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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 188 KB, 960x1786, GNphZr1aAAAKqrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75894199 No.75894199 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75872046

>> No.75894251

i wanted to post that pic :(
shontoes :)

>> No.75894674

shontoes in the OP!

>> No.75895100
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This is too tough right now.
But I'm doing it for her.

>> No.75895651

I still can't believe this was the tweet that got her in trouble. It's not even bad.

>> No.75895797
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i thought you guys said she hated homos. why is she shipping these two guys in Quarry and wants them to bang?

yeah, it's really a nothingburger
but transtrenders gonna transtrend i guess

>> No.75895863

Good girl, I'm glad she decided to listen to me for once. nade nade

>> No.75896095
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>> No.75896204 [SPOILER] 
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i had my fingers crossed >:)

>> No.75897013

Is it gay to like Giru's art after you notice they draw girl and boy feet the same

>> No.75897283
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>> No.75897386
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>> No.75898103
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I've always been aware of the possibility of seeing something like that, so if I ever go to /gif/ it's just to jerk off, can't risk any other thread on there

>> No.75898196

funny true and endearing
she's such a good girl I love her and would trade years of my life for more hours of her smiling

>> No.75898266

as a lass I was terrified of coming to this site because I thought having gore shoved into your face was inevitable, but really it's just porn.

>> No.75898291

I'm proud of her desu
Soya drawing doko?

>> No.75898675

Can we get a list of things she still has to do? It's been so long i think I've forgotten
>inb4 this was the reason for the hiatus, to get us to forget about the stuff she's yet to do

>> No.75898700
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zero activity today
did she relapse?

>> No.75898781

anyone who brings up her subathon backlog should be shot

>> No.75898945

she prolapsed from my fat oji san cock

>> No.75898959

She did have a drawing and showed it on stream but blurred the hell out of it. It looked darn near done but i hope she still sends it to soya somehow
Kinda sad how she started, finished and published a lolina drawing in the span of a day

>> No.75898985

It's okay anon! we are all here for you!

>> No.75899025

she wanted to fuck the lolina drawing while the soya drawing probably pushes her to tears and makes her afraid of the future

>> No.75899026

>lesbian looping again
always reminds me when during class of 09 she agreed with the les character that dating females is too much pita

>> No.75899240

I still haven't seen the '09 vods, were they good?

>> No.75899314

I was listening to an older vod today and it made me remember how freely Shondo would talk about her slightly worrying but still romantic homo/hetero fantasies. The last time she came close to this I remember her biting her tongue and her eyes nervously conveying the look of
>"oh fuck did they hear that are they going to start rambling about cuckoldry again..."

a little sad, but I'm sure this break will have thinned out the numbers enough that streams can be more like back then

>> No.75899404

They were peak comedy but if you're not American or even in the Anglosphere you probably won't get a lot of it.

>> No.75899597

I see, that's a shame, thanks

>> No.75899821

>thinned out the numbers
Sorry to break it to you but all evidence points to the fact she's going to have an even larger audience when she returns.

>> No.75899918

I'm worried she can't be herself anymore because the amount of viewers.
I hope regardless of what other people think she Is confident enough to be herself.

>> No.75900310

She was up for awhile yesterday doing work so she's probably spent all of today eeping.

>> No.75900419

Returns usually bring in bigger numbers. We'll have to see how many actually stick around and arent around for the clout.

>> No.75900540

Even so I don't think it'll be a huge difference in viewership once it stabilizes. Unless you're really banking on the break cutting her fandom in half.

>> No.75900822
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As much as I wish for her success, she needs to orchestrate thinning the numbers herself.
How she does that? Couldn't tell you honestly. I don't think there will be an easy solution for how she goes about it. But I know for certain that it's the way to go for her own sake. Last year was a 'work break' around this time for similar reasons that lead to this hiatus. And the reasons are heavier now than they were before.
>oh ya niggerfaggot? you think you know what's best for her?
Not really, but I'm confident in my guess work. And I know for a fact that her mental illnesses don't just magically get better over time. Sadly, it's the opposite. Shondomination needs to be a slow and insidious conquering, not a rapid and explosive one that throws her into pits of despair that get deeper every year.

>> No.75900906

I can see the lowest ccv being 1.5k-1.9k maybe when she comes back for a while. It would usually teeter around 1.8k as the average prehiatus. Lowest has been 1.3k here and there but this is just going off memory.

>> No.75900919

>don’t do vod reps for first year
>do vod reps now
It’s not a better or worse thing but holy shit stuff is so different now. The vibes of the stream has changed.

>> No.75901176

I think the cancelation arc drew in the bigger numbers. Collabs with neurosama and filian didnt help but chat was a lot comfier pre cancel arc.

>> No.75901293

The point of no return was when viewership got too big for her to greet everyone at the start of streams.

>> No.75901320

Her newest outfit reveal had a jump as well if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.75901458

That was a special event that also tends to have a boost in viewership. The full body 3D reveal numbers were maybe 2.5kish area? I cant remember what the numbers were from chibi debut.

>> No.75901831

Whats something you look forward to the least from her return? What about the most?
For the least I just realized we'll have to be subjected to the constant hunneychu raids again.
For the most i miss her yapping. I miss hearing about her day and about how the family is doing.

>> No.75902024

least: the rat race
most: her

>> No.75902403
File: 201 KB, 543x600, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the thing i'm looking forward to the least is just how fast the first few streams will be. Even faster than usual because of the temporary increased viewership from newfags. Thing I'm looking forward to the most is actually the watchalongs on her alt, mostly because the vibe is much better. It's also fun to see her reaction towards movies she never watched like the LOTR trilogy.

>> No.75903441
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!! i cant wait for her to be back so i can spend more time with her!!! i hope she isnt too scared to stream because she shouldnt be!!!! my love for her will help her through!!!! ganbare shonshon!!!!

>> No.75904656

mahjong ;)

>> No.75904912
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>pic related
It's not gay if the balls don't touch.

