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your soulmate is out there somewhere anon. unfortunately she's probably the type of person who, despite desire for human contact, instantly hates anyone that violates her comfort zone by talking to or approaching her in any way, and will simply brood over her loneliness until she dies or divine providence creates an anime-esque situation that brings you together with no perceivable effort on either side.

>> No.75910353

If you wanted someone who matched your personality, you'd have to date a man.

An autistic man.

Don't date women for their personality, date them for sex.

>> No.75911823

Kek, what a fucking moron, they are all social extroverts, no one with social anxiety would stream to strangers.

>> No.75915088

extroversion and anxiety aren't the same thing, retardchama.

>> No.75915484

Learn to read

>> No.75917307

>my favorite egirl is getting posted
what a country

>> No.75918150

>better with computers than gen-z software engineers
*40~50 years old
Average girl in her 30s doesn't know a fuck about command line, or how OS works

>> No.75918620

Fictional women will always be superior to real ones. They're also more likely to reciprocate your feelings.

>> No.75918853

>command line
this is /vt/ not /g/ anon

>> No.75919518

I mean, there was a time when everybody knew how to deal with the command line, or DOS.

>> No.75920053

You are now aware that viewers and even known chatters are fundamentally less than human seen from a chuuba's eyes

>> No.75920105

At least 50% of vtubers are like this. Some of them have been streaming since 2016 with no success too, so they were zoomers then and are hags now.

>> No.75920160

Through quake, brotherhood.

>> No.75920161

zoomer hags don't exist yet, try in 3-4 years.

>> No.75920224

The 1980's?

>> No.75920553

I was a zoomer in 2016 but now I'm a boomer. Many such cases.

>> No.75920604

20% of /vt/ and 50% of /vt/ whales are over 40.

>> No.75922271

Up to the 90's.

>> No.75922366
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Where's my goverment mandated nerd hag gf....

>> No.75922833
File: 196 KB, 519x314, shinbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing Shinri. With an almost scary level of accuracy.

>> No.75923580

if only he was a woman

>> No.75923654

a man, OP. you want to date a man.

>> No.75926982

Try Hag Connect

>> No.75927047

I ran so fast in Morrowind that the game couldn't load

>> No.75927066

If you're not 30 or older yourself you need to fuck off.

>> No.75927192


>> No.75927773
File: 1.77 MB, 1984x3035, ce06061e818b46d63d5a23efd6fd7892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like introversion and social anxiety often is mostly just normalfagphobia; you're anxious that normalfags will judge you and mock you for your interests and hobbies. But when you're around people who are into the same stuff, it's easier to overcome your introversion and anxiety.

>> No.75929091

A man with autism

>> No.75929139

Ugh, I'm almost 40, let me rest.

>> No.75929204

even 40 is too young for Daggerfall...

>> No.75929324

I dunno, there are quite a few hipster zoomers who are playing Daggerfall Unity, everyone better prepare for the big Morrowrevival coming in 5 years time when Skywind turns out to be an inevitable disappointment.

>> No.75929348

The thing about TES is that anyone 30-50yo is probably going to tell you that Bethesda can't make a good rpg to save their life. Daggerfall revamp stuff is all a handful of tasteless old nerds and then a shit ton of zoomer hipsters. It's like expecting them to love Runescape and not understanding why they would roll their eyes at you and ask "the shitty flash game? I'll pass." You need zoomers for the vibe you want.

>> No.75929379

Hopefully that’s your kid right?

>> No.75929540

He's looking for an easy lay, a Milf not a Milm

>> No.75929800

Mint, Sayu... literally half of Phase Connect

>> No.75929902

>cool daggerfall mod
Why would anyone want to play Daggerfail

>> No.75930058

They could be a tasteless zoomer hipster who wants to be edgy by playing games normies wouldn't touch.

>> No.75930073

We literally have Quake on the school computers RIGHT NOW

>> No.75930294

I remember Arena and Daggerfall on a disk or cd of garbage shareware. They weren't even good, but there was always one guy I knew going on after how it was an infinite world and he was traveling for ages and never saw the edge of the map. It sounded like a waste of time, still does.

>> No.75930650

> Yeah sorry I can't relate to this, make her 40 and then we'll talk.
Make her 40+ so she's my age.
Unfortunately this is an age group where women are actively disgusted by anything nerdy. In all my long-term relationships it's an incredibly hard uphill battle trying to do anything that's "embarrassing". I'd be okay with both of us concentrating on things we enjoy, but the requirement is always to drop it all.
No winning here.

>> No.75931142

god I want a cringe boomer gf
we're NGMI bros

>> No.75931836
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>> No.75932033

I only remember 3 things I liked in Daggerfall:
1. Climbing walla
2. Getting stuck outside city gates at night and getting ambushed
3. Getting really scared by Lysandus' ghost (?) randomly appearing and creepily saying "vvvveeeeeennngeeeeeeennnnccceeeeee"

>> No.75932488

Retro streamers, maybe? Like Amiya Aranha? Although I haven't watched her enough to know if she really fits those demands.

>> No.75933006

none of them will ever be your (or my) gf