>> No.75905033

>nooooo Shondo doesn't have to keep her promises
I hope she breaks the forever promise ;)

>> No.75905127

honestly the people constantly bringing up subathon promises were being kinda insufferable

>> No.75905161

It's what she wants otherwise she wouldn't be constantly thinking about numbers. Her saying one of the primary reasons for the alt account was so that it doesn't mess up her stats is crazy.
I wonder if she's always been so numbers hungry and I just hadn't noticed.

>> No.75905284

I don't want her to come back. Her leaving has allowed me to break free from her programming. I don't want to go back. Evil little girl.

>> No.75905388

You know how Shondo could deal with those insufferable people asking her for stuff? By fulfilling her subathon promises.

>> No.75905449

Of course she's thinking about numbers. All chuubas are, it's just a matter of how desperate she is to expand which I don't think will be a problem currently considering her mental health. The collabs were definitely attempts with mixed results.

>> No.75905670

>I wonder if she's always been so numbers hungry and I just hadn't noticed
Anon she will literally stop a stream early if she gains < 80 followers, her excuse is always "I'm not feeling it" and the reason she's not feeling it is cuz she didn't gain enough followers. Look at the last subscribers only stream.

>> No.75905775

The last sub only stream pains me to think about. It was meant to be comfy.

>> No.75905804

she could also just ban them, which would be preferable

>> No.75905863

Yeah, well if someone would've dropped 200 gift subs maybe Shondo wouldn't have ended it early.

>> No.75905938

>just ban them
I wouldn't be opposed to Shondo banning anyone who isn't me, however that would unironically make her a scammer that pocketed the subathon money. She doesn't need that reputation.

>> No.75906091
File: 9 KB, 320x252, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't realize how dependent she truly is towards gift subs until you look at her numbers without them.

These are the true husbands ladies and gentleman. Much smaller number than you'd expect.

>> No.75906307
File: 13 KB, 453x104, 1701646254068497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you were brave enough to make this joke during the shondog stream, only a true youtube Chad can make it and sometimes King D.

>> No.75906387

she wouldnt have that reputation because nobody gives a shit about the subathon rewards
i dont think she is relying on neoskys budget gift subs

>> No.75906440

Hmm, I always thought Shondo has around 140 real husbands.

>> No.75906599

all the numberfagging does is reassure me that i am rich enough and old enough for her

>> No.75906620

I think donations and merch make her more money than gift subs

>> No.75906712

she had around 140 before she pushed away a few dozen of them like forest_fires and Fleece, she'll throw you into the trash can as well one day

>> No.75906759

I know you're playing up the numbers thing for dramatic effect but there's really no need. She was a real bitch that day, completely ruined my mood.
>100 active subs
>50-80 ips /here/
>300ish viewers on discord watchalongs
>300-600? Viewers on alt streams
If your active sub count is even close then it truly baffles the mind. It means the people turning up to even her discord watchalongs arent even real subs. How do you like someone enough to watch twilight with them but not enough to give them £4.99

>> No.75906841

>she pushed away a few dozen of them
cool revisionism

>> No.75906943

every time anything significant happens she tells husbands to leave forever, some of them will do just that since they feel unwelcomed

>> No.75907190

I don't understand trying to slander shondo with exaggerated or stretched stats or info. She makes it extremely easy to shit all over her for very real things she does. There's no need to make things sound worse because all you do is make your points seem false or they'll cal you a liar and ignore the main point.
tldr if you want to anti shondo just say what you see, it's bad enough as it is.

>> No.75907209

Again, you're greatly underestimating how much gift subs play a factor in the community. Those 106 subscribers aren't gift subs. They're users that resubbed during her break. Many of which didn't. Hence why theres a big dropoff of over 1,000 compared to April.

>> No.75907354

I wonder if that includes people paying every 3 or 6 months.

>> No.75907503

They should be included because you're paying upfront anyways. The only difference is not having to resub every month.

>> No.75907636

ff left because he couldnt oil his way into her pants and fleece was ejected because he was a mentally ill retard who had a grand spergout

>> No.75907680

So the solution, like always, kill neosky.

>> No.75907731

She's had the alt long before she used it for marashons. Might as well use the alt account for sub only streams since it takes a tiny bit more effort than the average fan would try to look for. Why are people using the alt stream as her trying to be number hungry?

>> No.75908064
File: 7 KB, 117x200, IMG_6461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but shooga…you just brought it up
im sorry… *loads double barrel shotgun* look, i think i see shondog over there. you see her? give it a good long look.

>> No.75908081

She said it herself.
And you can't sub to the alt, theyre disabled, you're also asking people to sub twice on the off chance she does a sub only stream once a year. She really wouldn't beat the grifter allegations then.

>> No.75908193

>>75908081 (me)
Wait you're saying that sub only streams shouldn't be locked behind a sub but finding the alt? That's the worst idea ever. Is that what you meant?

>> No.75908298

she should just marry me

>> No.75908492

>i did one drawing yesterday
>now i get to bedrot all day today
i hope she isnt thinking like this. rest is important but its way too easy to slip back into days long stretches of doing absolutely nothing.
im sure she just thought she didnt have anything interesting to tweet out so she didnt
still no goodnight tweets though u~u

>> No.75908527

No that's dumb. You'd be paying her twice. She should just do more sub only streams and stop bitching at the fact they don't do as well because (shocker) your true audience of husbands is much smaller than you think.

>> No.75908993
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least im not sure about. maybe any tech problems, no matter how slight, possibly making her menhera again.
most, i really want yapping back. i hope she’ll actually confide in us with how the past month and half (so far) has been. it’s something i want to know even if she thinks it would make me sad. a marriage cant survive on gaslighting happy vibes forever

>> No.75909267

i HATE the watchalongs being on chama! imagine all of the chocolates id have from the LotR stream alone!
its just part of her plot to not go to the doctor, the sneaky harlot.

>> No.75909379

If only she wasn't so damn cute. Then I wouldn't headpat her so much.

>> No.75909516

you literally get banned if you talk about low view count. she is 100% numbers hungry and doesnt want to go back to comfy 2view days.
it may have to do with her abandonment issues and a sudden drop off would make her think she’s not good enough but that’s complete speculation.

>> No.75909663
File: 150 KB, 319x390, IMG_6744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=D i’m one of the few real ones???? yippe!

>> No.75909789

She's at odds with her popularity and wanting to keep thing comfy. In her ideal world she'd have a 2view audience but make the money of a 4view which just isn't possible.

>> No.75909859
File: 7 KB, 350x550, 1715572535325616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes already infinitely popular with me
too bad she doesnt know i exist
i love you shonshon!!!

>> No.75909984

>he was a mentally ill retard who had a grand spergout
this made me decide to make an alt where i could sperg out in silence like my own padded twitter cell

>> No.75910016

Instead of by you with a bullet I think I deserve to be shot in the face by Shondo with Shondo's nose powder

>> No.75910127

same here anon

>> No.75910259

I like fallen shadow a whole lot and I’m looking forward to her coming back, whenever that is!

>> No.75910294

*finger on monkey paw curls*
*shondo leans in close to you and launches a snot rocket right into your mouth*

>> No.75910335

fuck thats hot

>> No.75910425

Why did he shoot that poor big guy at the farm. Wasn't it some rape story and he killed animals and kept fucking things up for his brother? It's been a real long time since I've read that book.

>> No.75910449

please do this to me shondo

>> No.75910500

>Not really, but I'm confident in my guess work.

it was all but confirmed when she accidentally referred to her time as a smaller tuber as when she was happy instead of happier.

I hate that I feel slightly smug about getting in just before what she hints at as the dividing point. She didn't even start laughing at my jokes and using a friendly version of my name until months after it, she probably thinks I'm the newfaggiest of the all the white and above ribbons :<

>> No.75910690

I'm one of the 106, my name is going to be printed on the interior of Shondo's personal urinal once she buys the house and remodels.

>> No.75910790

Don't reply to me again I do not want to be made erect by a man, thanks.

>> No.75910840

lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) was a big retard sweetheart who didnt know his own strength. he would end up petting lil critters too roughly and accidentally snap their necks or otherwise kill them.
the farm owners daughter came to talk to him in the barn one night for something and she let him pet her hair. of course he got too rough and she starting screaming that it hurt. this scared lenny so he tried to make her shush but retard strength so he kills her accidentally.
farmhands find out and go out hunting for him, his only friend george finds him and knows the others will kill him or worse if they catxh him so he decides to be the one to do it, getting lenny to look out at the lake and think about the big farm they’ll own with all the bunnies he can pet, before pulling the trigger.

>> No.75910884

They weren't brothers, and Lenny didn't rape anyone. The wife of the arrogant farm owner / farm owner's son kept fucking with him trying to seduce him - he had the mind of a kid and was incredibly strong though and had a habit of accidentally killing small animals because he didn't understand his own strength when petting them. Lenny ended up accidentally killing her in the same way. George shot him because he knew the other farm workers would beat him and then lynch him and he wanted to save him the fear and pain of all that.

>> No.75911101

you guys are gross
and some of yoh are mean for spoiling a movie i havent seeny et

>> No.75911178

read the book you UNCULTURED FUCK
the original movie is great too but the book is iconic american fiction

>> No.75911180

>rest is important but its way too easy to slip back into days long stretches of doing absolutely nothing.
when you're not schizoaffective, have some empathy, she doesn't have it as easy as you want to think

>> No.75911237

>( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Years since I've seen that. Thanks for the run down shogga, it's basically as I remember then. Thought they were brothers instead of just friends though. Doesn't seem all that sad if they're just friends.

>> No.75911315

ohh nooooo what a terrible fate

>> No.75911333

yeah she was definitely happier when she was forcing herself to stream all the time after she was going through and recovering from health problems, the person she loved the most and her pet dying

>> No.75911344

they were long time friends during the great depression. basically brothers just not by blood. i pretty sure its the genesis of the meme “stay strong Clarence stay strong for mother”

>> No.75911372

I'm really glad Shondo has such a supportive home, she truly deserves it.
FT if you're here thanks for making the ultimate sacrifice and becoming a wagie so she wouldn't feel too much pressure

>> No.75911452


>> No.75911473

>asking a bri’ish girl to read american fiction
you are sadisitic scum. also you should know she has no room in her house for a book with a whopping 107 pages

>> No.75911553

now imagine how much better her stream experience was then if she still looks back upon it more favorably than she looked at the present (or recent present at least I'm pretty sure the comment was in March)

>> No.75911567
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She's going to be such a nervous wreck during her return stream isn't she?

>> No.75911590

she just misspoke

>> No.75911668
File: 2.51 MB, 320x320, IMG_4649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’ll be cute and i’ll shower her in love and kisses

>> No.75911687

she has been doing practice streams with me
she is slowly getting more used to them again

>> No.75911718

It's actually part of the English Lit curriculum in England and Wales. If she'd carried on through school she would have read it.

>> No.75911721

Shogga book club when. Let's just have fun by ourselves if she's never going to do it. I also just imagine it to be kinda funny.

>> No.75911726


>> No.75911781

thanks nina. that means a lot for you to help her
but can i ask, why did you both have to be naked during them? and what was up with the oil and vibrators?

>> No.75911804

Suggest this in offchat in a few weeks. I'd rather it be organized there or even discord

>> No.75911899

>why did you both have to be naked during them?

it was for my benefit, I was sitting in the corner during each session.

>> No.75911939

we’d have to get our own discord for it cause doing it /here/ would be dumb and vacay worthy
also she would get really upset if she found out it was being done without her
also it would be really gay if it was done without her

>> No.75912006

Did you implant images into the text of your post. I feel like I've been brainwashed to read your post and decode the text into images. I had flashes of things I would call a memory.

>> No.75912049

how about we start with manga?
i suggest we read shigahime

>> No.75912050

>be whore
>be “lonely”
>ask retard if he wants to pet you
>retard strokes your hair
>too rough
>freak out
>scare retard
>get killed by retard strength
>best friend and caretaker has to put him down like a dog
You stupid fucking bitch I hate you so much. He was pure of heart!

>> No.75912069

thats nice, soya. thanks for the dm’s about it. party timed a lot to your vivid descriptions

>> No.75912180

I would really enjoy that!

>> No.75912201

fuck off som we’re not reading your retard shonen shit

shogga…i think that’s just called an imagination. congrats on turning 3 i guess?

>> No.75912219

This thread has made me consider if reading that book in elementary school is why I grew up to fear showing any non-platonic affection to women
Thank God for Shondo

>> No.75912394
File: 703 KB, 851x1200, 1713853320440655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's kind of fucked up. Dumb whore. Shondo would never scare retards like that. She's a tard whisperer.

>> No.75912550

>also she would get really upset if she found out it was being done without her
That's why I said it would be funny. Shame about needing a discord though, suggesting that here means it'll never happen. I kinda refuse to do it in offline as well. This is the curse of this website.

>> No.75912566

shut the fuck up you retard
just because its manga doesnt mean its shounen shit

>> No.75912569

what was the fucking book she talked about reading but couldnt buy physically cause >no room? I ALWAYS confuse it with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and can never remember the actual title.
Let me know if thats the first book we’ll review or if something shorter like Of Mice & Men is better. Also, Hemingway’s The Old Man & The Sea is really good and high t men will like it and empathize and it’s not that long, either.

>> No.75912590

I miss Shondo's old voice even if her current one is still incredibly cute. I guess the moments when her accent bursts out like when she goes REELAY :D are more special now. Orange if you're in the thread can you please make a compilation of her saying the word really excitedly?

>> No.75912681
File: 1.82 MB, 482x471, IMG_6170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder. S would have called him a faggot, do to his insecurities with wanting to rim Sho’s asshole.

>> No.75912833

It comes back when she says "can't" as well.

>> No.75912850

why do you want me to be S so much? are you gay for him? do you want to kiss his soft boylips? grope his soft boybutt? plunge your thick hard cock into his boyhole? bully his pleasure button until he cums like a girl? is that what you want?

>> No.75912954

shogga…i got erect at the snot rocket in my mouth and now you just ruined it :( now i have to wait another week for a chance to partytime

>> No.75913063

Thank you for this. I wasn't even in a bad mood before but hearing her say it Smilepilled me

>> No.75913171

>you KOHNT do that!
makes my cold, shogga heart go just a little dokidoki~.

>> No.75913251

i love you forever shonshon you can go on break for a year i will be here
totally not a groomer btw (lie)

>> No.75913385

if S is Sho then yes i want to do all of that. repeatedly. every night. while he’s playing fortnite and saying slurs and calling me a fag.


>> No.75913401

Shondo please read Blood Meridian or The Sound and The Fury, maybe Absalom, Absalom. Pure kino.

>> No.75913507

3 years ago if someone told me the cutest most endearing moe inducing woman in the world was British I would have laughed in their face

but at least she's doing far better than she was 5 weeks ago and in the end that's the most important thing, I'll wait 5, 25, 125, 625 weeks and more if that's what's needed, I love you Shondo please never stop Shondoing

>> No.75913599

she’s Shondoing me :)
dont worry mate, i’ll take great care of her for years to cum ;)

>> No.75913639

her old pronunciation of been was very cute too and unfortunately one of the first she learned to erase :<

>> No.75913757

I'm black and nordic so you're going to have to try harder to make me feel insecure about my odds.

>> No.75913764
File: 2.29 MB, 398x466, fungey town taco bell [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjp9tp1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fine because after she marries me her natural accent will return

>> No.75913841

are the golden days of my bri’ish woife gone foreva? or cahn we rediscover the lost art of the accent?
also sounding “more american” for your “mainly american” audience is dummybrained, shondo. we want the soft-exotic british girl.

>> No.75913848

I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, I checked my shogger list because I was certain someone recently tweeted about it but couldn't find it. Started checking the discord and got distracted by someone talking about pissing into books.
>The Old Man & The Sea
Might as well give this a read

>> No.75914014
File: 895 KB, 716x617, go off mr.sax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75914015
File: 366 KB, 1572x592, 1698684728057215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoggers go one day without hearing from her and you turn into this? pathetic.

>> No.75914047

i was able to find it
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

for future shoggas searching: shondo fallenshadow bookclub book title

>> No.75914084

american hours please understand

>> No.75914158
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, IMG_6643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually 3am hours

>> No.75914204
File: 176 KB, 680x551, 1712352776821427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuu 24 hours without wifey feels like an eternity

>> No.75914294

That was it. Your previous post with leaves messed me, sent me on a brain loop. Thank you though.

>> No.75914348

I have fapped so much to fumo porn I am gonna lose my mind when I finally get my hands on the shumo

>> No.75914368

imagine we get another 5 weeks of radio silence now
that would be funni i think

>> No.75914384

I miss fallen shadow

>> No.75914469

alt is live

>> No.75914471

Fumo porn.

>> No.75914536

I knew it was a lie, there wasn't a single nanosecond I dared to believe, so why did I go check and make myself sad :c

>> No.75914621

Bot posts

>> No.75914743

beep boop I love fallenshadow bleep bop I use her nose powder for fuel

>> No.75914791
File: 95 KB, 819x1024, GNl-DUZWwAIADOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75915039

How did she get up there?

>> No.75915063

Speaking of reading what was the name of that one schizo book she was reading? I think alice sawyer was reading it too. Is it worth a pick up?

>> No.75915172

i put her there and then left

>> No.75915431
File: 995 KB, 832x1216, 1712873745229355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you shonshon forever and ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever ever and ever

>> No.75915667

bro is cooked
who’s gonna tell him?

>> No.75915938
File: 82 KB, 637x850, IMG_6803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she doesnt like beards, then why am i growing mine out?
checkmate, shoggers and antis and femcels

>> No.75916013

pretty cute

>> No.75916025

she doesn't want you cheating on her with another AI

>> No.75916315

flag is a bit borked but other than that decent prompt.

>> No.75916390

+Cute dress
-Skinwalker whore has no neck cover
-Ai schlop
Its shover

>> No.75916428

all three of you failed just as a tourist would
>neck: uncensored
>ai: generated
that tweet will be ignored by shondo and actual husbands

>> No.75916489

I often have to remind myself that AI is just a tool and it's humans who are bad

>> No.75916566

You have to be reminded that humans are shit?


>> No.75916572

i dont care about the neck being uncovered because i will cover it with my hand
no i dont respect the lore

>> No.75916605
File: 8 KB, 598x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 likes in 3 minutes
this dude has a whole bot entourage

>> No.75916647

>You have to be reminded that humans are shit?

Yes because the human I think of most is Shonshine incarnate, I forget how the rest of you can be at times.

>> No.75916658

all me (I respect the lore unlike >>75916572)

>> No.75916747

>cry about head hort
>bunch of literal who’s start making art for you
>cry because they dont follow any of your rules
>still have to grin and say thank you + tip
should have just taken that advil~

>> No.75916975

stop trying to get my wife to take more meds

>> No.75917397
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.75917463
File: 376 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75917615

Ni ni shiggie

>> No.75917648

Who's alt is that? Why are some of you shoggers some of the biggest fucking pussies on the planet?

>> No.75917690

why dont you tell them on main to cover the neck and not post AI art in the art tag

>> No.75917786

need a porn bot like army for my main tweets sheesh

>> No.75917863

Thats a lot of bots
Elon wtf

>> No.75918130

I have proof she’s not a lesbian

>> No.75918187

I understand why Shondo is worried about bringing Sho back

>> No.75919045
File: 797 KB, 680x1200, em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75919205
File: 108 KB, 960x747, 1688467475761267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cute toddler wife
it's awwwwright :D

>captcha: 0K G00
pic rel for gooey times

>> No.75919251

I can't believe all it took was one supremely funny cute sexy determined inspirational endearing enduring beautiful witty bratty girl to make me think the most negatively impactful empire in earth's hi-wait
that file name

>> No.75919354
File: 423 KB, 717x646, 1687570624888377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is suspicious
knowers know and i know Scared

>> No.75919443

stop talking shit about the greatest country on earth

>> No.75919605

>tfw your withdrawals have gotten so bad that your mental image of shondo has become some hot interdimensional lovecraftian blend of all her models
>tfw you're starting to see this when you look at images of her posted here
>tfw you did too many reps and the borders are all blurring

>> No.75919741

>main likes
he keeps winning

>> No.75919742

this cute IDIOT just said "I gained a lot of wait in the last couple of years". Shondo you lying fricker shut up, no you didn't you string bean! get to a reasonable and healthy weight before you die!

doesn't help that this also looks like the alicesawyer image that gets posted in /lig/ a lot where she's completely braindead.

>> No.75919972

thanks for this bait I love seeing how evident it is that she thinks of me when curating her likes

>> No.75920008

Yeah, you can skip the first week of her return.

>> No.75920028

who he

>> No.75920047

youre cheating on her with oli as well?

>> No.75920109

i muted that account but can't remember why

>> No.75920622
File: 14 KB, 593x555, 1703037395551409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay silly
he's not a favourite
he doesn't have special privileges as a husband
she doesn't tell him about her day extensively
stop reading into a silly cat post

>> No.75920766

haha... y-you're right anon

>> No.75920769

I sill have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.75920790

I dont know either I just got here

>> No.75920796

how new

>> No.75920829

she liked an Orange tweet on her main and then < 5 minutes later unliked it

>> No.75920839

since potato and cucumbers meal was posted, cause my oshi retweeted it.

>> No.75920846

this isn't true

>> No.75920878

yeah yeah, it's not a big deal and I appreciate the fact that shondo cares enough to unlike it

>> No.75920890

Which one

>> No.75920894

Most? Her
Least? Shadow weekend

>> No.75920961

whats going on then if not that?

>> No.75920966

I know it's bait because she wouldn't unlike it

>> No.75920986

did she unlike it? usually i'm not quick enough to catch those kinds of things.

no it's still there

>> No.75920987

What's this even mean? Last thread mentioned a mahjong server too iirc

>> No.75921028

Shoggas I just wanted to come here to say that I may be watching another girl but its not for her and its just for her content. I even haver her muted
Please dont add me to the cheater list, thank you

>> No.75921055

>she wouldn't unlike it
how new? she usually unlikes tweets when she has a problem with you, in this case I think she unliked it to not play favourites with Orange

>> No.75921125

oh i get it now its the orange cat meme. good one brainworm farmers

>> No.75921136
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, 1714268252509898m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said that because someone told her that once on stream
Plus marashons are dates so it's comfier to do on the alt

>> No.75921192

mahjong looked like a cool game to learn but seems like actual shit. i'll stick to chess and go like a real man.

>> No.75921225

>comfier to do on the alt
ah yes, my date with 500 other men and Shondo is much more comy than my date with 1.2k men and Shondo lmao

>> No.75921278

more like ~300 and the chat is all the same 150 people regardless of which stream its in

>> No.75921288

>it's comfier to do on the alt
it's the exact same chat experience I don't get it when shondo and others say this

>> No.75921332

>I don't get it when shondo and others say this
No donos and anniversary messages makes for a better chat experience.

>> No.75921364

doing a 14 hour watchalong on the main would be less comfy because retarded chuubas would raid into her, and she would have far more random people showing up
it isnt a huge amount more comfy, but it is comfier nontheless

>> No.75921434

alt streams kinda remind me of 2022 Shondo and how the vods make 2021 Shondo seem but less shy
I don't really want to rank Shondos, I just like getting to experience different shades of her

>> No.75921451

this could be us shondo

>> No.75921541

hi i just got here is there anything going on today or was shondo active?
ive been busy all day

>> No.75921586

she liked some tweets on main and that's it

>> No.75921597
File: 2.10 MB, 3390x3540, 1693291088118744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better be a silly cat maymay

>retarded chuubas would raid into her
yeah not the original anon, but i didn't think how annoying interruptions like that would be when watching a movie. I'd be like someone getting out there phone and having a call.

just some likes on main. no posts.

>> No.75921653

just shondo flirting with her bf orange, other than that nothing

>> No.75921696

how messed up do you have to be to have cuck fantasies where the girl is infertile and the bull is asexual

>> No.75921732

>i didn't think how annoying interruptions like that would be when watching a movie
one time that troon lily kept yapping in the chat and shondo was basically having a 1on1 talk with him, I wanted to strangle them both

>> No.75921758

she is highly fertile, the deluge of sheggs after i up her caloric intake by 1.8x and she starts taking different medication will be legendary

>> No.75921808

orange fried his PP with meds?

>> No.75921842

She's infertile because I snuck inside of her and stole all of the sheggs so that I can make shomelets

>> No.75921861

you get to keep your foreskin...for now...

>> No.75921892

Wow its almost as if you're just a colorful name in the chat and her friends actually matter to her.

>> No.75921901

He's too much of a sigmachad for those feelings.

>> No.75921925

House of leaves? It's a book you ought read physically

>> No.75921940

I know that anon but Shondo could at least pretend that her audience matters as much as the troon

>> No.75921975
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this one is unironically me and you shondo
love you so much

>> No.75921976

She didn't bother because you were there.

>> No.75922012

I'm always there tho and she hates me specifically

>> No.75922047

probably because you're an awesome mix of "insults her friends" and "is obsessed with trannies"

>> No.75922112

Shondo wants to pretend that she doesn't have male vtuber friends while interrupting our date to talk to her male vtuber friend

>> No.75922126

>>"insults her friends"
>rages against fauna
>>"is obsessed with trannies"
>dunks on transtrenders
yeah anon, you sure have her pegged. great job!

>> No.75922135

ok thanks shoggas
kys cuck

>> No.75922242

Euro hours bring out the most the uncreative shitposters

>> No.75922262
File: 93 KB, 890x939, 1714928717060108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shondo on the right

>> No.75922264

i self insert as the cucker, not the cuckee

>> No.75922311

I can go either way just like shondo
shondo is for everyone

>> No.75922326

its just american neets
sorry i cant share in your short king fantasy, i'm taller than her

>> No.75922390

>Flexing about being taller than 5'3''
21st century European diets...

>> No.75922402

>taller than her
sure you are you 5'7" king

>> No.75922427
File: 671 KB, 2927x4096, 1694350269720858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average shogger is taller than her just not by much (1-3 inches max).

>> No.75922428


>> No.75922501

touched a nerve, american neets in the groomcord must be on thread shitting duty together
>1-3 inches

>> No.75922591

being obsessed with groomer gang is almost as bad as being a member, gross

>> No.75922624

why are you so obsessed with my obsession
pretty gross

>> No.75922718

that's only true if your obsession is shondo and if that makes me gross then call me shitter critter

>> No.75922748

I'm obsessed with Shondo, so if any of you are as well...hate to say but you are gay.

>> No.75923215

Just watched her valentines stream again I love her so much

>> No.75923221

I am a complete and total faggot for fallenshadow and the actress who plays her
I am about to go to sleep while fantasizing about her actress deepthroating me with a strap on while caressing my cheeks and whispering "Don't be scared, I'm here"

>> No.75923262

whatever floats your boat tuffnarr

>> No.75923312

please dont associate that meme with faggotry or that faggot

>> No.75923327

that was gay
she deepthroats me and i call her a good girl
i also deposit my seed straight into her stomach as to ensure ample nutrition
I wipe the tears from her cheeks after sliding my cock sloppily from her tiny yapper, a little cum sticking to and hanging from her beautiful oinker

>> No.75923382

gross dude

>> No.75923430

Hey man I said I'm a faggot for Fallen, not for anyone in offchat who will listen to me talk about fucking my daki.

>> No.75923456

sorry shondo but you know you want to be used like an object, as a treat.

>> No.75923498

nah its cute

>> No.75923512

thats why im visiting nina :>

>> No.75923519
File: 455 KB, 747x795, 1694262504358648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75923665

why do shoggers have to ruin everything

>> No.75923701

i dont watch Nina outside of shoncolabs, but she doesnt seem the time to be able to treat someone like an object.

>> No.75923717

most of the people in these threads aren't real husbands, just tourists groomers antis and coomers

>> No.75923782

lol irl
do you ever listen to shondo? she said that she doesn't have antis just husbands with brainworms

>> No.75923790

weirdly cute

>> No.75923829

I don't care what fake memories you believe.

>> No.75923863

this thread only has real husbands and bewildered lurkers

>> No.75924011

Shondo's take on pegging was funny yet misinformed, it's not gay if a girl fills your boypussy.

>> No.75924015

>I’m waiting for virgin to expand /here/
LOL very funny shondo
>Aren’t most people [virgins]?
Oh you sweet summer child. You’re perfect.

>> No.75924125

Imagine Shondo with a purple strapon taking you in missionary position.

>> No.75924169

id like it but she would never see me as a male again
>inb4 that’s a good thing shogga
yeah, maybe

>> No.75924219

>inb4 that’s a good thing shogga
Unironically true, she wouldn't feel threatened by your maleness again.

>> No.75924323


>i just think it’s icky
>i think in a year or two it won’t be icky anymore and i will want that
swing and a miss shonshon. but we’ll work on it together for as long as it takes

>> No.75924375

I mean in the last voice pack Shondo kept acting like a dom, saying how she's in charge, teasing (You) sexually...etc, and either cutting off (your) dick or your legs idk

>> No.75924416

im all 5

>> No.75924583

l. o. l.
>if everyone leaves me and I can’t be a strimmer anymore Id have to marry a rich guy to pay my rent
>and I guess I’d have to do stuff like that
so she confirmed that sex would be an unpleasurable transaction for her? she has sex with hee husband…for rent money?
I know I know white knights, >out of context >hyperbole >shes changed

I love her but her ignorance on basic human concepts like sexual attraction is silly and makes me want to protect her. she’s like literally 8 mentally in a lot of regards. I’m so glad I married this qt3.14.

>> No.75924592

>swing and a miss

>> No.75924732

>sex would be an unpleasurable transaction for her? she has sex with hee husband…for rent money?
She isn't attracted to men, she calls herself 'bi-sexual' but there's no sexual element. At least not when it comes to men... I've always said that if Lily would've been into her, Shondo would've been on her knees licking that woman's coochie after a 2 minutes irl chat. kek

>> No.75924746

shes talking about me in that conversation

>> No.75924788

>Shondo saying a woman is attractive
"Lol!!! Shes gay!!!!"
>Shondo saying a man is attractive
"Umm.. thats different and you know it!!!"

>> No.75924875

naur…i didn’t want to timeloop this again
it’s so boring
timeloop uhhhhhhhh ummmmm her wanting to say the nigga word, i guess?

>> No.75924944

>"Umm.. thats different and you know it!!!"
This is the truth, what she finds attractive about men are their qualities not anything physical. A woman saying that a confident man is attractive isn't the same thing as her saying she's masturbating to confident men, a man saying that a woman with big tits is attractive is the same as him saying that he masturbates to big titty women.

>> No.75925060

when she says women are attractive she is talking about their qualities and when she says men are attractive she is talking about how she masturbates to big strong men

>> No.75925120

The other way around, she expressed her desire to suck tits but she doesn't want to suck dick. I wonder why.

>> No.75925144

Why are American NEETs so BORING?
Get better material.

>> No.75925168

I am 100% convinced this is a newfag larp as an attempt to regurgitate the same shit that's been timelooped for months upon months. Get a fucking hobby god fucking damn, shigger.

>> No.75925197
File: 85 KB, 637x453, IMG_6802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was actually hoping you went with the gold digging prostitute whore route but you went lesbian route instead. weird choice, shoggers.

>> No.75925272

>weird choice
How is the most obvious thing about her weird? Next thing you're gonna say is that her choosing to have another loli model is somehow weird and out of character.

>> No.75925329

>she doesn't want to suck dick
it goes beyond that, she was traumatized by a drawing of her on her knees sucking dick lmao

>> No.75925354

>she doesn't want to suck dick

>> No.75925363
File: 135 KB, 637x819, IMG_6669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s weird because we’ve had this convo the entire fucking hiatus.

i don’t really give a damn what you think, faggot.

>> No.75925393

onion might be the closest to winning other than King O and Duke A

>> No.75925409

renpc’s baseball gif? LOL

>> No.75925451

>it’s weird because we’ve had this convo the entire fucking hiatus.
this has been an ongoing conversation for years

>> No.75925452

I don’t think any woman would want to have sex with any of you I don’t think that’s exclusively a Shondo thing

>> No.75925459

I love all the subtle stuff in this piece
The hidden skulls in the grass
The arms pulling down the sidewalk
Its grade A shit

>> No.75925485

>this traumatized Shondo the bisexual
but I've had sex with two different women ;)
inb4 whore

>> No.75925508
File: 94 KB, 638x510, IMG_6771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not adding to gay shogger discussion. Have funni mem

>> No.75925527

me on the left

>> No.75925562

Are you and Boi cucking your viewers epic style?

>> No.75925566


>> No.75925613


>> No.75925614

I mean... that's a white guy.

>> No.75925627

When did she react to this?

>> No.75925658

she saw it on twitter in 2022 I believe and had a melty

>> No.75925669


>> No.75925703

How would that be cucking when she isn't GFE and everyone knows that she is with someone and has been for years?

>> No.75925722

just got the 'live' danger n00dle bois already've seen it on xitter, but still i won't complain about seeing more of cutie

i do like his silly style very cute very fun-...wait...

>> No.75925724

someone other than orange?

>> No.75925761

i got a virgin 17y/o girl to bang me

>> No.75925792

to be fair sucking a dick seems like it would be pretty awful on all fronts: visual, taste, touch

>> No.75925812

naur not the critter :(

>> No.75925820

>had a melty
need to see it if true. please tell me it wasn't on one of the kill accounts.

>> No.75925884

If clean it tastes like your thumb but slightly warmer, washed dicks have less bacteria on them than the inside of a woman's mouth. Don't ask me how I know this.

>> No.75925930

these are the worst hours
>endless timelooping
>critter sexpesting

>> No.75926003
File: 9 KB, 640x639, 1711096392424423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endless timelooping
so what shondo does?
>critter sexpesting
so what shondo does?
so what shondo does?
so what shondo does?
so what shondo loves?

>> No.75926135

Nta, go sexpest a critter when she brings them up next and see what response you get.

>> No.75926167

Why not sexpest the critter herself? ;)

>> No.75926189

She didn’t seem to have a problem with this one.

>> No.75926199

People say that Shondo has the worst community but they usually say it in regard to how shondophrenics behave in twitch chat. In reality she does have the worst community but its because of how they behave everywhere else as well. You guys are really the worst.

>> No.75926216

>say X
>"Y-yeah but you wouldn't do that to her face PUSSY!!!11!!1!11!!"
Yeah, do shit sherlock. Do we now have to timeloop how the power dynamic of this relationship is fucked and she holds 100% of the power? Also, I said I fucked a 17, never said anything about a critter yet >:)

>> No.75926244

I'm one of the good ones

>> No.75926261

>You guys are really the worst
Why? Cuz we don't walk on eggshells? All Shondo has to do is say that she doesn't find men hot but that she flicks the bean to anime women, Anny's ASMR...etc.

>> No.75926263

those hands look like they dont have any thumbs, ruins it for me

>> No.75926339

if she said that she would be lying on multiple accounts

>> No.75926341

in the other pic the dick looks absolutely grotesque I don’t blame her for having a melty if thats even true

>> No.75926368

you can just crop the left of the image to fix that though

>> No.75926367

This is very true
Outsider looking into most communities we are by far the most toxic in comparison

>> No.75926392

you just haven't found the right one yet...its okay, theres still time.

>> No.75926395

then it just looks like shes enthusiastically drinking milk

>> No.75926448

go back to the discord holy shit i wanna vomit

>> No.75926452

you dont need to cut the entire cock out

>> No.75926453

Tbh its good art
The heart eyes
The hearts around her head
How you can see her bobbing up and down

>> No.75926467

10/10 cock

>> No.75926519

i dont see how this challenges what i said, you might find those images pleasing but you probably wouldnt find it as nice irl with it directly infront of your face and with some androgynous faggot taking up most of your vision with their faggot stink and so on and so forth
then again you're probably a fag from the discord so maybe you would

>> No.75926523

i thought it was this one and tried to find where i saved the hotdog edit but couldn't
sorry shoggas

>> No.75926525

Oh THIS this is the source of the astolfo memes a few years back

>> No.75926532

it's time to bring some straightness to the thread
Shondo & me on the right https://files.catbox.moe/xzzjp2.jpg

>> No.75926541

faggot hours

>> No.75926560

Was this the first lewd skeb someone commissioned for her?

>> No.75926600

>that size difference
It makes me want to uoh.

>> No.75926603

>she’s like literally 8 mentally in a lot of regards
>adults can't be groomed
lol, so everything that happened on rrk was fine, right?

>> No.75926624

I'll add some testosterone to this thread

>> No.75926637

theres uncensored versions but i cant find the one where shes bobbing her head
if anyone has it i would appreciate if you posted it

>> No.75926644

>>adults can't be groomed
Adults can't be groomed, yes. If you think adults can be groomed then she shouldn't have any rights.

>> No.75926671
File: 73 KB, 528x947, 1697772108041752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.75926695

Get this ai garbage out of here
Thanks king these are my personal favorites its nice to have them uncensored

>> No.75926736

adults are just as easy to emotionally manipulate as children
(especially immature specimen like her)
you just don't try hard enough

>> No.75926765

i wish i could knock Shadow up and watch movies with her.

>> No.75926774

then what about all the husbands she groomed to like ryona/guro?

>> No.75926780

did anyone see pettans new 69 art for his 69th shondo drawiing?

>> No.75926814

>>adults can't be groomed
at some point, you have to be held responsible for your own actions

>> No.75926830
File: 86 KB, 964x1024, 1711640990733844m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt being pussywhipped be the same as being groomed?

>> No.75926863


>> No.75926928


>> No.75927027
File: 814 KB, 1920x1080, 1708517894790459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grooming as a concept is retarded Westoid mush, here the crime is called 'soliciting from a minor' or 'corrupting a minor' and as the name implies it only applies to minors under 16 years old. For mentally ill adults like Shondo you'd need written consent from one of her legal guardians otherwise it's rape.

>> No.75927108

adults can be groomed, and i unironically think that Shondo is the kind of person who should have supervised access to social media rather than the unfettered access that she has had her entire life

>> No.75927149
File: 89 KB, 1004x738, 1715294506545834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nighty night

>> No.75927257
File: 3.85 MB, 1900x2683, 1687894650021782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, shogga, for the guide. I was about to start flying blind, but this map really helps.

>> No.75927415
File: 3.89 MB, 528x648, 1704379112797820.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is genuinely an enigma, but the best kind of puzzle to solve
>i tried to eat a borger a few years ago but i burst into tears
>im not afraid of borgers anymore
w-wha? what did she mean by this? what does this do with vegetarianism or ed?

>> No.75927437

nice deflection from a groomer
did you also ask her genuine questions?

>> No.75927519

forcing shondo to slaughter the chiggens when theyre ready to be harvested

>> No.75927525

but she takes too much responsibility on herself
in the end she thinks all the rrk incident was her fault
she learnt:
> ohnoes my sekret klub thorns apart my community and drives my husbands crazy
instead of
> i should ban the horny emotional abusers, even if they are the most active members of my community

>> No.75927545

What I did was sexting not grooming.

>> No.75927565

hi mouz

>> No.75927571
File: 87 KB, 676x1024, IMG_6765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a vid of some homesteader teaching his preteen kid how to slaughter roosters
He got a two litre bottle upside and put the chiggens head through it and chopped it off. Very interesting

>> No.75927661

>make an alt for ryona fetish
>cry when fetish friends play into it
like he said, she needs to take responsibility. just like i’ll take responsibility when i impregnate the shwomb

>> No.75927677


>> No.75927882

you guys are boring and so is she lie
gonna go cheat brb

>> No.75928006
File: 1.67 MB, 1783x2047, shonshine[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs4llin.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros...she's muted me on twitter...i just know it :(

>> No.75928052

if she did then you probably deserved it

>> No.75928239

shut fuck up

>> No.75928400

>make roommate account
>get mad when people abuse it and act like creeps
>in public no less, causing your golden boy artist to ditch you
atleast she learned her lesson

>> No.75928451

>causing your golden boy artist to ditch you
This is just a lesson in not taking anything /here/ seriously. It's better if a husband never comes /here/ but I'm trapped so too late for me.

>> No.75928554

the lesson is to lower interaction with the community on all platforms to a bare minimum, because they are all disgusting
the thread fallout from the maro response and what happened afterwards has permanently altered shonciety
newfags dont know what they missed but they also dont have to deal with the baggage of being associated with it

>> No.75928621
File: 495 KB, 1500x1240, rr_az6vq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lesson is to lower interaction with the community on all platforms to just me
FTFY, shoomfie

>> No.75928700

i made this post and the post it is responding to
